
What to soak the fish in to remove the smell. How to get rid of bad smell when cooking fish? How to get rid of the smell of fish in the kitchen during cooking

Sea or river fish is a healthy and tasty product, it has one drawback - an unpleasant stench that can eat into the surfaces of objects and hands. A small carcass is able to "flavor" the room, even if it just lies in the open air. Due to the fact that it is not easy to get rid of the smell of fish, many housewives limit themselves and their households in the use of such a useful product.

There are several ways to remove the unpleasant aroma of boiled, fried, dried or smoked fish. At home, you can reduce the intensity of the stench with the help of household chemicals and folk remedies prepared with your own hands from improvised materials.


When cooking, not only dishes are saturated with an unpleasant stench, but also cutting boards, knives, kitchen towels, and other products, if the fish dish was next to them. Often the stench does not go away even after washing towels, thoroughly washing hands and surfaces in the kitchen. For example, after using a cutting board, it may begin to exude a stench that resembles rotten fish, which is not removed by ordinary detergent.

You can eliminate the smell of fish in an apartment or in a house by using one of the available methods. In the arsenal of many housewives there are a huge number of components that, with skillful use, help to avoid problems. If you forgot about prevention, then you can use one of several methods suggested below.

From dishes

In order to remove the characteristic stench from a frying pan, pot or oven, after heat treatment of the carcass, available adsorbents can be used. In this, ordinary table salt will become the main assistant. Its main property is the absorption of various kinds of aromas along with moisture.


After frying, the pan is washed under cold running water using a large amount of detergent. Then, such a volume of salt is poured into dry dishes so that it lies in an even layer of one centimeter on the bottom of the pan. In this form, the dishes are put on fire, salt powder is heated, and then the stove is turned off and the pan is left to cool completely.


Another effective way is the use of mustard. It is better if it is not a spicy paste familiar to everyone, but a dry powder. A small amount of powder is dissolved in warm water to make a gruel, and then pots and other kitchen utensils are processed, including dinner plates, meat grinders, a multicooker bowl and other utensils.

The main advantage of mustard powder is complete environmental friendliness and safety. Mustard will not only absorb unpleasant odors that have arisen during cooking, but also disinfect the surface.

It is possible to use raw onions or potatoes, vegetable oil or beer. These products simply wipe the contaminated surface and rinse under plenty of water.

From hands

The stink can be eaten not only into kitchen utensils, but also into the skin of the hands of the person who prepared the product. It is simply inconvenient to use rubber or latex gloves, due to the peculiarities of processing the fish carcass. Therefore, after cooking, you urgently have to figure out how to remove the smell of fish from your hands.

It is worth noting that chemistry to eliminate trouble should be not only effective, but also safe. And even more so, in no case should it damage the skin, leaving burns. And therefore it is better to use "edible" improvised means in the form of a lemon, table 9% vinegar, light beer.


Wipe your hands with a slice of lemon, and then wait until they dry themselves. Afterwards, hands are washed under cold water. By the way, so that the carcass itself does not smell so much, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice ten minutes before frying or during cooking. In this case, the cooking process will be felt only within the kitchen area, and not throughout the apartment.

Vinegar is one of the most effective options for getting rid of fish stench (smoked, salted, or raw) from the hands. A tablespoon is diluted in a liter of boiled water. In this solution, they wash their hands and the shelves of the refrigerator where the product lay.

Please note that in an effort to remove the smell of fish from your hands, you should not wash them under hot water. The fact is that the high temperature will only “impress” the substances into the skin.

With clothes and kitchen towels

Not only towels are saturated with aromas in the kitchen, but also curtains, aprons and other fabrics in the rooms. Sometimes it is almost impossible to remove the stench even after several washes, it is unrealistic to kill it, you will have to look for options.

If a lot of time has passed and the stench has not been washed off, then additional actions may be required. Before washing, all affected items are soaked in a high concentration of laundry soap. The bar is pre-rubbed on a grater and used as the main tool to combat stench on clothes.

