
Unrefined and refined sunflower oil: benefits and harms. Unrefined sunflower oil - benefits and harms

Choosing a healthy lifestyle involves proper nutrition. A diet consisting of the optimal combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will provide you with good health and excellent mood for many years. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contains about 23 grams of protein, 43 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber. Unrefined sunflower oil acts as an excellent source of fatty acids and some vitamins (in fact, there are quite a few of them!). Thanks to this composition, the oil can not only improve the body, but also cope with some diseases (subject to its moderate consumption). So let's talk about what unrefined sunflower oil is valued for, what are the benefits for the human body and when its consumption can harm.

Purposes and uses:

1. As ingredients for cosmetic products.
2. For food purposes for dressing salads and frying.
3. Some pharmaceutical companies use sunflower oil to manufacture medicines.

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil for the human body

Produced from sunflower seeds, the oil is used as a cure for constipation and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and for cosmetic purposes it is applied to the skin for massage, treatment of psoriasis, peeling.
One tablespoon of the product contains 8.9 g of linoleic acid, which belongs to the class of omega-6 acids and is an integral part of the body's cells. The daily human need for these acids is 11-14 g.
Unrefined sunflower oil, due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen the immune system.
It contains an increased amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for the youthfulness of cells.
Sunflower oil successfully fights the manifestations of asthma and reduces the severity of arthritis.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it protects the skin from viruses and bacteria.
It has an antifungal effect, therefore it is indispensable as an aid in the treatment of childhood infectious diseases.
Prevents the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Due to the content of vitamin A, it helps to avoid the formation of cataracts.
Unrefined vegetable oil undergoes minimal heat treatment and therefore all useful properties are preserved unchanged.
Prolongs the youthfulness of the body.
Contains proteins that the body needs to repair damaged cells and reproduce enzymes.
Strengthens the nervous system.

The harm of unrefined sunflower oil for the human body

This is a high-calorie food product: 900 kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains approximately 17 grams of oil, respectively, the calorie content of a spoonful of oil is approximately 153 kilocalories. It is rich in vitamins, but almost completely devoid of minerals, so you should not use it in excess due to the risk of obesity.

Sunflower oil should not be used by women who experience PMS or have breast disease.

A diet high in sunflower oil raises blood insulin levels and may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis in people with type 2 diabetes.

Oil fat is bad for the pancreas.

Precautions and when not to use:

Pregnancy and lactation
allergy to plants from the cruciferous family: chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, sunflowers
pancreatic disease

Not all vegetable oils are healthy, some, like partially hydrogenated sunflower oil, contain trans fats, which increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

The method of cleansing from toxins and healing the body with the help of unrefined sunflower oil

Not everyone likes the taste of natural sunflower seed oil, so its popularity is not so high. However, refined and deodorized vegetable oil, devoid of natural flavor, loses a large amount of useful substances during processing. For this reason, only unrefined oil is used for medicinal purposes.

The procedure must be carried out every morning, on an empty stomach. To do this, put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but do not swallow it. Roll the butter in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Since the salivary glands will be involved in the process, toxins from the circulatory system will be removed from the body with the help of them. After spitting out the oil, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth and toothbrush after use.

The primary effect of such treatment is to cleanse the body of toxins, the secondary effect is to strengthen tooth enamel and eliminate gum problems. Such treatment is carried out for several days, until you see a positive effect: lack of fatigue in the morning, a surge of strength and cheerfulness during the day, and improved memory.

Although the fatty acids in this oil are essential in the diet to maintain nutrient balance, it should not be overused. An excess of omega-6 leads to an imbalance in the body. Remember that as long as you control your diet and listen to your body's reactions, sunflower oil can be a very beneficial addition to your diet.

Unrefined sunflower oil is divided into premium and first grade products and oil for industrial processing. Since Roskachestvo is only interested in the oil that consumers meet on store shelves, only oils of the first and highest grades took part in this study. In the course of a rolling study of unrefined sunflower oil, the quality and safety characteristics of 17 domestic products under the trademarks were studied: Zateya, D, Kubanochka, Golden Seed, My Sun, Gifts of the Pridonya, Gifts of the Kuban, VkusVill, Alyonushka, GLOBUS, Selyanochka, Rossiyanka, Yug Rusi , Kuban favorite, Every day, Golden sunflower, Sloboda. The purchase of samples was made in various retail outlets in Moscow and the Moscow region. The goods were carefully examined according to 31 parameters. The cost of selected samples at the time of purchase ranged from 75 to 130 rubles.

Russian quality system standard

The standard of the Russian quality system for unrefined sunflower oil, in comparison with the current GOST, sets higher requirements for color and acid numbers, which indicate the quality and degree of purification of the product. The increased Roskachestvo standard also more strictly considers the parameters of the mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances in the product and the mass fraction of non-fat impurities and excludes the use of antioxidants, flavors and other food additives. The use of sunflower seeds obtained using GMOs is not allowed. The required level of production localization for awarding the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of goods.

