
Pear jam for the winter. How long does pear jam last for the winter? Ingredients for making pear fragrant jam for the winter

Where else can you find so many vitamins, trace elements, mineral salts, if not in berries and fruits. My favorite fruits are pear fruits, which have excellent taste qualities. Traditional medicine offers this fruit as a remedy for fever, cough and edema, since the pear is a diuretic.

In the summer, it’s understandable - I bought a pear, washed it, ate it, got a double benefit, and vitamins, and a wonderful dessert. In winter, it is more difficult with local fruits, and those sold in supermarkets have no taste and useful properties, so we harvest them in the summer. Opening a fragrant jar of hand-made jam on a winter evening, pouring tea into a glass, you can go into summer memories - how they cooked pear jam or.

Pears are combined with many fruits, and the jam always turns out to be original. I will tell you how it is made from whole pears stuffed with walnuts? True, this work of art will require pears of a variety, for example, "seedless" or "bergamot", they are relatively small, so for jam "pear with stuffing" it will be the most.

Required Ingredients:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - liter.

Cooking process:

Let's get to the fruits. They should be washed well, and the core should be removed with a special device for removing the seed box from pears, apples, quince. In this case, it is not necessary to peel the peel. You can simply cut the pears in half and remove the seeds.

Walnuts do not need to be crushed. You need to take a half of a nut, divide it in half, connect it with each other and fill the fruit. If the nuts are small, you can do this procedure with the other half. The main thing is to make sure that the nuts "sit" tightly inside the nest. If the pears are chopped, just add the nuts.

The syrup is made, as always. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, boil until syrupy. Add diced lemon, with zest but without pits. Gently release the stuffed fruits into the boiling syrup, wait until everything boils and remove from heat. Leave the pan for several hours to saturate the fruits with syrup. The next stage is again boiling for 15 minutes and cooling. The last, third, boil the jam and you can already roll up the jars.

Another option for using pears is harvesting for the winter at home.

Pear-almond jam

Ready jam, if properly cooked, acquires a beautiful transparent yellowish color and an amazing smell.

To make pear-almond jam you will need:

  • 2 kg slightly unripe pears (the amount of sugar depends on their variety) net weight;
  • 1 kg of sand, if the fruits are sweet, 1.5 - if not very much;
  • vanilla on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • 100 gr. almond;
  • 1.5 liters of water;

Cooking method:

Wash and wipe the pears, peel, remove the core, cut into cubes or slices. Take a saucepan, boil water, release the chopped pear in a colander, blanch it for two to three minutes. Add sugar to water and make syrup.

Next, pour the slices into the syrup and leave for five hours. After that, boil the semi-finished product, boil for about ten minutes over very low heat and again set aside for three hours. After three hours, repeat the procedure again, boil, boil for ten minutes and set aside. Add vanillin and nuts to the last boil five minutes before the end of cooking. Nuts need to be crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, but not finely.

The hot product is poured into prepared jars and rolled up. All jars of jam should be carefully wrapped and not touched until completely cooled. With pear jam prepared in this way, you can not only just drink tea, you can lay out a layer in a biscuit for a cake with pear slices, you can bake a pie or make a filling for a cake.

Pear-cinnamon jam

This jam is amber-colored, and thanks to the pectin thickener, it acquires a thicker, jelly-like consistency.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg. washed, peeled, chopped pears;
  • 700 gr. brown sugar;
  • 10 gr. pectin;
  • 25 gr. cinnamon;
  • 0.5 lemon with zest, pitted.

Cooking process:

To prepare this jam, put the ready, cut into slices pear into a cooking container, cover with brown sugar. Then, you should add the lemon cut into pieces (you can squeeze the juice from the lemon, but the pieces, and even with the zest, will add piquancy to the dish) and cover with pectin. Mix everything gently and leave for half an hour, so that the fruit gives juice.

Putting on fire, gently mix again, boil and immediately turn off, leaving the fruit to soak in syrup. After three hours, put the container back on the fire, boil, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, so as not to burn, for ten minutes.

