
Omelet on quail eggs. Omelet from quail eggs for a child

A delicious and tender omelet can be prepared not only from chicken, but also from quail eggs. Quail egg omelet is very nutritious and healthy.

Moreover, it is quite suitable for the diet of the child.

From the article you will learn about the benefits of this hearty dish, as well as the secrets of its preparation.

Features and benefits of the dish

Many people prefer to cook an omelet from quail eggs, as they contain many useful substances. Especially such a product is suitable for feeding children. For example, it is quite possible to cook a dish with quail eggs for a one-year-old baby. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for this.

In many countries of the world, quail eggs are given without fail to kids in kindergarten. And this is not a mere accident, because this type of egg is recognized as a product that affects the full development of the child.

Their main feature is that they are hypoallergenic, and this is especially important for the child's body.

For adults and the elderly, these eggs are also very useful. Quail specimens contain many times more B vitamins when compared with ordinary chicken eggs. This group of vitamins has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Also, these eggs contain a large amount of potassium, iron, calcium and other useful elements, vitamins and amino acids.

In addition, thanks to a substance such as lecithin, the use of the product helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that a properly prepared dish of this kind of eggs has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps eliminate calcium deficiency, increases attention, helps fight fatigue and stress, and helps restore strength after active physical exertion.

Best Recipes

Quail egg omelet can be prepared in a variety of ways. You can traditionally fry it in a pan or bake it in the oven, or you can steam a protein omelette. You can also make a dish without milk or with vegetables. We offer several interesting recipes, thanks to which you can cook an omelette for an adult or children's breakfast.

You should start with a recipe for the little ones. We take two quail eggs, break them into a bowl and add one tablespoon of milk. Lightly beat with a fork, add a little salt.

Remember that if you are cooking a one-year-old baby, then it is better to refuse salt.

Take a small baking dish (such as a ceramic muffin dish), grease it with butter and pour in the egg mixture. We send it to the microwave for a minute and a half. Power should be 400 watts. The result is a tender and dietary dish that will only benefit your baby.

For older children who are already eating adult food, you can cook an omelette in a different way. We take eight quail eggs, break them into a bowl, add forty milliliters of milk, a little salt. Beat the omelette mixture thoroughly and pour it into the multicooker bowl, which should first be lightly greased with butter. Immediately pour one hundred grams of any grated cheese on top and cook for ten minutes. Such a dish can be easily cooked in the “Baking” or “Stew” mode.

By the way, this recipe can become basic, and if you wish, you will add various vegetables to its composition, which are very beneficial for the health of children.

For an adult breakfast, a dish that includes mouth-watering ham is quite suitable. We take exactly sixteen quail eggs, add one hundred and fifty milliliters of milk to them and beat thoroughly with a fork. Then we need fifty grams of ham and a few green onions. Grind the onion, cut the ham into small cubes, fry them together in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. After five minutes, add one medium-sized tomato there, which should also be cut into cubes.

We simmer everything together for three to four minutes, and then put it in the prepared baking dish. The mold should be pre-greased with oil. Pour the vegetables with the omelet mixture and send to the oven for twenty minutes. The dish should be baked at a temperature of 200 ° C. Serve with fresh herbs or grated cheese.

To prepare a bright and healthy omelette, you can use the following recipe. Take one red or yellow bell pepper and cut it into rings. Thus, peculiar molds are obtained in which an omelet will be prepared. In a separate bowl, beat fifteen quail eggs and fifty milliliters of milk, add spices.

Put the bell pepper rings on the preheated pan, and pour the scrambled mixture inside.

It is more convenient to do this with a large spoon in order to evenly distribute the mass over all the “molds”.

As soon as the egg mixture “grabs” a little on top, add chopped greens and a little grated cheese, cover with a lid and bring to readiness. If desired, a little ham or mushrooms can be added to such an omelette mixture, which should be cut into small cubes. The result is an unusual and very tasty dish.

If you think egg dishes are primitive both in preparation and in taste, you have a chance to change your mind. Cooking really remains uncomplicated, but the taste of quail egg omelet is worthy of the attention of the most picky gourmet.

