
How to cook a delicious eggplant dish. Fried eggplant - the best recipes

At the end of summer, eggplant time comes and housewives are happy to use this delicious and healthy vegetable to prepare the most different dishes and blanks. We will also do this today and I will tell you about the recipes for fried eggplant, because they cook quickly and turn out delicious.

I have already shared one recipe with you, if you missed it, then look, now we will fry eggplants with garlic, tomatoes, cheese and even cook like mushrooms.

But first, let's talk about how to choose the right eggplant and how to prepare it for frying.

How to cook fried eggplant

  • It is better to use young eggplants for frying, they have a thin skin, it will not need to be cut off, and there will be few seeds in them, and also in young fruits there is no bitterness that is always advised to get rid of.
  • If you still got older eggplants and you are afraid that they will be bitter, then they can be cut into the size you need, put in a bowl, salt, mix well and let stand for 20-30 minutes, you can put a little oppression. The juice that eggplant will give must be drained and they will not be bitter. You can hold the eggplants in salted water, then they will need to be dried with a paper towel before frying.
  • If you need eggplant mugs or plates for frying, then do not make them too thin, the optimal thickness is about 1 cm. This size allows eggplants to fry well in just a few minutes and are not heavily saturated with oil, and they retain their shape, which is also important, if you want to get a beautiful dish at the exit.
  • Often in recipes they suggest dipping mugs or plates in flour, this good way make eggplant tastier - they turn out more juicy with less oil and, at the same time, with a crispy appetizing crust.
  • In order for the eggplants to be fried, and not stewed, they must be laid out in a well-heated pan with enough oil and fry uncovered.
  • If you want to reduce the amount of fat, then the fried eggplants can be put first on a paper towel to absorb excess oil, and then on a dish.

That's actually all the simple and uncomplicated tips, take note of them and fried eggplant dishes will delight you with their taste. Let's start cooking and start with perhaps the simplest recipe with garlic.

How to cook quick and tasty fried eggplant with garlic

You can say about this dish - a minimum of time, a maximum of taste, see for yourself.


  • eggplant - 1-2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • soy sauce- 1 tbsp. l.
  • red pepper - 1 tsp
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to fry:

The dish is ready. It can be served as a hot side dish for meat and as a cold appetizer is good.

Fried eggplant with garlic and tomatoes

This appetizer is also done quite quickly, and is perfect not only for an everyday meal, but also festive table decorate.


  • eggplant - 4 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil

How to cook:

Our dish is ready. This is how you can quickly and easily prepare a delicious vegetable snack.

Recipe for delicious fried eggplant with cheese

I met this interesting recipe on the Internet under the name " peacock tail", I liked him immediately appearance and later with your own taste.


  • eggplant - 2 large fruits
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • cheese hard varieties- 200 gr.
  • garlic

How to cook:

Put this beauty on a large plate, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. After that, you can divide the eggplant into portioned pieces.

We fry eggplant like mushrooms - recipe with photo


  • eggplant - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • dried mushroom powder or mushroom seasoning- 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

Try this dish, I'm sure you'll like it.

Chinese fried eggplant recipe video

One more recipe interesting cooking fried eggplant is offered by chef Ilya Lazerson in his video and, as always, gives useful tips, be sure to check it out.

I hope you enjoyed my selection of delicious and quick-to-cook fried eggplant recipes.

Bon appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace!

Before you start frying eggplants, you need to get rid of the bitterness contained in them, for this you need to cut them into circles and place them in salt water for ten minutes.

After that, the water will need to be drained, and the vegetables squeezed out. Before frying, eggplants can be rolled in a mixture of eggs and flour or eggs and breadcrumbs. If the eggplants are young and medium-sized, then they can be peeled before cooking and not peeled.

How long to fry eggplant?

On medium heat no more than 7-10 minutes. Readiness is determined by softness and the appearance of a golden crust.

Recipe 1: Fried Eggplant Classic Recipe

  1. eggplant,
  2. flour,
  3. salt,
  4. vegetable oil

Cut the pre-washed eggplant into thin slices, salt and bread in flour.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the eggplant until golden brown.
Serve immediately, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Sour cream can be served with eggplant.

