
Vegetables by season. What are seasonal fruits and vegetables?

Why seasonal eating is a great solution and the foundation of a healthy diet?

There are several reasons for this, because seasonal products:

  1. 1 healthier- most of these products come to us "straight from the garden", grown without hazardous fertilizers and not treated with chemicals;
  2. 2 tastier- the natural and bright taste of fresh products cannot be compared with canned, pickled and other preparations rich in spices and salt;
  3. 3 cheaper– there is no need for their long-term storage (heating, lighting, security) and they do not require additional efforts for production.

We have collected the main products for each month, and described the beneficial properties of each of them*.


Midwinter. Behind the New Year with its feasts and festivities. Our body is already a little tired, but we can’t relax, because ahead of Christmas and the Old New Year! The day has already begun to increase, although we do not particularly notice this yet.
In January, as well as throughout the winter, we seem to be in a state of hibernation. Of course, we continue to lead our usual way of life, go to work, go in for sports, etc. However, it is in winter that we experience a state of increased sleepiness, our activity drops, we become slower and we need more time to perform our usual activities.


Despite the fact that this is the last month on the winter list, warming is not to be expected. The frosts do not stop, and the snow does not even think of melting. old name " fierce” is the best way to describe the weather conditions of this month. Hard frost and violent whirlwinds rage in this difficult time for people.

But it is worth remembering the positive aspects. Firstly, February is the shortest month of the year, which means winter will officially end soon. Secondly, we gradually begin to feel that the day is getting longer, and this cannot but rejoice. However, all our strength and resources are running out. Now we need to start a second wind. And we will do this using the methods already known to us: healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and, of course, a healthy and wholesome diet.


The only month of the year, with the onset of which not only nature awakens from sleep and winter cold, but also our hearts ... It smells of spring, snowdrops and tulips. It brings the first rays of the sun and a beautiful women's holiday. Once A.S. Pushkin called this month " morning of the year».

With the advent of March, many people begin to slowly get rid of voluminous winter clothes. And the result of such “freedom” is often a runny nose, cold and cough. Unfortunately, this is not surprising, since the body, suffering from a fair lack of vitamins, is no longer able to resist diseases. Therefore, helping yourself through a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is our sacred duty.


The funniest and funniest month of the year! In addition, it is also considered the sunniest month, since it is during this period that the sun increases its activity, giving us a feeling of warmth and comfort. In Latin it means " warmable», « solar". And our ancestors called it " pollen for the flowers that the earth gives us with his arrival.

April is the second month of spring, so at this time of the year, nature almost completely wakes up from sleep. However, despite this, you need to be prepared for the cold, which may still return. Given this, as well as a fair amount of beriberi, which usually develops by this period, we need to reconsider our diet and try in every possible way to help our body protect itself from diseases, stress and spring depression.


The last month of spring, which is popularly called month of love and flowers. Moreover, it is called the greenest month of the year, since it is during this period that nature begins to come to life and delight us with its natural beauty.

However, despite the spring mood and the warm sunshine that the May weather often gives us, its changeability and instability still remain. It is in May that the air temperature can rise to 25 ºC or drop to 1-2 ºC. Such drops, as well as immunity weakened after winter, often lead to colds and deterioration of well-being. But even in this case, you should not despair. With a properly organized daily routine and diet, you can survive this difficult time with dignity and meet the summer with a smile!


The first month of summer, which brings with it not only the long-awaited sunshine, but also the summer solstice, or the longest day of the year.

In the old days, June was called " colorful», « light-star" and even " grain growing". In addition, people believed that warm June nights bring an abundance of fruits. And even the rains of June were valued above gold. It was in June that the time of long hayfields came in the villages, and workdays began in the fields. Moreover, June is a great time to boost immunity and improve the general condition of the body. Indeed, it is during this period that berries, fruits and vegetables begin to appear, rich in vitamins and nutrients, the lack of which we acutely experienced in winter.


This is perhaps one of the most unpredictable months of the year. Since ancient times, it was not in vain that the people called him " Stradnik"(for excessive heat and the scorching sun, under which it was necessary to work) and" Groznik(for severe, sudden thunderstorms).

