
How to make red cabbage salad. Red cabbage salad in different recipes and flavor combinations

Red cabbage is not as popular as white cabbage. Red heads have harder leaves, not everyone likes their rigid structure. But it's easy to fix.

We prepared several salads at once: both simple and more complicated, and the red cabbage in them is soft, juicy and crispy. This will destroy the stereotypes and culinary fears of housewives, and also saturate the body with a dozen vitamins. You have to try everything!

General principles of preparation

The smaller the head of cabbage, the more tender its leaves. When buying, it is worth giving preference to small heads, then when cooking, you will not need to knead the cabbage by hand. But such small fruits are only at the beginning of the season.

If hard leaves could not be avoided, you should not worry. They need to be cut, salted, mashed with your hands and left for a few minutes. The leaves will release juice that needs to be drained. The longer you knead them with your hands, the softer they will be. Salt must be added, as it draws out water.

Salads are quite simple, they do not have long and complex processes. Need only sharp knife and a cutting board, usually everything is cut into strips. Served immediately to the table, no need to leave for impregnation.

How to make a salad red cabbage with mayonnaise

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Mayonnaise is a favorite salad dressing for many housewives. Together with cabbage and onions, they create a very simple yet tasty snack.

How to cook:

Tip: To make the onions softer in taste, you can first marinate them in a small amount of vinegar and sugar. Then drain the vinegar, add the onion to the salad.

Cabbage salad with oranges

Real winter salad: bright, simple and with a stunning citrus aroma. A nutritious nuts help to quickly saturate the body.

What is the calorie content - 76 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, while the first two sheets must be removed. They usually have a bluish coating.
  2. Salt it, mash it with your hands, let it stand for fifteen minutes.
  3. Peel the skin off the oranges and remove any white fibers. Only bright orange flesh should remain. Cut it into pieces, pull out all the bones.
  4. The juice that formed during cleaning should be drained into a separate bowl.
  5. Mix cabbage with oranges.
  6. Mix orange juice with lemon juice, then beat with olive oil, add spices.
  7. Pour dressing over salad on top.
  8. Coarsely chop the nuts with a knife and sprinkle on top. You can serve immediately.

Tip: To make the nuts tastier, you can first warm them up a little in a dry frying pan. You can also add raisins to the salad.

Recipe with nuts and apples

Pine nuts are highly valued in cooking. It's not just about taste, it's about utility. They go great with kale and fresh dressing.

How much time - 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 113 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cabbage and chop it as thin as possible.
  2. Salt it, pour it on top fresh juice lemon.
  3. Wash with hands and leave for fifteen minutes.
  4. Cut an apple into thin strips without a core, or you can just grate it coarsely.
  5. Drizzle with lemon juice to keep the color.
  6. Stir together cabbage, apple and roasted nuts in a dry frying pan.
  7. Add olive oil, spices, stir and serve immediately.

Tip: Olive oil can be replaced with cedar or linseed oil.

Salad "Spark"

Spicy salad from behind a large number garlic. Its sharpness is only slightly softened. small apple. Minimum ingredients - maximum taste!

How much time - 10 minutes.

How to cook:

  1. Shred the cabbage using a food processor. You don't need to grind too fine. You can just cut into short strips with a knife.
  2. Apples must be freed from the core and coarsely grated.
  3. Remove the husk from the garlic, pass it through the crush.
  4. Add oil, mix all ingredients, salt. Serve immediately.

Tip: For extreme spicy lovers, you can use half a fresh chili pod instead of garlic.

Spanish salad with red cabbage

This unusual salad served warm. It has bacon and a special sausage, as well as wine vinegar. A dish with character.

How long is 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 126 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cabbage, remove the first few leaves. Slice it thinly.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan and lower the cabbage for ten minutes to make it soft. Pull out, let it drain.
  3. Remove the husk from the garlic and place the cloves in the pan.
  4. Pour the oil here and fry the garlic well so that it gives off the smell and taste of the oil.
  5. Cut the sausage and bacon equally finely and add to the butter.
  6. Transfer the cabbage to the rest of the ingredients, mix. Cook on low heat for fifteen minutes, add spices.
  7. Pour in the vinegar, stir and keep on fire for another five minutes. Serve the salad warm, remove the garlic.

Tip: two or three sprigs of thyme can be added to the heated oil, also for smell. Take them out before putting in the sausage.

Recipe with sausage

Quite popular and very hearty salad, in which there are greens, and eggs, and sausage. A bright cabbage saturates the dish with vitamins and gives an appetizing look.

How long - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 154 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the washed cabbage. Then crush the straw with your hands and salt it.
  2. Cut the sausage into strips or small sticks.
  3. Put eggs to boil. When they have cooled, peel them and rub into long strips. You can just cut with a knife.
  4. Wash the parsley and chop with a knife.
  5. Skip the garlic through the press, after peeling it from the husk.
  6. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise and your favorite spices, mix again. Serve immediately.

Tip: The eggs will turn blue due to the cabbage juice, but the taste will not be affected. To avoid this, you can first mix the cabbage with a small amount butter, then with mayonnaise and only later with other ingredients.

Red cabbage salad for the winter

Red cabbage can also be prepared in jars to have a supply of vitamins at any time. The preparation takes less than an hour, but it can be stored for a really long time.

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 40 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cabbage, then chop it finely. It is best to use a special shredder. Salt.
  2. Pour boiling water over the pepper and leave for a few minutes. Then transfer to cold water and wait until it cools down.
  3. Next, release it from the seed box, cut into half rings.
  4. Free the onions from the husk and also cut into half rings.
  5. Take a large container or pan, place all the vegetables in it, mash with your hands, mix.
  6. Put small jars to be sterilized.
  7. After that, the vegetable mass is decomposed into jars.
  8. Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and dill seeds. After that, pour vinegar, remove from heat and pour the marinade into jars.
  9. Immediately tighten the lids and send the jars to cool under a blanket. After that, store in cool place. After opening the jar, eat its contents within three days.

Tip: it is advisable to take rock salt, without any additives. Iodine will have a bad effect on the safety of bookmarks.

Red cabbage can be very for a long time be stored in fresh. Even if you cut it in half, it can easily lie in the refrigerator for more than one week. Therefore, it can be stocked up for the whole winter if there is a small cool basement.

This cabbage is combined with almost all vegetables. In spring, you can combine it with radish, wild garlic and all kinds of greens, and in autumn - with pumpkin, beets, pomegranate. You can make more than just salads out of it. Cabbage can be stewed, baked and fried.

Cabbage helps children and adolescents grow quickly and correctly. But people with digestive problems should be careful not to overload the work of the stomach. The product is best absorbed in combination with other vegetables and fruits.

If you lay cabbage in the form of a salad for the winter, it can be supplemented with various spices for pleasant aroma. To do this, you can add laurel leaves, cloves, allspice, star anise. Or you can use a freshly ground pepper mixture just before serving the salad.

Instead of lemon juice, which allows you to save bright color cabbage, you can use apple cider vinegar. The thinner the cut, the more delicate the consistency of the dish will be and the easier it will be for the vinegar or juice to retain color.

Prepare these salads often to saturate the body. beneficial substances and just to please loved ones!

Any housewife tries to cook dishes for her family that are not only healthy, but also tasty. At the same time, you need to monitor the diversity of the diet so that the home does not get bored with the menu. Cabbage is very loved by all nationalities. If you are mainly used to white cabbage, then try replacing it partially on your table with red. It's useful and delicious vegetable, available throughout the year, not too expensive for the price, and yet very useful! Raw red cabbage is most useful, and therefore cook extraordinarily healthy salad from red cabbage. Before cooking, be sure to remove the top leaves of red cabbage, and after you chop the cabbage, salt it and remember with your hands. This will allow the cabbage to be juicy crunchy and juicy in your salad. The salad will be tastier the finer the cabbage is chopped.

Red cabbage salad - preparing food and dishes

Wash all ingredients well before cooking. As a rule, vegetables and fruits are added to salads, most of which do not require thermal preparation. For red cabbage salad, prepare three deep containers, made of plastic or aluminum, after pouring boiling water over them. In one container you will put the shredded cabbage, in another you will put the other ingredients, and in the third you will mix and dress the red cabbage salad.

Red cabbage salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Red Cabbage Salad

Can there be a product healthier than cabbage, especially if this cabbage is red cabbage? A close relative of the familiar to us white cabbage, it differs primarily in the unusual color of the leaves - lilac-pink. The color of the leaves is due to the presence of anthocyanin in the cabbage. When released into the blood, anthocyanin contributes to the thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the elasticity of capillaries and serves as a preventive measure for the development of anemia. Eating red cabbage is most beneficial when fresh. One of the most delicious and at the same time simple meals It's a red cabbage salad. Such a salad is ideal for any type and method of nutrition (it can be used by both vegetarians and raw foodists), it can serve as a separate dish, or it can be a great addition to meat dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • red cabbage - 0.5 kg,
  • onion - 1 piece of medium size,
  • parsley and dill - 5-6 sprigs,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • lemon juice for dressing - 1 teaspoon,
  • olive oil or sunflower oil for dressing - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

Preparing a salad is very easy and fast. Remove the top leaves from the head, wash, remove the stalk. Chop finely, put in a separate container, sprinkle with salt and remember with your hands to make the cabbage softer.

