
What is useful cane sugar from white. Is there a difference in composition

On the shelves of modern stores you can see not only cane, but also beet sugar. This sweet ingredient has found wide use in cooking. It is used to prepare many dishes. After reading today's article, you will learn about useful properties and about the features of the production of this product.

Brief historical background

The first attempts to draw attention to the rather high concentration of sugar in beets were made by the French botanist Olivier de Serres. Unfortunately, then his actions were not crowned with success and did not arouse interest among a wide range of people. And only many years later, in 1747, the German chemist Markgraf managed to obtain solid beet sugar. He reported this discovery during one of his regular speeches, but his work was left without due attention.

Only in 1786 his work was continued by the Frenchman Charles Achard. The main task of his agricultural experiments, carried out on a small estate near Berlin, was to find the best optimal for three decades later, the results of his research were presented to the Prussian king. And in 1802, the first factory for the manufacture of this product was opened.


It should be noted that beet sugar is nothing but ordinary sucrose. When hit in human body it instantly breaks down into glucose and fructose. In the future, these substances are absorbed into the blood and delivered to each cell, providing them with energy.

Due to the high rate of decomposition into individual components, sugar is an easily digestible carbohydrate. Energy value one hundred grams of the product is 390 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

For those who do not know what color unrefined beet sugar is, it will be interesting that this product is practically not eaten. First, it goes through a purification stage, thanks to which we get what we see on the shelves of our stores. refers to carbohydrates, which are valuable nutritional components that saturate our body with vital energy. Sucrose rapidly breaks down into digestive tract into two components, enters the bloodstream and spreads to all organs and tissues.

Glucose provides the bulk of energy costs. In addition, it supports the barrier functions of the liver. Therefore, it is often recommended to be administered intravenously for poisoning and some other health problems. In addition, beet sugar is successfully used in medicine. It is used for the production of syrups, which are the basis for the manufacture of liquid medicines.

Product harm

Sugar contains a large number of empty calories that could be obtained from other sources. Unlike this sweet sand, other products contain vitamins and trace elements.

It should not be forgotten that beet sugar, consumed in unreasonably large quantities, badly affects the condition of the teeth. This is explained by the fact that in oral cavity Human beings are inhabited by many bacteria, under the influence of which this product turns into acids that destroy enamel and contribute to the occurrence of caries.

Production technology

We note right away that unrefined beet sugar is made from the corresponding agricultural crop. The raw materials for its production are perishable products, That's why processing plants built in close proximity to plantations. The manufacturing technology consists of several stages. It includes extraction, purification, evaporation and crystallization.

Pre-washed beets are cut into small chips and sent to the diffuser. It extracts sugar from the plant mass with the help of hot water. As a result of this process, juice is obtained, consisting of 15% sucrose. The remaining waste can be used to feed farm animals. Further diffusion juice fed into the saturator. There it combines with lime milk. This is necessary to separate heavy impurities that settle to the bottom. The heated solution is then treated with carbon dioxide and filtered. The result is the so-called purified juice, which contains 50-65% sugar.

The resulting liquid is subjected to crystallization, carried out in a huge vacuum tank. The result of this process is a massecuite. It is molasses mixed with sucrose crystals. To separate these components, this substance is subjected to centrifugation. Sugar obtained in this way does not need additional refining. It is fully usable.

The remaining molasses is sent to evaporation, which results in less pure crystals, which are then dissolved and refined.

Retailers offer two types of products to "sweeten" life - white sugar and brown sugar. At the same time, the price of Brown sugar significantly higher than the cost of white. Let's try to figure out together how brown sugar differs from white sugar and at the same time why brown sugar is more expensive than white.

Which sugar is healthier white or brown?

white sugar made from sugar beets or sugar cane and refine.

Beet sugar is sold exclusively in refined form, since unprocessed sugar has a poor aroma and taste.

The brown sugar sold in stores is unrefined cane sugar.

Refining is an industrially implemented process that cleans natural raw materials from impurities. The natural product is divided into constituent substances, some of which goes to waste. But in nature, everything is arranged rationally. Substances that contribute to the absorption of sugar by the cells of the human body are also sent to waste, along with slags.