However, it is in July that you can fully enjoy the grace of nature, bright summer colors and the alluring aroma of ripening fruits and berries.

Along with this, doctors say that just during this period, both adults and children most often suffer from intestinal infections. And it's all to blame - ignoring or even ignorance of the elementary rules for organizing your diet.


Depending on the region of residence and traditions, the Slavs called the third month of summer differently: serpen, stubble, stubble, generous, gatherer, goose-eater... The modern name "August" came to us from Byzantium, where, inheriting the traditions of Ancient Rome, the last month of summer was named after Octavian Augusta.

This month, do not forget about the principles of proper nutrition - diversity, balance and moderation. And also, you should follow the principles of "summer" nutrition - low calorie content; more vegetables, herbs and fruits; purity and freshness of products. It is very important during this period to maintain the body's water balance, because during the summer heat a person loses up to 2 liters of fluid per day.


Got its name from the Latin September(seven) because it was the seventh month of the old Roman calendar. The Slavs called him spring", in honor of the heather blooming during this period, or ruin(roar), because this month the autumn bad weather began, which “roared” outside the window.

In September, the Slavic New Year or Church New Year begins (September 14), that is, a new starting point for the church year and its holidays (the first of them is the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary). In autumn, we follow the principles of seasonal nutrition, which are commanded by the wise Chinese. Namely, when planning a diet in September, we take into account the peculiarities of this time of year and choose products traditional for our area.


This is the tenth month of the year, although it received its Latin name octo(eight) even before Caesar's calendar reform. The people associate with it a lot of folk signs, beliefs and called it differently: dirty man, scumbag, wedding man.

Nutrition in October should solve two problems - depressed mood and autumn colds. Therefore, a properly balanced and organized diet will help us cope with these tasks, and will also help prevent many other diseases. It is very important with the onset of cold weather, when the appetite wakes up and the body stocks up with nutrients before winter, not to get carried away with high-calorie foods, giving preference to low-calorie dishes with a high level of nutrients.


The last month of autumn, like its predecessor, confused us in counting the months of the calendar year. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is the eleventh, but according to the old Roman calendar it is the ninth, which became the basis of its name (from the Latin November, that is, the ninth).. But our ancestors called it differently: Leafy, Leafy, Leafy, Freeze, Chest, Freeze, Zip of winter, Semi-winter, Wedding, Month of full pantries, Gates of winter. November will not pamper us with warmth anymore - after all, it often sweeps with snow, threatens with Mikhailovsky and Kazan frosts, fogs and rare thaws. This month is rich in church and secular holidays, and it also marks the beginning of the Nativity Fast. November is a wonderful occasion not only to think about a healthy diet, but also to switch to it.

Autumn is a generous harvest and the brightest time of the year. As well as the time for reconfiguring the body: the weather changes, the days are shortened, our body gradually switches to winter mode. About how to maintain your health and live the autumn harmoniously without losing the energy level accumulated over the summer -. Today we will talk about why seasonal products will help you support yourself before the winter.

Nowadays, on the shelves of stores in any season, you can buy almost any fruit and vegetable: pineapples, apples, cucumbers and radishes. But only at certain times these products are seasonal, ie. the most recent. Seasonal vegetables and fruits retain the most nutrients.

1. The first category of seasonal products is from your region / country (or even better - from your summer cottage).

They should be given preference in the first place:

  • the smallest period of time passes from the garden to the counter: vegetables and fruits reach farmers' markets in a matter of days, and sometimes even hours
  • they are the least processed: vegetables and fruits intended for immediate sale do not undergo special processing necessary for long-term storage

2. The second category of seasonal products is from other countries.

Here it is worth choosing neighboring countries: for example, the season of tangerines and feijoa is already starting in Georgia, delivery from Georgia to Russian counters is quite fast, so fruits and vegetables get to your table with a good content of vitamins and minerals.

Out-of-season products can lie in storage and on the shelves for a long time, 6-8 months. They can even look very attractive. But the taste is often lost. And the nutritional value from such a long storage and processing, necessary to preserve the appearance of the product, drops significantly.

