
How to dry pears in an electric oven. Technique to help: how to dry fresh pears in the microwave

Step 1: prepare the pears.

To get started, you need decide on the type of pear! It is important to use fruit for drying pears that is stored for no more than two days. It is better to choose varieties with dense pulp. And it happens that in such pears there are hardened areas, like pebbles. The ingredient should be very ripe and sweet. Excellent for drying, such varieties as "Forest Beauty", "Victoria", "Ilyinka", "Klapp's Favorite" are suitable.
So, first of all, we wash each pear well under running water and put it in a deep bowl. The ingredient must be cleaned with a knife from the peel and core. To do this, in weight, holding it with your hand, cut off a thin layer of peel with a knife, then cut the fruit into two halves and remove the seeds in a circular motion.
In the meantime, put a large pot of purified water on a high heat and add sugar to taste, stirring from time to time with a tablespoon so that it completely dissolves. In order for our pears to dry faster and be sweeter, they need to be boiled in boiling water for some time. This will save us a lot of time! When the water boils, make medium heat and carefully place the main component into the container with your hands. Pears can be boiled in parts up to 15 minutes until they get soft. We check the degree of readiness with a fork. As soon as they are ready for further processing, we immediately take them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a deep bowl. You can not drain the water, it is perfect for fruit compote or jelly, because the pear is so fragrant.
We spread the ingredient on paper kitchen or cloth towels so that it cools down and removes excess moisture from it.
And now on a cutting board with a knife we ​​cut the fruit into small pieces. There are several options for how to shape the pears. You can just cut them into random pieces. You can also grind the ingredient across the fruit into small semi-rings or lengthwise, thick no more than 5-7 millimeters. And relatively small-sized pears can generally be left unchanged, however, they will dry much longer than pear pieces. In general - this is already according to your desire - as you like best and how much free time you have in stock.

Step 2: dry the pears.

So, a pleasant sweet aroma of pears is heard in the kitchen and everything is ready for further cooking. Therefore, put the pears on a baking sheet in one layer and turn on the oven. We put a baking dish with our ingredient in the oven and dry it at a temperature not more than 55-60°С so that the pieces of pears do not crack and bubbles do not appear on them. Cooking them like this about 2 hours. After - increase the temperature in the oven up to 80°С and continue to dry until, when pressed with a wooden spatula on the pear pieces, juice is released from them. This may take about 8-12 hours. Therefore, be sure to mix the pears with a spatula every two hours. In the process of drying, such a fruit will lose more than 70% of moisture, therefore, from an amount of 4 kilograms, we will get only 1 kilogram of dried pears. Another feature of the readiness of the product is that when pressed on it, it is very soft, but at the same time it becomes very elastic! Attention: if you see that the pears begin to darken prematurely in the oven, make the fire again at 55-60°С and dry the ingredient at this temperature, stirring it from time to time. After the allotted time for preparing such a fruit, turn off the heat and remove the baking sheet from the oven so that the pear pieces cool to room temperature. They can be left in this state for another two days in some quiet, dry place, so that they dry completely. And only after that we transfer the dried pears to a clean, dry jar and tightly close the lid so that moisture does not enter it. Drying of pears is completed!

Step 3: serve dried pears.

The most interesting thing is that such an affordable and tasty fruit in ancient times saved people from various diseases due to its properties! The pear helps the heart and muscles work well, especially after physical exertion. And, if you put a piece of fresh pear on the surface of the skin, it can relieve inflammation of an allergic nature. Simply put, it's a miracle fruit! Therefore, you can serve it to the table in its natural form. For example, instead of sweets, children can be given a piece of dried pear to chew on. Uzvars from such an ingredient are very tasty for holidays such as Christmas or Easter. A dried apple, and even prunes, are perfect for such a compote in company with a pear. It is especially useful to eat dried fruits during the cold season, as they give the body an additional supply of vitamins and nutrients! Enjoy your meal!

- - So that the pear does not darken during the drying process, it can be dipped in a solution with citric acid. To do this, after processing in boiling water, we shift the pear pieces into a container with a pre-prepared solution. For 1 liter of purified water, we need 5-10 grams of citric acid. To do this, you need to mix the water with a tablespoon until the acid is completely dissolved in it, and only then place the pears in a container. Keep the fruit for 10-20 minutes. After we shift with a slotted spoon to the prepared surface, so that the liquid is glassed from the ingredient.

- - You can dry pears in the old grandmother's way. To do this, we need a calm, quiet place in the sun right on the street. A cottage or a private yard with a garden is perfect for this. Everything is very simple! Immediately after we cut the ingredient into smaller pieces, put them on a baking sheet or a large flat sieve and place them directly under the sun for the whole day. And only at night we bring the pears into the room, covering them with plastic wrap or a bag. We do such actions for 2-3 days and already on the fourth we rearrange the baking sheet with pieces of pears in the shade on the street and dry it for another 2-3 days. Just do not forget to bring pears into the room at night anyway.

- - You can soften pears before drying in another way! Rinse the ingredient well under running water and cut it into small pieces. Then carefully lay the slices in boiling water and cook them for 5-7 minutes.

The desire to feel the warmth in winter days, and again feel the aroma of summer is not alien to everyone. Modern methods of harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter period are limited by housewives, the preparation of jams, compotes, pickles, and “frosts”. It is extremely rare to use such an old harvesting method as drying, but in vain. A large number of useful microelements are preserved better in dried fruits. How to properly dry pears at home for the winter, we suggest remembering today.

Selection and preparation of pears for drying

The decision to provide yourself with dried fruits for the winter requires some knowledge. For harvesting, choose ripe, slightly harsh fruits with a dense skin. The allowable number of seeds in a pear is moderate. Scrupulous carrying out of all stages of processing and drying, as well as the choice of a suitable variety, will allow you to get a quality product. When drying, some housewives add sugar. In this case, the result will be a sweet dried fruit that can be used as a dessert.

Varieties suitable for harvesting by dry method are considered to be:

  • Victoria;
  • lemon;
  • Forest beauty;
  • Clapp's favorite;
  • Zaporozhye;
  • Ilyinka;
  • Bergamot;
  • Fragrant.

Important! It is forbidden to use frostbitten, wormy, rotten fruits that have damage. Discard such fruits immediately.

After cutting out unsightly places, use them for food (cook compote, make fruit puree).

The selected fruits are washed well with water and wiped dry.

Small fruits can be dried whole. Cut the largest into slices no larger than 1 centimeter, removing the seeds.

There is a method when, before drying, the processed fruits are dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes, cooled, then cut and dried.

Forest wild pear. The nuances of cooking

Forest pears, in the common people wild, differ somewhat in taste from garden varieties. The fruits have a small appearance, may be slightly bitter. The processing of wild game is similar to the processing of pears of garden varieties. They are often dried whole. To preserve the presentation during drying, it is treated with a solution of tartaric or citric acid. The pear is blanched in boiling water for about five minutes. The drying process is the same, the difference is only in the harvesting process.

The forest pear is harvested when it begins to fall from the trees. The fruits are put in a container and wait for them to turn brown. Pears of this color, when lying down, lose their astringency and bitter taste, become fragrant and sweet. Dried fruits from wild pears have a more interesting taste and strong aroma.

Drying pears at home for the winter

Dried fruits from a garden or wild pear are a pantry of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Their peel contains a lot of useful substances necessary to maintain immunity in winter and spring. One has only to make a reserve with the gifts of nature, and then no diseases are terrible. The thing is that, compared with fresh, these dried fruits have a long shelf life and "live" without problems until spring. The pear fruit is rich in glucose, sucrose, fiber, acids, pectin. A large amount of vitamins B1, C, P, PP, carotene make the fruit unique. Proper drying of the pear prevents the loss of beneficial properties.

How to dry pears at home

Several options are used:

  • in a natural way - in the fresh air;
  • in an electric dryer;
  • in the microwave;
  • in the oven.

The natural way of drying is less expensive and preferable. No electricity costs, no need to waste time on temperature control. All your labor costs come down to moving a pallet of chopped fruit indoors in the evening, and outside in the morning. Therefore, having the opportunity to use natural sources of heat and ventilation, use this method.

Tip: so that the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits do not lose color during drying, they can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Drying pears outdoors

Arrange the cooked fruit in a thin layer on a baking sheet or for serving. Place the container in a place where the sun's rays fall. In the evening, bring the pear into the room, since the humidity of the street air rises significantly at night. Cover the fruit container with plastic wrap. Perform this manipulation for two days. Then move the pear to the shade. The place must be well ventilated. In the shade, the pear is kept for four days.

Some owners use a modified natural drying method. Dried pear slices are pressed into a thin layer with the help of two boards, then strung on a thread with a distance of 1 millimeter. The thread is suspended, and the pear is dried in this form.

Drying in the oven

When choosing this drying method, expect the oven to operate for a minimum of fourteen hours. The principle of arranging chopped fruit on a baking sheet is preserved, as in the first case. It is necessary to select the correct operating mode of the oven - drying. The maximum temperature should be set to 60 degrees. At this temperature, the fruit is in the oven for about 2 hours. After this time, the temperature can be increased by 10-20 degrees and continue drying. As the fruit begins to decrease in volume, the temperature should be reduced to 50 degrees. At this temperature, dried fruits are brought to full readiness. The time spent on drying is affected by the pear variety and size. Drying whole fruits will take about a day, slices - about eighteen hours.

Drying pears in an electric dryer

Dip the pears prepared for drying in boiling water for a few seconds, remove the pear with a slotted spoon and quickly cool it in cold water. Such a shock bath is necessary for the fruit from browning. After the excess liquid drains, the pear is placed on a pallet and sent to an electric dryer. The temperature in the dryer is set to about 70 degrees. Pieces from time to time should be turned over to the reverse side. The drying process takes from fifteen hours to meshes. Dried fruits can be considered ready when they acquire a golden color. When bent, they should not break; when pressed, the structure will be soft and elastic.

Drying pears in the microwave

Drying pears in the microwave is considered one of the fastest cooking methods. The whole process takes no more than 4 minutes per serving. Important for this method is to control that the pears cut into slices or cubes do not dry out.

So, put the prepared fruit on a plate pre-coated with linen or cotton. Select oven program for 2 minutes and 200W. After the time has elapsed, turn the fruit over and repeat drying under the same parameters. Repeat the process until the product is ready. When dried, the moisture from the fruit evaporates, and they acquire a beautiful golden hue.

The pears were washed and peeled from the skin and core. Cut into 5 mm slices and laid out on trays.

From 5 kg it turned out:
3.62 kg (72%) - purified product
1.38 kg (28%) - waste.

The pears were dried for 13 hours at +55°C in an Ezidri Ultra dryer on 8 trays. During this time, the electric dryer consumed 6.85 kW of electricity. It turned out 518 grams of dried product. Shrinkage 7 times.

Dried pears contribute to the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. Health-improving effect on the activity of the pancreas. The presence of more iron in dried pears helps the rapid healing of wounds, the energy of the body and a good appetite. A decoction of dried pears contributes to a quick recovery from a severe cough, cold and sore throat. Recipe for a decoction: 1 cup dried pears boil for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Let it brew for 4 hours in a warm place, then strain. Drink ½ cup 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.


Due to the combination of taste and useful properties, the pear has managed to gain popularity around the world. It is believed that the discoverers of the pear were the inhabitants of Western China. This sweet, juicy fruit is also loved in our country. Even in "Domostroy" you can find information about the pear tree and proper care for it.

Europeans began to discover new ways of preparing pears in the 18th century, during which the plant was cultivated and the fruits were actively used in cooking. Then it became clear that dried pears are no less tasty than fresh ones. Although in some countries it was previously considered that it was dried and boiled fruits that were edible, and not raw. Drying the fruit can significantly extend its shelf life. After drying, if the whole process goes right, the pear retains most of its beneficial properties.

Sweet and large varieties with a small seed chamber are ideal for drying: Limonka, Bessemyanka, Bergamot, Tonkovetka, Ilyinka. Also, for these purposes, wild-growing fruits - wilds are often used. Before drying a pear, it is necessary to select suitable fruits, they must be sufficiently mature (but not overripe) and strong.

The benefits of dried fruits

. The content of vitamins PP, E, C, B1 and B2;
. the content of micro and macro elements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
. calorie content - 249 kcal per 100 g, so modern medicine often uses it as part of a diet menu;
. despite the relatively low calorie content, dried pear is quite nutritious and can be used as a healthy snack;
. dried fruits are included in the composition of decoctions, which are used as a diuretic, antipyretic, disinfectant or antitussive. Due to the low calorie content, dried fruit can become part of the diet. Dried pears do not contain sugar syrup, they have a natural sweetness, so they are great as an alternative to desserts. Also, dried fruit can be used for violations of the pancreas. The product helps to eliminate toxins, heavy metals from the body. A decoction of wild pear helps to cope with kidney problems and cystitis.

Compotes are often made from dried fruits. Such a drink is rich in tannins that have an astringent effect. Therefore, pear compote is recommended to drink with intestinal upset. Due to the antibacterial action of pear broth, it is recommended as a prophylactic against colds.

Potassium, contained in the product in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, the product is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, constant dizziness, loss of appetite - all these are signs of iron deficiency. By eating dried fruits daily, this shortage can be quickly filled.

Dried pears in cooking

Pears can be eaten as an independent dish. Proper drying in an electric dryer will ensure the preservation of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. A small handful of dried fruits will allow you to satisfy your hunger, recharge your batteries and continue working again. Pear goes well with fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese. But with milk, it can cause a laxative effect. Dried fruits are added to cereals, the fruit goes especially well with oatmeal.

In winter, pears are added to decoctions, compotes, teas, jelly, coffee drinks. Moreover, you can make a drink exclusively from pears, or you can combine this product with other dried fruits, berries and herbs.

There are a huge number of desserts with the addition of dried pears. Baking is especially popular. For example, even the most inexperienced hostess can cook a simple charlotte. But in order to bake a pie with dried pears, it is recommended to pre-soak dried fruits in water. The fruit pairs perfectly with dried apples, bananas, wild berries, citrus pulp and zest.

Many housewives grind slices of dry pears into small pieces or even to the state of flour. Such preparations for the winter are added to cereals, drinks, cottage cheese or yogurt. Pear flour can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough for pies. If desired, dried fruit powder can be mixed with sugar and cinnamon.

Dried pear is a simple and affordable way to saturate your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter and spring. In addition, dishes with the addition of fruits give a great opportunity to remember the warm and cozy summer.

On cold winter evenings, you can remind yourself of the gentle summer with delicious dried pears. These dried fruits, which after processing retain a delicate taste and delicate aroma, are quite simple to make at home. The main thing is to prepare the fruits for drying and choose the most optimal cooking method for yourself. How to dry pears? Let's figure it out.


Slightly unripe pears, dense, not too juicy, are best suited for drying. If we talk about specific varieties, then it can be “Victoria”, “Zaporozhye”, “Clapp's favorite”, “Forest beauty”, “Ilyinka”, “bergamot”, “fragrant” and “lemon”. Ideally, you need to pick pears in your own garden, but you can buy fruits in the market or in a store.

You need to start drying the pears as soon as possible after picking them, as the fruits become soft over time.

  1. Carefully sort through the crop, set aside damaged or beginning to rot pears (you can eat them fresh by cutting off the spoiled parts).
  2. Wash the pears well under running water, dry them with a towel or napkins and dip them in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cool the fruit at room temperature and cut into pieces.
  4. Cut large pears into centimeter slices, divide medium and small ones into 4 or 2 parts.

After that, you can start drying in any way convenient for you.

In the oven

  1. Place prepared and chopped pears in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  2. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to +60°C.
  3. After 2 hours, increase the heat to +80 ° C.
  4. When the fruit is noticeably reduced in volume, the temperature should be reduced again - this time to +55 ° C.

Drying time for pears in the oven varies from 12 to 24 hours, depending on the size of the pieces and the type of fruit.

in the microwave

Microwave drying takes only 5-7 minutes.

Put the sliced ​​​​slices on a plate and send them to dry in a microwave oven at a power of 300 watts for a couple of minutes. Then turn the pieces of fruit over and repeat the procedure.

In an electric dryer

In an electric dryer, a large amount of fruit can be dried in 15–30 hours.

  1. Spread the pieces of pears on the grates, set the temperature to +70 °C.
  2. Periodically check the degree of readiness of dried fruits: pear slices should become slightly brownish, soft and elastic, but in no case brittle and brittle.

In the sun

Arrange the pear slices on a baking sheet or tray and place in a sunny, outdoor location. Drying takes 2 days. At night, be sure to bring the fruits into the house and cover them with polyethylene so that they do not absorb excess moisture and rot. After 2 days, place the dried pears in a well-ventilated area and wait a couple more days.

Storage of dried pears

  • Ready-made dried pears can be stored in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid or in a cloth bag in a cool, dry place.
  • When stored in bags, from time to time, dried fruits must be checked for spoilage, because pears can rot, become moldy, or acquire fruit moth larvae or small bugs. To prevent trouble, once a month, stocks should be poured onto a baking sheet and slightly dried in the oven at a temperature of +50 ° C.
  • If desired, you can grind dried fruits in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Pear powder can be used for cosmetic purposes (as part of handmade masks) or as an additive to pastries or cereals.

Now you know how to dry a pear. It will definitely please you and your family. Throughout the winter, you can pamper yourself with the vitamins and minerals of fruits without spending a lot of time looking for more or less tolerable fresh pears in the supermarket.

I want to tell you about what a delightful and convenient thing a vegetable dryer is just a lifesaver in the summer and an unearthly delight in the winter.

Every housewife, and especially the mother of small children, always wants to feed her child with the most delicious and healthy food. It is difficult to find a more useful storehouse of vitamins in winter than dried fruits, because this is an absolutely natural and most fortified product.

Today we will harvest ripe, juicy summer pears, saturated with the aroma of the sun and the summer breeze. You know how proud I feel from the fact that my child snacks on walks not with some store-bought cookies, but with pieces of a sweet and very healthy pear prepared by his mother !!!

Drying pears at home is very simple. The main condition for drying pears to be excellent is that harvesting should be done only from ripe and good fruits.

1. Pears should be washed very carefully, as it is possible that when she hung on a tree, a familiar fly could fly to her on a branch. Let the water drain.

2. Let's start cutting. The finer you can cut the pear, the tastier the final product will be and the sooner it will be ready.

3. We spread the pears cut into thin slices on a dryer sieve. We put it quite tightly, because with the first breath of the fan, the liquid will begin to evaporate and our slice will become smaller and thinner, leaving only tasty and healthy substances in itself.

4. I have a dryer power of 400 watts, it took about 5-6 hours to dry a summer pear, the temperature is 50-60 degrees. This is for the caramel crust. At the same time, somewhere in the middle of the time, I rearranged the floors, changing the lower one with the upper one, so that all the slices were dried evenly.

5. Drying of pears is completed. Store dried pears in a glass, hermetically sealed container. Best in a dry, cool place. And with the first frosts, you can strengthen the immune system with sweet slices of a summer pear. Be healthy!
