
Doctor's opinion: at what age can tea with sugar be given to children? When and what kind of tea can be offered to a small child? Harm of black tea for a baby.

At six months, other products are introduced into the baby's diet in addition to breast milk -. Parents immediately have a lot of questions about products that will benefit the baby and will not harm. One of the most common such questions is: is it possible to give tea to a child?

Tea is a common and popular drink, in many families it is consumed daily and in considerable quantities. To understand whether children need tea, it is worth considering in detail its composition.

The components of tea and their effect on the child

The composition of tea includes a large number of different substances. Many of them have a different effect (positive or negative) on the child's body.

  • Tannin is the tannin of tea. It reacts with iron in the stomach. It leads to . An increased risk of developing anemia.
  • Theine is an alkaloid with a mild but long lasting stimulant effect. It has a positive effect on bowel function and metabolism. The high content of theine in tea inhibits the formation of vitamin D. This leads to the development of rickets.
  • Other alkaloids that are part of tea, but in smaller quantities than theine. They have a diuretic and vasodilating effect.
  • Purine bases contribute to the formation of excess uric acid and oxalates (its salts). To remove these compounds, the work of the kidneys, which are still weak in the baby, is enhanced.
  • Oxalic acid binds calcium in the body. This will lead to the destruction of the first milk teeth and poor bone growth.
  • Vitamins C and group B.
  • Valuable trace elements: zinc, magnesium, potassium, manganese, fluorine.
  • Flavonoids are antioxidants. They help to remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Methionine helps to normalize the metabolism of fats in the body.

For an adult organism, when drinking tea, all these compounds do not have a pronounced negative effect. For children, even a small amount of them has a strong influence on the development of the body.

So, ordinary tea will not bring benefits to babies. Most likely it is even harmful. You can introduce tea into the baby's diet after one and a half to two years.

White, black or green

There are several types of tea, and it is worth deciding what kind of tea children can drink after 1.5-2 years. All varieties of tea are the leaves of the same plant, but have undergone different processing. The richest in tannin and theine content is green tea. Therefore, at the moment when the child can begin to give tea, it is better to stop at black.

What is better to use when brewing tea: bags or leaves?

It has long been known that it is best to refuse the use of sachets. They contain unwanted impurities. They can cause allergic reactions in children and the quality of such tea is questionable. Only freshly brewed tea can be used. After an hour, the content of useful substances in tea drops sharply, and when reheated, harmful compounds are formed.

When brewing tea for a child, you need to make sure that it is not strong, light brown in color and warm. Black tea should be given during the day, for example, during breakfast. Otherwise, the invigorating effect of the drink will lead to poor falling asleep of the child.

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Tea Additives

Many drink tea with the addition of milk, sugar, lemon or other flavorings. Should kids add any supplements. And if possible, when to give tea with sugar or honey.

Tea with milk is good for babies. When milk is added, all the beneficial substances of tea are preserved, and the action of some compounds harmful to the baby is neutralized. In preschool children's institutions and in hospitals, it must be included in the menu. Many nutritionists even recommend diluting tea for a child by half with milk. This is due to the action of milk on some components of tea:

  • the binding of tannins eliminates the danger of a decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • neutralization of oxalic acid reduces calcium leaching from tooth enamel;
  • tea pigments neutralized with milk will not attack tooth enamel.

It is better to refuse the use of sugar for tea completely or put it in very small quantities. You can, if the baby wants to drink sweet tea instead of sugar, use honey. However, you should be careful, as honey is the strongest allergen.

As additives, you can use apples, dried rose hips, currants, strawberries or raspberries. Fragrant herbs (linden flowers, chamomile, mint) will add flavor and aroma to the drink and will benefit. All of them have pronounced medicinal properties, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

In principle, tea, like coffee, is an “adult” drink. Until the age of two, it is better to stop using this drink altogether.

On sale there are many herbal and fruit collections (teas) designed specifically for young children. There are even teas that can be used from two months. If you want to give your baby a drink, such drinks will not only remove thirst, but will also benefit.

Updated: for babies there are special herbal and herbal teas. For example, with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort, fennel, wild rose, linden. This drink also heals. For example, it normalizes digestion, soothes, and facilitates the separation of sputum when coughing. Pharmacies have a large selection of tea in granules, it is important to follow the indicated dosage with them. But before you buy a package of tea, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor: you need to be extremely careful with herbs. Artificial babies can be given tea as early as 3-4 months, babies - after six.

Opinions are divided on whether teas should be given to children before 4-5 months of age. Pediatricians believe that broth based on herbal extracts can be used from birth. According to WHO standards, only breast milk is recommended, provided that the mother has enough. But if the baby has health problems, or hot weather, doctors prescribe children's teas.

Can a one year old have tea?

Is it okay to give tea to a one year old baby? Pediatricians recommend giving tea to children. This is not just a drink, but a medicine that does no harm. To use teas for babies means to help the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the metabolic process, to promote healthy eating, restful sleep. Therefore, giving tea to a child of the year is useful for the benefit of the crumbs.

Tea that can be drunk for children up to a year is divided into 3 categories:

  • medical;
  • up to six months;
  • from 6 months.

What kind of tea can a one-year-old child drink? First of all, medicinal is tea from dill, chamomile, fennel, mint and linden. It regulates the work of the stomach, kidneys, strengthens the nervous system. They are used in the first birthdays and throughout development up to a year and a half, and beyond.

Herbs. Chamomile tea satisfies the need for fluid, the intestines work well with it. You can buy pharmacy fees. it consists of chamomile, raspberry leaves, string and dill.

A teaspoon of dry grass is brewed in a thermos for 15 minutes, filtered, then infused for about an hour. You can serve the infusion to children every 3 hours throughout the day. Fennel copes with the child's flatulence - it must be present in the children's first aid kit.

The photo shows:

  1. loose herbal tea for children;
  2. Bebi granulated;
  3. proper sealed packaging to preserve the beneficial properties of tea;
  4. granules of children's tea for brewing.

Vegetable tea. Teas on decoctions from a mixture of vegetables are administered by drinking between feedings to children from 4 months old to prevent constipation and supplement vitamins in the body.

Berries and fruits. A decoction of wild rose, fruits, mint, linden herbs, they begin to use from six months, according to recipes, according to children's doses. Vitaminized and soothing teas are useful for a growing child.

If parents intend to use tea for a child under one year old in the diet, you should consult a doctor about the advisability. He will tell you which one is better to use first, in order to be sure of your own choice.

Linden tea for children up to a year

Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have linden tea? Tea for a one-year-old child from linden flowers is given from 6 months, coordinating the dose with a pediatrician. It is indicated for colds, problems with digestion of food, nervous excitement.

Linden color contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • phytoncides - antiseptics;
  • essential oils that calm the nervous system;
  • flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

With a cold and to increase the immunity of a child, you can combine linden tea with honey. Honey is added both during brewing and in a ready-made drink for taste.

Honey is added to tea for a child not earlier than a year and under the strict supervision of doctors.

In some European countries - from a year and a half, a little bit is allowed. Not every child's body perceives the product correctly. Even some adults cause allergies.

The effect of linden tea is facilitated by proper brewing. But you can not abuse this tea, as a decoction of linden loads the kidneys with work. It is recommended to do monthly courses of treatment and prevention with lime blossom, then a break of 2-3 months.

Children's fruit teas

Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have regular fruit tea? Children are shown such tea from 6 months. Children's fruit tea is introduced into the diet along with black weakly brewed, vegetable and fruit juices, compote and jelly.

Fruit tea includes the following dried fruits and berries:

  • raspberries;
  • currant, irga:
  • apples, pears

These teas are useful for the baby with a vitamin composition. Moms can safely use the drink in the child's diet. Decoctions of fresh fruits - assorted or separately berries, apples - are useful in summer. Before brewing, dry fruits should be washed with boiled water, chopped and boiled for up to 30 minutes.

Tea recipes for a one year old baby

Tea for a child 1 year old is primarily herbal, black, fruity. Teas are brewed in the same way as for adults, but the ingredients are laid in a smaller dose. Babies additional load on the body is contraindicated.

Linden, mint and other herbal tea drinks are prepared as follows:

  • take a faience container with a lid, douse with boiling water;
  • 1 tsp mint or linden, poured with a glass of hot boiled water;
  • wrap with a woolen cloth, let it brew for 15-20 minutes;
  • filter, add to the amount of 200 ml - the drink is ready to drink.

Mint tea with lemon. Ready mint broth is filtered, then 1-2 drops of freshly squeezed juice are added or put for 1 minute. a small slice of lemon. Mint soothes, lemon flavors and enriches the drink with vitamin C.

Rosehip drink. Rosehip is known as a multivitamin. Children are shown to give from six months. Increases appetite, promotes kidney function, serves as an additive to herbal anti-cold teas and for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Fruit drink. In a glass of hot water, insist a teaspoon of a mixture of dried fruits and berries:

  • raspberries;
  • currant, chokeberry, shadberry;
  • apples, pears.

Filter and, slightly sweetened with fructose, give the child a drink. Berries can be boiled for 3-4 minutes. over low heat, let it brew, serve to the baby for consumption.

Black tea. Black children's tea from 1 year old is given to babies of two types: without additives and with milk. A freshly prepared drink is valuable for a child: it invigorates, adds vitamins and microelements to the body.

Black tea can be given to a one-year-old child during the daytime, it is not recommended at night, as it negatively affects sleep - the child will be restless.

Black tea is brewed in two ways:

First way. Take high quality tea bags or loose leaves. Brewed in a teapot, filled with slightly cooled boiling water. Withstand 50-60 sec. in a closed container, give to drink during a meal, the third dish.

The second way. Boiled milk is added to the finished freshly brewed drink. Sugar is added not in its usual form, but in syrup. The body of babies is easier to process.

With the development of the child, from birth to a year, the diet also changes. If you follow the rules of eating, listening to the advice of a pediatrician, you can achieve good health results, including the baby's nervous system.

Any drink for a child should be at an optimum temperature of up to 40 degrees. The video shows how to quickly cool children's tea.

Water balance for a child plays an important role, so children's tea drinks are useful and necessary. But it should be introduced into the diet gradually.

Article last updated: 04/24/2018

The first year of life is the most important stage in the development of the baby. During this period, he receives everything he needs with breast milk. After six months, parents ask themselves questions about what else to introduce to children in the diet, how to properly introduce new foods into the daily menu. What else can you drink? Today we will talk about ordinary tea, which is present daily in the life of every family. When can I give my child tea, how much, can the baby drink this drink with sugar? These and many questions will be discussed in our article.

Pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist

  • The main ingredient in tea is tannin. Has tannic properties. Important! Tannin binds iron and prevents it from being absorbed, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, and accordingly, the risk of anemia increases. Also, one of the negative properties of this substance is an obstacle to the formation of vitamin D, which is fraught with the development of rickets;
  • theine has a stimulating effect, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • oxalic acid, which is part of the composition, binds calcium, which provokes the development of caries on delicate milk teeth.

    Dentist Natalya Yuryevna: “Recently, cases of caries in young children have become more frequent. It is important to understand that the enamel of the teeth of babies is very vulnerable to the action of external factors, and tea is no exception”;

  • One of the important components of tea drinks is purine bases, which lead to the formation of uric acid. Accordingly, there is a huge load on the baby's kidneys;
  • flavonoids are excellent antioxidants that remove salts of heavy metals;
  • methionine is a substance that can normalize the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Many adults cannot imagine their life without tea. But, it should be borne in mind that for a child, drinking a large amount of tea is a huge burden on the body.

From how many months can you give tea to babies?

The optimal age when you can give tea to children is from one and a half to two years.

Many mothers do not comply with this age criterion. Children are soldered with tea from the age of 6 months, which is wrong. And tea is absolutely contraindicated for newborn children.

It is better to brew tea for a baby in leaf form. Tea bags contain a lot of harmful impurities that can cause allergies.

Use freshly brewed tea. When boiled again, the beneficial properties of the tea drink disappear, and it can even be harmful.

When can you give your child tea? It is better to do this before five o'clock in the evening. This is due to the fact that tea has an invigorating effect, and if you give it later, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep.

Tea can only be given not too strong, as excessive strength has an aggressive effect on the delicate gastric mucosa. It is advisable to drink this drink warm.

The child can be given tea with milk or sugar. Milk has a neutralizing effect on some of the harmful properties of tea. And you can drink such a drink by half diluting the tea with milk.

