
How to make jelly from strawberry puree. Delicious fresh strawberry jelly for the winter - recipes with step by step photos

Delicious and fragrant strawberry is a favorite delicacy of many adults and children. This berry, as a symbol of summer, is saturated with the aromas of ripe earth and toasted by the rays of the gentle sun. Perhaps the longing for the past summer days is the reason why strawberry blanks are popularly loved? After all, this berry does not lose its aroma or taste during heat treatment.

One of the most popular recipes for blanks is strawberry jelly. Cooking it is not at all difficult, it is well stored, but the main advantage of this delicacy is that it can turn any frosty winter evening into a real holiday.

Berries for jelly

Ideally, only the most beautiful fruits are used for conservation. But strawberry jelly, the recipe of which involves pureing, can be prepared from almost any berry. The only condition is the absence of unripe and rotten ones.

The collected berries must be very scrupulously sorted out, the whole unformat should be thrown away, and the stalks should be torn off.

How to make jelly

Everyone knows that making jelly is a very simple matter. It is enough to mix berry syrup or juice with swollen gelatin and sugar and send to harden. After a few hours, you will be able to enjoy a delicious dessert. Another thing is strawberry jelly for the winter. It should not only be tasty and beautiful, but also stand for at least a few months. Because the cooking technology has its own nuances.

And yet, there is nothing complicated. Any hostess who has at least minimal experience in preparing homemade preparations will cope with this dish. So, we are preparing a delicious strawberry jelly.

Recipe for the winter:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 40 g.


We make puree from prepared berries. It is best to use a blender. We fall asleep sugar and let it stand for a while so that its crystals dissolve and the berries release juice. At this time, steam the gelatin in a small amount of hot water.

Mix gelatin with berry puree, mix thoroughly, put on a small fire. While our future jelly is cooking, do not forget to stir it.

We carefully wash and send to sterilize the jars in which our strawberry jelly will be stored, the recipe of which does not contain any artificial preservatives.

Be sure to remove the foam from the berry brew. When it boils, cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. After that, you can pour into banks.

It is advisable to hold the jars in a water bath or sterilize in the oven. Then there will definitely not be any problems with the safety of the workpiece.

Use in cooking and serving

To do this, it is best to use a silicone mold, then the cake will be easier to get. This dish can become the highlight of the program, for example, at a birthday party or at a beach party.

Gourmet treats with strawberry jelly

There are many gourmet dishes that use strawberry jelly in the recipe. They pour the tops of cheesecakes, fill tartlets, make decorations for cakes. Some chefs add alcohol to its composition and use pieces of this jelly to make cocktails.

Many of these dishes require certain skills, but there are some that any housewife can handle. Try it, your guests will be delighted!

For example, a dessert made from ripe strawberries, which is used as a base for filling jelly. In such a dessert, an increased amount of gelatin is used (1.5 tbsp. For 2 cups of liquid) so that the strawberries-cups keep their shape. For preparation, berry juice or decoction is used.

You can decorate the dish with powdered sugar and small pieces of lime.

Fresh strawberry jelly is an amazingly delicious, summery and very light dessert. Now in supermarkets there is a huge selection of various jelly that can be prepared at any time of the year, but jelly made from fresh berries at home cannot be compared with any store-bought one. Be sure to try it, especially since preparing such a dessert is not difficult at all.


To make jelly we need:

fresh strawberries - 400 g;

gelatin - 10 g;

water - 350 ml;

sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Pour gelatin into a small bowl and add 50 ml of cold boiled water to it, mix and leave for 20 minutes.

Pour the remaining 300 ml of water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Then add a glass of strawberries, remove from heat and let it brew under the lid for 10 minutes.

Strain the resulting drink (we will not need the berries that were in the drink).

Add the swollen gelatin to the drink and stir until completely dissolved. Leave it to cool down.

During this time, cut the remaining fresh strawberries into 4 parts and arrange in bowls.

Pour fresh strawberries with cooled liquid jelly and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until completely solidified.

Serve delicious fresh strawberry jelly for dessert, if desired, you can add whipped cream on top, then the dessert will be more high-calorie.

Bon appetit!

A light summer dessert can be easily prepared in winter. To do this, we simply replace fresh strawberries with frozen ones. Fortunately, they are now sold in any normal supermarket.

A classic dessert recipe. It is very popular with children and almost all adults.

You will need:

  • 330 g strawberries
  • 50 g sugar
  • 500 milliliters of boiling water
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 100 milliliters of cold purified or boiled water

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits with non-hot water.
  2. Then put in a bulk bowl and pour sugar into it. Let the berries stand for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  3. Sort the strawberries, when they have thawed a little, pour boiling water over them and use a blender to puree them.
  4. Next, pour gelatin with cold water and let stand for ten minutes. Then heat it over low heat so that the granules are completely dissolved, while constantly stirring the mass.
  5. Mix the resulting solution with grated fruits, mix thoroughly and leave for a few minutes so that it cools down somewhat. Then pour into molds and place in the refrigerator. After a few hours, you can enjoy an excellent culinary masterpiece.

Jelly with mint

You will need:

  • 500 gr. berries
  • dry gelatin sachet
  • 3 cups boiled water
  • for decoration - fresh mint
  • 100 gr. Sahara

How to cook:

You can make jelly from frozen strawberries according to another recipe.

  1. Remove the bag of berries from the freezer and rinse with warm water. Then place them in a colander and let the excess water drain.
  2. Set aside a few for garnish. Grind the rest in a mortar, or wipe with a sieve. Next, let the juice stand out and then pour it into a separate bowl.
  3. Pour the pulp with 2 cups of boiled water and put on the stove. When it boils, add sugar and boil until the granules are completely dissolved. Then remove the dishes from the heat and let the broth cool down a bit.
  4. Meanwhile, dissolve dry gelatin in a glass of cold water and leave for two hours. Then dissolve it in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. Now strain the cooled berry solution with gauze, pour in the juice and, stirring, add the gelatin mixture.
  6. Prepare silicone molds, pour cold water over them, put the berry mass on the bottom and fill them with the prepared mixture. Then put the dessert in the refrigerator to cool down.

Immediately before serving, dip the jelly molds in hot water (for a few seconds) and place the contents on a plate. Garnish this gorgeous dessert with fresh mint leaves.

Dessert is ready! Definitely surprise your loved ones with this dessert!

Video recipe for making strawberry jelly

Sweet, fragrant, tasty and incredibly beautiful strawberry jelly can be made at home. And now we are not talking about store-bought jelly from the package, but about full-fledged recipes, which, by the way, will not take you much time, but on the contrary will bring a lot of pleasure from cooking. By the way, did you know that jelly was invented in France?

The main criterion for fruit jelly is its transparency and color saturation. Transparent jelly allows you to pour fruits, vegetables and nuts and make the dessert seem to be voluminous. Any fruit is suitable for jelly, but the most favorite ingredient, especially among children, are strawberries.

Strawberries go great with milk, other berries, and fruits, even vegetables, chocolate, as well as nuts and cream. We offer 6 original, simple and fantastically delicious strawberry jelly recipes.

Recipe 1: Champagne Strawberry Jelly - Romantic Dessert

This is a really romantic dessert, it can be prepared for some special occasion or holiday.


strawberries - 200 g;

champagne - 500 ml;

sugar - 150 g;

lemon - 1 pc.;

gelatin - 4 tsp;

Strawberry puree - 60 g;

water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

Separate the lemon zest. Put sugar, zest in a saucepan, add water and heat over a fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now you need to dissolve the gelatin powder in the lemon juice, let it swell a little, and then hold it in a steam bath.

Prepare strawberry puree: combine strawberries, water and honey, beat until creamy.

Then you need to add gelatin to sugar water and mix with puree and champagne.

Take glasses from which it will be convenient to eat dessert. Put enough strawberries on the bottom. If it is too large, then the berries can be divided in half. Now fill the glasses with the prepared mixture and refrigerate.

Before serving the dessert, slice fresh strawberries and decorate the glossy surface of the jelly.

Recipe 2: Jelly with strawberries and milk

Strawberries go very well with dairy products. This recipe is simple, but the result is delicious and tender. In just 30 minutes you can make 4 servings.