A person who consumes refined sugar is forced to deplete the internal reserves of chromium. Chromium contributes to the metabolism of glucose and its deficiency in the body can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is clear to everyone which sugar is better brown or white.

Brown sugar is no different in calories from white. At the same time, the abuse of both leads to obesity and atherosclerosis.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), a daily, harmless amount of sugar for healthy person should not exceed sixty grams for men (about 8 tsp) and fifty grams for women. This takes into account not only sugar in spoons and pieces, which is added to coffee or tea.

You also need to count all the sugar that is contained in lemonades, juices, fruits, canned foods, etc. It does not matter the type of sugar consumed - it is important to control its use.

In count useful substances, brown sugar occupies a leading position when compared with white. Unrefined sugar is much higher in B vitamins, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins.

In addition, brown sugar has a positive effect on the taste and aroma of hot drinks, highlighting and improving the natural qualities of coffee and tea. Refined affects the aroma and taste of coffee in a neutral way, and changes the quality of tea for the worse.

If you decide to buy the more expensive but healthier brown sugar, be aware that the color of the sugar can also be achieved by coloring. Then it's fake...

The consumer should be offered natural sugar, brown color only.

Real unrefined cane sugar owes its color, composition, taste and smell to molasses - molasses.

Types of brown cane sugar

Demerara- refined and unrefined sugar mixed with molasses. The most common on store shelves in our country.

Turbinado- coarse-grained natural sugar, purified with water and steam from excess molasses.

Muscovado- natural sugar produced with different mass fraction molasses.

The increased amount of molasses further darkens its brown hue.

Black barbados sugar- unrefined unprocessed cane sugar with the largest mass fraction of molasses. Moist to the touch, Barbados sugar has a very dark brown color and a strong natural flavor.

If you want to take care of your family's health, read food labels carefully. Real, healthy brown sugar always contains the inscription "unrefined". Well, its high cost, caused by transportation costs, in this case should fade into the background.

Olga W,

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The cost of which is much higher than the price of the usual. Sometimes you have to hear that it is much more useful than the usual refined one, and causes less harm figure and health. Is it so? And if you already buy an expensive product, then how to choose it from several varieties?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), amount of sugar per day for the body should not exceed 10 percent of daily ration. In other words, amount of sugar per day for a man is not more than 60 g and not more than 50 g for women. It seems to us that we do not consume so much sugar - we put only a couple of spoons in tea or coffee. Well, in extreme cases - cakes and sweets at a party or on holidays, ice cream during a walk ... But at the same time, we forget that sugar is found in the most different products- canned food, marinades, juices, sauces, soda and, finally, in sweet fruits! And I want something sweet! Can brown sugar help in this situation?

Let's figure it out first How is brown sugar different from regular white sugar?. White sugar, whether it comes from cane or beet sugar, is refined sugar. Brown is sugar, so to speak, "primary", unprocessed. By the way, unrefined beet sugar not available for sale: it has too unattractive taste and aroma. Therefore, the brown sugar that lies on the shelves of supermarkets is cane sugar.

What is good about cane sugar? and why is it worth so expensive? In a way, this is merit. healthy lifestyle life. After all, we often hear that refined products are harmful, and natural, unprocessed products are much more useful. How about really?

Doctors examined the composition of white refined and brown cane sugar and came to the conclusion that these products practically do not differ in calorie content.

It will not be possible to avoid obesity and atherosclerosis by consuming exclusively cane sugar, since both types of sugar contain the same number carbohydrates.

But in terms of quantity minerals - calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc - brown sugar is far superior to white. It also contains much more B vitamins. So the only real health benefit of cane sugar is its enriched mineral-vitamin composition. But if you are afraid to gain weight, it is better to give up sweets altogether!

Yet brown sugar justifies its high price with its unusual taste and aroma. It is they who prefer to sweeten tea or coffee by Europeans: in Europe it is even called tea.

