
How to open a bottle of champagne silently, with a loud bang, and what to do if there are only girls at the table. How to open a bottle of champagne for a girl: proven tips

Champagne is traditionally an important attribute of the festive table. It has an unsurpassed taste, aroma and millions of bubbles sparkling cheerfully in a beautiful glass. The solemn opening of the bottle marks the beginning of the holiday, resembling a volley of guns, after which the real fun begins. However, the process of extracting the cork sometimes causes a slight panic in people who do not know how to do it correctly. Inept opening of the bottle can lead to sad consequences. At the same time, half of the contents of the container, accidentally spilled on the floor, will be the most insignificant of them. Everyone can learn how to beautifully open a bottle of champagne, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Nuances that ensure easy opening of sparkling wines

A loud shot with a cork flying out of a bottle of champagne is not at all a sign of good taste. According to the existing rules, it is quiet cotton that indicates the high quality of the drink and the ability to present it. For the successful implementation of this procedure, it is necessary to ensure the preparation of a bottle of sparkling wine before serving. Observing the existing rules, even a beginner can open wine.

Proper cooling

Before serving, a bottle of champagne must be cooled to the optimum temperature of no more than 4-8º C. For this purpose, you can use a special bucket - cooler, pre-filled with water with ice. This method of cooling will allow you to achieve the required temperature within 30-40 minutes. Cooling the bottle solely with ice will take much longer.

In order not to make guests wait too long for champagne, take into account the time for its cooling in advance.

An ice cooler will cool a sparkling drink in 30-40 minutes

Tip: If you want to shorten the cooling time, add a few tablespoons of salt to the cooler in addition to ice.

You can also chill champagne in the refrigerator. However, you should not put the bottle in the freezer. As a result of gradual cooling, the drink will reach the desired temperature after 6 hours.

Complete cooling of champagne in the refrigerator occurs after 6 hours

If there is no ice and a refrigerator at hand, you can cool the drink with cold running water. However, this method will not provide complete cooling, but will completely reduce the temperature to 10º C.

plastic stopper

Specifications for the production of champagnes require the use of corks exclusively. If it is made of plastic, then you are holding fake champagne wine. Such drinks are distinguished by the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which contributes to strong foaming.

The plastic cork is not used to cork authentic champagne

To safely open the bottle, it is necessary to smoothly unwind the cork. Usually, its extraction does not require much effort, since it moves due to gas pressure. Your task is only to provide control over the position of the vessel. At the moment when the cork leaves the neck entirely, the bottle should be tilted slightly to ensure that carbon dioxide slowly exits.

Regardless of the type of cork, a bottle of sparkling wines is stored only in a horizontal position.

wooden cork

Wines undergoing the process of natural champagne are traditionally sealed exclusively with wooden corks. Such drinks do not create a high pressure inside the bottle, making the process of popping without cotton easier.

A cork stopper is more than just a stopper. In essence, it is a filter through which wine breathes in order to live and develop.

After unscrewing the wire, it is necessary to ensure the fixation of the cork with the left hand, while simultaneously holding the bottle by the bottom and turning it with the right hand. When the cork is almost out of the bottle, you need to reduce the speed of its advance. This will avoid a shot.

Until a certain point, bottles of champagne often exploded in wine cellars. It was this that caused the invention of the muselet (wire mesh) in 1844.

When opening champagne, a corkscrew is usually not used. However, there are cases in which the cork can break, which will significantly complicate further manipulations. It is in such a situation that a special corkscrew for champagne bottles can come to the rescue.

Such an unusual corkscrew has a convenient mechanism that allows you to easily open bottles of champagne

In addition, before opening the champagne, in no case should you shake the bottle. This is permissible only if you wish to bathe yourself and the wine splashes present in the fountain.

The tradition of pouring champagne on the winners was introduced by Dan Gurney in 1967, who won the daily marathon "24 Hours of Le Mans"

Ways to properly open a bottle of champagne

According to professional sommeliers, champagne should not "clap". Its correct opening is accompanied by a "whisper" caused by the process of outgassing. Uncorking a bottle with a loud bang is certainly a very effective option, however, in the highest circles it is completely unacceptable.

Opening a bottle without cotton - step by step instructions with a photo

How to open champagne without cotton - video

Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Even girls can cope with the opening of a bottle of champagne, following fairly simple rules.

Any girl can master the technique of opening a bottle of champagne

  1. Put the chilled bottle on the table, after wrapping it with a napkin and holding it below the neck.
  2. Then, covering the cork with a towel, begin to slowly unscrew it.
  3. As soon as the cork is completely out of the neck, hold it a little longer, finally releasing excess gas. This will prevent the possibility of popping and also allow you to safely open the bottle without any extra effort. This method is the simplest, most reliable and safest.

Video tutorial - how to open champagne to a girl

Opening a bottle with cotton

To open a bottle of champagne with soft cotton, you must:

  1. Cool the drink to a temperature of 6–8º C;
  2. Tilt the vessel at an angle of 45º C. Remove the muselet and foil, clamp the cork with one hand, and start rotating the bottle with the other;
  3. As soon as the cork begins to move towards the exit on its own, you need to gently tilt the bottle, which will release the gas. Open the container with a pleasant cotton.

Video tutorial - open champagne with cotton

Opening a bottle with a cork shot

If you want to impress your guests with a spectacular cork shot, you need to break some of the tips described above. However, this option of uncorking requires compliance with safety rules, since a cork flying out under pressure can cause injury to people nearby, as well as cause damage to property.

  1. To prevent such situations, do not point the neck of the bottle at people, as well as easily breaking objects, including household appliances. In addition, at the time of opening, there is a chance that some of the drink will spill onto the floor. Consider these factors ahead of time.
  2. For a "theatrical" opening of a bottle of cotton, you need to shake it slightly, then remove the wrapper and muzzle. Let the cork break out of the neck on its own without holding it too hard. The accumulated gases trying to escape quickly will provide the desired pop.
  3. After such an opening, it is desirable to instantly pour the contents of the bottle into glasses.

Opening a bottle with a pop-out cork produces a mesmerizing effect

Another method that allows you to uncork a bottle of champagne with cotton involves a minimum of action on the part of the sommelier. However, in this case, the ceiling of the room may suffer, since the cork is not held by anyone.

  1. To do this, you need to put slightly chilled bottles of champagne on the table, first freeing them from foil and muzzle.
  2. Wait a while. Gradually heating containers will shoot corks on their own, while not a single drop of drink will spill onto the surface of the countertop.

How to open champagne with a glass - video

If the cork is broken

Sometimes unforeseen situations occur in which the cork, while in the neck, can break. There are several ways to open a bottle of champagne:

  • in hussar style;
  • with a corkscrew;
  • using a self-tapping screw;
  • using a knife;
  • using a thin blunt object;
  • removing the cork piece by piece.

Opening a bottle with a corkscrew

If the broken cork is made of plastic, it will be enough to shake the bottle and it will fly out by itself under the pressure of air. For a cork stopper, a corkscrew equipped with a thin spiral with a sharp end is perfect. A thick spiral will only complicate the process of extracting it. No less effective in this case is a stationary corkscrew. However, it is not cheap, so its purchase is advisable only under the condition of constant use.

If you decide to remove a broken cork from a champagne bottle using a regular corkscrew, pull it up very carefully and slowly. With a sharp movement, an explosion can be heard that can break the very neck of the bottle. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to make a hole in the cork, allowing you to release some of the accumulated gas.

We use a self-tapping screw

If it is not possible to open a bottle with a corkscrew, a long self-tapping screw can be an excellent alternative. Then, armed with pliers, you need to slowly pull the screw up, gradually releasing the gases accumulated in the bottle.

Step-by-step removal of a broken cork with a self-tapping screw

How to open champagne with a knife

First you need to cut off the remains of the upper part of the cork and push it a little inside the bottle. Then hit the bottom of the vessel with your palm so that the cork flies out on its own.

When opening a bottle with a knife, you need to take into account that at the moment of impact, part of the drink will spill out and can stain you and people standing nearby.

Remove a broken cork with a knife with extreme caution.

Remove the plug with thin pliers

If none of the above options provide the desired result, you can remove the cork with thin pliers. This option will take a lot of time. When pouring champagne into glasses, you may have to use a strainer. It will prevent wooden pieces of cork from getting into the wine glasses.

Opening champagne with a blunt object

A hole must be made in the broken cork to allow the release of excess carbon dioxide. This will reduce the internal pressure in the bottle. Then the remnants of the cork are pressed inward with the help of any improvised thin and blunt object.

Using a thin, blunt object to open a bottle of champagne, you may have to strain the drink through a strainer that can trap pieces of cork that have fallen into the container.

Punching a broken cork with a marker

Opening like a hussar

This option for opening a bottle of champagne is used not only in the case of a broken cork. The sabrage technique is widely used in many ceremonies and requires a certain amount of experience from the sommelier. You can master it at home, however, this option is very dangerous for beginners. The name of the method comes from the English word "sabre", which means "saber" in Russian.

Opening a bottle of champagne using the "sabrage" method is widely used as part of many solemn ceremonies.

With this opening of the bottle, cutting movements are not performed, the success of the operation depends on the accuracy and force of the blow.

When performing such a trick, you need to make sure that the cut-off neck does not fly into any of the people. Moreover, the saber itself is a very dangerous object that can cause harm if handled ineptly. After completing the uncorking of the bottle, do not touch its neck, in order to avoid getting cuts with its sharp edges.

Before tasting a champagne opened with the “sabrage” method, it is advisable to make sure that no glass fragments have fallen into your glass.

Video on how to open champagne the Hussar way

Once, at a meeting of the Restaurant Forum, a master class was held on “how easy it is to open champagne”. I did not dare to try it then, but carefully memorized the instructions. After a couple of years, the knowledge came in handy. We remove the foil. We put the chilled champagne on the thigh (well, like children are carried on the thigh) at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn the bottle (holding it on your hip) clockwise for a full circle, until the “tail” of the wire appears in front of you. Don't ignore this moment! With this movement, you calm the “bubbles”. Unscrew the wire, remove it. Slowly pull out the cork. Can be rotated in both directions. There will be cotton and smoke. But the champagne won't pour out.


A purely feminine way: remove the foil, then if (plastic cork) DO NOT REMOVE THE WIRE, cut off the top of the cork with a sharp knife. Everyone's eyes are intact, nothing spills. Checked multiple times.



Skills that allow you to properly and beautifully uncork champagne will be useful to anyone who knows a lot about the taste of this exquisite drink. The correct opening of the bottle will decorate the festive celebration and raise your authority in the eyes of those present.

Champagne is a traditional drink for any celebration. And the children's event is no exception. True, a non-alcoholic drink is made for kids, but this does not decrease its value.

But sometimes the champagne doesn't open. And the same thing happens with an adult drink. Therefore, it is important to know about all the ways to open bottles of sparkling wine.

As a rule, a bottle of children's champagne is closed with a plastic stopper, and it is not so difficult to open it. First, remove the foil and carefully remove the wire holding the cork. After that, it is easily removed with twisting movements. Don't forget to tilt the bottle slightly - this will allow the carbon dioxide to escape slowly.

But it happens that the cork tightly freezes in the neck, and even a man cannot pull it out with his hands. In this case, you can open the drink in the following ways:

  • Shake the bottle 3-4 times. Strong gas formation will begin, which will push the cork out from the inside. Hold it with your hands, otherwise it will fly away. In addition, make sure that the neck is not directed towards the guests.
  • Use a nutcracker or large pliers to open the champagne. To do this, hold the cork and swing it in different directions. As soon as it starts to move, slowly pull it up.
  • Hold the neck over the flame of the lighter. The plastic will heat up and soften, and will easily pull out of the bottle. But in order not to burn yourself, do not forget to wrap the neck with a handkerchief or kitchen towel.

If these methods do not help, and the champagne does not open in any way, then use a kitchen knife. First, make a small hole in the side of the cork to release excess gases. Then cut it as close to the neck as possible.

According to the rules of etiquette, a sparkling drink should open with a light pop and smoke coming from the neck. And splashes and foam are a sign of bad taste. But not everyone succeeds in opening champagne the first time. Moreover, most of the errors are associated with the storage of bottles, and not the process of uncorking the cork.

To avoid problems with the opening of a sparkling drink, adhere to the following rules:

  • Refrigerate champagne before serving. It is advisable to hold it for 6-7 hours on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. To cool the drink in a short time, place it in an ice bucket, then it will last 30-40 minutes. But keeping the bottle in the freezer is not recommended. This causes the drink to lose its taste.
  • Store champagne in a horizontal position.
  • Don't shake the bottle. This will increase gas production and some of the drink will spill when opened.

A high-quality sparkling drink is closed with a wooden cork stopper. It is necessary to continue the natural process of champagne wine. The internal pressure in such bottles is relatively low.

Therefore, opening them is much easier:

  1. Wipe off the condensation from the bottle and wrap it with a napkin at the level of the label. This will help to firmly fix the drink in your hand.
  2. Remove the top foil and remove the wire frame.
  3. Holding the cork with your left hand, tilt the bottle at a 45° angle. Make sure that the neck is not directed at people or mirrors.
  4. Holding the cork firmly, begin to slowly rotate the bottle, gradually pulling it down.
  5. Reduce the uncorking speed before opening the champagne. This will help you avoid getting shot.

But for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to properly pour the drink into glasses. To do this, tilt the glasses and pour the champagne in a thin stream. Then there will be less foam, and the drink will get exactly as intended, and not on the table or clothes of the guests.

It is easier to open champagne with a broken cork with a special corkscrew. But if it is not there, then you can use the usual one. But remember that it is impossible to pull out the cork abruptly. Otherwise, due to strong pressure, the neck may burst. To avoid this, make a hole in the cork through which some of the gases will escape.

You can open a bottle with a broken cork without a corkscrew. The following methods will help with this:

  • Take a long self-tapping screw and screw it into the remnants of the cork. Grab the head of the nail with pliers and slowly pull it up.
  • Use an awl or gypsy needle to poke a hole in the cork to release a little gas. After that, push it inward with a marker or other blunt object. Do not rush, otherwise the bottom of the container may fall off.
  • Cut off the top of the cork and push it in slightly. After that, hit the bottom of the container with your hand so that the cork flies out on its own. But keep in mind that in this case, part of the drink will spill.
  • To uncork champagne, remove the cork from the neck piece by piece with tweezers or thin pliers. This method will take a lot of time, besides, pieces will remain in the bottle. Therefore, before pouring the drink into glasses, strain it through a strainer.

Following these tips, you can easily open any bottle of champagne. But remember that an exquisite drink does not tolerate fuss. Therefore, you need to uncork it slowly and carefully.

Do you have a holiday and want to please your guests with sparkling wine or champagne? In order for the taste of the drink not to deteriorate, you need to know how to properly open champagne.

Do not pull the cork very loudly. Therefore, before serving, the container must be kept in the refrigerator. Do not overcool the drink, this may adversely affect its taste. It is enough for sparkling wine to stand on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two hours. Wrap the neck with a napkin, this will prevent slipping during opening. Now remove the foil and tax stamp. Carefully remove the wire. Remove the cork with smooth rotating movements. As a result, a faint pop should be heard. In this case, the liquid should not flow out of the container. Opening champagne without cotton will preserve the taste of the drink. Do you want to attract the attention of guests and make the atmosphere truly festive? Then open the champagne with cotton. This option is suitable for weddings. Shake the bottle, but do not overdo it, as half of the drink may spill out of the container along with the foam. Carefully turn the container upside down, and then to its original position. There is another way to open champagne. This option is suitable for experienced lovers of sparkling drink. To do this, remove the foil and paper. Be sure to remove the label from the neck. This can be done with a knife. Refrigerate your drink. Take the bottle in your left hand, holding it by the bottom. Now remove the wire. Don't touch the cork. While holding the container, take a large kitchen knife with a wide blade. Point the knife with the sharp blade towards you. Put the knife on the neck. Find the seam and try to run the knife over the seam several times. Now sharply hit the neck with a knife, sliding the blade along it. No need to hit with a knife, directing it perpendicular to the bottle. The knife should be parallel to the neck. You will need to open 5-6 bottles to master the "hussar" technique of opening champagne. Keep in mind that the blow must be accurate and strong, then the cork will fly out of the bottle along with part of the neck. When opening, move away from the guests and do not point the bottle in their direction. The container may shatter when opened for the first time, and guests may injure themselves. If you have a bachelorette party and there are no experienced champagne lovers among those invited, you can resort to the “female way”. To do this, remove the wire and label from the bottle. Hold the container with your knees while sitting on a chair. Position the bottle so that there is a 45 degree angle between the floor and the neck. Throw a towel over the cork and remove it with a rotating motion. To avoid cotton, refrigerate the drink. If you feel that the pressure inside the container is very high, then put a cold spoon on the neck, this will slightly reduce the pressure. This method is suitable for opening cheap drinks with plastic stoppers.

If you are unable to open the drink, never use a corkscrew. The cork can fly into your eye along with the corkscrew. Always tilt the bottle away from you so that the liquid does not touch the cork. With a little practice, you will be able to very deftly open bottles of champagne and surprise guests in the “hussar way”.

1. Chill the champagne to 6-8°C. This will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also keep it from spilling when the cork pops out.

2. If you expect to open the champagne carefully, and not shoot the cork at the ceiling, it is better not to shake it.

3. Wrap the bottle in a towel or tissue. This must be done so that the wet container does not slip out of your hands. And so that the cork does not fly away in an unknown direction, cover the neck itself with a towel: this way it will be in the fabric pocket as soon as it comes out.

4. Remove the foil from the neck.

5. Position the bottle at a 45-degree angle so that the bottom rests on a hard surface, such as your belly, thigh, or inside of your hand.

6. Remove the wire, holding the cork with your finger so that it does not open prematurely. The wire can not be removed completely, but only loosened.

7. Gently rotate the bottle (not the cork!), gradually pulling the cork out.

8. As soon as you feel the pressure inside the bottle begin to push the cork out, pry it with your thumb and carefully pull it out.

9. If you come across a particularly stubborn bottle, you can try to hold its neck under hot water for 3-5 minutes. This will help move the carbon dioxide inside the vessel to the cork and push it out.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

This method is suitable if the wooden cork is broken. If it is intact, you need to cut off its upper part at the level of the neck. The corkscrew is screwed into the remains of the cork and removed in the same way as from a regular one. At the same time, the champagne wrapped in a towel must be held firmly in your hand so that it does not slip out.

But it is better to turn to this option only as a last resort. The cork is under pressure, so it will fly out with the corkscrew if you do not hold it. Which means you can get hurt.

With a broken plastic stopper, this trick will not work. It will have to be cut open and taken out piece by piece.

This method is quite dangerous and is designed for professionals who want to surprise the public. Of the minuses - the cork flies out sharply and can injure someone. Yes, and the drink itself, most likely, will spill. But fragments can be avoided if you hit the right point: the pressure inside the bottle will help to form an even chip.

1. Ideally, you need to take a sword or saber: they are heavier than a knife, so the blow is stronger. But with a certain skill, this trick can be done even with a spoon.

2. Cool the drink well. Remove foil and wire.

3. Take the sword or knife in one hand and the bottle in the other, placing it at an angle of 45 degrees. Grab the bottle tightly. Some advise placing your thumb in the recess in the bottom.

4. Aim at the protruding part of the bottle neck (the so-called lip) so that the sword or knife seems to fake it.

5. With a sharp movement away from you, hit the neck with the sharp end of the blade.

However, progress has come to the point that it has saved us from the need to open with heavy manual labor. There are many models of corkscrews designed specifically for champagne, and here are just a few. They will allow you to open the bottle with one easy movement and catch the cork themselves.

Such a device will help to easily pull out the cork, and then it remains just to pull it out of the corkscrew. It costs about 2,500-3,000 rubles.


And to open a bottle with this corkscrew, you just need to pull up on the handle. It is already cheaper: about 1,500 rubles.


And with the help of this device, you need to clamp the cork, like with pliers, and pull it towards you. A small hook is designed to remove the wire protection at the same time. The price is about 800 rubles.

Sparkling wine is an attribute of many holidays and events. But, despite the huge popularity of champagne, not everyone knows how to properly open a bottle of drink. If handled carelessly, you can harm both yourself and others. In addition, it is important to understand how to open a bottle in a difficult situation when it is not possible to remove the cork using conventional methods.

How to open champagne

There are several ways to open champagne in a critical situation and not only. We recommend that you take a look at some of them:

  1. Slowly twist the cork until the bottle makes a muffled sound. It indicates that the pressure is relieved. After that, the cork easily and neatly comes out of the bottle.
  2. The French method or the so-called "saber strike". The bottle is hit with a saber (or a knife) held at an angle of 45 degrees so that a stream of champagne flies out in a stream. The method was popular in France during the reign of Napoleon, who used to open the drink in this way when celebrating his victories.

  3. By analogy with the previous method, there is a way to open wine with a spoon, only in this case you need more strength and accuracy.
  4. If a bottle of champagne is sealed with a cork cork, you can open it with a corkscrew, like ordinary wine, after cutting off the rounded top of the cork with a knife.
  5. As an option, purchase a special corkscrew designed for uncorking sparkling wines.
  6. You can open a bottle of champagne by knocking the cork out of it with another bottle, but not a glass one.
  7. With a long screw and pliers. It is necessary to screw the screw into the cork, while leaving about a third of the leg with the cap on the surface. We grab the screw with pliers and carefully remove it along with the cork.
  8. Using a pocket knife. Its blade is carefully inserted between the cork and the neck of the bottle, then you need to slowly press while holding the bottle with your hand. Moving the blade, you need to stick it into the cork. After that, pull the knife with the cork until it appears from the bottle. At the end, you can intercept the cork with your hand and remove it.
  9. With wire. Its end should be bent, making a hook, and pushed into the cork, perforated through. Make a small twist so that the hook fits well into the wood, and slowly pull the wire until the cork comes out of the bottle.
  10. The bottom of the bottle is placed in the shoe exactly above the heel (or wrapped in a towel, shirt, etc.). Now it’s worth hitting the bottom of the bottle against the wall until the cork comes out of the neck a little more than half. The main thing is to follow the process so that the cork does not come out to the end. Grab it in time and open it further with your hands.

  11. Try to stick the cork inside the bottle, cutting off its upper part first. You can push it with your finger, but without bending it, or with the help of a heel, a key, a spoon, a pen, lipstick, etc. A particularly convenient method for women.
  12. With a shoelace or twine. In addition, you will need a sharp object, such as a knitting needle, an awl or a flathead screwdriver. A large knot is created on the lace and pushed through the cork with a sharp object. When the knot is under the cork, pull the rope. In this way, the cork will come out of the bottle.
  13. With lighters. They warm up the neck of the bottle and gradually the cork begins to come out on its own. Just grab it and take it out with your hands.
  14. You can also connect a syringe. With its help, air is pumped into the bottle, and the cork begins to come out of the neck.
  15. We drive several nails into the cork so that their caps do not touch each other and pull them out with a cork with a nail puller, which is usually located on an ordinary hammer.

Now you will be able to open champagne without problems if you can't do it in the traditional way.
