
How to make pita bread with cheese and herbs. Lavash roll with crab sticks and tomatoes

So, let's prepare all the components of the future dish: pita bread, hard cheese And vegetable oil(for frying). Hard cheese can be taken absolutely any, with any shade of taste. And it doesn't even matter the degree of melting of the cheese. Because at heat treatment the cheese will still start to melt, but it comes out delicious with both heavily leaked cheese and with one that has retained its appearance, just becoming hot and soft.

Cheese must be cut into cubes. I had cheese already sliced ​​in the supermarket, so I formed the block artificially (I stacked the cheese plates, achieving the desired height).

Now it's the turn for lavash. It must be unfolded completely on the table and cut into squares. The width of the square should be about the same as the length of the cheese stick. If the square is a little smaller and the cheese begins to protrude from the roll, then in the process of frying you will get a delicious cheese end of the stick. If the square is wider and the cheese stick is shorter than pita bread, then at the end we will get a roll with crispy edges, inside of which, like in a tube, there will be melted cheese.

We wrap the cheese in pita bread. The rolls will unwind, so during the preparation of the remaining tubes, I cover the ready-made ones, pressing down with a knife. It is better to prepare all the rolls for frying at once, then the further process will take a few minutes.

There is another way to roll pita rolls with cheese. If the slices of cheese when cut turned out big size, then you can try wrapping pita rolls not with a bar, but with a slice: put sliced ​​\u200b\u200blavash and a plate of cheese on top of each other and then roll them together into a tube.

It remains only to fry the rolls. Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, quickly fry the rolls on both sides (literally 20-30 seconds), achieving a ruddy appearance ready meal. After frying, be sure to put the rolls on paper towels to remove excess fat.

Everything can be served. Hot, with flowing amber cheese, these pita rolls are perfect for tea or coffee. This is delicious! Such a recipe can serve as a lifesaver when you need to quickly prepare breakfast or an afternoon snack. And even when you unexpectedly came to visit for tea.

Bon appetit!

Basis for hearty treat serves thin Armenian lavash. It is smeared with mayonnaise, melted cheese, ketchup. You can always cook if you want. original sauce from yogurt and mustard or sour cream, garlic and herbs.

The five most commonly used ingredients in lavash and cheese roll recipes are:

Fill the rolls with fried chicken fillet, cottage cheese, ham, slightly salted or smoked fish. The stuffing is complemented fresh vegetables, pickled cucumbers, Korean carrots, grated cheese.

How to cook pita rolls with cheese

An elegant appetizer is prepared hot and cold. In the first case, use ready stuffing which does not need to be heat treated. In the second they take fresh minced meat and a filling of fresh chicken eggs.

The five fastest pita cheese roll recipes:

  1. cooking yourself simple roll takes 10-15 min. A sheet of pita bread is smeared with cream cheese or sauce, slices of ham or sausage are laid on it. Olive oil mixed with chopped garlic and chopped herbs. The mixture is applied to the filling with a culinary brush, then the workpiece is rolled up. To prevent the appetizer from falling apart, it is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour. The finished treat is cut into slices 3-4 cm thick and spread them on lettuce leaves.
  2. A simple filling for a baked snack is made from cottage cheese, grated cheese, beaten eggs and greens. It is laid out on pita bread and rolled up. The workpiece is cut into slices 4-5 cm thick and laid out in a baking dish. Pieces are placed on top for juiciness. butter. The treat is baked for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  3. Thin pita bread and cheese are part of such popular dishes like shawarma, burrito, caesar roll, fish roll. To prepare them, the sheet is cut, spread the filling on it and rolled up. The workpiece is fried on a grill and a pan on 2 sides.

Lavash rolls are served hot or chilled.

The treat goes well with cheese, sour cream and tomato sauce.


Lavash rolls with cheese everyone will like it. And there is nothing unusual about this. Soft and airy pieces delicate taste cheese and light spicy garlic. What could be better? Yes, and cook them under the power of absolutely everyone.

Many housewives will say that there is no zest in the preparation of this dish, because most at least once in their lives, but experimented with pita bread and various fillings to fill it up. Crab sticks, chicken meat, and all kinds of mushrooms, And canned fish from cod liver to sprats. But all these recipes involve the presence of components that are not always at hand. But a piece of cheese and an egg will help save the last unused pita bread and thus save the family budget. And the taste of the roll is excellent.