All soaked items must be left in this position for at least one hour. In addition to laundry soap, to beat off the "fish amber", we recommend using table vinegar or citrus juice, such as lemon. However, these substances are in some cases capable of bleaching fabrics, and therefore they can only be added to white things. Heavily soiled items are soaked in dish detergent. Their main advantage is the formation of a large amount of foam.

Instead of the usual flavored powder, baking soda is used during the wash cycle - a glass of soda is added to the powder compartment.

With fur coats, sheepskin coats, leather products, it is better to immediately contact the dry cleaner, self-removal can result in the loss of the presentation of an expensive wardrobe.

From furniture and carpets

The situation is worse if the carpet and upholstered furniture are saturated with the smell of mud and stale seafood. Unlike clothes, it is impossible to wash the last ones with high quality due to the fact that the upholstery from the sofa dries for too long and is difficult to remove, not to mention large carpets.

Even expensive purchased chemicals do not always help in solving this problem. The same "Vanish" does not always justify its cost, leaving the owners with foul-smelling spots.

Therefore, for couches, sofas, as well as other furniture, you can use table vinegar, soda, starch, and even ordinary black tea.


Vinegar is diluted in water, and a large piece of cloth is wiped with the resulting solution. It can be a sheet or an old blanket. After that, the sofa is covered with a wet cloth and lightly pressed against the upholstery. The acid penetrates the top layers of the upholstery, removing dirt and fishy stink.

An easier method is to use loose leaf tea. Dry leaves are laid out in an even layer over the entire surface, which smelled like a fish dish, and then removed.

From the premises

You can remove the unpleasant smell of rotten fish from the room by carrying out several manipulations. First, you need to open all the windows and carry out a wet cleaning of the surfaces in the kitchen. During cleaning, you can add a few drops of essential oil and vinegar to the bucket.

After wet cleaning, pour a small amount of water into the kettle, mixing it with vinegar. After boiling, the kitchen will be filled with a specific aroma, which will soon disappear without a trace. A more radical method of solving the problem is heating the coffee beans in a dry frying pan.


There are several secrets that can successfully minimize the smell not only in the room, but also in the refrigerator (freezer). For this, fresh or frozen seafood does not need to be stored open, but only wrapped in foil. The packaging should be as airtight as possible.

In cooking, the first and main rule is that in the heated vegetable oil prepared for frying fish, you need to put potatoes or onions cut into small pieces. If these vegetables were not at hand, it is acceptable to use lemon juice or at least citrus zest. The juice is poured into the oil in small portions, and then the container is closed with a lid for a few seconds.

If fish soup is planned to be cooked, then a little cow's milk is added to the broth. The liquid neutralizes stench, which then does not spread throughout the apartment. Everyone knows that when cooking, the smell spreads not only to the whole apartment, but also through the exhaust ducts to the entrance and to the neighbors.

So that the baking sheet is not soaked with fish, it is better to purchase a separate deck just for these dishes. Thus, the stench will not spread further than this object. After cutting the carcass, all knives, cutting board and other items are thoroughly washed under water with the addition of detergent.

Cleaning the kitchen does not take much time, but if you love fish dishes and cook them on a regular basis, wiping work surfaces and mopping with household chemicals is a must to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the room.


Knowing how to quickly get rid of the smell of fish in the kitchen, you can not limit yourself to using this delicious product. Removing the stench, of course, can be a problem. But using the above tips helps to solve it at home without much effort.


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Fish lovers know that this product releases a peculiar aroma during cooking. It eats into dishes, cutting boards and knives, stays on hands and clothes for a long time, and spreads throughout the apartment with air currents. From our article we will learn how to get rid of the smell of fish in different ways and means.


Fish features

To explain the corrosiveness of the fishy aroma, one must turn to chemistry. Due to the presence of bromochomels in the composition, the fresh marine product smells of greenery, the river analogue exudes the smell of green grass and mushrooms.

During storage on the shelves of the refrigerator, complex chemical reactions occur in the carcass with the release of various substances. During heat treatment, microscopic particles are formed, they quickly fill the entire space of the room. The same thing happens with rotten fish. The decomposition process here is much faster than in meat, an unpleasant aroma hangs in the air, is absorbed into fabrics and furniture upholstery.


Preventive actions

There are several methods to prevent the release of an unpleasant odor in the apartment:

  1. When storing in the refrigerator, wrap each carcass in foil, paper or plastic wrap. A sealed plastic container is often used for this purpose, but the container should only be used for such products.
  2. Cut the fish on a separate board with a knife specially designed for this. After work, all surfaces and tools must be washed.
  3. How to remove the fishy smell on fresh produce? To do this, just wipe the knife or cutting board with acidified water.
  4. Wet hands absorb odors more strongly, they must be thoroughly wiped with a towel before work. The second option is to cut with rubber gloves.
  5. To reduce the intensity of the release of unpleasant odors during heat treatment, it is necessary to pre-soak the fish in beer or marinate. To prepare the marinade, 10 milliliters of vinegar 9% concentration is added to 1 liter of water. The product is placed in a container and filled with a solution.
  6. When cooking river fish, allspice, celery root, pieces of carrots and onions, chopped parsley are added to the pan. How to get rid of the fishy smell in a pan - when frying, a few bay leaves are added to the product.

Sugar mixed with vanilla will help absorb unpleasant odors, as well as water to which a small amount of vinegar, cloves, cinnamon or lemon juice is added. Cope with unpleasant odors and a powerful hood installed in the kitchen.

If the hostess forgot about preventive measures and realized herself while cooking, then she can use the following tips.

From dishes

How to remove the smell of fish from dishes, many housewives are trying to understand. To do this, after finishing work, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes until it has time to be absorbed. The following tools will help with this:

  1. Not every housewife knows how to remove the smell of fish from the pan. For this, juice can be used, as well as lemon zest. These substances are applied to the dishes after cleaning from food debris and rinsing with water.
  2. Acetic solution (2 tablespoons of the substance per liter of liquid) will be an excellent option in the fight against a specific smell.
  3. Mustard powder is diluted in water. This solution is used to clean the refrigerator, surfaces of shelves and drawers. Dry powder can be used for the same purpose.
  4. How to remove the smell of fish from the pan? After frying, the dishes are thoroughly wiped with napkins. After that, a layer of salt is poured onto the surface of the pan and heated for 5 minutes. During this time, the crystals will absorb unpleasantly smelling molecules. After cutting the carcass, the surface of the board is wiped with lemon, dried and sprinkled with salt.
  5. There is another answer to the question of how to get rid of the smell of fish on dishes, this can be done using vegetable oil. Knives and kitchen utensils are wiped with a cloth soaked in butter, then washed thoroughly with water and diluted detergents.

Raw potatoes will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This vegetable is used to rub dishes and boards, after which the kitchen utensils are washed in clean water.


From hands

When working with fish, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, in their absence, a specific smell can be absorbed into the hands. The following methods are considered the most effective:

  1. Wash hands with water and detergent;
  2. Wipe the palms with a slice of lemon, pay special attention to the back of the hands, as well as the areas between the fingers;
  3. Pour a small amount of beer onto your hands. This product will soften the skin and remove unpleasant odor;

A good effect is the use of aromatic solutions. A few drops of citrus oil are diluted in water, then the hands are washed thoroughly.


From clothes and other textiles

Over time, the fishy smell is absorbed into towels, window coverings, upholstery and other fabrics. First you need to wash these things in the machine, but if the specific aroma remains, then the following activities are carried out:

  1. Before the next wash, soak kitchen towels and clothes in soapy water for 1-1.5 hours. To enhance the effect, add vinegar to the water at the rate of 20 milliliters of the product per 5 liters of liquid. In this case, the soaking time is reduced to 30 minutes.
  2. Replace laundry detergent with baking soda. For one dressing, 1 glass of the specified substance is used.
  3. Use dish detergent for soaking. Such products perfectly remove odors before washing.

The smell of rotten fish in the apartment can be removed by using special flavors, airing the room. Laundered items should preferably be hung outdoors.


From the premises

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the apartment when things are washed and dishes are washed? The following simple activities will help with this:

  1. Open all windows in the room, wipe the flooring and furniture with a damp cloth. Add fragrances to the water, such as detergent, essential oil, or vinegar.
  2. Boil water with vinegar in a saucepan, while the container should remain open. Such fumes will help cleanse the room of an unpleasant odor.
  3. How to remove the smell of fried fish in the apartment? To do this, fry a handful of coffee beans in a pan. Such a product gives off an excellent aroma that will quickly kill unwanted odors.

Put a pot of water on the fire and add half a sliced ​​lemon and some cloves. Dried lemon or orange peel will help remove unpleasant odors. Dry citrus peel must be burned, but fire regulations must be followed.



Despite the release of a specific aroma, sea and river fish are considered a tasty and nutritious product, they have many vitamins and nutrients. Do not refuse such food, because you already know how to deal with unpleasant odors on things, dishes and indoors. Use the described tips in everyday life.

It is not possible to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes and household items the first time. Normal washing does not solve the problem. There are alternative ways to clean things with the help of improvised or professional products.

Fish, due to its taste and nutritional properties, occupies a worthy place on the everyday, festive or dietary table. The product has a disadvantage - a difficult to remove odor that can penetrate and eat into any surface, textiles.

Professional dry cleaning will easily remove the rotten fishy smell from textiles, carpets, car covers, clothes. The method is not cheap, it takes time, not everyone has the opportunity to wait for a thing for several days. The method is easy, gives a 100% result without much effort, and for someone it is perfect. The rest can, with the participation of available food products and household products, remove the unpleasant smell of fish, its fatty stains on their own. Of the minuses: the process will take several hours (less dry cleaning), but it requires some effort on the part of the hostess - manual soaking, rinsing.

In an emergency, dishwashing liquid, citric acid, laundry soap, ascorbic acid, lemon, bleach, washing powder, stain remover, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar will help.

Features of removal from different types of tissue

An unpleasant fishy smell exudes things that have not even been in close contact with fish. The aromas of roasting will smell of clothes, kitchen utensils, which should be washed as soon as possible. If, when cutting a smoked fish, fat gets on a tablecloth or napkins, a greasy trace will remain on them, if tightened with washing, the stain will eat into the fabric and rot. If the smell has permeated outer clothing, special care will be required when cleaning it.

Fabrics can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • household (napkins, tablecloths, towels, car covers);
  • colored items that require delicate washing;
  • things in neutral tones;
  • outerwear to be washed;
  • outerwear that cannot be washed.

The easiest way to remove the fishy smell is from the first group of fabrics. Such textiles are washed, wrung out, bleached, without worrying that things will lose their color and shape. Do not use bleaches or powders with a bleaching effect on colored fabrics, but the use of a stain pencil is allowed. It will easily remove fish oil stains from clothes, while maintaining its color. Things of neutral tones, outerwear that can be washed are soaked and washed when removing odors. It is worth choosing the method of influence carefully. Outerwear that cannot be washed should be subjected to stain-removal procedures locally in those places where it has come into contact with the fish. In the absence of contact, you can try to air things, wrap them in paper, sprinkle with salt, leaving it on the fabric for several days.

The smell of fish, if it is not strongly ingrained into the fabric, some mask with perfume. It is not recommended to do this, the aroma of perfume will disappear over time and remain tangible only for the owner, and those around you will feel a deep fish plume.

Overview of popular tools

Of the products mentioned that can remove the smell of fish from clothes, most can be found in every kitchen and in the refrigerator.

