
Is it useful to eat soup every day - features and recommendations. Should you eat soup? The benefits and harms of the dish, without which many do not imagine a full meal

In this article, I will tell you if you need to eat soups, borscht, etc.)). Are they useful, if so, what? as in general soups, borscht, etc. affect the human body and much more ...

In the post-Soviet space, all of us (well, or the absolute majority) were taught from childhood to eat (traditionally for lunch), first the 1st, and only then the 2nd)). That is why, for us (I mean our people, well, maybe not all, but the vast majority) - soups, borscht, etc. this is a familiar and tasty thing)), passing from generation to generation, and with which you will not surprise anyone ...

To be honest, I'm even afraid to talk negatively about this case, they'll still throw stones, hehe)). But I'm not going to hide the truth, as always.

In soups, borscht, etc.- contains mostly LIQUID(water, about 50% if memory serves) and VEGETABLES(well, for example, in borscht there are beets (beetroot), carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, tomatoes (tomatoes)), in some there are also COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (for example, or).

For those who don't know, fruits and vegetables- vital (needed), because are essential components of a balanced diet and are not inferior in importance to other essential substances (, ), because. they contain vitamins and minerals and fiber.

  • I don’t think it’s worth talking about vitamins and minerals, because. and so you all understand that they are extremely important (vital) to every organ, every gland, every muscle and cell of our body for a balanced and not only work of the whole organism.
  • But few people know about fiber ... and it, in turn, is extremely important, because. absorbs accumulated slags and toxins and removes them from the body, contributes to the absence of constipation, etc.; promotes better digestion of food; binds cholesterol and tactfully removes it from the body, and thus, the cholesterol level decreases, and with it the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases; and also has many other extremely useful features.

But be that as it may, soups and borscht- not the best product (in my opinion) possible. In short, soups, borscht, etc. are the worst quality alternative (analogue) of fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS! Why? Yes, because in soup, borscht, etc. will contain much, I emphasize, MUCH less vitamins and minerals and fiber than in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who does not know, heat treatment (in soups, borscht, etc. it is present) kills vitamins and minerals, which cannot be said about fresh fruits and vegetables (and therefore better).

Here it is, in a nutshell. In many foreign countries, people do not use any soups, borscht, etc. at all. and what now, they all have ulcers, colitis, gastritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc.?))

Of course not ... And all because people simply simply)) have the opportunity to eat all year round (well, if not the whole year, then in any case, much more often than ours) FIBER (fresh vegetables and fruits), respectively, they no alternative (replacement, like ours) is needed. That's it (the whole secret).

We (in our countries) do not have such an opportunity in the cold season (in winter). Accordingly, to compensate for this (lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals), the worst quality alternative (analogue) is used, i.e. those same soups, borscht, etc.

  • In general, if you have the opportunity to eat fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES all year round, then you can easily not use SOUPS, BORSHCH, etc. GENERALLY not afraid that you will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, etc. fictional garbage (proof of this is the huge number of countries that do not consume soups, borscht, etc. GENERALLY, for example, England, Italy and etc.).
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round (for example, in the cold season, i.e. in winter), then SOUPS, BORSHCH, etc. in my opinion, they are even necessary, because it is still BETTER than nothing at all. Those. so you get at least some vitamins and minerals, at least some of their number, and, accordingly, at least some kind of fiber. Do you understand?

Those. in other words, fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS are 100 times better than soups, borscht, etc., but if you don’t have them, then at least something (soups, borscht, etc.) is better than nothing at all ...

Talk about the fact that soups, borscht, etc. are something unrealistically useful, and everyone should use them daily, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc. , - in no case will I (it is impossible). This is not even close. But don't get me wrong, I'm also not saying that soups, borscht, etc. - this is categorically BAD, and they should not be eaten. This is also not close. Although, there are exceptions.

Many experts argue that meat or chicken soup / broth, etc. can be potentially hazardous to health. The fact is that soups (liquid food) are very quickly absorbed by the intestines, unlike solid ones. And this, in turn, does not allow the liver to have time to process the meat extracts contained in them (after all, who does not know, meat is not only good for the body, it also contains harmful substances), as a result, toxins not broken down by the liver get into blood and can harm many internal organs 🙁 so draw your own conclusions.

