
What spices are suitable for salting red fish. What spices go well with fish

In preparation fish dishes one can hardly do without spicy-aromatic plants. They tell the fish spicy aroma improve taste and quality.
Appointment of this or that spice individually. With the help of crushed calamus rhizome, for example, the flesh of fish is compacted, its aroma and taste are improved.

Anise(pulverized seeds) combined with other spices improves the flavor of the fish and gives it a sweetish taste.

basil camphor used to color the surface of fish golden color, giving a spicy taste with a slight bitterness.
Eugenol basil also colors the fish in a golden color and imparts a pleasant spicy aroma.

oregano powder ordinary gives fish dishes slightly spicy taste.

Hyssop common gives the fish an intense spicy smell.

Coriander seed(seeds) is always included in spicy mixtures for fish dishes. It is added to imported spicy mixtures in an amount of up to 35-40%. Most often, these mixtures include, in addition to coriander, basil, black pepper, white pepper, thyme, cumin, saffron.

Pharmacy lovage(in the form of a decoction) improves the taste of fish, gives it a spicy aroma, reminiscent of the smell of parsley, celery, gives a creamy tint.

Marjoram garden used in small quantities; it imparts a persistent spicy smell and taste.

Melissa officinalis(in the form of a decoction) gives the dishes a spicy lemon tint.

Longleaf mint contributes to the darkening of the surface of the fish, gives pleasant aroma and sweet taste.

Thyme creeping is part of the imported fish seasonings gives the fish a spicy smell and taste.

Fennel common is used alone and mixed with other herbs. Fish dishes get a spicy aroma and a sweetish taste.

Savory garden in the form of a powder is part of imported seasonings. Improves taste and aroma.

In a decoction clary sage the fish acquires a spicy taste and aroma.

Tarragon used in powder form to improve taste.

Various fish dishes are traditionally prepared with established herbs or their mixtures.

IN fish salads add anise, basil, green onion, garlic, horseradish, red pepper, allspice, parsley, chives, hyssop, lemon balm, capers.

Anise, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, curry mixture, etc. are suitable for fish soups.
Anise, onion, garlic, cloves are used with boiled fish, Bay leaf, parsley root, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, lemon balm, saxifrage, nutmeg.

TO fried fish anise, basil, parsley and dill, garlic, savory are suitable, borage, fennel, cumin, nutmeg, red Bell pepper, lemon balm, sweet and bitter almonds, watercress, cardamom, coriander, peppermint.

It is better to bake fish with cayenne pepper. Marjoram is added to the aspic.
Other seafood is also cooked with herbs. Most often used Cayenne pepper, cumin, thyme, tarragon.

Spicy herbs for fish dishes are consumed raw and dried. The raw ones are crushed, chopped, and the dried ones are subjected to fine grinding (calamus root, angelica, bay leaf and a number of other herbs). Parsley roots, onions, garlic - chopped.

Most commonly used for cooking fish spice mixture consisting of parsley (leaves) - 1 tablespoon; celery (leaves and roots) - 1 tablespoon; garden chabra - 1 teaspoon; fennel (seeds) -0.5 teaspoon; bay leaf - 2 pcs; peppercorns - 1 pc.

If they take dry spices, then, after grinding well, they pour the product along with salt, sugar, so that the fish gives juice and is well saturated with the smells of seasonings.

If decoctions are prepared, then water-salt solutions or sauces are added to them.
From herbs for fish dishes you can cook marinade fillings. There are several ways. Here are some of them:

1 way. The spice mixture is heated to a boil (but not boiled) in a small amount clean water(1/5 of the required dosage) with a tightly closed lid for 20-30 minutes and add it to the boiled brine (4/5 of the dosage).

2 way. The spices are heated to a boil (but not boiled) in half the amount of water and the second half of the solution is added as brine.

3 way. Spices are poured with boiling water (50% of the norm) and kept until cool, tightly closing the dishes and wrapping them.

4 way. A gauze bag with spices is immersed in water at a temperature of 95-98 ° C for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container.

Marinade fillings- perishable product. At a temperature of 10 ° C, they are not stored. more than three days.

