
Steamed vegetable stew in large pieces. Ingredients for the dish "Vegetable stew in a slow cooker and steamed lazy cabbage rolls"

Steamed Fish Ingredients:

  • fresh carp or other fish - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • spices for fish - 1 tbsp.
  • curly parsley - 1 small bunch
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

For garnish:

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • eggplant - 1 medium or 2 small
  • onion - 1 head
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • purified water - 1 multi-glass
  • salt, pepper - to taste

And I'm back to the topic of magic wands for today's super busy hostesses! These are, of course, duet dishes in a slow cooker. This time we will cook steamed fish and stew from seasonal vegetables in the main bowl of the multicooker. The end of summer is just the season for carp and crucian fishing. A strong half of the family from the next fishing came with a noble catch, which must be prepared immediately, so to speak, in order to take a sample. But nothing flatters a man so much as food prepared from his “prey”! Fortunately, carp is a fish that everyone likes, and boiling, frying or steaming it is easy. We will entrust this matter to the multicooker, because you only need to “throw” chopped food into it and you can forget about the dish until the beep, and we ourselves will calmly go about our business.

So, today I invite readers of the site to cook a very tasty, but at the same time dietary healthy dish. We will stew vegetables for stew in a bowl without frying, and we will steam carp in a slow cooker, and all this will happen at the same time. I have a REDMOND RMC-M4524 multicooker, but this recipe can also be cooked in all other models, since the “Stew” function is used. Are we getting started?

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse fresh fish, clean from the insides, turn out and clean the gills. The heads of the fish can be cut off at will, but the whole carcass looks nicer on the table - the decision is yours.

    Vegetables use only the young and most useful. The set can be any, according to your taste. I have bell peppers, eggplant, potatoes and onions - all fresh from the garden.

  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Bell pepper, cut the eggplant and potatoes into approximately the same pieces, which will later be convenient to prick on a fork.

  3. Put the vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, fill with water.

  4. Cook for carp quick marinade- mix vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) with finely chopped parsley, grated garlic and fish spices.

  5. Line the bottom of the steamer container with foil. Lubricate the fish with marinade on all sides (required from the inside too!), Put it in a double boiler basket.

  6. It takes 45 minutes to cook carp with vegetables in a slow cooker in the “Stew / Soup” mode. Then open the lid, remove the steamer basket with fish, stir the stew with a spatula.

  7. Let the fish cool down a bit.

  8. Serve the dish at portioned plates. If your carp is not too large, you can put it on a dish as a whole.

Steamed carp prepared in this way in a slow cooker is good both cold and heated, and the stew must be eaten warm. If you are serving a meal gala dinner, offer also a glass of dry white wine, it goes well with white fish. Bon appetit!

And, to tell you the truth, there is still no limit to my joy :) It turned out that cooking with such a kitchen assistant is faster, tastier and more enjoyable! And why? Yes, because nothing burns, does not stick, does not fry and cooks as much as possible useful way. To be honest, I didn’t even suspect before that some products turn out to have such a rich taste! The steamer saves all the most necessary and useful, therefore taste sensations this kind of food is much more interesting, believe me!)

As an example - quick lunch prepared in half an hour.

chicken legs 600-800 gr (depending on the number of eaters)
garlic 2-3 cloves
bay leaf (optional)

for the sauce:

butter 30-40 gr
milk 1/2 cup
salt to taste
flour 1 tsp
olive oil 1 tsp

for the stew:

Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
onion 1 pc
leek piece of stem
eggplant 1 pc
salt to taste

1. Chicken legs rinse and, if desired, peel off the skin (I do not clean :)

If desired, you can flavor the chicken with your favorite seasonings (the main thing is to control the amount of salt! I do not salt the chicken itself, because I add salt to the sauce).

You can also add dried herbs- for flavor.

Roll each leg in spices so that they lie evenly.

You just need to put the chicken on the appropriate level

And if your double boiler, like mine, has a special place for greens, be sure to use it! I must say, personally, I don’t really like parsley added to the dish, but in this form I just adore it. The chicken is soaked in its aroma and becomes simply incredibly tasty!

Garlic is good too! Especially if you cook for children who do not like garlic spiciness. As such, there will be no garlic in the dish, but the smell is fantastic!

It needs to be cleaned and cut into pieces, after which, together with parsley, put in this special place.

It remains only to choose the desired mode - chicken!

Pour into the water tank

And turn on the steamer! Let's cook :)

And in the meantime we will vegetable stew for a side dish!

2. Peel and finely chop the onion.

I like to add leek to the stew, but you can do without it if it is not at hand.

Pour a little into the pan olive oil- a drop.

Put both types of onions and sauté on low heat for 3-4 minutes.

3. Wash the sweet pepper, cut off the top and remove the seeds, washing the pepper from the inside.

Cut into pieces.

And add to the pan with the onions.

Mix everything and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

4. Wash and peel the eggplant.

cut lengthwise

And then cubes.

Add to vegetables.

Stir again and simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes.

5. Now the sauce - melt a piece of butter in a small saucepan.

pour milk

Add salt

And let the milk warm up for 3 minutes

Then carefully pour in the flour, not allowing it to stick together in lumps.

To do this, the milk must immediately begin to stir vigorously with a whisk.

And for a richer taste at the very end of the preparation of the sauce, add a drop of olive oil to it.

The sauce is ready!

6. When everything is ready, just put the stew and chicken on a plate

Pour the sauce over the chicken!

Delicious lunch is ready! Fast, tasty and healthy - as always with Food For Baby ;)

Many dishes can be prepared from vegetables: stew, sauté, ratatouille and much more. But apart from the traditional fried and stews very tasty and steamed. Today we will cook vegetable stew with quail eggs in a double boiler, which, in addition to excellent palatability will please any housewife with a low calorie content. The stew dish is prepared without a single drop of fat, so it is suitable for those who watch their weight.
You can also cook

Vegetable stew in a double boiler - recipe.

