
What is "Doshirak"? History of one discovery. Instant noodles

We used to think that instant noodles are unhealthy and not particularly tasty fast food. Of course, such a dish is a quick snack, which is a little better than sandwiches, since it involves hot broth. It’s time for ladies to think about whether the notorious “Doshirak” harms the figure? Is it really as high in calories as nutritionists warn?

Why do we choose a quick snack?

If there is no time for culinary delights, but you want a delicious soup, then a bag of noodles can really help out. It costs relatively little, but at the same time it is a completely independent dish. The package contains both seasoning and sauce, but there is room for culinary imagination, as the noodles are in harmony with many products: vegetables, meat, sausages or sausages. It is difficult to argue with the fact that noodles are quite a satisfying dish, especially if they are brewed not with water, but using broth. It is quickly boiled soft, saturated with spices and sauce. But it must be borne in mind that such a snack is quickly addictive due to fragrant spices. Immediately after its use, there are no unpleasant sensations, but there is a constant feeling of satiety. That is, noodles perform their main function - saturate and allow you to continue the working day.

Is it worth buying Doshirak noodles?

A pack contains approximately 90 grams of iodine-rich noodles. Such an element is introduced into the composition of the product by the famous algae - kelp. Also in the list of ingredients there is high-quality flour and potato starch from Europe. It is due to such components that the noodles retain their elasticity and shape after heat treatment. An attentive eater will see that Doshirak contains dried onions, gluten, black pepper, garlic powder and ginger. This concludes the list of relatively useful ingredients that attract

The calorie content of "Doshirak" without spices ranges from 350-370 Kcal. This number is due to the high content of wheat flour. If you calculate the calorie content of a complex food supplement, and other inclusions, then the total number of calories will increase by 50-80 Kcal, depending on the taste of the product in question.

A one-time use of this dish, of course, will not affect health, but the systematic eating of such noodles can seriously harm the human body. Why? Not the last role in this is played by the factor of quick addiction to Doshirak noodles - the calorie content of the finished dish reaches 450 Kcal per 100 grams of the product, and after an hour and a half you want to have a bite again. The number of calories begins to exceed the threshold when a person eats 2-3 packs of Doshirak per day. In addition, amateurs rarely eat noodles without sandwiches or mayonnaise. As a result, calorie content by the end of the day begins to go off scale.

Eat and lose weight - is it possible?

Those who love Doshirak, of course, are not afraid of calories. Moreover, this is not an everyday dish, but an infrequent snack. The cooking method is very simple:

  • put noodles and spices in a heat-resistant cup;
  • then the dish must be poured with hot water;
  • in order for the noodles to be tastier and richer, the plate must be covered with a lid.

Noodle lovers should be prepared for the fact that the dish can affect the sensitivity of the teeth and cause digestive problems. This product can both bring gastronomic pleasure and become a time bomb.

Noodles "Doshirak" - (calorie content - not the most annoying moment) the product is rather ambiguous. It should be noted that one serving contains approximately 450 kcal, or a quarter of the daily calorie intake for an adult. The natural desire of every person is known to everyone - to eat tasty and nutritious, but not to gain weight. But in the case of Doshirak noodles, these dreams will not come true. Therefore, people who monitor their own weight and health are thinking about the following question: “Is short-term pleasure and quick saturation worth a few hundred calories and stomach problems?”


To summarize, it is obvious that the first minus of Doshirak noodles is calorie content. This setting is too high to be valid. With constant use of the dish, you can noticeably add weight. The second minus is the ingredients that contribute to the development of cancer. It should also be noted that noodles have a bad effect on metabolism. Contraindications are added to the minuses, in particular, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

On the other hand, with reasonable consumption, is Doshirak noodles so dangerous? Its calorie content, in principle, fits into the average for a lunch meal, and spicy seasonings can be added in moderation. If you really do not have time for a full meal, then you can have a snack with noodles, but you should not introduce this dish into your regular diet. But those who follow the figure and suffer from diseases of the liver and kidneys, owners of gastritis and ulcers, instant noodles are categorically contraindicated. To summarize the above information, we can conclude: if you eat instant noodles infrequently, then there will be no harm, and a delicious first course is guaranteed.

Instant noodles were created in Japan by Ando Momofuki after World War II to feed the country's impoverished population. After that, she conquered Asian countries, and then the whole world. In Japan, it was recognized as one of the most significant inventions of the century. In Russia, it began to be made in the nineties. One of the most popular manufacturers in our country were and remain Doshirak, Rolton and Anakom.

Many of the consumers are wondering what Anakom (Doshirak, Rolton) is made of? Like any pasta, such noodles are made from baking wheat flour of the highest grade and water, the peculiarity is that starch, egg powder and a thickener are added to such noodles.


Production process

sifting flour

To begin with, the flour is sifted on special installations and additional ingredients are added to it, which improve the properties of the noodles and make it elastic and dense. Then the resulting dry mixture enters the machine, which kneads the dough. At this stage, water with salt enters there. A minimum amount of water is needed to make the kneaded dough tight and elastic. The dough is kneaded for about 15-20 minutes. After that it comes another 5 minutes.

Rolling out dough
Cutting already wavy noodles

The production of Doshirak (Anakoma, Rolton) differs from ordinary pasta in that these manufacturers make the noodles wavy. Thus, the next step is cutting the dough into strips 1 mm wide, and in order to give characteristic waves, the dough is cut on a special machine, where the tape on which the workpiece lies moves along two oxen, the rotation speed of one of them is higher than that of the second, so the dough slows down and begins to twist.

Why is the brewing time a few minutes?

How is Doshirak made that it does not need to be boiled, but simply poured with boiling water and left for a few minutes? The explanation lies in a special technological process.

Steam engine

The first stage of heat treatment is steam. At a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, the noodles are steamed for about 5 minutes. Such preparation has its advantages over boiling in water, firstly, the product retains its shape and does not boil soft, and secondly, it does not absorb excess water, which allows to increase the shelf life.

Then, with salted water, the released starch is washed off the noodles. Then it is impregnated with vegetable oil and cut into briquettes.

Roast preparation

The next stage of heat treatment is laying out on mini-pans and deep-frying at a temperature of 150 degrees for 4 minutes. Thus, the noodles are already ready to eat and do not need to be boiled. Roasting "seals" the product and gives it the ability to be stored from three months to a year.

After deep-frying, it is cooled to a temperature of 26-33 degrees. Then instant noodles pass quality control for defects. After that, the product is placed in a container for sale, in the form of a bowl, a rectangular container or in a bag. Additional ingredients are also placed there - broth, sauce, freeze-dried vegetables and a dry mixture of seasonings and spices.

Butter based sauce

The sauce is made on the basis of oil, water, salt, flavor enhancers, starch, stabilizers and preservatives are also added there. Freeze-dried vegetables are made by drying them in a special way, due to which they restore their shape and taste properties after contact with hot water.

Control and packaging workshop

After packaging, it is weighed to determine underweight or overweight. The defective copy is withdrawn. The last stage of control is a metal detector, in case metal objects of production, for example, a bolt from any mechanism, get into the products. Marriage is also withdrawn.

Harm of instant noodles

The production of instant noodles includes deep-frying, so trans fats are formed, which are harmful to humans. Having learned what Anakom, Doshirak and Rolton are made of, it became clear that the product contains harmful ingredients, such as flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and a large amount of salt - all this is very dangerous if you eat such noodles every day.

This can cause excess weight, as noodles contain fast carbohydrates, due to which the feeling of fullness comes quickly, but hunger comes in an hour or two. Flavor enhancers cause a feeling of hunger while eating, and a person can eat more than the body requires. Trans fats and excess salt negatively affect the cardiovascular system of the body, and artificial food additives provoke rashes on the face.

Summing up, it is worth noting that instant noodles should be eaten in exceptional cases and very rarely.

To minimize the harmfulness of the product, you need to choose the right one.

The packaging must be intact and not deformed. Plastic packaging better protects the noodles from mechanical stress than polyethylene. Also, the noodles in the bag are easily damaged, after which harmful bacteria, germs and mold can get into it.

Noodle composition and labeling

The packaging must contain: marking, composition, date of manufacture, expiration date and method of preparation. High-quality noodles should contain natural ingredients, that is, if the taste of chicken is declared on the package, the composition should contain dried chicken meat or chicken broth. Artificial ingredients should be minimal.

Pay attention to the expiration date, the shorter it is, the less preservatives are added to the noodles.

The smell of a dry noodle briquette should be of fresh vegetable oil. If the smell is rancid, then the production technology is violated, such a product should not be eaten.

The color of dry noodles is yellowish or creamy. White color - an indicator of the addition of dye.

When brewing, the noodles should boil well, but not lose their shape and structure. However, it should not increase too much in volume.

A bitter taste indicates that the production technology was violated or the storage conditions were not observed. The most important thing is to maintain the humidity level, because if it rises, mold will appear in the bag.

Instant pasta is, according to GOST 31749-2012, products made from wheat flour and water using additional raw materials and dried in oil. Instant noodles or vermicelli intended for sale must be packed in containers or glasses with a lid on top, or bags made of polymeric materials. According to GOST, instant pasta should not stick together after cooking. They should retain the shape of a corrugated string of noodles (vermicelli) after 15 minutes from the moment they are poured with boiling water.

Instant pasta is in demand among travelers, office workers, summer residents, and workers. Add a variety of flavors to the convenience of packaging and ease of preparation - and you will get the secret of the popularity of instant noodles or vermicelli, commonly called “doshirak”.

But this product also has a lot of opponents. They are confused by the abundance of "incomprehensible" components in the composition.

To dot the i's, Roskontrol experts examined the ingredients listed on the labels of 17 instant pasta brands such as Big Bon, “Big Lunch”, “Doshirak”, “Red Price”, “Rollton”.

Are there health hazards in the claimed ingredients?

Common in each sample - flour, butter and vegetables

All samples in the composition declared Wheat flour And vegetable oil(soybean or sunflower), as well as a variety of dried vegetables. As a rule, this onions, tomatoes, paprika, garlic, celery, carrots, corn, parsley.

Meet mushrooms(noodles “Chan ramyun” (“Doshirak”), vermicelli on homemade broth “Rollton” with mushrooms).

In “Doshirak” with kimchi flavor and in “Doshirak” with pork flavor added seaweed(kelp).

Is there meat in instant noodles?

Taste of beef! Pork! Chicken bouillon! the labels promise us. But is there real meat inside?

Of our 17 samples, 14 packages report the presence of a meaty taste or meat (including poultry) in large catchy print.
In which of them did the manufacturers not regret putting real meat ingredients? This Red Price, Rollton and Big Bon.

As part of the product “vermicelli with beef broth “Red price” — minced beef boiled and dried.

Rollton noodles and vermicelli (meat and chicken) come with dried beef/chicken. Plus matching flavors.

The Big Bon “beef + tomato sauce” ingredient list also lists dried beef.

And in Big Bon “chicken + salsa sauce” and “chicken noodles with spicy sauce” - dried chicken.

The noodles "Jang Ramyun" distinguished themselves from "Doshirak" - on the front side of the package there is not a word about meat, but in the composition printed in small print - beef powder and beef flavoring.

The most controversial experts considered products under the brand name "Doshirak".

On the label large - "Pork-flavored noodles." The list of ingredients includes pork broth powder.

On the label - "A hearty lunch with a taste of beef." Beef is represented by the protein product "soy meat", followed by beef extract, beef broth powder.

On the label: Chazhang Myung noodles with vegetables and pieces of meat. A in the composition of meat - only lard. You can hardly call it meat!

Attention! The inscription on the label does not always correspond to the composition! If it says "taste of meat" - there may not be meat in the composition. And vice versa. So read the ingredients carefully before buying.

Who needs supplements?

  • preservatives

The preservative E 211 (sodium benzoate) was found in all three types of Big Bon pasta, as well as in noodles with beef in Big Lunch spicy sauce and in the product Doshirak Hearty Lunch with Beef Flavor.

In the same samples, the preservative E202 (potassium sorbate) is declared in the composition.

In other types of noodles and vermicelli, preservatives are not declared among the ingredients.

Burnt sugar is used as a dye in noodles with beef broth "Red Price"

  • Dyes

In 5 samples of beef noodles there is a sugar color (E150d), or, more simply, burnt sugar. Tints products in "caramel", brown color. Weak carcinogen. In small quantities, it is safe for health.

  • Stabilizers and thickeners

Guar and xanthan gums - in all samples, except for noodles in Rollton homemade broth (mushroom, chicken, with beef, with bacon). The gums are harmless to the body.

  • Acidity regulators

Sodium acetate and diacetate, citric acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, acetic acid, calcium lactate… such “chemistry”, which controls a given acidic environment, is available in different variations in Big Lunch and Big Bon.

Acidity regulators are not indicated in samples of other brands. In large quantities, acids cause irritation of the mucous membrane, can provoke the development of gastritis, ulcers, etc.

It is believed that the main harm of instant noodles is in food additives such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial colors, and so on. However, all of the ingredients (from those listed in our samples) are permitted by law, which means that we have no reason to claim that they are hazardous to health.

But in itself, instant noodles, made from premium wheat flour, poor in micronutrients, are not the best choice for people leading a healthy lifestyle.

The abundance of salt in foods such as instant noodles, when consumed regularly, is a risk factor for arterial hypertension - an increase in pressure.

Ingredients such as hot spices are a risk factor for digestive diseases.

For reference:

Hydrogenated fats are hardened liquid vegetable fats, in which, when modified (hydrogenated), harmful trans fats are formed - a proven risk factor for the occurrence of diseases of the circulatory system (atherosclerosis).


Instant pasta may contain hydrogenated fats. It is in them that the real harm to the body lies.

It must be said that hydrogenated fat was not declared in any of the tested samples. However, in many types of similar products in the composition they are.

Whose composition is more natural?

Instant noodles do not contain anything useful and necessary for our body. This is a very bad fast food. Regular consumption of such food can lead to the development or exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies, such as gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenal bulb. An increase in acidity and pain in the epigastric region are the first signs of an incipient disease; during this period, you should stop eating such noodles.

The development of such diseases is associated with the low quality of the finished product, with a high content of flavors, antioxidants and stabilizers. This situation is aggravated by a dangerous food addiction, when our brain requires these substances often and regularly. In addition, we are "captivated" by the speed and ease of preparation.

Many consumers note that the "seasoning" that is added to the noodles is extremely spicy or salty. This leads to increased pressure, a tendency to edema and the development of kidney disease. Also, this product is quite high in calories. Because of monosodium glutamate (a flavor enhancer), sometimes 1 serving is not enough for us to get enough. As a result, we eat more than we need and this leads to weight gain and obesity.

What is Doshirak made of?

    Instant noodles Doshirak - consists of noodles and flavorings. Many people think that the noodles themselves are good, but the harm comes from additives. In fact, healthy pasta is made from durum flour (durum), and not like premium wheat flour. And besides this, there are a dozen more harmful and incomprehensible components that have no place in noodles. And a miracle - a bag of spices, in general, the pinnacle of the chemical industry (which has nothing to do with food). Doshirak noodles are not food, but poison. The producers of this muck, I am more confident in the family, do not feed their products.

    Doshirak is one of the brands of the so-called instant noodles, which, before use, is enough to pour boiling water for five minutes and start eating.

    And here is the composition:

    As you can see, there is nothing particularly dangerous in the composition of the noodles themselves, but the seasonings already contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, and stabilizers. So, we can say this: those spices that make the noodles delicious are the real harmful preservatives.

    Doshirak, or beach package, is made from premium wheat flour. Palm oil, modified starch, all sorts of thickeners and emulsifiers are added to it, they are stuffed with seasonings, dyes and dried vegetables a long time ago.

    What is Doshirak? These are noodles, meat, spices.

    Noodles consists of very harmless products - eggs, flour and water. And if you use noodles without additional ingredients (sauce, meat, seasonings), then it is quite difficult to get poisoned or get gastritis with an ulcer.

    And what is included in the composition of sauces and other components of Doshirak?

    And the composition includes magical substances - chemical additives, namely preservatives, flavors and dyes. For example, sodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer, which makes you want to eat this product (Doshirak) again and again.