Strawberries - 300 g;

high-fat milk - 200 g;

gelatin - 25 g;

sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;

vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;

ice water - 50-60 ml;

hot water - 150 ml;

mint for decoration.

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin in ice water, and when it swells, pour in hot water and stir well. Then you need to pour in milk, add sugar, heat it up, but do not let it boil.

Wash the strawberries, cut into slices, arrange in bowls. Gently pour milk jelly over strawberries. Place in refrigerator.

Before serving, the dessert is garnished with mint leaves. There can be a lot of decoration options - the same strawberry slices on top, cherries or cherries, coconut flakes, chocolate pieces or nuts.

Recipe 3: Spicy Strawberry Jelly

A recipe for connoisseurs of extraordinary dishes and those who like to surprise with culinary skills. Be sure to give this strawberry jelly a special, exclusive name.


Strawberry puree - 600 g;

sugar - 560 g;

pectin - 25 g;

tartaric acid - 100 g;

Tabasco sauce - 2 tsp;

powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

To begin, mix strawberry puree and sugar, heat over a fire until boiling. Mix pectin and 50 g of sugar, and when the strawberry mixture boils, add pectin to it, boil a little.

Now add Tabasco sauce and tartaric acid. Take a container with high sides, cover it with cling film. When the strawberry jelly has cooled down a bit, it must be poured into a container. Put the jelly in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

When the jelly hardens, then it must be carefully removed, cut into identical cubes. Dip each cube into cold water and then into sugar. Your sumptuous sweet and spicy dessert is ready!

Recipe 4: Strawberry Jelly for Winter

An excellent recipe for those who do not want to part with delicious summer berries even in winter. For a storehouse of vitamins, you need very little.


strawberries - 1 kg;

sugar - 1 kg;

gelatin or agar-agar - 20/6 g.

Cooking method:

Strawberries must be carefully sorted out, the tails removed and washed. Grind it in a blender or grind it with a sieve.

Place strawberries in a heavy-bottomed container, add sugar and simmer over low heat until a small amount of liquid appears.

If you use gelatin, then you can already soak it, if you use agar-agar, then immediately add to the strawberries. Strawberry jelly quickly pour into jars, because agar-agar hardens quickly. To prepare such a jelly, gelfix is ​​also used - this is a substance that gels the fruit mass, retains its color and taste.

Recipe 5: Strawberry Jelly with Honey

Honey is a natural sweetener, so the recipe comes with a small amount of sugar, and if desired, you can not add it at all.


sugar - 30 g;

honey - 1.5 tsp;

Ripe strawberries - 300 g;

agar-agar - 5 g;

drinking water - 250 ml;

· lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Carefully sort through the strawberries, remove the green tails, wash and wipe. Throw in a blender, add lemon juice and beat.

In a small saucepan, mix water with sugar, wait a bit for the sugar to swell, then add agar-agar and put the mixture on the stove. Stir sweet water for about 3 minutes and remove.

Add honey, strawberry puree to water and mix. Stir slowly and carefully so that the mixture does not form bubbles.

Now pour bright jelly into bowls and refrigerate. Jelly on agar-agar thickens quickly, so you can enjoy dessert in a couple of hours. Before serving, it can be decorated with chocolate chips or fresh berries.

Recipe 6: Strawberry Juice Jelly for Kids

For kids, you can make a light dessert from ordinary juice. If you give your kids juices from tetra-packs, then you can safely make such a dessert. Yes, adults will love it too.


strawberry nectar - 250 g;

banana nectar - 250 g;

gelatin - 1 pack.

Cooking method:

First, pour the strawberry juice from the pack into the pan. Pour half a pack of gelatin into it and put on gas to heat until the thickener is completely dissolved.

When the juice has cooled down a bit, it can be poured into glasses up to half and put in a cold place to harden.

Take banana juice and repeat the procedure. Now take out the glasses with the strawberry jelly and pour the banana jelly on top. And send it back to the cold. The jelly will harden in about 2-4 hours. When serving, you can decorate it with slices of fresh banana and strawberries. Recipe for very lazy sweet tooth.

Recipe 7: Layered Strawberry Jelly

Dessert for girls-girls: delicate serving, delicate taste, luxurious aroma.