Differences from refined oil

Unrefined sunflower oil, like hundreds of years ago, undergoes exclusively mechanical purification during production, in contrast to the refined (including chemically purified) product, which was previously investigated by Roskachestvo. Therefore, it has an intense color, pronounced taste and smell. The appearance of this product allows the presence of slight turbidity, sediment, since the unrefined oil contains accompanying substances (phospholipids, tocopherols, carotenoids and wax), which significantly increase the physiological value of the product. Unrefined oil is a rather capricious product: it cannot stand light and can only be stored at room temperature, and the opened package should be immediately sent to the refrigerator. According to GOST, the shelf life of unrefined sunflower oil is four months. When buying, do not forget to pay attention to the date of manufacture: keep in mind that the product needs to be eaten quickly enough. In addition, it is worth knowing that the highest quality unrefined oil is obtained from a fresh harvest (in August - September).

Sometimes, in order to extend the shelf life, manufacturers resort to hydration by subjecting the oil to additional treatment with water. Through this process, phosphatides, mucous and other hydrophilic substances precipitate in the form of flakes, after which they are removed. Experts note that hydrated oil is much paler in appearance, and poorer in taste and smell than the “classic” unrefined product. There was no hydrated sunflower oil among the studied samples.


Sunflower was brought to Russia from Holland during the time of Peter the Great - then the flower was grown exclusively in gardens for beauty. And for almost a century, no one even guessed that oil could be obtained from the seeds of this unusual plant. Only in 1829, a serf from the Voronezh province, Daniil Bokarev, decided to benefit from the "sun": he collected the seeds and tried to extract oil from them. Four years later, the world's first oil mill was built in the village. The church recognized sunflower oil as a vegetable oil, so its second name appeared - vegetable oil. In those days, only unrefined sunflower oil was produced, and the technology for its production has not undergone major changes since then.

A few words about spin

Unrefined sunflower oil is obtained in only one way - by pressing, during which the crushed sunflower seeds fall under the press. In the production of oil, cold and hot pressing are distinguished. It is believed that the lower the temperature during the extraction of oil, the higher the quality of the finished product. So, during cold pressing, the oil retains all useful substances, vitamins and microelements, while it has a slight smell, which for many consumers is a determining criterion when choosing. During hot pressing, the seed is exposed to higher temperatures, which leads to an increase in the actual yield of the product, but reduces its quality. It is worth saying that formally, both during cold and hot pressing, the oil is heated, the difference between the two methods lies in the temperatures used, and each manufacturer has their own. It is also important to pay attention to products that are labeled "first spin". Some may think that this indicates a higher quality of the oil, but it is not. The unrefined product, as experts explain, is always extracted from the seed using the so-called first pressing, there is nothing special about it. This phrase hides the same method - the pressing method.


On the label of unrefined sunflower oil, you can sometimes find the inscription "frozen". In this study, out of 17 samples, two were made using freezing: Kubanochka And Sloboda. The essence of this method is to slowly cool the oil with very little stirring. This method has practically no effect on the taste, only a slight decrease in the characteristic smell of oil and a “fatty” taste, which some consumers do not like. At the same time, all vitamins and nutrients remain intact, and the oil becomes more transparent. So you should not bypass the frozen oil, it is no worse in its qualities, and it will be stored longer.

Freshness and purity of oil

During laboratory tests of sunflower oil, experts pay special attention to the parameters of its freshness and purity. The quality of the oil in the product is expressed by the so-called acid number. It shows the content of free fatty acids in the oil and depends on the characteristics of the raw material - the seeds from which it is obtained. The GOSTs in force in the country establish rather strict requirements for this parameter: the acid number for unrefined sunflower oil of the first grade should not exceed 4, and for the highest - 1.5 units. The Roskachestvo standard for this indicator set the requirement for all varieties at 2.25 units. Studies on this indicator gave optimistic results: all selected samples did not exceed the upper limit of the requirements of the Roskachestvo standard. This allows us to conclude that there were no stale samples among the studied oil.

Color matters

No less important in the study of unrefined sunflower oil by experts is such an indicator as a color number - it tells about the degree of oil purification. According to GOST, this indicator for unrefined sunflower oil of the first grade should not exceed 25, and for the highest - 15 units. The Roskachestvo standard determines the upper limit of 15 units for both the first and the highest grade. Almost all samples met the Roskachestvo standard for this indicator. It should be noted that two products Selyanochka And South of Rus', passed the upper limit of the requirements - their color number was equal to 15. The lowest values ​​​​of the color number, namely 2.5 units, were found in samples under trademarks: My sun, Gifts of the Kuban, D And Vkusvill.

Need to be persistent

Sunflower oil cannot resist the light, no matter what its source is - the sun or an incandescent lamp. The process of fat oxidation is constantly going on in the product, and in the light it accelerates several times. That is why it is better to store such natural oil in a dark place. The degree of oxidation of the product, due to the accumulation of peroxide compounds, reflects the peroxide value, which is also investigated in the tests. If the oil was stored incorrectly (for example, the seller stored it in a light warehouse), the peroxide values ​​\u200b\u200bmay exceed acceptable levels. At the same time, the product will have a reduced shelf life and a characteristic rancid taste may appear. The GOST current in the country sets the value of the peroxide value for the first grade at a maximum of 10 units, for the higher grade - at 7 units. The Roskachestvo standard set the requirements, as in TR TS: 10 units. Based on the data received from the laboratories, the following trademarks could not meet the requirements of the TR CU: The sun is mine(11.4 units) and golden sunflower(12 units).


Each of the presented samples was also examined for the content of toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, iron, copper, as well as for the content of pesticides and radionuclides. Some samples in terms of copper content passed the upper limit of the standards and, taking into account the deviations of the methodology, could not meet the increased requirements.


The indicators of the mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances and the mass fraction of non-fatty impurities, the requirements for which were increased by the Roskachestvo standard, were normal for all selected samples. As for the norms of the mass fraction of phosphorus-containing substances, all samples also met the norms of GOST and the Roskachestvo standard. The indicator of the content of benzapyrene, a carcinogen, which is always closely examined by experts, turned out to be normal in all selected samples. There is no need to worry about radionuclides either: not a single sample exceeded the radiation safety criterion. No violations were found in terms of the number of pesticides.


Sometimes marketers in pursuit of profit resort to various tricks. Roskachestvo draws attention to the fact that if products are labeled with the phrase "without preservatives", this is another trick. By definition, they cannot be in oil; this product deteriorates from oxidation by oxygen, and not due to the activity of microbes, from which preservatives are designed to protect. The inscription "without cholesterol" in this sense is also quite eloquent. In vegetable oil, it also cannot be in principle, because this substance is synthesized in the animal body, and sunflower oil is entirely a plant product. In the event that the label indicates that the oil is “enriched with vitamin E”, you need to remember that this vitamin is present in the product initially.

Sunflower oil is a popular product that is present in the daily diet, used for cooking, is a versatile skin care product and even helps in the treatment of certain diseases. Basically, people prefer it to him - this is both budgetary and already familiar to many.

Few people think about the quality of the product, choosing solely on the external characteristics and the label. Is the perfectly transparent oil in the original bottle so good and what is hidden behind “100% naturalness”, we will tell in this article.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of sunflower oil

The natural, raw product has the following composition (average values):

Nutrient/indicator Quantity in 100 gr. product
Butter calories 899 kcal
Water 0.1 gr
Fats 99.9 gr
Vitamin E 44 mg
Phosphorus 2 mg
Sterols (beta Sitosterol) 200 mg
Saturated fatty acids, of which: 11.3 gr
  • palmitic
6.2 gr
  • Stearic
4.1 gr
  • Begenovaya
0.7 gr
  • Arachinoic
0.3 gr
Monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic) 23.8 gr

Polyunsaturated fatty acids


59.8 gr
Oil density, p 930 kg/m3

Also in the composition in a small amount there are vitamins D, K, carotenes, vegetable carbohydrates, proteins, mucus, waxes, tannins, inulin.

The composition of sunflower oil varies depending on the location and growing conditions of sunflower, and not always for the better. Plants can be treated with insecticides and pesticides, which also get into the seeds. The composition of the oil, including the residual content of chemically aggressive substances, is regulated by GOST.

Useful properties of the product

The beneficial properties of sunflower oil are well known today. It is a product with a high degree of digestibility, up to 95-98%. The positive effect on the body is due to the composition:

  • phospholipids improve the functioning of cells of the nervous tissue and brain, protect against the development of atherosclerosis, participate in the construction of cell membranes;
  • tocopherol (vit. E) is a powerful antioxidant, normalizes metabolism, helps preserve youth, has an antitumor effect and improves immunity. According to the content of tocopherol, sunflower oil is richer;
  • vitamin D is responsible for the good condition of bones and skin;
  • vitamin K participates in the normalization of blood viscosity, prevents internal bleeding;
  • unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9) are directly involved in the proper functioning of the liver, blood vessels, nervous system, normalize the blood lipoprotein spectrum and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Increase immunity, have anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant effects. Participate in the normalization of hormonal levels.
  • beta-carotene has a positive effect on growth processes, the state of immunity and improves vision.

Summing up, it should be said that, subject to the consumption rate, a real, high-quality product helps fight atherosclerosis and its complications (heart attack, stroke), improves the function of the central nervous system and increases concentration, slows down the processes of premature aging, improves the condition of hair and skin, has a beneficial effect on work endocrine and genitourinary systems, has antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective effects, has a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa and is used for constipation (1 tbsp oil on an empty stomach).

Types of sunflower oil

This product is obtained from sunflower seeds using different technologies. Each of them is based on a similar process:

  • peeling oilseed sunflower seeds mechanically;
  • processing of kernels in vyaltsy: crushing into mush;
  • extraction of sunflower oil: passing the slurry through a press and obtaining the first press product;
  • processing of the remaining mass, which may contain up to 30% of the product, in the extraction shop.

Further, the oil is subjected to processing (purification and refining): centrifugation, settling, hydration, filtration, bleaching, deodorization and freezing. And each of these processes affects the quality of the final product. The production of sunflower oil is regulated by law: there is GOST 1129-2013, which clearly defines the standard amount of chemicals, organoleptic indicators, physical and chemical properties and others, according to which the quality of the product is normalized.

There are 5 types of oil. They are listed on the label. Studying the product in the store, it is already possible to draw a conclusion about its quality, composition and effect on the body.

Raw unrefined

This is a first pressing product that is only subjected to filtration. It is considered the most useful: a minimum of production steps allows you to save a maximum of useful substances.

  • pros: has a pleasant natural taste, intense yellow color. In unrefined oil, you can count on the presence of phospholipids, vitamins, carotene, fatty acids.
  • Minuses: However, it quickly becomes bitter and tarnishes, so it has a short shelf life.

There are 3 types: top, first and second grade. Crude oil is obtained in three ways - hot and cold pressing and extraction:

  • cold pressed allows you to get the highest quality, but expensive product (up to 20-30% of oil remains in the cake).
  • hot pressing implies the use of high temperature: the process is accelerated, and more oil comes out.
  • Extraction. During extraction, vegetable raw materials with “underexpressed” oil (cake) are mixed with a solvent, and the oil is completely converted into an organic solvent, which is gasoline or hexane. The mixture is then separated, a process called distillation, during which the oil is separated from the solvent. This is already a proven technology, and we hasten to reassure readers - there are no gasoline residues in the oil! You can read more about the technology in food production manuals.

All subsequent purification and processing processes are nothing more than bringing the product to the required presentation and shelf life.


A product that, in addition to mechanical cleaning, undergoes a hydration process: hot water is passed through the oil heated to 60 ° C in the form of a fine dispersion (70 ° C). During this process, protein and mucous fractions precipitate. After processing, the oil has a less pronounced smell and taste, becomes lighter, without turbidity and sediment.

They also distinguish between the highest, first and second grades of the product, similar to unrefined.

Neutralized and refined

The product undergoes complete purification from impurities, as well as free fatty acids, phospholipids using alkalis and acids. The oil acquires optimal external consumer properties, but loses its typical aroma and taste, as well as useful components. It is used for frying, stewing and deep-frying, as well as the production of cooking oils and margarines.

Refined deodorized

Obtained by refining and subsequent exposure to water vapor under vacuum. During processing, the product is deprived of aromatic substances, which shorten the shelf life.

  • Mark "D" indicates that the product is suitable for dietary and baby food,
  • Mark "P"» - for other groups of the population.

Sunflower oil refined deodorized frozen

Freezing the oil removes waxy substances (which make it cloudy in cold conditions and spoil the presentation) and further increase the shelf life. In fact, this product has no taste, no smell, no nutrients in the composition, and is nothing more than a mixture of triglycerides.

How to choose the best sunflower oil

Most Helpful– crude oil of the first extraction, obtained by cold pressing from high-quality sunflower seeds grown in environmentally friendly conditions and sold in glass containers. It has a short shelf life, in violation of which it becomes cloudy, rancid. In addition, when the oil goes rancid, carcinogens are formed in it that are dangerous to health.

This product contains all useful substances and is ideal for dressing salads, side dishes. But frying on it is definitely not worth it: when it boils, it begins to foam, smoke and release carcinogenic substances that enter the food, and with it into the human body. Yes, the incoming carcinogen does not necessarily cause cancer. But the regular intake of carcinogens (and not only with food) leads to their accumulation in the body, and sooner or later a sporadic effect can work!

A reasonable question arises: where to find it and how to choose a good unrefined oil?

Today, such products can be bought in small farms, health food stores and from manufacturers who are engaged in obtaining an environmentally friendly product. Naturally, all manufacturers must have permits, strictly follow the technology and exercise production control: the study of the quality and composition of the oil in accredited laboratories at regular intervals. The buyer has the right to demand documents for oil: research protocols and a quality certificate.

How to choose homemade sunflower oil?

It is very difficult to talk about the quality of oils that are sold on bottling or in bottles in the markets. There are only guidelines that you can rely on, but the main guarantee that the bottle is not counterfeit is a quality certificate.

So, homemade product:

  • has a pronounced, rich smell and natural taste of seeds;
  • has a rich yellow-golden color, but not dark;
  • a drop of oil on the skin of the hand should slowly spread;
  • when pouring the product from a container into another container, there should be practically no sound;
  • allow a small sediment at the bottom.

You should be concerned:

  • unnatural dark color, taste and texture of the product,
  • the presence of suspension (turbidity),
  • Strong smell,
  • the shelf life of draft oil is only 1 month - no one can guarantee that the seller is conscientious and says the real date of production.

If you are still lucky enough to find that very best manufacturer of a product that is “sick” with its business, do not buy a lot of oil, it is better to come to the market twice or thrice a month for fresh oil. Store purchased oil only in the refrigerator and in glass containers.

How to choose a good refined oil in the store?

  • You can't blindly trust advertising . Very often, manufacturers manipulate the minds of buyers and write attractive phrases on the labels:
    • "no cholesterol". This is understandable - a product of plant origin cannot contain cholesterol;
    • "fortified". If we are talking about unrefined, then the statement may be true. But in a repeatedly purified product (refined), there cannot be vitamins, and most likely a synthetic vitamin is added (most often E);
    • "natural". Natural means it is made from sunflower seeds, i.e. natural, not artificial. Both refined and unrefined oils are natural. So far, there are no such nanotechnologies to synthesize oil artificially.

You can write anything on the label - but the consumer should pay attention not to the front part, but to the back, where the composition is indicated.

  • Read the ingredients of the product carefully! On the front of the label may be written "Sunflower", and in the composition - a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, the addition of rapeseed. This is a tricky but legal trick of the manufacturer: in this case, the word "sunflower" is the name of the product, as well as "Golden Seed", "Kuban", etc.
  • Give preference to proven, well-known manufacturers of sunflower oil that manufacture their products in accordance with GOST with the marking "P" or "D".
  • Choose a bottle that stands at the back of the shelf and in no case take the packaging from open windows - the oil oxidizes in the light.
  • Carefully read the release date and expiration date: if it is coming to an end, you should not take such oil (and most often such products are sold under promotional goods with a very attractive price).

Slightly digressing from the topic, we note that adherents of a healthy lifestyle and people who want to live long have long abandoned such a method of cooking as frying in oil, deep-frying. There is a special cookware that allows you to cook with an appetizing crust, but without oil.

If life without products fried in the classical way is not possible, you need to buy oils that do not change their properties and the properties of the product when boiled (high-quality refined deodorized and frozen).

Very important:

  • pour the product into a cold pan and heat slowly;
  • do not cook at the highest temperatures;
  • do not overcook food (the crispier and tastier the crust, the more dangerous the food for health);
  • during frying, turn over meat products more often - this is how uniform heating occurs without the formation of local overcooked foci with carcinogens;
  • allow excess oil to drain from the product and pour out the remains after frying. The greatest harm of refined sunflower oil occurs if you use it repeatedly for frying food: with each subsequent heating, dangerous carcinogens accumulate that can cause cancer.


In one of the programs of the "Habitat" cycle, an experiment was conducted: a professional chef fried potatoes in different types of oils: refined and unrefined sunflower, sesame, unrefined olive, melted and creamy. Samples of the finished product and oil residues were tested in the laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for the content of one of the most powerful carcinogens - acrylamide.


  • In all samples of the finished product, the level of acrylamide was 900-1500 micrograms per kilogram, which is within the normal range.
  • In two samples, the level of acrylamide was negligible:
    • 0.584 milligrams per kilogram in unrefined sunflower oil,
    • 0.009 milligrams per kilogram in potatoes fried in refined sunflower oil.

Thus, it was concluded that the best oil for frying food is refined sunflower oil.

  • Even natural vegetable oil should be taken in limited quantities.. This is a high-calorie product that, in large doses, can provoke the development or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to weight gain. With uncontrolled use of oil, especially on an empty stomach, gastrointestinal dysfunction (diarrhea) may develop.
  • Consumption rate- about 2 tablespoons per day in its pure form (including oil in dishes).
  • In no case should you cleanse the body using this product.. This method is still positioned by charlatans as the best and safest, but in fact leads to irreversible changes in the function of the liver and gallbladder.
  • You can’t ignore expiration dates, but it’s better to divide them by two. Over time, oxides (peroxides and hydroperoxides) are formed in the product, which disrupt metabolic processes. Any product after opening the container must be used within 1 month after opening.
  • You should also observe the storage temperature Do not place the product on a window or in direct sunlight. Natural unrefined oil should be stored only in glass containers and in the refrigerator.
  • Turbidity and sediment, which have formed in the raw product during the permissible shelf life, are not a sign of poor quality. Waxes and phosphatides, useful components, precipitate. Just shake the bottle.

Harm of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil causes the strongest blow to the body in the following cases:

  1. unrefined- if it is expired or used for frying and deep-frying;
  2. refined– if it is expired or used for frying and deep-frying WRONG – repeatedly and at maximum temperatures at which it starts to smoke!

The danger of expired oil

In expired oils (when rancid), aldehydes and ketones are formed.

  • Ketones- toxic. They have an irritating effect, penetrate the skin, some of them have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.
  • Aldehydes- able to accumulate in the body, providing a general toxic, irritating and neurotoxic effect, and some are also carcinogens.
  • The most useful of all is raw and unrefined oil, but you can’t buy it for future use, because shelf life is limited (4-6 months).
  • The shelf life of homemade oil is 1 month, i.e. it must be consumed immediately after purchase.
  • Refined oil can store 12-18 months. after manufacturing(and as practice shows, it is stored even more, without changing outwardly at all, and some people use it), but there will be no benefit from such oil, but harm is quite possible.

What is harmful frying in vegetable oil

The smoke point of refined oil is 232°C, unrefined 107°C. It is easy to understand that the oil has reached the specified temperature range: it begins to smoke, exude a pungent odor, “cut” the eyes and irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

When frying among a bouquet of "chemistry" are especially dangerous:

  • Acrolein. Acrylic acid aldehyde, a poisonous substance that strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. It is formed immediately when the oil reaches the smoke point.
  • Acrylamide. Acrylic acid amide. A toxin that affects the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. Formed in starchy foods when fried in oil at temperatures above 120°C. It is localized in the very “tasty and fragrant” crust.
  • Fatty acid polymers, heterocyclic amines and free radicals. Formed in the products of burning and smoking. They have a general toxic effect.
  • Carbon-containing polycyclic substances (benzpyrene, coronene). Strong chemical carcinogens of the first hazard class, which are formed in the products of smoking and burning.

Application in cosmetology

A natural product used for cosmetic purposes to moisturize dry skin. It has regenerating and softening properties and helps to restore the skin after a long stay in the cold. Smoothes fine wrinkles. It is used to cleanse the skin of the face - quickly dissolves and removes impurities.

To moisturize dry skin, warm oil compresses are made. With such a problem as cracks in the feet, hands and lips, as well as irritation on the skin, a simple recipe helps: take 100 ml of oil and 1 bottle of pharmacy vitamin A, mix and lubricate problem areas of the skin two to three times a day.

For hair, it is used as a component of nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Contraindications and restrictions

A direct contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance - an allergy to oil or sunflower seeds.

In a limited amount and with caution, the oil should be used by people with:

  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunction of the biliary tract or gallbladder, cholelithiasis. This category of people should not take oil on an empty stomach and should strictly observe the recommended rate. In patients with gallbladder stones, while taking oil, stone movement and blockage of the bile ducts may begin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obese.


Many media write that olive oil is a panacea, which is positioned as the most valuable and useful. What's up?

To get the basic useful substances necessary for the body, sunflower oil familiar to Russians is enough: unrefined, fresh, not rancid, properly stored (no more than 1 month in the refrigerator in a glass container) and without subjecting the product to heat treatment, i.e. for dressing salads and as a flavoring additive.

For frying, deep-frying, you should use only good refined sunflower oil and drain it after cooking. For each new serving of food - pour fresh oil.

And in order to get the maximum, you need to combine various oils (and not only olive oil) or alternate their use:

  • the largest amount of vitamin E gives a product from sunflower;
  • essential Omega-3 acids contains linseed and mustard oil;
  • a complex of Omega-6 acids, biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins and are contained in any unrefined product obtained by direct extraction, including olive oil.

And yet - everything useful is useful if the measure is observed. You can not use more than 3 tbsp. oils per day, even if you produce it yourself and are 100% sure of the quality!

Hi all!
By tradition and due to geographical features, sunflower oil is the main oil in our kitchens. With its help, we pamper our home with ruddy fried potatoes, juicy cutlets and lush pastries. And this despite the fact that nutritionists do not recommend getting too carried away with fried foods, and if you do fry, then replace sunflower oil with olive oil.

This raises the question of whether sunflower oil is so useful, and if so, how to use it in order to derive this benefit.

Useful essence of sunflower oil

Derived from sunflower seeds by pressure, the oil is a product containing 99.9% fat. Another thing is that the fat presented in sunflower oil is extremely beneficial for health, since it consists of fatty acids with a lot of useful functions.

Of greatest interest is linoleic acid, which in the product is up to 62%.

They belong to the class of omega 6 essential fatty acids, which our body is not able to synthesize, and must be obtained from food, since they are essential for its proper functioning.

Omega 6 is involved in the production of prostaglandins, which in turn improve blood circulation, prevent the occurrence of thrombosis and inflammatory diseases.

Omega 6

  • participates in the formation of cell membranes and a number of hormones;
  • ensures the correct functioning of the immune system;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • regulates the course of inflammatory processes;
  • and also contributes to the proper functioning of neurons and chemical connections between the cells of the nervous system.

Due to the presence of linoleic acid, sunflower oil is extremely useful:

  • for the health of the heart muscle;
  • with atherosclerosis, since it drains cholesterol plugs on the inner walls of the arteries;
  • to prevent impotence and female diseases, such as mastopathy
  • with arthritis;
  • hair loss and skin problems.

It's all about balance

The only disadvantage of omega 6 is its opposition to another type of essential fatty acids, omega 3. Simply put, an excess of omega 6 interferes with the metabolism of omega 3, harming the cerebral cortex and nervous system of our body. If we use a diet rich in omega 3 acids, then they contribute to the rapid release of omega 6 from food and increase the therapeutic effect of these acids (antithrombotic, antiarrhythmic and vasodilator).

The recommended balance between omega 6 and omega 3 acids should be 4:1. And since sunflower oil contains less than 1% omega-3 essential fatty acids, it should be mixed with olive or linseed oil, as well as nuts, borage, and any other omega-3-rich foods.

What else is rich in the composition of sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil is a source of vitamin E, which has properties. This vitamin not only protects cells from the effects of free radicals, but also prevents their degenerative changes. Indispensable for the skin, as well as heart health, proper blood circulation, in the treatment of tonsillitis and atherosclerosis.

In the percentage of vitamin E, sunflower oil is superior. In order to provide the body with a daily dose of this vitamin, you will need either 2 tablespoons of sunflower or 10 olive oil.

The combined effect of vitamin E and linoleic acid provides sunflower oil with a rejuvenating effect on the skin. It forms a special protective layer on the skin, which allows it to retain moisture, provide nutrition, as well as a protective anti-inflammatory function.

Is it possible to fry in sunflower oil

On sale you can find 2 types of oil:

  • refined, absolutely useless for health;
  • pressed or natural, obtained by cold pressing, it retains all the beneficial properties.

However, in order for the body to be able to use them, the oil should not be exposed to high temperatures, at least this destroys vitamin E, and also ensures the formation of substances harmful to health. It is better to fry in olive oil, which contains a high percentage of oleic acid, and for salads, homemade mayonnaise, natural sunflower oil is ideal. Refined can also be used for frying, provided that

  • the heating temperature will not be higher than 170 degrees;
  • the oil does not smoke in the pan;
  • you allow reuse more than 2 times;
  • do not fry in darkened oil;
  • remove pieces of ice when frying foods that are recommended to be cooked without defrosting, because in addition to “shooting” and splashing, this is very detrimental to the quality of the oil.

Useful properties and contraindications of sunflower oil

  1. Against cough- Stir 5 drops of eucalyptus and thyme oil with two tablespoons of sunflower oil, rub the resulting mixture on the chest and back twice a day.
  2. For ear pain- crush a large clove of garlic and pour it with sunflower oil, leave for 24 hours, then strain, pour into a bottle and warm slightly in your hands so that the resulting mixture is at body temperature. Put two drops on a cotton swab and plug your ears with it.
  3. For sore throat and loss of voice drink two tablespoons of oil a day.
  4. Hand cream. Melt 2 tablespoons of lanolin in a water bath, add the same amount of sunflower oil to it, beat until the mixture has cooled completely. Place in a glass, hermetically sealed bottle, use as a night cream to soften the skin of the hands.
  5. For hair shine. Add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil to any shampoo you use (per 300 ml of shampoo). First wash your hair with regular shampoo and then with oil shampoo. Especially useful for color-treated dull hair.
  6. With varicose veins To prevent blood clots for people suffering from varicose veins, eat 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds per day.
  7. Gastritis Sunflower oil for gastritis is useful to add to salads, drink on an empty stomach, and also make herbal oil infusions based on it.
  8. With constipation. It is useful to cook dishes with the addition of sunflower oil - salads, vinaigrettes.

Sunflower oil contraindications

The main contraindication is the abuse of vegetable oil, the daily dose should not exceed 2 tablespoons per day. This is especially true for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.
Excess fat can increase blood sugar and insulin levels. Also, people with allergies to sunflowers should not be used, which is extremely rare. For the rest, in reasonable doses, sunflower oil will only be useful, both as a base oil for massage and aromatherapy, a natural medicine and a delicious ingredient in homemade dishes.

Among the variety of sunflower oil is considered the most popular. It is used for baking, dressing salads, roasting. Often, the composition is added to cosmetic masks for the face and hair, wanting to improve their condition. Today, many people think about the useful and harmful qualities of the products they use. And this is not surprising, because absolutely everyone wants to saturate their body with only useful elements.

Chemical composition

  1. Fatty acids - palmitic, peanut, oleic, stearic, linoleic acids are present in the oil. All of them are necessary to maintain the activity of the central nervous system, heart muscle, and digestive tract.
  2. Retinol - otherwise this element is called vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair and skin. Retinol fights against premature aging of the epidermis, prevents the development of dandruff and massive hair loss. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system during viral epidemics, regulates intestinal motility.
  3. Vitamin D is a substance that is responsible for the strength of bones, teeth, and nail plates. At the initial stage of formation, this element cannot be dispensed with. Vitamin D prevents possible deviations in the activity of the thyroid gland and has a positive effect on the entire endocrine system.
  4. Vitamin F - is a combination of Omega 3 and 6 acids. They support the condition of the hair and skin. Vitamin F strengthens the vascular walls and makes them elastic. Prevents thrombosis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis. The substance accelerates blood circulation, due to which toxic substances, toxins, congestion leave the body.
  5. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant. Otherwise, the element is called vitamin E, which is added to all cosmetic products for hair and skin care. The substance regulates the reproductive function of men and women, prevents the possible development of oncology and premature aging of tissues.

In addition, mineral compounds, lecithin, proteins, phytin, carbohydrates, tannins and fats accumulate in sunflower oil. The most useful elements are distinguished: calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, boron.

Interestingly, there is no cholesterol in sunflower seed oil. For this reason, the natural product is approved for use by patients with atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases.

The benefits of sunflower oil

  1. Participates in the synthesis of nerve fibers, forms cells, regenerates tissues.
  2. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. For this reason, oil is allowed to be consumed by overweight people.
  3. Prevents many diseases of the heart and vascular system, in particular atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and other pathologies.
  4. Increases brain function by stimulating neurons. Enhances concentration, improves memory and vision. Promotes rapid digestibility of information.
  5. Favorably affects the central nervous system, thyroid gland, digestive tract.
  6. Relieves painful cramps during the menstrual cycle, facilitates menopause.
  7. Improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes the digestibility of complex foods, relieves constipation.
  8. Used in the therapeutic treatment of arthritis, gout, bone problems.
  9. Slows down the processes of premature aging of the skin and the body as a whole. Improves the condition of the nail plates, skin, hair.
  10. Aligns the hormonal background of adolescents, pregnant and lactating girls. Normalizes the psyche.

  1. It is used as the main component of home masks for face and body skin, hair, nail plates, neck, décolleté. It has a rejuvenating effect, fights wilting and dryness.
  2. In winter, the oil protects sensitive skin from chapping, exposure to frost and other weather conditions. The composition returns the dermis elasticity and tenderness.
  3. On the basis of sunflower oil, baths for hands and feet are prepared. The tool prevents the delamination of nails, fights corns and calluses, nourishes the skin.
  4. It is widely used as the main ingredient in home hair care products. As a result, the hair becomes smooth and pliable for styling, dryness disappears.
  5. Masks with sunflower oil for hair are recommended for men and women who have experienced alopecia. Due to regular use, the loss disappears. Similarly, the effect on dandruff and itching of the scalp is carried out.
  6. Sunflower extract is added to professional caring facial cosmetics. This move allows you to remove excess pigmentation, peeling, inflammation.
  7. Newly made mothers know firsthand how uncomfortable diaper rash is for a newborn. To cope with the trouble, you need to warm the oil and distribute it over the skin.
  8. Sunflower oil has excellent regenerating properties. In view of this, they can lubricate damaged areas of the skin, large cuts, wounds and other injuries.

sunflower oil treatment

  1. With the help of oil pomace, you can thoroughly cleanse the body of various harmful substances. In addition, the product effectively relieves constipation.
  2. To restore the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to use 30 ml. sunflower oil daily.
  3. The product of plant origin can be drunk along with a glass of kefir or water. Oil is also added to cold salads and cereals.
  4. In especially severe cases, it is recommended to give an enema of 100 ml. raw materials. Before starting the manipulation, the vegetable oil is heated in a steam bath to 45 degrees. Next, the composition is administered rectally at bedtime, it is necessary to lie down for a quarter of an hour.
  5. With sore throat and similar colds, a remedy based on unrefined sunflower oil and aloe juice will help. Lubricate the throat with the finished composition. Please note that this product is not suitable for children.

6. From an unpleasant smell from the mouth or inflammation of the gums, rinsing will help. Mix in a suitable container of 60 ml. oils and 30 gr. sea ​​salt of medium grinding. Leave the composition for some time to insist. Rinse your mouth for 5 minutes each time before going to bed.

  1. Sunflower oil, instead of its inherent benefits, may well harm a person. Such cases occur when the rules for storing the plant composition are not followed.
  2. Keep in mind that the abuse of the product negatively affects the state of health. Follow all rules for the use of sunflower oil. Do not self-medicate, consult a specialist before the procedures.
  3. In the case of unrefined oil, you should be careful. Such a product is prone to rapid oxidation, hence the short shelf life of the composition. If you feel bitterness in the oil, this indicates the release of toxic compounds.
  4. Unrefined oil must be consumed before the expiration date. At the same time, it is supposed to be stored in a dark and cool place.
  5. As for refined oil, the aging period is about 4 months. You can store this product in the refrigerator. Oil is especially dangerous for the human body when cooked on it again.
  6. It is important to limit or completely stop using any type of sunflower oil for problems with the cardiovascular system, bile ducts and gallbladder.
  7. It is forbidden to take oil with diabetes, high cholesterol, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to sunflower seeds. Abuse of the product is fraught with rapid weight gain and a number of troubles.

Sunflower oil is undoubtedly beneficial for a healthy body. The daily norm of the product should not exceed 100 ml. Before using the oil for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, consult a specialist.

Video: the benefits or harms of vegetable oils
