
Beer poisoning. Symptoms, what to do? Clinical picture of acute alcohol intoxication

Is it possible to get poisoned by beer nowadays? Naturally. In some cases, this is your body's intolerance to alcohol, in others - poor-quality or expired products - poisoning with expired beer, you can also get poisoned by alcohol if abused and in excess.

There is poisoning with draft beer, this happens in unsanitary conditions, when in a tray or at a point of sale, the seller did not follow the rules of hygiene, did not wash his hands, spilled beer into dirty, used glasses. In this variant, the symptoms of draft beer poisoning are similar to those of poor-quality, expired, spoiled products. There are known cases of beer poisoning when an unscrupulous manufacturer mixes poisonous alcohols into it - surrogate alcohol.
So, there was beer poisoning, what to do at home, what kind of assistance should be provided to the victim?

What to do with alcohol poisoning at home?

Consider the situation in detail - the symptoms of beer poisoning are listed below.

Initially, after a person drinks a certain amount of alcohol, alcohol intoxication sets in, which lasts for several hours. This condition is divided into three degrees: strong, moderate and weak.
Symptoms of poisoning appear at the stage of moderate intoxication with a transition to a strong one, and then a deep coma occurs.
We divide all the symptoms of poisoning into stages of intoxication in order to trace in more detail the general picture of the state of the body:

Stage 1 - Stage of light intoxication

The state of a person who has drunk a certain dose of alcohol becomes excited, he becomes overly emotional, talkative and mobile. Criticism and the ability to control oneself are reduced by an order of magnitude. Visibly shining eyes, facial coverings redden. There is an incomprehensible joy, relaxation, calmness. Salivation and sweating increases.

This state of the body after drinking small doses of alcohol passes quickly and without unpleasant consequences.

Stage 2 - Stage of moderate intoxication

Activity decreases, a person moves less, tends to sleep, lethargy and depression are observed. Speech is incoherent, the tongue begins to weave, coordination of movements is disturbed, it is impossible to focus attention on anything. The ability to control one's actions, as well as the ability to self-criticize, practically disappears, an adequate perception of the world around also disappears, one's capabilities are evaluated much higher than in a state of sobriety - reality.

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    The unpleasant consequences of this stage of intoxication will be - which is a mild alcohol intoxication of the body.

    Stage 3 - Stage of strong intoxication

    In the stage of severe intoxication, the symptoms of poisoning are obvious. A person has nausea, vomiting reactions are noted, it is impossible to make out, he is unable to walk on his own, blood pressure drops sharply, tachycardia is observed, the desire to sleep quickly turns into loss of consciousness, starting from deafness.

    Slowly but surely, the alcohol-poisoned person begins to fall into a coma.

    How to distinguish the state of coma?

    • consciousness and speech are absent;
    • pupils constrict and almost do not react to light;
    • immobility.

    To painful manifestations, or if you give the patient a sniff of ammonia, a person reacts with dilated pupils, a slight twitching of the muscles of the hands.
    The faster the state of coma develops, the weaker the person reacts to light, the pupils of the eyeballs dilate, their reaction to light disappears completely.
    The pain response gradually decreases and also disappears. Reflexes are not observed.
    The body temperature drops sharply, and the muscles are in a completely relaxed state.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not on your side yet ...

    And you already thought to code? It is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Pain in the liver, a hangover, problems with health, work, personal life ... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is a way to get rid of the pain? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva's article on modern methods of treating alcoholism...

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    Other beer poisoning

    If you mix spoiled beer with different types of other alcoholic products that contain toxic alcohol in its composition, poisoning begins in the same way, the symptoms are similar. Methanol poisoning is characterized by visual impairment, severe pain in the abdomen and abdominal cavity - the result or entileglycol.
    Consciousness is oppressed and the development of a coma also occurs.
    In such cases, all events are much accelerated than in poisoning with beer alone.
    When food poisoning occurs, from dirty glasses or hands of the seller, as well as from expired beer, the first signs will be vomiting reactions, upset stools, pain in the abdomen, and fever.

    What to do if suddenly there was a poisoning with beer products?

    First, consider some cases in which you cannot do without a doctor and urgent medical care and you need to resort to calling an ambulance:

    • if the person's consciousness is disturbed;
    • cardiac and respiratory activity is disturbed;
    • visions of hallucinations;
    • psychosis;
    • other serious illnesses.

    The patient can stay at home with mild and moderate intoxication of the body, when everything is in order with the heart and breathing.