Recipe 2: How to fry eggplant with garlic

  • eggplant - 1 kg
  • garlic - a few cloves
  • vegetable oil - 200 g.
  • dill - to taste

Wash eggplant, peel, cut into thin circles. Pour water into a bowl, dissolve salt in it and dip the eggplant circles into the bowl for 2-5 minutes so that they become salty and free from bitterness.
Fry until golden color on both sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
Pass the garlic through a garlic press or chop it in another way, put the chopped garlic on each circle of fried eggplant. Sprinkle circles of fried eggplant with dill.

Can eat fried eggplant with garlic as a main dish or serve as an appetizer. You can also make an eggplant sandwich by placing slices of fried eggplant on bread.

Recipe 3: Fried Eggplant with Tomatoes and Garlic

This is one of the easiest fried eggplant recipes. It is not only convenient, but also accessible even to novice cooks. These eggplants can be served during any feast, garnished with herbs and tomatoes.

  • 5 pieces of medium eggplant,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise,
  • 4 garlic cloves,
  • a few branches of greenery.

Cut the eggplant into small thin pieces, pour water over them, first placing them in a small bowl and add salt.

While the eggplant is soaking, you need to cook garlic Sause. Grind garlic cloves in a garlic press and mix with mayonnaise.

Cut the tomatoes into thin circles, and finely chop the greens.

Remove the eggplants from the water, blot with a paper towel and fry in hot oil for one to two minutes, on each side.

Take the eggplant out of the bowl. Pat dry with paper towel. Fry them in hot oil for about 1-2 minutes on each side.

Put the prepared eggplants on big dish. Top generously grease them with sauce and put chopped tomatoes. Sprinkle with herbs and appetizing snack ready! These eggplants can be consumed both hot and cold.

Recipe 4: Fried Eggplant with Cheese and Tomato + Baked

This dish can be served as a side dish or as independent snack. Cooking such eggplants will not take much time, and their aroma will instantly win the heart of any guest.

Wash fresh eggplants of the same size, peel and cut lengthwise so that pieces 1-2 centimeters thick are obtained. Pour well-salted eggplants with cool water and leave in this form for about forty minutes, so that bitterness leaves them.

Remove eggplant from water, dry well and fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Put the fried eggplants on a baking sheet in one layer and add salt. On top of the eggplant, lay out the sliced ​​​​tomatoes, which are sprinkled with garlic squeezed through the garlic. Next, sprinkle the eggplants generously with grated cheese, if desired, you can add greens: parsley or basil. Eggplant must be baked in the oven for thirty minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Recipe 5: How to fry eggplant in batter

  • 200 grams of eggplant,
  • 40 grams of flour
  • 50 milliliters of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 40 milliliters of vegetable oil,
  • a pinch of salt.

Washed and peeled eggplant cut into small slices. Mix egg, milk and flour until uniform consistency. Eggplant slices must be well salted and dipped in batter, after which they are immediately fried on both sides in hot oil. This dish is great for mashed potatoes and served hot.

This is a fairly simple dish in the cooking process, very reminiscent of fried mushrooms in its taste.

  • 3 medium young eggplants
  • 3 heads onion,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 4 garlic cloves,
  • vegetable oil,
  • herbs, salt, pepper to taste.

Wash the eggplant, peel, cut into small cubes, 2 centimeters wide and the same length. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a fork, add salt and pepper to them to taste. Put the eggplant into the resulting mixture, mix well so that the vegetables are completely covered with eggs. Leave the eggplant to soak for about twenty minutes.

At this time, cut the onion into small cubes and fry it for sunflower oil until golden. When the onion is fried, put the soaked egg mixture, eggplant, while the juice should not be used, it must be drained. Fry eggplant with onions well, stirring constantly. At the end, add the garlic squeezed out of the garlic and sprinkle the eggplants with finely chopped herbs. Once again, mix everything well, cover with a lid and let stand for a few more minutes.

Recipe 7: How to fry eggplant in Chinese

Fried eggplant in Chinese style will be excellent summer dish. Crispy vegetable crust combined with spicy sweet sauce and crumbly rice fans of oriental cuisine will surely like it.

  • 2 eggplant
  • vegetable oil for frying

For sauce:

  • 2 sweet peppers, any color
  • 1 onion
  • 1 hot peppers
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • piece of root fresh ginger the size of Walnut
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tomato paste
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 st. a spoonful of starch

For batter:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • some water

Wash eggplant, cut into plastics and salt. Mix with your hands so that the salt is evenly distributed and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Prepare the sauce. Peel and chop the ginger root into thin strips, peel the garlic and cut into pieces. Remove the seeds from the hot pepper and chop as finely as possible. Cut into cubes in a separate bowl Bell pepper and onion.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and put ginger, garlic and hot pepper. Slightly warm the spices and add the onion with sweet pepper. Stirring, cook for 5 minutes. Vegetables should remain crispy.

Add soy sauce to taste, tomato paste, sugar and water. I never measure the amount of water with a glass. I just pour it from a boiling kettle to get the right volume. Boil everything.

IN a small amount water, dilute the starch and thicken the sauce with it. If we add a drop here sesame oil, you can get a slightly different taste.

Prepare eggplant batter. To do this, mix egg whites with starch and water. You should get a thin dough.

Squeeze the juice from the eggplant, dip each piece in batter and deep-fry. Instead of batter, you can use dry flour. Such eggplants will turn out with a crispy crust. But they can be fried without everything, in the usual way- in a frying pan on both sides.

Submit ready eggplant into the boiling sauce and simmer for a few seconds. Fried eggplant is best served with fluffy rice.

In the people, this well-known vegetable was called "blue". This is only partly correct. Since a ripe vegetable can be light purple or dark purple in color. And even white. But the most delicious blue-black. Let's talk today about how to cook eggplant in a pan.

Do you know that there are secrets to cooking this vegetable? Despite the simplicity of the dishes, in order to really turn out tasty, they need to be prepared correctly. Let's figure out together how much to fry and what is the use of them. Of course, I will share with you the most delicious recipes.

It is better not to use them when they are ripe. Also, don't eat them raw. They contain dangerous substance- solanine. It is a poisonous glycoalkaloid found in plants of the nightshade family. Poisoning leads to nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and shortness of breath may appear. During heat treatment, the substance is practically destroyed. Still, it's better not to risk it.

If you read recipes different countries world, this vegetable is found almost everywhere. It can be boiled, grilled, baked, fried. Make caviar or salad out of it. A vegetable can be an independent dish, or it can become a side dish for meat.

Before cooking, it is advised to soak them in water with salt so that they do not taste bitter. But as practice shows, now they sell not bitter varieties at all. And yet I recommend soaking the fruit. The thing is that when frying, the vegetable absorbs a lot of oil. It's certainly delicious, but oh, how not useful.

If the pieces of vegetable are briefly soaked in salted water, they will then absorb a lot of oil. Fry in a ceramic or Teflon pan with a couple of drops of oil. It will turn out to be a very dietary dish.

How to fry eggplant in a pan

For most dishes, vegetables are cut into circles. And also sheets along the vegetable. The optimal thickness is 0.7-1 cm. Can be cut into cubes, also 1 cm in size.

Fry vegetables on both sides. IN different recipes May be different time cooking. On average, circles or sheets are fried for 5-7 minutes on each side. If these are cubes, it takes up to 10 minutes to fry. Stew vegetables a little longer - 15 minutes.

How much to fry with garlic

In the very simple recipe eggplant fried with garlic. To do this, they are cut into circles. Garlic is squeezed onto a vegetable, all slices are well lubricated. Dip the circles on both sides in flour. Don't cut the skin. So they will keep their shape well. If the skin is cut off, the vegetable will quickly turn into gruel and is more suitable for caviar.

Spread the circles in a well-heated oil in a frying pan. Fry vegetables on each side for 5 minutes. Watch for readiness. Depending on the variety and ripeness, the time may slightly increase. When the dish is ready, you can sprinkle parsley on top if desired.

How much to stew eggplant in a pan

If you are going to stew with garlic and tomatoes, then the cooking time will increase slightly. Since tomatoes release a lot of liquid and we need it to evaporate. Eggplants are cut into circles and pre-soaked in water. Then salt and pepper to taste. Tomatoes are also cut into rings. Spread vegetables on a hot skillet. Add garlic. Be sure to cover vegetable mix lid.

Stew over medium heat, stirring the vegetables every 5 minutes. In general, you will need a quarter of an hour to cook. At the end of cooking, the lid is opened and the vegetables are stewed for a couple of minutes without it.

Eggplants in batter

Vegetables are cooked with an egg, or rather with its protein. This is our batter. The fruits are peeled, cut into slices, salted and peppered. Proteins are whipped with flour and spices. Heat up the pan, pour in the oil. A circle of vegetable is dipped in batter and fried for 7 minutes on each side.

Delicious eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise

For this dish we need:

  • a couple of eggplants;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • 150 g of mayonnaise;
  • a glass of flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • 150-180 g of vegetable oil.

Cut the vegetable into slices 0.7-1cm. Place in a bowl and season well. He will start up the juice, while the bitterness will go away. Well, as I said, it will absorb less oil when frying. Then add half a glass of water to them to rinse them off. excess salt. Drain the water, put the vegetables on a paper towel.

Dip each circle in flour, then place on hot pan. You need to fry for 2-4 minutes on each side. Focus on the readiness of the product. A golden crust should appear.

Squeeze the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Lubricate the cooled circles with mayonnaise and put another slice of vegetable on top. Put eggplants with mayonnaise on a round dish and decorate them with parsley. They must be served chilled.

Recipe with garlic and tomatoes

It's simple but very tasty dish used as cold appetizer. For one large plate we need big eggplant and a couple of medium tomatoes. A few cloves of garlic, vegetable oil and salt to taste. For decoration we will use parsley.

Eggplants need to be washed and cut into slices a little thinner than 1 cm. It is better to take tomatoes that are dense, not overripe. This way they will keep their shape while frying. They are also cut into slices.

Heat the pan well, pour in the oil and fry each vegetable on both sides. It is not necessary to overcook, the crust should be golden. Put the eggplant on the dish first, then the tomatoes on top. Salt, squeeze the garlic on the tomatoes, distribute evenly over all the circles. Then finely chop the parsley and sprinkle over the whole dish. Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour. After that, you can serve it to the table 🙂

Eggplant with meat in a pan

This dish is prepared quickly because chicken meat is used. In combination with onions and garlic, it turns out very fragrant and tasty. To prepare, take:

  • half a kilo of minced chicken (you can do it yourself);
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 2 pieces of eggplant;
  • 150 g of vegetable oil;
  • seasonings and salt to taste;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

The fruits should be cut obliquely by 0.7 mm. Place them in salt water for 15-20 minutes. During this time, grind in a blender or finely chop the garlic and onion. Add it to the minced chicken along with one egg. Salt and pepper to taste.

Beat the other two eggs in a bowl with a whisk, we need them for batter. Pour the flour onto a plate. Remove eggplant from salt solution, rinse and dry with paper towels. Lay out minced chicken in small portions on plates. Roll them with meat in flour, then dip in eggs. Place meat side down in skillet. Fry on each side until done.

This independent dish. If desired, ready-made slices can be sprinkled with herbs. Bon appetit!

Chinese eggplant dish

For cooking, take 4-5 large eggplants. Some large potatoes. A couple of sweet green peppers, a few cloves of garlic, soy sauce. Salt to taste, 100 g of starch and soybean oil. If this is not possible, you can fry on vegetable.

Vegetables need to be peeled and cut into large bars. If it is large, you should have about 8 pieces. Cut the potatoes into circles, and the pepper into 2 cm squares. Starch should be diluted with water, about 180 ml.

Fry the potatoes first to get a crispy crust. Remove it, and put the eggplants on the same oil. When they become soft add the fried potatoes. Pour everything with soy sauce, and diluted starch. Mix the ingredients. Starch sauce should become viscous and transparent.

As soon as this happens, turn off the stove, squeeze out the garlic and add the pepper. Mix everything and leave for a few minutes. The pepper will soften a little - the dish is ready.

I found a video for you on how to cook rolls with nut filling. For those who prepare them for the first time, this illustrative example will be useful.

Useful properties and calorie content

I love these vegetables for their taste and low calorie. raw vegetable has only 24 calories per 100 g. But when frying, they absorb oil and the calorie content rises to 107 calories per 100 g. There will be 132 calories with garlic and tomatoes. Of course, the lowest-calorie options are boiled, grilled and baked. That is why it is actively used in dietary dishes.

If you regularly eat eggplant, you can lower cholesterol. Therefore, the vegetable is useful for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Potassium perfectly strengthens the heart muscle. And also participates in water exchange.

Fruits are also useful in that they remove salts of uric acid. Therefore, they are included in the diet of hearts and patients with gout. It is also useful for constipation, diseased liver, kidneys. Regulate lipid metabolism substances water-salt balance. They are indicated for those who suffer from edema and if there are problems with digestion.

Cook with pleasure! Don't forget to subscribe for updates, join me in in social networks. Until we meet again, bye everyone.

Despite the demand for popular multi-colored fruits, we often think about how to cook eggplant so that the dish is not trivial, pleases with the novelty of tastes, the beauty of the external design. The presented recipes of dishes meet all the requirements of high culinary art.

Sauté eggplant at home

The original dish, in the name of which you immediately feel French origin, easy to cook at home.

Composition of products:

  • young eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • a pinch of regular sugar;
  • bulbs and bell peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • the amount of greens, garlic, we select at will.

Cooking method:

  1. Before deciding what can be cooked from eggplant, we take note of the first rule - we buy exclusively unripe blue ones. Such fruits do not have bitterness and pronounced tart "shades".
  2. Wash vegetables, dry with napkins, cut into slices up to 0.8 cm thick. Large slices we divide into halves.
  3. Chop peppers and onions into rings, tomatoes - thin plates. We spread the products in a saucepan in layers, lightly salt each row. Initially, we place the onion, then the pepper, then the blue pieces. We complete the decoration of the meal with circles of chopped tomatoes.
  4. Sprinkle the food with a pinch of sugar, place 3 chopped cloves of garlic, chopped herbs. Watering fragrant oil, simmer covered for 40 minutes.

Periodically shake the dish slightly, but in no case do not mix its contents. This is a must for French cooking!

Korean blue

Let's move on to Asian cuisine, which is distinguished by its ancient traditions and culinary features.

Required components:

  • sweet carrots - 1 kg;
  • eggplant - 3 pcs.;
  • lean (sunflower or olive) oil - 100 g;
  • soy sauce - 20 g;
  • vinegar - 30 g;
  • garlic cloves - 7 pcs.;
  • regular sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 10 g;

Cooking process:

  1. Cut clean eggplant into strips, salt, leave for 3 hours.
  2. We take out a special grater for cooking carrots in Korean, rub the sweet root crop, put it in a convenient bowl.
  3. Squeeze the blue ones from the released liquid, add to the bowl along with chopped garlic, salt, sprinkle with white sugar.
  4. Heat up in a frying pan vegetable oil, add the desired amount of hot pepper. watering vegetables spicy mixture, mix thoroughly, send to the refrigerator for several hours.

Eggplant in Korean - amazingly delicious spicy snack accompanying a variety of meat and other dishes.

Ragout with zucchini and tomatoes

List of ingredients:

  • large eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper (red);
  • Chile;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - 200 g;
  • salt, herbs.

Cooking technology:

  1. My blue ones, cut off the skin, divide into quarters up to 2 cm thick. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the fruits until brown. We constantly interfere with the composition, if necessary, add fat.
  2. In a separate bowl with oil, lay out the diced zucchini. When the pieces turn pink, add onion chopped in half rings, grated carrots, chopped strips of peeled pepper. We continue heating the food until cooked, at the end we place chopped tomatoes, chopped garlic, chopped chili, Provencal herbs, favorite greens.
  3. We combine the components in one pan, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly, simmer for 3 minutes.

Eggplant with tomatoes are especially good the next day.

Moussaka with eggplant and minced meat

Greek cuisine attracts many lovers of hearty and tasty food. One kind of appetizingly cooked dish "beats" on the spot, and the hand involuntarily reaches for the fork.

Required products:

  • cheese - 200 g;
  • minced veal - 400 g;
  • tomatoes and onions - 2 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • egg;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • whole milk- 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil;
  • wine (dry white) - 180 ml;
  • garlic (2 cloves), spices and spices (nutmeg, paprika, Provence herbs).

Moussaka preparation:

  1. Eggplant cut into long thin (up to 5 mm) plates. If there is any doubt about the presence of bitterness in the berries, put the product in a bowl, sprinkle with salt. We leave the "structure" for an hour under oppression, then drain the water. Proven way to eliminate solanine.
  2. Slices of blue fry alternately until golden brown.
  3. Saute in a frying pan with oil chopped onion in half rings. When the vegetable becomes soft, spread the minced meat, add salt, pepper, prepared spices and spices.
  4. We mix everything well, fry until the meat component is ready, then pour in the wine, simmer the food for a quarter of an hour in a closed form.
  5. Next, proceed to the preparation of bechamel sauce. Melt in a separate pan fresh oil, sift the flour. Break up any lumps with a spoon and add whole milk. Bring the composition to a boil, introduce the egg, place a third grated cheese. Heat the mixture for 3 minutes, turn off the heat.
  6. IN rectangular shape we overlap part of the fried eggplants, a layer of minced meat, the rest of the blue plates. Pour the food with bechamel sauce, sprinkle with cheese chips. We bake the dish for 30 minutes at 190 ° C.

You can cook moussaka with eggplant and minced meat in different variations. For example, make it spicier or arrange it with a soft and delicate taste.

Meal preparation:

  1. Boil rice and fillet in separate containers. Salt the water a little.
  2. We wash the eggplants, cut off the ends, divide the fruits into two halves. Blanch the food for 5 minutes in slightly salted water, then remove from the liquid. We extract the pulp from the cooled blue ones, forming peculiar boats from the crusts.
  3. Fry finely chopped onions in oil, add the separated vegetable pulp, grated carrots, rice, diced chicken meat. Salt and pepper, mix well.
  4. We fill the boats with the filling from the bird fillet, put it on a baking sheet, pour over with sour cream, send it to the oven for half an hour (180 ° C). 5 minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Eggplant in the oven - a win-win fast food delicious and very presentable food.

How to cook dried eggplant?

In the Mediterranean countries, the harvesting of blue ones by drying has long been appreciated.

With proper processing, eggplant retains almost all useful components.

Air drying:

  • Wash eggplant well, blot with napkins, cut into cubes, lay out a layer on white paper. For right technology cooking, select a warm dark place. Dry up to 6 days, periodically turning the slices. We cover the products with gauze, protecting from flies and insects.
  • We string whole fruits, cubes or halves of eggplants on a harsh thread, tie the ends to supports located in the blown area. At home, it can be a balcony or a loggia. So that they do not fall on a bunch Sun rays, cover the raw materials with sheets of paper or newspaper. Dry for about a week.
  • Eggplants can be prepared for the winter in the oven. To do this, we cut the fruits in the desired form (cubes, straws, halves) or use them as a whole. Spread the pieces in an even layer on a baking sheet, send to the oven, setting 160 ° C. Leave the door open. Cooking time - from 3 to 6 hours.
  • A good result gives cooking in an electric dryer. We cut the prepared vegetables in any shape with a slice thickness of up to 2 cm. The device instructions indicate the required weight of the loaded tray, temperature and processing time.

From the point of view of nutritionists, fried blue ones are on the side of evil, somewhere between a bowl of Olivier and french fries. But that's only because they don't know how to cook them properly! And you, too, do not deny yourself the pleasure! I will tell you how to fry eggplant in a pan simply, quickly and tasty, so that they practically do not absorb high-calorie and not quite healthy oil. 4 useful advice and 3 proven recipes for making delicious blue ones.

How to fry eggplant so that they do not burn and do not absorb a lot of oil

During frying, any vegetables absorb fat. But nightshade - especially. Little blue pieces, like a sponge, absorb vegetable oil, which greatly increases the calorie content of the dish and, alas, does not add to its usefulness. And if you pour less fat, then the vegetable will burn, it will turn out dry, tough, tasteless. It's good that there are a few tricks that will avoid all these problems. At the same time, the blue ones will turn out delicious, fried, soft, with a golden crust on top.