    As for another component of Doshirak meat, this is a separate story. Behind the name MEAT hiding soy texturate, soy meat, which is prepared from defatted soy flour.

    And finally, all kinds seasonings, spices and pieces of dried vegetables in the minimum amount.

    In fact Doshirak has no value, a lot of dyes, enhancers, other chemical additives, among which there may be dangerous ESHEK. In this regard, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

    Basically dead food!

    And here is what the archaeologists of 3013 think about the found Doshirak.

    The noodles themselves are made from wheat flour, eggs and water. In principle, there is nothing harmful in it. But the bags that are attached to this noodles for taste, consist entirely of very harmful ingredients. There is palm oil, and a lot of different additives. They clog blood vessels with cholesterol and adversely affect the pancreas. Therefore, it is better to take care of your health from youth than to suffer later from such insidious diseases as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

    According to the manufacturers, this is egg noodles with the addition of seaweed extract - kelp. Of course, it also includes dried vegetables, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper.

    At its core, doshirak and any other instant noodles consist of a simple sotava:

    • flour,
    • ordinary drinking water.

    Based on this, we can make an accurate conclusion that the noodles themselves are absolutely harmless and easily digested by the stomach.

    And here is what you mix it with - seasonings, salts, spices, sauces, mayonnaise, etc.

    Here from this nuclear mixture there can be heartburn and a sharp stomach malaise.

    The noodles themselves are made from regular wheat flour. All the muck is in a bag of spices, in addition to harmless spices, pepper and salt, it contains flavor enhancers that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. Brew one noodle, salting it with ordinary salt, and there will be no harm from Doshirak.

    It has long been proven that Doshirak instant pasta is extremely harmful to the body, because it contains an unbridled amount of chemistry that can accumulate in the body, dull receptors and change our understanding of delicious food.

    Below is the composition of this product and, I think, it will immediately become clear that Doshirak is not a product of food, but of the chemical industry.

    If we talk about the Doshirak noodles themselves, then its composition is not scary. It contains flour, water and eggs - everything is traditional and harmless. The same bags that are put in a box of noodles, and which are designed to improve the taste of insipid noodles, are all chemistry and harm. There are palm oil, and emulsifiers, and modified starch, and much more, which is probably harmful to the stomach. As an option for the safe use of Doshirak, you can suggest pouring water over the noodles and seasoning with the usual seasonings to taste: salt, black or red pepper, dried garlic and herbs and other seasonings - whoever loves what.

    I also bought Doshirak more than once and I can say with confidence that there is nothing good in this noodle. Some corservatives, it even becomes a little scary to eat this instant noodles, which are very popular.

Popularly loved and the main brand of our company - instant noodles "Doshirak" with seven different flavors.

Advantages of our noodles

  • We have added iodine-rich kelp, a source of natural iodine, to the noodles and dried vegetable seasoning.
  • Thanks to high-quality flour and potato starch from Europe, the noodles retain their elasticity and shape after cooking.
  • Products undergo strict quality and safety control at all stages of production.

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, garlic, onion, dry spice concentrate, chicken powder, ginger, chicken flavor, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin.

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501 i, E412, E452 i ), seasonings mixed (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder with vegetables, garlic, roasted red pepper, yeast extract, hot pepper, chicken flavoring, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


kimchi powder, kimchi broth powder, dry spice concentrate, soy sauce, roasted red pepper, garlic, soy paste, whey, maltodextrin, hot red pepper, black pepper, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: Chinese cabbage, soy texturate, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( beef broth powder, soy sauce, garlic, veal flavoring, onion, black pepper), salt, flavor enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


pork broth powder, red pepper, vegetable-based cream substitute (corn syrup, vegetable fat, milk protein, emulsifier -E471), soy sauce, sesame powder, garlic, black pepper, pork flavor, paprika extract), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( corn starch, mushroom powder, lactose, red pepper, whey, maltodextrin, soy sauce, hot pepper, garlic, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base (salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, glucose. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak seafood