P.s. my advice to you regarding meat / chicken soups / broths, etc. promoted by doctors. Meat can also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be on vegetable broth ... (useful for those who cannot live without soups).

By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borscht, etc. And I eat when I have and I'm not going to change anything. I’m on a high, besides, all this can serve as an excellent variety or a pushing tool)) when there is buckwheat or rice, I’m already fed up ... But! I also eat separately and fresh fruits and vegetables DAILY, in the quantities I need, but in any case, everyone decides for himself.

Sincerely, administrator.

For most Russians, the concepts of "soup" and "lunch" are related. Those who refuse the first course are usually told: “You will ruin your stomach!” Anyone interested in proper nutrition will find it useful to know how true this fear is, whether it is necessary to eat soup or our body can do just fine without it.

Is soup really that good?

To make the soup fat-free, you need to put it in the refrigerator, and then remove the frozen fat from it.

The fact that soups are not at all necessary is indirectly confirmed by the gastronomic tradition of many countries of the world. In the menu of most of them, this dish or its analogues practically do not appear, which, according to medical statistics, does not have a negative impact on the health of the population.

However, what is good for a resident of the United States or Australia is not always good for a Russian: geography still leaves its mark on culinary preferences.

For residents of Russia, who traditionally eat more than 30 billion plates of cabbage soup, borscht, noodles and other first courses a year, soup is an excellent food in the cold season: it warms and quickly restores energy reserves in the body.

In addition to this, there are other reasons why soup has the right to be on our table:

  • after cooking, the soup retains useful substances that are lost as a result of frying and other methods of heat treatment of ingredients;
  • soup provides the body with the necessary balance of fluid, which is important for those who are not used to drinking enough water during the day;
  • in people with reduced secretory function of the stomach, soup stimulates the formation of gastric juice, without which high-quality digestion of food is impossible;
  • some types of soups (for example, chicken), due to their composition, have a positive effect on the immune system, which protects the body during the cold season;
  • soups are often used in weight loss diets as low-calorie but satisfying dishes;
  • Soups are the fastest and relatively inexpensive way to feed a large family or group.

In order for the soup to retain its beneficial properties as much as possible, it is important that it is not very hot, but not cold either.

However, not everything about soups is so rosy. Some myths experts had to debunk:

  • Soups are very useful for people with a sick stomach.. In fact, if a person suffers from gastritis or ulcers, first courses (especially those cooked in meat broth) increase the processes of acid formation in the stomach and worsen well-being.
  • Soups are digested much easier than any other food. According to recent studies, a liquid first course significantly reduces the concentration of gastric juice, as a result of which the process of digesting food slows down. To prevent this from happening, adherents of separate nutrition began to refuse to use soups, and tea or coffee allows themselves only half an hour after eating.
  • Soup is good for people of all ages, including the elderly. Rich fatty broth is dangerous for the elderly, as a rule, suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, and gout.
  • Long-cooked soup is free from harmful substances that may be in its ingredients. This is wrong. After prolonged cooking of meat, the broth is "enriched" with antibiotics, steroid hormones, which were used in raising livestock. Heavy metal salts, carcinogenic substances and other harmful compounds that have accumulated in bone tissue throughout the life of animals get into the soup from bones.
  • Cooking allows you to at least partially preserve vitamins in foods. Today, experts are more categorical in their assessments, they argue that even at a temperature of 57 ° C, there is no trace of the beneficial properties of vitamins. This means that it is better to eat vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes) fresh, for example, in a salad.

It is most useful for the broth to use chicken meat

The body quickly gets used to “good things” - soft and liquid food does not need to be thoroughly chewed, because of this, the gums weaken, the teeth may begin to fall out, and the intestines will lose their natural functions.

Not in favor of soups are also some ways of preparing them. For example, housewives like to add carrots and onions fried in oil or its substitutes to the first dish. Often, ready-made “roasting” is used, the manufacturers of which stuff it with various dubious ingredients to enhance the taste. As a result, a "hellish mixture" of fats, carcinogens and cholesterol may appear on the plate.

In cabbage soup with sorrel, the natural acid of this green, after heating, turns into inorganic and enters into compounds with calcium, thereby depriving the body of this vital substance (its deficiency turns into caries or osteoporosis), provokes the formation of kidney stones.

When cooking soup, seasonings, bouillon cubes should not be used, as they are toxic to the body.