The meat of most fish has a fairly neutral, mild taste, so almost any seasoning is suitable for fish. Therefore, the choice of spices for fish dishes is truly unlimited. For each method of cooking fish, it is logical to use its own set of spices and spices.

Spices - various parts of plants added to food in small doses for various purposes, mainly with the aim of improving taste , which have a specific, to some extent stable aroma and taste.

Spices - food additives exclusively plant origin. Various parts of plants can be used as spices: leaves, stems, inflorescences, roots, fruits and their parts - bark, skin.

So, firstly, the fish can be fried. You can do this on the grill, in the pan and in the oven, and - quickly. In any case, the fish will retain as much as possible its natural taste and texture, for which we, in fact, love it. It is reasonable in this case to use almost commonplace salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pepper can be either black or white, but large and freshly ground. Lemon juice, which is sprinkled on an already prepared dish, is almost the best seasoning to fish in general. In addition to the above, fried fish goes very well with olive oil.
In general, the fish absorbs the aroma of herbs very well. Therefore, if you cook, then by all means with seasonings, herbs. And you should let her soak well with their aromas. The herbs that are used to cook the fish can be... ANYTHING!!!

This is not to say that a certain fish is better combined with a certain specific plant, this is a matter of taste. But it cannot be said that the combination of mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary is classic. Rather, on the contrary: halibut with rosemary is a special, rather complex and peculiar recipe.

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. Pairing garlic with fish is a classic, and garlic pairs well with fish. traditional condiments to fish - it's rosemary and thyme, they go well with fish dishes, without imposing their taste, but without making it too thin.

These combinations are used in many mediterranean cuisines- both in Greece, and in Spain, and in other countries where they love fish and know how to cook. Absolutely, the word "classic" is suitable for a combination of fish and provencal herbs- parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme, which have an extraordinary odor.

You can try yourself different combinations herbs, not forgetting in their experiments that the herbs for fish are mostly tender, growing in Europe. But with oriental spices you have to be very, very careful - for fish, many of them are too heavy.

Greens and parsley root, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg, curry, dill, savory, tarragon, onion, garlic, red sweet and hot pepper (dried or fresh), allspice, rosemary, sage, cumin, white mustard, thyme, parsnip, bay leaf, peppermint.

To fried suitable for fish basil, black pepper, leafy greens, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, sweet red pepper, parsley, lemon balm, curry, bitter and sweet almonds, cardamom, coriander, watercress.

Onion, garlic, nutmeg, cloves, bay leaf, grated parsley, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, rosemary, lemon balm, curry are used with stewed and boiled fish.

Classic spices include:

  • Asafoetida, she is ferula smelly, smelly resin, bad spirit, damn feces, asmargok, hing, ilan
  • Badian real, he is also star anise, Chinese anise, Indian anise, Siberian anise, ship anise
  • Kalgan, aka galgan, alpinia, galangal root, pharmacy root
  • Turmeric, she is also long turmeric, yellow root, gurgemei, zarchava, haldi
  • Nutmeg and Nutmeg or mace, mes
  • Pepper
    • real peppers

Fish and fish dishes are an integral part of the diet of modern man. Fish is healthy, tasty, and, importantly, it low-calorie product. Technologies for preparing fish dishes different peoples may differ significantly, but one thing remains the same: seasonings and spices are used always and by everyone.

Culinary art does not stand still, and today fish can be cooked deliciously with seasonings that could not even be thought of before. And although the fish itself has a neutral smell, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices.

Classic seasonings

Of course, the familiar classic is the combination of fish and lemon. You can replace the lemon with a more exotic lime, and add the equally appropriate red or black pepper.

Especially popular is white lemon pepper is a unique combination of flavors that creates a fragrant bouquet in the finished dish. Many famous chefs they do not recognize any other seasoning for fish, except for a combination of lemon juice with salt and black or white pepper. Perhaps they are right, but, you see, it's so boring ...

Fish, both river and sea, go well together with dill seeds, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, basil, marjoram and anise. The main thing is to mix spices correctly and not overdo it with their quantity, as seasonings should emphasize the taste of the dish, and not interrupt it.