    If there was a slight beer poisoning, what to do, first aid:

    1. take activated charcoal or other sorbents;
    2. drink plenty of tea or water;
    3. leave the patient alone and allow him to sleep.

    If moderate poisoning occurs, then:

    1. it is necessary to wash the stomach in small portions, half a liter of water, until the washings are cleared, then give sorbents;
    2. in case of loss of consciousness, the victim should be laid on a flat and hard surface, and his head turned to the side, so that vomiting does not enter the respiratory tract, and the tongue does not sink. Next, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Therapeutic measures for severe poisoning

    Every minute is important here, if an unconscious patient is in a coma, he is urgently taken to intensive care. His breathing occurs through an artificial respiration apparatus, and the stomach is washed with a probe.
    Mucus and vomit from the respiratory tract and mouth are removed. If there is such a need, a toilet of the bronchial tree is carried out.
    In case of poisoning with surrogates, a hemodialysis procedure may be required.
    From the very first day, after the patient is admitted to the clinic in an unconscious state, he is prescribed a course of antibiotics, the work of the heart requires normalization.

    Treatment of food beer intoxication of the body

    In the case of food poisoning with beer, the patient is mainly treated at home and only in severe forms - in a hospital.
    Recommendations - drink a lot, drink sorbents, eat right as prescribed by a doctor. This is a strong brewed tea without sugar with breadcrumbs, jelly, pureed cereals.
    In case of difficult course of poisoning, the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs, the introduction of saline solutions intravenously.
    Cases of poisoning with arsenal beer are not uncommon, as, indeed, with beer of other brands.

    Drinking beer after intoxication

    Drinking beer after poisoning is not recommended if cravings and dependence on alcohol allow it. You should let the body recover and get a long-awaited rest, especially after severe poisoning. For two or three months, you should forget about beer and other alcohol, inclusive. Then you can gradually drink beer again, but in small quantities. However, if you have a desire to live a long and healthy life, you should.

    The progenitors of beer in the Middle Ages were monks. Since then, several centuries have passed, and their brainchild has not lost its popularity and is in great demand, especially among young people.

    Interest in the drink stimulates the expansion of the range in this production. Now the attention of the buyer is presented with a wide selection of types and brands, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness.

    There are a huge number of old and modern recipes for making such a popular foam, but the principle of this process does not change.

    Such a popular friend of entire generations is the product of a fermentation reaction of barley malt, brewer's yeast and hops, the strength of which varies depending on the alcohol content and ranges from 1-14% alcohol per liter.

    Often, adherents consider it low-alcohol and not dangerous, so they do not count the mugs and bottles they drink, risking poisoning.

    Chemical composition and nutritional value of beer

    The ripening process requires a certain time and compliance with the necessary conditions, but in order to obtain momentary results, some negligent manufacturers replace natural processes with the use of chemical additives, increasing the threat of intoxication.

    True fans should preferably stop their choice on the goods of well-known manufacturers that produce a quality product that will not harm health.

    There is an opinion that these noble varieties, beloved by many, do not harm a person and can even be useful due to the vitamins and antioxidants that they contain.

    For these people, I want to show harmful components:

    • The content of ethyl alcohol can vary from 1% to 14% - this determines the strength of the drink;
    • The presence of narcotic elements formed during the processing of hops;
    • The use of preservatives to increase the shelf life of the product;
    • Fusel oils secreted by malt and barley;
    • carcinogenic resins.
    • Poisonous alcohols - methanol, propanol and the like.

    Causes of beer poisoning

    The percentage of these toxic components is usually low, but they tend to accumulate with constant use, which increases the risk of intoxication.

    It can be said with confidence that cases of poisoning, both food and alcohol, with frequent and exorbitant consumption, are by no means a rare phenomenon. According to the method of production, beer is divided into filtered and unfiltered, "live" and pasteurized.

    Pasteurized varieties are stored for up to 6 months, and those that have not undergone heat treatment - from 7 days to 1 month at a temperature of 10-15°C . An inattentive attitude to the specified shelf life when buying can lead to the purchase of an already damaged product.

    After the specified time, the composition of the drink changes, it turns sour and becomes unusable, there is a chance to get poisoned. The content and transportation of goods in violation of storage conditions also leads to a change in the quality and composition of the drink.

    Satisfying the desire that sometimes arises in the summer heat to cool off with draft, lovers endanger their health. Very often, at such outlets, sanitary and hygienic standards are violated during spills.