Therefore, catch the colorful season and choose the very freshest, both for food and for preparations for the winter.

Autumn foods will help you get the most nutrition and support your body before winter: combine different colors, use gentle cooking methods (stew, saute, steam, bake), fantasize with different textures - this will provide your body with the most nutrients before in winter.

The best autumn foods to boost immunity


Rose hip


Sea ​​buckthorn

Autumn vegetables and fruits to get the maximum of vitamins and minerals

for this task, you need to make a vegetable and fruit rainbow, because each color is a signal about a certain phytonutrient:



Cabbage of all kinds

colorful peppers




Berries and fruits :




The freshest nuts and seeds are also autumn ones: it is better to buy them in shells and clean them at home before eating.

What to do with all this diversity? Cook delicious soups, vegetable stews, stuffed vegetables, salads, compotes, prepare for the winter!

(beginning September 25th) we will enjoy familiar and new dishes from seasonal vegetables, experience how vegetables can help cleanse the body, energize, provide lightness, and how they are delicious in a wide variety of combinations. Hurry up to register, it will be an interesting experience!

In the meantime, I share a delicious seasonal recipe:



1 eggplant

1 medium size zucchini

2 tomatoes

1 garlic clove

1 cup tomato paste (you can make your own by grinding a tomato in a blender)

Olive oil

Salt pepper

A bunch of greens (parsley, cilantro, dill)


  1. Cut vegetables into thin slices
  2. Fold in a glass form, alternating the sequence
  3. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic. Drizzle with olive oil. Send to the oven under foil for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. After 30 minutes, take it out and pour the tomato sauce on top.
  5. Send to the oven for another 10 minutes without foil.
  6. Ready! Serve sprinkled with herbs.


Are fruit and vegetable mono-diets healthy? Is the principle “the more the merrier” appropriate when using seasonal products? When and how is it best to eat them? Svetlana Fus, a nutritionist at the Science and Technology Center, answers these and other questions, and also offers simple rules for eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.


In order to saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements, such as ascorbic and other organic acids, during the summer and autumn seasons, it is enough to eat an average of 400-500 g of vegetables and 350-400 g of fruits per day. At the same time, it is better to try all seasonal vegetables and fruits in turn, because each of them contains a different “set” of vitamins and microelements.


It is important to supplement the summer fruit and vegetable menu with products containing protein. Vegetarians - dairy, eggs and necessarily dishes from cereals. Fans of meat and fish should not exclude them from their menu, but the share of vegetables and fruits should still be much larger.


Do not forget that fruits contain a large amount of sugar (glucose) and organic acids, and if a person has problems with the digestive system (colitis, pancreatic diseases), then the consumption of sweet fruits must be strictly controlled. The sugar content of fruits can be determined by taste: for example, grapefruit is less sweet than oranges, and pomegranates contain significantly less glucose than bananas and grapes. Moreover, in the latter case, the difference in the content of sugar
ra is quite significant - about 10 g. Melon is also a very sweet product. But this does not mean that it should be excluded from the diet: just eat melon in the same way as other sweet fruits - in moderation.


To get all the nutrients from vegetables or fruits, it is better to eat them in their natural form. Fruit juice, of course, is a healthy product, but it is essentially glucose in a concentrated form. The juice does not contain fiber, which is very important for cleansing our body.
Raw fruits and vegetables are best consumed in the morning - either on their own or as part of dishes, such as porridge.
Cooked vegetables are best eaten in the afternoon - the fiber contained in them, after heat treatment, is better absorbed by our body. So, bloating and other digestive problems at night do not threaten you.


It is not always necessary to be guided by the principles of separate nutrition. For example, sweet fruits can be added to cereals, less sweet fruits can be added to dairy and sour-milk products. Conduct this experiment: if you ate a certain fruit and after a few minutes your appetite woke up (acidity increases), then it is better to combine it with other products.



CUCUMBERS C, B1, B2, B3, provitamin A, minerals - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron. Of the mineral salts, they have the most potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Studies have found that people who systematically consume fresh cucumbers are less prone to diseases of the thyroid gland and the vascular system. + + + + + +
TOMATOES C, group B, organic acids, fiber, minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, iodine), as well as carotene and lycoline, nicotinic and folic acids. Fresh tomatoes and tomato juice are useful for cardiovascular diseases, gastritis with low acidity, general loss of strength, memory loss, anemia. + + + + +
eggplant Contain vitamins of group B, salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, carotene. Eggplants are recommended for those who want to get rid of nicotine addiction, because thanks to vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in these vegetables, the body can more easily endure tobacco starvation.
+ + + +
Zucchini Rich in potassium, iron, contain organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, carotene. Due to its low calorie content and good digestibility, zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables in weight loss diets, and is also recommended for children's menus. + + + + +
APRICOTS They are rich in iron, therefore they are indispensable for diseases accompanied by the development of potassium deficiency. Apricots are recommended for gastric diseases and metabolic disorders. Due to the high content of phosphorus and magnesium, they improve memory. A source of provitamin and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that, according to modern research, may prevent the development of cancer and heart disease. + + + +
PEARS Rich in organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene. Pears generally seem sweeter than apples, although they have a lower sugar content. Many varieties of pears are rich in trace elements, including iodine. But in terms of the content of folic acid, the pear is superior to the black currant. It is necessary to use this fruit correctly: on an empty stomach and drink water. + + +
FIG Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and copper. Useful for arrhythmia, bronchial asthma, anemia, cough. Due to potassium and iron, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also strengthens muscle tissue. + + + + + +
PEACHES A source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, as well as mineral salts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium and magnesium.
Peaches should be consumed by those who suffer from cardiovascular and kidney diseases, have problems with the liver and gallbladder. + + + + + +

Montenegro is a warm Mediterranean country, so ripe fruits ripen here all year round. In any season, tourists have a choice of fresh and inexpensive fruits, but the peak of the harvest season begins in mid-summer, at which time the shelves in supermarkets and market stalls literally burst from the abundance of the harvest.

The most "fruit-vitamin" months in Montenegro are autumn and winter, when a huge amount of citrus fruits ripen, and seasonal fruits are incredibly juicy and tasty.

Ripening by month


  • kiwi (peak season)
  • lemon
  • orange (late season)

At the height of winter, tangerines and persimmons depart, but there are still enough lemons and oranges, a lot of kiwi.


  • lemon (late season)
  • kiwi (late season)

The winter citrus season is gradually ending, but in February there are still lemons and the last kiwis.


  • strawberries (early season)

March is considered not a very good month for a fruit feast. On sale, of course, there are different fruits, but they are all imported. Early spring is the time of the first Montenegrin strawberries.


  • strawberries (peak season)

Strawberry season is in full swing, all other fruits are still imported.


  • apricot
  • cherries
  • strawberry

In May, in addition to strawberries, cherries and the first apricots appear.


  • cherries
  • cherry (closer to July)
  • apricot
  • green fig
  • strawberry
  • peach
  • nectarine

June is not the busiest month. But in the markets at this time, in addition to cherries, strawberries and apricots, they already offer the first green variety of figs, peaches and nectarines, and by the end of the month - cherries. On sale you can find watermelons, but not yet Montenegrin, but imported.


  • watermelon
  • apricot
  • peach (from the middle of the month)
  • nectarine
  • pear
  • apple
  • cherry
  • plum
  • blueberry
  • blueberry
  • blackberry
  • raspberries
  • green fig

July is a rich fruity time, the most suitable for lovers of fresh ripe fruits. This month, cherries and cherries are especially sweet, watermelons and melons are suitable, there are also apricots and figs, beloved by tourists, while still green.

From May to July, on the shelves you can also find imported fruits that do not grow in Montenegro: mangoes, bananas, avocados. In the north of the country, apples and pears, plums and quince ripen.

Summer is not only fruit, but also berry time. In July, it is easy to find large blackberries and blueberries in market stalls; local raspberries and blueberries ripen in August-September.


