
How to paint coconut flakes? Coconut flakes: analysis of the composition, benefits and harms to the body, storage conditions. Rating of the best manufacturers

There is not always colored coconut flakes on the market, and in that case it comes across, then the color or color is not the one that is needed at that moment. There is an opportunity to simply correct the situation - to paint the usual snow-white coconut flakes.

For this we need coconut flakes. white color and colored food colorings. Only dry food colorings (in powder) or food coloring in tubes are suitable (according to the mixture, it is like toothpaste).
We sleep off required amount snow-white shavings plastic bag ik. There we squeeze a little food paint out of the tube. We clamp the top of the bag with one hand so that the chips do not spill out, and with the other we simply squeeze and rub the bag with chips (as if we are washing a small thing). The chips are evenly colored and acquire the right color. In that case, you want to get a more saturated color, add a little more paint and repeat the process. It is possible to connect different dyes, then you get more colors and flowers, but this must be done in a separate bowl. Squeeze out a little dye of various colors and stir thoroughly, later add to the snow-white shavings.
It is possible to store it in bags, tying it tightly and folding it into some kind of jar with a lid.

In that case, the dye is in powder, that is, it is possible to simply pour the dye and snow-white shavings into a hermetically sealed container and shake vigorously - the shavings will quickly become colored. To get a chip coffee color use cocoa powder.

Materials provided from the website www.otvetin.ru

We have already been sufficiently frightened by the harmfulness of industrial food dyes. Therefore, the question of how to prepare natural food colors at home is becoming increasingly relevant. Old cookbooks, by the way...

We have already been sufficiently frightened by the harmfulness of industrial food dyes. Therefore, the question of how to prepare natural food colors at home is becoming increasingly relevant.

Old cookbooks, by the way, contained such recipes in abundance. Previously, housewives made them themselves, not suspecting that it was these dyes that were the most beneficial to health. Where can I get ingredients for food coloring? Yes, in the nearest vegetable department!

How to prepare dye?

It is necessary to boil the vegetables of the corresponding color, mash in a puree and rub through a very fine sieve. Then boil the liquid in an open saucepan over high heat.

If you add 2 teaspoons of sugar to the resulting mass, it will become thicker and more convenient for working with confectionery. Such a dye is also suitable for a dessert with multi-colored whipped cream. Please note that for colored whipped cream, you need to add the dye after frothing.

How to prepare colored powder?

To do this, use coconut. You need to combine 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes with 1-2 teaspoons of dye in a bowl, let it soak in, after which the bright powder for cakes or cupcakes is ready.

How do you make colored frosting?

Mix the resulting dye with powdered sugar to a pasty state and then cover the cake or pastries. Keep natural dyes(without sugar) you can only 1-2 days.

Concentrated sugar dye can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. It can also be frozen in molds and used as needed.

And now some recipes for delicious paint:

  1. Yellow-red dye is obtained from carrot puree.
  2. Green dye is obtained from mashed spinach.
  3. Spinach dye has a pleasant sour taste and does not lose color when heated.
  4. They can color not only confectionery, but also jellies, drinks, butter for sandwiches.
  5. Lilac dye - lilac cabbage puree.
  6. Pink dye can be made from beetroot puree.
  7. Brown dye is made from dissolved cocoa powder and melted chocolate.
  8. A bright yellow dye can be obtained using saffron. A pinch of this spice should be soaked for a day in a small amount of water. The paint is bright and durable. Widely used in desserts and pastries.
  9. Red, burgundy and crimson paint of different shades is made from berry juices (cherries, pomegranates, raspberries, currants, cranberries.

Housewives who like to do everything with their own hands are thinking about how to make coconut flakes at home to decorate desserts. There is nothing complicated about this, we buy fresh coconut, food colors and decorate desserts.

It will take you 30 minutes to prepare colored shavings, from one medium-sized coconut you will get about 150 g of product.

- coconut - 1 pc.;
- blue food coloring

Ingredients. You can color the shavings in different colors, depending on my preferences, in this recipe I made blue shavings.

We split the coconut. There are several ways to free this huge nut from the shell. Pierce first sharp knife a hole in one of the three dark dots, on the top of the nut, insert a cocktail tube, drink delicious coconut milk. Then we tap the coconut with the handle of the knife, and when the flesh moves away from the walls, we split the shell. You can cut a coconut in half with a regular hacksaw, in which case you will have two pretty shells in which you can serve desserts to festive table.

We take out the flesh of the coconut, peel off the thin brown husk from it. white pulp rub on a fine grater.

Dilute in a tablespoon boiled water blue food coloring. The solution must be made bright, concentrated, and make sure that there are no grains of undissolved dye left in it.

We place the coconut flakes with a transparent plastic bag, add the dye diluted in water, close the bag and intensively knead the chips until it evenly turns into a bright blue color.

We lay out the painted shavings on clean paper, leave it in a warm place for several hours. When the shavings are completely dry, they are ready for decoration. holiday desserts. You can speed up the drying process and place it in the oven for 15-20 minutes (temperature 70-80 degrees Celsius, door ajar), but there is a danger that the color intensity will decrease due to temperature. We also recommend that you cook delicious.

If in the future you need to beautifully pack your dessert or pastries, then use the boxes from the Uni-Pack company, on whose website you can choose almost any packaging for your culinary masterpiece.

coconut flakes: where to apply, except for cooking? What harm does it bring to human health? The most popular manufacturers of coconut flakes.