It is important to know that European herbs are different mild taste, so it is difficult to spoil the fish with them, but with oriental spices must be handled with care as they are quite spicy and can easily overshadow the taste ready meal.

Spices for fried fish

Each spice is individual, and depending on the way the fish is cooked, it gives it its own, exceptional flavor. Fried fish sprinkled lemon juice or sprinkled with salt and white pepper, incredibly delicious on its own, but it doesn't hurt a little ground coriander, cumin, crushed bitter almonds and even a pinch of garlic. Also, leafy greens - such as dill, parsley, green onions - go well with fried fish.

simple recipe: pieces of fish prepared for frying are salted, peppered, sprinkled with chopped garlic and herbs, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil and left to marinate at room temperature for a few hours. With such preparation, any fish will turn out so that you lick your fingers!

Spices for fish soup

The traditional fish soup set includes spices such as onion, bay leaf, allspice and fresh herbs . Parsley and celery roots are added to the water even before the start of cooking - they will give the ear a special fragrant.

Nutmeg and hot pepper suitable for those who like it spicier, and sage will add a little pleasant bitterness. Exotic lovers can try using a little rosemary - it will give the ear a subtle coniferous aroma. But these seasonings should be used with great care, as they can easily spoil the appetizing ear.

Spices for baked fish

Gourmets and ladies on a diet prefer baked fish - this technology allows you to preserve all the useful and nutrients. Fish can be baked open way, but most often it is wrapped in foil - this is how the fish is cooked in own juice and it turns out especially tender and fragrant.

  • 1 What seasonings are suitable for fish baked in the oven
  • 2 Spices for stewing fish
  • 3 Ideal composition spices suitable for fried fish
  • 4 Seasonings for salting fish
  • 5 Recipe for a universal mixture for fish dishes
  • 6 Seasoning for smoking fish with your own hands
  • 7 Spices for fish soup

Choosing the right spices in fish preparation is critical. Season the carcass just before roasting, baking, stewing, grilling or steaming, then its taste will be excellent. Dishes will get a great flavor if you use homemade fish seasoning.

What seasonings are suitable for fish baked in the oven

Fish meat is tender and not very expressive in taste. Herbs will enrich it and add an original flavor when baked. You can use them at different stages of cooking, just before baking or for pre-marination.

Required Ingredients:

  • fresh fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dry ginger;
  • mustard powder;
  • basil;
  • fennel (dried dill seeds).

The fish you want to cook in the oven, after a thorough washing and drying, should be rubbed inside and out. Then bake until done. If desired, the carcass is additionally smeared with mayonnaise, soy or any other sauce.

  1. You can buy dried herbs from the store or make your own.
  2. Basil is hung to dry, fennel seeds are dried on a bush and then harvested.
  3. Store dry herbs for fish in tightly closed containers so that they do not lose their flavor.

Fresh herbs are best, but dried herbs keep well and are always on hand.

Spices for stewing fish

For thousands of years, fish have been important component human food. It is a valuable source of protein and an excellent substitute for meat. Inhabitants of fresh and marine waters have a lot of vitamins and mineral salts in the meat.

If you spice up the fish fragrant spices and cook by stewing, it will save and even increase its beneficial features. However, not every spice fights well with the smell characteristic of fish. Therefore, you should know which seasonings are best suited for stewing fish steaks or whole carcasses:

  • Lemon peel. Very fragrant, it adds a bit of finesse to the fish. It is better to use it at the end of the cooking process, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will not be pronounced enough.
  • Mustard. Dry powder or grains are added to dishes. Some chefs also successfully use ready-made pasta - it gives the fish a piquancy and a pleasant spiciness.
  • Basil. The taste of this herb fills any dish with freshness. It goes well with fish, both fresh and dried. Well reveals his taste properties in company with parsley and rosemary.
  • Garlic is a universal addition not only to fish. Ideal for dry or fresh for cooking fish sauces.
  • Pepper. Black, white, red, fragrant... These varieties match the taste of the fish, enhancing it. Black is more suitable for fish varieties with dark meat.

Traditionally, parsley and dill are added to the fish. These herbs saturate the dish, but, unfortunately, quickly lose their flavor. For this reason, they are added before serving, and more often fresh.