The boiling procedure should be repeated three or four times, depending on what kind of pear, what density they have. At the last boil, cinnamon is added to the jam. Keep in mind that if boiling was carried out once or twice, then the products must be sterilized. That is, fill a glass, sterilized jar with jam to the “shoulders”, put in a saucepan filled with water. Place a towel or napkin on the bottom of the pot. Sterilization time depends on the volume of the jar:

  • 0.5 l - 10 min;
  • 1 l - 15 min;
  • 2 l - 20 min;
  • 3 l - from 25 to 30 minutes.

pear jam

We don't always make jam just to drink tea. Making preparations for the winter, we, a priori, imagine pies, pies and muffins. But jam cannot make good pastries, because jam is liquid. Therefore, in cooking it is customary to use jam, confiture or jam. Jam is a cross between thin jam and thick jam.

Jam is much easier to cook than jam.

For cooking, you should take products in the following proportions:

  • 1 kg. pears net weight;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.5 teaspoon without top of citric acid, optional.

Cooking process:

Unlike the above recipes, the most ripe, even overripe fruits are used for jam, which should be washed, the seed box removed and cut into pieces. The main condition is to remove all rotten, damaged and skin. Place the cut slices in a saucepan with water and boil for 15-20 minutes, until a puree forms in the saucepan.

There are recipes where the fruits are laid out on gauze and boiled in this form. This method has been tested and appreciated by me. Indeed, the method is interesting - when the pear becomes soft, it needs to be slightly cooled and squeezed right through cheesecloth. It turns out a wonderful puree and no need to stain any other dishes. But you can make mashed potatoes in other ways - scroll through a blender, rub through a strainer or use the old-fashioned method - crush with a crush.

Now the mass should be put in a cooking pan, add sugar and cook for half an hour. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to constantly stir the jam so that it does not burn, and remove the foam. Five minutes before readiness, add citric acid, after diluting it with water.

Jam can be diversified by adding, for example, an orange cut into pieces or even just spices - cardamom, cinnamon, cloves.

Ginger pear jam

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of the pear, it is not only a delicious fruit, but also an excellent diuretic, antitussive and antiviral agent. Just as much is known about ginger, it is also used in folk medicine for colds, and in cooking for baking or flavoring drinks. But pear with ginger is already an exotic tandem.

For jam, you should pick up the side roots of ginger, because they are more tender and not so spicy. Each side spine must be cut lengthwise and the core removed, because it is precisely this that will give the finished product a “wooden” look. But do not throw away the core, it will be needed to make syrup.

To make ginger jam you will need:

  • 1 kg net weight of pears;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. net weight of ginger;
  • 0.5 l of water.

So let's get started:

Fruits can be taken of any variety, but not very soft, as they will simply boil soft. Rinse the pears, free from the skin and seed box, cover with sugar, pour water and put on a slow fire. The raw materials in the cooking basin should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. The ginger needs to be cooked ahead of time. With a hard metal washcloth or a sharp knife, peel the top layer of ginger and, since the core is no longer there, cut it into fine strips.

As soon as the sugar dissolves in the jam, note the time and boil it for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure twice, each time cooling the contents in the cooking container, and the third time release the ginger into the jam and boil with it. If desired, you can add vanillin to the exotic jam.

Lingonberry pear jam

For lingonberry jam with pears you will need:

  • 0.7 kg. fruits of net weight;
  • 2.3 kg. cranberries;
  • 1.5 kg. granulated sugar.

Cooking process:

There is no water in this recipe, since lingonberries give a lot of juice when cooked. Rinse lingonberries, pour over with boiling water, cover with sugar (half of the recommended amount), leave on a small fire and wait until the juice turns into syrup. As you boil, add sugar to taste, because not everyone likes very sweet jam, and even excess sugar can muffle the taste of fruits.

While the syrup is being cooked, prepare the fruits of a dense pear, cut into cubes or slices and pour into lingonberries. In this recipe, a soft pear can quickly spoil the delicacy by turning into porridge, but jam can turn out great. Boil the contents of the cooking basin for 15-20 minutes. Set aside, cool for three hours, you can even leave it overnight, after this period, put it on fire again. Repeat the cooking again and you can roll the preservation into jars, which should be well corked, wrapped warmly and left to cool.

Pear jam with lingonberries can be further improved by adding any nuts, an orange, or at least zest, apples. The color of the jam is amazing, the taste from each variety of pear will be different, but definitely amazing.