  • grapes (early season)
  • peach
  • nectarine
  • purple fig

In August, there are no more cherries and sweet cherries, but you can still eat melon. There are two varieties of melons here: small yellow and smooth, reminiscent of the usual "collective farmer" and oblong, with dark stripes on the outside and orange inside. Peaches and nectarines still bear fruit, the first grapes ripen and purple figs ripen - sometimes you don’t need to go to the market for it, it grows almost everywhere.


  • mandarin
  • pomegranate (early season)
  • grape
  • strawberries (second season)
  • figs

Autumn is the beginning of citrus season. Citrus abundance lasts until the end of winter. In September, tangerines appear, the second harvest of strawberries ripens, there are still figs - ripe and juicy, a lot of grapes, quince. Experienced tourists advise coming to figs in September, assuring that at this time it ripens to the end and becomes honey-sweet. Starting from the end of the month, incredibly sweet crimson pomegranates ripen.


  • persimmon (early season)
  • pomegranate
  • grape
  • tangerine (peak season)

The first persimmon can be tasted in October - bright juicy fruits are very soft and tasty, but rather tart. At the peak of the tangerine season, you can still eat ripe grapes and pomegranates.


  • persimmon (peak season)
  • pomegranate
  • mandarin
  • orange
  • lemon

In November, oranges and lemons finally ripen, there are still tangerines and pomegranates, and the persimmon season is in full swing.


  • persimmon (late season)
  • tangerine (late season)
  • orange
  • lemon

At this time, a lot of citrus fruits will sing, you can still enjoy persimmons, kiwi is suitable, which will be the main fruit of December and January. During these months, the price of sweet and sour fruit drops to 50 cents per kg.

Where is the best place to buy fruit?

Seasonal vegetables and fruits can be purchased in stores, or in markets, or street stalls, but you need to compare prices: prices in supermarkets are cheaper than market ones. For seasonal fruits, the price is usually reduced by 2-4 times: for example, tangerines at the end of September are offered at a price of 0.8 euros per kg, at the end of October these fruits can be purchased for 0.2 euros.

When buying fruits in Montenegro, you can be sure of purchasing environmentally friendly and healthy products without pesticides and chemicals: industry is absolutely undeveloped on the territory of the country, there are no factories and plants, the fruits ripen in natural conditions under the gentle sun.


Approximate cost of fruit in 2017:

Fruits Price in euro per 1 kg
orange0,5 — 2
lemon0,75 — 2,6
mandarin0,2 — 1
kiwi0,5 — 3,5
persimmon0,50 — 2
pomegranate1 — 3
grape1-1,5 — 3-4,5
figs0,5 — 3
strawberry1.5-2 (in May) - 3-5
nectarine1,5 — 3
peach1,5 — 2
watermelon0,2 — 0,5
apricot1 — 3
pear2 — 2,5
apple0,5 — 1,5
cherry2 — 5
cherries2 — 5
plum2 — 5

* Minimum price - price per season

With Ali Samokhina's book "Switch to Green" you want to cook every day. Inside you will find 39 recipes that give you health and inspiration. If you have been thinking about switching to vegetarian and veganism for a long time, Wholesome Way will make it easy - breakfasts, appetizers, main dishes, sauces and desserts made with 100% vegetable ingredients, as well as useful information about the harmonious transition to plant-based nutrition, interesting products and culinary hacks.

In the cuisine of the peoples of the world there are many amazing vegetarian and vegan dishes, take only the brilliant Mexican guacamole, Indian dal soup, Georgian lobio, Israeli falafel and much more. Experimenting, making familiar dishes more useful, inventing completely new ones, inspired by individual ingredients, Alya Samokhina created her own collection of recipes, including appetizers, main courses, desserts, drinks, sauces and breakfast dishes.

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"What would you like to eat to lose weight?" - such a question was asked at least once by everyone who would like to lose weight and get in shape. Olga Marquez, founder of the #SEKTA Ideal Body School, knows how to answer this question. In her book, Olga will tell you how to set up the body for a new, proper diet, how to make it a part of your life in order to stop making efforts and keep yourself in constant exhausting control.