    We conclude that the use of beer on draft, expired or stored in inappropriate conditions is often the cause of food poisoning.

    What is known about the signs of beer food poisoning:

    • The first sign is nausea and vomiting;
    • Diarrhea;
    • An increase in the temperature of the victim;
    • Pain in the abdomen;
    • Weakness.
    • In addition to food, there is a danger of alcohol poisoning. Drinking mug after mug, a person gets drunk more and more.

    Am I an alcoholic?

    The stages of alcohol intoxication vary from mild stage when it is more difficult to control one's behavior, the mood improves, a sparkle and a feeling of inexplicable joy appear in the eyes, the person becomes very talkative.

    This condition usually resolves in a short time and without any complications.

    The continuation of the beer feast manifests itself average degree of intoxication. It is characterized by drowsiness, distracted attention, the possible appearance of hallucinations, impaired coordination of movements, speech becomes lethargic and illegible. At this stage, signs of alcohol poisoning are visible, and when you exit it, a hangover occurs, followed by a feeling of weakness and soreness.

    Severe degree intoxication is marked by slurred speech, lowering of pressure, nausea, vomiting. The work of the heart is disrupted. The aggravation of the condition can lead to loss of consciousness and the development of an alcoholic coma.

    The main symptoms of beer intoxication:

    • Nausea, vomiting;
    • indigestion and diarrhea;
    • Sharp pains and cramps in the abdomen;
    • Dizziness is accompanied by a headache;
    • Chills and fever;
    • Failures in the work of the heart;
    • Violation of coordination of movements;
    • Unintelligible speech.

    The severe stage of alcohol poisoning with beer in some cases threatens to go into a coma.

    Stages of alcoholic coma

    Alcoholic coma has 3 stages of development: superficial, medium and deep.

    Being in the superficial stage of a coma, the patient is in an unconscious state, a weak reaction to pain stimuli, twitching of the limbs is manifested, breathing is disturbed, the face turns red.

    The second stage is determined by complete loss of consciousness, increased blood pressure, complete relaxation of muscles, spontaneous salivation and urination, disruption of the heart and respiratory organs.

    In the deep stage, there is a violation of the functions of the brain, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and renal failure may occur. which can lead to fatal outcome.

    What else causes beer poisoning?

    In addition to excessive consumption, there are a number of other causes of alcohol intoxication. This condition can occur when mixing beer with stronger or surrogate alcohol, which, in addition to ethyl alcohol, may contain methanol or propanol.

    Visual impairment indicates methanol poisoning, abdominal pain indicates the presence of isopropyl alcohol in the drink. The presence of narcotic elements leads to alcohol dependence with active consumption.

    How to help with alcohol poisoning? Having determined the state of a coma in a patient, it is urgent to call an ambulance - this will help preserve the health and often the life of the victim. Severe poisoning and coma are treated in a hospital with the necessary assistance in these cases and the appointment of adequate treatment.

    Mild and moderate poisoning for the most part does not require medical intervention and hospitalization and takes place at home or on an outpatient basis.

    To begin with, we stop the flow of alcohol into the body. If a person is conscious, we induce vomiting and for complete cleaning we do a gastric lavage.

    First aid

    When providing first aid, it is advisable for the patient not to harm him. Gastric lavage is done with clean warm water, in which manganese cannot be added to avoid burning the mucous membrane.

    We suggest drinking plenty of water in small portions to prevent dehydration. The complete removal of toxic elements is facilitated by the intake of black activated carbon in the calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, instead of black, you can use white coal and other sorbents using the accompanying instructions.

    To eliminate pain and cramps in the stomach, you need to take a no-shpy pill, aspirin will help relieve headaches. Next, you need rest and restful sleep. In the morning, it is advisable to drink chicken broth or juice. For several days, a special diet and abstinence from alcohol will be required.

    If the procedures performed did not help the patient, it is necessary to call a doctor. After the examination, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

    Measures for severe beer poisoning

    Severe alcohol intoxication requires hospitalization and special care. Prior to the arrival of emergency assistance, first aid must be provided.

    If the victim is unconscious, he is turned on his side to prevent the tongue from sinking, and the mouth is freed from vomit.

    Medical workers free the respiratory organs from mucus and vomit, fix the tongue to ensure breathing, use a probe to do gastric lavage.

    If breathing problems occur, the pulmonary trunk is cleansed and, if necessary, forced ventilation of the lungs. A saline solution is administered by drip, with insulin and glucose for the speedy removal of toxins.