Cut the onion into thin half rings, chop the greens finely. Add to cabbage, season with lemon juice and oil. Give preference to olive oil, as it is healthier. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Red Cabbage Salad with Egg

Red cabbage came to the tables of the Slavs in the 17th century. More than one century has passed since then, and the housewives still respect this product and cook from it. various dishes. Despite the fact that the size of a head of red cabbage is somewhat smaller than the usual white cabbage, the “red-cheeked” beauty also has its advantages. It is a source of vitamins and nutrients and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium), phytoncides, fiber. Today it is known that the ancient Romans cured many diseases with red cabbage and its juice. To double the benefits of red cabbage, you can make a salad with an egg. The egg is a great source of protein and healthy animal fat, so red cabbage salad with egg is a great example. balanced nutrition. Such a fat is very satisfying, ideal for breakfast in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 eggs,
  • fresh parsley - 3-4 sprigs,
  • wild garlic - 4-5 leaves,
  • salt,
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing

Cooking method:

1. Chop the cabbage, after clearing the head of cabbage from the top sheets and stalk. Put in a separate deep plate, sprinkle with salt and lightly press with your hands - this will make the cabbage softer.

2. Hard boil eggs - place two eggs in a saucepan, pour over cold water, salt, and from the moment of boiling, cook for 8 minutes, then drain the boiling water and pour over the eggs with cold water.

3. Peel the eggs, chop them and greens, add to the cabbage and mix.

Recipe 3: Red Cabbage Salad with Carrots and Apples

Spring has come and summer is on its way. Habitual winter snacks no longer cause appetite, I want something fresh and low-fat. Try fresh salad from red cabbage with carrots and apples. This is a full charge of vitamins for any organism, which can be used as self-dish or garnish for meat products. Freshness and spicy sweet and sour taste even please discerning gourmet, but that salad is not considered dessert. Carrots are very useful due to the huge presence of carotene, but the subtlety of its proper use is the addition of vegetable or animal fat to a dish with carrots. If you don't know the English proverb: "Eat one apple a day and you won't need a doctor," you can just take on faith the fact that eating one apple a day, you have invaluable benefit to your body. Red cabbage prevents the development of cancer and especially breast cancer in women. When you eat red cabbage, you can feel the slightly bitter taste of the leaves - this is glucosinolate, a substance that does not allow division cancer cells.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 medium unsweetened apples (Granny Smith, Semirenko)
  • 1 large carrot,
  • a handful of walnuts,
  • olive oil,
  • parsley, celery.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves. Chop as finely as possible. After that, in order for it to be softer and juicier in a salad, salt and squeeze with your palms.

2. Wash carrots and apples, remove ponytails and seeds. Rub on coarse grater.

3. Clean walnuts from the shell, finely grind them in a blender or rolling pin.

4. Chop parsley and celery. Mix all ingredients, season with olive oil. Red cabbage salad is ready to eat!

Recipe 4: Salad of red cabbage, cranberries and apples

There are foods that, despite their great taste, are literally medicine, that is, so healthy dish that can just heal. Try the red cabbage salad with cranberries and apples. If you suffer from hypertension, then you should definitely include in your daily diet fresh red cabbage. Its property is to reduce blood pressure and have a preventive effect on blood vessels. The benefits of cranberries for the body can hardly be overestimated, it is a natural antibiotic, so feel free to add a few berries to any salads and cereals. An apple contains more vitamins than any pharmacy tablet - vitamin A, B1, B2, folic acid; minerals in the form of iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children - for a special sweet and sour taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage,
  • 2 medium sized red sweet apples
  • 100 g fresh cranberries,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream for dressing
  • 50 grams of almonds.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the red cabbage. To do this, remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and wash it. Chop as finely as possible, shake hands and put in a separate container.

2. Wash the cranberries, fill the berries with half granulated sugar.

3. Wash the apples, remove the tails and seeds and cut into small strips or rub on a coarse grater.

4. almond grind with a blender or chop.

5. Mix all the ingredients, season with sour cream and the remaining sugar, mix thoroughly again.

Recipe 5: Red Cabbage Salad with Grapes and Watermelon

The warm time has come, and so I want to please myself with useful and light desserts. Nature herself kindly provides us with the most the right ingredients, our task is only to combine them correctly. Try easy dessert salad from red cabbage with grapes, apples and watermelon.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.3 kg red cabbage,
  • 200 grams of green grapes
  • 200 grams of watermelon pulp,
  • 2 medium green apples
  • 5 lettuce leaves
  • lemon juice,
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop red cabbage, after cleaning the head of leaves and washing it running water.

2. Separate the watermelon from the peel, peel the apples from the seeds and tails, cut into square pieces.

3. Wash the grapes, separate the grapes.

4. Stir apples and grapes with cabbage.

4. Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, red cabbage salad on it, and place watermelon pieces around it.

5. Make the dressing - mix lemon juice with powdered sugar and drizzle over salad before serving.

Red cabbage salad - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- Red cabbage can be stored for a long time, so nutritionists advise using it fresh all year round.

- It is better not to use red cabbage in pure form, and with other fruits and vegetables in their raw form.

- Make a red cabbage salad and eat it several times a week; especially will useful influence red cabbage on a growing organism.

For some reason, red cabbage or, as it is also called, red cabbage is not very popular with housewives compared to its pale-faced sister. If it is even more or less used for preparations, then other dishes are prepared extremely rarely. The exception is, perhaps, salads. If you have been looking at heads of dark red, or rather even purple, color in stores or markets for a long time and do not know what can be cooked from them, you are here. We will not persuade you to bake pies or make them, instead we will offer several recipes for simple and very tasty salads. And we won’t tell you about the benefits or harms, this is the task of other sites, so let’s read the text and look at the photos, and then forward to the store for the main character of today’s selection and cook in the kitchen!

Red cabbage salad with mayonnaise: recipe with photo (delicious!)

Despite the fact that the salad is simple and does not contain too many ingredients, due to the fact that bright red cabbage is used, it looks very festively elegant. Therefore, it can be cooked both on weekdays and on the festive table, where the attention of the snack will be guaranteed.


  • chicken fillet - 200 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dill, parsley - a bunch;
  • red cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • mozzarella cheese - 50 grams.

How to make red cabbage salad

Simple and delicious red cabbage salad: recipe with photo

Red cabbage salad with apple can be prepared on any day, complementing lunch bright dish. It is prepared quickly, you do not need to soak and insist it in the refrigerator, so in a matter of minutes a wonderful snack will appear on your table. Make any side dish and top it with this simple but delicious salad. The dish turns out to be dietary, as it is used for dressing vegetable oil and a little bit apple cider vinegar. A dish without mayonnaise is great option for everyone on a diet. When the season comes, do not miss the opportunity to buy the red one. She has excellent taste qualities and original appearance. "Blue" cabbage, as it is popularly called, is very healthy, so treat yourself to dishes from it more often. Red cabbage is rarely fried or stewed, but salads come out just excellent. Today we will combine it with an apple. The taste will be original, slightly sweet and sour.

What we need:

  • red cabbage - 400 grams;
  • apples - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tables. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 1.5 tables. l.;
  • sugar - 2-3 pinches;
  • salt - to taste.

How to make red cabbage and apple salad

Recipe for red cabbage and corn salad with egg pancakes

When you cook according to this recipe, at first it seems that there is just some kind of explosion of colors on the plate: dark, almost purple cabbage, bright yellow corn and egg pancakes. However, then the colors soften, as the cabbage gives juice and yellow muffled. But the texture difference remains: crunchy straws of red cabbage, juiciness corn kernels and tenderness of pancakes. By initial recipe there was no apple here and it was dressed with mayonnaise. However, having tried it in this version, I thought that the dish turned out to be boring and it lacks some kind of piquancy. Therefore, I added an apple, and for dressing I also used sour cream and mustard in grains. It turned out very tasty and much more interesting.

Grocery list:

  • eggs - 3pcs;
  • potato starch - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • canned corn - 140g;
  • red cabbage - 250g;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • grained mustard - 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

salad preparation process

Salad of carrots, red and white cabbage

As you understand from the name of the recipe, two sisters will meet in this salad - two cabbages. They will be joined by carrots, onions and fresh herbs. All this vegetable disgrace will refuel light sauce based on vegetable oil. The result is a useful, easy vitamin salad, which will appeal to both those who follow the figure, “sitting” on a diet, and those who want to serve some kind of vegetable side dish to the barbecue.

What do we need:

  • cabbage - 1/4 of a small head of both varieties;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc (large);
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • white wine vinegar - 1 tsp

How to cook a salad of two types of cabbage: red and white

Salad ready! Very simple recipe, right? And very tasty!

Red cabbage not only looks brighter than white cabbage, but also has a more remarkable composition. It contains a lot of anthocyanins - natural antioxidants that prolong youth, protect blood vessels, prevent the formation of oncological diseases. It is they who give the vegetable a purple hue and a slight bitterness. Otherwise, the composition of the white and red heads is similar, only the latter has harder leaves, as it contains more fiber. Red cabbage salads are healthy, look bright and appetizing, have pleasant taste With piquant notes. They can often be included in the diet, and they will not bother, since the recipes for these snacks are quite diverse.

Cooking features

Even an inexperienced chef can prepare a red cabbage salad, but in order for the appetizer to turn out delicious, several points must be taken into account.

  • Not everyone likes the bitter taste characteristic of red cabbage. There are several ways to get rid of it. One option is to salt the chopped cabbage, mash it well with your hands, and drain the juice. The second way is to pour chopped cabbage for 15–20 minutes with boiling water. As a result, it will become not only sweeter, but also softer.
  • Red cabbage should not be coarsely chopped. This vegetable has a lot of fiber, and large pieces of it will be too hard, they are not very pleasant to chew, it is more difficult for the body to absorb them.
  • When choosing cabbage for salad, preference should be given to heads of small size: they have more vitamins.
  • The top leaves of a head of red cabbage are removed before cooking. They are lethargic and sometimes very bitter.
  • To preserve the bright color of cabbage, vinegar or lemon juice is added to salad dressings from it.
  • Most often, red cabbage salads are seasoned vegetable oil mixed with apple or table vinegar, but options suitable filling a lot more. To add additional flavors to the sauce, you can add mustard, nuts, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, honey. The basis of the dressing can be not oil, but mayonnaise, yogurt, sour cream.

Red cabbage goes well with all vegetables, as well as corn, beans, green peas, eggs, nuts, meat and even herring, which makes possible cooking of her appetizers, little similar to each other in taste, allows the chef to experiment by changing their composition.

Easy Red Cabbage Salad Recipe

  • purple onion - 100 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix water with two teaspoons of vinegar.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into thin half rings or quarters of the rings, put in the cooked vinegar solution, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves. Finely chop the vegetable, salt, remember with your hands, leave for 5 minutes, drain the juice.
  • Squeeze onion, combine with cabbage.
  • Mix the oil with the remaining vinegar, season the salad.

This version of red cabbage salad is one of the easiest to prepare. It can be served as independent snack or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Red cabbage salad with garlic and sesame seeds

  • red cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sesame seeds - 20 g;
  • soy sauce- 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the head by removing the top leaves. Dry with a kitchen towel, finely chop, put in a bowl.
  • Boil water, pour cabbage with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, squeeze.
  • Finely chop the garlic with a knife, add to the cabbage, mix.
  • Combine oil, soy sauce and vinegar, beat with a whisk. You can add half a teaspoon of melted honey or sugar.
  • Dress the salad with the prepared liquid mixture, transfer to a salad bowl or on a dish.
  • Toast the sesame seeds lightly in a dry frying pan - this will enhance the nutty notes in their aroma.
  • Sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds and serve.

This version of the red cabbage appetizer will appeal to fans of oriental cuisine.

Red cabbage salad with apple, celery and walnuts

  • red cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • celery stalks - 100 g;
  • apple - 0.2 kg;
  • red ground pepper- a pinch;
  • walnut kernels - 30 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • olive oil - 60-80 ml;
  • sugar - 5–10 g;
  • salt (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the red cabbage, pour boiling water over it. After 15 minutes, drain the water, squeeze the cabbage.
  • Wash, peel the apple. Cut out the core. Coarsely grate the pulp, mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice, add to the cabbage.
  • Wash celery stalks, remove coarse fibers. Cut the celery into thin slices and combine with apple and cabbage.
  • Mix the remaining lemon juice with pepper and sugar. Add oil, beat with a whisk.
  • Season the salad with the prepared sauce, put it on a dish in a slide.
  • Grind the nuts with a blender or pusher, sprinkle them over the salad.

The unusual sweet and sour taste of this salad with piquant notes is mesmerizing. It will appeal not only to supporters of a healthy diet.

Red cabbage salad with ginger and carrots

  • red cabbage - 0.4 kg;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • ginger root - 40 g;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • chili pepper - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Dilute vinegar with water, mix with salt and sugar.
  • Peel the ginger root, chop on a grater.
  • Peel the pepper from seeds and partitions, cut as finely as possible.
  • Add ginger and pepper to the marinade, mix.
  • Chop the cabbage, pour over the marinade, cover with a plate, put a jar of water on top. Remove to refrigerator.
  • After 3 hours, rinse the cabbage, let it dry.
  • Peel the carrots, chop them on a grater for Korean salads or cut into thin strips.
  • Mix with cabbage.
  • Dress the salad with oil.
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves before serving.

The salad according to this recipe is spicy, it tastes like Korean snacks.

Red cabbage salad with tomatoes and bell peppers

  • red cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • red onion - 75 g;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 0.2 kg;
  • fresh parsley - 20 g;
  • fresh dill - 20 g;
  • arugula - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Shred the cabbage. Salt, remember with your hands, leave for 10 minutes. Drain the juice.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into thin half rings, add to the cabbage.
  • Pepper free from seeds, cut into quarters of rings, put on cabbage and onions.
  • Wash the tomatoes, blot with a napkin. Remove the seals around the stalks. Cut into thin slices. Add to other vegetables.
  • Coarsely chop the greens, put in a container with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Make a dressing with lemon juice and olive oil. It can be salted, peppered.
  • Drizzle the salad before serving and arrange in a pretty vase.

For cooking this salad you can use cherry tomatoes. It can be supplemented with halves quail eggs, and add a spoonful of Dijon mustard to the dressing for piquancy.

Red cabbage salad with egg and corn

  • red cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • fresh herbs, salt, pepper - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the cabbage as finely as possible, pour boiling water over it, drain the water after 10-15 minutes. Let dry.
  • Hard boil eggs, cool under running water cold water, peel, cut into small cubes, put to the cabbage.
  • Open a jar of corn, drain the liquid from it, pour the grains over the cabbage and eggs.
  • Finely chop the greens, add to the rest of the ingredients. Fits very well in the recipe. green onion or wild garlic.
  • Season the appetizer with mayonnaise.

The appetizer will acquire an interesting taste if it is supplemented with lightly salted herring or canned fish. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream, but then it does not hurt to add a little mustard and lemon juice to it.

How to decorate a red cabbage salad

The rich and noble color of red cabbage can be emphasized by properly arranging a salad from it when serving. Below are a few simple options decorating such appetizers.

  • Any salad from fresh vegetables looks brighter and fresher when put on lettuce leaves, decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.
  • Red cabbage pairs well in color with contrasting yellow and orange foods. Salad from it can be decorated with egg slices, spread around the perimeter, roses from boiled carrots, corn kernels, lemon slices.
  • The products that make up the red cabbage salad can be laid out on a plate in sectors, alternating with the main ingredient. Pour the sauce into the center of the dish. Such a salad should be mixed after serving it to the table, so that the guests have time to admire it.

After spreading the red cabbage salad into glasses or bowls, you can serve it to festive table. This design option for snacks is considered modern.

Red cabbage salads have unique taste, have an attractive appearance, are easy to prepare and are very useful. If you care about your health, you should include them in your diet more often.

Red cabbage - very beautiful, with red-purple leaves, a close relative of white cabbage. More different high content vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and other useful substances.

red cabbage keeps well, so it can be used fresh throughout the winter.

Red cabbage makes delicious and beautiful salads.

Red cabbage leaves are tougher than white cabbage, so you need to cut it very thinly for salads.

To red cabbage salad became more tender, it is thinly chopped, salted and ground. You can achieve softening of the leaves in another way - pour chopped cabbage with boiling water, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then recline in a colander, cool and use to prepare a salad.

To maintain brightness and rich color red cabbage in a salad, you can add a little red wine, vinegar or lemon juice.

The slightly spicy, tongue-tingling flavor of red cabbage can be enhanced by adding garlic to a salad or dressing with horseradish or mustard.

Adding even a small amount of walnuts to a red cabbage salad will add sophistication to the dish and make the salad suitable for a festive table.

An interesting combination of red cabbage with pomegranate or black currant.

Red cabbage can be used to decorate salads with other products.

red cabbage salad recipe

500 g red cabbage, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Cabbage finely chopped, scalded boiling water, cover, let stand for 20-30 minutes, then drain in a colander. Pour cabbage with cold water, squeeze, season with vinegar, salt, sugar, mix and let stand for another 20-30 minutes. You can not douse the cabbage with boiling water, but salt and grind with your hands until the juice is released, then squeeze, season with vinegar, sugar and mix.

Red cabbage salad with vegetable oil

400 g red cabbage, salt, ground black pepper, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Sprinkle shredded red cabbage with salt and pepper. Grind with your hands until the juice begins to stand out and the cabbage becomes soft. Vinegar and oil mix, pour cabbage over them and mix thoroughly. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

red cabbage salad recipe with powdered sugar

400 g red cabbage, 25 ml vegetable oil, 50 ml 3% vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons powdered sugar, 1 hour a spoonful of salt.

Peel the cabbage from the upper leaves, remove the stalk, chop, sprinkle with salt, grind until the juice appears. Put in a bowl, pour vinegar. Before serving, squeeze and season with vegetable oil and powdered sugar.

Red Cabbage Salad with Cranberry Juice - Recipe

400 g red cabbage, 50 ml corn oil, 1st. spoon cranberry juice, salt, sugar.

In a saucepan with a small amount of boiling water, add salt, sugar, chopped cabbage, close the lid and simmer until softened. Then throw the cabbage in a colander, cool, put in a salad bowl. Fill with juice (after adding sour juice cabbage acquires a beautiful bright color), oil. It is advisable to prepare the salad an hour before serving, so that it has time to infuse.

Red cabbage salad with apples in mustard sauce

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 50 ml olive oil, 25 g mustard, 30 ml lemon juice, salt.

Chop the cabbage, remove the core from the apples and cut them into strips. Mustard grind with warm olive oil. Then add lemon juice and mix. Combine cabbage with apples, add salt to taste. Put in a salad bowl and pour over the prepared sauce.

Red cabbage salad with apple juice

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of apples, 100 ml of apple juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of vinegar, 1 cloves, cinnamon powder, salt, sugar - to taste.

Shred cabbage and stew apple juice, salt, sugar, spices, vinegar. Combine the cooled cabbage with apples, grated on a coarse grater, and season with oil.

red cabbage salad recipe with garlic

400 g of red cabbage, 3 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of lemon juice, salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage, add the grated fine grater or passed through the press garlic, salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Red cabbage salad with horseradish

400 g red cabbage, 1 tbsp. spoon grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt, sugar, black pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, dip in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, put in a colander and pour cold boiled water. Mix the remaining products and season the cabbage with the resulting sauce.

red cabbage salad recipe with apples and honey

300 g red cabbage, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 100 g of apples, 50 ml of olive oil, salt.

Mix chopped cabbage with honey, apples, peeled and core and cut into slices, salt. Fill with olive oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and nuts

300 g red cabbage, 100 g sweet apples, 25 g horseradish, 25 g chopped walnut kernels, juice of 1 lemon, 100 ml red strong wine, 2 pinches of salt, 1 pinch of sugar, 1 pinch of black pepper.

Shred the cabbage finely. Grate the unpeeled apples on a coarse grater, removing the seeds. Grate horseradish, mix with cabbage and apples, sprinkle with lemon juice mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, salt and sugar. Stir well, drizzle with wine and stir again while adding black pepper. Sprinkle salad with crushed nuts.

Recipe for red cabbage salad with apples and walnuts

300 g red cabbage, 1 stalk celery, 100 g apples, 30 ml wine vinegar, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and ground red pepper - to taste, 25 g of chopped walnuts.

In a large bowl, whisk vinegar, oil, sugar, salt and pepper. Add shredded red cabbage and chopped celery. Mix thoroughly so that the cabbage starts up the juice. Remove the peel from the apples and cut them into 1 cm cubes. Add to the salad and mix. Sprinkle the salad with nuts before serving.

Red cabbage salad with apples and almonds

300 g red cabbage, 50 g onions, 50 g almonds, 100 g apples, 100 ml table red wine, 50 ml olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, parsley, sugar, salt, black pepper - to taste.

Thinly chop the cabbage and salt, cut the onion into thin half rings, peeled apples - into strips; Scald almonds with boiling water, peel, thinly slice. Mix cabbage, onion, apples and almonds. Grind mustard with vegetable oil, add greens and, rubbing, slowly introduce wine. Add salt, sugar, pepper to the resulting sauce and season the salad. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a salad bowl.

red cabbage salad recipe with apples and garlic

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of apples, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Salt a little finely chopped cabbage, grind until juice is released, add chopped garlic and grated apples on a coarse grater. Fill with oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and tomatoes

300 g red cabbage, 30 ml vegetable oil, 100 g ripe tomatoes, 100 g apples, 2 teaspoons of 3% vinegar, sugar, parsley and dill, ground pepper, salt.

Peel red cabbage, dip for 10 minutes in salted water (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water), rinse, cut along the stalk and chop. Salt, let stand for 15 minutes, then squeeze, season with vinegar, sugar, pepper and mix well. Drizzle with vegetable oil. cooked cabbage put a slide on a dish, garnish with slices of tomatoes, put sliced ​​​​apples on top, sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Recipe for red cabbage salad with apples and pickles

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 100 g pickled cucumbers, 50 g onions, 50 ml vegetable oil.

Chop the cabbage, grind a little to make it softer. Cucumbers and peeled apples cut into cubes. Onion cut into thin half rings. Mix everything and season with oil.

Red cabbage salad with apples and beans

300 g red cabbage, 100 g beans, 200 g apples, 50 g green onions, 50 ml olive oil. 1 st. a spoonful of sugar, 30 ml of apple or wine vinegar, salt.

Finely chop the cabbage, dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander and cool. Add boiled and chilled beans, grated apples, chopped green onions, vinegar, salt, sugar, olive oil and mix everything.

Red cabbage salad with apples, grapes and watermelon

300 g of red cabbage, 150 g of grapes, 100 g of apples, 200 g of watermelon, 12 leaves of green salad.

In the middle of the salad bowl on the green lettuce leaves, put a blanched, thinly chopped red cabbage in a slide. Place apples and grapes around the cabbage. Between them put a piece of watermelon. When serving, drizzle with a dressing of vinegar, olive oil, sugar and salt.

Red cabbage salad with apples and pears

300 g red cabbage, 100 g apples, 100 g pears, 50 ml liquid honey, 100 ml olive oil, salt.

Shred the cabbage finely. Peel apples and pears, remove the core, cut into strips. Mix all the ingredients, salt the salad, season with honey and vegetable oil.

Spicy red cabbage salad with carrots

400 g red cabbage, 100 g carrots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 250 ml of vinegar, 200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed fresh ginger, 1 teaspoon chopped hot pepper, coriander leaves.

