
Food coloring for mastic. Making and painting mastic at home

If you look closely at the composition of many products, you can often find artificial ingredients there. Fortunately, many of them can be replaced with natural ones when cooking. The quality of the food will not change, but rather get better. Thus, at home, you can prepare a safe natural dye.

In cooked dishes, not only taste is important, but also appearance. That is why professional chefs pay special attention to their decoration. Of course, most of all culinary specialists try on desserts and sweets. Beautiful curls of cream, patterns of sprinkles are easy enough to reproduce at home, as well as color cakes and cream.

As dyes, it is better to use not purchased, but prepared with your own hands. The result is also colorful, but safer for health. Food coloring at home can be used to color creams, mastic, jellies, cakes, sauces.

Food coloring at home: cooking methods

Food coloring at home can be obtained from various vegetables and berries. For this, juice is squeezed out of them.

Pink and red shades are obtained from fresh or boiled beets. A small root crop is rubbed on a coarse grater and transferred to a saucepan. Grated beets are poured with water so that it barely covers the vegetable. Boil over low heat for 50-60 minutes. The beets are thrown through a sieve, draining the juice into a separate container. Add citric acid to the resulting liquid at the tip of the knife - so the color will be more resistant.

Pink shades can also be obtained from berries. Suitable for this: strawberries, raspberries, currants, cranberries. Usually they are kneaded, after which the juice is filtered through cheesecloth.

For coloring second courses, chopped tomatoes or tomato paste are usually used. You can adjust the color saturation with sour cream or cream.

How to make green dye? To do this, stock up on spinach. It is usually sold fresh in bunches or frozen in small bags. Fresh spinach is more suitable for dyeing. It must be washed, cut and put in a blender. Chop the spinach, put on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it.

In a similar way, green dye at home is prepared from watercress. By the way, it can be used not only for desserts, but also for savory dishes. So spinach juice is used in the preparation of the traditional Chinese dish Bao Tzu. Spinach is added to the yeast dough, in which the salty filling is then wrapped. The result is green round pies.

A delicate lilac color can be obtained from red cabbage. It is finely chopped, stewed with a small amount of water. After that, they are crushed with a blender and the juice is passed through gauze.

The added cocoa will help color the cakes brown. It is also added to creams. Dr. a way to get a sweet brown filling is chocolate ganache. It is prepared very simply and, in fact, is a cream that can be used to layer cakes and stuff cakes.

For ganache, 200 ml of cream (preferably fat, from 33 percent) is heated to a boil and poured over 200 g of broken dark chocolate. The mixture is stirred until the chocolate is completely melted. Chocolate ganache is left at room temperature for 40-60 minutes and then used for its intended purpose.

In another way, a brownish tint can be obtained using roasted sugar. To do this, sugar is mixed with water in a ratio of 5 to 1. The resulting mixture is heated in a small saucepan until the sugar dissolves. The mixture should turn brownish (while making sure that the solution does not burn, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste). The resulting solution is used for coloring desserts and sweet dishes.

Orange color is obtained with the help of carrots. To do this, it is rubbed on a grater and fried in a small amount of butter until it reaches full readiness. Then the carrots are filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid will be the dye.

Also, the saffron spice will help to give a yellowish tint to the dough.

Sweet creams for cakes and pastries can be colored in pastel colors with jam. Currants, raspberries, strawberries are suitable for this.

Dyes for mastic: recipes

Dyes are almost always used to create jewelry from mastic. They can give color to individual pieces of fondant, from which flower meadows, decorative patterns, stripes, and various figures are then molded. Basically, purchased concentrated food coloring is used for these purposes. Just a few drops are enough to give the mastic a rich color.

Home dyes are used a little differently. The fact is that for saturation of coloring, you need to use a very large amount of juice of beets, carrots and other vegetables and berries. In this case, the mastic becomes liquid and for density you need to constantly stir in powdered sugar.

