
Is butter good for kids? The role of various edible oils in complementary foods in infants

When the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods, cereals occupy a firm place in the children's menu. And then the question arises for young mothers: is it possible to add butter to cereals? After all, the well-known saying that you can’t spoil porridge with butter refers to adults and does not specify whether butter is suitable for children and, if so, from what age the product can be present in the baby’s diet.

Composition of butter

Butter is a healthy product rich in various minerals and vitamins. It is made by churning cream obtained from cow's milk. This type of butter is characterized by a high percentage of milk fat - from 50% (tea) to 82.5% (traditional). The product is quickly absorbed due to the low melting point, has a delicate taste and a fairly high calorie content (traditional - 748 kcal per 100 g). 100 g contains 0.5 g of protein, 0.8 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of water.

Content of vitamins, fatty acids and cholesterol

Content in 100 g
Saturated acids
stearic, g 11
palmitic, g 25
Polyunsaturated acids
linoleic, g 6
linolenic, g 0,7
oleic, g 34
A, mg 0,59
β-carotene, mg 0,38
D, µg 1,5
E, mg 1
B2, mg 0,2
Calcium, mg 12
Phosphorus, mg 19
Magnesium, mg 0,4
Potassium, mg 15
Sodium, mg 7
Sulfur, mg 5
Iron, mg 0,2
Zinc, mg 0,1
Copper, mcg 2,5
Manganese, mg 0,002
Lecithin, g 0,5
Cholesterol, g 0,19

Beneficial features

Many parents are afraid of the content of cholesterol in the product, but these fears are in vain. Cholesterol, which is present in all animal products, is essential for the normal development of the child's nervous system, as well as for maintaining intestinal health.

Vitamins A and D will bring invaluable benefits to the child's body, contributing to the formation of healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin A also has a positive effect on visual acuity.

The presence of a moderate amount of butter in the baby's diet does not threaten the baby with weight gain. Saturated fats are not stored, but are converted into energy that children actively use. In addition, saturated fat has another invaluable property - it protects against the development of asthma.

Introduction to Diet

Unsalted or sweet butter begins to be introduced into the diet of a child from 5-6 months. It is given to the baby after the child's body has become accustomed to vegetable oil, in the event that the use of vegetable oil did not cause negative reactions.

It is preferable to add butter to porridge, this will not only improve its taste, but also increase the absorption of starch from cereals by the child's body. Oil is added to ready-made porridge, and not boiled together with cereals. Also, the product can be added to an omelet or smeared on bread.

The amount of butter is increased gradually. At the first meeting, a serving of oil should not exceed 1 g (at the tip of a knife). If the product is normally tolerated by the child's body and does not cause allergies or gastrointestinal disorders, by the first anniversary of the baby, the amount of butter is adjusted to 5 g, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon. By the age of 3, with health benefits, a child can eat 15 g of oil daily.

Precautionary measures

The use of butter is contraindicated for babies who are allergic to milk protein. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake of the product. This can cause gastrointestinal upset.

It is categorically not recommended to introduce the so-called analogues of butter (spread, margarine, etc.) into the diet of a baby under 3 years old. These products contain various flavors, synthetic fats and flavor enhancers. There will be no benefit from the use of such analogues, but the harm can be serious, which manifests itself in the form of allergies and even food poisoning.

Product storage rules

In the refrigerator at a temperature of -12 to +6 degrees, the oil can be stored for about 2 months. Temperature extremes and high humidity should be avoided during storage.

Butter does not like bright light; under its influence, the amount of vitamin A in the product decreases. The product tends to easily absorb foreign odors, so it is recommended to store it in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Recipes for children with butter

Mashed rice porridge with butter

Delicious and nutritious porridge suitable for children from 6 months.

  • rice - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, sugar - a small amount.


  • Pour washed rice into boiling water. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  • Pass the cooked rice through a sieve or grind with a blender to a puree state.
  • Add hot milk, salt, sugar, bring to a boil.
  • Before serving, add butter to the porridge.


These cookies will appeal to kids over 3 years old. Children not only eat it with pleasure, but also enthusiastically take part in the preparation.