If you decide to try cane sugar, remember that there are several varieties of it on sale, and not always they offer you natural product. Sometimes a brown tint is achieved through dyes and manufacturing subtleties, and under the guise of brown, you buy the most common refined sugar, only in a different color. Natural brown sugar gets its color, taste and smell thanks to sugar syrup - molasses.

So, cane sugar is of the following types:

Sugar Demerara- a product of golden-brown color. It can be either natural or refined white sugar, simply mixed with molasses. Therefore, you should carefully read what is written on the label.

Sugar Muscovado- natural sugar, but it is produced with different amounts of molasses. The more molasses in sugar, the darker its color. Sugar is sticky and gives off a caramel flavor.

Sugar Turbinado- can be distinguished by large crystals, the color of which is from to brown. In the production of this sugar, it is partially purified from molasses with the help of steam and water.

Soft molasses sugar, which is also called black barbadian- is unrefined raw cane sugar with a lot of molasses. It is soft and moist to the touch, due to the abundance of molasses it has a very dark shade and a strong aroma.

In our stores, cane sugar of the Demerara variety is most often found..

If you're concerned about the health benefits as well as the taste, make sure the label says "unrefined." Only in this case it makes sense to overpay for sweet joy.

The harm and benefits of this product are not known to many, although more and more fans healthy eating they buy it. It is believed that it is less calorie and not so harmful. After all, sugar has long been called the "white death" because of its ability to cause various diseases. Many try to abandon this product altogether, because they monitor their health. But doctors warn that the body needs glucose. It is very important for brain function. Therefore unrefined is important product on the table for those people who want to be healthy. Moreover, you can buy it in any supermarket.

What is brown sugar

Few people know how it differs from ordinary beetroot. Refined white sugar is more accessible because it is cheaper to produce, and the sugar beets from which it is made grow everywhere. But in order for sugar to become usable, it is subjected to complex process cleaning and bleaching. That is why it is considered so harmful. The brown variety is made from sugar cane.

Its homeland is India, and already many hundreds of years ago it became popular in Europe. This sweetness is obtained by boiling, and it does not need bleaching at all. The brown mass has nice smell molasses and is ready to use without additional processing. But it still costs more than regular sugar. The price of overseas sweets is more than 100 rubles per kilogram.

Benefits of Brown Sugar

Thanks to the gentle processing method, this sweet is not only tasty, but also healthy. It retains all the vitamins and minerals contained in the cane. How is cane sugar different from regular cane sugar? Its harm and benefit are the subject of much controversy. But it has been proven to have the following benefits:

Can this product be harmful?

Supporters of a healthy diet try to buy only it. They believe that in order to maintain health and beautiful figure reed is best suited and the benefits of this product are in many cases exaggerated. After all, for example, its calorie content is not much lower than that of the usual one. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should also reduce the amount of sweetness they consume, even if it is because it contributes to obesity when consumed in large quantities. This is because the glucose found in cane sugar immediately enters the bloodstream and provides energy to the body. If a person does not spend it, then it is put aside in reserve. Therefore, the opinion that cane sugar can be consumed in large quantities is incorrect. Like white, it can cause metabolic disorders, disorders in the pancreas, decreased immunity, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

What is cane sugar

The brown color is due to the molasses. The more it is, the darker the product. Therefore, some manufacturers who want to make money brown ordinary sugar. Its price turns out to be much higher, but there is no benefit - only harm.

Unrefined sugar is considered the best, as it retains more nutrients. It is he who is popular with fans of healthy eating. There are several types of brown sugar:

  • The Demerara variety is imported from South America. It features sticky wet crystals. This sugar is the mildest in action and is considered the most beneficial.
  • The Muscovado variety has a pronounced caramel flavor. It is moist and sticky in texture and dark in color.
  • Turbinado variety - with large dry particles. During production, it is partially purified.
  • Barbadian black is the most valued. It has a very dark color and a moist, sticky texture.

Why is cane sugar so popular?

After this product was brought to Russia several centuries ago, it was available only to the rich. And in recent years, he appeared on the shelves of our stores. But not everyone now knows what cane sugar is. Its harm and benefit are still the subject of controversy. But experienced chefs only it is added to baking, because it gives pies and buns a unique refined taste and aroma. Also, bartenders prefer to make cocktails and coffee only with cane sugar.

How to distinguish a fake

In order not to buy ordinary tinted sugar, you need to know what to look for when buying:

  • the packaging must indicate that it is unrefined;
  • real cane sugar cannot be sold in the form of perfectly even briquettes or homogeneous sand, since all its crystals have a different shape;
  • this sugar is produced only in South America, USA or Mauritius.

Sugar is irreplaceable source energy. During digestion, all dietary carbohydrates(and sugar consists of them), break down into glucose molecules, which enter the bloodstream from the intestines, thus supplying the energy necessary to regulate cellular functions in the spinal cord and brain. In other words, we can say that without daily use sugar the human body could not perform its functions. And with the complete rejection of the use of sugar, irreversible sclerotic changes will occur.

The highest content of sucrose is found in beet and cane sugar. It is obtained by separating it from its plant materials - sugar beet and cane in industrial scale. The production of sugar from them is almost identical, the only difference is in obtaining raw materials.

Sugar beets grow in temperate climates because the plant needs a lot of moisture to grow and mature. Harvested in late autumn or early winter. The harvested root crops are cleaned of tops and the remains of the earth, washed thoroughly and raw sugar is extracted by pressing. Then the resulting juice goes through the process of filtration, drying, and after that the resulting crystals are ready for use. Sugar beet is an annual root crop, so it needs to be planted every year.

Sugarcane grows in abundance in tropical countries. It is harvested by cutting the stems, leaving the roots, and the cane will be able to grow for several years in a row without additional planting. At the factory, the harvested stems are crushed to separate the juice from the pulp. Then it is filtered, the resulting syrup is heated, as a result of which the formation of crystals begins.

Refined, that is, sugar that has passed all stages of purification, obtained from cane or sugar beet, the output will be exactly the same - the composition of both 99.9% from sucrose. Other impurities and minerals in cane and beet sugar may differ slightly, but they are so minimal that there is practically no difference between sugar that is made from cane or beet sugar.

Many people think that eating raw sugar is much more beneficial. more useful than that refined sugar. And this is true, it contains a large amount of useful minerals.

But if we talk about beet sugar, then, perhaps, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to eat raw sugar - the result of the first pressing. The thing is that at the first stage of cleaning bad smell root crops will still be present, and therefore, this will affect its taste.

And the resulting unfiltered cane sugar syrup will be a pleasant brown color with a slight caramel flavor. And it will keep everything useful trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

However, to get daily allowance useful substances that are contained in raw cane sugar, it must be eaten daily in fairly large quantities, which in the end will have a bad effect on health and appearance.

Is there a difference in selection?

From all of the above, we can conclude that there is no difference between refined cane and beet sugar. But unrefined sugar can be found on sale only cane. When buying it, you should carefully study the packaging, it should indicate that it is “unrefined” sugar. It is very common to see “brown” or “caramel” sugar on the shelves for a rather high price, however, the package may actually contain brown beet sugar. And all this because the price of cane sugar is much higher than beet sugar.

What else is the difference between beet and cane sugar?

There are a few more nuances to consider when choosing sugar. Some of them will be nice:

  • If cane sugar is added to tea or coffee, then with it the familiar aroma will become brighter and more saturated;
  • For the manufacture of confectionery the most suitable is unrefined cane sugar. In this case, to his palatability it is also possible to add that high temperature it caramelizes well, thus giving finished products crispy texture.

However, it is worth noting that the number of calories per 100 grams of cane and beet sugar is almost the same, about 400-410 kcal. It has already been said that cane sugar is more useful than beet sugar, but this does not mean that it is less high-calorie. Regardless of which sugar you choose, do not forget about the daily consumption rate - this is 30-40 grams per day, and do not forget that sugar is found in many products. And the last thing I would like to note - when growing cane sugar, no GMOs are used.

But beet sugar can be obtained from genetically modified plants. At the same time, it is acceptable not to indicate on the labels the designation of use in the production of GMOs.

An interesting video comparison of white and brown sugar:
