
How to open wine without a corkscrew with a lighter. Pull out the cork using a syringe with water

Sometimes in the midst of the holiday it turns out that there is wine, but unfortunately there is no corkscrew. What to do in such a situation - to curtail the celebration or try somehow to open the bottle? We will give you some tips on how to deal with such a problem. To remove the cork, no special skills are needed, and items that will help you are in every home and may even end up in your pocket. Read carefully and choose the method that you like best.

Take a bottle of wine and wrap the bottom of it with a towel. Then, holding it horizontally, lightly tap on the wall. Don't tap too hard to prevent the bottle from breaking, and watch the cork when it's halfway out - stop and pop it out with your fingers. If you are in nature or there is no towel at hand, then take off your shoe, put a bottle of wine inside it and knock in the same way. After a couple of minutes, the cork will pop out. Inspect the bottle, if the neck does not taper down, then the cork can be pushed inward. If it narrows, then don't even try, it will get stuck tightly. You can push through with any strong object, as long as it enters the neck. It can be a pencil, pen, screwdriver, you can tightly twist the paper and push the cork with it. When pushing, be careful not to spill the wine on your clothes.

In the absence of a corkscrew, you can use a knife with a narrow blade or scissors. Carefully pierce the cork with the blade of scissors or a knife and begin to rotate it back and forth a little, pulling slightly towards you. The bottle will open without much difficulty.

If you have pliers on hand, you can remove the cork with a screw or self-tapping screw. Using pliers, screw the screw into the center of the cork, leaving about a centimeter on top. Then take the head of the screw with the tool and pull while holding the bottle with your other hand. This is a fairly convenient way, but pliers and a screw are not always at hand.

In much the same way as with a screw, you can remove the cork with small nails and a hammer. True, any hammer is not good, but only the one on which there is a nail puller. Nails need to be hammered into the cork at different angles, leaving five millimeters on top. Then put a nail puller on the nails and pull, the cork will pop out without difficulty. You can uncork the cork with a strong and thin rope. With a sharp object, a knitting needle or a screwdriver, you need to make a hole in the cork and push a rope with a knot tied at the end into it. Then pull the rope - and the bottle will open. This method of uncorking is rather inconvenient and is most likely suitable for uncorking a bottle for a dispute.

A slightly exotic way of uncorking is by heating the neck of the bottle. You can heat the neck with a gas stove, on a fire or with several lighters. When the neck is warm enough, the cork will pop out of the bottle on its own.

Thus, there are plenty of ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. You choose!

Is it possible to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, and if so, how? This question often arises among lovers of a noble drink. A corkscrew is often not found in its usual place or even not bought right away, so the collection of tips to help you open up to deal with this problem is constantly updated. In addition to the standard methods, there are also unusual, but effective, as well as tricks available to fragile creatures - girls.

How to uncork wine without special tools

You may not need a corkscrew to enjoy wine

The first rule is don't panic. Each bottle with a cork can be opened without a corkscrew and anywhere - outdoors, in the workshop, in the garage, on the street and even in the bathroom (if you keep a cosmetic bag there), at a party, on the train. If your bottle has a concave bottom, it will open easier and faster than others.

Some bottles will make your life easier. In order to open them, neither a corkscrew nor improvised means are needed. These are screw cap bottles.

There are effective ways and there are active ones, but reaching the goal slowly, but they still work - we will talk about them today. But one should not resort to such a radical method, how to simply beat off the neck of a bottle - this is fraught with pieces of glass in wine or cuts on the hands.

Opening wine at home

Everything ingenious is simple

Knocking a bottle against the wall, the main thing is not to overdo it

All we need is a towel and a wall, maybe even just our hands. You just need to hold the bottle of wine horizontally with your left hand and at this moment knock on its bottom with your right hand (if we want to change hands, then this is not critical). Or with a bottle of wine wrapped in a towel, we knock on the wall carefully and gently, trying not to break it. This is a way to help quickly, but sometimes even it may not work. We do not knock with hard or sharp objects - we do not need a broken bottle with spilled contents, soiled walls, floors and clothes. If the cork is in no hurry to fly out and leave the bottle, giving us access to the wine, it's time to use other methods.

Lighter than easy

You can push the cork into the bottle with the back of a fork, knife, vegetable peeler, or spoon. In a special case, even a felt-tip pen, pen or door key is useful for this. There are exceptions: if the neck of the bottle is getting narrower and narrower, it is better not to use this method. But if you noticed it too late, and the cork has already got stuck, then you can still save it, you just need to open it with a sharp object - a nail file, a stationery knife, manicure scissors, a knitting needle. This has its drawbacks - tiny pieces of cork will fall into the wine, and you will either have to pour the drink through a tea strainer or catch the crumbs from the glass.

Opening a bottle with a pen or penknife - video

Method for household

Screws, screwdrivers, pliers or nails and a hammer - everything will go to work. We twist the screw not to the end (we leave its “cap” and one centimeter of the rod), using pliers we pull out the screw together with the cork. If we use nails and a hammer, then we hammer several nails in a row and pull them out (the whole row at once) with a suitable nail puller, the cork should also come out with them, the main thing is not to make sudden movements.

Care must be taken when hammering nails into cork

Lace and awl

You can open wine without special tools if you have an awl (screwdriver) and a shoe lace (or a thin rope) on hand. We tie a tight knot close to the end of the lace, push it so that the knot comes out from the end of the cork inside, pull out the awl and pull out the rope, and behind it the cork.

It takes some skill to pull the cork out with a string.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew outdoors

It is impossible to imagine a picnic without barbecue with rich red wine or roasted poultry with refined white. The absence of a corkscrew for a pleasant pastime is not a hindrance.

Knife - an alternative to a corkscrew

A knife is one of those tools that is always at hand.

You can use a knife with a thin blade and use it in the same way as a corkscrew - drive it into the cork approximately to its middle and slowly pull the cork out with slow rotational movements.

Paper clip strength

A paperclip can not only pick a lock, but also open wine

For this method, you will need a paper clip or a rigid wire that can be bent. We unbend the paper clip, make a hook out of it like a fishing hook, put it into the hole between the cork and the neck of the bottle, pick up the cork and pull it towards us. If the cork is insidious, and you notice that one paper clip is clearly not enough, we use two homemade hooks - we place them opposite each other, hook the cork, put the paper clips on top of a pencil or pen and pull them out along with the cork.

We use a skewer

To open the bottle, you only need a sharply sharpened skewer. It is permissible to forget to take a corkscrew, knife or forks to a picnic, but without skewers - nowhere, this is the secret of success. We insert the skewer into the cork almost to the end and remove the cork from the bottle of wine with twisting movements.

A way for athletes and diabetics

If there is a pump for a volleyball or soccer ball with a needle or syringe (they are often taken with them to a picnic or anywhere else diabetics), we can use them in our mission. The only condition is that the needle must be thick and very strong so that, without breaking, it can pierce the cork to the end and come out so that we can see its end. This method works due to the pressure created inside the bottle that is greater than the initial one, due to which the cork itself flies out. We pierce the cork with a needle to the end, we pump air into the bottle. If you are afraid of creating too much pressure, then, as in the first method, wrap the bottle with a towel.

How to open a bottle of wine with a syringe - video

Using a water bottle

We take a closed plastic bottle full of water by the neck in the right hand, and a bottle of wine by the neck upside down - in the left. Hit the bottom of the wine bottle with the middle of the plastic bottle. When the cork is half out of the bottle, take it out with your hands. It is important not to miss the moment.

How to open a bottle of wine outside

We open wine with the effort of a finger, like real kung fu masters - video

Everyone knows how to open a bottle of wine with a corkscrew. But if for someone this is still a mystery, now we will tell you how to use it correctly. First of all, the neck must be freed from the foil. The corkscrew must be positioned so that the side arms point downwards.

Then you start to twist the drill until a few turns remain, and the levers at the same time rise up. After that, gently press the levers and you can start enjoying this magical drink. If you are the owner of a corkscrew model without a lever mechanism, then in order to remove the cork from the bottle, you still have to make a little physical effort.

However, there are moments when there is a reason and there is a bottle of wine, but unfortunately there is no corkscrew at hand. Then the question arises how to open wine without a corkscrew? There are many ways to cope with this task, which even a fragile girl can do. We offer you 10 proven ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew.

Reference Information! The standard diameter of the cork is 24 mm, the diameter of the neck of the bottle is 18 mm.

Method number 1. Push the cork into the bottle with your finger

This method is suitable for those who do not have a manicure but have great physical strength, since a lot of effort will be required. The cork can be pressed simply with the thumb of the hand, or to increase the pressure area, put a coin under the finger. The coin must be taken with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the cork.

Another option for this method would be to use improvised means. It can be lipstick, a marker, a spoon, a fork, or any other durable cylindrical object. To make the cork easier to pass, you can pre-pierce it with a knife.

Much depends on the material from which the cork is made and on the manufacturer. In some bottles, the neck is narrowed, so the cork may simply get stuck and you will have to open the bottle in some other way.

Method number 2. knock out the cork

In order to knock out the cork, you just need to gently knock on the bottom of the bottle while holding it vertically. According to the law of physics, the cork should fly out. If the method does not work, then you can wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel and lightly tap it against the wall. To soften the force of impact against the wall, it is better to attach a volume of some book or a towel folded several times. This method requires caution, as there are times when the bottle breaks.

Some experts suggest using a plastic water bottle to pop the cork. To do this, the middle part of the filled plastic bottle must be hit on the bottom. As a rule, 6-7 strokes are enough. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the cork does not fly out and the wine does not spill.

Also, one of the variants of this method is this: put the bottle in a low-heeled shoe and, holding it, gently tap on the floor. After a few hits, the cork should come out.

The cork should be knocked out carefully, so you should not rush. Otherwise, you can be left without wine, but with cut hands and flooded floors and walls.

Method number 3. Open a bottle of wine with a knife

Instead of a corkscrew, you can use a knife with a thin serrated blade. The cork should be carefully pierced with a knife blade and gently twisted to unscrew it from the bottle. In addition, the tip of the knife can be pressed into the cork next to the neck and pulled out of the bottle by picking it up. A finger should be used as a support. The main thing is to make sure that the knife does not come off and does not hurt your hand.

It is better to use a penknife, because it can be folded at a right angle and used as a full-fledged corkscrew.

Method number 4. Uncork a bottle of wine with a screw

This method is often used in everyday life. A medium-sized screw is screwed into the cork and pulled out with pliers along with the cork. This method should not be used if the cork is made of wood or is old enough, because the screw can crumble it and will simply slip out of the cork. This means that you will have to resort to other methods.

Method number 5. Opening a bottle of wine with a hammer and nail

A nail is very carefully hammered into the cork, and preferably several in a row at once, so that they can be easily picked up. Then the nails are pulled out with the "claws" on the hammer, and with them the cork.

Method number 6. Open the cork with improvised tools

Any sharp object that is at hand will open the cork. To do this, you can use a thin knife, a nail file or a sharp knitting needle. Of course, this is far from the best way to open a bottle of wine, because you have to catch the crumbs from the cork in the glass. But this option is perhaps one of the simplest and safest.

Method number 7 Open the bottle with paper clips

Quite an unusual way that requires some skill and patience. This method has several implementation options:

  • First, you need to straighten the paper clip and make a hook on one side. Then the resulting hook must be inserted between the neck of the bottle and the cork, pick it up and pull it towards you.
  • to simplify the task a little, you can use 2 hooks from paper clips. In order to pull the cork out of the bottle in this way, it is necessary to insert 2 hooks between the cork and the neck and turn them a little so that the ends rest against the bottom of the cork. Then twist the free ends of the paper clips together and use a spoon, pencil or pen to pull the cork out of the bottle.

In order for the length of the paper clip to be enough for the hook, the length of the cork, and there is still room for gripping with your fingers, you need to take a large paper clip or piece of wire.

Method number 8. Pull out the cork using a string

In order for this method to work, you first need to open the cork a little, for example, with a screwdriver or an awl. Then a knot is made at the end of a strong lace and pushed inside the bottle with the same screwdriver. After that, the screwdriver should be pulled out. If the knot is tied correctly and firmly, then pulling the cord will pull out the cork. The disadvantage of this method is that cork dust will almost certainly get into the wine.

Method number 9. Open the bottle with hot water

Put a pot of water on the stove and put a bottle of wine into it. When heated, the air in the bottle will gradually push the cork out. This method is best used in winter, as the wine is hot, almost like mulled wine. Therefore, if you want to drink cold wine, it is better to choose some other way to open the bottle. In addition, if the bottle overheats, there is a risk that it will burst.

Alternatively, you can not heat the entire bottle, but only the neck. to do this, it is enough to use a lighter. from heating, the cork flies out on its own. But, in this case, there is also a risk that the glass may break.

Method number 10. In a hussar way, or simply beat off the neck of a bottle

If you have a very vague idea of ​​​​how to do this correctly so as not to break the bottle, get hurt or leave half the glass inside, then you need to forget about this method altogether. It is better to look for a corkscrew or use one of the options above.

In addition to these ways to open a bottle in cases where a corkscrew is not at hand, there are others. For example, some people manage to open a bottle with toothpaste, a blowtorch, or pump air into a bottle with a ball pump or syringe.

This process requires special care, because if you apply too much pressure to the bottle, it can simply burst and injure others. Therefore, it is better to invest once and buy a corkscrew, and for lovers of outdoor recreation, purchasing a Swiss knife would be an excellent option.

What if there is no corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? There are different ways to solve this problem, below I will talk about them:

Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. In order to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in this way, you just need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand, and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap on the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in minutes the wine can already be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so we move on to the next method. Once again I warn you! No need to apply excessive force and knock hard objects on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle with any object, such as the back of a fork or spoon, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Make sure that the neck of the bottle does not narrow towards the bottom! And then the cork will get stuck in the bottle tightly, and then the third method will do.
Method number 3.You just need to open the cork with any hard and sharp object, for example, a penknife, a nail file, a sharp knitting needle. This is not the best option, the crumbs from the cork will definitely get into the wine, and they will have to be fished out of the glass, or pour the wine through a strainer.

Method number 4.If there is no corkscrew at hand, but there is a knife with a thin blade, then instead of a corkscrew, you can use a knife. With a knife blade, you need to carefully pierce the cork, and carefully rotating, remove the cork from the bottle. That's it, a bottle of wine is opened without a corkscrew with a knife.
Method number 5. A screwdriver, a screw and pliers will help you open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. Drive a screw into the bottle cap (but not the very end!), and use pliers to pull the screw out along with the cork.

There is a modification of this method. Instead of a screw - nails, instead of pliers - a hammer. Carefully hammer in a few nails in a row.

Method number 6.Open a bottle of wine with a paper clip or any other piece of hard wire. Straighten the paperclip, make a hook like a fishing hook. Insert the hook between the cork and the neck of the bottle, hook it, and pull it towards you. Ready! The bottle is open. True, sometimes one paper clip is not enough, so we move on to another method.

Method number 7. Similar to the previous method, only 2 wire hooks are used, and any object such as a pen or pencil in order to make it more convenient to pull out a stubborn cork.

Method number 8.In order to open a bottle without a corkscrew in this way, you will need any sharp object, such as a screwdriver, string, or a piece of thin, strong rope. First you need to make a knot at the end of the cord, then push the knot inside the cork, pull out the screwdriver, and pull the knot. The bottle is open! And you don't need a corkscrew.
Method number 9. A bottle of wine can be opened with a syringe or ball pump. The principle here is this: you need to pierce the cork with a syringe or pump needle and pump air into the bottle. The plug will pop out under air pressure. The needle for the syringe must be thick enough, otherwise it may break or become clogged. And do not try to create too much pressure in the bottle, otherwise it may burst, so wrap the bottle in a towel.

Method number 10. Somewhat shocking. Suitable for alcoholics whose hands are shaking and they certainly want to drink. Here on

Sometimes in the midst of a holiday, we do not notice where small household items go. For example, the same corkscrew without which many of us simply do not know how to get a cork out of a bottle of wine. FYI, it's quite easy to do this, having a number of other little things at hand like a lighter or paper clips.

Some craftsmen even manage to perform this action with the help of shoes - you just need to use your imagination and remember some knowledge from the school bench. In any case, in this article we will tell you how to open wine without a corkscrew at home in 5 seconds and continue the celebration as if nothing had happened.

To accomplish this action, people have come up with many ways, some of which may seem absurd to you, but they are all as effective as the classic ones. Previously, most of us acted very simply - the cork was simply pushed into the bottle. But in this case, she very often interfered with pouring wine into glasses, as she blocked the neck. Accordingly, it was necessary to develop a number of other methods, about which much has been written, and even a video was shot.

Among the most popular methods you can note:

Use of a knife

The blade of the knife should be large enough to fit into the neck of the bottle without any problems, although it is best sawtooth tool, which will allow you to screw into the lid more tightly and understand how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. We pierce the lid without making much effort, turn the blade left and right.

Here it is important to ensure that the cork does not push through and didn't crumble when you take it out. Then pry the cork from the side and gently pull the knife blade towards you, using it as a lever - push the lid.

Use of a shoe

Removing the top cover from the cork we insert the bottle into the shoe and begin to gently beat with the sole on any hard vertical surface. Hold both the bottle and the shoes, and follow the procedure gently until the cork is two-thirds out of the container.

Using screws and pliers

Drive the screw into the cork, but not all the way. Grab it with a tool and gently pull it towards you until you get the cork. This method most often leads to the fact that the cork begins to crumble. Main - do not overdo it with force and do not screw the screw all the way to the cap.

How to open wine without a corkscrew with a lighter?

There is one answer to the question of how to open wine without a corkscrew with a lighter - you must use it for its intended purpose.

That is, you will need heat up the neck of the bottle until the cork begins to come out of the narrow neck on its own.

It is best to use multiple lighters, since one device, given its small size, will need to be kept lit for a very long time, in which case a poor-quality lighter may burst, and you will burn yourself.

How can a girl open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?

This problem also exists in a purely female company, and it will be useful for many ladies to learn how a girl can open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity it is necessary to find any blunt object, the width of which is less than the diameter of the neck. Just push the cork into the bottle with a little effort. For this purpose, lipstick, a spoon handle or stilettos on shoes will do.

Another way for girls - use of office scissors. Take two tools and insert one blade from each into the cork. After - scroll the scissors, wielding like a corkscrew and the cork will give in very quickly.

How long does open wine keep?

There is no single answer to the question of how long open wine is stored. Here it can be indicated that this drink belongs to those delicate treats for which need to create certain conditions.

Typically, there are some averages for different types of wines:

  • Sparkling - stored for 1-3 days from the moment the bottle is opened;
  • White and rose wine (sweet varieties) - from 5 to 7 days;
  • Full-bodied white wine - from 3 to 5 days;
  • Red wines - from 3 to 5 days;
  • Fortified wines can be stored for up to 28 days;
  • Cheap wine in a package (tetrapack) is available for drinking 2-3 weeks after opening.

It should also be borne in mind that by creating certain conditions - for example, placing in the refrigerator or other life hacks that increase the potential shelf life of the product, you can achieve a much better result when storing an already uncorked bottle of alcoholic beverage. Besides, The quality of the wine itself also plays an important role: the more chemistry it contains, the longer the shelf life..