Dairy supplement is capable of:

Sugar is best used in minimal quantities. If there is no allergy, then sugar can be replaced with honey.

Impurities in the form of herb thyme, mint, lemon balm and chamomile are perfect for tea. They have a calming effect and a wonderful aroma.

Black tea or green

Green tea should not be given to children. This is due to the fact that it has a higher content of tannin and theine, compared to black.

Is it possible for children to have green tea at all, parents will ask? Drinking green tea is recommended from school age.

Komarovsky O. E .: “Certainly, tea is good for the child's body, but everywhere you need to know when to stop. At the beginning of the first complementary foods, it is not forbidden to give a teaspoon of tea, this is somewhere from 6 months. It is better, of course, to start with a black variety. In the presence of allergic reactions, tea should be discontinued. At 2 years old, you can again try to introduce a tea drink.

It is important to know that breast milk is the main source of nutrition for children under 6 months of age. A small children's body does not need daily use of tea drinks. A few times a week is enough.

The early introduction of tea into the child's menu can harm the development of neurons in the cerebral cortex, which can later manifest itself in a tendency to lie and excessive fantasy in the baby.

Also, pharmacies sell special children's teas that can be used to supplement children up to a year old. Some have a mild sedative effect.

Mother of twins Olga, 28 years old:“My daughters had trouble sleeping. I began to give in the evening a little tea with mint, lemon balm, fennel. The effect was already visible after three days. Children began to fall asleep faster, wake up less at night.

It is better to choose loose leaf tea in stores or in proven markets. You should also pay attention to expiration dates.

At the end of the article, you can safely answer the question, can children have tea? Can. But you should take into account the measure and age limits.

We are all used to drinking tea, including among us a huge number of people who prefer green. Many have children who are interested in what adults drink, in this regard, the question arises, is it possible to give green tea to children? As a rule, the answer to the question will depend on the characteristics of the child himself, how old he is, as well as on some other factors.

In order to understand how green tea affects the children's body, it is important to consider what it gives, that is, what benefits it can have, as well as possible harm.

To do this, consider what components and substances are included in its composition.

So, green tea contains a lot of the following substances:

  • Caffeine. Helps to establish mental processes, normalizes the nervous system;
  • Tannin. The undoubted benefit of this component is that it has an anti-oncological effect, and also prevents early aging;
  • Catechins. Establish a harmonious work of metabolic processes, contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol;
  • Amino acids. Contribute to the improvement of mood, which is especially good in depressive states;
  • Vitamin A. Helps to improve immunity, which is important for the child, and also improves the skin, although it is already good in children;
  • Vitamin B1. Helps to stabilize in nervous situations;
  • AT 2. Improves skin condition and helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • AT 3. Improves the digestive system;
  • C. Makes the immune system work, saving the child's body from the effects of viruses;
  • Vitamin E. Improves reproductive function;
  • R. Helps to improve the thyroid gland, as well as the vascular system;
  • Fluorine, which is so necessary for children's not strong teeth;
  • Methionine. An excellent assistant in the fight against large weight, which is very important for large children;
  • Tannins. For children, they are not necessary, as they reduce appetite, which is bad for babies. After all, in order for the child to grow and gain strength, he must eat well.

There are some contraindications for the drink.

  • Problems with the nervous system. Due to caffeine, a nervous state may increase, excitability and insomnia may appear.
  • Low pressure;
  • Stomach problems. Tea increases acidity, which exacerbates gastrointestinal diseases;
  • It is contraindicated to use medicines and green tea at the same time, as the drink will remove them from the body and prevent them from working in the right way.

Can children have green tea?

Green tea is very rich in the presence of most vitamins and minerals. It helps to work the mental function and enhances efficiency, has an antibacterial effect, helps the digestive processes and improves metabolism.

The positive effects of green tea are on the rise. All this is due to the fact that tea is carefully collected and processed, not allowing beneficial properties to evaporate. All useful properties remain after processing in place and enter the human body through enjoying a cup of drink.

What is important, in green tea there is a huge amount of necessary substances for the qualitative growth of hair, teeth, nails and bones. All this is possible due to the huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

For children, green tea should be brewed according to special rules, not like for an adult.

Due to the large number of useful properties, many parents often have the question of whether children can have green tea or not? There is no single answer.

