
How to open a tightly screwed cap on a bottle. Using nails and a hammer

Few people know how to pull the cork out of a bottle of wine if there is no corkscrew at hand, and practice shows that this skill is not at all useless. Situations in life are different, and it is better to prepare for them in advance if you do not want to spoil the holiday for everyone. Fortunately, there are many methods by which you can open the container. To implement them, you do not need to have any special skills. It is enough to follow the instructions clearly and adhere to simple rules.

The easiest way to remove the cork

If you do not have a corkscrew at hand, but there are other tools and devices available, you can try to get to the wine in one of the following ways:

  • tapping. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel or cloth. We give the container a horizontal position, start with the palm of your hand or high water plastic bottle tap on the bottom. We act in this way until the cork comes out of the neck so much that it can be grabbed with your fingers and pulled out. To speed up this method extraction of wine, the bottle can be tapped against the wall, again using a softening layer. The main thing is not to beat hard, otherwise the glass may not withstand. Another point - do not work for too long, trying to push the cork out as much as possible, it may suddenly fly out.

  • Using a knife with a thin blade. If not only a corkscrew, but also a similar knife was not at hand, it is worth trying scissors. We plunge the blade deep into the texture of the cork, acting strictly straight, and not diagonally. Otherwise, part of the cork will simply break off and it will have to be disassembled piece by piece. When the tool enters to a sufficient depth, we begin to scroll it clockwise, while pulling it towards ourselves. After a while, the element will easily come out.

Tip: When trying to open a bottle of white wine, it's best not to use methods based on high temperatures. Even short-term and indirect effects hot water or air on the contents of the container can noticeably spoil its taste and aroma.

  • Use of screws and pliers. To create a kind of corkscrew, you can drive a self-tapping screw or screw deep into the cork, grab it with pliers and pull. IN this case do not try to swing the product, this will only complicate the task. Just do not need to drive the screw too deep, at least 1-2 cm of length should remain outside. Otherwise, the design will be difficult to capture.

  • Use of nails and "claws" of a hammer. This approach works on the same principle as the previous one. But in this case, to open the bottle, you need to carefully drive several massive nails into the cork, placing them in one line. After that, we catch them with the back of the upper part of the hammer and pull them out.

If you act strictly according to the instructions, the cork will be able to be removed in its entirety, so that the quality of the wine will not decrease. And yet, you must act carefully so as not to fill everything around with the contents of the bottle.

Several original approaches

If the listed tools are not available or you just don’t want to use the above methods, you can try other options. True, in this case, to open the container, you will have to be even more careful. And any violation of the manipulation technology can lead to an accident and a spill of wine.

  • Lace option. We take a tight lace, tie it in a knot at one end. We pierce the cork with a thick nail or a thin screwdriver. Through the hole formed, using the same tool, we push the lace. We pull out the tool itself, after which we pull the free end of the cord, which will work like a corkscrew.

  • Use of a syringe. We take a syringe with a thick needle, pierce the cork through and begin to force air into the bottle. Under the resulting pressure, the cork will gradually come out. It remains to grab it with your fingers and pull it out. Don't work too hard or use the pump as some suggest. Under pressure, the glass may not withstand.
  • The use of a vessel with hot water. Suitable way, if you need to open red wine intended for making mulled wine. Just dip the container into a container of hot water. When heated, the product will push the cork out. You just need to follow the process and help the element at the right time. Although, if the bottle is level, and not at an angle, the cork will simply fly out of it and nothing bad will happen.
  • Heating the neck of the bottle. In extreme cases, you can simply heat the neck of the bottle over the flame, affecting the place where the cork ends. The element will fly out or extend far enough that it can be grabbed and pulled out. One caveat - do not immediately pour the wine. From the temperature difference, the neck may crack.

Despite the apparent simplicity of approaches, it is worth resorting to them only in the most extreme cases. Such techniques can lead to cracks in the glass due to pressure differences.

Not very aesthetic, but effective ways

If the situation is hopeless, there are neither heat sources nor the listed tools in apparent accessibility, we proceed according to the following scheme:

  • We just push the cork inside the bottle, using for this reverse side forks, felt-tip pen or marker. Only first you need to make sure that the neck of the container does not taper downwards, otherwise the cork will simply get stuck in it.
  • You can also open the cork with any sharp object. You just need to take into account that then pieces of the element will have to be caught from the wine.
  • Some stick a paper clip between the cork and the neck (it is first unfolded, leaving only one bend). After that, the element is turned and pulled towards itself, while catching the cork. To be sure, you should take not one paper clip, but two at once. Attach them on opposite sides.