Means Mode of application
Lemon Grease stains are rubbed with fruit juice, the juice is added to the rinse aid compartment in the automatic machine, mixed with the powder.
Lemon acid In a solution of citric acid, the damaged items are rinsed by hand, poured into the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
Vinegar Clothes are rinsed in vinegar, soaked. Solution concentration: 2 tbsp. spoons of substance per 4 liters. water. Vinegar will neutralize any, even rotten fishy smell.
Dishwashing liquid with lemon flavor It is recommended to use a product with lemon flavor. Dilute the liquid in hot water, lubricate the stain and soak for 2-3 hours. You can not wash the thing in a machine! Only by hand!
Laundry soap The darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, the more effectively it removes fish ombre from clothes. Soap the stain, prepare a thick soapy solution by cutting soap shavings into the water, soak the clothes for 2 hours. Washing and rinsing are allowed in the washing machine, with the addition of citric acid as a flavor.
Ascorbic acid The acid perfectly conditions clothes. Add the solution to the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
Bleach Bleach, whiteness, chlorine-containing products are not suitable for delicate and colored fabrics, but they perfectly eliminate odors. The fabric will smell like chlorine, ascorbic or citric acid is used as a conditioner.
washing powder Lemon-scented powder in the company of a deodorant rinse, citric or ascorbic acid instead will help to cope with the fish smell.
Ammonia Alcohol, water and vinegar in equal proportions are effective against any stink. Soak clothes in the solution for 2 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.
Hydrogen peroxide Peroxide does an excellent job of disinfecting woven fabrics. You can use it by applying it to the scent stain in concentrated form or in an aqueous soak solution. Not recommended for use on colored fabrics.

Washing rules

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, clothes must be washed, after removing greasy stains with a special pencil (such as “Udalix”). Perhaps this will be enough.

Before washing, greasy stains are abundantly sprinkled with potato starch or salt to degrease the fabric, remove excess fat, and treat with stain removers. It is necessary to wash at the maximum temperature allowed for a particular fabric, using a powder with a lemon smell. Please read the care instructions before washing! Double rinse is an additional plus to machine wash in the fight for the freshness of clothes. If the goal was not achieved the first time, it is worth repeating the procedure.

The specific smell of fish is difficult to confuse with some other. An unpleasant odor extends not only to hands and dishes, it can soak clothes and even the kitchen. Let's find out together how to eliminate the smell of fish from any surface.


Before you figure out how to get rid of the smell in the dishes, in the refrigerator and on your hands, here are some tips to help reduce the spread of unpleasant odors.

  • Cover the fish. Try not to store fish open in the refrigerator. Always wrap it in foil or put it in an airtight container.

  • Separate board for cutting fish. A lot of fish waste accumulates on the cutting board, so I recommend getting a separate board that will only be used for cutting fish delicacies. It is advisable to highlight not only a separate board, but also a special cutting knife.

  • Wash items that have come into contact with fish immediately.. It is necessary to wash all kitchen utensils that come into contact with fish immediately, without delay.
  • Dry hands in gloves. Hands smell like fish, mainly because moist skin easily absorbs pungent odors. I recommend wearing kitchen gloves (example in the photo below).

  • Pickling. So that the fish does not exude an unpleasant aroma when frying, it must first be marinated (in vinegar or in beer).

Getting rid of unpleasant odors from dishes and hands: 6 methods

How to remove odor from dishes and hands:

Image Instruction

Method 1. Lemon + salt
  • From the skin of the hands: rub lemon slices between fingers, rinse with water.
  • From dishes: Sprinkle the surface with salt, and then wipe the desired area with a slice of half a lemon.
Method 2. Mustard Powder

If the fish has been lying in the pan for a long time, cover its bottom with mustard powder and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse the container thoroughly afterwards.

Method 3. Beer

You can remove the smell of fish from your hands by rinsing them with dark beer. Finally, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

This method is especially effective in removing the aroma of smoked and dried fish.

Method 4. Detergent

Using a lemon-scented dish detergent can easily eliminate unpleasant odors. The main thing is to use hot water.

Method 5. Raw vegetables
  1. Cut a few slices of raw potatoes (carrots or onions).
  2. Rub the slices on stinking surfaces.
  3. Then rinse first in cold water, then in hot water with detergent.

Method 6. Salt water
  1. Boil water and add 3 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. Wash dishes and hands with hot water.

This method works great with cleaning cutting boards.

We eliminate the smell in the room: 5 methods

Getting rid of the smell of fried fish indoors is quite simple. So, in the table there are several ways to refresh the smell in the apartment:

Image Description

Method 1. Vinegar
  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it.
  3. Wait for the aroma released to spread throughout the kitchen.