    The work of the heart is stimulated by caffeine and cordiamine. Injections of vitamins B and C are given to support the nervous system. In severe cases, hemodialysis is performed.

    Treatment of beer poisoning at home

    Mild to moderate food poisoning is treated at home. To remove the remnants of toxins, the stomach is cleansed with warm water. Then you need to drink a few tablets of activated charcoal or another sorbent - this will help to completely clear the stomach and stop vomiting.

    When poisoned, intense thirst occurs due to loss of fluid. Increased drinking will help restore water balance. It is better to drink water, strong slightly sweetened tea can be with crackers.

    In nutrition, adhere to a diet: chicken broth, pureed cereals and jelly. It is worth limiting the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks to restore liver function.

    Stop smoking and give up beer and in general from any alcohol for a long time. And after a full recovery of health, be careful about the amount of beer you drink, even if it's expensive.

    In Russia, the treatment of diseases with the help of alcohol has long been practiced. Homemade moonshine, expensive wine or beer are used. There are even folk recipes that prescribe to take this or that drink for certain diseases. For example, some amateur healers recommend drinking beer for food poisoning. It is believed that this helps to reduce pain and bring recovery closer. But is this true and is it possible to drink beer in case of poisoning without putting your own body at risk?

    Food poisoning is often understood as food poisoning in a broad sense. Therefore, to begin with, you should understand what is considered to be food intoxication in medical practice! In most cases, this is an acute disease provoked by eating food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products - a variety of organic toxins. Viral poisoning occurs less frequently. In some cases, poisoning is caused by the ingestion of non-microbial toxic substances into the digestive tract, for example, eating poisonous species of mushrooms or fish.

    Also, in addition to food poisoning, there are some other most common types of intoxication:

    • Gassing;
    • Poisoning by pesticides of organic and inorganic nature;
    • Poisoning with various acids and alkalis;
    • Poisoning with drugs;
    • As well as alcohol intoxication;

    Of course, drinking beer with such types of poisoning is out of the question.

    Help with poisoning

    The meaning of helping with any type of poisoning is to detoxify the body as quickly as possible.. It is for this that in case of food poisoning, patients are offered a large amount of liquid, and then they induce vomiting, which allows the stomach to be cleansed of a large proportion of toxins. Often, it is precisely such a treatment that leads people to the idea that light alcoholic beverages, including beer, can be easily used instead of water. Let's look at some of the arguments.

    Arguments for"

    Proponents of treating indigestion with beer offer three arguments in defense of their position. The first is that alcohol can dull a person's senses, including pain. Therefore, the use of beer helps to alleviate the fate of the patient. In addition, unlike artificially created analgesic drugs, beer is a natural product.

    One of the consequences of poisoning is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which causes problems with digestion of food, vomiting and diarrhea. At the same time, beer has a dense body, so it envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting the mucous membrane from the effects of irritating factors. This helps to eliminate discomfort, as well as shorten the treatment time.

    Alcohol is a highly effective agent for the destruction of microorganisms. Here it is worth noting right away that a sufficiently high concentration of alcohol must be achieved in order to destroy bacteria. In addition, in case of toxic poisoning, alcohol will only accelerate the absorption of toxic substances through the walls of the stomach. In general, having not decided on the nature of the pathogenesis of such a “treatment”, it is better to avoid it altogether.

    Arguments against

    So, above we have given the arguments of those who consider beer an effective remedy for food toxicity caused by the intake of poor-quality food. But what do those who answer negatively to the question whether it is possible to drink beer on departure think? After all, they also have arguments in defense of such a position.

    Beer contains alcohol, and when it enters the stomach, it irritates the mucous membrane, aggravating the inflammatory process. The fact that a small dose of a foamy drink under normal circumstances does not cause pain in a person should not be considered as a pattern. Yes, a healthy stomach can easily withstand the effects of a moderate amount of alcohol, but when poisoned, it becomes weakened and defenseless, so even a small portion of not the strongest beer will cause an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, during this period it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol, replacing strong drinks with green tea, the healing properties of which are much higher.

    Drinking alcoholic beverages during the period of poisoning can seriously harm the pancreas, which is not able to break down ethyl alcohol on its own due to the lack of necessary enzymes in it. However, at the time of intoxication, this body works for wear and tear. Thus, drinking beer during poisoning can lead to significant complications and even pancreatitis.