Of course, you can get a bright mastic by staining with juice, but then there is another minus - the finished figures will taste like vegetables or berries. It turns out that homemade dyes are not quite suitable for a rich color. On the other hand, they are indispensable if you want to give pastel shades to the pastel. All you need is some juice.

Mastic: recipe

In order for the mastic to be painted more evenly, it is better to make it yourself.


  • American marshmallow marshmallow - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -250 g
  • Lemon juice -2 cl. l.
  • Butter -2 tbsp. l.


  1. Put all the ingredients in one container and put in the microwave. Heat until everything is melted.
  2. From the resulting soft mass, reminiscent of plasticine, you can immediately sculpt or pre-paint it.
  3. For coloring, it is better to divide the mastic into small portions. On small pieces, you can choose the right shade by mixing the juices of beets, carrots, spinach. Having picked up the desired color, the juice is dripped onto the mastic and they begin to carefully mix and change the piece.

Dyes for mastic can be used not only for uniform coloring, but also for creating beautiful effects.

With a few drops of juice, you can give the mastic marble shades. To do this, apply a few drops of dye to the mastic in different places. Then pull it into a sausage and connect the edges. Next, you should continue to add the dye and then stretch and connect the mastic. Remember that the amount of dye to create marble patterns should be small. Also, do not knead the fondant for a long time - you can get a monochromatic color.

Homemade dyes are absolutely safe and can be used to color creams, sauces, and pastries. With their help, some tint mastic and homemade yogurt. The preparation of dyes comes down to the fact that juice or a solution is obtained from certain products, which are then used for coloring.

I want to make a cake and cover it with fondant. I don’t have the opportunity to buy food coloring, I’m always at home with my child. Advise, maybe there is a way to color the mastic with something so that at least there is a shade. I thought about beetroot juice. But then the consistency will change?

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Girls, please help me figure it out.

I want to start baking cakes with mastic. I would like to start with milk and sugar. What kind of milk powder is better to use? Girls who prepare milk mastic, share where you buy milk powder and which one. Powdered milk according to GOST I have not come across anywhere. And what about the baby dry mix? Some write that it stopped working on it? Is it so? Share what food coloring is better to use when working with this mastic? firms mastic (these main colors) is better to take? I read a lot of reviews about the mastic of different companies, and did not stop at any ... I ...

Well, let's start with

Why sometimes through the coating of sugar mastic, the base begins to shine through?

Any kind of sugar paste that is used to cover the cake is very sensitive to moisture, so it is necessary to protect the cake covered with sugar paste from moisture.
First, it is necessary to use dry biscuits, butter cakes or purchased biscuits as a base.
Secondly, do not be too zealous when soaking the cake with sugar syrup or liquor.
Thirdly, the cake covered with sugar mastic should be stored in tightly closed airtight boxes or plastic bags.

How long can a cake covered with sugar mastic be stored?

If the cake is wet, then it will take longer for the cake to dry.
If the cake is very dry, then there is a danger that after two days the mastic with which the cake is covered will warp.
It should also be borne in mind that in a dry and hot climate, the shelf life of a cake covered with mastic is less than in a cool and humid climate.

Why does sugar paste break?

When rolling out sugar mastic, it should be borne in mind that its thickness should not be very thin. It is enough to roll out the mastic to a thickness of 2-3 mm.
In addition to the fact that thinly rolled mastic can tear during the coating of the cake, all the irregularities of the base of the cake are visible under the thinly rolled mastic.

On what basis to roll out sugar mastic?

There are several options for rolling mastic.
1) sugar mastic can be rolled out on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar or starch
2) it is convenient to roll sugar mastic between two large sheets of polyethylene, which are lubricated with vegetable oil.

The advantage of the second method is that it is not necessary to separate the mastic from the polyethylene to cover the cake. After the mastic is rolled out to a thickness of 2-3 mm, it is enough to remove the top sheet and transfer the mastic on polyethylene to the cake, and only when the mastic already covers the cake, separate the polyethylene from the mastic.