Chicken broth is becoming dangerous due to the fact that in recent years poultry farms have begun to actively use the antibiotic tetracycline in growing chickens and chickens. After 30 minutes of cooking, it is found in all parts of the carcass (most of all in the skin), and after another half an hour, a substance harmful to human health is found in the broth. To remedy the situation, nutritionists advise to drain the first liquid from the pan, add fresh water and cook the soup in the so-called secondary broth.

Traces of human indiscretion also affect the fish, and hence the ear. Recent studies by Japanese scientists have established the presence of such a dangerous substance as mercury in sea water in fishing areas. Researchers from Russia, Norway, and the USA have similar data.

Even a seemingly harmless milk soup can harm, for example, an elderly person, because over the years the body becomes less and less enzymes that can break down milk sugar.

Today, experts do not urge Russians to completely exclude soups from their menu, but they recommend being more careful when choosing a recipe, and while cooking, take into account and eliminate possible risks using various methods. It is also important to purchase soup products from a reliable manufacturer, because nitrates can get into the dish with vegetables, antibiotics with meat, toxins with mushrooms, and carcinogenic substances with various flavors.

Some say that soup for lunch is a must, while others, on the contrary, talk about the harmfulness of soups. Which of them is right

© Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy

Listening from a grandmother or mother “Eat soup, otherwise you will earn an ulcer” for children in our country used to be familiar. But now, in the age of the Internet, a lot of information has become available on proper healthy nutrition, which is sometimes quite contradictory. Some say that soup for lunch is a must, while others, on the contrary, talk about the harmfulness of soups. Which of them is right?

How good are soups...

1. Hot soups are very good food in autumn and winter. They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, warm and quickly absorbed, supplying the body with energy.

2. If the secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups with meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, ensuring better digestion of food.

3. Despite the fact that the products in soups are subjected to heat treatment, unlike stewing or frying, some of the substances beneficial to the body are not destroyed.

4. By including soups in your diet, you can control your fluid balance. Most people do not drink enough water during the day, and with the help of first courses this deficiency can be easily filled.

5. Chicken broth soups can fight the symptoms of colds and have a positive effect on the immune system. This is due to the fact that during the cooking process, the proteins contained in chicken meat partially break down into special peptides that act as immunostimulants.

6. Proper weight loss or maintaining it at the right level is easier to organize if there is soup for lunch, and not main courses. With the same volume, the first courses contain fewer calories, but there is no reason to stay hungry - the broth creates a feeling of fullness. American nutritionists even conducted a special experiment: two groups of subjects were offered to dine with dishes prepared from the same products, but one in the form of soup, and the other in the form of a second. Everyone had the opportunity to eat until full, but the calculations showed that the group who were offered soup consumed an average of 35% fewer calories.

...and what's wrong with them?

Although soups have many undoubted advantages, they also have disadvantages:

1. If you have a sick stomach (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied by high acidity), then meat broths are undesirable, as they stimulate additional acid secretion. But even in this case, light vegetarian soups can be eaten with pleasure and health benefits.

2. The liquid, which is the basis of the first courses, dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing down the digestion of food. It is for this reason that supporters of the principles of separate nutrition even drink tea no earlier than half an hour after eating, and refuse soups altogether.

3. Fatty, rich broths from meat or fish, doctors recommend to exclude from the diet suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, gout. It is also useful to refuse them for people with high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially the elderly.

4. In the process of cooking the broth, most of the harmful substances from the meat get into it. Most often, these are various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in the process of raising livestock. If the broth is boiled from bones, then such undesirable compounds for our body get into it, which are deposited there throughout the life of the animal, such as salts of heavy metals.

5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, although it is quite gentle compared to other methods, destroys vitamins. If, instead of soup, a salad is prepared from the same vegetables, such a dish will be healthier for health.

Should you eat soups?

Vegetarian light soups, especially mashed vegetable soups that are quickly absorbed by the digestive system, are good for everyone to eat, but in moderation: you should not lean on them to the detriment of eating vegetables without heat treatment. You can eat soups and meat broth for lunch, if you do not have diseases in which they are contraindicated. Do you want this soup to be healthier? Just follow the following cooking rules:

Meat should be taken without bones and with a small amount of fat. It is best to use chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit meat. The broth from such meat is considered dietary, especially if its first broth is drained.