If after preparing the workpiece you still have extra berries, then they can be used for cooking.

There is another way to prepare this jam. Look at the video.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.

As always, I am glad to all my guests!

To prepare not only tasty, but also beautiful pear jam with slices, the task is quite doable! Of course, if you know some of the nuances. It is about them that will be discussed in my today's publication.

In this article about pear jam slices (recipe with photo), I will show you consistently and in detail how to achieve the desired result, and I will also reveal all the secrets of getting great amber pear jam.

I hope that my culinary experience will serve as a good guide for young hostesses. I remember well how in my green years I collected successful recipes bit by bit (only by sampling) and tried to achieve perfection. How long has it been...

But I think that even today the status of a good housewife has not been canceled!

First of all, let's determine the number of ingredients. From the list below, I got 2 half-liter jars of pear jam for the winter and a little more to take a sample now and immediately enjoy the result.


  • Pears - 1.2 kg
  • Sugar sand - 1.2 kg
  • Purified water - 0.200 ml
  • Proportions to observe for any quantity
  • HOW TO CHOOSE fruit for pear jam slices

Strange as it may sound, not every pear can make beautiful amber jam! The choice of fruit here is of great importance. Only pears with dense pulp are suitable, one might even say slightly unripe. But not green, not yet reached the proper taste. Therefore, I advise you to definitely try what you buy.

And, of course, in order to obtain transparent pear jam with slices, in no way should soft, fully ripened or overripe specimens be used. Of these, it is better to cook excellent jam or marmalade. Which is also generally not bad, winter will pick up everything!

And so, we decided on the choice of source material. I bought 2 kg of pears. After processing, which remained 1.2 kg. So consider waste when calculating. We move on.


Let's start with the fact that the purchased fruit will first need to be washed. Then, with the help of a housekeeper's knife, remove the skin from them, that is, peel them. And then cut the pear into four parts, carefully cut out the seeds. Then cut the quarters into slices about 3-4 ml thick.

While we are engaged in this process, water is already heating on the stove for making sugar syrup. Indeed, without it, amber transparent pear jam with slices will not work.

Pour sugar into boiling water (according to the recipe), stir well and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can be sure: will the indicated amount of granulated sugar dissolve in such a small amount of water, just follow the recipe and everything will work out!

The sugar syrup is cooked, and the pear slices are already prepared by us.

We fall asleep them in a pan in which we will cook pear jam. And then pour boiling sugar syrup.

Leave for a while until the pears are saturated with sweetness, and the syrup has completely cooled down.

Then we put our future pear jam in slices on the fire, slowly bring to a boil and boil for literally 5-6 minutes. Then turn off the heat and wait for the contents of the pan to cool completely.

Raspberry jam five minutes would have been ready, but here is a different process.

When this happens, you can move on and light the fire again and boil for about the same amount of time. With this process, our pear slices will gradually become saturated with syrup, and become, as it were, transparent. You need to do 2-3 of these approaches.

After that, you can already proceed to the final stage of cooking jam. But this time, the boiling time will be about 1 hour. However, you will see for yourself how it gains an amber color and becomes thicker.

Do not forget only that the jam should boil over low heat and it must be stirred during the process (touching the bottom of the pan), preferably with a wooden spoon with a long handle.

Photo gallery: Amber pear jam with slices for the winter: simple five-minute recipes

Pear jam is considered one of the most fragrant homemade preparations, ideal for preparing a variety of pastries and long evenings at the samovar. Moreover, you can cook delicious pear jam for the winter (recipe with photo below) not only from soft, but also hard green, including wild, varieties. As for the “wild fish”, depending on the recipe, the pear delicacy can be a transparent and thick jam, or it can be prepared from whole fruits or slices. A pear is also great for experimenting with various additives in jam. For example, you can emphasize the taste of fruits and add unusual notes with lemon (citric acid), orange, cinnamon, vanilla, poppy, ginger. This article has collected the best recipes and recommendations on how to cook delicious pear jam for the winter, including five-minute and non-sterilized options. We hope that simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will help you take a fresh look at this delicacy and fall in love with pear blanks even more.

Simple pear jam with lemon - step by step recipe with pictures

Lemon and pear are the simplest and at the same time the most successful flavor combination for making original jam. There is no water in this recipe, so a minimum of 12 hours of pre-preparation is required to form fruit syrup. But in general, the simple pear and lemon jam from the step-by-step recipe with pictures below is quite quick and easy to prepare.

Essential Ingredients for Easy Pear Lemon Jam Recipe with Pictures

  • pears - 2 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for pear and lemon jam for the winter

Thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla - a simple recipe for the winter, step by step

What makes a pear especially good for jam is that the structure of the fruit is very fleshy and loose. Therefore, cooking thick and fragrant pear jam for the winter, for example, with cinnamon and vanilla, is as easy as shelling pears. By the way, it is these two spices that perfectly emphasize the unique taste of pears, especially juicy varieties. Learn more about how to make a thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla in a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter below.

Necessary ingredients for a thick jam with pear, cinnamon and vanilla for the winter

  • pear - 2-3 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • vanilla - 1 pod
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • water - 1 glass

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for thick pear, cinnamon and vanilla jam for winter

  1. To make the jam according to this recipe thick, you need to take fruits that are fleshy and juicy with a thin peel. Wash and cut the pears in half, remove the core and cut into small cubes.
  2. Cook syrup from a glass of water and all the sugar. When the grains of granulated sugar are completely dissolved and the syrup thickens, pour the pears over them and leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. We also add cinnamon and the contents of one vanilla pod (you can replace it with a bag of vanilla).
  3. After the specified time, put the pan with the fruit and sugar mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam and reduce the heat, boiling the mass until it thickens.
  4. Constantly stir the jam with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.
  5. Pear jam is considered ready when the pieces of fruit are completely boiled, and the mass darkens and thickens. Depending on the pear variety, the cooking process after boiling can take from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. During this time, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.
  6. Pour the finished jam into a convenient glass container and cork with lids

Transparent pear jam with slices - step by step recipe with citric acid

A special transparent delicacy, which is not very similar to jam, is prepared from pear slices with the addition of citric acid. Since outwardly such pear jam is very beautiful, it is most often served on the table for tea on its own or used to decorate cakes. Learn how to cook transparent pear jam with citric acid slices from the following recipe.

Necessary ingredients for clear pear jam with citric acid slices

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.4 kg
  • citric acid - ¼ tsp
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • water - 250 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for a clear jam recipe with pears and citric acid slices

  1. Wash the pears, remove the stems and remove the seeds. Then cut the fruit into thin slices and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the pieces of pear and cool in cold water, drain in a colander.
  3. Make a thick syrup of water and sugar. Pour the pear with syrup and leave for 3-4 hours under the lid.
  4. Put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for 20 minutes and cool completely.
  5. Repeat the last procedure twice. After bringing the jam to a boil for the third time, add citric acid and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up, turn over until the jam has cooled.

Delicious wild hard pear jam for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

Tasty and fragrant jam for the winter can be made even from hard wild pears. The main thing is to withstand the recipe and cooking time. Then a delicious jam from hard or wild pear varieties for the winter from a simple step-by-step recipe below will surely delight you with its original relish and summer aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Winter Hard Wild Pear Jam

  • wild pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • pear broth - 1.5-2 cups

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for delicious jam with wild pears for the winter

  1. My pears and clean from partitions with seeds. Cut into thin slices and immediately dip into cold water. Boil the pears after boiling for 10 minutes and recline in a colander.
  2. We measure out two glasses of pear broth and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the pear slices with hot syrup and leave overnight at room temperature.
  4. In the morning, bring the fruit in syrup to a boil and, reducing the heat, cook for about half an hour.
  5. Remove from stove and let cool completely. We repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  6. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, twist the lids with a seaming key and wrap them in a warm cloth until cool.

Quick five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization - step by step recipes for winter

Whole pear jam without sterilization is one of the fastest and easiest types of preparations for the winter. In order for the delicacy to turn out to be the right consistency, you need to take small dense fruits with hard pulp. How to cook a quick five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization further.

The necessary ingredients for a five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization

  • pears -1, 5 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization for the winter

  1. Wash small pears and remove stems. Cut off the skin thinly.
  2. Cover the pears with sugar, add a spoonful of honey and the juice of one lemon.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and leave overnight in the refrigerator under the lid.
  4. In the morning, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and immediately remove from the stove.
  5. Pack pear jam in sterile jars and roll up.

Delicious Green Pear Jam with Lemon, Orange and Poppy Seeds - A Quick Step by Step Recipe

At first glance, poppy seeds in the recipe for delicious green pear, lemon and orange jam may seem superfluous. But it is this simple ingredient that makes a simple pear preparation an original dessert that can surprise even a gourmet. All the details of making delicious green pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam in a quick step-by-step recipe below.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Green Pear, Lemon, Orange and Poppy Seed Jam

  • pear - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1, 3 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon — 1 pc.
  • poppy -3-4 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe for pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam

  1. My pears and clean from seeds and partitions. Together with the peel, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange, add to the pears. Squeeze out the lemon juice and cut the orange into small cubes.
  3. Add the orange to the pear and mix well. Leave the mass for 4-5 hours.
  4. Rinse poppy seeds under running water and dry on a towel. Then lightly fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan.
  5. We put the fruit mass on the fire and wait until it boils. Boil for 15 minutes and remove until completely cooled.
  6. We boil again in the same way.
  7. The third time after boiling, add poppy seeds and cook for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour the original jam into a sterile container, cork.

Slices of amber pear jam for the winter - a step by step recipe with video

Thick amber pear jam (recipe in slices) for the winter is not inferior in taste to more original options with poppy seeds, orange or cinnamon. Not every variety is suitable for making this pear delicacy. For example, green hard pears, as well as wild varieties, the so-called wild game, will not be able to give the correct consistency and color to such a five-minute jam. To cook amber pear jam for the winter in slices or as a whole, you will also need lemon or citric acid.

Pears and apples are considered the most common fruits, which can be easily picked in your own garden or purchased at the market for a small fee. But few housewives know that you can cook delicious transparent and amber pear jam from them. Such a dessert will become the most favorite delicacy for all family members. And on long winter evenings it will delight and remind you of summer. But pear jam, especially slices, is also an excellent prophylactic against many diseases. You just need to choose which recipe to cook it, because today there are a huge number of them.

How to choose and prepare pears for jam

In order for the jam to turn out beautiful in appearance and tasty, they must be sorted out before cooking. by the most the best fruits are those that have already ripened, but have not yet had time to overripe. The variety of pears, as well as their size, can be any. But still, it is best to choose juicy fruits that have a sweet aroma, then less sugar will be required to make jam. If the hostess has a desire to give the jam some special taste or smell, then you can add other fruits to it. It can be lemon or citric acid, almonds, orange and other products.

But every time recipe with these ingredients will change, so you should be careful with experiments. If you add a little citric acid to the jam, then the pear jam will no longer be sugared and will have a sour taste. Before you start cooking, you must perform the following steps:

How much you need to cook such jam will depend on the variety and on the ripeness of the fruit, but most often it is about 1–1.5 hours. It is better to cook a delicious treat in two stages, achieving complete cooling in between.

What utensils do you need to cook a pear dessert? How will the jam taste? even dishes can affect in which it is cooked. The best is aluminum or copper utensils, it is desirable that they be wide. This will allow the jam not to burn or stick to the walls, and retain the natural honey flavor. Still, it is better to store jam in jars, which must be washed well, scalded with boiling water, or sterilized well.

Usually when cooking any jam foam appears on its surface, which is removed with a special wooden spatula or spoon. It is necessary to close the already spilled jam in jars with tight lids. It is better to store it in a dark and cool place, since pear jam tends to change color and ferment.

A simple recipe for pear jam for the winter

There are many cooking recipes for making pear jam:

  1. Classic.
  2. Slices.
  3. Transparent.
  4. Amber.
  5. Five minutes.
  6. Whole.
  7. With lemon.
  8. Other.

But still always follow cooking instructions each recipe, maintain proportions, which will help achieve the desired result. Many housewives want to know how pear jam is prepared for the winter with a simple recipe. To cook it, you will need the following products:

The fruits are pre-sorted, peeled and cut into slices. They put in one bowl, in which they will cook, and in another saucepan it is worth preparing syrup: pour sugar with water and put on moderate heat. The foam is constantly removed from it, and it will be ready only when the sugar is completely dissolved. It remains to pour the fruit with this syrup and bring it to a boil again, and then pour it into jars. Appetizing jam is ready!

Recipe for pear jam "Five minutes"

For cooking pear dessert for the winter according to this recipe, it is still better to use hard fruits so that they do not boil soft. Pears must be cut into medium-sized slices, and then soak them for 30-25 minutes in a soda solution, which is induced at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 2 liters of water. Then it is worth rinsing them a little and preparing the rest of the products:

  1. 2 kilograms of ripe pears.
  2. 500 grams of sugar.
  3. 50 milliliters of lemon juice.
  4. 2 tablespoons of honey.
  5. A pinch of vanilla.

Many housewives are tormented by the question of how to make pear jam. To do this, you need pears, cut into slices, pour lemon juice. Same here honey, vanilla and sugar are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Then this blank is covered with a film and left to brew for several hours, it is best to leave it overnight. This is done so that the pears give juice. And only then the slices are transferred to a pan or basin and put on fire.

When the jam boils, it is worth while stirring, keep it in this state for another 5 minutes and turn it off. Spilling into jars, loosely covered with a lid, and sent to be sterilized. This procedure usually takes 10 minutes. Now it remains only to roll up the banks.

A classic recipe for fragrant pear jam with slices

To prepare such a jam for the winter, you will need a minimum set of products:

  1. Pears -2 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 2.5 kilograms.
  3. Water - 2 glasses.

Pears are well washed, trimmed and cut into slices. They are placed on the bottom of the pan and covered with sugar. Now you need to leave for a few hours, so they can give juice. If the variety of pears is such that they cannot give juice, then additional water can be poured into them. After that, the pan with the fruits is put on the fire, and water is added there according to the norm. Watch carefully as the mass begins to boil, stirring. As soon as it boils, the fire decreases and the jam is cooked for another hour.

To achieve the integrity of the slices, it is worth cooking not immediately for an hour, but in three approaches for 20 minutes, but for one hour. Still hot jam should be poured into jars and rolled up.

Recipe for amber pear jam

Products for making amber pear jam with slices remain unchanged, but only their quantity changes:

  1. Water - 200 milliliters.
  2. Sugar -3 kilograms.
  3. Pears -3 kilograms.

You can add a small lemon or half a kilogram of strong plums, but only pre-cut in half and with the stone removed. In a separate pot making syrup from water and sugar. It is boiled for 3-5 minutes so that the sugar can dissolve and excess moisture evaporates. Slices of pears are carefully added to the still boiling syrup. Immediately, the pan is taken by the handles and it is necessary to shake it so that the pear slices are evenly distributed over the syrup and immersed in it. It is forbidden to interfere with a spoon!

The pan is put on fire and all contents are boiled for 5 minutes. It remains to remove the pan and leave the jam in it to infuse for 5 hours. This will enable everyone slices are well soaked in syrup, stay intact. At this point, you can add other products, such as lemon or plum juice. As this time passes, the pan with the pear mass is again placed on the stove and brought to a boil over low heat. At the same time, during the heating process, it is necessary to shake the pan from time to time so that the pear slices can mix, but it is undesirable to use a spoon according to the recipe at this stage.

As soon as the mass of pears boils, it should be held over the fire for another 5 minutes. After that film needs to be removed., which indicates that the dessert for the winter is ready. And only at the end of cooking, you can gently stir the jam with a wooden spatula or spoon. It remains only to pour it into jars while still hot, but you should not roll them up yet. To begin with, they are simply covered with paper sheets, and when it cools down, then it will be possible to roll it up.

It is necessary to carefully prepare the jars in advance: wash them with laundry soap and soda, rinse in running water and ignite well in the oven.

clear pear jam recipe

For the preparation of transparent jam, no special products are required. Clear pear jam store in any cool place, even on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet or pantry. The main storage condition is that there are no temperature fluctuations. In terms of taste, this jam is the most fragrant and delicious. It can also be served as an independent dessert, which has the most beautiful look and taste, so it is perfect for tea or coffee.