    In case of poisoning, the liver also suffers, which also suffers a significant overload. At the same time, alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the liver, which is already overloaded with food poisoning. As a result of the effect of alcohol on the human liver, digestion slows down, the breakdown of toxic substances stops, which affects the patient's well-being.

    Carbon dioxide, which is contained in large quantities in beer, can also irritate the gastric mucosa, which is unacceptable in such situations!

    Another argument against drinking beer in the acute phase of toxicity is associated with antibiotics, which are prescribed when foodborne infections enter the body. The drugs inhibit bacteria and eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but at the same time they are absolutely incompatible with alcohol. The simultaneous use of antibiotics and alcoholic beverages can provoke an exacerbation and serious consequences: nausea, headache and vomiting, and in some cases death is possible. Among the drugs, the combination of which with alcohol is undesirable, is the common antibiotic levomycetin and the disinfectant furazolidone. In the article you will find detailed information on why you should not drink beer while taking antibiotics.

    So, what is the advice to those who are wondering if it is possible to drink beer in case of poisoning? A small dose of your favorite drink can muffle the pain and help you relax. But at the same time there is a high probability of deterioration in well-being and the return of the disease to the acute phase. Whether it is worth risking your health with such prospects is up to you. However, we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor in case of any poisoning, and in order to avoid possible health problems, do not make independent decisions.

    Write about your attitude to drinking beer during food poisoning in

    Beer is a fairly popular alcoholic beverage. It is the market of beer products in Russia that is the largest in the world. Among the population, the need for this low-alcohol drink is quite high. Is beer poisoning possible? What to do when poisoning occurs?

    beer intoxication

    beer poisoning

    Despite the fact that beer is a low-alcohol drink, poisoning from its excessive consumption is not uncommon. There are several reasons for the development of beer intoxication, among which excessive consumption of an alcoholic beverage can be put in the first place. Many cold beer drinkers lose track of the amount they drink, which leads to serious poisoning. Before you start getting acquainted with this drink, you should definitely find out if there is alcohol intolerance. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction after its use.

    Beer poisoning can also occur when surrogate alcohol is mixed with it. Contains toxic alcohols. Similarly, many drinkers try to increase the degree. It is important to check the expiration date of the product before drinking beer. After all, expired beer is much easier to get poisoned by drinking even a small amount.

    You can also get poisoned by draft beer, which is generally not recommended to drink. When it is spilled, in most cases, sanitary standards and the required hygiene are not observed, which leads to food poisoning in those who risk drinking it.

    draft beer

    Food toxification in this case occurs quite quickly. Symptoms of poisoning appear within an hour after drinking the drink.

    Composition of beer

    Beer is a food product that has a regulated and standardized manufacturing process. It is subject to the same requirements as for other food products. The safety of drinking a low-alcohol drink depends on its quality.

    Poor quality products may include the following substances:

    • oils extracted from barley, malt and hops;
    • waste products of bacteria;
    • foaming cobalt;
    • preservatives;
    • carcinogenic resins.

    Although these substances do not cause poisoning, they have a negative effect on the body.

    You can poison yourself with beer only when it sours.

    If you use this product in this state, then an equivalent reaction occurs, as after the inclusion of rotten meat in the diet.

    Note! You can drink only high-quality beer and you need to do it in moderation. An excessive amount of even high-quality low-alcohol products can cause poisoning.

    Symptoms of poisoning

    Symptoms of poisoning

    Symptoms of poisoning can be recognized almost immediately. They are similar to the signs of food poisoning.

    Alcohol poisoning with beer is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • liquid stool;
    • vomiting and nausea;
    • stomach ache;
    • characteristic weakness.

    There may also be symptoms such as an increase in subfebrile temperature and a decrease in appetite. It should be noted that after drinking a low-alcohol drink, poisoning makes itself felt quickly enough. Symptoms may occur in combination or separately.

    Symptoms of intoxication after eating low-quality products look different. Intoxication of the body occurs due to exposure to the body of ethanol and toxic substances such as aldehydes, cadaverine, methanol and resins. Symptoms of intoxication after use are the appearance of impaired consciousness, gestures and facial expressions. In this case, there is a slowdown in breathing, muscle relaxation, redness of the face and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

    Note! An overdose can cause the development of an alcoholic coma or paralysis of the respiratory apparatus. That is why treatment should be carried out in a timely manner.