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"Russian diet" - healthy and tasty! Cabbage with chanterelles, spelled porridge with sea buckthorn and root vegetables, squash with porcini mushrooms, sorrel ice cream and pumpkin pancakes - this book contains modern healthy dishes prepared exclusively from local vegetables and herbs. After all, parsnips and rutabaga are the same old-timers of the Russian garden, like pumpkin and turnips. You will take a fresh look at the Russian garden and our gastronomy in general. Fascinating "biographies" of garden plants from the historian of Russian cuisine finally convince of the diversity of the native Lenten and festive table. Your friends will be crazy about fluffy carrot patties and fried eggplant with oxtail stew.

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Debunking myths about diets, healthy eating and food addiction.

Does one of these statements apply to you?

You know that you are eating too much, but if you reduce the portion, you do not fill up;

You intercept something every now and then, even after dinner;

You open a pack of cookies, about to eat one or two, but you're unlikely to stop until you've eaten them all;

You are hungry even after you have eaten a large meal;

You often feel bad after eating (for example, you want to sleep, feel nauseous, feel heaviness);

You eat too fast, and it is difficult for you to slow down;

It is difficult for you to follow a diet, and if you still succeed, then after the end of the diet, the weight quickly returns;

Sometimes you really want to eat something harmful that you usually don’t eat, and later on, of course, you regret it;

Sugar, caffeine and/or nicotine are important sources of energy for you

If so, you may have a food addiction. It may manifest itself in different ways. It affects both people with normal weight, and those who are overweight or even obese. Food addiction can be observed even in those who are underweight: some manage to stay quite thin, while eating extremely unhealthy food.

This book will help you overcome food addiction, no matter how it manifests itself. You will be able to develop control over your eating habits, lose weight and keep it at a stable level.

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For anyone who wants to stop being dependent on food. For everyone who is disappointed in diets.

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A step-by-step plan with recipes and scientific commentary for those who want to switch to a healthy diet according to the rules of the China Study.

Dr. Colin Campbell examined dozens of diseases and hundreds of lifestyle factors in a sample of 6,500 people and came to significant conclusions about the relationship between diseases and eating habits. This research is at the heart of the bestseller The China Study.

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It is written both in a scientific and lively language, because The author received his first education in the field of arts and communications. The book is very easy to read.

A clear and understandable plan for the transition to a plant-based diet, taking into account many nuances: how to develop willpower for the transition to a new lifestyle, how to convey to children why you suddenly stopped eating meat and instill in them healthy eating habits, how to maintain results in the long term .

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Everyone knows that we eat to live. We get pleasure from the meal, and the body - nutrients. Right?

It turns out not always! The wrong combination of products will not only not fill us with energy, but will also take it away, “littering” our body, just like careless owners litter the house with unnecessary things.

The right combinations of products can improve mood, get rid of diseases and prolong life! This is not about diet and self-restraint! We just start eating, taking into account the logic of our digestion, and thereby significantly facilitate our work on digesting food and easily get the energy we need so much.

The classification of products and the rules for their combination are in this book.

Its author at one time was a typical housewife who did not pay attention to any combination of products. She picked up a classic bouquet of ailments before paying close attention to what and how she eats. As a result, she developed her own system of separate meals, opened a restaurant based on this system, tested her postulates on satisfied customers and outlined it here.

Enjoy your meal!

Who is this book for?

For everyone who wants to get in shape, find a healthy lifestyle and recharge with energy for new achievements.

Any lifestyle change, including the transition to a plant-based diet, is always accompanied by questions, doubts and difficult changes. Expert Lindsey Nixon has helped thousands of her clients transition to a healthy, plant-based diet and has been doing it herself for many years. In this book, she answers all the questions you might have:
  • Why choose a plant-based diet?
  • What is it all about?
  • Is a plant-based diet suitable for men? Women? Children? Athletes?
  • How to go to it?
  • How to lose weight with this diet?
Nixon dispels the myths about soy, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, how to combine a plant-based diet with a busy business schedule, and how to swap out the ingredients in your healthy meals for healthier ones without ruining their taste.

The book includes illustrated recipes, vivid images and testimonials from people who have already switched to a plant-based diet thanks to the author and enjoy the results.

Who is this book for?

For anyone who wants to switch to a plant-based diet and learn more about it.

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