
Dried tomatoes in oil with Italian herbs for the winter. Dried Tomatoes: Recipe

There are delicious and at the same time healthy food combinations that not everyone knows about. A selection of key vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. that work great together to improve our health is in this article (based on material published by Health.com).

Black beans and sweet bell peppers

Black beans are a good source of complete plant-based protein and iron. But iron from plant products, including beans, is not absorbed very well - only from 2 to 20%. But vitamin C, found in large quantities in bell peppers, improves the absorption of iron from beans by 6 times.

Whole grain foods along with garlic and onions

Whole-grain products (wholemeal bread, cereals, etc.) contain elements such as iron and zinc in sufficient quantities, but their full digestibility is difficult. The addition of garlic and onions, rich in sulfur, helps the body to take a maximum of useful macro- and microelements from bread and buckwheat, rice and pasta.

As you know, tomatoes contain lycopene, which has antioxidant activity and helps the body fight various diseases and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors. The concentration of lycopene increases during the heat treatment of tomatoes, as well as when olive oil is added to raw and stewed tomatoes (but sunflower oil does not have such an effect).

Salmon with greens and kale

Our bones and joints, skin and hair, muscles and tendons, nerves and blood vessels, internal organs need calcium, which enters the body with dairy products and fish, vegetables and nuts, cereals and legumes. For the full absorption of calcium, vitamin D is also needed, which is contained in seafood, some animal fats. Vitamin D is also formed when sunlight hits human skin.

But what if there are very few sunny days a year or sunbathing is contraindicated? Proper nutrition and such a healthy combination as, for example, eating salmon along with greens and kale will help. Salmon contains a sufficient amount of vitamin D, while greens contain a high content of calcium. The joint use of these products several times a week will help maintain normal bones and joints, warn the skin, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, nervous system and immunity.

Broccoli and tomatoes

Another healthy food combination that helps the body fight cancer cells is broccoli and tomatoes. This effect is due to the high content of: diindolylmethane, indole-3-carbinol and glucoraphanin in broccoli and lycopene in tomatoes.
A study by scientists conducted back in 2007 showed that the addition of tomatoes to animals with experimental prostate tumors causes a decrease in neoplasm by 34%, broccoli - by 42%, and when these products are used together - by 52%.

So fried in olive oil or stewed vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, herbs) will help us, reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors and also add another tasty dish to our diet.

Green tea with black pepper

A beneficial combination of natural antioxidants is found in green tea (EGCG) and black pepper (piperine). This is a real double blow to cancer cells lurking in the human body. Regularly drink freshly brewed green tea with black pepper, garlic and ginger and you can increase your efficiency, strengthen your health and immunity.

Already known to us, piperine, contained in black pepper, improves the body's absorption of the antioxidant curcumin from turmeric, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This combination helps fight infections and has a general strengthening and stimulating effect on the body. Try the baked chicken breast flavored with turmeric and black pepper - it's delicious and healthy.

Brussels sprouts with olive oil

Small sprouts of Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin K, which regulates the process of blood clotting and is necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. This vitamin belongs to fat-soluble compounds and of course it is better absorbed in the presence of fatty acids in food. And here, olive or sunflower oil will be most welcome. You can quickly prepare a salad of Brussels sprouts with vegetable oil, bake or stew cabbage, make pies or a pie for family members and your guests. It is tasty and will help protect your heart and blood vessels from the development of atherosclerotic process.

Kale and almonds

Popular in the US and other countries, kale is a good source of protein and calcium, vitamins E and K. Here, as in the previous case, fats are needed for better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. And nuts and in particular almonds will help in this case. A very healthy combination of plant foods, especially when it comes to vegetarians.

Black chocolate with apple

With the joint use of dark chocolate and apples, the flavonoid quercetin and antioxidants (catechins) contained in cocoa enter the body. This combination prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, prevents the development of hypertension and coronary heart disease. For information: most of all quercetin is found in the peel of apples, and catechins - in dark, not milk chocolate.

Salmon with garlic

Research scientists show that the combination of fish oil contained in salmon (and other sea fish) with garlic helps to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels, and thus prevent the development of atherosclerosis and related diseases of civilization - coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

As you can see, in the above useful combinations that work well in pairs to maintain and promote health, we can highlight the main products that should be on our table every day. These are cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli), sweet peppers, garlic and onions, cereals and legumes, tomatoes and apples, turmeric and black pepper, salmon and olive oil, green tea and dark chocolate. Do not forget about these healthy products and use their combinations to improve your health, the health of your family and friends.

Classic Sun Dried Tomatoes Recipe

Required components:

  • tomatoes "cream" 15 pieces;
  • coarse salt 2 teaspoons;
  • black pepper half a teaspoon;
  • Provence herbs three teaspoons;
  • garlic clove;
  • sunflower oil for pouring.

Step by step:

  1. Wash tomatoes thoroughly. And then wipe off the moisture with a towel.
  2. We cut the tomato into four slices and use a spoon to remove the seeds and juice without touching the partitions.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with parchment and put chopped tomatoes on it. They must be close to each other.
  4. Sprinkle each tomato with herbs, herbs and salt, sprinkle the vegetables so that a drop gets on each.
  5. We heat the oven to 80 degrees and put a baking sheet in it. We do not close the door completely so that moisture comes out.
  6. We cook vegetables for about 8 hours.
  7. Cooked tomatoes still contain moisture, acquire elasticity, bend easily. After taking out, cool.
  8. and put tomatoes in them, add a small amount of oil, garlic. We turn the banks. Remove to a cool place and cover with a towel.

Dried tomatoes in the dryer

Required components:

  • tomatoes;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • rosemary to taste;
  • oregano to taste;
  • garlic to taste;
  • sunflower oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. We wash the tomatoes, dry and wipe.
  2. We cut into four parts. Get rid of seeds and pulp.
  3. We salt the tomatoes and put them on the dryer.
  4. We turn on the device and cook to the desired degree of drying. On average, it takes eight hours.
  5. Sterilize jars.
  6. We clean and cut the garlic.
  7. Shortly before the process is completed, it is necessary to bring the oil to a boil.
  8. At the bottom of the jar we put a few plates of garlic and a small amount of spices.
  9. Next, put the tomatoes, and then lay out everything in layers.
  10. Pour the jar, which is filled up to the shoulders, with hot, but not boiling sunflower oil and lightly press it with a sterile fork to get rid of air bubbles and the oil completely gets into the container.
  11. We close the jar with a prepared lid, wrap it with a towel until everything cools down.
  12. When prepared properly, the jar can last all winter at room temperature, but it is best to put it in the refrigerator or a cool place.

Cooking tomatoes in the dryer is not very difficult, and it does not take much time. It is spent only on the preparation of ingredients, and conservation. It remains only to carefully monitor the process so as not to miss the readiness of the product.

Dried tomatoes as a separate dish

Dried tomatoes can be used as a separate dish.

For example, if they come with cheese, then this is considered a classic recipe in Italian cuisine.

For their preparation it is necessary:

  • Take a slice of tomato
  • Put a basil leaf on it, some goat cheese, and then another tomato.
  • In the future, put everything in a jar and pour the heated olive oil.
  • Leave to marinate for a day.

What do sun-dried tomatoes eat with?

Consider the most popular dried tomato dishes:



You need to take one large tomato, 130 grams of sun-dried tomatoes, 60 grams of cheese and nuts, five tablespoons of olive oil, a garlic clove.


All of the above ingredients, except for the butter and grated cheese, beat in a blender until a prominent puree and then put the butter and cheese. You can try.

Tomato paste with pasta


You need to take a pound of pasta feathers, a glass of dried tomatoes, a glass of cream, a pound of chicken fillet and two peppers, four garlic cloves, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a little chili.

Cooking :

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and fry in oil with the addition of garlic. At the time of cooking the chicken, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into strips, put in the oven, and chop the dried tomatoes with a blender.

As soon as the meat is ready, put pepper and tomato puree, finely chopped basil, pour everything with cream.

Cook for 30 minutes over low heat until everything thickens. Cook pasta until half cooked, remove water and arrange in portions, and add hot sauce on top.

Salad with Sun Dried Tomatoes

To do this, you need to prepare:

four sun-dried tomatoes, eight olives, half a red onion, 60 grams of cheese, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, basil, lettuce.


We take the cheese and cut it into squares, cut the sun-dried tomatoes into strips, cut the olives into four parts, and cut the onion into rings. At the bottom of the container we put lettuce leaves, which are pre-torn by hand.

After we spread the tomatoes, olives and onion rings. Place cheese cubes on top. We pour dressing.

For dressing, mix vinegar, salt, pepper and finely chopped basil leaves. Whisk a little. After that everything is ready for use.

Light sandwiches with dried tomatoes

To cook them you need:

  • baguette,
  • half a glass of dried tomatoes in oil,
  • five tomatoes,
  • 250 grams of hard cheese,
  • four tablespoons of olive oil,
  • three cloves of garlic
  • a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
  • salt and pepper.


Cut the baguette into slices three centimeters thick and place in the oven for three minutes. Mix dried tomatoes with chopped tomatoes, squeeze garlic and add finely chopped basil, butter and grated cheese.

Spread the resulting mixture into baguette pieces and put in the oven for 4-5 minutes so that the cheese has time to melt. Sandwiches can be served on the table, both hot and cold, they always turn out delicious.

In addition to the listed recipes using dried tomatoes, there are still a large number of dishes. For example, tomatoes in oil can be used for salads and in the preparation of sweets, and finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes can be used when baking flour products and bread.

The main advantage of tomatoes is that they can be stored throughout the year, for this reason you can harvest them in the summer, and then enjoy the taste all winter.

Dried tomatoes are rightfully considered a unique dish. With their help, you can always diversify the table. The product is often rolled up in glass jars and stored for years. Tomatoes are used as an independent snack, as an additional ingredient to salads, pastry fillings. Consider the recipes for dried vegetables in more detail.

Dried tomatoes in a slow cooker

  • cherry tomatoes - 530 gr.
  • coarse salt - 10 gr.
  • ground pepper - 9 gr.
  • olive oil - in fact
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • dried herbs - to taste
  1. Rinse the tomatoes under running water, dry with a towel, let the moisture evaporate. Cut each fruit in half.
  2. Combine sugar, pepper, salt, mix. Drizzle the greens with olive oil and apply over the tomatoes along with the seasonings.
  3. Place the fruits in a multi-bowl, set the "Baking" mode. Wait until the end of the procedure, do not open the lid.
  4. Next, simmer the vegetable for about 3 hours, setting the "Heating" function. At the same time, sterilize a glass container, put spices and garlic on the bottom.
  5. Pour olive oil on top. After the end of the program, spread the sun-dried tomatoes in layers. Fill each row with oil and dried herbs.
  6. Fill the jar with vegetables to the brim. It is not necessary to roll up the container, close it with a tight lid, put it in a cool place.

Dried tomatoes for the winter

  • dried basil - 25 gr.
  • plum tomatoes - 3.5 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 600 ml.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • rosemary - 15 gr.
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  1. Wash the fruits and remove excess moisture with paper towels. Cut the tomatoes into several pieces. Get rid of the soft core.
  2. After the operation, again remove excess moisture with napkins. Take a baking sheet, lay a sheet of parchment on it. Arrange fruits cut side up.
  3. Send a baking sheet with vegetables to a preheated oven. Its temperature should be 120-130 degrees. Wait 1.5-2 hours. Lower the temperature by 20-30 degrees. Continue to dry the tomatoes for another 3 hours.
  4. Chop the garlic and send it along with the spices to the bottom of a sterilized jar. After the time has elapsed, remove the tomatoes from the oven, place in a container.
  5. Fill the containers to the top, then fill them with warm oil. Roll up the jars in the usual way, wrap them with a warm blanket. Store spins in a cool, dark place.

Tomatoes in oil

  • olive oil - in fact
  • ripe tomatoes - 2.2 kg.
  • rock salt - 20 gr.
  • a mixture of dried herbs - to taste
  • pea pepper - 15 pcs.
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  1. Spray the tomatoes with a stream of water, dry and chop. The pulp must be disposed of. Lay aluminum foil on a baking sheet, lay the fruits cut side up.
  2. Sprinkle salt on each wedge. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Place the baking sheet for 3.5 hours. Next, send peppercorns and herbs to the bottom of the glass container.
  3. After a while, put the tomatoes in a jar in layers, alternating them with spices. At the same time, heat the oil and chop the garlic into it. Fill the jar to the top.
  4. Screw the lid on tightly. Wrap the container with a blanket, wait until it cools completely. The container is allowed to be stored in the room.

  • coarse salt - 13 gr.
  • soy sauce - 55 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • vinegar - to taste
  1. Rinse and cut the fruits in half, send them to a deep container. Pour 50 gr. sugar and shake the bowl well so that the tomatoes are evenly covered with sand.
  2. As soon as the tomatoes give juice, drain them in a colander. Collect the resulting sweet liquid in an enamel pan. Pour the rest of the sugar, send the container to a slow fire.
  3. Boil syrup until smooth. With the appearance of the first bubbles, add salt and mix the composition thoroughly. Next add the tomato halves. Boil tomatoes for 5-6 minutes.
  4. After a while, repeat the manipulation and discard the vegetables in a colander. Wait for the syrup to drain completely. Remove the skins and place the tomatoes cut side up on a tray.
  5. On each copy, you need to make a small incision, then add 8 ml. soy sauce. Sprinkle the tomatoes with a little vinegar. Send the pallet to the dryer.
  6. Set the temperature to 65 degrees, cook the dish for about 2.5 hours. After a while, lower the temperature by 15 units. Simmer the dish for another 6 hours.

Drying tomatoes in the sun

  • sea ​​salt - 80 gr.
  • pink tomatoes - 1.9 kg.
  • black pepper - 20 gr.
  • dried garlic - 25 gr.
  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them with paper towels. Chop the tomatoes into 4 equal pieces. Remove the core with a dessert spoon.
  2. Place the tomatoes on a parchment-lined baking sheet and sprinkle with a little of the seasoning mixture. Next, cover the vegetables with a gauze cloth, folding it in several layers.
  3. Depending on the number of sunny days, the procedure may take a long time. The readiness of tomatoes is determined by eye.
  4. Vegetables shrink noticeably, but still contain enough juice. Bend the edge of the tomato: if a light strip remains at the fold, the dish is ready.

  • ripe tomatoes - 350 gr.
  • olive oil - 50 gr.
  • spices - to taste
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut in half. Place the fruits in a deep heat-resistant container with the cuts up. Apply a small amount of spice to each tomato. Next, drizzle them with oil.
  2. Set the microwave oven to maximum power. Cook the dish for 6 minutes. After the operation is completed, do not rush to open the door.
  3. Let the tomatoes rest for another 15 minutes. Pour the resulting juice into a separate container, add a little rock salt.
  4. Now the tomatoes need to be sent back to the microwave for 2-3 minutes. After the time has elapsed, place the tomatoes in a food container.
  5. Add chopped garlic and pour over the dish with the resulting juice, cover the vegetables with a tight lid. Let the tomatoes rest in the refrigerator for about 10 hours.

Sun-dried "cherries" in the oven

  • cherry tomatoes - 900 gr.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • olive oil - 350 ml.
  • fresh herbs - 30 gr.
  • edible salt - 17 gr.
  • allspice - 10 gr.
  • dried herbs - 20 gr.
  1. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees. Wash the tomatoes and pat dry. Cut in half and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  2. Spray the tomatoes with a little oil and sprinkle with a mixture of finely chopped garlic, pepper, salt and herbs. Send the composition to the oven for 6 hours.
  3. Let the tomatoes cool completely. Add olive oil, spices and cooked vegetables to a sterilized glass container.
  4. After that, pour the required amount of the composition to the edges of the container. Close with a tight lid, store in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to dry small tomatoes. Such varieties better accept the taste of spices and oils. At the same time, the cooking process is significantly reduced in comparison with large fruits. Ready tomatoes should not be overdried. It is important that they remain juice.

Video: how to dry tomatoes

Tomatoes are a popular and healthy vegetable, an indispensable ingredient for salads, soups, and homemade preparations. But have you ever thought that something unusual and spicy can be made from familiar tomatoes? For those who love original snacks, we can offer a wonderful Mediterranean delicacy - sun-dried tomatoes.

Every hostess wants to constantly surprise her loved ones and guests with something new and tasty. Fragrant and tender sun-dried tomatoes are a great recipe for your collection of culinary masterpieces.

The dish is easy to prepare, we will tell you about all the intricacies of the process, as well as what they eat with and where it is better to add sun-dried tomatoes.

How to wither tomatoes at home

Tomatoes can be withered in the oven, microwave or outdoors. The easiest way is to dry in the fresh air. First step: choosing the "right" tomatoes. This is a very important point, the final result and the taste of the dish depend on it.

  • Choose home grown tomatoes over greenhouse tomatoes.
  • Vegetables should be ripe, fleshy and not large. Cream or cherry varieties are best suited.
  • Tomatoes should not be stained, and the skin should not be damaged.

Drying outdoors

This natural process occurs when exposed to sunlight.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. Wash the tomatoes in cold running water, dry, cut each vegetable into two parts, remove the insides.
  2. Line the bottom of the container where the tomatoes will be laid out with parchment. Place the vegetables cut side up on it.
  3. Sprinkle each half with salt, place the container in the sun, cover with gauze. In the evening, it is better to clean the tomatoes in a warm room.
  4. The withering process lasts about 8-10 days, until the moisture completely evaporates from the vegetables. The air temperature must be at least 32 degrees.

Pay attention to the slice of tomatoes: if it turns white, then the appetizer is ready.

You will need: tomatoes, salt, parchment, a container for vegetables (tray, wire rack, baking sheet).

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare a delicious treat on the street, there is no time, or the weather conditions are not suitable for drying, then you can use an equally successful recipe for dried tomatoes. This dish can be cooked in the microwave or oven.

From 15-20 kilograms of fresh tomatoes, approximately 1-2 kilograms of dried tomatoes are obtained.

Drying in the oven

No less simple, but quick way to cook sun-dried tomatoes.

  1. Rinse vegetables, dry, cut into two halves, remove the core.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment, put the halves of the tomatoes in it, denser to each other.
  3. Separately, mix sugar, salt, pepper and sprinkle each slice of vegetables with this mixture, then sprinkle them with spices.
  4. Spread the peeled garlic cloves evenly on the baking sheet.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil.
  6. Send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 130 degrees and dry for 4-5 hours.
  7. Cool tomato slices, arrange in glass jars in layers, alternating a layer of tomatoes with a layer of chopped garlic and aromatic herbs.
  8. Fill the jar with olive oil so that all voids are filled.

You will need: tomatoes - 2 kg., Sugar - 25 gr., 50 gr. dried herbs, salt and pepper to taste, 30 ml. olive oil, a few cloves of garlic.

Drying in the microwave

Tomatoes dried in this way have a delicious spicy taste and aroma.

  1. Prepare vegetables: wash, dry, cut in half, remove the insides.
  2. Lay the halves on the grill with the cut side up, sprinkle each of them with spices, pour olive oil so that it reaches the middle of the tomatoes.
  3. Send a tray of tomatoes to the microwave for 5-6 minutes, setting the maximum power.
  4. Reduce the power and cook the snack for another 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the juice into a separate container, salt the vegetables.
  6. Lay the tomatoes in layers in a glass jar, adding crushed garlic to each layer. Pour the drained juice, if it is not enough, then add a jar of olive oil to the neck.

Oil-dried tomatoes can be stored in a cool, dry place for a long time.

You will need: tomatoes, olive oil, salt, garlic, spices (you can use a mixture of peppers, oregano, basil, oregano).

For drying, it is better to use not overripe, but hard fruits with thick skins: they will cook faster

Where can you add sundried tomatoes?

In fact, this excellent snack can be added almost anywhere. It will successfully emphasize any dish due to its aroma and spicy taste. We will tell you how to use dried vegetables.

  • Cooking sandwiches. It can be either hot or cold sandwiches. For the latter, it is enough to use bread spread with soft cheese - an appetizer is placed on top of it.
  • Macaroni, pasta. The combination of any pasta and sun-dried tomatoes will please you with an unusual, rich and harmonious taste.
  • Pizza. If you add dried tomatoes to the pizza instead of ordinary tomatoes, the dish will acquire a brighter taste and a unique zest.
  • Bakery. A finely chopped snack can be mixed with dough for bread, savory buns - this will add spice.
  • Roasting for soups, gravies, sauces. Tomatoes can be safely added to any kind of gravy and sauces.
  • A variety of salads, which include tomatoes.
  • Second courses. Withered vegetables are perfect for fish, meat, poultry.
  • Fried eggs, scrambled eggs will turn into a royal dish if you add sun-dried tomatoes and greens to them.

Any salad will acquire a unique taste if you add oil in which sun-dried tomatoes are stored as a dressing.

Dried tomatoes can always be added to dishes where these vegetables are used fresh or in the form of a paste.

Best Dried Tomato Recipes

We will offer you some original and simple recipes in which you can use sun-dried tomatoes.

Salad with chicken

Finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes and arugula, cut the meat into strips, cheese into small cubes, olives into rings. Mix the prepared ingredients in a large container, pour olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper.

You will need: 200 gr. sun-dried tomatoes, 500 gr. chicken fillet, 200 gr. feta cheese or soft cheese, 100 gr. olives, a bunch of arugula, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste.

hot sandwiches

Finely chop the garlic and basil, chop the tomatoes, mix the chopped ingredients, pour the mixture with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, salt, let it brew for 10 minutes. Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven for a couple of minutes. Put the filling on the resulting toasts, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for another five minutes. Serve hot sandwiches.

You will need: one baguette or loaf, 120 gr. dried in oil and 550 fresh tomatoes, 50 ml. olive oil, 4 garlic cloves, 20 ml. balsamic vinegar, cheese, a few sprigs of basil, salt to taste.

Dried tomatoes can easily turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece.

Spaghetti with Sun Dried Tomatoes

Boil spaghetti until done. Finely chop the basil greens and sun-dried tomatoes, mix with spaghetti. Add olive oil, grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Any hard cheese can be used. Mix well before serving.

You will need: 300 gr. spaghetti, 35 ml. olive oil, half a glass of grated cheese, 130 gr. sun-dried tomatoes, a few sprigs of basil, salt and pepper to taste.

Remember that in any recipe, plain olive oil can be replaced with the one in which the tomatoes were cooked.

Dishes with sun-dried tomatoes are very healthy and extremely tasty. With the help of our tips, you can easily cook this delicacy yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment: prepare more dried vegetables and create your own unique culinary delights.

Dried, they are also beautiful, at the same time they acquire new notes to the usual, classic taste. To make the study of the dish large-scale and close to everyone, of course, you need to see how the actual sun-dried tomatoes look and what they eat with, where to add.

Where do they add it, how do they eat it?

If sun-dried tomatoes, and from a jar in oil, are already in front of your eyes, then the easiest way to use this snack is to grease bread with it, putting it on top of soft cheese. It will turn out a great, tasty and simple sandwich. After all, sun-dried tomatoes are just a snack, although they can also be added to a variety of pastries, frying, and if chopped finely, it is easy to add to a lush, bread dough at the time of kneading. Some come up with new fillings for pies or pasties with him.

Italians often eat sun-dried tomatoes without bothering, as a component of pizza. The history of the popular dish itself is interesting, because initially pizza was considered only the food of the poor, when thin, lean dough was kneaded from the last flour, and everything they could find was collected on top, collected at home from edibles. Leftover ham, scrambled eggs, pieces of vegetables. From above, the collected still life was supplemented with cheese, then the pizza was baked.

Centuries later, she became an honorary representative of the beautiful, varied Italian cuisine. Many varieties of pizza are known, so it is not surprising that sun-dried tomato is found among the toppings. Sometimes tomatoes are thrown directly into the pasta, and when it is ready, it acquires unique notes for taste.

Dozens, even hundreds of recipes for salads, where sun-dried tomatoes are active, sometimes the main component. Even spicy oil from them is used. For example, dressing is often made from it.
Sun-dried tomatoes also go well with main and hot dishes: meat or fish, chicken, and cutlets. It is not necessary to be an experienced, venerable cook, because the recipes are simple. Even haute cuisine, traditional for expensive, well-known restaurants, is often simple and ingenious.
Where to add existing sun-dried tomatoes?

Pasta, plus sun-dried tomatoes

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) - (120 g);
Macaroni (300 g);
Olive oil, you can spicy oil from the tomatoes themselves (35 ml);
Grated Parmesan (half a cup);
Fresh herbs (preferably basil, 3-5 branches);
Salt pepper.

Cooking process:

First boil your own pasta. Venerable chefs advise keeping pasta for no more than 7-10 minutes, pouring them into already boiling water. Let them be slightly undercooked, firm, but the shape is perfectly noticeable and the taste is special.

First, dump it into a colander so that all the unnecessary liquid is glassed, then add already chopped tomatoes there, followed by greens. Mix thoroughly, everything is ready to serve. A quick, tasty, even spicy dish. Grated Parmesan can either be added to the pasta and mixed together, or sprinkled on top of a dish that is ready to be served later.

Salad appetizer, original: sun-dried tomatoes, chicken

What will be required:

Tomatoes, (dried) (200 g);
Chicken fillet, already boiled and cooled (450 g);
Soft cheese, you can cheese (200 g);
Arugula salad or any greens;
Olives, pitted only (100 g);
Olive oil;
Lemon juice (fresh);
Black pepper;

Cooking process:

Chicken breast, already boiled, cut into medium, identical cubes, if desired, you can use straws.

Finely chop all the sun-dried tomatoes, then chop all the olives into rings, cheese into medium cubes.
We then combine all the components in a large, convenient bowl, arugula goes there (any greens, also chopped), season everything with spices (olive oil, lemon juice at the same time, then salt, pepper).

You can drip a little bit of spicy oil, in fact, in which there were sun-dried tomatoes, at the same time improve the taste.

Hot sandwiches

Excellent breakfast or lunch snack, mobile and hot, quick meal.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) (120 g);
Fresh tomatoes (550 g);
Baguette, you can white loaf (piece);
Garlic (3 individual cloves);
Olive oil (50 ml);
Balsamic vinegar (20 ml);
Basil, as fresh herbs (2-3 branches);
Mozzarella cheese (can be different);

Cooking order:

First, cut all (dried, then fresh) tomatoes, then chop the basil and garlic smaller. Here, all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a convenient, large bowl.

Add oil, then balsamic vinegar, spices. Leave the resulting mixture, let it calmly infuse for a few minutes. In the meantime, cut the baguette into identical slices, then dry them through the upper grill or toaster.

Lubricate all the slices with the filling, and sprinkle each with already grated cheese on top. you can heat it either in a conventional microwave or leave it for 2-3 minutes in an already preheated oven, the main thing is to watch until the cheese on top is melted. Eat hot right away.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Of course, you can safely take them ready-made in stores, but why not master home cooking? At the same time, you will be sure that the product is fresh, there is nothing superfluous. No preservatives or stabilizers.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (as many as you want, calculate the amount in advance);
Special paper, for baking (plain paper will also do, most importantly without inscriptions or drawings);
Baking trays, also trays with boards, sieves - everything that is needed later for laying out ready-made tomatoes.

Cooking process:

Yes, there is no oil here, it will be dried tomatoes not soaked in oil. First, the vegetables need to be washed, then each is divided evenly, in half.

Carefully remove with the tip of a knife all their seeds, also membranes, cut off the stalks. Cover with parchments (regular A4, only clean) all the dishes prepared for display. Lay the tomatoes neatly, in a row, with the slices up.

In the evening, bring the baking sheets in if you were standing on the street or on the balcony. So you need to dry the tomatoes, for a long time, until they dry completely, having lost moisture. A whitish tint in the cuts is a sure sign of readiness.

The home drying process itself is simple, just long, it will take about 8-9 full days, it needs to be done when the weather is right: dry, hot and always sunny. It's better in summer, when it's up to +32 during the day. True, such days are rarely issued 8-9 times, and in a row the drying process can be replaced with an artificial one. Take a conventional microwave oven or oven. You can dry even inside the microwave.

Dried tomatoes plus oil

Now it’s clear how you can dry tomatoes at home, without any expensive ingredients or special equipment. What about oil? When is it added?

What will be required:

Olive oil;
A mixture of spices (here and oregano with oregano, and basil, only black, red pepper to them).

Cooking process:

First, take the tomatoes, wash, dry and cut equally, in two. Next, lay out in a row, leaving cuts on top on special baking sheets. Sprinkle each gently with spices.

Next, the tomatoes are poured all over with olive oil (yes, you need a deep baking sheet) so as to drown them somewhere in the middle. We set the microwave (oven) to the possible, maximum power. They bake for about 5-6 minutes. Having endured the time, it gradually reduces the power and leave it for another 10-12 minutes.

Carefully, already in a separate, deep bowl, drain the juice, then salt more, to taste. We press the garlic through the garlic press. Carefully put hot sun-dried tomatoes in a small glass jar, in equal layers, sprinkling with garlic each time.

Here they are, real buttered, homemade