With this method, I did not get a smooth surface of the mastic, because I used thin polyethylene, which, when rolled out, moved out and formed wrinkles. But I liked the resulting “structured” surface of the mastic, so I did not take thicker polyethylene.

I think the polyethylene that is used for greenhouses will allow you to get a smooth surface, since it is dense enough not to form wrinkles when rolling mastic through it.

How to make sugar fondant on a cake sparkle.

To make the sugar fondant on the cake shine, after you have finished decorating the cake, cover the fondant with a 1:1 solution of honey and vodka.
To do this, take a soft brush and, wetting it in the solution, apply a honey-vodka solution to your creation. After a few minutes, the vodka will evaporate and your cake will be shiny.

How to dye sugar paste black

There are many ways to dye sugar mastic black. All experienced cake decorators note that it is not always possible to choose the desired color quickly. Need experience and knowledge of the laws and rules of mixing colors.

Someone will ask, why black mastic, well, at least in order to make such a ladybug.

The first way to paint mastic black

Mix dyes of the following colors: red, blue and yellow. The ratio depends on the shade you want to get:
For neutral black: 1 part red: 2 parts blue: 1 part yellow
For black with a green tint: 1 part red: 1 part blue: 2 parts yellow
For purple-tinted black: 1 part red: 1 part blue: some yellow
For black with a red tint: 2 parts red: 1 part blue: 1 part yellow

I did this: I diluted dry dyes separately for each color in a drop of water. Then, taking as a basis the dye, which should be more, added the rest of the colors to it. I received a black liquid dye, which, when mixed into the mastic, gave a rich gray color. With an increase in the amount of dye, the color became darker, as a result I got black with a purple tint. I was satisfied with the version of this black with a purple note.

I didn't get a pure neutral black. I think this is because my red was not red, but raspberry, because until I could find a dye that gives a real red color. Dye E122 is raspberry or fuchsia, but not red, although it is called red.

The second way to get black mastic
You can tint the mastic brown with burnt sugar or make chocolate mastic, and then add blue dye to it.

The third way to dye sugar mastic black

Take black dye and paint the mastic black

How to store mastic and how much?

Any sugar mastic can be stored for several days, up to a week, in well-closed plastic bags or plastic containers.

There is nothing to spoil in sugar mastic, it is important just to protect the mastic from air so that it does not dry out and from moisture so that the mastic does not get wet.

A few tips for working with mastic from Marshmallow
1. When buying sweets, their name does not have to be “Marshmallows”. It is enough that the name contains a combination of "..mallows.." or "..mallow..".
For example, "Chamallows", "Frutmallows", "Mallow-Mix", "Mini Mallows", "Banana Mallows", etc.
In Russia, marshmallows are produced by the Nestle company - Bon Pari, tutti-frutti soufflé and Bon Pari, soufflé.
2. Powdered sugar for mastic should be very finely ground. If sugar crystals are caught in it, then when rolling, the layer will tear.
Depending on the type of candy, powdered sugar may be required much more than indicated in the recipe, so she needs to stock up in advance in large quantities.
If during kneading the mastic remains sticky for a long time, then you need to stir in and mix in the powder until the desired consistency is obtained.
3. Mastic coating should NEVER be applied on a damp base - on soaked cakes, on sour cream, etc. Mastic dissolves quickly from moisture.
Therefore, there must be a “buffer layer” between the mastic and the cake. It can be marzipan or a thin layer of buttercream.
If an oil cream is used, then before applying the mastic, it is necessary that the cake stand in the refrigerator until the cream hardens.
4. For gluing different parts of mastic figures or for gluing decorations on a mastic coating, the place of gluing should be slightly moistened with water.
5. When exposed to air for a long time, the mastic dries out.
Some figurines, such as flowers, cups, spoons, plates, tables and chairs, are best made in advance and let them dry well.
6. Marshmallow figurines can be decorated on top with food coloring.
7. If the mastic has cooled down and began to roll out poorly, then it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave or in a hot oven and it will again become plastic.
8. You can store underused mastic in the refrigerator (1-2 weeks) or in the freezer (1-2 months), after wrapping it in plastic film.
9. Ready dried mastic figures should be stored in a tightly closed box in a dry place. Such figures are stored for several months.

If the layer of mastic that covered the cake is torn

And all these seams, patches can be easily removed with a wide brush, which you dip in water and “plaster” to a perfect surface, smoothing the mastic and sealing the seams and imperfections. And where there is an air bubble under the mastic (I see that you have bubbles there), you can simply pierce with a needle and smooth this place with your hand.

What is the best cream to use under cover?

The cake is better to align:
- oil cream
- boiled condensed milk
– ganache
- marzipan mass

In the first three cases, the cake must be removed in the cold so that its surface hardens.

At what stage is oil added to the mastic?
I added oil when I sent the mastic to the microwave.

How to remove traces of sugar powder and starch from finished figures? polinad2007 wrote:

When we make flowers, traces of powdered sugar remain on them, and in order to get rid of these traces, you need to hold the flower over steam (a boiling kettle or pot of boiling water) for a few SECONDS. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the flowers will float.
This should be done with well-dried flowers.

Tata_Jez wrote:
Polina, and I have traces of sugar powder, starch, etc. I clean it with a brush when I cover the flowers with a gloss solution

How to knead marshmallow mastic:
The mastic should become homogeneous, dense, not porous, not sticky, plastic. If during operation the mastic becomes too elastic and hard, it should be slightly heated in micro, rumpled with hands, or if it is overheated, knead it in powder and work on. If the mastic begins to crumble, you can add a little water or lime. juice and knead again.

A little about the batch itself. I read a lot of tips on how to make marshmallow mastic. I am categorically against the complete melting of marmosets and stirring them to a homogeneous mass. I heat them up, wait for them to swell and immediately pour them into sahs. powder and knead. If they are overheated, the mastic will be grains and crumble. And one more thing, when marmyshkas are very hot (actually melted) when sugar is added. powder she (powder) begins to gather in lumps Pts. dense and these lumps then interfere with work ...

How to cover a cake evenly with fondant
There will be no wrinkles on the sides if you roll out the mastic with a large margin and when you start to cover, the mastic will stretch well under its weight and lie flat. Only the cream for leveling under the mastic should be very good. well cured so that dents do not appear during coating.
when I cover the cake with mastic, I have at least 10-15 cm in stock around the entire circumference. That's when she has weight and she can pull off. First I smooth out all this stock on the table so that it lays down without wrinkles, and then the sides of the cake are easily smoothed out. And then I just cut everything in a circle with a pizza knife, leaving 0.5 cm in reserve (otherwise the mastic can rise). Here is the whole secret.
And thicker than 3mm, I think you should not do it. This is fine.

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The consistency and cost of the dye depend on the preferences of the confectioner and the type of paint itself. Therefore, further we will consider in detail the main types of food colors and their consumption.

Gel food coloring

These dyes are used to color mastic, dough, cream, marzipan, macarons, ice cream, nougat - these dyes are thick and concentrated, which allows you to color all of the above ingredients without losing their consistency. Usage: a small amount of dye can be diluted with a drop of vodka.

Dry food coloring

As a rule, they are used for coloring flowers, figurines, i.e. applying dye to the surface of the product, which gives the dessert originality and uniqueness of its kind. They can be applied with a brush, either dry or diluted with water or alcohol. Some dry colorings are suitable for mixing with white chocolate, which will allow you to frost the cake in the original color. Those with a sweet tooth who will taste your unique dessert will be delighted.

Dry food coloring is most often used to add color, for example, applied with a dry brush to flower petals or leaves. They can also be used for painting small details. To do this, dry dye must be diluted in a small amount of water, vodka or alcohol (one tablespoon of liquid requires dye on the tip of a knife).

Paste food coloring

They are used to color mastic, dough, cream, marzipan, macarons, ice cream, nougat, but they are very thick, like a paste and even more concentrated than gel ones. Therefore, they need very little to achieve the desired color. For coloring 100 gr. mastic needs only a few drops of gel dye. To work with paste dye, you can use a toothpick or dip a small piece of mastic into the paint, and then mix it into the main piece.

Glitter (Kandurin)

A food coloring that adds shine to a confectionery product. There are two types of dry gloss and liquid. Dry - kandurin, which can be used both in dry form to give shine, and in liquid form (diluted with water or alcohol). Liquid glosses are already diluted pearlescent dyes, which, as a rule, have a large palette of colors. Such dyes are very economical, despite the fact that they are only 5-10 grams in a package.

Airbrush Dyes

They are water-based, which allows them to be sprayed through a very thin needle with a diameter of 0.2 mm, and makes it possible to tint the cake in soft colors without splashes and drops on the product. Using an airbrush, a cake already covered with mastic is painted. In this case, the dye is consumed less, but when eating, the mouth will be in the paint.

Food markers

You can also add food markers to this list, they resemble ordinary markers, but filled not with ink, but with food dyes of different colors. Very handy for writing or painting small surfaces.

What dyes to start with?

Gel dyes are best for the initial work with confectionery coloring. They can both color sugar paste, and draw on its surface (diluted with a small amount of water), and add to the biscuit dough. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve pure black and red colors with food coloring. Therefore, it is easier to buy ready-made black and red mastic. Gel dyes are an order of magnitude more expensive than others, but they have a number of their advantages. The dye is quite thick. The desired color is easily achieved. If you took a green dye, then when tinting the mastic, it will be green, depending on your desire, you can make the color from light green to green. When using gel dyes, you can easily achieve a bright saturated color. Can be used to paint some details or create inscriptions. To do this, a small amount of dye can be diluted with a drop of vodka.

natural dyes

Those who fight for naturalness can try to make natural dyes on their own. At home, they can be obtained from the juice of various vegetables and berries.

Natural dyes:

  • white - powdered sugar, milk, cream, sour cream,
  • yellow - carrot juice, juice of juicy yellow pepper, juicy pineapple, turmeric powder or saffron diluted in water, vodka or alcohol;
  • orange - orange and lemon juice or mix carrot and beetroot or berry juice;
  • red and pink - beetroot, cranberry, currant, pomegranate, raspberry, strawberry, cherry juice or red wine;
  • green - juice of parsley, spinach, sorrel, lettuce (finely chop the greens, put in a bag for a sandwich and roll out with a rolling pin; place the open edges of the bag in a plate so that the juice flows into it);
  • coniferous - add a drop of beetroot juice to parsley or spinach juice;
  • purple - blueberry, blackberry or grape juice;
  • brown - burnt sugar or coffee;
  • chocolate - cocoa powder, chocolate or mix red paint with burnt sugar;
  • black - activated carbon.

How to mix colors?

To get the right color, you need to know the color mixing table. It is especially helpful when only a few colors are available. There are three primary colors that cannot be obtained by mixing other colors - they are red, yellow and blue.

Mixing colors to get new shades:

  • To achieve pastel shades, you need to add white;
  • to drown out the color, to make it darker, black is added;
  • green - yellow and blue or blue;
  • light green - purple and yellow (2: 3);
  • greenish - blue and slightly yellow;
  • dark green - green and a little black;
  • light green - green, yellow (larger) and white;
  • the color of young greenery is green and yellow;
  • the color of swamp greenery is green and a little red;
  • bottle color - blue and yellow;
  • avocado - yellow, green (4: 1) and a little black;
  • pistachio - yellow and a little blue;
  • lavender - pink and lilac (5: 1);
  • sea ​​wave - blue and green (5: 1);
  • turkiz - sky blue and yellow (6: 1);
  • blue - green, yellow and orange;
  • dark blue - blue and lilac (1: 1);
  • plum - purple and a little red;
  • purple - red and blue (1: 1);
  • cold burgundy - red (predominant) and blue;
  • warm burgundy - red, blue and a little yellow;
  • strawberry - pink and red (3: 1);
  • dark red - red and a drop of black;
  • dark cherry - red, brown and a little blue or light blue;
  • dark pink - red and brown (2: 1);
  • hot pink - red and white;
  • cold pink - pink and blue;
  • peach - orange and yellow (2: 1) or red, yellow, orange, white and green;
  • orange - red and yellow;
  • apricot - red, ocher and white;
  1. The amount of dye may vary depending on the shade to be achieved and the fat content of the cream.
  2. Protein cream requires more pigment than oil cream.
  3. The content of alcohol and fat in coloring formulations can also affect the quality of the cream. These ingredients cause the whipped proteins to settle. Therefore, for a protein cream, it is recommended to choose water-based products.

A sophisticated sweet tooth can be surprised by new taste manifestations in confectionery products, as well as admire the colorfulness and originality of serving.

If we have already learned a lot thanks to interesting master classes regarding the preparation of yummy. The aesthetic side is assigned to food colorings and the ability (often desire) of the product. Now we are able to surprise not only with taste, but also with beautiful bright design.

Both a professional confectioner and a housewife can easily buy food colorings at any outlet.

Coloring modern additives are absolutely harmless, and can be both natural and synthetic.

Let's take a look at the range of the most popular food colors of synthetic origin: what are they, what are they intended for, and how to use them.

Powder dyes are the most affordable in retail, and the most inexpensive. They have a wide range of colors. In addition to the powdered state, such formulations can be sold in the form of granules in jars, sachets and stacks.

Worth noting: Dry food colors for confectionery actually have little in common with powder formulations designed for coloring eggs. In addition, they contain a certain percentage of salt. Do not confuse when buying.

Usage: They are used for coloring, creams, icing (white chocolate) and dough.

Mode of application: Powder dye can be used in dry form for sprinkling a confectionery product in order to give an interesting look. It is permissible to apply dry dyes with a brush on individual surfaces of the dessert. And also colored powder is diluted in water or in an alcoholic composition to color the culinary mass.

Flaws: Powder dye in dry form or diluted in liquid will not give a bright and saturated pigment. In addition, the liquid (in which the powder is diluted) can spoil the consistency of the cream, after which they will float off the culinary product. And mastic with an excess of liquid will completely deteriorate.

Liquid food coloring

Liquid food colors are water soluble formulations.

It is worth noting: Caramel is perfectly painted with this kind of dyes at home. It only takes a couple of drops to achieve the desired brightness and pigment.

Usage: Water-soluble liquid dyes are used, mainly for coloring creams and mastic.

Mode of application: They do not need to be diluted for use, the mixtures are sold in finished liquid form. Just add them drop by drop to the dye mixture until you get the desired color.

Flaws: Food coloring sold in liquid form has a limited shelf life once opened. The consumption of liquid coloring compositions is also very high and not economical, when compared even with powder mixtures.

Gel dyes

In modern times, gel food coloring can be bought almost everywhere, and not only in specialized confectionery stores, as before.

Gel dyes have a very thick consistency and are available in a wide variety of color ranges.

Mode of application: Due to the thick and concentrated consistency, gel food coloring is added to the product by 1-2 drops. The coloring mixture mixes well.

Flaws: Gel coloring compositions are an order of magnitude more expensive than virtually all food colorings.

Advantages: The high cost of products is due to the thick consistency, which gives a minimum consumption during use. Only 2 drops of helium dye, for example blue, give the dough or other product, namely, and not faded blue, when compared with other substances in an identical consumption volume. At the same time, the gel composition does not change the consistency of the dyed products, which does not spoil the future culinary product. The substance does not smell and is endowed with an absolutely neutral taste.

Paste colors for desserts

Food coloring in the form of a paste has an even greater concentration and density than the gel composition discussed above.

Usage: Paste dyes are used to color virtually all culinary products: cream, mastic, dough, icing (from), ice cream, caramel and others.

It is worth noting: The interaction of pasty food coloring with lemon juice (or acetic acid) contained, for example, in creams and other formulations, causes a risk of discoloration of the coloring. That is, you will not achieve the desired color. Just refuse to use it, and replace the water in the buttercream with milk.

Flaws: It has a negative effect on mixtures containing lemon juice or acetic acid.

Advantages: You can add brightness to the product with just ½ drop of colored paste. That is, take a coloring composition on the tip of a toothpick, and mix it into the mixture - you get a homogeneous colored mass of a bright tone.

Kandurin - pearl dye

The type of food coloring under consideration can be both dry (in powder form or in the form of balls) and liquid (already diluted with a liquid, for example, water).

Usage: Kandurins, the so-called dessert glitters, gels and pearlescent dyes are often used to decorate culinary products on the surface. You can also tint creams with Kandurin to give a pearlescent shade.

Mode of application: The liquid food coloring glitters are pre-diluted and only need to be used for a superficial decoration of the dessert. Applying liquid kandurin is easier with a sprayer. Dry pearl compositions can be diluted with water, vodka, neutral gel, or used in their original state, applied to the surface of culinary products. The dry type of kandurin is applied by powdering using soft fluffy.

Flaws: In fact, there are none, you just need to work with the substance carefully so as not to smear the entire product in different colors.

Advantages: Shiny shimmering surfaces of desserts covered with kandurin look more solemn, and the dye itself is absolutely harmless to health.

Fat-soluble dyes

This group of food colorings is considered separate, because above we considered water-soluble compounds.

The fat-soluble artificial dye mixes perfectly with fat-containing masses: fat cream and certain types of chocolate.

It is thanks to these dyes that you will get the desired tone and a certain color, mixing it with creams with a high content of natural fats. Water-soluble food colorings may not give the colorful effect that you want, or they will not dissolve at all in the cream. They can be found on sale in the form of a powder, granules or liquid.

Worth noting: Fat-soluble dyes can be found on store shelves, given that such synthetic compounds are more known as substances suitable for coloring paraffin or soap. Do not be afraid, they are as harmless as the above compounds. Just do not look for dyes designed specifically for coloring candles.

Usage: Fat-soluble dyes are used to give a certain color to dessert masses with a high fat content.

Mode of application: It is recommended that fat-soluble dyes be prepared in advance in the form of concentrates for further ease of use: melt cocoa butter along with a large amount of dye. The mass will be homogeneous and without lumps. It is permissible to store such a composition in the refrigerator in a closed container. For use, separate a small amount, mixing with the product to be dyed.

Flaws: Such dyes should not be used to color protein creams or syrups.

Advantages: This group of artificial dyes perfectly colors, without forming lumps, and without curling, giving the desired color to the products.

Spray paints, airbrushes

These kinds of dyes are easy to use to give the dessert a soft tone. But airbrushes and food felt-tip pens help create neat inscriptions on cakes, or draw individual small details on the figures.

Advantages: Sprayable dyes do not form drops on the surface, as they have thin needles that will not create a splash effect.

Bottom Line: The Best Dyes to Use

To use any type of dye, you will need experience in preparing and mixing. We can gain such experience on our own, even preparing pizza with dough tinted with dye, for example, in black tone. So we can at home identify which dye suits us best, and how well it dissolves in a particular composition.