  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  • Sift flour, add sugar and mix.
  • Add the softened butter to the mixture and mash with a fork.
  • Make a well in the resulting mixture, pour in the sour cream and add one egg.
  • Knead a homogeneous dough, remove it for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Roll out the cooled dough into a layer 5 mm thick, cut into squares or cut out figures using molds, put on a baking sheet.
  • Beat the remaining egg, grease the cookies.
  • Bake for 20 minutes at 190°C.

Butter, which contains a large number of useful components, must be present in the diet of a growing baby. The greatest difficulty for parents is usually the search for high quality natural oil in stores. The main thing is to carefully read the composition indicated on the package and follow the norms for the consumption of the product.

Vegetable oil must be included in the diet of the baby. It has a positive effect on the development and growth of the child, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of many diseases. In addition, fresh food for complementary foods with oil becomes more varied and tastier.

However, it is important to maintain balance and introduce one or another type of oil in a timely manner so as not to harm the crumbs. In this article, we will look at how to introduce this product into a child's diet. And we will find out what kind of vegetable oil to feed the baby.

The benefits of vegetable oil

Vegetable oil contains beneficial fatty acids and proteins. The composition includes vitamins A, E and D, useful and important minerals. Regardless of the type, the product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of nerve cells, calms, relieves stress and tension.

Oils improve memory and increase visual acuity, remove harmful substances and cleanse the body. They have a positive effect on the work of digestion and regulate material metabolism. However, it is important to know that when heated, vitamin E is destroyed, resulting in the appearance of carcinogenic elements. Therefore, the child can be given the product only fresh, adding to an already prepared dish.

The product is made and purified in various ways. During mechanical cleaning, an unrefined appearance is obtained. It retains the maximum amount of useful natural properties and is the most useful. However, the unrefined composition is characterized by a sediment, the corresponding taste and smell of natural raw materials.

The refined look is obtained by mechanical processing and alkali neutralization. The result is a transparent formulation with low odor and taste. In addition, they produce hydrated products, intermediate between refined and unrefined. It has a medium odor and has no sediment.

The most refined is deodorized oil, which is purified under vacuum with hot vapors. It is practically colorless, tasteless and odorless. In addition, oils are divided into types depending on the raw materials from which they are prepared.

Olive and sunflower

Sunflower oil is enriched with vitamins A, E and D. The product is easily absorbed and digested, has a positive effect on digestion and skin condition. It also strengthens bones and prevents rickets.

The sunflower variety of products contains important and useful polyunsaturated acids, which ensure the normal functioning of the body. For dressing, use the unrefined type, for frying and baking - refined.

Olive oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of olives. This is a very useful product for babies and adults. It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, strengthens, develops and nourishes the tissues of the body.

The olive product improves coordination of movements and prevents mental disorders. It is easily digested and has a positive effect on digestion, promotes weight loss. Used in cooking and cosmetics.

Corn and palm

Corn oil is obtained from corn germ. It is the most useful and is a transparent, odorless composition, similar in composition to sunflower. The biggest plus is that it does not form carcinogens. Therefore, it is ideal for frying. In addition, it does not foam or burn.

On sale you can find only refined corn oil. It has a stimulating, softening and nourishing effect on the body, effectively improves immunity and cleanses excess cholesterol. This is a dietary product with a high content of vitamin E, which heals the body, strengthens muscles and prevents excess weight.

Palm oil is now often included in baby formulas. Many consider this product harmful. However, in a purified form and as an additive to children's, it becomes natural and safe. How to choose the right mixture for a child, see.

The palm product has a positive effect on the functioning of the colon, promotes the processing and removal of toxins, bile acids, harmful and dangerous substances. However, palm oil alone is not recommended. In addition, it is only suitable for frying.

Sesame and linen

Sesame oil is obtained from sesame seeds. The composition is odorless and with a pleasant taste. Sesame is useful for children, pregnant and lactating women, rarely causes allergies. However, in such a product there are practically no vitamins, but a lot of phosphorus and calcium, unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it strengthens bones, teeth and nails, prevents the development of osteoporosis.

In addition, sesame oil has a positive effect on the endocrine system and stimulates the brain. It is suitable for dressing "oriental" salads. Dark types are used for cooking rice, vegetables and noodles, frying meat and chicken.

Flaxseed oil is obtained from flax seeds. The composition includes a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. This product normalizes metabolism, improves digestion and improves immunity. A teaspoon of flaxseed effectively treats constipation. It is eaten only in a refined form and has a specific taste. In addition, it quickly deteriorates from heat and light.