    Medical measures

    Activated carbon

    What to do if the above symptoms occur? What measures can be taken at home? First of all, it is recommended to wash the stomach. This procedure is necessary in the presence of vomiting. Washing should be done with boiled warm water. After the cessation of vomiting, it becomes necessary to restore the level of fluid in the body. To do this, you should drink drinking water at room temperature in sufficient quantities. This will help prevent dehydration from developing.

    Treatment at home is recommended to be carried out with the help of adsorbents. The most effective is activated charcoal, which removes harmful substances from the body. If a person has symptoms of poisoning at this stage, then further treatment is not required. If there is an increase in body temperature, then you need to do the following:

    • call an ambulance;
    • provide the patient with plenty of fluids;
    • do not bring down the temperature with medication.

    You should not do any manipulations on your own regarding the elimination of alcohol intoxication. Only a doctor can prescribe droppers to remove toxins from the body and eliminate dehydration. Self-medication in this case can be fatal.

    Note! Treatment of alcohol intoxication should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Drinking alcoholic beverages after poisoning is possible only after the body is fully restored.

    After poisoning, you should follow a diet

    After the treatment is completed, the patient can switch to a sparing diet. During therapy, it is allowed to use only separate products that have been subjected to gentle thermal treatment in liquid form. Drinking beer after the treatment is over is not allowed for quite a long time. It is possible to drink alcoholic beverages in the future, but this should be done wisely, choosing only high-quality alcohol.

    Your mark:

    In medical practice, there are many cases of beer poisoning. There may be several reasons for this toxicity. For example, excessive consumption of a foamy drink, poor quality of the product, simultaneous use with other alcohol, and food poisoning from beer is also possible. Symptoms are usually manifested by nausea and vomiting. In severe cases (with a coma), urgent medical care and further treatment in a hospital are necessary.

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      Causes of beer poisoning

      There are several reasons for beer poisoning:

      • Excessive consumption, resulting in alcohol intoxication.
      • Low quality drink.
      • Simultaneous consumption of beer with other alcoholic beverages.
      • Non-observance of sanitary and hygienic standards when selling draft beer: use of dirty containers, unwashed hands.

      Signs of intoxication

      Drinking large amounts of beer can lead to poisoning. In this case, the consequences of alcohol intoxication are practically no different from those that can be observed when drinking stronger drinks.

      After taking a certain amount of foamy drink, a person first gets drunk, then poisoning occurs. Symptoms begin to appear with an average degree of intoxication with a transition to a strong one. In severe cases, a superficial and then a deep coma occurs.

      Food poisoning

      Cases of food poisoning from beer are much less common. They are caused by the use of a low-quality product, in which bacteria have time to multiply, which leads to the development of intoxication.

      Typical symptoms of such poisoning are:

      • the occurrence of nausea and vomiting a few hours after drinking the drink;
      • violation of the stool - diarrhea;
      • the appearance of cramping pain in the abdomen;
      • temperature rise to subfebrile indicators;
      • headache accompanied by dizziness;
      • skin blanching;
      • violation of the heart rhythm;
      • pressure drop.

      If beer was consumed in small quantities, then signs of intoxication may be completely absent.

      Treatment of mild poisoning

      Eliminate signs of poisoning after drinking beer at home is possible in case of mild and moderate intoxication. Especially if the victim has no violations of the cardiac and respiratory systems. First aid comes down to the following:

      • gastric lavage;
      • taking sorbents;
      • drinking large amounts of water or weakly brewed tea.

      If the drink was fair, after which the person lost consciousness, then it must be laid on the floor, turning his head to the side. So you can prevent the ingress of vomit into the organs of the respiratory system and retraction of the tongue. Then you need to call an ambulance.

      Treatment of severe poisoning

      With severe poisoning, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner. With a severe degree of intoxication, the patient will need resuscitation.

      He is hospitalized and then brought back to normal in the hospital. If the victim is in a coma, the trachea will be incubated to ensure the respiratory process, after which the stomach will be washed with a probe.

      Further treatment in stationary conditions involves suction of vomit from the respiratory organs, cleaning of the bronchial tree and formed diuresis. The procedure ensures the rapid removal of toxic compounds from the body by increasing the volume of urine. If necessary, the victim is prescribed hemodialysis - extrarenal blood purification. To prevent aspiration pneumonia and stabilize cardiac activity, antibiotics are administered immediately, without waiting for the patient to regain consciousness.

      Treatment for food poisoning

      Treatment of severe food poisoning is carried out in the infectious diseases department. In the case of the course of the disease in a mild to moderate degree, outpatient observation will be sufficient.