Separately, I would like to give advice to young mothers raising beautiful children. Your little helpers will be happy to take part in the “difficult” business of spreading grated cheese with herbs, seasoned with mayonnaise, over pita bread, and then, in the same way, with great pleasure they will eat their own masterpiece. You can kill two birds with one stone: the food is ready, and the children are under supervision!

Simple step by step recipe With detailed explanations and photos for them we will be happy to share with all our readers who prefer to cook Tasty food with your own hands at home. And, of course, we look forward to your feedback!


  • (1 PC.)

  • (200 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 small bunch)

  • (1-2 cloves)

  • (100 ml)

Cooking steps

    On fine grater grate hard cheese. If the edges on it are a little weathered, then try to cut them as carefully and economically as possible using sharp knife or special device For beautiful cutting cheese. Put the prepared ingredient in the refrigerator for a few minutes. This will allow the cheese to subsequently blend better with the rest of the ingredients, as well as not lose its shape in the warmth of the room.

    Rinse in running water and dry the parsley from excess moisture. You can use other greens of your choice. Chop the product as finely as shown in the photo.

    Rinse in warm water with addition baking soda egg and then hard boil it. When cooking in water, it is recommended to add a small amount of table salt to prevent leakage of protein at the site of an invisible split in the shell. finished egg cool in water and then peel. Chop it into small cubes exactly as shown in the photo.

    Mix cheese, egg, mayonnaise and herbs in a deep bowl until smooth.

    Spread on flat surface thin lavash, and then coat its edges on one side with a thin layer of mayonnaise: this will facilitate the subsequent process of rolling the pita bread into a roll. After that, distribute the prepared filling as evenly as possible..

    Carefully roll the pita bread into a roll, and then place the dish in the refrigerator for ten minutes. During this time, the roll will soak a little and take shape.

    Carefully cut with a hot knife ready roll from lavash with small cheese portioned pieces and then boldly serve it to the table.

    Bon appetit!

Lavash roll with feta and greens universal dish, which is equally good as simple breakfast, carefully prepared the day before, and as a snack on festive table or appetizers for a beer party. You can also cook this roll and, without first cutting it, take it with you on a picnic. And cut this roll already in place. It will serve very good addition to or .

It's easy to make, takes very little time to prepare, but also labor. The only roll should be made at least three hours before slicing and serving.

As alternative filing you can do or - they, like this roll, are one of the first to disappear from the table, as, indeed, other recipes from.

For pita roll with feta and herbs you will need:

  • Feta. 1 pack 200 gr.
  • Pita. Thin. 1 sheet.
  • Garlic. 1-2 cloves. There is one tooth here, but a big one.
  • Cucumber. Average. 1 PC. (not pictured) .
  • Green onion.
  • Dill.
  • Parsley.
  • Any other greens of your choice.

Cooking pita bread roll with feta cheese and herbs.

Everything is extremely simple and fast.

Finely chop the dill and parsley.

Also finely chop the green onion.

Chop the garlic very finely. A garlic press will not work - an unnecessary bitterness will appear - so we cut the garlic, and do not squeeze it out with a garlic press.

If a little brine from the cheese remains in the package, then this brine is also added to all the ingredients.

With a fork, carefully knead the cheese with herbs so that all the herbs are evenly distributed throughout the cheese.

By the time it takes 3-5 minutes. At first it seems that it is not easy physically, but as you mix it becomes easier and easier.

We cut the cucumber into thin rings, after which we cut the colza into thin strips - this type of cutting is called julienne.

We lay out a sheet of pita bread on the table.

It is most convenient to put a sheet of foil under a sheet of pita bread. It will help a lot to tightly roll the roll, and in any case, the roll will need to be wrapped in the same foil before sending it to the refrigerator.

Spread on the sheet cheese filling layer somewhere 5-7 mm. That is, you don’t need to thin, but you shouldn’t get involved either.

We leave about 1 teaspoon of the filling, you will need it a little later.

We spread the filling so that on one side of the pita bread - from the one from which we will start rolling the roll, the filling does not reach the edge by about 1 centimeter, and on the opposite side of the pita leaf - the filling does not reach the edge of a centimeter by 3-4.

On top of the filling, evenly distribute the chopped cucumber.

Helping ourselves with foil, roll up the roll, starting from the side where the filling does not reach the edge of the sheet by 1 cm.

We wrap this edge over the filling, after which it is neat and tight, but without pressing, otherwise the filling will begin to spread, we roll the roll almost completely.

Just that edge of the pita leaf, 3-4 cm wide, which was not smeared with the filling, remains.

We recall the carefully preserved teaspoon of cheese filling.

Just this stock is very thinly smeared on a free strip of pita bread, starting from the outer edge. IN this case The feta will work as the glue that will hold the entire roll together.

If we smear the entire sheet with the filling, leaving no free stripes, then in this case the inside will be with a double cheese layer, and the filling will come out on the outer layer, which will by no means decorate the whole dish.

Tightly wrap the resulting pita roll with feta and herbs in foil.

And send it to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, preferably at night. This is necessary so that the pita bread absorbs a little moisture from feta and greens, becomes limp and does not act as a foreign element of the dish. While the pita bread is still dry, it introduces an element of foreignness, so it's worth the wait.

Lavash Recipes

lavash with cheese and herbs

15 minutes

210 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I'm willing to bet that there is no easier and quick snack to a morning cup of coffee than fragrant and airy pita envelopes with cheese and herbs. It will take you exactly as much time to bake envelopes, a real culinary masterpiece, as you spend on morning washing. Moreover, this product is low-calorie, it will not cause a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding in the stomach, and you will feel full and ready to solve any difficulties.

So, join us, we are starting to prepare the most delicious and light morning snack.

Recipe for making envelopes from pita bread with cheese and herbs

kitchen utensils

  • a sharp knife and a wooden or plastic board will be very necessary;
  • a grater with large teeth is also useful;
  • a garlic press will not hurt, but you can chop the garlic with a knife;
  • a large capacious bowl is needed to prepare the cheese filling;
  • It would be nice to have scissors handy, but you can get by with a knife.

Ingredients Quantity
sulguni cheese400 g
Armenian lavash3 pcs.
butter75 g
greens (I took parsley and dill)50 g
garlic2 teeth
ground black pepper3 pinches
vegetable oil15-20 ml
butter for frying25 g

Preparation of ingredients

Making the stuffing

Cooking appetizer

Video recipe for lavash cheese envelopes

Check out the video below to make sure that there is nothing prohibitively complicated in cooking pita envelopes. Also in the video you can see how appetizing the finished envelopes look.

Fried pita bread with cheese and herbs. Fried lavash with stuffing. Lavash envelopes.

Lavash rolls stuffed in a frying pan. Fried pita stuffed recipes. Fried pita bread with cheese and egg. Lavash stuffed in a pan recipes. No time to mess around with pies?! Try replacing them with these beautiful envelopes! They cook very quickly and are delicious! To not miss new videos, press the bell at the top!)))



Lavash roll recipe with mushrooms and cheese

  • Cooking time: about 50-70 minutes.
  • Number of envelopes: 12 pieces.

kitchen utensils

  • first of all, you need to stock up on a wooden board and a sharp knife;
  • be sure to prepare the pan for the preparation of the filling;
  • also prepare a grater with large teeth in advance;
  • small dishes are useful for preparing the impregnation;
  • it is also better to get a garlic press;
  • scissors will be needed to cut pita bread, but you can get by with a knife.

List of required ingredients

Ingredients Quantity
pita1 package
To prepare the filling
onion160-200 g
vegetable oil15-20 ml
hard cheese40-50 g
mushrooms (I have wild ones)400-450 g
For preparation of impregnation
vegetable oil100-115 ml
fresh herbs (I have parsley and dill)30 g
spices (I use Italian herbs)pinch
Additional Ingredients
vegetable oil10-15 ml
sesame seeds10-15 g

Step by step preparation of envelopes

Making the stuffing

  1. First, remove the husk from the onion, then wash it and cut into thin half rings.

  2. After we heat the pan, pour vegetable oil into it. When the oil is hot, add the chopped onion to the pan.

  3. Fry the onion mixture until a light golden bloom appears.

  4. Now let's deal with mushrooms: thoroughly wash them under cold water and cut into small cubes - the smaller we chop, the better. You can use absolutely any mushrooms, but some types should be fried longer.

  5. We send the chopped mushrooms to the onion, mix everything.

  6. Fry mushroom mixture about 20-25 minutes on a medium-sized fire until they are completely cooked. Do not forget to periodically stir the mushroom mass so that it does not burn.
  7. Then add salt and spices to taste, mix and send to the fire for a couple of minutes.

  8. After removing the pan from the heat, add the grated coarse grater cheese and leave the filling to cool.

We make impregnation

We form a roll

Cooking appetizer

Video recipe for pita roll with mushroom filling

If you wish to familiarize yourself with detailed process cooking mushroom stuffing and then wrapping it in pita bread, watch the video below.