To prepare a transparent jam from pear slices, it is necessary to prepare the following products in advance:

This amount of food is just enough to make 2 liters of jam. To start pears are good washed under running water, make sure that all the fruits are firm and not overripe. Pears are cut into slices and put in a pan. That's where the sugar comes in. In order for the pears to release juice, you need to leave the pear mass for several hours at room temperature. Put the saucepan with the infused mass on the fire and bring to a boil.

As soon as the jam boils, the fire should be reduced and so it is still boiled for 10 minutes. Then turned off and left overnight so that the mass cools down well. In the morning, again, the jam is boiled, as in the previous time, and now it is left for the whole day until the evening. In the evening, boil again and leave to cool overnight. Each time the slices will change their color, becoming darker. In the morning, cook the mass over low heat for 50 minutes. So the mass will become thicker, and the slices will become transparent. It remains only to pour into banks and roll up.

transparent pear jam slices Can also be used to decorate any baked goods. Usually it turns out beautifully and tasty. And if you mix it with a few tablespoons of kefir, then children will like it and they will definitely ask for supplements. Bon appetit!

Pear jam recipes for the winter

When we hear about pear jam, it seems to us that preparing it for the winter is very long and tedious. Today I will dispel all stereotypes. An easy recipe for you!

3 h

270 kcal

4/5 (4)

I love pears, in any form. I can eat a kilogram of fresh or drink a liter of compote. But most of all I love pear jam. Since no one in my family was ever fond of preparations, as a child I ate it snatches with relatives and friends. But now I'm an adult and I can cook it myself.

There was no one to pass on the recipes to me by inheritance, so I had to search the entire Internet and learn how to cook this delicacy on my own. Now I can call myself a professional in this business and teach you how to make pear jam. Moreover, it is very easy to do so.

Choice of ingredients and utensils for cooking

For jam it is recommended to take hard-fleshed varieties. I buy Limonka or Duchess. But if you have another type of pear growing on your plot, take it. The main thing is that the fruits are not overripe, and the skin is not damaged. There is also an opinion that the most delicious jam is obtained from late varieties of pears. I believe that no matter what kind you take, the jam will turn out delicious anyway.

For cooking, a copper or aluminum basin is best suited. If you have not inherited one, then just take saucepan with a thick bottom. This is done so that the jam does not burn to the bottom. It is best to stir the jam with a wooden spatula. Banks must be washed and sterilized before seaming.

How to cook delicious pear jam with slices

We will need such products:

Pear2 kg
Sugar2.5 kg
Water2 tbsp.

What do we have to do:

  1. To begin with, I wash the pears, cut off their rotten places and the core, cut into slices.
  2. I put the pear in the pan and fall asleep with sugar. I leave for couple of hours so that it gives juice (if you did not take juicy pears, then at this stage you can already add water).
  3. I put the pan on the fire, add water. Stirring, bring to a boil. After the mass boiled, I make the fire quieter and cook for about an hour. How long to cook pear jam? If you want the pieces of pear in the jam to be more whole, then it is better to boil it. three sets of 20 minutes than 1 time in one hour.
  4. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Original Recipe: Simple Pear Jam with Almonds

Products, which we need:

  • 2 kg of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 100 g almonds.

What do we have to do:

  1. With a pear, I carry out all the same manipulations as in the basic recipe: mine, cut out the core and rotten places, cut into slices.
  2. I boil water in a saucepan and throw pear slices into it. I cook about three minutes.
  3. I pour the water into another pot and add sugar to it. I put it on fire and gradually dissolve the sugar. As a result, syrup is obtained in 15 minutes.
  4. I pour slices of pears with ready-made syrup and leave it in this form. for 3-4 hours.
  5. After that, I put the jam on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat. When it boils - reduce the heat and cook more 10 minutes. Again I insist jam for about 4 hours.
  6. At this time, you can prepare the almonds. It must either be passed through a meat grinder, or crush using a blender.
  7. I put it on the fire, cook for 10 minutes, and throw it into the jam vanilla and almond. I mix well. In addition to chopped almonds, I like to add a handful of whole nuts to the jam.
  8. We cook more 10 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

How to store pear jam

After seaming, I put the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, and leave them in this form until they cool. This usually takes 1 day. After that, I put the jars in the pantry, where they are perfectly stored all winter. If you have a basement or cellar, great. There, the likelihood that banks will "explode" is minimal.