Nut and soy

Nut oils are classified as exotic species. Such a product is a strong allergen, therefore it is not recommended for breastfeeding and small children under three years of age. Despite the allergenicity, it is very useful for the body, heart and blood vessels. In addition, it has an original rich taste.

If the child does not have allergies, you can add the product to meals. In addition, many formulations are used for cosmetic purposes, as they strengthen hair and improve skin condition. The most popular are peanut, almond and pistachio types, as well as walnut and hazelnut products.

Soybean oil is a dietary product that neutralizes the effects of toxins in the body and prevents the development of cancer. It is well absorbed by the body and improves material metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Soybean oil is also added to formulas and baby food, but it can cause allergies.

Other types of oils

  • Mustard is a yellow or greenish product with a spicy taste. Effectively kills bacteria and protects against colds, heals wounds, improves digestion and blood composition. Useful for children. Slowly oxidizes, so it is stored for a long time;
  • Rapeseed is often added to baby food. It has a balanced composition, but it quickly deteriorates and has a specific taste;
  • Sea buckthorn is useful for cosmetic purposes, as it quickly and effectively heals wounds, improves the condition and color of the skin. When eaten, this product strengthens the immune system and muscles, positively affects the functioning of the liver and heart.

How to introduce oil into the baby's diet

It is better to start introducing complementary foods with sunflower oil. This is done at the age of 6-7 months. Then they give olive, after a year, if desired, you can include corn, linseed, sesame. But carefully watch the reaction of the crumbs. If food allergy symptoms occur, delay administration and contact your pediatrician.

Do not give pure oil! Add the product to cereals, purees, soups and other dishes for babies. Start with two or three drops and gradually work your way up to a teaspoon. When different types of product are introduced, olive, sunflower and corn oils can be combined.

For the first time, add two drops of oil to the vegetable puree, mix and let the baby taste. Watch the child's reaction. In the absence of negative reactions, continue to feed the baby. It is important to choose a high-quality and natural composition. Be sure to check the expiration date of the product before using for complementary foods.

How to choose and store vegetable oil

  • High-quality refined oil should be transparent without sediment and impurities, without foreign taste and smell. Color - from light to dark yellow or green;
  • Choose cold-pressed unrefined oil, as useful substances and vitamins are better preserved in this composition;
  • Carefully check the date of manufacture, expiration date, composition. The label must contain data on compliance with GOST standards and the availability of a quality management system. International QMS and ISO standards;
  • On a quality product, the grade and types of oil should be clearly indicated. Be careful, these products are often counterfeited and mixtures of other fats are given out under the guise of sunflower! Such a composition can lead to allergies, poisoning, problems with digestion and stool.

Vegetable oil should be stored at a temperature of 5-20 degrees above zero in a cool and dark place without sudden temperature changes in a glass container. Do not use plastic or metal containers! Unrefined oils are stored in the refrigerator. Do not expose the product to light as it will oxidize. When properly stored, the unopened shelf life is two years. An open bottle should be used within a month. Use walnut and soybean oils with care, as they spoil quickly.

For a mother, it is imperative to know everything about oils for babies, since mineral oils and those restored after extraction can cause serious harm to the health of the baby, and it is better not to use some essential oils for up to a year.

So what can be used to massage and moisturize baby's skin? Naturally, it will be better to use all natural. So let's talk about the ten most useful oils.

  1. Coconut oil. It is recommended to use only refined products and add up to 30% to finished cosmetics. Used as an excellent moisturizer, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis. It is hypoallergenic and odorless. Creates a barrier on the skin that protects the child from the effects of adverse environmental factors. It has bactericidal properties, suitable for the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Ideal for dry skin, but should not be used on the face and neck.
  2. Corn oil. It is produced from corn seeds, it is transparent and practically odorless, which is very good for a child. It contains vitamin E in an amount exceeding 10 times the content of the same vitamin in olive oil. It is used as a basis for massage, if desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil: lavender - to calm the nervous system, chamomile - to relieve flatulence. If the child does not sleep well, you can rub corn oil on his feet, hands, back of the head, knees and elbows for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Peach oil. Can be used in its pure form for children from two weeks of age. If the baby has dry skin, then peach oil in this case will be indispensable. With constant use, the skin will become soft and velvety. You can also instill 1-2 drops into the nose before cleansing it. Suitable for the prevention of various skin diseases.
  4. Apricot Kernel Oil. For massage, it can be used in its pure form, which is very convenient and practical, because daily massage promotes muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, thereby accelerating the flow of lymph, and stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Perfect for moisturizing and eliminating rashes, to combat seborrheic dermatitis and prickly heat. Usually does not cause allergies.
  5. Sweet almond oil. Contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, suitable for use in its pure form. Helps in the fight against diaper rash in babies, helps with abrasions and dermatitis. Suitable for massage of all skin types, it is used only in a refined form, which reduces the risk of allergies.
  6. Shea Butter. Solid oil, can be used for sensitive and flaky skin. The oil has a large amount of vitamins that help it fight dermatitis and diaper rash and produce a healing effect. Used to relieve inflammation, irritation and redness. In a vulnerable place it is necessary to apply every day.
  7. Olive oil. Great as a food supplement. It is better to choose oil of the first cold pressing. You can start giving it to children from six months, adding it to ready-made dishes so that there is no thermal effect on the oil, in which it can lose its beneficial properties. In its composition, olive oil contains Omag-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D and K, which help the baby in his development. It should be added to food gradually, starting with 1-2 drops, bringing it up to half a teaspoon by the baby's first anniversary, and be sure to observe the child's reaction. Olive oil will help to easily transfer the child to adult food.
  8. Avocado oil. It is used in mixtures for application to the skin up to 10-15%. It has a healing effect - heals wounds, fights viruses, fungi and bacteria. It can be used in complex therapy in the treatment of skin diseases. Increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation. It can also be added to baby creams to protect the baby from the sun's rays.
  9. Lavender essential oil. You can add it when bathing a child or for a massage, after these procedures the baby will calm down and fall asleep easier. For body application, add just 4-5 drops to 2 tablespoons of base oil. Massage will help relieve inflammation and irritation, and improve skin resistance to adverse factors.
  10. Wheat germ oil. Very fatty oil, therefore, it is used on its own for rubbing children with excessively dried skin. It can have a beneficial effect on oily skin, because it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing dirt from entering the skin pores. Accelerates metabolism, detoxifies and improves elasticity.

In order for the massage to bring a pleasant sensation to the child, the following rules must be observed:

  • hands should move easily over the skin, that is, with poor sliding, additional irritation may occur;
  • we apply the oil on our palms, rub it and warm it so that it is by no means cold;
  • start standing from the feet and continue to move up;
  • the first time you use oil or ready-made formula, first apply a small amount on the wrist, and the next day check if the child has allergies;
  • be sure to follow the reaction of the baby, it is very important that all procedures evoke only positive emotions in him.

Enter in lure oil needed when the baby is 5-6 months old. First - vegetable, and a little later - creamy. The first dose should be scanty and fit on the tip of a knife, that is, it should be about 1 gram (this is a couple of drops). Moreover, vegetable oil is added to vegetable and meat complementary foods (better - olive, the first cold pressing), and butter - to porridge. It is important that in the second case it is about products made from cream (fat content - at least 82.5%). Less fatty foods have a different name - spread - and various nutritional supplements replace the natural basis in them. It is also important to remember that an oil additive will be superfluous in a jar of complementary foods: it already contains it in the form of the required amount of animal and vegetable fats.

Why do children need oil?

If your little one ate canned (purchased) food - vegetable oil he already knows well. It is added to store-bought purees in order to be better absorbed. Therefore, if you cook a vegetable dish yourself, you can safely drop a drop of olive oil into it. And the cream product goes well with cereal starchy porridge. But you need to add it directly to the plate, because during the boiling process, vitamins are destroyed, and harmful saturated fatty acids are formed from useful unsaturated fatty acids.

By the year, the daily "oil" norm for the little one will be 3-5 grams. But margarine and other “lightness” (spreads) are contraindicated for babies.

Choosing the first vegetable oil for children, it is best to stay on the olive. It has almost as many fatty acids as breast milk. Over time, it can begin to alternate with sunflower and corn. And closer to two years, also give rapeseed and soy. They are part of the store canned puree. But when buying such food, you should always check the composition for the presence of GMOs.

Olive and more oil for children plays another important role - provides the body with cholesterol. In small quantities, it is simply necessary, since it is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and the production of vitamin D, and is also part of the cell membrane, and is necessary for a number of digestive processes. That is, without cholesterol, the development of a baby, including intellectual development, can be disturbed. But, we repeat, one should strictly adhere to the established norms, since the “oil blow” to the liver and pancreas can be very noticeable. It is also necessary to carefully add it to infants with intolerance to cow protein.

Vegetable oil for children

This product contains vitamin E, as well as unsaturated fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. Meanwhile, such compounds are needed for the retina and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, the grown-up peanut should be taught as early as possible to salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with olive (sunflower, corn, soy) oil. It can also be added to vegetable purees and soups. It is also great for cooking fried foods, since it is not afraid of heat treatment and no carcinogens harmful to the body are released. But, of course, fried will appear on the menu of your child not earlier than he turns one year old.

Adding butter to food

It is necessary to introduce butter made from cream into complementary foods in a timely manner and without fail. Moreover, when the time comes, it should be present in your child's menu daily (of course, in small doses), providing the body with vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, calcium, phospholipids, amino acids. If vegetable oil for children is offered at 5-6 months, then a cream product is offered at 6-7. Six-month-olds who eat mixtures - early, and those who are breastfed - later. If your child has allergies, be sure to check with your pediatrician before injectingbutter food. But, we repeat, giving it to a baby is very useful. After all, it is a source of energy, an indispensable element that ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hormonal system, vision, hair, muscle and bone tissue. The unique property of "creamy" is its ability to heal wounds and sores in the stomach and duodenum. It also normalizes digestion. Contributes to the treatment of complex diseases of the bronchi, skin ailments, colds, tuberculosis. Protects the young body from infections.

Butter for children is beginning to be introduced along with cereals, that is, cereals. First - 2-4 grams per day. By the year, the norm is 5-6 grams. By the age of three, the karpuz should consume about 15 grams, and after 4 years - 25.

Finally, we repeat once again: choosing, what kind of oil to give the child, in no case should you buy a spread. Indeed, this product contains elements harmful to the baby - flavoring additives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavors ... And it is not difficult to distinguish a natural product from a substitute: at the legislative level it is forbidden to hide that a spread is a spread

Part vegetable oil includes polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary for normal metabolism, as well as for the formation of the membrane of body cells. Not only adults, but also children should use such oil, since it contains vitamin E, which is important for the development of the child. In addition, vegetable oils are characterized by laxative and choleretic properties.

Nutritional value of vegetable oil.

There are several species vegetable oil, each of which has its own value.

1. Sunflower oil includes vitamin E, omega-6 acids.

2. Corn oil has the same properties, which is sunflower.

3. Olive oil is considered the most easily digestible. In addition, it is stored the longest, since it includes many antioxidants. Such oil must be included in the child's diet, as it helps to increase metabolism, strengthens the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems.

4. Linseed oil contains omega-3 acids. This oil stabilizes the functioning of the intestines of the child, and also strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the skin and has a laxative property.

At what age can you give vegetable oil to a child?

Experts say that it is possible to introduce vegetable oil into the diet of crumbs, starting from the age of five months. First, you need to add 1-2 drops to the food. At the same time, be sure to pay attention to how it reacts to this. organism child. If no allergic reactions appear, gradually increase the dose of oil so that by the age of one year the little one consumes about 3-5 grams per day.

If your child is over 3 years old daily dose vegetable oil should be 10-16 grams. Try to get your child to use different oils so that his body absorbs as many different substances as possible. Just alternate views.

Rules for choosing vegetable oil for a baby.

Of course, the vegetable oil that is used in the nutrition of the child should be quality. Before purchasing an oil, read the label carefully to avoid buying a blend with inferior quality oils.

Never give to kid oil without first tasting it. High quality oil will have a pleasant smell, beautiful and transparent color without turbidity. In addition, it should not be bitter.

Vegetable oils are refined and unrefined. Their main difference from each other is degree of purification. Unrefined oil is purified only from various mechanical additives, so they may contain residual herbicides. Such oil is forbidden to give to children who have not reached the age of three.

Refined oil subjected to special cleaning. Flavorings, aromas, coloring ingredients and free fatty acids are removed from such oil. That is why such vegetable oil is considered hypoallergenic and can be given to babies from the age of five months. But, despite this, it is still necessary to monitor the response of the child's body in order to avoid serious consequences.