However, before giving the baby a drink, it is worth considering some of its effects on the body:

  • Tea stimulates the nervous system and increases the overall tone, which is not necessary for a child. This drink can affect a child more than an adult. So, a child may develop insomnia, which will affect the growth and development of his entire body;
  • The substance tannin, which is abundant in the drink, reduces appetite and prevents the proper absorption of what is eaten;
  • It impairs the absorption of many vitamins and iron;
  • By increasing water intake per day, it increases the load on the kidneys, as well as the cardiovascular system.

In connection with all this, we can say that children can drink green tea, but in limited quantities, about 1-2 servings a day and no more. An excess of it can lead to disorders in the body, which are described above.

For a child, tea should be brewed according to special rules, not like for an adult:

  • In no case should a child have strong tea, so it should be weakly brewed. To do this, it is necessary to reduce not the tea itself, but the time of infusion. The infusion should be weak;
  • For the first drink intake, the brewing time should not be more than 3 minutes;
  • Use only good loose leaf tea and do not brew a drink from a bag;
  • It is recommended to drink tea for the baby in the morning and not in the evening. This is due to the effect of the drink on sleep and the possible development of insomnia;
  • Tea should be warm, but not hot.

By following these rules, you can prepare green tea for your child, which will give only benefits without harm. It is important to keep in mind that you can’t give them to your child all day, but you should limit them to 1-2 servings.

Even if the baby asks for this drink more, then it is worth refusing it, since a negative effect on the body is possible with an excess of the drink and the substances that it contains.

Green tea for children: from what age

Parents very often worry about the question: is it possible to give green tea to children? It is not recommended to use green tea for children under 1 year old in any doses, since it is harmful for such a baby and can only bring problems.

It is recommended that crumbs brew special children's teas based on some herbs that are allowed at that age. Fennel tea is especially good, as it relieves spasms in colic. It is also important to limit its intake to 100 ml.

It is recommended to start your child's acquaintance with tea at the age of 2 years and not from green, but from black. Green tea for children 2 years old is also not recommended. It is worth trying black tea in small portions first. It is important that the welding is weak.

At what age can children drink green tea? There is a definite answer to this question: from 3 years and not earlier. Although the drink is useful, it is not recommended for younger children for a number of reasons that are associated with excessive excitement and a negative effect on their digestive system.

Although the drink is healthy, it is not recommended for younger children for a number of reasons.

At what age can a child have green tea, we examined. It is also worth noting here that it is not recommended to exceed 1-2 servings. Even if the child is older, it is also not permissible for him to drink the drink excessively. From its excessive use in large doses, poisoning can even appear, expressed by nausea and vomiting.

This is due to the fact that there is a lot of caffeine in tea, which increases with each new serving and it turns out that poisoning occurs.

Green tea for children: benefits and harms

The benefits of green tea have long been proven.

Thus, the useful properties are as follows:

  • It has antitumor properties that prevent the occurrence of oncology in some cases;
  • Due to the content of ascorbic acid, tea has a beneficial effect on the immune system and helps it work;
  • Refreshes on a hot day and tones;
  • Slows down early aging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Reduces computer radiation;
  • Helps to remove harmful substances and toxins;
  • Promotes weight loss by burning calories;
  • Promotes the work of the cardiac system;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Strengthens teeth, hair, nails, and also has an anti-caries effect;
  • Is an antiseptic;
  • Promotes rejuvenation;
  • Protects against colds and viral diseases;
  • Increases the level of mood, which helps to eliminate depression;
  • Reduces the risk of strokes;
  • Improves the nervous system.

Together with the beneficial properties, green tea can also harm the child's body with uncontrolled consumption of the drink:

  • Allergic reactions. This is of course very rare, but possible. Therefore, it is worth giving the first portion a very small one and watching what is happening;
  • Excessive excitability, restlessness, insomnia;
  • Distractedness, memory impairment;
  • Nightmares;
  • Early development of cardiovascular diseases.

That is why it is important at what age you decide to give your child a drink. After all, if it is given to a fragile organism, then harmful effects can be eliminated for a long time.

However, do not be afraid to give a serving of green tea to a child after 3 years, since such an effect on him has already been reduced, and nothing bad will happen from one cup of the drink.