Coconut can be found in many food formulations. Many cooks have shredded coconut on the shelf next to other seasonings and spices. But do they keep it right?
The composition, benefits and harms of coconut flakes and many other issues are discussed in detail in this article.

properties of coconut. Calories and analysis of the composition

At the time of drying the pulp of the coconut, useful qualities are saved.
Properties of coconut flakes:
  • Contains a large number of minerals and vitamins
  • Removes toxic substances from the body
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Has antiviral and antibacterial effect
  • Concentrates attention
  • Improves vision and memory
  • lowering cholesterol
The composition of coconut flakes includes such useful components as:
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Fatty acid
The composition of the chips, of course, is not limited to this. But these are the most active substances having positive qualities.
The calorie content of the product is almost 600 kcal. per 100 gr. This is much higher than if you note the calorie content of fresh coconut meat. Energy value chips: proteins - 13 gr., fats - 65 gr., carbohydrates - 14 gr.

What is useful coconut flakes for the body and is there any harm

Any product has both benefit and harm to the body. Coconut is no exception.
Benefits of coconut flakes:
  • Improves bowel function due to fibrous structure
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Normalization of metabolism
Positively, coconut flakes do not affect very actively with minimal use. But the positive impact is still there.
Coconut does not have a negative effect on the body. If a person does not have a predisposition to an allergy to a product and uses it in moderation, then there is no need to worry about health.

How can shavings be used

Coconut is used in cooking.
Where can you send the product in food preparation?
  • Decoration of ice cream, confectionery, cold and hot dishes
  • Add to sauces and dressings
  • As one of the cooking ingredients
Most often, coconut flakes are used in baking. Confectionery get not only an attractive appearance, but also a very delicate and pleasant taste.
Advice! If you add coconut flakes to the oil and fry shrimp in this, then with such a dish you can slay all the guests on the spot.
Creative chefs use coconut flakes as an accompaniment to meat and fish. You just need to make a breading of white shavings. The amazing taste will appeal to any gourmet, and the attractive crunch of the dish will make everyone around try it.
Chip decoration provides maximum beautiful view cooked meals. At the same time, coconut will definitely give its shading flavor.
Some craftsmen use coconut flakes in soap making. This allows you to add flavor to the finished soap. And also there is a small massaging and scrubbing effects.

Proper storage conditions

Many cooking lovers keep all the bags of spices and seasonings in one place. How to store coconut flakes?
Purchased coconut flakes must be stored in a dry place at room temperature. It is advisable to keep it out of direct sunlight.
If the package has been opened and the remains need to be saved for future use, then it is best to pour the product into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. This will keep the chips from moisture or foreign odors. If the product is left in an open bag, there is a risk of absorbing the smell of neighboring spices.
If the shavings were made by yourself from fresh coconut, then it is recommended to use them immediately. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, but after making sure that the chips are well dried.
If the product is bought by weight, then before pouring it into a jar and removing it, it is recommended to dry it slightly in a dry frying pan.

Rating of the best manufacturers of coconut flakes

The best coconut flakes will undoubtedly be those produced in the country where the coconuts are grown. However, you will have to pay much more for such pleasure than for a product of a domestic manufacturer.
The most common shavings from Vietnam in our country are:
  • VILACONIC GROUP. This company has established itself in many countries around the world. However, this product cannot be found in the public domain. It will take time to order and wait for the parcel
  • COM DUA NAOSAY. The most popular shavings among Russian confectioners. It is also impossible to find on store shelves.
  • Russian producers of coconut flakes
  • ROYAL FOREST. Most natural product. Large, with a pronounced taste. Reviews about this manufacturer are entirely positive
  • Parfait Decor. One of the budget shavings often found in grocery stores
  • Seasoning The cheapest, but popular among many others
Important! Experts advise against buying colored coconut flakes. It is best to purchase white and paint it yourself in the desired color.

How to make coconut flakes at home

More chefs and hobbyists prefer similar products make on your own.
How to make coconut flakes at home?
  • There are three small indentations on one side of the coconut. One of them must be pierced with a knife and poured into a glass of juice
  • With the help of a small hammer, you need to tap the nut to separate the pulp from the peel. The blows don't have to be hard. You need to tap long and hard
  • When cracks and chips appear on the peel, you can separate it from the pulp with a knife. If tapping was correct, separation will be easy.
  • Use a knife to remove the gray film from the pulp of the coconut.
  • Cut the pulp into small pieces and rub on fine grater. Or you can grind the pulp in a food processor, this method will take much less time.
  • The crushed pulp must be dried for a couple of hours in a thin layer on a towel or sent to a warm oven for several minutes
Coconut is ready. If you want to add a little sweetness to the resulting product, then it can be mixed with powdered sugar.

How to paint shavings: give a beautiful color

To decorate dishes, it may often require shavings of bright and rich color. In order not to run to the store for a new bag of products, you can paint the chips yourself.
One way is to use food coloring. Dilute a little colored powder in water. Pour the resulting composition into a bag of chips and mix well. Put the chips on a napkin and let dry. By the same principle, helium dyes can also be used.
You can also use natural dyes. For example, put coconut flakes in cheesecloth and lower into beetroot juice. After a few minutes, dry the chips. But in this case, the colors will not be saturated.

Coconut production technology: video

Many people use coconut flakes in their culinary successes. But does everyone know exactly how it is produced? The production of coconut flakes is a very interesting process. You can learn about how coconut flakes are produced in Malaysia from this video