Before cooking, cut off the fat and sinews from the meat, put it in a pot of cold water, and after boiling, cook for at least 10 minutes. The most active harmful substances from the meat during this time will pass into the broth, after which it must be drained. Then again fill the meat with water and already boil the broth, as usual. Some supporters of a healthy lifestyle repeat this procedure even twice in a row, but one is enough.

In order for your soup to acquire not only a pleasant, appetizing aroma, but also a solid portion of the vitamins the body needs, add fresh herbs to it after it is finally ready.

Only you can decide for yourself whether to eat soup for lunch. But one thing is for sure: the idea that it is necessary to eat it every day is an old Soviet myth. Some nations do not have such a tradition, but at the same time they eat wholesome healthy food and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system due to the lack of first courses. Therefore, the main thing is to eat right, eat varied, and be healthy!

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught us that it is necessary to eat liquid dishes for lunch, otherwise there will be problems with digestion. Is it true?

The tradition of eating soup

Soup is a liquid dish containing at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of refractory, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, served as an excellent remedy for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borscht and cabbage. Since ancient times, we have also prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soups. The word "soup" on the territory of Russia and Ukraine appeared in everyday life under Peter I, who brought it from France along with French cuisine.

In Soviet times, the first course was the basis of a full meal. Until now, the tradition has been preserved for lunch, first an appetizer, after soup, then a main course and dessert. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

Currently, peoples are known whose traditions do not have first courses. Some of our compatriots do not eat soups for years simply because they do not like it. So all the same: do you need to eat soup for lunch?

Getty Images/Fotobank

Benefit or harm

There is a lot of controversy about the beneficial properties of first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product, broths are especially useful. It was not in vain that grandmothers gave chicken broth to their grandchildren suffering from colds. The broth is also useful in recovery from surgeries. But there are also opponents of first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking the broth, substances harmful to the body are released from the meat. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups washes out gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked the gastroenterologist of the Boris clinic Oksana Romanenko if soup is a must in the diet.

“The absence of first courses in the diet is often associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, at present, this disease is present in almost everyone, regardless of whether he eats liquid meals for lunch. All the products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, that is, it is not necessary at all, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses enhance acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only for people with low acidity. If a person has peptic ulcer, duodenal disease or inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person's daily diet must contain meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And whether these products will be in the composition of the soup or any other dishes - it does not matter.

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

spicy first course is also undesirable;

cook soup not on fatty broth. It is better to take chicken for this, and not pork meat or bones;

when cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical food additives, instant soups from bags and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught us that it is necessary to eat liquid dishes for lunch, otherwise there will be problems with digestion. Is it true?

The tradition of eating soup

Soup is a liquid dish containing at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of refractory, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, served as an excellent remedy for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borscht and cabbage. Since ancient times, we have also prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soups. The word "soup" on the territory of Russia and Ukraine appeared in everyday life under Peter I, who brought it from France along with French cuisine.

In Soviet times, the first course was the basis of a full meal. Until now, the tradition has been preserved for lunch, first an appetizer, after soup, then a main course and dessert. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

Currently, peoples are known whose traditions do not have first courses. Some of our compatriots do not eat soups for years simply because they do not like it. So all the same: do you need to eat soup for lunch?

Getty Images/Fotobank

Benefit or harm

There is a lot of controversy about the beneficial properties of first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product, broths are especially useful. It was not in vain that grandmothers gave chicken broth to their grandchildren suffering from colds. The broth is also useful in recovery from surgeries. But there are also opponents of first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking the broth, substances harmful to the body are released from the meat. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups washes out gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked the gastroenterologist of the Boris clinic Oksana Romanenko if soup is a must in the diet.

“The absence of first courses in the diet is often associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, at present, this disease is present in almost everyone, regardless of whether he eats liquid meals for lunch. All the products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, that is, it is not necessary at all, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses enhance acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only for people with low acidity. If a person has peptic ulcer, duodenal disease or inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person's daily diet must contain meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And whether these products will be in the composition of the soup or any other dishes - it does not matter.

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

spicy first course is also undesirable;

cook soup not on fatty broth. It is better to take chicken for this, and not pork meat or bones;

when cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical food additives, instant soups from bags and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina
