
Eggplant diet recipes with calories. Light eggplant dishes

Diverse diet meals in the diet is not a myth at all, but a reality: choice low-calorie foods is huge, and there are so many recipes for their preparation that you will be able to not only lose weight, but also surprise your loved ones useful chefs frills. Today we will talk about eggplant. This vegetable is truly indispensable if you stick to proper nutrition. Judge for yourself - 100 grams of eggplant contains only 25 calories, but at the same time it contains a lot of fiber, which helps to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. Eggplant is even allowed to be added to the diet with a low-carb diet, because this vegetable is considered protein. Very often, eggplant is included in the menu of fasting days, eating such dishes for lunch and dinner. And eggplant juice is also prepared, which is used to cleanse the intestines. The benefits of this vegetable are so huge that diet eggplant must be present in your diet.

However, as in all diet recipes, when cooking eggplant has its own subtleties and nuances. The secret of properly cooked pp eggplant is dietary ingredients and use minimum quantity vegetable oil. As you know, eggplant absorbs vegetable oil very strongly, which makes regular recipes with eggplants are quite high-calorie and fatty. That's why better ways cooking eggplant is baking in the oven, steaming or in a slow cooker. However, if you can no longer do without fried eggplant, then just before frying, dip the chopped eggplants into the water for 7-10 minutes. After they take on water, they will absorb much less vegetable oil during frying.

Diet eggplant salad

Eggplant is irreplaceable ingredients pp salads. Eating such a dietary eggplant salad is good for lunch or dinner along with protein foods. The perfect combination- This is lean meat of chicken, veal or turkey. So, we need:

  • 1 medium eggplant. To prepare such a salad, you will first need to cut the eggplant into thin strips and fry in a grill pan without oil until half cooked.
  • Leek. Instead, you can use common bow. We cut into rings and also bake on a grill pan.
  • 1 medium tomato. You can use several cherry tomatoes.
  • Greenery. good to use fresh spinach, parsley and dill.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • Salt and pepper.

Mix all ingredients and season olive oil and spices. This salad can also be served warm!

Salad with eggplant and bran

Another great eggplant diet dish for weight loss

  • 1 medium eggplant. We cut the eggplant into slices and bake in the oven.
  • 2 medium cucumbers. We also cut them into thin slices.
  • Lettuce leaves. It is good to use watercress or lettuce
  • 1 tablespoon of bran.
  • 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Do not forget that in addition to sunflower and olive oils, there are also many very healthy oils- oil from grape seed, linen, sesame, pumpkin.

We spread the lettuce leaves on a plate, put eggplants and cucumbers there, sprinkle with oil and sprinkle with bran.

Eggplant rolls pp

The traditional recipe for this dish cannot be called low-calorie, due to high content mayonnaise and vegetable oil. But we suggest preparing eggplant rolls that will not do any harm to your figure.

  • 1 big eggplant. Again we will fry the eggplant in a grill pan: cut into thin strips and cook on both sides.
  • 1 medium tomato. Cut it into small pieces, salt and pepper.
  • 100 grams of feta cheese. We will use this low fat cheese as a filling. 100 grams of this cheese contains 19 grams of protein, so our eggplant recipe can be safely consumed for dinner.
  • 2 tablespoons of any chopped greens.

Mix tomatoes with cheese and herbs. We spread the resulting filling on the eggplant strips, roll up and our eggplant rolls are ready!

PP eggplant casserole: quick and tasty

Very simple and quick recipe pp eggplant is a casserole! This dish will serve a full meal or dinner.

  • 2 eggplants. Wash, cut into rings, salt and pepper.
  • 2 tomatoes. Wash, cut into rings, salt and pepper.
  • 150 grams of mozzarella cheese. The calorie content of this cheese is about 280 calories, and the protein content is about 18-20 grams. So you can safely use this cheese when preparing eggplant diet dishes.
  • Any spices to taste. You can also use dried herbs along with salt and pepper.
  • Any green.
  • 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil. IN this recipe preferably olive oil.

Eggplant, tomatoes and cheese cut into thin circles. Place all ingredients on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with herbs and spices on top, sprinkle with any vegetable oil. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Diet eggplant dish in the oven

  • 2 eggplants. We cut them into two parts and carefully take out the core. Salt and pepper them. Cut the pulp into small pieces and pour cold water to take away the bitterness.
  • 250 grams minced chicken. Use minced chicken fillet, without adding fat.
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste. If desired, you can replace with tomato juice.
  • 100-150 grams of cheese. Better to use lean varieties- mozzarella or suluguni.
  • 1 small onion and a few cloves of garlic.

Fry minced chicken and chopped onion in a non-stick pan without oil. Add the eggplant pulp there and simmer everything for about 5-8 minutes. Add to mince tomato paste and garlic, cook for another 1-2 minutes. Now we spread our filling in eggplants, put tomato circles on top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Dietary eggplant recipe which you can use in your menu has the following KBJU per 100 grams - 117 / 9.6 / 7.2 / 3.6.

PP baked eggplant recipe

Diet eggplant in the oven can be cooked without any additional ingredients.

  • 2 medium eggplants. Cut into thin slices, grease with vegetable oil on both sides and salt.
  • Dry herbs. Use ready mix Provence or Italian herbs.

We sprinkle our plates with herbs and turn into a roll. We fix with a toothpick and bake in the oven (180-200 degrees) for about 15-20 minutes. These pp eggplants will serve as an excellent addition to meat dishes.

Here's another one step by step recipe dietary eggplant:

  • 1 medium eggplant. We cut it into two halves and make cuts all over the eggplant, as in the photo
  • Olive oil. It will be the basis of the sauce with which we will water our eggplant, 2 teaspoons are enough for you.
  • Garlic. It will spice up our dish. 2 cloves will be enough.
  • Spices to taste. You can use salt, pepper and basil.

Mix olive oil with spices, spices and garlic and sprinkle our eggplant with the resulting sauce. We bake a diet dish for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Eggplant in a double boiler - a diet recipe

If you seriously decide to take care of your diet and lose weight, then recipes for cooking eggplant in a double boiler will definitely come in handy. In a double boiler, you can cook without adding oil, which means that the calorie content of such dishes is very minimal.

  • 1 medium eggplant. Wash, cut into thin pieces, add your favorite spices, salt.
  • 1 medium tomato. Wash, cut into thin pieces.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
  • Fresh parsley.

We put the eggplants in the capacity of the double boiler, put the tomatoes on top of them. Spraying everything lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs. Cook in a double boiler for about 10 minutes. Such low-calorie eggplant dishes will great side dish for lunch or dinner.

Diet eggplant in a slow cooker

How to cook diet eggplant in a slow cooker and still get a low-calorie dish? The recipe is quite simple:

  • 1 medium eggplant. Cut it into small pieces, salt and pepper.
  • 100 grams of chicken. We will use chicken fillet. 100 grams of such meat contains only 110 calories and as much as 23 grams of protein.
  • 1 small onion
  • 100g fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms are perfect for this recipe.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Spices

We cut the chicken fillet into pieces and fry in the "Baking" mode, send onions and champignons there. At the very end, put the eggplant, salt and pepper. Add some water and switch to the "Extinguishing" mode. Ready meal you can sprinkle with herbs.

Eggplant diet recipes are varied and quite easy to prepare. You can always add your favorite ingredients to recipes, decorate the dish with herbs and serve with natural yogurt. Try alternating our recipes in your diet menu and be sure that the results will not keep you waiting long!

Do you have any favorite eggplant recipes? Share with us, because losing weight together is much easier and more fun!

Hello dear readers! Today I want to tell you about the benefits of eggplant and offer several recipes that are tasty, healthy and, at the same time, low-calorie meals based on them. Try to diversify your diet with them and cook eggplant diet dishes

About the benefits of eggplant

People who have chosen healthy lifestyle life, often cook eggplant diet recipes . Their choice is easy to understand: it is tasty, healthy and does not lead to a set extra pounds. It is interesting that, being such a familiar and familiar plant, eggplant, nevertheless, is “non-native” to us.

Eggplants were given to the world by the mysterious ancient India. More than 1500 years ago, local residents cultivated this vegetable (from the point of view of cooking, this is just a vegetable) and began to eat it.

Since then, dark purple fruits have been grown in China and countries Central Asia. The Arabs brought them to Europe, thereby contributing to the spread and popularization of the plant.

The closest “relatives” of eggplant in the Solanaceae family, to which it belongs, are tomatoes and potatoes.

The composition includes:

  • Anthocyanins, which help to strengthen the protective properties of the body;
  • Potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Useful for the skin and not only vitamins A, B, C;
  • Nicotinic acid, which makes it easier to quit cigarettes, and much more.

It is very useful to eat “blue ones” for atherosclerosis, arthritis, gout. They have a lot of protein, so they will be very useful during the diet.

How to lose weight?

Eggplant is able to do good service to health and figure, being an effective remedy. for weight loss.

This fruit with an unusual but pleasant taste contains many essential trace elements and is not rich in calories at all - 100 g of the product contains 22 kcal.

But it's not just about calories: eggplant helps block body fat. It becomes possiblethanks to pectinthat removes from the body harmful substances, antioxidants, fiber and chlorogenic acid.

The main thing, wanting to get rid of extra pounds, is not to cook “blue” with big amount oil, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

Here are some low calorie recipes for you. dishes. Rate them pleasant taste and ease of preparation!

Light eggplant dishes

And now from words to deeds. All the recipes presented do not require culinary skills from you. The main thing is to take quality products and take some time to experiment. Perhaps some of these dishes will become your favorite.

Diet rolls


  • 2 eggplants;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 50 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 1 clove of garlic;


  1. Cut the eggplant into strips, cook for 2 minutes in boiling water.
  2. Chop the tomatoes into cubes.
  3. Mix yogurt with garlic;
  4. Spread eggplant plate with yogurt, put a tomato, wrap;
  5. Put the resulting rolls into the oven for 10 min.

Baked eggplant


  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • Greens, salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Cut the eggplant into slices 1 cm thick;
  2. Put them in a bowl of cold water for 20 minutes to remove the bitterness;
  3. Slice the tomatoes;
  4. Deseed the peppers and cut them into 3 or 4 strips - they should be large enough to cover the eggplant;
  5. Finely chop the herbs and garlic;
  6. Grease the pan with oil;
  7. Arrange eggplant rounds in a baking dish and drizzle lightly with oil;
  8. Sprinkle a little spices, herbs and garlic on each circle;
  9. Then put in the pepper. It does not need to be lubricated;
  10. The third layer is tomatoes. In the process of baking, they will give juice;
  11. Bake vegetables for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lean eggplant rolls with zucchini


  • 2 zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 150 g green peas;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml
  • 3 g greens;
  • 200 g of rice;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.


What to remember

To get everything from eggplant possible benefit and do not harm the body, follow the safety rules when preparing and using them.

Eat these vegetables only after heat treatment, and never raw! They contain the harmful alkaloid solanine, which has a toxic effect on human body. If you eat eggplant raw, you will get a headache or stomach ache.

As mentioned above, do not cook fruit in huge number oils - harmful carcinogens formed during the cooking process will load the liver with toxins, forcing it to work in emergency mode.

The use of eggplant should be abandoned to people with gastrointestinal problems, including peptic ulcer. Excess fiber can injure the delicate walls of the digestive system.

Summing up what has been said, I can say that the benefits of eggplant can and should be applied - but competently. Otherwise, it is easy to harm your body. Study the issue before approaching the practice, and you will have beauty and health.

Autumn is a harvest time. And it concerns, first of all, vegetables. The ingredients of seasonal dishes are tomatoes, zucchini, different types cabbage, carrots, red beets. But the most popular autumn vegetable, undeniably, is an eggplant. The number of delicacies that can be prepared from eggplant is quite large. Among them there are both possessing a decent energy value, and those that, by virtue of their dietary properties they will not spoil the figure of the gourmet for anything. In this article, we will touch on low-calorie, dietary eggplant dishes, and tell you recipes for preparing them at home.

Success Secrets

The vegetable, which has a rich purple skin, contains saponins - special substances that destroy free radicals in body tissues, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and break down fat. However, they also give raw eggplant bitter taste.

To get rid of the latter, it is necessary before cooking vegetable product soak the vegetable in well-salted water for 30-40 minutes. After the specified period, rinse the eggplant well running water room temperature.

To avoid blackening of eggplant pulp, which often happens during the heat treatment of a vegetable, cook a dish of this product on a strong fire. And to reduce the degree of absorption of oil by eggplants during stewing and frying, first scald the vegetables with boiling water.

How to make moussaka

Eggplant recipe - moussaka is considered very tasty and dietary. Ingredients: Ground beef- 0.8 kg, the same amount of eggplant, potatoes - 0.5 kg, tomatoes - 300 g, hard cheese- 50 g, 1 onion, a little olive oil, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 2 eggs.

Recipe. Onions are cut into half rings, eggplants are turned into circles, tomatoes (scalded, without skin) and potatoes are turned into cubes. Eggplants are pre-fried in oil on both sides, then placed on paper napkins to drain excess fat. Following heat treatment subjected to minced meat and onions. The ingredients are placed in layers in a refractory form: minced meat with onions, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant slices on top. Repeat layers if necessary. Beat the eggs with sour cream, pour this sauce over the dish and sprinkle it with grated cheese. In the oven, moussaka should be baked from half an hour to 40 minutes at a temperature of 180ºС.

Diet rolls

Low-calorie eggplant rolls are prepared quickly and easily. Required Components: half a kilo of eggplant, cream cheese in the amount of 100 g, vegetable oil, a few garlic cloves, a bunch of greens, ground kernels walnuts, salt and pepper - to taste.

Eggplants are washed, dried, then cut into thin slices. Having previously rid the vegetables of a bitter aftertaste, they are stewed in a frying pan or baked in the oven. Greens are crushed with a knife, garlic - with a press. This combination is introduced into cream cheese. The resulting paste is spread on eggplant blanks, each of which is then wrapped in rolls and fastened using toothpicks. Snack spread on flat dish topped with chopped nuts.

Heh from eggplant

Components: eggplant will need 1.5 kg, garlic - 6 cloves, Bell pepper- 1 piece, paprika - 100 g, vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons, a little vinegar.

Eggplant should be cut into pieces and de-bittered in the manner described above. Then fry them in oil. Grate the garlic, chop the pepper, turning it into thin rings. Lay the vegetables in layers in a food container: first the blue ones, then the garlic, and last - hot peppers. Now sprinkle the top layer with vinegar and sprinkle with paprika. Repeat layers until you run out of food. Close the container with a lid and refrigerate for a day.

Healthy salads

The most useful and easy to prepare recipes are dietary salads from eggplant.

Diet salad with eggplant and corn

Composition: 2 chicken eggs, 1 large eggplant, half an onion, 5 tbsp. canned corn, lemon juice. Eggplant soaked in salt water, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Do the same with chopped onions.

Hard boil eggs, peel and cut into cubes. Prepared products must be combined in a salad bowl, add corn. Season with lemon juice. It is recommended to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs on top.

Eggplant and Pea Salad Recipe

Composition: green canned peas- 100 g, eggplant - 0.3 kg, 1 cool egg, onion- 150 g, 1 medium apple, sunflower oil; lemon juice and salt to taste. Peel the eggplant, cut into pieces and stew. Then add the diced onion to them. After 2 minutes, put the vegetables in a bowl and set aside. After a while, combine them with peas, grated eggs and an apple straw. Salt the salad a little, add lemon juice, mix.

Try ratatouille

Incredibly tasty and healthy diet masterpiece like ratatouille. He is vegetable stew, which also includes eggplant. You will need: 3 small young zucchini, 1 large "blue", 2 tomatoes, half red and the same amount of green bell pepper, olive oil (50 ml), 3 sprigs of basil, a little salt. Two zucchini need to be cut in half, and then turned into flat longitudinal plates.

The third zucchini should be cut into cubes, like eggplant with tomatoes and peppers. Drizzle chopped vegetables with olive oil and mix. Add in chopped basil. Place a spoonful of the resulting stew on each strip of zucchini, roll it up. Ready snack put on a dish. Use ratatouille hot.

How to bake in the oven

Of all kinds cooking, baking is the most useful, because it helps to preserve most of the nutrients in the products. Try cooking diet eggplant in the oven.

You will need: 1 medium sized eggplant, 2 large tomatoes, 2 large sweet peppers, vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), 1 garlic clove, dried herbs and salt. All vegetables must be washed. Cut the eggplant right in the peel into circles and immerse in salty cold water for 30 minutes. Tomatoes should also be turned into circles, and each pepper, peeled from seeds, must be divided into 4 longitudinal parts. Garlic needs to be crushed with a knife. In a baking dish, greased with oil, you need to put a layer of eggplant, then sprinkle with herbs, and lay a layer of bell pepper. The third layer is slices of tomatoes. All three layers must be salted a little. The dish is baked in the oven at 180-200ºС. Cooking time - half an hour.

Boiled eggplant for a slim figure

Surprisingly, even boiled eggplant- quite tasty and dietary dish. Losing weight with them will not be difficult at all. Stock up on 3 medium eggplants, 1/2 head of cauliflower, sprigs of dill, parsley and celery (2 from each plant) for this dish. Boil the vegetables in salted water for seven minutes. Cut the cooled eggplant into strips, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Combine vegetables with finely chopped greens. Pour the dish with olive oil and a little apple cider vinegar, stir.

You can cook a lot of other things from eggplant: pates, soups, dishes in pots, caviar. This vegetable opens up endless possibilities for culinary fantasy- use it for the benefit of your health and loved ones!

The eggplant diet will show results if you follow its rules for 2 weeks. The essence of the diet is that eggplant should be eaten 3 times a day.

The diet allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg in 14 days. Further and rejection of junk food will help to consolidate the result.

The benefits of an eggplant diet

Useful properties are enhanced if eggplants are stewed or baked, and not fried.

Eggplant diet improves metabolism and has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Due to this, getting rid of excess weight. Eggplants help remove harmful substances from the body and improve liver function.

An eggplant diet provides the body with vitamins and nutrients. Eggplant contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins PP, A, B, C.

Harm eggplant diet

The eggplant diet contains almost no protein, so the muscles begin to “burn out” after 36 hours. Do not harm the body will help the use white meat chicken and turkey and tofu cheese along with eggplant.

Do not abuse this diet and do not stick to such a monotonous diet for more than 2 weeks. Metabolism can slow down, and in order to lose weight, you will have to follow a low-calorie diet.

Before trying the eggplant diet for yourself, consult your doctor.

What you can and can not eat on a diet

Can be eaten:

  • Berries in raw, boiled and stewed form;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Bread with bran;
  • water;
  • Green tea;
  • Unsweetened coffee.

You can not eat and drink:

  • Confectionery;
  • Fatty sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • fried foods;
  • Sweet drinks.

Eggplant diet contraindications

Eggplant diet can not be followed if you have a tendency to indigestion, ulcers and exacerbation of gastritis.

Nutrition on a diet can be varied, for this, pay attention to popular recipes using eggplant.

Eggplant in the oven with garlic

Divide the berry lengthwise into two parts and put chopped garlic inside. After that, combine the eggplant and bake in the oven.

Watch the calorie content of the diet, it should not be less than 1000 kcal. Otherwise, you will lose weight quickly, but after leaving the diet, it will return back in a week.