In addition, the original product is very useful for the body. Quail eggs have a beneficial effect on mental abilities, improve eyesight, and stabilize appetite. And studies have proven that they never develop food allergies. Not surprisingly, pediatricians recommend that parents cook quail egg omelets for a child over one year old.

As easy as pie

For the basic version of the dish, you will need quail eggs, a little milk and salt. Eggs take as many as allowed for a child of a certain age. You need to beat the mass gently, neither a blender nor a mixer is needed, just a few movements with a fork are enough. If you want to make the dish more dense, you can add a spoonful of flour to the workpiece.

If it is intended for a baby, it is better to cook it in a double boiler, a multicooker turned on in the "steam" mode, and in the absence of such equipment - in a water bath. Lubricate the form with oil, pour the egg mass into it and keep it for 2-4 minutes after boiling water, depending on the equipment used.

The final touch: put the omelette on your child's favorite plate and call him to the table.

Breakfast for adults

In a quail egg omelette served to an adult, you can add many delicious fillers. The most popular set: eggs, milk, cheese, sausage (or ham).

At the first stage, in a frying pan, simmer the sausage until lightly browned. While it is fried, beat the quail eggs with milk, pour chopped greens and grated cheese into the mass. From the greens, onion-feathers, parsley and dill are traditionally taken, but no one forbids experimenting with the composition. So you can add cilantro, basil and other herbs to your quail egg omelet.

Pour the salted and peppered mass into the frying pan to the sausage, close the dish with a lid and keep on fire until the dish is ready.

Quail egg omelette: Baku recipe

The piquancy of this option lies in the fact that the omelette is folded in half at the end of cooking. As a result, an appetizing crust appears on the outside, and lush and tender pulp inside.

First, cut into strips five tomatoes of the Baku variety. They need to be fried using a mixture of olive oil and butter in approximately equal amounts. When the tomatoes are almost ready, add the chopped garlic to them and simmer for a minute while stirring.

Break eggs (two dozen) into a separate bowl, add salt and work a little with a fork so that the yolks disperse, but the mass does not become completely homogeneous. Pour it into the pan, cover with a lid and hold until the surface of the quail egg omelette sets. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro, fold in half and serve on a slice of rye bread toasted in olive oil.

Omelet for fish lovers

Quail eggs go well with the gifts of rivers, seas and oceans. The quail egg omelette with smoked trout is especially approved by gourmets. One and a half dozen eggs will require 150 g of fish. Cut the trout into small pieces and divide them into eight equal parts. Take four small portion molds for baking and put in each tablespoon of thick sour cream. Place one serving of fish on top, beat four eggs into it and pierce the yolk of each with a fork. Gently add another tablespoon of sour cream to the mass, pepper to taste and add salt.

By now, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees Celsius. Put the molds in the oven and soak the omelet in the oven for about ten minutes. You can serve directly in the dish in which the dish was prepared (if the molds are silicone and will not burn the eaters). When serving, do not forget to sprinkle the breakfast with chopped herbs.

Curious additions

Quail egg omelet can be varied in many ways. In the States, they like to build it with bacon and canned corn. In Italy - with spinach, several types of cheese and tomatoes. And they prefer to serve on a flatbread. The French add truffles to an omelette (by the way, you can buy them in canned form from us). So the taste of this dish will not bother you for a very long time.

Quail eggs are fried faster than chicken eggs: it takes only 2-3 minutes instead of 5-6. But if you don't want to save serving sizes, use at least 10 eggs per serving. They are sold in packs of 20. in a tray - exactly for 2 servings. There is not much difference in taste with chicken eggs, but such scrambled eggs look more attractive and tempting.


  • 10 quail eggs
  • 20 ml vegetable oil
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Quail eggs are small, but it is very difficult to break them: the shell strives to break, so first break all the eggs into a container, simultaneously removing the accidentally broken shell (it is more difficult to do this in a frying pan).

2. Immediately salt and pepper the eggs in the container, you can add other spices or spices to taste.

3. Preheat the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. Pour in vegetable oil and heat for just another minute, reducing heat to minimum. Carefully pour the broken quail eggs from the container into the pan.

4. Fry on minimum heat without covering the pan with a lid for about 2-3 minutes. During this time, the protein will be completely fried, and the yolk will remain watery.

Step-by-step recipes for making fluffy omelettes from quail eggs in a pan, microwave, steamed: omelette options with cheese, tomatoes, ham, sausage

2018-07-11 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

10 gr.

22 gr.


3 gr.

245 kcal.

Option 1: Quail Egg Omelette - Classic Recipe

It is probably unnecessary to list the advantages of the chosen type of eggs. They taste little different from chicken, but the benefits, according to nutritionists, are much higher. Be that as it may, if you have quail egg dishes in your plans, choose any recipe you like and strictly follow it.


  • two dozen quail eggs;
  • a quarter cup of milk or low-percentage cream;
  • a couple of tablespoons of butter;
  • salt;
  • 50g slice of cheese (salty).

A step-by-step recipe for a nutritious omelette from quail eggs

Wash the eggs with soda, putting them in a convenient bowl of warm water. Help yourself with a soft sponge and, after rinsing, put it on a clean rag. Wet, gently break one at a time and pour into a bowl.

First, pour in about half the cream, loosen the mass with the prongs of a fork and add salt. Grate the cheese with a large-mesh grater, the chips should be as short as possible.

We heat the pan, at first slightly. Put the butter and let it melt slowly, then increase the heat to medium. Mix cheese with eggs and pour into a pan. We wait until the bottom of the omelet thickens and begins to brown.

Using a spatula or a large flat spoon, lift the edges of the omelette so that the runny eggs drip off the top. Let fry a little more, then quickly but carefully flip over. The omelette can be brought to the desired degree of readiness by covering it with a lid or sending it to the oven at medium heat. Serve the dish hot or cold, season with herbs, sour cream, any sauces to taste.

Option 2: Microwave Quail Egg Omelet - A Quick Recipe

In the original description, the omelette is kept in the microwave oven for exactly seventy-five seconds, turning on the device at a power of 400 watts. If it is relatively easy to detect time, then determining the correspondence between the mode and radiation power is not an easy task. Not everyone remembers the ratio of these numbers, and they are not always indicated in the instructions. Use our recommendations, although they are indicated rather “by eye”, carefully note the time or notice how many divisions the mechanical timer was set to. Having messed around once, you will not risk products later.


  • thirty milliliters of milk;
  • five or six quail eggs;
  • a spoonful of butter, natural butter.

How to quickly cook an omelette from quail eggs for a child

Gently break the testicles dried after washing, especially carefully so that fragments of the shells do not fall into the cup. Separate them at once, using any method known to you.

With a couple of large salt crystals, beat the whites with a whisk, set the cup aside for a minute. First, pour a spoonful of milk into the yolks and stir a little, then, like whites, lightly salt. Pouring another half a spoonful of milk, stir the mass more vigorously.

Again, slightly froth in a cup with proteins and transfer them to the yolks by a spoon, gently mixing both masses. Rub a small mold or cup with a slice of butter, pour in the omelette mass and send it to the microwave oven for a minute, turning it on at medium power.

Remove the omelette and pierce it in the middle to the bottom with the tip of a narrow knife. Slightly spreading the omelette, check how thick it is, if necessary, keep it in the microwave in the same mode for up to twenty seconds. If you intend to cook such dishes all the time, do not be too lazy to time the duration literally with a stopwatch - an omelette cooked in one go is still more magnificent.

Option 3: Fluffy quail egg omelet with ham and tomatoes in the oven

Opening the oven, and in other cases, removing the lid from the pan when preparing an omelet is an emergency measure, it is best to avoid it. Therefore, placing a clock closer to the stove or oven, keep an eye on them so that next time you can navigate exclusively by time.


  • eggs, quail - one and a half dozen;
  • a spoon with a slide of "Traditional" oil;
  • 100 gram slice of ham;
  • cheese - 80 grams;
  • medium-sized onion of a white lettuce variety;
  • a couple of small ripe tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • a glass of milk, three percent.

How to cook

We pour the eggs into a glass or porcelain bowl, add a little at first. Slightly shake the eggs and add a third of the volume of milk, stir with a whisk, but do not beat, in the process add the rest of the milk.

With low heat, we keep the pan on the stove for a minute, put the oil in it and let the slice melt. Dissolve the sausage in cubes less than a centimeter, and cut the peeled onion a little smaller.

First, fry the onion a little, letting it become translucent, then add the sausage and, if necessary, a little more oil. Raise the temperature, fry the omelette filling for another five minutes.

Scald washed tomatoes with boiling water or soak in a bowl of very hot water for up to a minute. We remove the skin from the fruit, it will be more convenient to do this if, after hot, the tomatoes are dipped in cold water for a while.

We cut the tomato pulp and send it to the products that have already begun to blush in a pan. Simmer for four minutes and transfer to a heat-resistant, thickly oiled form.

Having leveled the filling, fill it with an omelette base, send it to a hot oven for a quarter of an hour. Optimal heating for an omelet is about two hundred degrees. Very quickly open the door and use a spoon to press one of the edges of the omelet, and then lift and look under it. If moisture does not appear on the surface, and the bottom is covered with a brown crust, you can sprinkle the top of the dish with cheese chips and keep it in the oven for up to five minutes. If the omelette is still damp or the crust is barely visible, extend the baking time by ten minutes.

Option 4: Quail egg omelette with sausage and cheese

Do not neglect the recommendation for frying onions, too crispy can be slightly bitter, and the smell will generally kill other flavors. If you are going to cook an omelet without mixing eggs with a fried filling, you can replace the cheese chips with a spoon or two of watery cream cheese.


  • a dozen fresh quail eggs;
  • five tablespoons of milk;
  • bulb;
  • fine salt and pepper;
  • a slice of natural cheese;
  • two spoons of "Peasant" oil;
  • one hundred grams of sausage.

Step by step recipe

Cut the onion into an omelette into thin half rings, it needs to be sautéed for a long time on low heat so that the slices dry well, but do not darken. Golden blush is the most optimal condition for our dish.

Drain the eggs first into a flat bowl, so it is more convenient to remove the shell if its fragments accidentally end up in the egg mass. Then, for convenience, pour the eggs into a container with high walls and a mixer, adjusting the speed as necessary, beat them intensively, adding milk in parts.

Collect the onion from the pan, add a little oil if the pan looks dry, and fry small, up to a centimeter, sausage cubes. We shift the sausage to the onion, rub the cheese thinly in a saucer. Further, there are two ways to prepare an omelet - with a filling, or a whole mass.

For an omelet with filling, we set the heating slightly below average and, having fried the omelette mass until about half cooked, we spread the filling exactly on half of the “pancake”. Sprinkle with cheese, cover with the second side and warm up, turning over.

A dish in which the filling is in the thickness of the omelette is cooked at a higher temperature. Put the onion and sausage in a hot frying pan, warm it up a little and pour it with a mixture of milk and eggs. Let the omelet thicken a little, deftly and quickly turn it over, sprinkle with cheese chips and cover with a transparent lid. Watching the cheese melt.

Option 5: Quail egg steam omelette for kids

In fact, the preparation of an omelet will go not only on a steam, but also on a water bath, and all this will happen at the same time. In our opinion, the time indicated by the authors may be too much. This will not spoil the omelette, but it will come out more dense, which may not be to everyone's liking. Check the dish after about a quarter of an hour, if a large amount of moisture does not collect in the middle of the omelet when pierced with a knife, you can remove it from the pan.


  • one and a half dozen fresh quail eggs;
  • a glass of fat milk;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook

Children's dishes are prepared without seasonings, in principle, this is the only exception for an omelette. On the other hand, when dishes are steamed, spices behave quite unpredictably and their flavor can be completely inappropriate. Having excluded all the spices, we prepare a magnificent steamed omelette and serve it to both adults and children.

First, release the eggs into a bowl, add salt and stir. Pour milk into them and arm yourself with a whisk. Beat the mass until moderate foam, and rub the heat-resistant mold or bowl of a suitable size with oil. Pour hot water into the pan ahead of time or heat it directly in it, pour off part of the water, and carefully place the bowl with the omelette in the rest.

Turn on the heat under the pan harder, add enough water so that it reaches half the height of the bowl with the scrambled eggs. After boiling, adjust the temperature to a barely noticeable boil and cover the pan tightly, cook for twenty minutes.

Quail eggs in nutrition are very valuable, which has been proven by both doctors and biologists. So it should become one of the mandatory items in the daily menu. It is prepared as simply as a similar dish of chicken eggs, but it has an undeniable advantage over it: it is not only healthier, but also noticeably tastier. And fried eggs from quail eggs can be cooked in different ways, with the addition of unusual ingredients. It is likely that it will become your family's favorite breakfast.

Quail eggs scrambled eggs: benefits and norms

It is worth listing at least the main positive effects that quail eggs have on the human body.

  • Immunity boost.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Acceleration of regeneration (due to the interferon included in the product). Quail egg scrambled eggs are recommended for ulcers.
  • Stabilization of the hormonal background - the product is an excellent prevention of fibroids and mastopathy in women.
  • Maintenance of erectile function in men.
  • Elimination of irritability in pregnant women and children.
  • Acceleration of intellectual development.
  • Vision improvement.

Doctors recommend eating 1-2 eggs daily for women to prolong youth, for men to maintain male strength. For preschoolers, 1 quail egg is enough, and for school-age children, the dose can be increased to three pieces a day.

original scrambled eggs

An ordinary quail egg fried egg is prepared in the same way as chicken, only it stays on the stove less. We offer to taste a more elegant version of the dish.

From the zucchini we cut off the circles, from which we take out the core. We cut the tomatoes into layers and also get rid of the "insides" to make rings. Fry a little brisket until lightly tanned, put the rings in a pan and brown on one side. Zucchini elements are placed earlier - they are cooked longer than tomato blanks. After turning over, we drive in a quail egg into each ring, salt, pepper and fry until tender. When serving, it is recommended to decorate with herbs or lettuce leaves. It is not forbidden to sprinkle the dish with cheese.

You can cook such scrambled eggs from quail eggs for a child if he is already accustomed to vegetables. By the way, kids eat it more willingly than simple - it looks “adult-like”, it smells tempting, it tastes delicious. Only with spices you need to be more restrained if you are preparing a children's breakfast.

aristocratic dish

A very tempting idea, thanks to which you can cook delicious scrambled eggs: you just need to combine quail eggs and the meat of these birds.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We remove fillets from quails. For every ten eggs, you need one bird carcass.
  • Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds, cut into cubes.
  • Chop shallots finer.
  • Mix the butter with olive oil and fry the meat with onions and chopped thyme.
  • We remove the quail, drive the eggs into the juice from under it. When they grab a little, lay out the meat, tomatoes and onions on the sides of the yolk.

Sprinkle the finished quail eggs with basil leaves.

Scrambled eggs in "cups"

Very convenient and delicious! We prepare tomatoes and eggs. For one tomato - 2-3 eggs. Cut off the “crown” from the tomato, carefully remove the core. You should get a fairly thick-walled “cup”. We drive eggs into the recesses (we try to leave the yolks intact), pepper and salt the filling. Sprinkle the “pot” on top with grated cheese and chopped herbs. We spread such portioned scrambled eggs from quail eggs on a greased baking sheet or in a mold and put them in the oven for ten minutes. It tastes better to eat hot!

How to cook delicious scrambled eggs with minced meat

The meat component can be of any "origin". Suitable and veal, and pork, and chicken. The main thing is that the meat is fresh, carefully twisted, flavored with a proportionate and suitable set of spices. Onions and garlic are added as desired, you can do without them at all.

We spread the minced meat in a baking dish, level it and form a kind of cell, for which we sculpt “walls” in the right places that separate the sections. We drive a quail egg into each of the cells obtained, season them and remove the form into the oven. Baking will take about a quarter of an hour. Shortly before readiness, you can remove the mold and sprinkle the quail eggs with cheese. Already at the stage of serving, season the dish with chopped herbs.

"Mobile Egg"

Taking sandwiches to work with you is boring and not very healthy for the body. It is better to provide yourself with good nutrition. To do this, thinly, but not to transparency, cut the loaf and make croutons from slices. After turning the bread, lay out a plate of cheese on each of the slices. Adyghe or Suluguni is ideal for the dish.

We brown the second side of the slice already under the lid so that the cheese melts evenly. Separately, in another pan, in butter, we build fried eggs from quail eggs. Put a lettuce leaf on the croutons, scrambled eggs on top. We decorate with sprigs of greenery and pack lunch in a container. Bon appetit everyone!