Drinking yogurt (choose berry) - 400 g;

water - 150 ml;

sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;

gelatin - 25 g;

Fresh strawberries - 300 gr.

Cooking method:

To prepare the dessert, first prepare your patience, which will be needed when pouring multi-colored layers. Now peel the strawberries, wash and put in a bowl with sugar. Boil the berries for a few minutes after boiling.

Prepare a thickener: pour cold water, and when it swells, warm it up a little.

Blend the strawberries in a blender. Divide the berry drinking yogurt into two parts and add a few tablespoons of strawberry syrup to one. As a result, you should have three containers: with pure yogurt, with strawberry puree and yogurt + strawberries. Distribute gelatin among all liquids.

Take ordinary low glass glasses. First, put the strawberry paste on the bottom and send it to the refrigerator. 15 minutes will be enough. Next, spread the strawberry yogurt on top and put it in the refrigerator again. And the final stage - pour yogurt without impurities. As a result, you will get a beautiful dessert with a gradation of colors. You don’t even need to decorate with anything, but the taste is simply divine.

For strawberry jelly, very ripe berries are suitable, even rumpled and not quite presentable;

For strawberry jelly, you can use not only gelatin, but also agar-agar and apple pectin;

Berry jelly can be made by mixing only strawberry mass, strawberry juice and gelatin;

sometimes green tails of strawberries are left on purpose to give brightness to the jelly;

To determine that the preservation jelly is ready, you need to put a cold drop on a plate. If the drop does not spread, then the jelly is ready;

If you use vanilla sugar, then do not confuse the sachets with vanilla. The latter in large quantities is harmful to the body and will give the dish a bitter taste;

cocoa can also make a bitter dessert. Don't go overboard with this powder;

Strawberries are combined with gooseberries, bananas, and also with avocados, arugula, chocolate, rhubarb;

For a piquant taste in jelly, you can add a couple of drops of wine;

Do not pour jelly into aluminum dishes, this will darken the dessert and get an unpleasant taste;

Some housewives breed jelly not with plain water, but with sparkling water, as a result you get a dessert with bubbles of sweet water, which children love very much;

To get the jelly out of the mold, you need to lower it upside down in warm water for a couple of seconds;

Before pouring the jelly, molds can be doused with cold water.

Show your imagination when making strawberry jelly. In this dessert, you can show not only your culinary skills, but also your creative ones. The more complex the dessert is, the more layers it has, the more masterfully it will turn out.

Jelly is a sweet dessert that both adults and children enjoy with pleasure. More often, jelly is made from fruits or berries. Gelatin, agar-agar, pectin are used as a thickener. Fruit or berry jelly is popular not only because of its ease of preparation, but also because of its low calorie content and presentable appearance.

From frozen strawberries, jelly is prepared in almost the same way as from fresh ones. The only difference is that it can be cooked even in winter. After all, it is in the cold season that you really want to enjoy a vitamin dessert. The amount of sugar in the jelly can be adjusted to your liking. Making this easy and delicious dessert with a rich taste is a breeze!

To make jelly from frozen strawberries with gelatin, I take the products from the list.

I shift the berries from the bag into a deep bowl. Usually, if the berries are frozen at home, they are sorted and washed. Purchased berries must be washed.

First, I let the berries stand for about 20 minutes at room temperature. Then I wash them, drain the excess liquid.

I add sugar to the berries.

I bring water to a boil, pour strawberries into it.

Using a blender, I grind the berries.

I pour the strawberry mass into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, remove it from the stove.

I add instant gelatin.

I mix the mass until the lumps of gelatin disappear, filter. If you use ordinary gelatin, then it must first be soaked in a glass of cold water (this amount of water is taken from that indicated in the ingredients), stir and leave for 30-40 minutes to swell. Then add to the crushed strawberry mass, mix and heat on the stove over low heat, strain.

I pour jelly into bowls, molds or glasses. I managed to fill 5 small bowls...

And 2 glasses.

I let the jelly cool, put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified (I usually let the jelly stand overnight). I decorate the jelly with whipped cream or cream, fresh mint leaves.

Fragrant strawberry jelly from frozen strawberries with gelatin is ready!

It remains to serve the jelly on the table and enjoy the amazing taste!

Enjoy your meal!
