
The best cold pressed olive oil. How to choose the best olive oil

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Residents of Russia are familiar with olive oil not so long ago, so few people know varieties, categories and other selection criteria. Since the product is useful not only as a food additive, but also as a cosmetic product, the interest from the buyers is high. In this article, we will talk about the main characteristics by which you should choose olive oil, and also present a rating review.

Based on user reviews, our experts have compiled a ranking of the top 13 olive oils.

How to choose olive oil

  1. How to obtain. Oils are distinguished by markings that indicate the method of preparation, and therefore the taste of the product. Virgin - cold first pressing. Preserved nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The shelf life is modest, but despite this drawback, most housewives are convinced that such oil is the best. It is divided into: Extra virgin olive oil - the best product with an acidity of 0.8 percent; Virgin olive oil - oil with an acidity of 2 percent, subjected to physical, thermal and mechanical stress. Cleaning is carried out exclusively with natural ingredients; Ordinary virgin olive oil - acidity is 3.3 percent. Refined - purified by chemical-physical processes. The ground fruits are poured with hexane, after which oil is released. Solvent residues are removed with water vapor and alkali. At the end, whitening and deodorization are carried out. It is divided into: Refined olive oil - less quality with an acidity of 0.3 percent; Olive-pomace oil - a mixture of oils: refined and first pressing (acidity - 1 percent); Refined olive-pomace oil - made from pomace by refining (acidity - 0.3 percent). Pomace - the second spin using chemical-physical technologies.
  2. Olive growing area. The color, taste, aroma and other characteristics of the finished product depend on this criterion. Before buying, consult with the seller or look for information on the Internet in order to better familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a particular variety of olives grown in different areas of Spain, Italy, Greece.
  3. Color. The parameter is affected by the variety, maturity and method of processing the fruit. There are green and yellow shades.
  4. Acidity. Shows the level of oleic acid in 100 g of product. It does not affect the taste, but experts believe that the low acidity of the highest quality olive oils.
  5. Aroma. Hydrocarbon, alcohol, esters, aldehydes are special substances that determine odor. It is bad if there is no fragrance at all, because this means that the oil has most likely been exposed to sunlight for too long.
  6. Taste. Natural olive oils have an intense, rich, bittersweet or salty taste. Avoid buying watery, rancid, metallic, and vinegary products.
  7. Best before date. Look at the date of the spill. The fresher the better the quality. It is not recommended to buy olive oil in reserve.
  8. Presence of sediment. Large flakes at the bottom that appear when the product is stored in the refrigerator should not be taken as an indicator of spoilage. On the contrary, this indicates that the oil is real and of high quality. When heated, the flakes will disappear.
  9. Packing material. Buy the product only in glass or metal containers. Olive oil can break down the top layer of polyethylene, allowing harmful substances to enter the food. Therefore, plastic bottles are not used for packaging and storage.

Rating of the best olive oils

Nomination place Name of product price per 1 liter
The best Italian olive oil 1 1 139 ₽
2 1 428 ₽
3 1 344 ₽
4 853 ₽
The best Spanish olive oil 1 909 ₽
2 1 149 ₽
3 990 ₽
4 870 ₽
The best Greek olive oil 1 1 280 ₽
2 949 ₽
3 1 400 ₽
4 1 250 ₽
5 1 260 ₽

The best Italian olive oil

The first in the rating category is unrefined olive oil from Sicily. It is made from the first October harvest of olives. It is poured into containers immediately after pressing, which retains a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. The product is recommended for a healthy diet, as well as for use in cosmetology. The title of "best" is confirmed by the gold medal received in 2017. Experts highly appreciated the quality of the oil, recognizing the product as exemplary. Users in the reviews also do not skimp on praise, noting the right aroma and delicate, bittersweet taste.


    excellent organoleptic data;

    acidity is not higher than 0.8 percent.


  • relatively expensive - 1140 r for 250 ml.

The second line of the rating goes to unfiltered olive oil from a place called Apulia. The product belongs to the elite category, since the indicator of the maximum content of saturated fatty acids is quite high, and the acidity, on the contrary, is low and amounts to 0.8 percent. The product is not subjected to chemical and / or heat treatment during production, therefore it retains useful substances. Users note that the oil is thin, fluid and, despite its bitterness, has a pleasant taste that complements meat and vegetable dishes.


    natural product;

    cold pressing;

    does not contain artificial additives and GMOs;

    reasonable price - 1300 r for 500 ml.


  • bitter taste that not everyone likes.

The third position in the ranking goes to unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Made from fruits that are grown, harvested and processed in a specific region, as evidenced by the abbreviation DOP. Due to the absence of transport transportation and the minimum period of time elapsed from the moment of collection until bottling, the product retains its nutritional value. The Italian company Alce Nero has been producing natural products for decades. The company is the owner of a European quality certificate, which makes it possible to put the EU Organic Bio label on products. The production does not use genetic engineering, and the use of pesticides and hazardous chemical fertilizers is unacceptable in the fields.


    delicate taste with a slight bitterness and a touch of fresh herbs;

    packaged in cans or glass bottles;

    acceptable cost - 1400 r for 750 ml.


  • not found.

The fourth is unrefined extra virgin olive oil. The Monini company remains family-owned to this day, which is reflected in the approach to manufacturing and, as a result, in the quality of products. The owner tastes and selects oils before bottling and shipping. In the fields where olives grow, harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used. The fruits are harvested by hand, after which they are squeezed by cold pressing. Monini is the flagship of the Italian food industry with a rich history dating back to 1920. Products are supplied to more than fifty countries. A special feature is the addition of natural spices, mushrooms, dry vegetables, herbs or nuts.


    spicy taste due to natural additives;

    acceptable cost - 600 r for 250 ml.


  • not found.

The best Spanish olive oil

First in the rating category is unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Belongs to the premium class. According to Spanish regulations, the product is considered medicinal. The oil is made from the fruits of an early harvest in the Baena region. Used variety Picual. Suerte Alta was founded in the early twenties, and in the late nineties officially began to practice organic agriculture, which is confirmed by the certificate of the organic farming council of Andalusia, as well as similar documents from Japan, America and the council of Europe.

The second line goes to unrefined extra virgin olive oil. It features a new taste from a blend of Picual and Arbequin varieties. The acidity of the product is 0.2 percent (therapeutic). Users note a soft, delicate, sweetish taste with notes of artichokes and almonds. Oil is produced in Spain, on a family farm, in the region of Murcia. Olive groves grow in an area located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level. Environmental friendliness is confirmed by the certificate of the regional government and the committee of Europe on organic agriculture.

The third position is given to unrefined extra virgin olive oil. During the production process, olives are not exposed to temperature, which preserves valuable nutrients as much as possible. The taste, neutral or bitter, depends on the climate of the area where it was harvested and pressed, as well as on the variety of olives. The product is ideal for salad dressings and ready-made meat or fish dishes. It is packaged in tin containers if the volume is over 1 liter or in glass containers if the volume is less than a liter. The company was founded in 1914, but to this day is one of the recognized leaders. Borges products account for 60 percent of the domestic olive oil market.


    rich, intense and deep taste;


  • not found.

The fourth place is occupied by unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Made from selected fruits grown in the Mediterranean. It has a rich aroma and taste: soft, without bitterness, with nutty notes. Ideal for salad dressing or cooking. According to user reviews, it does not interrupt, but complements the taste of vegetables. When frying, it does not give foreign odors and does not change color. In the fields where the olives grow, harmful chemicals and pesticides are not used. Olive oil retains beneficial substances. Packaged in dark glass bottles or cans.


    thick consistency;

    acceptable cost - 300 r for 250 ml.


  • not found.

The best Greek olive oil

In first place in the rating category is unrefined extra virgin olive oil. It has the right of a guaranteed region of production. The fruits are grown, harvested, pressed and packaged in the same geographical region. In this case, in Greece, on the island of Crete, in the region of Messara. The product is not a mixture of oils. According to experts and users, the oil has a rich taste with a pronounced bitterness, indicating that the production was free of taste-improving impurities and hazardous chemicals.


    high quality;

    low acidity - 0.6 percent;

    acceptable cost - 700 r per 500 ml.