- eggplant - 0.5 pcs.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- potatoes - 1 pc.;
- quail eggs - 15 pcs.;
- salt - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. We collect all the ingredients for vegetable stew in a double boiler.

2. For this dish, we take the same vegetables as for an ordinary stew. We start cooking with carrots: we wash it thoroughly and clean it with a knife. Then three on coarse grater. We place the chopped carrots in a large bowl (other ingredients of the dish should also fit in it).

3. Now let's get to the eggplant. You can use the whole vegetable as a whole, if the vessel in which the stew will be cooked allows you to do this. The standard rice bowl that comes with the steamer is too small to carry. whole eggplant so we use half a vegetable. So, wash the eggplant and cut it into cubes. Add to bowl with carrots and stir.

4. After that, we will add potatoes to our ingredients. One potato (again, you can take large quantity vegetables) washed under running water, clean with a knife and cut into small pieces. They should be slightly larger than the eggplant cubes so that all the vegetables in the stew cook at the same time and do not overcook. Add potatoes to other vegetables, salt well and mix.

5. An obligatory ingredient in our vegetable stew recipe is quail eggs. They will glue all the pieces of vegetables together in such a way that the stew will look like a casserole. In addition, quail eggs have another, more important role - they will bring extraordinary benefit to everyone who tastes our stew. The fact is that these eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs, because they contain a large number of vitamins B1 and B2, as well as potassium and iron. Therefore, we take a deep plate and break 15 quail eggs into it. Whisk them with a fork until smooth.

6. We will cook vegetable stew in a double boiler in a rice bowl, so we put all the chopped and salted vegetables into it. Pour them with beaten quail eggs and put in a double boiler for 20 minutes. During this time, both vegetables and eggs will be perfectly cooked.

7. Vegetable stew in a double boiler is ready! It can be served warm.
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You can cook vegetable stew different ways. You can stew vegetables in a pan, after frying, you can cook stew in the oven, and there is also an option to make stew in a slow cooker or double boiler. You will spend only an hour preparing dinner, and a tasty and healthy dish will delight your family.


young potatoes - 8 pcs.,

fresh carrots - 1 pc.,

onion - 1 pc.,

zucchini - 3 pcs.,

vegetable oil - for frying,

tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons,

salt and turmeric - 1 teaspoon each,

garlic - 3 cloves,

water - 2-3 glasses,

green onion- 4 branches.


Peel young potatoes and wash thoroughly. Cut each potato into small pieces.

Peel and cut onions and carrots as you like. This is absolutely not important.

Zucchini, peeled and washed, cut into cubes.

Saute onions, carrots and potatoes vegetable oil to blush. Then transfer the contents of the pan to the rice bowl (steamer).

Throw in the chopped zucchini as well.

Dilute tomato paste in water, add salt.

Mix the paste well and add the turmeric.

Pour over tomato paste into the rice bowl. If needed, add more water and mix well. Turn on the steamer for 20 minutes and put the bowl in it.

Peel the garlic and chop the green onion. Chop the garlic.

Put the onion and garlic into the bowl 5 minutes before the timer goes off. Mix well, cover with a lid.

Vegetable stew in a double boiler is ready! Can be served at the table.

Before cooking this dish"Vegetable stew in a steamer", make sure you have all right products. All questions about the dish "Vegetable stew in a double boiler" ask its author -

Delicious! I treated myself to such a delicacy at a party, but now I can cook it myself. Tell me, do you have a recipe for making the "Seven-glass" cake, somehow I ate it with friends, but it was inconvenient to ask what was included in it, I would be grateful if you post such a recipe, even more information about vegetable stew in a double boiler - then I'll be home yummy cook every day, otherwise my family are such picky eaters.

great food site! Thanks to the authors - probably the chefs are still the same - know so much: 12:. Not enough photos simple salads you have - even the usual cut of tomatoes and cucumbers, too, not everyone can do beautifully)) The main thing is that there is something to read about How much to cook vegetable stew in a double boiler - now not only me, but also my mother, sister and eldest daughter are on the site ... We everyone loves it here! Thanks for a wonderful site.

And the truth is interesting combination and cooking. On the one side: easier meals you can’t imagine, but on the other hand, you never did that. Need to try! Or maybe you have a recipe stuffed pike? I would be grateful, and still you can still have more information about vegetable stew in a double boiler - I would never have thought that it was so easy to cook! The main available explanation! Thanks!!!

1. Peel potatoes and carrots, rinse under running water.
2. bell pepper clear of seeds and stalks.
3. Clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds. Young zucchini do not need to be peeled.
4. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, dip in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and peel.
5. Cut all prepared vegetables into medium-sized cubes.
6. Rinse the greens, dry and finely chop.
7. Chop the garlic with a garlic press or finely chop with a knife.
8. Put the vegetables on the steamer grate, add the frozen green peas there.
9. Salt the vegetables to taste and drizzle lightly with sunflower oil.
10. Cook the stew for 30 minutes.
11. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and garlic. Let the stew brew for 5-10 minutes under the lid.

A dish like stew is remarkable in that during the cooking process you can experiment and add any ingredients to your taste: colored and Brussels sprouts, eggplant, onion, green beans, celery root, parsley root and so on. In order to make the taste and aroma of the dish more intense, you can use spices such as cloves, basil, thyme, thyme, rosemary, black pepper.

Vegetable stew can be wonderful an independent dish, a wonderful addition to cereals, an excellent side dish for meat or fish. This dish can be served with sour cream, tomato or mushroom sauce.