Method 2. Clove + lemon
  1. Cut 2 lemons in half.
  2. Insert dry cloves into the cuts.
  3. Place lemons in boiling water and let simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Method 3 Roasted Coffee Beans

The aroma of roasted coffee beans perfectly refreshes the air. Fry a handful of beans in a frying pan and the smell of fish will disappear.

Method 4. Orange Peel

Burn dried orange peels, then ventilate the room.

Be careful, crusts are flammable and burn very quickly.

Method 5. Wet cleaning

You can arrange a wet cleaning using any delicious-smelling detergent.

Specific smell cod or other marine fish will disappear if you hold it in a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or rub it with a cut lemon. In flounder, in addition, you need to remove the skin from the dark side of the carcass. If the fish is meant to be boiled, you can pour fresh milk into the pot instead.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, gutted fish can be poured for 3 hours with a solution of vinegar with 3 bay leaves or chopped onions. You can also grate the fish with lemon. So that the fish does not smell of mud, it is washed in a very strong cold salt solution (some experts also advise adding soda) or rubbed with black pepper and dill, and after 20 minutes they are washed and cooked using dill. Fresh fish (especially pike) will not give away a swamp if you put two or three red-hot birch embers into the water with fish. Get rid of mud smell you can also do this: clean the fish, wash it, cut it into pieces, put it in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with finely chopped bay leaves, pour in a little warm water and leave for 1 hour under the lid. Before cooking or frying, drain the water, do not rinse the fish. There are several ways to get rid of the unpleasant odor in sea fish. 1. Take sea fish and clean it from scales. Moisten a cloth napkin or just a piece of cloth with vinegar and wrap the fish in it. In this state, the fish should be within 2-3 hours. Moreover, it is necessary to defrost it not quickly, but gradually. 2. You need to cook such fish in a saucepan with bay leaves and allspice peas. In addition to this, you can wrap a cloth soaked in vinegar around the lid of the pot from the inside. An old way to get rid of the muddy smell described by Elena Molokhovets: vinegar. ”To destroy the specific smell of cod, flounder, pike, catfish during cooking, add, in addition to roots, onions and spices, 0.5 cups of cucumber pickle for each liter of water. Some fish species have a strong specific smell. To get rid of this smell when boiling or stewing fish, add some milk to the pan, as is customary among the peoples of the North. The smell will disappear and the fish will become more tender and tastier. The following are ways to get rid of the smell, applied to specific types of fish. pike so that it does not give off the smell of a swamp, it should be washed in cold, well-salted water. If the fish smells of mud, it is also dipped in a strong cold salt solution and then the unpleasant smell disappears. If boiled pike is being prepared, then the amount of spices should be significantly increased, since this fish often has an unpleasant aftertaste. Carp and tench smell like mud. To remove this smell, you need to lower them for half an hour in a cold salt solution. Then rinse the fish in running water. tench very tasty and tender, but with a slight aftertaste of silt. To get rid of it, the fish is boiled with various spices. In the old days, to improve the taste of live lines, they were kept in running water for 12-14 hours. The knife with which they cleaned herring, you need to wipe it with a carrot or a potato and the smell will disappear. The unpleasant smell of mud will disappear if the fish is washed in a cold salt solution. Another problem is removing fish smell from dishes. The unpleasant smell of fish from hands and dishes can be removed by washing them with water and vinegar (a spoonful of vinegar in 2 liters of water). If the dishes retain the smell of fish, they should be washed with a solution of warm water and vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 2 liters of water). The smell of fish from wooden cutting board can be removed by rubbing it with a slice of lemon before cutting the fish! Wood, as an absorbent, absorbs the primary odor. After cutting the fish, all that remains is to wash the board. Unpleasant smell on knives, with which you chopped onions or butchered fish, will disappear if you rub the blades with heated salt, lemon peel or tea leaves. Forks and knives will also not smell like fish if you rub them with fresh lemon peel or grease them with vegetable or butter. dishes must first be wiped with a paper towel, rinsed with cold water, and then washed with warm water and soap, vinegar or dry mustard. Fishy smell in a refrigerator or a saucepan can be eliminated with household chemicals that absorb odorous substances from the air. They are placed in closed volumes - a refrigerator or a saucepan for several days.
