
Banknote cake. Do-it-yourself money cake for a wedding, anniversary, birthday with congratulations: ideas, scheme, description

Holidays involve pleasure, pleasant pastime and gifts are an integral part of them. You can always buy something practical in the store, but the more love and originality is invested in a gift, the more pleasant it is for the recipient. Therefore, we propose to combine practicality and creativity by making a beautiful money cake with our own hands. It can be presented for a birthday or a wedding and impress not only the heroes of the occasion, but also the guests. I offer you a step-by-step master class with photos that will help you do everything right and beautiful.

Making money cake

Money in an envelope is not interesting, but a cake made of money is a completely different matter. It is not difficult to make it, the main thing is thoroughness and attention to detail.

To create this cake you will need:

  1. Money. It is advisable to exchange the amount that you plan to donate at the bank in order to get a lot of small bills. They must be nice and new.
  2. Thick and soft cardboard
  3. Glue, paper clips
  4. Ribbons and other elements for decorating a money cake

Before you get started, decide what your creation will be. How many floors will it have? What size will it be? Answered? So let's get to work.

If you want to make a three-tiered cake, you will need three bases. They will all be different sizes. To do this, take a thick cardboard and divide it into three parts. You should get three circles of different diameters: 30, 20 and 10 centimeters.

Cut three strips of the same diameter - this will be the frame. Be sure to add a centimeter to the diameter so that you can glue it.

Now take paper clips and money. You need to wrap the bills in a tube and put them on the frame with a paper clip. Do not twist too tight, as you may not have enough of them. Also try to do it as beautifully and equally as possible.

It is necessary to do this procedure with all the tiers of the future money cake.

Puzzling over a gift? Of course, the easiest way to present money. However, the banal presentation of an envelope with money makes the moment of giving gray and uninteresting, and the person who gave such a gift is lost in the crowd of guests. The ideal option would be to present money in a very original way - in the form of a money cake.

Creating a cash gift in the form of a cake is quite easy. The birthday boy will be immensely grateful. It is on them that he will buy what he has long dreamed of. A minimum of time spent and a maximum of positive impressions from such a gift will be provided. To do this, prepare:
  1. Money (about 100 pre-changed banknotes);
  2. Thick and soft (whatman) cardboard;
  3. Paperclips;
  4. Glue or double-sided tape;
  5. Satin ribbon;
  6. Bow.
Determine the tier of the cake. The standard is considered to be a three-tiered cake. However, you can connect your imagination and create your own multi-layered monetary masterpiece. If the budget is limited, the cake can be made in two layers. Take thick cardboard and cut out three circles (bases) of 10, 20 and 30 cm from it. From soft cardboard or whatman paper, cut three strips 35, 65 and 95 cm long. The width of the strips in scale should be close to the width of banknotes. Glue the strips with glue to the circles so that the cardboard has a small rim. On top of the cylinders, create small petals. It is with the help of them that the frames will stick together. Start decorating the cake. Twist each prepared bill into a tube, about 2 cm in diameter. In order for the birthday man to use the money, you cannot fasten them with glue. Therefore, take a paper clip and attach each twisted bill to the finished base (tier). Starting from the left side, on the tail of the previous bill, place and fasten the next one until the cylinder area is filled with money. Decorate all three tiers in this way. Tie the bottom layer around the circumference with a beautiful ribbon and place it on the tray. Decorate each finished tier with a ribbon in the future. Choose a satin stripe in the same color scheme as the color of the bills. Better - a little darker. Then the color of banknotes will be favorably emphasized by basma. Place the second, decorated layer on top of the first and glue them together. You can also use double-sided tape to connect the layers. Thus, form and fasten all three tiers together. Decorate the top of the cake. To do this, take decorative paper or thin cardboard and cut out the top of the cake. Decorate this top with a beautiful bow. Another original option for decorating the top of the cake is an inflatable ball with money. To do this, twist the money into a tight tube and shove it one by one into the ball. Attach it to the top of the money cake.

To create a cake from money does not require special skills and abilities. It is enough to follow the instructions, a minimum of accuracy and, of course, the main thing is the desire to please and surprise the hero of the occasion. Such a gift always causes a storm of positive emotions at any holiday, like a handmade one.

As a rule, it is customary to give money for a wedding. In this case, you can be original and surprise not only the newlyweds, but also all those present. Handmade gifts are valued much more than ordinary envelopes with money. Below are three of the most popular money crafts that can be easily done at home.

This gift is very easy to make with your own hands, especially since it does not require a large number of devices. All you need:

Umbrella in the form of a cane (here it is better to choose a children's umbrella, as it is not too heavy and does not take up much space); made in any color scheme, for example, bright red;
A set of small paper clips of various colors;
A skein of threads or a pair of thin multi-colored rubber bands (threads can be taken 2 or 2.5 m long);
Various decorations (paper rings, hearts, stars, etc.);
Banknotes (they must first be exchanged for smaller ones in order for the umbrella to turn out to be truly rich).


The first step is choosing an umbrella. We have already decided that it should be an umbrella in the form of a cane, red and preferably for children. Before starting needlework, you need to go to the bank and exchange large bills for smaller ones in order to increase their number.
You should not try to exchange one hundred dollar bills for one dollar denominations. The bride and groom will not benefit from such a gift, since they simply will not know what to do with these pieces of paper. Most likely they will just change them back. It is best to get banknotes in denominations of 5 and 10 dollars.
In the second stage, it is necessary to cut the same parts of threads or elastic bands, and then attach paper clips to them from both ends. This is done in order to fasten the threads to the spokes of the umbrella from one end, and banknotes from the other. It is better to roll the latter into a tube or fold it in half, because this way they will look better.
To diversify the money umbrella a little, you can add red hearts or rings cut out of paper to it. It would be nice to put flowers or confetti inside, because when the newlyweds open the gift, they will elegantly fall on them. At the end, you need to fold the umbrella nicely and check if the money is wrinkled. On top you can attach a gift bow made by yourself. This is all!

money cake

A money cake is a very original gift not only for a wedding, but also for any celebration. To make it yourself, you need to prepare the following:

Ribbons for decoration;

The cake first of all needs banknotes and it is better to prepare as many of them as possible. You can make a cake of three tiers, as in our case, or create a two-tiered one with your own hands.

First you need to prepare special blanks for forming the tiers of the cake, as well as their bases. Therefore, we cut out a cardboard circle, and then a paper strip, which should be equal in width to the height of the selected banknotes. Next, you need to roll it into a ring and try to make the resulting radius slightly smaller than the cardboard circle for the cake.
The edges must be connected with paper clips, and the ring must be glued to the circle, but do it so that the contour has at least some indentation.
For the second tier, you need to cut out a circle with your own hands with the same radius as the paper ring for the first. This is done to ensure a more convenient mounting of circles on top of each other.
The bill for the cake itself must be rolled up according to a certain pattern, that is, so that the front side looks out, and then fastened with a paper clip. In the same way, you need to fix the resulting bundle to the strip. If suddenly a small money petal is visible on one side, then this is not scary.
Then you need to move in a circle, doing the same manipulations with bills and a strip until it is completely covered with them. Then it’s worth repeating everything with the rest of the cake blanks.
At the end, you just need to connect all the tiers together. To do this, small triangular paper tabs are glued to the strips.
All! Our money cake is ready. You can only give it an even more elegant look by decorating it with ribbons and a bow.

To make it yourself, you will need:
hot glue gun;
Green paper;
Washcloth dark green;
Copper wire;
Skein of thread.

To begin with, we form a lot of flowers from money or roll them into such fans, as shown in the photo. As the basis of the topiary, it is necessary to prepare a blank with a diameter of no more than 8 cm from the newspaper, and then cover it with green paper. All received parts must be connected using a hot glue gun. Even easier - take a ready-made floristic sponge "oasis" for the base.
Then the first flower of the topiary must be well fixed with hot glue at the very temporary stem, holding it a little for complete cooling. If you work with money fans, then you will have to attach them to the base with ordinary pins so as not to spoil the bills. Then do the same in a circle near the stem with the second and third flower, etc. It is necessary to try so that there is no free space between them. The round blank must be completely filled with flowers.
To make a curved topiary stem, you need to take an insulated three-core copper wire that is 10 mm wide and 35 cm long and give it a curved look. In order for the stem to hold well in the pot, a small bend must be made at the end of it. For a straight stem, an ordinary stick, painted in a suitable color with acrylic paint, is also suitable.
To give the topiary stem a more elegant look, you can take a wax floral tape painted in dark green or white. Then the end of the tape must be treated with hot glue, attached at an angle to the stem itself and completely wrapped around it.

The next step is to plant the plant in a pot with a solution of gypsum, tile adhesive or ordinary cement.
Topiary should be well fixed. From the gypsum to the ledge in the pot, it is necessary to leave a distance of 2 cm, and also let it harden and the water will completely evaporate. As a decor, you can use, for example, an ordinary washcloth (not old!), Preferably dark green. First of all, you need to cut off a piece of about 50 cm from it and wrap the stem of the topiary with it, while the edges should be tucked into each other.
In order for the washcloth to hold firmly, it is necessary to lay an even seam with a double thread in a circle from its very base. For additional fixation, it is worth using titanium glue, and then applying it to the plaster.

The stem of the topiary can be decorated with a bow or ribbon. To do this, the decoration must be fixed with liquid hot melt adhesive. It needs to be applied quite a bit. The edges of the tape should be neatly trimmed. Our money topiary is ready, you can go to the wedding!
We have considered only 3 gift ideas from money. But there are a lot of options for interesting cash gifts that are easy to make with your own hands from! For example, a flower bouquet with banknotes or origami from banknotes. You can see other ideas in more detail. Experiment with different ways, come up with your own original version, and let your gift make a vivid impression on the holiday!

Everyone invited to the wedding wishes to please their relatives and friends of the newlyweds with an amazing gift. I would like to come up with something original that is not a shame to give and be on top at the time of congratulations. A wedding cake made of money is a great option for such a gift.

Money as a traditional wedding gift at all times

Even in recent Soviet times, an ordinary book was considered a unique wedding gift. There were not so many ideas for wedding gifts. Today, store shelves are crammed with all sorts of different gifts for all occasions. And the expanses of the Internet are full of master classes for making gifts with your own hands.

But, despite such a huge selection of gift souvenirs, people prefer to give newlyweds as a gift money hidden in a beautiful envelope. This is the most practical gift, the choice of which both parties are satisfied. A young family spends this money on personal needs, and the giving party does not suffer from a headache, wondering whether the young people will like the gift or not.

Indeed, this is a very convenient option, but money will look more refined in the form of some kind of wedding accessory, for example, in the form of a money cake.

Making a money cake with your own hands

To make a money cake with your own hands you will need:

  1. Several boxes after cakes of different sizes.
  2. White paper.
  3. Glue and paper clips.
  4. Decor elements for decoration. It can be ribbons, artificial flowers and bows.
  5. And most importantly, money. Preferably exchanged to look more voluminous.


Wedding cake called a suitcase with money

A real edible suitcase with money is a godsend for guests who want to stand out at the moment of presenting gifts. Of course, it will take a lot of skills in its manufacture, especially culinary ones, but it's worth it. These can be ideas such as a case of money or a bag of coins. The cake is made entirely from food and also requires expert decoration.


  1. Square-shaped cakes are being prepared.
  2. Cakes are smeared with cream.
  3. The cake is placed in the fridge to chill.
  4. Along the perimeter, the cake is visually divided into two parts and the mastic is rolled out.
  5. With the help of crumpled foil, a relief shape is given to the cakes.
  6. Identical strips are cut out of the mastic layer, which are attached to the cake with sweet syrup along the transverse line.
  7. They also make locks and belts.
  8. Decorate the suitcase with banknotes.

Cream and dough for cakes are made at the discretion of the hostess.

In the same way, a purse with money, a bag or a chest is made.

How to make a cash cake with sweets?

Making a cake from money and sweets will bring great pleasure, both from the process of work and from the result. There are a huge number of ideas for making this wedding souvenir. The most important thing is your desire and creative approach to business. Banknotes and sweets are selected at your discretion. A master class on making such a cake can be viewed on the video:

What words to say when handing a cake?

Any presented gift requires in addition to say a beautiful congratulation. Money cake is no exception.

Here are some tips on how to prepare your speech during the presentation of a gift:

  1. You can pick up any author's congratulation with the wish of love, happiness and good luck.
  2. You can write your own verse. Let it be a small poem, but it will flow from the soul.
  3. You can buy a ready-made wedding card and read the wish already written on it.
  4. Build your speech on wishing young people financial well-being, and a money cake will back up your words.

Wedding Cash Cake Ideas

The money cake will surprise and delight not only the bride and groom, but also all the guests gathered for the gala banquet. How to make unusual wedding cakes look at the photo:

Video on the topic of the article.