  • not found.

The second line goes to unrefined extra virgin olive oil, which has an optimal ratio of price, quality and volume. The fruits are grown on the island of Peloponnese, in the Kalamata region, which is considered the main place for growing excellent varieties of olives. Buyers attribute the pleasant taste without bitterness, which is so inherent in Extra Virgin, to the advantages of the product. The oil is suitable for making sauces, dressings, marinades, ready meals and frying. Adherents of dietary and proper nutrition note affordability that does not affect the quality of the product.


    packing in cans or glass bottles;

    acceptable cost - 950 r for 750 ml.


  • not found.

The third position is given to unrefined extra virgin olive oil. It has a fruity bouquet with an aftertaste of ripe olives and a slightly peppery aroma. The product is designed for true connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine. The fruits are selected by hand, their extraction and bottling of the finished oil takes place in one region - the City, in eastern Crete. The place is one of the most famous for the production of olive oils, as fertile soil, mountainous terrain and long daylight hours create conditions for the formation of a unique microclimate. The brand has won the most awards and is a member of the Extra Virgin Alliance.


    neutral indicator of carbohydrate release;


    • packing in cans or glass bottles;

      acceptable cost - 300 r for 250 ml.


      heat treatment is applied;

      poor taste and aroma.

    Fifth place is occupied by another olive oil from the Greek island of Crete. The product is unrefined, first cold pressed. Made from the Koroneiki olive variety, it has a greenish-golden color, rich aroma and mild taste with light bitter notes. The manufacturer recommends using olive oil for salad dressing for full disclosure. Pesticides and hazardous chemicals are not used on the fields. The composition does not contain impurities that improve the taste, as the product is 100% natural. Glafkos Extra Virgin is supplied to 17 countries.


      acidity is not higher than 0.8 percent;

      useful substances are preserved;

      acceptable cost - 600 r per 500 ml.


    • not found.

    Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In ancient Greece, olive oil was considered a gift from the gods. It has long been noticed that people who regularly use this product are distinguished by a high life expectancy and good health.

It has now gained popularity all over the world. The rich composition and abundance of beneficial properties allows it to be used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

Refining is a process of purification of vegetable raw materials from impurities, consisting of several stages. Many people believe that as a result, the quality of the product is reduced, and valuable substances are destroyed.

Indeed, some of the fatty acids, vitamins and microelements die, but they still remain in the composition, although in smaller quantities.

Refined olive oil has another advantage - a fairly long shelf life. It is allowed to use for frying. It does not cause side effects in people with allergies.

The refinement process is as follows:

  1. The raw materials are carefully filtered, then they are allowed to settle, as a result of which harmful impurities are separated;
  2. With the help of alkalis, charcoal and boiling water, excess fatty acids, phospholipids and pigments are removed;
  3. At the end, it is deodorized - passed through a vacuum and exposed to steam. In this case, vegetable fat loses its characteristic taste and smell.

Unrefined oil is not subjected to such processing, so the amount of nutrients remains at the maximum level. Therefore, it is the most useful, but it has limitations in use - you cannot fry on it, because. Under the influence of high temperature, carcinogens are formed, which are one of the causes of cancer.

Oil is obtained by two methods of extraction:

  • cold;
  • hot.

These varieties differ in their properties and have different purposes of use.

In the first method, pressing is carried out at a low temperature - up to 40 ° C. Such a product has a high nutritional value, but it cannot be stored for a long time. It is divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Extra Virgen olive oil - has the richest composition and a fairly high cost. Obtained from the first cold pressing. It is this variety that nutritionists recommend using for various diseases. Specific taste with slight bitterness harmonizes perfectly with fresh vegetables;
  2. Virgen olive oil - pomace is not as high quality as the previous one, but has a fairly rich chemical composition;
  3. Aceite de Oliva is a mixture of unrefined (85%) and refined (15%) oils. It is allowed to use for frying, but it does not have a characteristic taste with a slight bitterness.

During hot pressing, the raw material is subjected to temperatures up to 120°C. As a result, the nutritional value is significantly reduced. But on the other hand, it has excellent taste characteristics, which are appreciated by chefs.

Each type of oil has advantages and disadvantages. It is better for housewives to purchase both types. There is a worthy use for each.

Beneficial features

The health benefits of olive oil have been known since ancient times. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks called it "liquid gold". Modern doctors and nutritionists are of a similar opinion.

The beneficial effect is as follows:

  • , which is a natural antioxidant, protects cells from destruction, prevents premature aging, improves blood formation. This is a good prevention of oncology and a significant help in the treatment of cancer;
  • B vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system. With regular use, sleep problems disappear, the psycho-emotional state stabilizes;
  • olive pomace has a positive effect on the digestive system - it improves food digestion, enhances intestinal motility, and relieves stomach cramps. It is an adjuvant for gastritis and ulcers;
  • cleanses the liver and gastrointestinal tract of toxic compounds, draws poisons and heavy metals from the internal organs, helps to get rid of constipation;
  • improves the cognitive activity of the brain - attention, memory, and visual-spatial perception;
  • promotes the speedy healing of wounds and other injuries. The oleocanthal contained in the composition gives the product analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • oleic acid regulates lipid metabolism and prevents weight gain. Thanks to this substance, the product is often included in the diet during the diet, but in a strictly limited amount;
  • with systematic use, the body is saturated with essential vitamins and minerals, which leads to a strengthening of immunity and an increase in protective forces;
  • men appreciate this product for its positive effect on potency and reproductive function.

The benefits of olive oil for women are used during pregnancy. It solves problems with stool regularity, relieves heartburn, helps in the treatment of gastritis and improves the absorption of nutrients. During the feeding period, it improves the quality of milk and enhances its production.

The product also has a beneficial effect on the baby - it reduces the risk of congenital malformations, contributes to the proper formation of the central nervous system and the brain. Regular consumption in pure form or adding to food is a good prevention of anemia.

When applied topically, olive pomace reduces the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. The use of olive oil for the face provides the skin with nutrients, rejuvenates, relieves dryness and flaking.

Benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach

Experts answer in the affirmative to the question of whether it is useful to consume olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. At this time, the body is most susceptible to incoming valuable substances. This method is an excellent prevention of various ailments, and in the presence of certain diseases it helps to get rid of them.

The positive effect is as follows:

  • decreased appetite and increased metabolism. The process of fat deposition slows down, which is especially important for losing weight;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and solving problems with stool regularity;
  • improving the skin and increasing the tone of the body;
  • prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms.

If any discomfort occurs, the use of the product should be discontinued.

If the reception goes well, then you can clean the intestines. To do this, every morning you need to slowly dissolve 15 ml of oil. You can eat only 30 minutes after the procedure.

Which is better - olive or sunflower

To get the most complete picture of the qualities of both oils, it is better to use a comparative table.

Saturated fats14.4 g11 g
Monounsaturated fats73 g45.4 g
Omega 30.761 g
Omega 69.8 g65.7 g
15 mg41 mg
Vitamin E60.2 mcg5.4 mcg

If you pay close attention to the composition of fatty acids, then the amount of oleic acid, due to which olive oil has gained particular popularity, is about the same.

Both foods have their own benefits, so don't cut any of them out of your diet entirely.


In some cases, the use of olive oil is not only beneficial, but also harmful. It contains quite a lot of calories (1 tablespoon - 120 kcal), which people who are on a strict diet should pay attention to. In small quantities, it will help get rid of extra pounds, but abuse will lead to the opposite effect.

In addition, the harm from the use of olive oil for medicinal purposes is manifested when:

  • cholecystitis and cholelithiasis;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • intestinal disorder.

The product is unusual for the diet of Russians, so it is recommended to use it in strictly limited quantities. Otherwise, the risk of fatty degeneration of the liver increases.

Some people experience dizziness and headaches, a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, we must not forget that frying in olive oil is harmful. There is no such restriction only for refined varieties, so you need to carefully monitor this indicator.

How to take for medicinal purposes

Olive oil can alleviate the condition with various ailments.

With varicose veins, olive pomace should be consumed every day - it reduces the density of the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. It can be used as an external remedy - rub into problem areas 2 times a day.

With a stomach ulcer, health courses are carried out, lasting about 3 months. To do this, you need to drink 20 ml of the remedy in the morning.

For constipation, you should take 25 ml of oil, which will gently make the intestines work and bring digestion back to normal.

People suffering from pancreatitis, it can be used only after consulting a doctor. Reception begins with remission, which lasts more than one month. Raw materials cannot be drunk in their pure form. It should be added to food during cooking. The daily dose should not exceed 30 ml.

With gastritis, olive pomace is taken in the morning, after waking up. First you need to drink 150 ml of purified water, and after 20 minutes - a healing product. The beneficial effect is observed after 7 days.

cosmetic application

The first cold-pressed oil contains the largest amount of valuable substances, which is why it is used in cosmetology.

It will help:

  • lighten hair a little
  • improve hair growth;
  • get rid of split ends;
  • overcome dandruff, itching and dry skin;
  • rejuvenate the skin and nourish it with the necessary elements.

This product is part of many creams and masks. Some women prepare home remedies from it that have an equally pronounced effect.

Cold-pressed olive oil is a powerful healing agent that helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems. If the recommended dosages are observed, it will not cause harm, but it will significantly improve the quality of life.

Many people read the phrase "extra virgin olive oil" and wonder:

  • And what exactly does this mean?
  • How to properly use it in food?
  • What other ways are there to use this olive oil, besides using it as an additional ingredient in dishes?

Below are the facts that tell you what "extra virgin olive oil" is.

Extra virgin olive oil means that olive oil is made from olives that are pressed (pressed) and not other olive oil extraction equipment.

Also the term " first spin” means that the olive oil fruit was crushed only once. In order to end up with extra virgin olive oil, the olive fruit is crushed at a temperature no higher than 80°F (27°C) so that more nutrients are retained and the oil undergoes the least deterioration.

In Greece, during the olive pressing process, producers are very careful not to heat the olive fruit, as this greatly affects the quality of the resulting olive oil. This is mainly due to the fact that Greece itself is a hot southern country, and if, in addition to the natural natural heat, the olives are exposed to even more heat, then they will simply be spoiled.

How to use extra virgin olive oil

Let's move on to the next question: What is the best and most correct use of extra virgin olive oil?

The best use of this type of olive oil is to use it cold, without heat treatment. Use it as a dressing for your salads, because in this case, in addition to rich taste, you will also get all the useful vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the health of any person.

If you do need to use it during cooking and heat it, then it is best to use olive oil for cooking foods that do not require very high temperatures.

But still, it is better to limit the use of extra virgin olive oil to only using it as a dressing in salads. This will help preserve its unsurpassed aroma and unique taste.

Many people, when comparing extra virgin olive oil to other types of olive oils, place it far above others that can be easily found and bought on the market. If you're looking for extra virgin olive oil that has an amazing taste and aroma, look no further than extra virgin olive oil, which is unmatched by any of the cheaper oils. Remember that farmers and growers put in a huge amount of effort and expense to produce quality olive oil. Among other things, such oil must be certified by the International Olive Council, and as a result, superior olive oil cannot be cheap, unlike inferior olive oils, which are usually crushed several times and at higher temperatures in order to to eventually extract more oil from the olive fruit.

How to cook with olive oil

Alas, you will not be full of salads alone. We have to cook and hot food. How to properly use olive oil in heat treatment?

Let's start with boiling or stewing. With these types of heat treatment, the temperature of the prepared product does not exceed 100 degrees Celsius. Olive oil tolerates such temperatures easily and does not emit harmful carcinogens.

Another thing is when we bake a product or fry it. By the way, when baking in a number of cases, the temperature also does not exceed the permissible limits. But what about hot?

Various studies have shown that olive oil resists high temperatures for 10-15 minutes. Because of this, experts recommend frying, for example, meat as quickly as possible over high heat and then cooking it at more moderate temperatures.

There is also an original way. The meat is fried over high heat for several minutes and acquires a delicious golden crust. After that, it is placed in a cauldron (or other similar dish) in layers. Vegetables are laid between the layers of meat. After that, all this puff “pie” is stewed over low or medium heat. The juice secreted from the vegetables prevents the meat and olive oil from getting too hot, and the meat soaks the vegetables with its flavor and aroma.

If you still like well-done pieces, then you can use extra virgin olive oil. It is purified from natural impurities, which burn at high temperatures. This oil is also called refined. By the way, it costs less than EVOO.

For a long time mankind has been using olive oil in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Its beneficial properties were discovered by the ancient Greeks. Olive oil is called "liquid gold". What is its use? How to choose and what types of olive oils are there?

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil has many health benefits. It has a preventive effect in cardiovascular and oncological diseases:

  • fights with "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a natural immunostimulant;
  • reduces the risk of formation of cancer cells in the body.

It also has a good effect on the work of the stomach, intestines, biliary system:

  • improves the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum;
  • helps with hemorrhoids;
  • copes with constipation;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Olive oil is used in cosmetology:

  • has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains vitamin E;
  • it is included in masks and other care products for the face, body and hair;
  • has a healing effect on wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Varieties of olive oil and their uses

The physical and chemical composition of the finished product, the content of useful elements in it depends on the method of pressing the raw materials. In accordance with this indicator, olive oil is divided into categories in European legislation:

  • natural olive oil (Extra Virgen and Virgen, Spanish);
  • olive oil (Aceite de Oliva, Spanish);
  • extra virgin olive oil (Romas or Aceite de orujo de oliva, Spanish).

Extra Virgin (Cold Pressed Unrefined)

Extra Virgin - the most valuable and expensive grade of oil. This is practically freshly squeezed olive juice, bottled. The technological process - from the place of cultivation and collection to sorting and pressing - is regulated and controlled.

In producing countries, the quality of olive oil is checked by a commission consisting of expert tasters. This procedure is legally fixed and mandatory. Each of the ten members of the commission must assign the title of Extra Virgin to the sample. Only in this case, manufacturers have the right to sell oil under that name. If at least one member of the commission “rejected” the product, then the manufacturer is fined and the oil is sent for revision.

This type of oil contains the greatest amount of useful substances. Its taste is rich, but with bitterness. The more bitter the oil, the fresher it is. It is recommended to use it without heat treatment:

  1. For dressing salads and cold dishes.
  2. in dietary nutrition. For people prone to cardiovascular diseases, olive oil is an indispensable tool in the fight against "bad" cholesterol. Used in diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.
  3. To feed a child. From the age of six months, babies are introduced to complementary foods with extra virgin olive oil. The first dose is 2 drops, and by one year it is brought to a teaspoon. The fatty acids of this olive oil combine almost like in breast milk. Helps kids with constipation.

Virgin (unrefined cold pressed)

This oil is also a natural product, but the quality of the olives from which it is made is lower. Low quality standards are applied to it. The taste of Virgin oil is not as refined as that of extra natural. Cosmetologists advise adding it to masks for the face, hair and nails. When using Virgin oil in cooking, it is not recommended to heat it in order to preserve its beneficial properties.

Refined cold pressed

This type of olive oil is obtained by mixing refined cold-pressed olive oil with unrefined extra natural (Extra Virgin) in a proportion of 85% / 15%. It also has excellent properties, but the rich taste and smell of olive oil is absent, there is no characteristic bitterness. Suitable for heat treatment, during frying it does not form carcinogens.

Extra virgin olive oil

This oil is obtained from the pomace of olives left after the first pressing. In the manufacturing process, organic solvents are used and raw materials are exposed to high temperatures. Oil retains a set of vitamins and minerals, but in smaller quantities. It is ideal for deep frying food.

Product exporting countries

Which country produces the best olive oil? The dispute has been going on for centuries. In every country there are worthy producers offering healthy and tasty oil.

The lion's share of olive oil is produced in Europe. Spain ranks first in terms of volume, Italy ranks second, and Greece ranks third. Olive oil is also made in Turkey, Tunisia and Syria, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. The volume of oil produced by these countries is a small proportion of the total mass. Therefore, the main dispute about the quality, taste and benefits of "liquid gold" flares up between Spain, Italy and Greece. Each country "cheers" for its product and considers it the best. Are there any differences in the tastes and beneficial properties of olive oil from these countries?

Quality product from Spain

In Spain, the production process of "liquid gold" is well-established and automated to perfection. This fact helps the country to come out on top in terms of product procurement. The taste of olive oil from Spain is closest to the natural taste of olives. He is harsh and bitter.

Real olive oil from Italy

In Italy, there are many enterprises for the preparation of olive oil. There are more than 400 varieties of olive in Italy. Rich bouquets of taste are created from such a variety. Great competition in the market within the country only stimulates the improvement of the created olive oils.

What does Italian olive oil taste like? Italians like to season olive oil with spices and spices such as garlic, chili peppers or rosemary. The taste of the oil from this becomes a little spicy. Olive oil from Italy is distinguished by its mild taste, sweetish and barely perceptible herbal smell.

What oil is made in Greece

It was in Greece that the production of olive oil began in ancient times. The Greeks fill their domestic market more, not striving for superiority in exports. Ancient traditions are honored here, they are passed on from generation to generation, and they are sensitive to the production of butter. This process is the least automated. The taste of the oil is rich and bright, it contains aromas of fruits and honey notes.

Greece has a suitable climate for growing olive trees. Thousands of Greek families, using homemade conservative methods, extract the largest volume of extra virgin olive oil (80% of the world's volume).

If we talk about the benefits of olive oil, then there is a special law for producing countries that sets out quality criteria. Therefore, the name Extra Virgin already gives a guarantee that this oil is the best, regardless of which country it comes from.

How to choose the right olive oil on store shelves

When buying olive oil, you need to clearly understand what it is for? If you plan to fill them with salads and cold dishes, use them as complementary foods, for medicinal or dietary purposes, in cosmetology, then choose an oil labeled Virgin or Extra Virgin.

If you want to use oil for frying, choose an olive oil labeled Aceite de Oliva. You can also cook in a deep fryer with oil labeled "Romase" or Aceite de orujo de oliva.

Many take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and sell plain refined olive oil at the price of extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, you need to look not only at the price, but also study the information on the packaging.

About cost

  1. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest cost, since only the highest quality raw materials are used to produce it. Only 250 ml of oil comes out of one kilogram of olives. High quality requirements make this product more expensive.
  2. There is also a difference in the cost of extra natural oils. Oils labeled DOP/IGP/PDO or labeled "biological" (BIO) are significantly more expensive than Extra Virgin oils without such labeling.
    • BIO marking guarantees that chemicals and genetically modified organisms were not used in the production of oil;
    • DOP (PDO) - a guarantee that the oil was produced in a specific area listed in a special register, the entire process from cultivation to packaging is carried out in one place;
    • IPG - a label indicating that the oil was produced in a certain area included in the agricultural register (one or more stages of production are regulated, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the oil).
  3. The difference in cost depends on the type of spin used in production. Extra virgin olive oil will always cost many times more than second (hot) pressed olive oil.
  4. Unrefined olive oil will always be more expensive than refined olive oil.

How to buy a good product in a store

Regardless of which type of olive oil you choose, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Olive oil is not produced in Russia, so buy the product only in its original packaging. It is not safe to purchase such oil for bottling in our country.
  2. Packaging must be glass (dark glass) or tin.
  3. The type of olive oil, the exporting country must be indicated on the package.
  4. The DOP/IGP/PDO markings or the organic designation (BIO) is a guarantee of the quality of the extra natural olive oil. Such markings are often faked, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, ask the stores for a special certificate of origin.
  5. The acidity of the oil is always written on the packaging: the figure should be no more than 3.3%, if the oil is extra natural, then no more than 1%.
  6. Pay attention to the date of production, the shelf life after opening. Usually, oil in unopened containers is stored for up to 18 months. From the moment of opening - a month, provided that the bottle is tightly closed and stands in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall.

If there is an opportunity to try Extra Virgin oil, then its features are as follows.

My friends, hello everyone!

Let's talk with you today about one of the MOST valuable vegetable oils for our body - olive oil and how to choose the most delicious and healthy olive oil.

Olive oil is truly unique.

It is mega healthy! And they call it nothing but "liquid gold"!

And the point here is not at all in its “golden” price, but in its USEFUL properties. Why is it so useful?

From this article you will learn:

What is the benefit of olive oil?

Hippocrates spoke about the wonderful properties of olive oil for our body, Aristotle was the first to use it to treat his patients.

And the beautiful queen Cleopatra took a spoonful of this nectar on an empty stomach all her life for health and youth! And famous for its timeless beauty! ☺

  • First of all, it is rich in useful fatty acids, the most important of which is oleic.
  • It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and is necessary to improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract: for the health of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and intestines.

For those who have a sick heart, ONLY this oil should be on the table and in dishes! It is not without reason that among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, where its consumption is the largest in the world, cases of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels are very rare.

  • Very important! It is absorbed by the body at 100%!!! For example: sunflower - only 80!
  • Also, it is great for healing and clearing the skin.

We can talk about the benefits for a very long time. And this is a topic for a separate and larger post.

In this article, the question is different: how to choose the “right” olive oil? How not to buy a fake instead of real "liquid gold"? The price, after all, is not small now ...

The right question ☺ It's worth it to deal with it thoroughly.

What is the healthiest olive oil?

The most useful class is Extra Virgin (or Extra Vergine) - this is the first cold pressing.

It is unrefined, of the highest quality. It is obtained by cold pressing and does not use any chemicals.

In fact, it turns out pure juice from olives.

Therefore, the entire spectrum of useful substances remains safe and sound.

Its color is green, the taste is tart, with bitterness.

It is used exclusively in cold dishes, salads, sauces that do not require heat treatment.

What other types of oils are there?

Pure olive oil is a fairly high quality oil. This is a mixture of refined olive (85%) and Extra Virgin (15%).

Just perfect for frying. It is believed that with this ratio in the composition when heated, no carcinogens are released.

So, let's look at the main points on how to choose olive oil:

  • Bottle

I think it's superfluous to say that the bottle should never be plastic ☺Of course, it should only be made of glass and only dark!

  • Label

First of all, you need to study the composition on the label.

  • 1. Determine the composition of fatty acids, and, first of all, of course, the most important - oleic.

See how much is in there. It must be at least 55%. Great if it is 83%!

  • 2. Determine the acid number.

The acid number tells about the presence of free fatty acids. The higher this number, the worse for quality.

For Extra Virgin, this is no more than 1.5. Ideally, if 0.5!

  • 3. Determine the peroxide value.

For Extra Virgin - no more than 20 mmol / kg.

What does it say? On the oxidation of fats when exposed to oxygen from the air.

Why is this oxidation harmful? Simply put, air-oxidized oil is pure poison.

And the higher the peroxide value, the more there is a susceptibility to oxidation.

The lower the peroxide value, the higher the quality.

  • 4. Determine the mass fraction of moisture.

This is a very important indicator! The lower the proportion of moisture in the product, the greater the concentration of nutrients.

A good indicator is 0.1%. Ideal - 0.06%.

  • 5.Pay attention to the expiration date.

Buy the freshest oil.

After 6 months of storage, the process of loss of useful properties begins!

Do not buy oil that is more than a year old!

  • 6. Another check you can do at home.

Put the purchased bottle in the refrigerator. If you see that white flakes have formed at the bottom of the bottle, then you have in your hands the “original” of the best quality. Congratulations! ☺

This is the “olive information” for today, friends ☺

Write, information on how to choose olive oil will be useful to you.

I really hope that this information will be useful to you in order to easily choose a really high-quality product!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Bye, see you soon! We have a lot of exciting things ahead of us!

