
How to store linseed oil after opening it. What does linseed oil taste like? sunlight will ruin the oil

fans healthy lifestyle life is getting bigger every year. People who take care of themselves try to eat natural products, replace medicinal and cosmetical tools folk recipes.

These include linseed oil - a product known for its properties since ancient times. Golden pomace from flax seeds requires special conditions storage, if they are violated, it loses taste qualities and may be harmful to health.

Flax is a plant cultivated by the Slavs from time immemorial. The range of its application is quite wide:

  • fabric manufacturing;
  • medicine;
  • cooking;
  • cosmetology.

Oil is made from flax seeds in several ways. The most gentle - the method of cold pressing, the absence heat treatment lets keep it all healing properties. Other methods: hot pressing and extraction (using solvents).

Linseed oil- viscous liquid golden color with a pleasant unobtrusive smell. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of peanuts.

At low temperatures the product thickens, and upon contact with air, it oxidizes and becomes covered with a transparent, rather dense film.

The product contains many valuable vitamins and fatty acids for humans:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins C, E;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3 and Omega6: linoleic, oleic, linolenic (in this indicator they surpass even fish oil);
  • plant hormones;
  • proteins.

When taken orally as little as 30 ml of flax seed oil per day, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many systems.:

  • normalizes bowel function;
  • heals damage to the gastric mucosa and prevents them;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol plaques;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the body.

Flaxseed oil is extremely useful for women, it normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also helps to maintain normal weight.

However, in overdose, it can be harmful: it makes the blood thicker, which can lead to diseases. cardiovascular systems s.

Where can you buy essential oils

The demand for flaxseed oil is quite high, so it is important to know where you can get it. If earlier it was possible to buy it mainly in a pharmacy, today it is sold in stores and even on the market.

Flaxseed oil can be refined and unrefined, the latter is considered more useful, it has the most short term storage - a year from the date of extraction, and in an open package, on average, a month, subject to all conditions.

Refined oil is purified, components are added that increase its shelf life by several months, however, such a product does not bring much benefit.

Pharmacies sell encapsulated oil, one unit contains daily dose consumption, it is convenient to buy it in medicinal purposes. Its shelf life is 12-18 months.

Linseed oil quickly loses its properties at high temperature and contact with light and air.

Criteria for buying a quality product:

  1. Place.

It is better to buy in a pharmacy or a store. There is a constant temperature regime as opposed to the market. If the room is hot and the bottle is in bright light, it is better to refuse to buy in this place

  1. Spill date.

After opening, the oil retains its properties for about a month, so it must be fresh.

  1. Compound.

Quality little should not contain deodorizing additives and preservatives.

  1. Volume.

Due to the short shelf life, it is better to buy small bottles if you do not plan to use it in large quantities.

  1. When buying oil for bottling, you need to smell and taste it.

Not quality product will be bitter and have a rather unpleasant odor.

If the oil is to be used in cosmetic purposes, the presence of additives that increase the shelf life is acceptable. If the product is to be used as food as a biologically active additive, it is better to give preference to unrefined or buy it in capsules.

How to properly and how long to store the oil after opening

So that linseed oil does not lose its valuable properties, it is important to create certain conditions for it and know how long an open bottle can be stored:

  1. Temperature regime.

Polyunsaturated acids and vitamins are destroyed at temperatures above 23°C. The optimal mode is 20-23°C. In extreme cases, you can keep it in the refrigerator door.

At this temperature, it may thicken, but, upon returning to room temperature, it will return to its normal state. You can not heat it in the microwave and in a water bath.

  1. Illumination.

Useful elements lose their properties when exposed to sunlight. The place where the product is stored must be dark.

  1. Humidity. Flaxseed oil should be stored in a dry place.

Particular attention should be paid to the container in which the product will be stored. It should be made of tinted glass or high-quality ceramics. It is desirable that it has a narrowed and hermetically sealed neck - this will reduce the contact of oil with air. The best option is a small brown glass bottle with natural cork.

After opening the bottle unrefined oil can be stored for 2-4 weeks, preferably in the refrigerator door. In this case, sediment may appear on the bottom. This phenomenon is quite common for raw product and does not affect its quality.

Refined oil can be stored for up to 6 weeks in a dark cupboard (away from stoves and radiators) or in a pantry. Capsules retain their properties for up to one and a half years.

Flaxseed oil is used to support the work of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, it has a particularly beneficial effect on female body. When properly stored, it will bring great benefit fans healthy eating.

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to challenge the value of flaxseed oil. Its healing properties have been known for a long time. Today it has found application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and diet food. It is important for people who care about their health to purchase a quality product and know how to store linseed oil.

Types, properties and application of the product

Like all vegetable oils, linen is produced in a refined and unrefined way:

  • An unrefined product is more beneficial for the body, as it is only cleared of the debris that enters it from the seeds. All valuable substances remain unchanged.
  • During refining, the oil is bleached, exposed to cold, high temperature, alkali, washed with water, eliminate the smell. It becomes neutral, so the range of its application is greatly expanded.

Note to the owner

If you see flaxseed oil in the composition of the product, do not think that it is useful. For its production, a refined substance was used, which has no useful properties. It is these products that are used for the production of semi-finished products, baby food, baking, fats, spreads, as well as varnishes, paints, floor coverings.

Many people do not like the taste of linseed oil, which has a peanut flavor with a pleasant bitterness. For them, the pharmacy sells gelatin capsules, which have a number of advantages:

  • easier to swallow, no taste;
  • the contents do not interact with air;
  • in capsules, the product is only cold pressed;
  • available for use anywhere.

Capsule blisters are kept in a box and kept at the recommended temperature.

Indications and contraindications for the use of flax oil

As a cosmetic product, flaxseed essence is used to care for the face, hair, hands. The skin becomes velvety and moisturized. Hair is strengthened along its entire length, acquires shine and well-groomed appearance.

How to store "fragrant gold"

Oil from flax seeds- tricky product. Not proper storage leads to a change in its properties in a short period of time.

The shelf life of linseed oil depends on several indicators:

  • Light - the contents of the bottle are negatively affected not only by sunlight, but also by artificial lighting. Under its influence, fatty acids are destroyed. It takes half an hour to oil product lost its healing properties.
  • Warm - You can't fry with flaxseed oil. First, when it gets into hot dishes, it forms harmful substances called free radicals. Secondly, it can spontaneously catch fire when heated.
  • Air - oxygen acts on flaxseed extract as an oxidizing agent. As a result, a film appears on the surface. It consists of molecules glued to each other, which can no longer be useful. Therefore, dishes with the addition of flaxseed oil are eaten immediately after preparation.

Do you know that…

Flax seed oil is used either for medical reasons or as an additive to cereals and salads. Not for frying.

In a closed bottle

The label on the bottle contains useful information about the production method, production date and shelf life of linseed oil. It usually ranges from 8 months to a year.

  • When choosing a product in the store, give preference to a dark glass bottle to avoid contact with the product sun rays or lighting.
  • Place a bottle that transmits light in a dark place (closet, pantry) or in a paper bag.
  • An elongated neck with a screw cap or tight-fitting cork will protect the contents from contact with air.
  • Store an unopened bottle at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees Celsius.

Due to the low content of antioxidants, flaxseed oil oxidizes very quickly, so it should be used before the expiration date.

In an open bottle

Immediately after opening the container, the product begins to interact with air. Fatty acids change properties for the worse. Therefore, it is important not to leave the bottle for a long time with an uncorked cork.

How to store linseed oil after opening the bottle:

  • You can use the contents of the opened bottle for 3-4 weeks.
  • There is no need to purchase large containers if you are not sure that their contents will run out during this time.
  • It is necessary to make it a rule to pour the remains from a large container into a small one so that there is less empty space. This will reduce oxidative processes and extend the shelf life of the product.

Will a refrigerator work?

Let's see if it is possible to extend the shelf life of flaxseed oil after opening the bottle by placing it in the refrigerator. The manufacturer recommends that after opening the container, store it there. You can place the containers in a cool pantry or on the refrigerator door.

In other places inside the refrigeration unit it is much colder, the oil product will thicken. But if you hold it for a while in the closet, it will again become liquid consistency. Do not heat up under any circumstances.

What to do if the expiration date has expired

Spoiled linseed oil:

  • becomes more bitter (it is normally bitter);
  • dark color;
  • smells bad.

This means that harmful substances have formed in it. You can not use it either for food or for cosmetic purposes, because there is no benefit, but the harm is huge. It's a shame, but it needs to be thrown out.

Small bottles should be purchased so that their contents run out before the due date.

When buying, pay attention to such nuances:

  • buy only in trusted places, avoid market stalls, where it is hardly possible to comply with the conditions for proper storage;
  • the best place for such a purchase is a pharmacy;
  • the product must be made by cold pressing;
  • noteworthy product in a dark glass bottle;
  • plastic containers - not suitable packaging for linseed oil;
  • choose products without additives and preservatives;
  • pay attention to the volume of the bottle, not exceeding 0.2 liters;
  • do not buy an oil product in bulk.

Thanks to unique composition, the benefits of flaxseed oil are palpable. The main thing is to know how to choose the right place to store flaxseed oil, and use it without compromising health. And then wonderful well-being and appearance will delight for years to come.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Flaxseed oil can also be used in salad dressings, and added to homemade hair masks and skin care products. But how to store linseed oil after opening it, because then its shelf life is reduced, and useful qualities quickly disappear. Let's figure out how to properly store flaxseed oil and how to use it.

Features of storage of linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. Beneficial features of this product are achieved thanks to the content:

  • a large amount (in percentage terms) of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (lanolin), Omega-6 (linoleic) and Omega-9 (oleic);
  • B vitamins, including folic acid, C, F, vitamin E (tocopherol) and phytohormones, analogues of female estrogens.

Flax seed oil is used in many areas:

  • in industry - for the manufacture of paints and varnishes and floor coverings (linoleum);
  • in cosmetology, including for the preparation of home care products with their own hands;
  • V folk medicine and dietetics;
  • as food additive general strengthening and preventive action.

Dishes with linseed oil are popular with those who adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, follow the figure and prefer to use only natural products. But can you cook with flaxseed oil?

This product must not be heated or heat treated as epoxides, aldehydes, carcinogens and other compounds are released after exposure to heat. Eating food fried in flaxseed oil is dangerous.

Storage methods: 5 rules

The instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each flaxseed product contain information on use and describe optimal conditions storage of linseed oil.

After purchase, linseed oil is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 5 ° C. You can also place the bottle in the refrigerator door, but the container must be made of dark glass and tightly closed.

Such strict requirements are due to some features of the product. For example, it is associated with the following properties:

  • When in contact with oxygen a polymerization process occurs when a dense film of sticky fatty acid molecules forms on the surface. Of course, all useful qualities in this case will be lost.
  • Under the influence of heat and sunlight rancidity of the oil and the release of harmful substances.

It is better to use dishes with linseed oil dressing immediately after preparation, because after half an hour irreversible processes start, the product rapidly loses all its valuable qualities while changing the taste and smell. If the oil is bitter, then it is better to refuse to use it.

What are best ways storage and where to store linseed oil after opening?

Image Description

Rule 1

It is good if the bottle is made of dark green or brown glass. If the product was purchased in plastic container or a transparent bottle, it must be poured.

Rule 2

The bottle must always be tightly closed. Do not store oil without a lid.

The ideal option is a lid with a dense plastic or natural cork. It is extremely important to minimize contact with air so that the product does not deteriorate.

Rule 3

Optimum storage conditions - in the refrigerator. In a place where it will not freeze and crystallize.

You can also hide the bottle in a kitchen cabinet or cellar, as long as it is cool (up to 23 °C) and dark.

The shelf life directly affects the useful qualities of the product, so it is important to observe the temperature regime.

Rule 4

For oil, it is better when there is no light at all. A dark and cool place - a nightstand, locker or cellar - is what you need.

Rule 5

Do not forget that the shelf life of flaxseed oil shortens after opening the bottle.

If pronounced rancidity is felt, the expiration date has expired, and the product is not suitable for internal use.

It is advisable to purchase linseed oil in small dark glass bottles with tight lid as in the photo. The likelihood that you will spend liter container in a fairly short time - is minimal, but small containers are easier to store.

Manufacturers may provide different information about expiration dates. But usually the shelf life after opening does not exceed a month (30 days). Ideally, the contents of the bottle should be consumed within two weeks.

The shelf life of oil in its original packaging without integrity damage can vary from six months to 12 months. Therefore, when buying, choose the bottle whose contents are “fresher”.

Where to use expired flaxseed oil? Unfortunately, like any spoiled product, it will have to be thrown away. Some manage to use it as a component of hair masks, but you should not expect a positive and healing effect.


beautiful appearance and good health- the price of a proper lifestyle and healthy nutrition. The use of flaxseed oil in food and in the creation of homemade beauty products for personal care is extremely useful, because rare product boasts such a rich composition.

Maximum saving of all useful qualities during the entire shelf life is achieved if the storage conditions are observed. I talked about this in detail. The video in this article will reinforce the words with visual instructions. And if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.

Linseed oil is a very popular product. This is due to its benefits. Therefore, it has become easier to find it on store shelves, but not everywhere yet. People often buy it in advance, and this naturally raises the question, what is the shelf life of flaxseed oil in general, and especially after opening the bottle?

Does the benefit depend on storage conditions?

  • during cosmetic procedures;
  • for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
  • to add to food;
  • with diets;
  • in order to improve the condition of the hair.

Dosage and number of doses in each case is different. And often open bottle stored for quite a long time, so it is important to pay attention to how and where it is stored. Spin from flaxseeds- the product is natural, storage in the wrong conditions can lead to the loss of its useful qualities.

Flaxseed oil is an old Russian product rich in essential fatty acids.

Let's look at what happens to the product after opening the bottle. The concentration of fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 in it is so high that when interacting with air, the oily liquid dries up and turns into a more solid substance, a film forms on the surface. At the same time, useful qualities are lost.

How to store

Since many use the oil as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, it is better to know how long you can use it already. open product, what is the shelf life of linseed oil after opening, how and where to store it.

Knowing a number of rules will help you:

  • After the first use, you can not leave the container open, make sure that the lid of the container is tightly closed.
  • If the product is used as a food additive for salads, cereals and other dishes, then the dishes should be consumed immediately after preparation in order to avoid oxidation of flax in the air and loss of product quality.
  • The refrigerator is considered an ideal place in which a natural, unrefined product is stored. The main thing is to choose the department that allows you to maintain a certain temperature - up to + 10˚C, at too low temperatures the oil thickens.
  • If sediment has formed in the bottle, you first need to determine its ratio. Provided that the amount of sediment is very small (no more than 1 percent of the total mass), linseed oil remains suitable for its intended use.
  • Refined oil must be stored in a dark and cool place, the storage temperature should not exceed +23˚C.
  • If the bottle is not purchased for frequent use, then it is better not to buy a lot of it and limit yourself to a small volume (for example, 100 ml).
  • Be sure to read the expiration date on the product label. It may vary depending on the manufacturer from 3 months to a year. The expiration date is usually indicated for unopened packaging, which must be taken into account.
  • You can determine the freshness of the oil by its taste and smell: fresh product practically does not smell, unrefined has a slightly bitter aftertaste. And if there is noticeable rancidity, then it is better not to use such a product for food.
  • The standard shelf life after opening the bottle is about 14 days. If the product is stored in a dark and cool place, then the duration of use increases to 1 month. The same amount is stored medications, cosmetic products that are made using linseed oil, vitamin E and fish oil.

In this case, the shelf life directly depends on the method of manufacture of the product. Flaxseed oil can be unrefined and refined. The first is stored much less than the second.

What causes improper storage of oil?

When the rules for storing the product are not followed (the cap on the bottle does not close, the rays of the sun fall on the container, etc.), the product begins to deteriorate. And the longer these rules are not respected, the more useless and even dangerous to health the product becomes.

You can identify spoiled oil by some signs:

  • Perceptible bitterness;
  • The color changes from yellowish to cloudy;
  • There is a specific smell of drying oil;
  • The consistency becomes viscous, viscous.

If at least one of the signs is present, you should immediately stop taking the oil. It doesn't matter if it has expired or not.

About the benefits of flaxseed oil. Video

How to choose quality flaxseed oil

Of course, proper storage directly affects the benefits natural product. However, it is recommended to be careful when buying. There is always a chance that you can buy an already spoiled product, which will have to be disposed of at the first tasting. That is why it is useful to read some recommendations before buying:

  • Pay attention to the volume of the bottle. It can be from 100 ml to 1 liter. For a short course, the smallest bottle is enough.
  • For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is very convenient to use oil in capsules.
  • Carefully read the information on the package: date of manufacture, expiration date, manufacturer.
  • Sediment at the bottom of the bottle does not always mean that the product is of poor quality. It is often found in cold-pressed oils. However, the amount of impurities should not affect the color and clarity of the oil.
  • To be taken internally, you need to buy pure product, without any additives.
  • Purchase the product from trusted manufacturers with a high level of customer confidence and positive reviews.

Remember the main thing, linseed oil can be useful only if you are sure of its quality, which largely depends on compliance with storage rules. This also applies to other oils. Knowing the origin means providing for yourself and your family with a guarantee useful product and the vitamins it contains.

Another product that has firmly settled in the stocks of women who care about their beauty and health is coconut oil, exotic, natural and very healthy. To get all the value contained in it without a trace, find out what conditions it requires for itself in your home.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today Vladimir Zuykov is with you again, and I have prepared a very interesting article about how to choose the right flaxseed oil, how to store it and eat it. You will also find an interesting crossword puzzle on this topic.

Since it is winter, I often get asked about warming up and increasing the calorie content of food in order to fill up. So here it is the right oils, one of which is flaxseed, can help with these issues. There is a lot of information, so let's talk about everything in order.

What is the use of the product and why is it needed?

What I am about to tell you, many do not know, and for good reason. There are many different oils, but I will say right away: some are worth using, while others are not.

Flax fats are very necessary for our body, in particular for good blood circulation. Know that if the blood flows well through the vessels, you will freeze many times less - that's the whole trick.

Regular use of flaxseed oil has the following benefits:

How to choose a good linseed oil?

I'll tell you right now, choose good oil need to be able to. Just to come to the store and buy the first thing that comes across is stupid and extremely reckless. In most cases, you will get harm from such a product, not benefit.

Because I have already bought it dozens of times, I have decent experience in this matter, I will reveal to you the subtleties of his choice. So here you go step-by-step instruction by choice as I do.

1. The container in which the product is poured

When I buy linseed oil, and indeed any, I first of all pay attention to the container in which it is poured. I will not even go near the oil poured into a light plastic bottle.

Guys, this is generally a tin! What does a manufacturer who pours a product into plastic, especially transparent, think? PET reacts with light fats in flaxseed oil to form harmful compounds. But that's not all! In such a container, additionally, under the action of sunlight and air, the oil is oxidized, becoming unhealthy.

Therefore, I recommend always buying flaxseed oil in glass container. If it is a transparent bottle, then it should have a cardboard box on the outside so that sunlight does not fall on it. Sometimes it can be found in a dark glass bottle - this is also a good option.

2. Is it cold pressed?

Manufacturers often make the product in violation of cold-pressed technology. You can write anything on the label and there is no way to check it. For example, that it is squeezed out at 42C, but in fact the press can be heated up to 85C! This is done to increase the yield of the product. Will this be useful? NO!

Flaxseed oil cannot be heated, it produces harmful carcinogens. Squeezed out in this way refers to products that are not raw food, but are used by “raw foodists”.

3. Dilution with cheap oils

Cheap flaxseed oil is usually worth every penny because it is not 100% flaxseed. Cunning manufacturers dilute it with another oil, most often corn or rapeseed to hide the effects of excessive heat when squeezing flaxseed.

In addition, such a product is often poured into dark plastic bottles 0.5 and 1 liter each, so that the buyer could not immediately understand what was happening.

4. Proper shelf life

Look at the date of manufacture and the expiration date. Flaxseed oil can be stored for 6-9 months in a very sealed bottle and in a completely dark package.

If the bottle has a shelf life of 18 months, it's chemistry. I am already silent that some manufacturers can store it for 2 years. Just tin! What do they put in there?

5. Taste and smell of the product

Good flaxseed oil always has a slight bitterness (but not bitterness) and a slight taste of fish oil, but no fishy smell. These factors indicate a normal non-oxidized state fatty acid Omega-3, which, as you already know, is very abundant in flaxseed oil.

Know that bad flaxseed oil will never taste like this. Often cheap oil does not have a pronounced taste and smell, which is abnormal and indicates its low quality.

I note that if it even has a slight aftertaste roasted sunflower seeds, so it was not made by cold pressing, but by the method of industrial extraction (to reduce the cost of production).

6. Correct tare volume

No need to take in a large container of 1 liter. This impairs the ability to store it. The fact is that after uncorking the container, it is stored for a maximum of 3 months, and then it usually goes rancid and can no longer be eaten.

If you use linseed oil alone, take it in small bottles of 0.2 liters or 0.35 liters, they are usually made of glass.

7. Color and sediment at the bottom

Quality flaxseed oil is golden brown in color and has a slight sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

If the color is light and there is no sediment, we are also dealing with a refined product, which is not always good for health. Refining is often carried out using edible gasoline. We do not need such a surrogate.

If the product has a pronounced orange tint, then it is not cold pressed, but a hot press was used to extrude it. It already contains practically no useful omega-3 fatty acids, but only carcinogens.

Where to buy quality linseed oil?

If you are an ordinary consumer, it is quite easy to buy flax seed oil in a supermarket, store or pharmacy. But as you already understood, it is of low quality there and is not suitable for a healthy diet. Therefore, alternative sources must be sought. So where to buy best oil flax and which one to choose?

Option number 1

try various oils from manufacturers available for sale, choose the best. It is good if you are advised by experienced friends from your city.

I went this route and found only one good manufacturer out of several available in my town. For the rest, it is unsuitable for food or a surrogate. I don't recommend this method!

Option number 2

To buy the best, you need to start useful contacts with people who 100% make the product with their abs and, of course, by cold pressing. I will say right away that it is incredibly difficult to find such a person, only a few succeed.

You'll just have to sweat. Why? Because many have an oil press, and squeeze out the product correctly and observing ancient technology only a few can. If a person sells a product that he himself does not use, he is disingenuous.

Option number 3

A good easy way is to buy oil in specialized stores. Nowadays there are good producers, who do it conscientiously and are guided by people leading a healthy lifestyle and raw foodists.

They usually sell their products via the Internet, because they know that only here they will have buyers who appreciate the quality of the goods. I know one a good place: here is the link.

Option number 4

Buy a press + flax seeds, and make flax oil yourself at home.

Probably a good option, but why do you need so much oil and cake? In this case, you need to sell products to justify the cost of buying an oil press.

How to store linseed oil?

Keep at home and use linen product food is quite simple. But some people have problems with this. So I'll explain better.

1. Correct use

Cold-pressed product intended for refilling vegetable salads. Under no circumstances should it be heated. It is also undesirable to carry out any manipulations on it, such as emulsions in raw food dishes.

Council number 1. Flaxseed oil should not be treated purely as a dietary supplement, weight loss product or medicine. This complete product nutrition!

Council number 2. Do not abuse! Use it with such an interval: three months the product in the diet, then a month or two breaks.

2. Where to store the product?

It's simple here. In a dark place, away from heat sources and any electrical appliances. If the oil is sold in a cardboard box, then it should be stored in it.

It is advisable to store the product in the refrigerator, but not at very low temperatures. If you use the product within a week, you can store the bottle without a refrigerator.

3. Storage after opening

How much to store? After opening the bottle, it is advisable to use the oil within 1 month. Guys, it goes rancid and is not stored for a long time after opening. What do you think it says? That's right, about its quality.

Friends, at the end of the article, I have prepared for you a short video about linseed oil, where I clearly show what to look for when choosing and storing it.

That's all I have for today about flaxseed oil. Choose a quality product, store it properly and it will help you in winter time year and beyond.

P.S. Dear readers, we continue our winter crossword marathon.

Well done, who solved the previous crossword puzzle and sent the correct answer (positive). And now it's time for crossword number 4, which today is on the topic of the article, i.e. about linseed oil.

» Click to start solving «

P.S.S. Often people think that absolutely any cold-pressed oils are equally useful and necessary for us. But this is far from true. Some are better not to use.

Friends, write in the comment below so that I know if I need to talk more about this? Also indicate which vegetable oils you use now and explain why these particular ones.