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( seafood powder, roasted red pepper, maltodextrin, squid powder, soy sauce, mussel extract, garlic, shrimp powder, seafood flavor, black pepper, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), glucose, sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: carrot, soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes), kamaboko (fish product).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, onion, garlic, chicken flavor, ginger powder, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



mushroom powder, soy sauce, red pepper, sesame powder, whey, garlic, black pepper, antioxidant (E330)), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar , maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrots, onions, mushrooms, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



red pepper, soy sauce, whey, maltodextrin, beef broth powder, onion, black pepper, garlic, beef flavor, red pepper oil, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( bacon extract powder, corn starch, vegetable broth powder, red pepper, soy sauce, red pepper oil, whey, garlic, black pepper, bacon flavoring, ginger powder), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( seafood powder, roasted red pepper, squid powder, soy sauce powder , mussel extract powder, garlic, shrimp powder, seafood flavoring, black pepper, paprika), salt, flavor enhancer (E621), glucose sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning: carrot, soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 276mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, palm oil, modified starch, salt, dried onion, dried kelp (powder), gluten, emulsifier-thickener, beta-carotene dye, complex food additive "Premix". Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes). Seasoning broth : salt, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate), natural identical flavor, soy sauce powder, glucose, red pepper, black pepper, garlic powder

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 276mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 140 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 360mm x 210mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 18
  • Shelf life 12 months



Ingredients: palm oil, premium wheat flour, potato starch, salt. Seasoning broth: salt, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate monosodium glutamate), seasoning powder "beef with mushrooms", flavor identical to natural, flavor identical to natural. Dried vegetable seasoning: textured vegetable protein, carrot, onion. Stew Sauce: Beef, Water, Beef Broth, Flavor Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamate)

  • Net weight 140 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 360mm x 210mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 18
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder). Seasoning broth: broth base (chicken broth powder with vegetables, roasted red pepper, garlic, yeast extract, black pepper, chicken flavor, thickener - guar gum), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, potato starch. Dried vegetable seasoning: carrots, protein product "soy meat" with chicken flavor (flavoring "chicken"), onion. Sauce: water, dry chicken extract, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), preservatives (E211, E202), antioxidant (sodium isoascorbate).

  • Net weight 110 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 280mm x 190mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 16
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder). Bouillon seasoning: broth base (salt, beef extract, beef broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, whey, garlic, black pepper, onion, beef flavor), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar . Dried vegetable seasoning: carrot, beef-flavoured soy texturate (beef flavor), onion. Sauce: water, dry beef extract, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), preservatives (E211, E202), antioxidant (sodium isoascorbate).

  • Net weight 110 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 280mm x 190mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 16
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



powdered milk, radish powder, vegetable-based cream substitute, flavor "cheese", thickener - guar gum), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), salt, cheese powder, sugar, potato starch. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 80 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i). Seasoning broth: broth base ( tomato powder, tomato broth powder, powdered milk, paprika extract, vegetable-based cream substitute(corn syrup, vegetable oil, vegetable protein) , thickener - guar gum), salt, cheese powder, sugar, flavor enhancer (E621), potato starch, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, corn.

  • Net weight 80 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Sauce: drinking water, vegetable oil, thickener (E1422), sugar, salt, food additive - stabilizer "Hamulsion" (dry egg yolk, salt, guar gum, xanthan gum, maltodextrin), acidity regulator - acetic acid, mustard flavor ”, dye - carotenes, preservatives: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, E385. Seasoning broth: broth base ( red pepper, soy sauce, whey, maltodextrin, vegetable broth powder, garlic, soy paste, beef broth powder, red pepper oil, black pepper, beef flavor, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, glucose, Valitek-7 vitamin complex. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 105 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 505mm x 280mm x 22mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 9 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Sauce: drinking water, vegetable oil, thickener (E1422), sugar, salt, food additive - stabilizer "Hamulsion" (dry egg yolk, salt, guar gum, xanthan gum, maltodextrin), acidity regulator - acetic acid, mustard flavor ”, dye - carotenes, preservatives: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, E385. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, garlic, onion, dry spice concentrate, ginger, chicken flavor, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin, Valitek-7 vitamin complex. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, corn, onion, carrot, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 105 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 505mm x 280mm x 22mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 9 months
