
Buckwheat porridge with vegetable dressing. What seasonings are suitable for buckwheat

Today we no longer have the opportunity to cook buckwheat porridge according to the original Russian traditions - in the oven. Modern housewives they either boil it on the stove or simmer it in the oven, but no matter how hard they try, it’s impossible to cook porridge soaked in the true buckwheat spirit. So our hostesses are trying to complement the taste of this side dish with new notes so that it can please every member of the family. And they do it through various sauces and gravies. And since this cereal Since it is combined with almost any product, it is not difficult to prepare a delicious sauce for buckwheat.

Sauces for buckwheat porridge: what is suitable?

In general, the preparation of the sauce is a simple matter, and therefore even a novice cook can cope with this task. However, in order to surprise with a dish, you need to know what kind of gravy will be best combined with buckwheat. Thanks to its unique palatability this cereal is in perfect harmony with vegetables, meat, and mushrooms, which opens up vast expanses for a flight of fancy.

The easiest way to diversify the taste of buckwheat is to cook it with soy sauce. This dish is often included in diet food because it contains neither salt nor sugar. The side dish turns out to be low-calorie, and thanks to the unique dressing, it is also quite original. To prepare it, buckwheat must be sorted out, washed and calcined in a well-heated oven. Then we shift the cereal into a saucepan and pour water: for 250 g of buckwheat, one and a half glasses of water. A few minutes before cooking, add a couple of tablespoons soy sauce, mix and send the porridge to a well-heated oven for half an hour. After the languor time has elapsed, buckwheat will acquire pleasant aroma and special taste.

Vegetable sauces

When we have absolutely no time to prepare the sauce for buckwheat porridge, we usually add ketchup, mayonnaise, best case sour cream seasoned with fresh herbs and garlic. But if there is at least half an hour in stock, then this is quite enough to prepare a very tasty vegetable gravy. We suggest you consider two fairly simple recipes.

Tomato sauce with herbs and herbs

To prepare this sauce, you will need the following products:

  • 3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • medium carrot root;
  • a couple of bell peppers;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 45-50 ml vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of a mixture of aromatic herbs;
  • a small bunch of basil and parsley;
  • salt.

We clean the onion and chop it very finely. Peel the skin off the carrots and grate fine grater. We blanch the tomatoes for half a minute in boiling water, after which we remove the skin and remove the seeds. bell pepper mine, cut into two parts, clean from seeds and white partitions, put it together with the pulp of tomatoes in a blender bowl and interrupt until a homogeneous consistency.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and put the carrots and onions in it, saute for two to three minutes. Add the tomato paste, stir and simmer for another five minutes. We thoroughly wash the fresh herbs in several waters, finely chop with a knife and also send them to the pan. Then we put the garlic passed through the press, herbs and bring to taste with salt.

On a note! You can adjust the consistency of this sauce yourself by keeping it on fire for less or less. large quantity time!

Buckwheat in such tomato sauce quite capable of being an independent dish and also goes well with schnitzel, chopped cutlets and chicken meatballs.

Greek style white sauce

Another sauce for buckwheat without meat, which is best cooked in summer time years, when fresh greens are in abundance and juicy ground cucumbers ripen. So, the ingredients we need:

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends and chop as finely as possible, squeeze the juice.

Advice! You can grate cucumbers, pass through a meat grinder or just chop with a knife!

We wash the greens, shake off the water and dry for paper towel. Pour sour cream or yogurt into a bowl, add cucumber mass, finely chopped garlic and chopped greens. Stir and add salt to taste.

Mushroom sauce

Most suitable sauce for buckwheat it is mushroom.

On a note! Even famous chef V. Pokhlebkin called mushroom dressing an original Russian version of sauce for buckwheat porridge and recommended just such a combination!

To make mushroom sauce you will need:

  • 250 g of champignons;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sour cream;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • a small bunch of dill and parsley;
  • a couple of sprigs of thyme;
  • salt.

We wash the mushrooms thoroughly, cut off the tips of the legs and remove the skin from the caps. We cut into small pieces. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and spread the mushrooms. Fry them on all sides until golden brown.

We free the onion from the husk, chop it and after about 20 minutes add it to the pan with the mushrooms. We continue to fry everything for another five minutes.

Combine sour cream with cream, carefully stir in the flour and add. Add the resulting mixture to the mushrooms with onions. With constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil and put finely chopped greens and herbs. Once again, mix everything well and remove from the stove.

Sauce with meat

The sauce for buckwheat with meat is the most satisfying, and at the same time, the recipe may include its different varieties: veal, pork, poultry, rabbit. Beef gravy is considered the most delicious, besides, it has a presentable appearance, since such meat keeps its shape perfectly, and the pieces do not fall apart during cooking.

Ingredients that are needed:

  • 350 g beef fillet;
  • beef broth;
  • medium bulb;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • a couple of tablespoons butter;
  • half a glass of tomato juice or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • herbs, salt.
We wash the meat, cut it into small cubes. We put the pan on the fire, heat it up small piece oil and fry the meat in it. When it appears in pieces golden crust, add beef broth to the pan and simmer for about 30-40 minutes.

We clean the onion from the husk and chop finely. We pass in a separate pan and add to the meat.

Put the rest of the butter in a clean frying pan and pass the flour on it.

On a note! Thanks to this technique, the sauce will get a pleasant nutty flavor!

When the flour acquires a light caramel hue, dilute it hot water and with vigorous stirring we make a homogeneous mass. Pour it into the pan to the meat, bring the sauce to taste with salt, spread the herbs. At the end we add tomato juice or pasta. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the sauce over low heat for about 20 minutes.

To make the sauce delicious...!

  • The dishes in which you prepare the sauce (if the recipe, of course, suggests heat treatment) should be thick-walled. Due to this, the liquid will boil away slowly and the finely chopped ingredients will not burn.
  • If it is necessary to add flour to the sauce, then in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, it should first be diluted in a small amount any liquid. It can be water, broth, cream, etc.
  • The gravy will turn out to be more aromatic and refined in taste if you add a little dry wine to it. Usually this ingredient is added at the initial stage of preparing the sauce and be sure to evaporate it a little.

Now buckwheat will not seem insipid and uninteresting dish, because you will always have recipes at hand delicious sauces. Would you like to cook Lenten dish, add to vegetable porridge or mushroom sauce, you need to feed your guests tasty and satisfying, then choose a nutritious sauce with meat. Bon appetit!

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What seasonings are suitable for buckwheat Delicious fragrant buckwheat can be prepared by adding seasonings such as turmeric, fennel, cardamom, ginger, as well as various mixtures spices. This will allow you to make a gourmet dish from traditional buckwheat porridge. Turmeric Turmeric is widely used in cooking for making hot hearty meals, and confectionery. This seasoning has a bright peculiar spicy taste, it should be used in small quantities so that it does not interrupt the aroma of the main dish. Turmeric also gives foods a beautiful golden-orange color, so it is used in cooking as natural dye. And buckwheat with turmeric acquires a yellow-orange color, and is also filled with useful properties this spice. Ginger Ginger, also like turmeric, is added to various dishes- salty and sweet. Ginger has a pungent taste and has a warming effect. Therefore, hot buckwheat with the addition of this spice warms in cold weather, kindling and intensifying the fire of digestion. To prepare buckwheat, this seasoning should be in the form of a powder - ground dried ginger. Cumin Cumin, cumin, wild anise - all this is the name of the same seasoning, which has a slightly spicy astringent taste and vaguely reminiscent of dill. A few cumin seeds, lightly fried in vegetable oil in order for this spice to reveal its properties, will give buckwheat a special flavor. discriminating taste. Cumin has medicinal properties, it calms and improves work gastrointestinal tract, promotes the production of gastric juice, which helps the digestion of food. Chili When cooking buckwheat, chili should be used with great care, as it has a very rich, pungent flavor. A few granules on the tip of a knife will be enough for one serving of this porridge to give it a light, subtle spicy taste. hot people tropical countries use this seasoning in all traditional dishes in large quantities. Mixture Indian spices Various blends of Indian spices are very common. Spices from India tend to be very fragrant, healthy and tasty. To save your healing properties during transportation, they are hermetically packed in special paper foil-like. Garam masala, Sambar masala are considered among the best Indian spices. They can be added not only to buckwheat, but also to other cereals, as well as to pastries, vegetable stew. The composition of the seasoning includes many different ingredients: black ground pepper, cumin, turmeric, fennel, cumin, ginger and others. Such a mix of spices will give buckwheat a rich taste. bright taste independent meal.

The taste of luxury is an integral part of the education of every intelligent person. And he teaches that you can completely do without luxury. ( I. Shaw "Bread on the Waters")

To paraphrase one of my favorite writers, the ability to cook complex dish in the home kitchen brings great pleasure to the hostess and household, but every hostess is well aware that you can live without culinary delights.
A simple boiled potato with vegetable oil, with herring, with an onion, or such buckwheat porridge, dear to all Russians - crumbly, juicy, thanks to vegetable dressing - without these simple meals home kitchen unthinkable! Cereals - the basis healthy eating and I'll show you how to cook them deliciously.

You will need:

  • buckwheat groats 2 cups
  • onion 2 pcs (medium)
  • carrots 2 pcs (medium)
  • sugar

Step by step photo recipe:

Any cereal must be sorted out, to separate all impurities.

Buckwheat can be washed and put in a colander to dry, although it is usually not washed. It is better to fry it in a pan. But this is a little later, and now take care of the vegetables that need to be sautéed in vegetable oil.

Finely chop the onion.

Grate the carrots into a fine grater.

I usually cook this porridge in a non-stick pan. In it, you can simultaneously fry vegetables and then cook porridge in it. If you do not have such a pan, then use a frying pan, and before cooking, transfer its contents to the pan. Heat vegetable oil and fry in it onion on a small fire 10 minutes. Be careful not to burn.

Add the grated onion and sauté together with the onion for more 10 minutes. Salt and add 1 tsp. Sahara.

While the vegetables are cooking, heat the kettle - you will need boiling water (4 cups). Pour the cereal into a dry hot frying pan. fry over low heat 5 minutes, stir constantly so as not to burn.

fried buckwheat add to sauteed vegetables and cook it all together 5 minutes. During this time, the cereal will be saturated with oil. Stir.

Add to pot with buckwheat and vegetables boiling water (4 cups), bring contents to a boil, taste and add salt if needed. Brew on small fire without a lid until the water disappears, do not interfere. When the surface of the porridge becomes dry and there are holes from the escaping steam on it, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat.

Porridge should be infused for 20-30 minutes. It must be mixed well before serving.

Here's how crumbly it turned out!

Simple, healthy and useful product!

Bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge with vegetable dressing. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • buckwheat groats 2 cups
  • onion 2 pcs (medium)
  • carrots 2 pcs (medium)
  • odorless vegetable oil 150 ml
  • sugar

Sort the cereal and separate foreign matter. Saute finely chopped onion in oil over low heat for 10 minutes. Add grated carrots and saute vegetables for another 10 minutes. Add salt and sugar (1 tsp) In a dry hot frying pan, fry buckwheat 5 minutes and add it to the vegetables. Fry everything together for 5 minutes. Pour boiling water over cereals and vegetables (4 cups), bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the water disappears. Cover with a lid and turn off the fire. Let the porridge brew for 20-30 minutes. Mix well before serving.

In contact with

Very useful for human health. But not everyone likes the taste of this porridge. Exists universal recipe, which will surely appeal to all members of your family - merchant buckwheat. You can cook this dish in a short period of time, even a novice cook can handle this task. Rest assured, the result will surpass all expectations.

The classic version of the recipe

For cooking, you will need buckwheat, lean boneless pork, onions, carrots and spices. Much tastier and fragrant buckwheat in a merchant way it will turn out in a cauldron. But if you do not have such dishes, you may well take a deep frying pan with thick walls. Starting with pre-treatment meat. Wash the pork and cut into small cubes. Pour a little vegetable oil into the cauldron, put the meat and fry. Add spices and salt. Peel the onion and chop very finely, add to the meat. While all this is fried, you need to peel and chop the carrots. Also add it to the cauldron. Simmer for about 15 minutes. Rinse the buckwheat and add it to the meat with vegetables, add water, mix and leave on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken and vegetables

If you do not like fatty foods or for some reason try not to eat pork, a chicken fillet recipe will help you out. For its preparation, you will need buckwheat, chicken, onion, carrots, herbs, salt and black pepper. Chicken fillet wash and cut into small pieces, fry until golden color. Add chopped onion and grated carrots to the pan. When the vegetables are fried until tender, you can add buckwheat (we wash it first), fill it with water. It's time to add salt and pepper. Today you can find a special seasoning for this dish. With it, merchant-style buckwheat will turn out even tastier. After adding the cereal, the dish must be cooked for about 20 minutes on low heat with the lid closed. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with finely chopped herbs.

Merchant-style buckwheat dish: "Maggi" can simplify the cooking process

If you don’t have time to cook dinner at all, Maggi seasoning for main courses will help out. There is also special kind spices for buckwheat in a merchant's way. For cooking, you only need seasoning, buckwheat and meat. As in any other recipe, fry the meat until half cooked. Then add washed buckwheat and water to the pan. We immediately add the spices and mix everything, after which we bring it to readiness over medium heat - about 25 minutes. Such merchant-style buckwheat really strongly resembles a dish prepared according to traditional recipe. Total time cooking - only about half an hour, while you do not have to spend time cleaning vegetables. Many housewives regularly purchase seasonings of this type and do not hesitate to use them in cooking. It's really great option express cooking of your favorite dishes. But, perhaps, when time allows, it is still worth not being lazy? And prepare food according to time-tested recipes.