  1. An important stage of preparation is getting rid of the bitter taste. Sprinkle chopped eggplant before frying table salt coarse or medium grind. Stir. Let stand 20-30 minutes. Vegetables will release juice, with which all the bitterness will go away. To speed up the process, put oppression. Wash the blue ones. Press. Dry paper towels from moisture.
  2. To ensure that eggplants absorb as little fat as possible when frying, do not pour oil directly into the pan. It is better to add it to the blue ones (after salting, washing and push-ups). Mix with your hands so that the fat is evenly distributed over the pieces of vegetable. Fry in a dry pan.
  3. Another way to significantly reduce calories is to grease eggplant slices or a pan with a culinary brush or a special sprayer. A thin layer of fat will not allow the dish to burn, but it will not greatly affect the total number of calories.
  4. Good news for microwave oven owners. Bring the vegetable to half-cooked in the microwave (5-7 minutes at a power of about 900 watts). He must let the liquid in and soak it. And you can fry, spending only 2-4 tablespoons of butter per kilogram of the main ingredient. Fat (in a small amount) add directly to the pan. Slices simply will not absorb it, as the pores will close. Please note that blue ones need to be prepared beforehand (see point No. 1). No microwave oven? Use a steamer for this purpose.

Eggplant fried in circles - simple, fast and very tasty

Grocery list:

How to fry eggplant circles in a pan (step by step recipe with photo):

For frying, choose small vegetables. They usually have a denser pulp, small, soft bones, relatively thin skin, which can not be removed. Cut them into circles about 1-1.5 cm thick. Put them in a bowl. Salt well. Stir. Leave it on the table.

Prepare a sauce based on mayonnaise and garlic. You can also add fresh chopped herbs to it (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro), dried herbs and spices. I advise you to cook mayonnaise in, it's simple, fast, tasty and natural. Chop the peeled garlic cloves with a knife or press with a press. Stir. The sauce is ready.

This dark juice will stand out. Drain it. And rinse the little blue circles thoroughly from salt residues. Press. Prepare for frying, as I wrote.

Put in a pan with big amount well-heated vegetable oil. Roast until golden brown on medium fire. It is not necessary to cover with a lid.

Before frying, eggplant rounds can be rolled in flour or dipped in batter.

Flip over to the other side. Cook for a couple more minutes.

Remove excess oil from the surface with a paper towel. Just blot the finished rounds.

Lay out the "turret", spreading each layer with sauce. Or lay out the blue ones on flat dish and spread a thin layer of mayonnaise and garlic on top. This appetizer can be supplemented with fresh tomato slices.

Eggplant with vegetables, fried in slices, oriental style


Cooking method:

Cut young eggplants into cubes (circles, halves of circles, straws - as you like). Sprinkle with plenty of salt. Mix with your hands. Set aside for now.

Chop the onion into half rings. Fry until golden brown.

While the onion is frying, finely chop the garlic and hot pepper. Spicy lovers can take fresh spices more. We usually eat in moderation savory dishes so I removed the seeds from the chili.

Prepare the filling. Mix soy sauce with tomato paste and sugar. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

For the sauce to thicken faster heat treatment, add a teaspoon (heaping) of potato starch.

Transfer the fried onion to a bowl. Roast sweet peppers. Pre-clean it from seeds. Cut into strips.

Drain liquid from eggplant. Rinse them. Squeeze out the moisture from the vegetable slices. Process them according to your wishes. Remove the finished pepper for onion frying. Lay the eggplant slices on the pan. Fry in small batches until golden brown over medium heat. At the end of frying, add chopped spices. Cook for another minute.

Send the rest of the vegetables to the pan. Pour in the tomato sauce. Stir. Simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes until the sauce thickens. Salt if necessary. But be aware that soy sauce has a salty taste.

When serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Eggplant in a minced fur coat


Action plan:

Cut the blue ones into transverse plates, directing the knife obliquely. You will get oval pieces. Put them in a deep bowl. Add salt. Stir. Let stand 15-20 minutes. Drain off the liquid that has come out. Place the eggplant in a colander. Rinse under running water. Gently squeeze out the remaining water with your hands, blot with paper towels.

Get your coat ready. Add chopped greens, chopped garlic, pepper, salt to the minced meat. Mix with your hands.

Whisk the eggs.

Put a meat “cap” on top of a piece of blue.

Dip in beaten egg. Roll in flour or breadcrumbs.

Place minced side down in the pan to fry. Cook over medium heat until golden brown.

Then turn the eggplant over. Roast for 3-5 more minutes until done. Remove any oily residue with paper towels.

Serve hot. It turns out very juicy, fragrant and crispy.
