
Armenian chicken salad with walnuts. Nutritious chicken salad with nuts - great options and how to cook them

This puff salad from chicken with cheese and nuts, my family calls "Monomakh's Hat" for its rich appearance And amazing taste. Chicken salad decorates the table with its splendor, although it is quite simple to prepare. The family is very respected, cooked either with cheese, or with nuts, or with other delicious foods.

Today's chicken salad recipe combines cheese (here), walnuts, and eggs. He does not need exotic products. I think you can always get a couple of dozen grapes by buying a small brush.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • three pieces of chicken fillet,
  • two hundred grams of cheese,
  • a handful of walnuts,
  • five eggs,
  • four to five tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Cooking chicken salad "Monomakh's Hat", with photo

Chicken for this dish can be prepared in two ways: fried or boiled. In any case, the fillet pieces must be thoroughly washed. If you want to cook a variant with fried chicken, the fillet will need to be cut into strips and fried in a pan in a small amount oils.

If you prefer the option with boiled meat, then simply lower it into salted boiling water and bring it to readiness. We immerse in boiling water because we need not delicious broth and tasty and juicy meat. After allowing the bird to cool, cut the fillet into strips, or divide it into fibers by hand.

Wash and hard boil the eggs for six minutes and then refrigerate them. Grate on a medium grater, or chop with a knife on a cutting board.

Grate the cheese with a medium grater. Grind walnuts either with a knife or using a blender. Wash the grapes, dry them, and then cut each grape lengthwise into two halves.

We begin to collect our salad. The first layer is laid out from boiled (or fried) chicken. Coat with mayonnaise.

The second layer of grated cheese, which is also covered with mayonnaise.

The third layer will be egg, and it is also smeared with mayonnaise.

We give the laid out layers of chicken salad the shape of a hemisphere with a wide knife or spatula, not forgetting to flavor the entire surface with the remnants of mayonnaise. Then all this is generously sprinkled with chopped walnuts and decorate with "gems" halves of grapes. So the Monomakh's Hat is ready!

In general, there is nothing complicated in preparing chicken salad with cheese and nuts, and you will undoubtedly get a lot of pleasure from eating it. If all this is continued with a liver with mushrooms, and completed sponge cake with marmalade, it will be doubly pleasant! Bon appetit!

Salad is an indispensable food that people eat every day. A salad is a cold or hot dish made from a mixture of chopped, grated vegetables, which is served on the table as an addition to meat or cold appetizers. To date, the most popular salads- these are salads, where the main ingredient is chicken.

Benefits of Chicken Salads:

- firstly, chicken is an affordable, dietary and easily digestible product;

- secondly, chicken meat is combined with all products: walnuts, cheeses different varieties, all vegetables and many fruits;

- thirdly, the chicken salad is dressed with various dressings (sour cream, mayonnaise, oils of various origins).

There are a great many recipes for chicken salads, but this article is dedicated to salads, where the main ingredients are chicken meat and walnuts.

Step-by-step recipes for salads with chicken meat and walnuts for all occasions:

Recipe 1: Salad with smoked chicken and walnuts

This salad is classified as a treat "on quick hand”, because you only need 15 minutes to prepare the salad, and the ingredients do not require heat treatment. The highlight of the salad - fillet smoked chicken, and garlic adds a hint of piquancy.

For salad preparation smoked meat chicken and walnuts for 4 persons, you will need the following ingredients:

  • smoked chicken fillet - 250 grams;
  • walnuts - 40 grams;
  • hard tomatoes - 4 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt.

To prepare a salad with nuts and smoked chicken fillet, you will need no more than 15 minutes.

Step by step - cooking a salad with nuts and smoked chicken fillet.

Preparatory process:

- Smoked chicken fillet without skin, cut into strips.

hard cheese cut into straws.

- Tomatoes are cut into squares.

- The parsley is minced.

- The garlic is crushed.

The ingredients for the salad are combined, brought to taste with salt, dressed with mayonnaise and at the same minute the treat is served on the table. Salad cannot be seasoned in advance, as tomatoes with salt and mayonnaise quickly release juice, lose their shape, and the salad becomes watery. Those who do not use mayonnaise, the dish can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise + sour cream.

Ready salad is served in a common salad bowl or in bowls, personally for each guest. Bon appetit everyone!

Recipe 2: Salad "Royal Treat" (salad with boiled chicken and walnuts)

The preparation of this salad is a very laborious process, but the final the result will surpass all expectation, and you will taste truly royal dish. The salad is hearty and high-calorie, because it consists of six layers soaked in mayonnaise.