Such table greens not only improve the taste of food, but also affect digestion, which is especially important when eating oily fish.

Well-chosen seasonings will help create the perfect flavor combination of dishes no worse than a chef's.

The perfect combination of spices suitable for fried fish

Rosemary and thyme have an intense aroma, perfectly set off the taste even river fish. These herbs will complement the taste of a fish dish very advantageously if they are added to the pan a few minutes before the end of frying.

We offer an ideal seasoning option for any fish dishes.

Required Ingredients:

  • tarragon;
  • dill;
  • marjoram;
  • oregano;
  • coriander;
  • basil;
  • horseradish root;
  • garlic.


  1. These ingredients must be dried. natural way or in electric dryer.
  2. Grind the dry ingredients in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar.

Do-it-yourself seasoning will eliminate doubts when choosing ready mixes. It is especially pleasant to harvest fragrant herbs grown on your own plot.

Seasonings for salting fish

Salted fish requires careful adherence to the proportions of salt and sugar.

Spices play an important role in salting, as they should complement, but not interrupt the taste. tender meat. For a delicious marinated fish, try the following recipe.

List of ingredients:

  • fresh fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper;
  • allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • mustard seeds;
  • coriander seeds;
  • paprika;
  • dried tomatoes.

The amount of salt is taken based on the recipe. As for spices, the more you put them in, the brighter the taste will be. ready snack.


  1. The fish is washed, if necessary, gutted, rubbed with salt or poured with marinade.
  2. Add spices and send the workpiece to the cold. So that the smells are not lost, the dishes with fish are covered with food cellophane.

Small fish will be ready in a day, big fish salt for 3-4 days.

The recipe for a universal mixture for fish dishes

Universal seasoning suitable for cooking fish cakes, soups, casseroles and other dishes.

It contains aromatic additives, which will advantageously set off the fishy taste and add special, piquant notes to it.

Required Ingredients:

  • pepper mix - 3 tsp;
  • red bitter and sweet pepper (pods) - to taste;
  • ground coriander seeds - 1.5 tsp;
  • shallow salt- 3.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 2.5 tsp;
  • dried onions and garlic - 5 - 6 tsp


  1. Grind a mixture of peppers and place them in a container where the seasoning will be stored.
  2. Do not grind dry red pepper too finely. In this form, it will look appetizing on the fish. Grind the bitter pod finely, and add according to taste.
  3. Grind the coriander seeds in a mortar.
  4. Grind the rest of the ingredients, pour them into a common bowl. Add salt and sugar. close ready composition lid and shake the mixture well.

Use as needed, store in a dry place. Remove from the jar with a dry spoon, otherwise unnecessary moisture will get inside.

Seasoning for smoking fish with your own hands

Seasonings are not needed for smoking fish in a smokehouse. It is enough to salt it well and withstand a certain time in brine. For the fish to have a special smoked taste and aroma at home, you will need a special seasoning that will mimic the required flavor notes. Perfect for this task liquid smoke or black tea.

Required Ingredients:

  • fish - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 - 5 pcs.;
  • black tea - 3 tsp or 3 sachets;
  • allspice - 5 - 6 peas.


  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a small container. Add salt, sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Next, turn off the heat, add spices for fish and tea to the water. Let all components boil. You should get a beautiful, cognac-colored liquid.
  3. Pour the marinade over the fish (it should cover it completely), cool and refrigerate.
  4. The finished snack will not taste like smoked meats, but it will gain beautiful colour And excellent flavor. Readiness is checked with a fork after 2 - 3 days - when pierced, the fish should not go ichor.

In marinade for cooking smoked fish instead of tea, you can put a cup onion peel. It should be boiled for 15 - 20 minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients stated in the recipe to the resulting broth.

Spices for fish soup

Fish soups are prepared with the addition of special spices that give the dish freshness. Dill and parsley are most suitable for this purpose, dried celery, onions and carrots.

It is also convenient to use other ingredients:

  • The soup will turn into a beautiful color if you add a little curry to it. In Asian countries, not a single dish is complete without this seasoning.
  • If add nutmeg, it will saturate the soup with its aroma, improve digestion and reduce stomach acidity.
  • Black and white peppers- Mandatory components of the soup. hot spices stimulate appetite, but they should be used in moderation, otherwise intestinal irritation is likely.
  • Tomatoes. They are added fresh or dried. Modern housewives often harvested dried fruits who donate fish soup not only its taste, but also its color.

No matter what the composition of the seasoning for fish is taken, deprive it bad smell sea ​​(river, reservoir) will help lemon juice or vinegar. citrus juice it is better to use fresh, but the zest will not give such a pronounced effect.

Fish is an integral part of the diet of every person. Although it itself has a neutral odor, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices. Seasoning for fish emphasizes its exquisite, original taste. How to choose the right spices to make the dish really refined and very tasty? This question interests many housewives.

Seasoning for fish: composition. The role of certain spices in the taste of a fish dish

Spicy-aromatic plants for improvement palatability fish have been used since ancient times. Probably everyone who cooks fish dishes knows that it goes well with lemon or lime, allspice, bay leaf, herbs, rosemary, basil. But to create a truly original flavor, other seasonings are also used.

Few of the modern housewives know that the appointment of a particular spice is individual. Seasonings for fish, depending on the method of its preparation, include the following aromatic plants:

  • crushed anise seeds - give dishes a sweetish taste;
  • camphor basil - contributes to the golden color of the fish;
  • oregano powder - imparts a spicy taste to fish dishes;
  • coriander seeds - give an exquisite aroma, in most cases are part of the above seasonings;
  • lovage pharmacy - gives the fish a smell reminiscent of the aroma of parsley and celery;
  • lemon balm - gives these dishes a slightly lemon tint;
  • fennel - promotes sweet taste fish;
  • lemon balm long-leaved - prevents darkening of its surface;
  • tarragon and thyme - improve the taste of the above dishes;
  • clary sage - contributes exquisite aroma fish.

It should be noted that there are no specific lists of spices for a particular type of fish. Each housewife can safely experiment with the above spices, trying to create her own original set fragrances.

What seasonings are best for fish?

The set of specific spices depends on the method of preparing the fish dish.

Fried fish is best cooked with the following aromatic herbs:

  • pepper - red and black;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;
  • Melissa;
  • Bay leaf;
  • turmeric;
  • cardamom;
  • thyme;
  • saffron.

Seasoning for smoking fish to prepare the marinade, the following is used:

  • fennel;
  • tarragon;
  • pepper - white, allspice, black;
  • nutmeg;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • bay leaf;
  • peppermint;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • rosemary;
  • sage.

If you are going to cook fish on the grill, in this case, choose the following spices:

  • tarragon;
  • paprika;
  • saffron;
  • turmeric;
  • mustard seeds.

Stewed and boiled fish Most of all, it goes well with seasonings such as:

  • carnation;
  • bay leaf;
  • cumin;
  • basil;
  • hot pepper (all its types);
  • rosemary;
  • borage;
  • Melissa.
  • parsley;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon balm;
  • allspice;
  • capers;
  • basil;
  • anise.

Fish soups are made with exquisite taste if you add to them:

  • tarragon;
  • anise;
  • rosemary;
  • curry mix;
  • thyme.

When trying to create your own set of smells, you should consider the following points:

  • European fragrant plants have a slightly mild taste. Therefore, if you add more than you need, the taste of the fish can still be saved.
  • Oriental seasonings are characterized by a peculiar spiciness, as a result of which some “bust” can spoil the final dish.

It is also important to remember that there are spices that are added only at the end of cooking fish, and there are seasonings that require a long heat treatment. Only then can their true flavor be revealed.

Little tricks for cooking fish dishes with exquisite taste

  • For fish soup, it is advisable to add parsley and bay leaf and quite a bit of sage and coriander.
  • Fried fish should not be heavily seasoned with spices.
  • Baked fish is just the dish where you can safely experiment with spices.

Seasoning for fish is selected depending on the method of its preparation. To create a unique original aroma of a dish and improve its taste, it is important to consider the purpose of a particular spicy plant. Properly selected seasoning for fish will beautifully emphasize and complement its natural taste.