Finely chop the cabbage. Mix shredded cabbage with salt in a colander. Place a plate on top of the cabbage and place a weight on it. Let stand at room temperature 3 hours. Whisk the vinegar, sugar, ginger and red pepper in a large bowl until the sugar dissolves. Wash and dry cabbage. Put it in the vinegar mixture along with the carrots, cut into strips. To stir thoroughly. Close the lid and refrigerate for 8-24 hours. Serve the salad cold, garnished with coriander.

Spicy red cabbage salad with carrots

300 g red cabbage, 100 g carrots, 50 ml apple or wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped dill, 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish, 1/2 teaspoon of dry mustard, salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix shredded cabbage with grated carrots in a large bowl. Add sugar, dill, horseradish, mustard, salt and pepper to the vinegar, beat. Pour over the salad and mix. Close the lid and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Red cabbage salad with carrots and cucumbers

300 g of red cabbage, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of cucumbers, 50 g of dill, 50 g of parsley, 50 ml of vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, salt.

Shred the cabbage finely. Combine with carrots, grated on a coarse grater, and finely chopped cucumbers, salt. Put in a salad bowl and season with a mixture of oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Red Cabbage Salad with Carrots and Citrus Recipe

300 g red cabbage, 50 g carrots, celery greens, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of red wine vinegar, 30 ml of orange juice, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper - to taste, 100 g of orange, 150 g of grapefruit (red or pink), 50 g of lightly roasted walnuts.

Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the celery stalks into thin circles. In a large bowl, mix cabbage and carrots. Add vinegar, orange juice, oil, salt and pepper. Mix. Put in the refrigerator for a day. Before serving, peel the oranges and grapefruit, divide them into slices, peel the slices. Cut half the grapefruit slices into halves and add them to the salad. Then put half of the orange slices into the salad. Mix. Serve garnished with the remaining orange and grapefruit slices and sprinkle with toasted nuts.

Red cabbage salad with citrus fruits, pears and figs

200 g of red cabbage, 100 g of oranges, tangerines, pears, figs, 75 ml of orange juice, 50 ml of olive oil.

Finely chop the cabbage and grind until the juice is formed. Divide oranges and tangerines into slices and peel them from the film. Large slices cut the orange crosswise. fresh pears peel, remove the core and cut into slices. Cut figs into small cubes. Mix prepared products, season orange juice and olive oil. Ready salad put a slide in a salad bowl, decorate with fruit.

Beetroot Red Cabbage Salad Recipe

300 g red cabbage, 200 g beets, 50 ml vegetable oil, salt, 1 tsp. a spoonful of coriander seeds (cilantro), 50 g of walnuts.

Cut the beets into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the red cabbage and mix with the prepared beets. Salt to taste, add ground coriander and chopped walnut kernels.

Red cabbage salad with sweet pepper

400 g red cabbage, 1 red Bell pepper, 50 g red onion, 50 ml wine or apple cider vinegar, 50 g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon curry powder, 50 g raisins, salt and ground black pepper.

Chop the cabbage, cut the pepper and onion into thin half rings. Put in a bowl and mix. Heat vinegar and sugar in a small saucepan. Sugar should be completely dissolved. Then pour the hot marinade over the vegetables. Cool slightly. Season to taste with curry powder, salt and ground black pepper. Add raisins. Put the salad in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Before serving, drain excess liquid and mix the salad again.

red cabbage salad recipe with mushrooms

300 g of red cabbage, 200 g of mushrooms, 100 g of pickled cucumbers, 50 g of onions, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and sugar - to taste, 50 g of dill.

Chop cabbage, salt a little, grind until juice is formed. boiled mushrooms cut into strips, cucumbers and onions cut into cubes. Mix all the products, add sugar to taste, pour over with oil. Sprinkle with dill.

Red cabbage salad with potatoes

300 g of red cabbage, 200 g of potatoes, 50 ml of vinegar, 100 g of onions, 50 g of pickled cucumbers, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, herbs, salt.

Chop red cabbage, pour boiling water, after 20 minutes put it in a colander, salt, pour half of the prepared vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, cut into cubes, salt. Fill the potatoes with the remaining vegetable oil, pepper, pour over the remaining vinegar, sprinkle with herbs. Add finely chopped onions and diced potatoes to the potatoes pickle. Place cabbage on a dish in the center, and spread around potato salad. Decorate with green sprigs.

red cabbage and cauliflower salad recipe

300 g red cabbage, 300 g cauliflower, 1 onion, 50 g lettuce, salt, 75 ml of vegetable oil, 50 g of coriander or parsley.

Cut the red cabbage into checkers, blanch and cool. cauliflower boil for 3-5 minutes in salted water, cool and divide into small inflorescences. Onion cut into rings. Lay the vegetables in layers on lettuce leaves, salt each layer to taste, pour over with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.