To prepare a salad with boiled chicken and walnuts for 4 persons, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken meat (fillet or drumstick) - 300 grams;
  • walnuts - 70 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 250 grams;
  • carrots - 2 pieces (medium size);
  • salt and vegetable fat for heat treatment.

To prepare the "Royal" salad, you will need about 45 minutes.

Step by step - cooking salad "Royal" (with boiled chicken and walnuts).

Heat treatment:

- Chicken meat, carrots, boiled eggs in the usual way;

- Onion half rings are fried in vegetable fat.

Preparatory process:

- Fried onions are leaned back in a colander or laid out on paper towel, to remove unwanted fat.

- Walnuts are crushed in a mortar.

- Carrots are chopped on a grater.

- Boiled chicken is ground through a meat grinder with a large nozzle.

- Protein and yolk are crushed separately.

The prepared ingredients are placed in a salad bowl (preferably in a transparent one) in layers in the following sequence:

2) walnuts are smeared with mayonnaise on top;

5) carrots are smeared with mayonnaise on top;

7) yolk.

All the salad is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Galatea salad (salad with boiled chicken, walnuts and prunes)

Despite the fact that the salad is 50% nuts and fruits (prunes, apples), it is quite high-calorie and satisfying. Thanks to the perfect combination of products and sweet and sour notes of fruits and nuts, the dish will appeal to both adults and kids.

To prepare a salad with boiled chicken meat, walnuts and fruits for 4 persons, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken meat (fillet or drumstick) - 500 grams;
  • walnuts - 50 grams;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • prunes - 70 grams;
  • cheese - 100 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 150 grams.
  • salt.

To prepare the Galatea salad, you will need about 35 minutes.

Step by step - cooking Galatea salad (with chicken, walnuts and fruits).

Heat treatment:

For this salad, chicken meat can be prepared in two ways:

1 way - chicken meat is boiled in the usual way or

2 way - the meat is cut into cubes and fried until cooked with curry seasoning;

- eggs are boiled in the usual way.

Preparatory process:

- Finely chopped onions are scalded with boiling water and dried.

- The peeled apple is cut into bars.

- Eggs are cut on an egg cutter;

- prunes finely chopped;

- the cheese is ground on a grater;

- walnuts are crushed into small crumbs.

The prepared ingredients are placed on a flat plate in the shape of a square (the finished salad looks like a cake) in layers in the following sequence:

1) boiled or fried meat;

3) an apple;

5) prunes;

7) and in conclusion, the top and sides of the salad are sprinkled with nut crumbs.

Each layer of lettuce, except for cheese, is lightly smeared with mayonnaise.

The formed salad is soaked for 20-30 minutes and served at the table. Bon appetit everyone!

Recipe 4: Alpine Salad (with chicken and walnuts)

This salad fast food perfect for breakfast, late dinners and picnics. The advantage of the salad is that it contains only simple and available ingredients that do not require additional heat treatment.

To prepare Alpine salad with smoked chicken and walnuts for 2 persons, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Smoked chicken meat - 200 grams;
  • walnuts - a handful;
  • hard tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • crackers - a handful;
  • sour cream (mayonnaise) - 50 grams;
  • a few sprigs of dill, parsley and green onions;
  • pepper, salt.

Preparatory process:

- Smoked chicken fillet without skin, cut into cubes.

- The tomato is cut into cubes.

- Parsley and dill are torn, onions are chopped.

You can buy croutons ready-made or you can make your own.

- Walnuts are crushed in a mortar.

Salad "Alpine" can be served in two ways:

Method 1 - before serving, all ingredients are mixed in one container, brought to taste with spices and seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Method 2 - the salad is laid out in layers before serving: chicken, croutons, tomatoes (slightly salted and smeared with mayonnaise), walnuts, herbs. Bon appetit to all.

- for the preparation of salads, such parts of the chicken as drumstick and fillet are used;

- tomatoes are selected durum varieties;

- it is better to tear greens for salad with your hands;

- salads laid out in layers, before serving, should be soaked for 10-15 minutes, mixed - spices are brought to the couscous and seasoned with dressings, immediately before serving.

One of the most simple recipes delicious and hearty salads which should especially appeal to men. Tender chicken breast, spicy pickled cucumbers, juicy onions and neutral-tasting chicken eggs are quite interestingly combined with walnuts. Such a salad is prepared quickly and is great for both everyday meals and a festive table.

I advise you to fill this simple and delicious salad with mayonnaise - do not be lazy and cook homemade (here you can find the most elementary recipe for homemade mayonnaise). If desired, you can use mayonnaise and sour cream sauce as a dressing, which you mix in equal proportions. fresh greens For decoration? Why not!


Cooking step by step with photos:

In the recipe for this simple and delicious salad includes chicken breast (can be replaced with other chicken fillet), pickled cucumbers (), peeled walnuts, chicken eggs (I have 4 very large ones, so you can take 5-6 small ones), a large onion, as well as a decent amount of mayonnaise. As always, I advise you to use homemade mayonnaise - it is made in a matter of minutes, but it turns out tastier and healthier.

Let's boil first chicken breast. In general, there are two basic rules in accordance with which chicken breast is cooked. If you need broth, the meat is put in cold water, and when you cook the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, as it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook at a moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils a second time - the boil stops when you put the meat, as the water temperature drops).

Meanwhile, finely chop the peeled onion. If you come across a sharp onion, you need to scald it with boiling water (already chopped), then rinse it in ice water - the bitterness will go away. At the same time, boil hard-boiled eggs.

Peeled walnuts need to be chopped with a knife or chopped with a blender. The main thing is not to get a small crumb, but to leave small pieces nuts to feel their texture.

Chicken eggs ready: cool them under cold running water right in the pot. This will cool them down faster and make them easier to clean. Grind them in the same cube. By the way, do you know how to make sure that the eggs do not crack when cooked? First, they must be room temperature(that is, take the eggs out of the fridge in advance), as well as water. Secondly, when cooking, add a little vinegar or salt to the water.

The chicken breast is also ready - take it out of the broth, let it cool a little, then cut it into small cubes. If you calculate the cooking time correctly, the breast will turn out juicy, and the cubes will be perfectly even and not fibrous.

So, you can gradually lay prepared ingredients layers. Traditionally, I use deep bowls that I line completely. cling film- so the products do not stick in the dishes and the salad will come out on the dish evenly. The layers are laid out the other way around, that is, the bottom of the bowl is the top of the salad. In general, if you are not particularly interested in the shape of the salad, you can mix everything and eat right away. My first layer is chicken - put half of all the cubes on the bottom, which have already cooled completely. It is important to coat each layer with a fairly generous portion of mayonnaise so that the salad does not dry out.

And finally - chopped walnuts (leave a handful for decoration ready salad). Don't forget the mayonnaise!

Several recipes for making a salad with chicken and nuts, how to properly prepare a salad with nuts and chicken - tips from experienced chefs.

Dishes prepared with chicken and nuts can be different, Hawaiian, royal, exotic, original. But the most interesting thing is that the most main ingredient, which is part of these dishes, is chicken meat and nuts and is mainly a type of walnut. If, for example, you just chicken fillet combine with a dressing such as mayonnaise you will succeed light dish. And in order for the dish to have higher flavors, you just need to add a few other ingredients. Products can be different, that is, you can put potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, cucumbers, prunes and so on in a salad.

Also this species salads will perfectly decorate and diversify any festive table and everyone loves to eat such salads without exception. Chicken salads can be served in different ways, someone will bring it to the table this salad on a simple plate, and some hostess will come up with more original submission. For example, instead of a plate, transparent glasses will be filled with salad, pyramids are also often depicted from the salad mass, and even on a simple plate in this version, the dish looks very elegant and unusual.

And now let's talk a little about how this type of salad is prepared correctly.

First of all, how you are going to boil the meat, you must know what to put in meat product need to water only when they boil, because this product immediately covered with a film and after cooking remains juicy, and it also retains all the useful substances.

Surely all housewives know that salads are prepared from products that are pre-chopped and seasoned with mayonnaise, so these dishes quickly deteriorate, which means that in order to prepare such a salad, you need to buy exclusively fresh product. The ingredients that make up the salad are cut immediately, but you should not smear it with dressing, it is better to do this before you serve the dish to the table. If you want to take less time to prepare this type of salad, then try to prepare everything in advance necessary products, that is, boil, cool and clean the ingredients, if required in the description of the recipe. In order for the products not to weather, you need to cover the plates with cling film and put them in the refrigerator. Then you just need to chop the ingredients and add sauce or sour cream to the salad. Grind products for the preparation of this salad with the help of knives or graters.

Salad with walnuts and chicken

That's all that could be told before you start cooking chicken dishes and in this article you can learn about several recipes for preparing these salads and now you can put your affairs aside, as we begin to prepare the first dish, which is called: "Salad with chicken and walnuts"

This dish is amazingly delicious. The products indicated in the ingredients are designed for one serving, as this salad is served in small portions. You need to lay this dish in layers in a small cup, then it turns over, and the salad looks like a beautiful turret. If you would like to make this salad festive table, then you just need to multiply the given amount of ingredients by as many people as you invited to the holiday.