If you follow the following tips, then taking a drink will only have a beneficial effect on the baby's body:

  • Do not give a drink to a child under 2 years old definitely. For this age, there are special children's teas that will promote development and growth;
  • Give green tea only from the age of 3;
  • Tea must be of high quality. It is best if you can consider the quality of the leaves and composition when buying;
  • Do not give children flavored teas;
  • The tea should have a faint bronze color. Do not give your child a strong infusion;
  • It is better to try to give the first portion of the drink in the morning, so that you can observe the effect of the drink on the baby;
  • You can add a little honey (if there is no allergy) or sugar to the drink.

It is important to note that green tea should not be given to children from the age of 3 if they have developmental disabilities, poor health and other pathologies. This question is best discussed with your doctor and decide together when is the best time to start taking the drink.

Very often, parents do not know whether it is necessary to give the baby water to drink and at what age it is best to do this. Also, some mothers are concerned about the question of when tea can be given to a baby, whether this drink will harm his health, whether sugar should be added to it.

When asked whether it is possible to give tea to infants or not, doctors unequivocally give a negative answer.

Babies under 6 months old should not be given additional fluids at all, unless there are direct instructions for this from a pediatrician. The only exceptions can be cases when it is hot outside or the mother has very little breast milk and she has to supplement the baby with a mixture of industrial production.

Sometimes doctors advise young mothers to give babies dill water. It is an infusion of dill seeds. This remedy is great for colic.

Herbal teas can be given to babies from the age of 6 months, but before this, you should consult your local pediatrician. Sometimes doctors prescribe teas in the event that any treatment is needed. For example, chamomile tea is excellent at helping to cope with inflammatory diseases. It can also be given to a child with diarrhea.

Fennel tea helps to cope with colic. Herbal teas can be made independently, but it is very important to correctly calculate the concentration. Too strong teas are contraindicated for babies.

On sale there are ready-made teas in the form of filter bags and granules. At the same time, filter bags are considered more useful, since some of the useful properties of tea are lost during the granulation process. Granular products are more expensive.

On teas of industrial production, it is indicated at what age they can be given to children, how exactly they should be used. Rosehip tea is not recommended for babies, as it can cause severe allergies.

When offering a child this or that herbal tea, you need to carefully observe his reaction. If redness of the skin, rash, itching appears, then you should immediately abandon such a product and consult a doctor when necessary.

There is no single answer to the question of how many children can be given tea. If we are talking about classic black tea, then it can be given to babies no earlier than 1.5-2 years old. Green tea is not recommended for children due to its high caffeine content.

As for black tea, it is impossible to give it to babies under one year old. Only at the age of more than 1.5 years can a child be offered some tea, but at the same time it is worth diluting it strongly enough with water.

It is strictly forbidden to give your baby strong tea. When choosing tea, you should give preference to a good quality product without fruit and aromatic additives. Flavorings in its composition can cause severe allergies.

Many parents don't understand why tea is considered bad for babies. It's all about its composition. It contains a large amount of tannins, caffeine, alkaloids.

Tea contains purine bases that stimulate the production of lactic acid in the body. The baby's body is not yet ready for such loads. Black tea contains oxalic acid. It destroys tooth enamel, and the enamel of milk teeth is fragile and very thin.

Green tea contains a high dose of caffeine, which is why it is considered more harmful for children, despite the large number of beneficial components it contains.

If parents still decide to start giving their child tea in small quantities, do not add sugar to it. This can negatively affect the condition of the enamel of milk teeth, lead to caries. Also, the use of tea with sugar contributes to the improper formation of taste in children.

Tea should be given to babies in the morning, but in no case at night. It has an invigorating effect, so using it in the evening can provoke insomnia.

Tea should not be offered to hyperactive and overly excitable children. You can give such babies instead of tea a soothing herbal tea. It may include chamomile flowers, mint. But before that, it is still better to consult a pediatrician, since the use of herbal teas in large quantities is far from harmless.

Currently, Ivan tea is becoming more and more popular. This traditionally Russian drink is considered very healthy. You can give it to children, but only after 1.5 years and in a very diluted form, since it has a rather tart taste.

Doctors do not recommend giving children traditional black and even more so green tea. These drinks can be offered to babies only after they reach 1.5-2 years, but it is better to replace them with herbal infusions. Before this, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.