Several centuries ago, hussars opened wine and champagne with a saber blow on the neck. Today, this method is no longer used, but you can still try to beat off part of the bottle with the cork. Such a composition must be filtered through several layers of gauze before use. Otherwise, pieces of glass may enter the body, which can cause damage to internal organs.

How to remove the cork from an empty bottle?

As a result of careless or deliberate actions, the cork may be in empty bottle out of wine. These containers are often used on the farm for different purposes, so housewives have to decide how to get the cork out of the bottle without damaging the glass. There may be several options for solving the problem, but the simplest, most affordable and safest approach is using a plastic bag.

  • We take the package, put it into the bottle bottom first, handles or the top of the container should remain outside.
  • We turn the bottle over so that the cork is located in the immediate vicinity of the neck, but does not lie on the bag.
  • We inflate the container, it should open a little in the bottle. We clamp the neck of the bag so that air does not escape through it and pull it towards us.
  • The bag will block the cork by pressing it against the glass. We pull out the package, a cork should be fixed in its folds. If it doesn't work the first time, we try again.

Despite the effectiveness of the above methods, it is of course better to use the simplest corkscrew. This will save time and get the perfect drink.

Try using household items. At home you can always find a lot of useful items.

  • Buckles of the correct form will do.
  • An ordinary fork can also serve as a tool for simple and fast opening. Using one of the prongs of the fork as a lever, bend the side ribs of the cover (one at a time) up and to the side.
  • Children's skates. The best bottle-opening skates are the expensive ones where the blade is not solid. Unfortunately, most people don't.
  • Automobile belt with a latch. Its use is not recommended. If alcoholic drink spilled in the car, you may be expected very much by the traffic police.
  • Metal nail clippers. Open them as wide as possible, slip one end under the edge of the lid and pull up. You should be able to hear the compressed air being released as the bun opens. Continue in a circle until the lid opens.
  • Use the doorknob on the side where the door, when pressed, will close rather than open. A little pressure at an angle and you're done, the bottle is open!
  • Potato peeler. Hold the bottle by the neck, and take the knife with the handle up. Pry off the lid with a handle from each end in turn. It will move but won't open. Then, holding the knife in the same position, hook the cover with the cutting part and pull it up. The lid should pop off.
  • Take two bottles. It is possible to open one of them simply by using the edge of the cap in a similar way to a lighter, as described above, but be careful because you may accidentally open the wrong bottle.
  • You can use a can opener with a ring. To do this, simply place the protrusion on the upper inner side of the ring under the lid like a normal corkscrew.
  • The side of a conventional radiator is usually efficient enough to open a bottle, and if a little drink does spill it won't be too much of a problem. Simply place part of the cap on the sharp edge of the heatsink and pull down with a sharp motion.
  • Clothes hanger, which is used in hotels (without a hook). Simply place the bottle under the bar, insert the cap into the hanger holder (connected to the bar) and use it like a regular bottle opener.
  • Rubber can opener. Just squeeze it tightly over the lid, twist and pull.
  • The hammer is another great tool. Turn it upside down, slip the forked end under the lid, and walk around the lid. Easy and hassle-free - of course, if you know how to use a hammer.
  • You can open the bottle using folded printer paper (the thicker the better). Fold the paper in half as many times as you can, and then hold the bottle as if you were opening it with a lighter. Wedge the corner of the folded paper firmly under the edge of the lid and push as hard as you can. It may take several attempts. Rotate the bottle each time to loosen the edges. This method will certainly impress the audience, although it is one of the most difficult ways open a bottle. Watch your hands, as in this case it is very easy to peel off the knuckles on the edge of the lid.

The work of a bottle opener is built on elementary mechanics - the principle of a lever, it is easy to make it from improvised means. Next, I will talk about safe ways open beers that are suitable for other bottles, such as soda.

1. Lighter (key). Instead of a lighter, you can use another flat hard object- a spoon, keys or a five-kopeck coin. Take an inexpensive plastic lighter in a stronger hand so that the lower part of the body protrudes slightly from the side thumb. With your other hand, grab the neck of the bottle closer to the cap. Insert the corner of the lighter under the cap, not the flat, flat part. Press on the top of the lighter, using the hand that holds the bottle as a support for the lever. The cork will bounce, then pour the beer into the glass, celebrating the victory.

The disadvantage is that the lighter can be scratched, and the keys can bend.

2. Another bottle. You need to clasp the neck of the bottle you are going to open with your right hand (if you are right-handed), then firmly press it with the bottom against the table or any other hard flat surface. With the other hand, grab the neck of the second bottle and turn it over. Place the edge of the cap of the second bottle under the edge of the first. Using the second bottle as a lever, open the first one.

After several attempts, everything will take a couple of seconds. This method has only one drawback - the last bottle will remain unopened.

3. A sheet of paper. An A4 sheet, a newspaper, a page of a notebook or a magazine will do, in extreme cases, even banknote. The thicker the better. Fold the sheet in half as many times as you can. Further instructions are the same as when opening with a lighter. If the paper is thin, it may take several tries, loosen the edges of the cork with different sides.

The disadvantage is that suitable paper is not always at hand, especially in nature.

4. About the wooden ledge. You can open a beer on the edge of a bench, railing, or furniture. It is enough to hook the cap on this ledge and pull it down sharply. Do not use metal surfaces, otherwise you risk pricking the neck of the bottle.

The disadvantage is that this method borders on vandalism, after opening the bottle, scratches remain on the wooden surface.

Other practical ways to open a bottle of beer are shown in the video.

Wine - delicious, and often healthy drink if you choose proven brands that have already gained credibility in the market. We do not advise to abuse even the most quality drinks: follow moderate amount and take care of your health. And in this publication, we will share seven simple life hacks that will help you open wine if you forgot your corkscrew or it broke. Simple but effective ways which have been verified multiple times.

Nail puller and nails

Take two thick long nails and slowly drive them into the cork - take your time, otherwise you can push the cork deeper. Leave such pieces of nails up to the head to pick up the element with a nail puller. And then carefully pull the product out of the bottle. If the cork is tight, try twisting at the same time - this will help speed up the process. Moreover, this is done easily with a nail puller.

Threaded hook and rope

Such hooks are often used as fasteners, they are common in the field of cargo transportation. If you have such an element, it will be easy to open a bottle. Screw the hook in like you would a regular corkscrew (but this requires more effort), tie a string to the hook, and pull out the whole structure. If you have strong hands and fingers, you can not use the rope - the hook is completely pulled out just by hand. But it is more convenient if the hook is bent completely. If it is only half-curved, you can damage the skin with a sharp movement - then still choose the option with a rope.


Chinese chopsticks, a spoon with a strong handle, a blunt rounded butter knife with the same handle - all this is suitable for opening a bottle. You need to rest against the cork with a blunt tight end (handle) and push down hard. The goal is to move the cork into the bottle, not pull it out. In order not to injure your hands, wrap the upper part of the device on which you will press with a thick towel. Put the bottle on the floor, and act from above, so the pressure will be strong and the bottle will succumb faster.


In the same way as with cutlery, use any object that pushes the cork in. The object should be dense, strong, slightly smaller in area than the cork itself, but comfortable for pressing. Whiteboard marker works great. A tube of women's mascara will do the job well - usually this cosmetics has a suitable shape. Comb handles can also be suitable for such purposes. If you look around, you will find a lot of things that match our description.

Women's shoe heel

An original way for those who find themselves in a hopeless situation, and next to them there is only a pretty girl in high-heeled shoes. If the diameter of the heel is suitable for pushing the cork, use this method. But don't forget about hygiene precautions: shoes collect all the dirt on the street, so wipe or wash the heel first, and then wrap it with something clean that will not contaminate the wine if it gets into the bottle. And one more thing: use this method as a last resort. If the bottle is opened by a man with decent strength, he will not calculate his capabilities and will easily break his heel. It is unlikely that such sacrifices are worth a couple of glasses of wine.

Towel and wall

Instead of a towel, use a blanket, blanket, rolled-up sweater - any soft material that will protect the bottle. Wrap the wine in a cloth and then tap the bottom of the cloth against the wall. Do not make sudden movements so that the glass does not break. With patience, after a while you will notice that the cork begins to come out. This happens under the pressure that is formed inside the container during tapping. Make sure that the cork does not suddenly pop out - then the wine runs the risk of spilling and all efforts will be in vain.

Screw, screwdriver, pliers

A method somewhat similar to the first, but requiring a different set of tools. Using a screwdriver, screw the screw into the cork, even a fragile girl can handle it. Then take the pliers, grab the hat and pull out the product. There is no need to tighten anything, since the screw already sits tightly in the material, preventing it from slipping.

When opening wine, always remember about safety: do not do it in light-colored clothes that do not wash well, think about hygiene and safety glass containers. In no case do not use the old method, in which the neck of the bottle is sharply cut off with a thick sharp knife. In this case, small fragments of glass get inside, with which you damage the mucous membranes and the esophagus.