To prepare this dish you will need:


chicken eggs - one piece;

hard cheese - one hundred grams;

chicken fillet - one hundred grams;

walnuts - two tablespoons;

apple - half;

onion - one small head;

mayonnaise - two tablespoons.

In order to prepare the marinade for onions, you will need:


water - one glass;

salt - on the tip of a teaspoon;

vinegar - two tablespoons;

sugar - three tablespoons.


First you need to cook food. Put two pots of water on the fire, bring the water to a boil and send the pre-washed chicken meat to one pan and the egg to the other. When the meat is ready, let it cool and cut small pieces. Then, let the egg cool, peel the shell and separate the protein and yolk. Rub the protein on coarse grater, and the yolk on a fine grater.

Next, take care of the nuts, they need to be peeled and chopped very finely. Then wash the apples and cut half of the fruit into large cubes. Now take the onion, peel it and cut the vegetable into thin half rings.

Now prepare the marinade for the vegetable. Take a small bowl, put chopped onion in it, pour in cold boiled water, add vinegar, salt, sugar and stir together with onions. The vegetable should marinate for two hours, so if you don’t have time and you plan to cook this salad, pickle the onion in advance.

Now take a cup and we will put the salad: First, put the chopped yolk, top it with grated cheese and grease these two layers with mayonnaise, then take a spoon, spread the dressing over the entire surface and press down the layers a little. Next, walnuts are laid out, which are covered with chopped apples and also smeared with mayonnaise on top. Then sprinkle a little more walnuts on the apple and put the chicken breast on top, send the pickled onion to the meat, which should be thoroughly spread with mayonnaise. Sprinkle nuts on top again, and chopped egg white, which is also smeared with mayonnaise.

That's it, the salad is finished laying out, now you need to carefully put it on flat dish. In order for the salad to quickly and neatly jump out onto the plate, take a knife and run it a little inside the cup around the entire circumference, then gently turn the cup over and shake it a little. If everything worked out for you and a surprisingly beautiful turret flaunts on the dish, then you can depict something from mayonnaise on it, which is typed into a culinary syringe for this, and sprinkle the salad with a green onion on top. Done, you can serve the dish to the table!

Enjoy your meal!

Salad with chicken, nuts and prunes

In the next salad, we will combine foods such as chicken and prunes. Everyone knows that this fruit is not only a dried fruit that is used to make desserts, but also cooked with prunes meat dishes, cereals and of course salads. Thanks to this fruit, salads have an interesting, pleasant and piquant taste. This salad, which we will prepare, turns out to be spicy and sour, as the ingredients contain products such as garlic, mayonnaise and lemon juice. And so let's start cooking a dish called: "Salad with chicken prunes and nuts"

To make this salad you will need:


chicken breast - three hundred grams;

soft prunes - twenty-five pieces;

walnuts - half a glass;

salt - to your taste;

garlic - two cloves;

lemon juice - one tablespoon.


Put the container on the fire, pour in water, salt, wash the chicken fillet and send it to boiling water. When the meat is ready, let it cool, and then cut into small cubes.

Now take care of the prunes, the fruits should be washed well and cut into strips. To prepare this salad, buy a good dried fruit, the most important thing is that the fruit is not overdried and pitted. If you have hard prunes, then before putting it in the salad, fill the fruit with water and mash a little.

Now get on with the sauce. Take a deep bowl, pour into it lemon juice, add salt, mayonnaise and pre-chopped garlic. Mix the ingredients well and refrigerate for half an hour, let the sauce infuse.

In the meantime, take a salad bowl, put all the prepared foods in it and pour the salad with the prepared sauce on top, mix everything well again, sprinkle with chopped dill and garnish with parsley sprigs and serve the dish to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Salad with nuts, pineapple and chicken

Next you will learn about the salad, which has exotic taste. If you have never eaten such a dish, then you should definitely cook it and enjoy it. The fact is that this salad has received a noble name and it's not just that! The taste of this dish will amaze you from the first spoon, the salad turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and fragrant. By the way, you can play a little with the products that are part of it, that is, instead of mushrooms, if you do not welcome them, you can add boiled chicken fillet, or smoked breast, and the taste of your salad will immediately become different. Also, for the preparation of this dish, you can take mushrooms, only canned, although with fresh mushroom, the salad will turn out more fragrant and tastier. And so, let's start cooking the dish, which is called: " Royal salad with chicken, pineapple and nuts"

To prepare this salad you will need:


chicken breast - two pieces;

champignons - four hundred grams;

pineapples - one jar;

walnuts - one hundred grams;

ground black pepper - to your liking;

salt - to your taste;

mayonnaise - one hundred grams;

vegetable oil - for frying mushrooms;

parsley - to decorate the salad.


First of all, you must cook the meat. Put a container of water on the fire, wash the fillet and send it to boiling water. When the product is ready, let it cool and then cut the meat into large pieces.

Next, you need to wash the mushrooms, cut them big pieces, put the pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil and send chopped mushrooms to the pan. When they turn golden, put them in a colander to drain the excess oil.

Now open the pineapples, drain the juice and cut them into medium cubes, roughly divide the circle into ten cubes. Next, clean the nuts and chop them.

Well, now let's take the most crucial moment, take a salad bowl, put all the prepared ingredients in it, add salt, pepper and pour mayonnaise, mix all the products well, put parsley sprigs on top, pre-washed of course and you can also use whole olives for decoration .

That's it, you can invite everyone to the table, treat your friends and loved ones with your new culinary delight.

Enjoy your meal!

Salad with chicken, carrots and nuts

AND last salad also has the original delicate aroma and taste. And if you prepare it for the arrival of your friends, they will definitely appreciate your culinary skills. So next salad called: "Chicken salad with nuts and carrots"

To prepare this dish you will need:


chicken fillet - two hundred grams;

walnuts - seventy grams;

mayonnaise - two hundred and fifty grams;

onions - one piece;

chicken eggs - two pieces;

carrot - one piece;

vegetable oil - five tablespoons;

salt - to your taste.


Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Put the pan on the fire, pour in a little vegetable oil and fry the vegetable until golden color. Then put the onion in a plate, let it cool.

Now put two pans on the fire, pour in water, salt and put carrots in one to cook, and eggs in the second. When the carrot is ready, peel it, take fine grater and rub the vegetable. Then, take out the eggs, dip them in cold water, peel the shell and separate the yolk and protein. Grind the protein, and grind the yolk with a table fork. Take the nuts, peel them and chop them.

Now put the container of water on the fire again, wash the chicken fillet and send it to boiling water. When the meat is ready, let it cool and cut into small pieces, if you want, you can use a meat grinder. The products are ready, so let's start laying out the salad in layers:

Put the chicken breast in the first layer, which is smeared with mayonnaise. Then spread the walnuts on the second layer, fried onions on top, egg white on the onion and fill these layers with mayonnaise. Next, put the carrot in the same way, coat it with mayonnaise dressing and sprinkle everything with mashed yolk on top. If you wish great addition To this dish will become a green onion, chop it and sprinkle on top of the salad.

Enjoy your meal!

That's all, we hope that you liked the recipes for salads with chicken and nuts, and you chose the best ones in your opinion. Most importantly, never be lazy and remember that useful and delicious food, will not only bring pleasure to you and your family, but will also cheer you up, which will accompany you throughout the hard day!

Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts - a hearty layered salad to diversify your daily and holiday menu. The chicken for this salad can be prepared in two ways: boil it, as I did, or bake the fillet in the oven, and then cut into cubes. For beautiful presentation such a salad can be laid out using a forming ring, and if you don’t have one, feel free to cut it on both sides tin can and use for salad dressing.

Prepare all the necessary products for making a salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts. First you need to boil the eggs and chicken fillet.

Cut the champignons and onion into slices into cubes or quarter rings. Sautéed champignons with onion sunflower oil. Fry until the mushrooms are slightly browned, salt and pepper at the end. Then cool the mushrooms with onions.

Cut boiled chicken into cubes.

Peel and grate the eggs.

Grate hard cheese, put in a bowl, add mayonnaise and garlic. Mix well.

Place the mold on a flat plate. Drip a little mayonnaise on the bottom. Lay out the layers one by one. Put the chicken in the first layer. As practice has shown, it is better to mix the fillet with mayonnaise, and then put it in a mold so that the bottom layer is more stable. Then lay out the eggs, grease with mayonnaise. Put mushrooms with onions in the next layer. You don't need mayonnaise here. Next, lay out a layer of cheese with garlic. Chop the walnuts and lay out the last layer. Press each layer in the mold a little so that subsequently our structure does not collapse.

Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts requires impregnation, so I advise you to leave it in this form for 1 hour. After this time, the mold can be removed, the salad is decorated and served.

Bon appetit!
