
How to cook delicious hot sandwiches in a pan - step by step recipes with photos. Hot sandwiches with sausage, egg and cheese

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

A sandwich is food for all occasions. They are prepared in haste for breakfast, as an appetizer before dinner, for tea or coffee, for a festive table, a buffet table, they take them on the road and on. Sandwiches are open and closed, hot and cold, sweet, spicy, salty, snacks in the form of canapes and puff. There are even sandwich cakes and sandwich rolls. The simplest sandwich can be made in a minute, just put a piece of boiled meat, ham or cheese on a slice of bread. And that's it, an open sandwich is ready to eat, which you can have a bite to eat without looking up from work or an urgent matter. In general, sandwiches make it possible not only to have a quick bite or prepare breakfast in five minutes, but also to attach products that are left in a small amount. These are the sandwiches we will cook, and at the same time we will see what else we can make a sandwich spread from.
Sandwiches with egg and cheese - photo recipe of the day.

- white loaf, whole grain or rye bread - your choice;
- boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
- processed cheese or hard cheese - 100 gr;
- mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- parsley or dill - a few branches;
- fresh herbs, tomatoes or sweet peppers - to decorate sandwiches.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We cut any bread into slices about 1 cm thick. You can take bread for toast or sliced ​​bread.

To make the slices of a white loaf look more appetizing, and the bread crunched pleasantly, we brown the slices in a toaster or in the oven, and if the situation allows, we also rub a clove of garlic.

For spreading, grate processed or hard cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. You can immediately in one plate. If there are no boiled eggs, but you really want such sandwiches, boil two eggs. It is very easy to do this. Dip the eggs in cold water (the water should cover the eggs completely), put on medium heat. As soon as the water begins to boil intensively, we note the time. Hard boiled eggs are boiled for 10 minutes (we need these). To make the shell easy to remove, drain the hot water and immediately fill the eggs with very cold water and let them cool in the water. Then we clean and three on a fine grater.

Mix eggs, cheese and finely chopped parsley or dill. Add mayonnaise to taste. If necessary, add a little salt, you can add garlic, if appropriate (grate it or squeeze it through the garlic). Do not forget that garlic has a specific strong smell, and if you have a working day ahead, then prepare sandwiches for breakfast without garlic.

We spread slices of bread with prepared cheese and egg mass, decorate with herbs and pieces of vegetables. That's it, delicious, hearty sandwiches are ready!

On a note. Sandwiches are not considered healthy food, but this can be completely corrected if you use either rye bread and choose a low-calorie spread for it. In this recipe, instead of mayonnaise, sour cream or low-fat yogurt is quite suitable - then the sandwich will turn out not so high-calorie.

Options for sandwich spreads (they are also suitable for croutons)

Grated processed cheese (or hard cheese) with garlic and mayonnaise
- canned fish in oil grated with garlic and mayonnaise
- thick curd mass with yogurt and herbs + salt to taste
- fried mushrooms with sour cream
- salted or smoked fish (bread spread with butter)
- grated carrots with garlic and mayonnaise or with nuts and mayonnaise
- sliced ​​tomatoes + basil, salt, pepper, olive oil
- any pate
- various salads from finely chopped products
- fried eggplants with tomatoes and mayonnaise
- boiled chicken, cheese, egg, mayonnaise
- cottage cheese, nuts, a lot of greens, yogurt, salt, pepper, garlic.

Often you have to get into situations when the hostesses simply do not have time to prepare a chic table and show off their culinary skills. Having come running from work, everyone is faced with the question: “What would you like to have a bite to eat” or, if the guests suddenly complained: “What to do quickly, but tasty?”. Not so long ago, small 90-gram or 100-gram processed cheeses came into wide use. This is the perfect helper to help out the situation. From it you can easily and quickly prepare snack sandwiches with cheese and garlic, feeding guests, relatives and friends.

To do this, you need a small set of products - cheese, garlic, bread (it is better to use a sliced ​​\u200b\u200bloaf, which will further reduce the cooking time and give the dish an aesthetic appearance, and the loaf does not crumble and is cut into equal pieces), mayonnaise, greens for decoration.

The recipe for cooking is elementary, it will not be difficult even for a schoolboy or student. Since there are not many ingredients, it is easy to guess that the curds need to be grated, pass the garlic through the garlic press, add a few tablespoons of mayonnaise, then stir and apply to the bread. The classic snack sandwich is ready. But if you give this dish a few more minutes of your time, you can make it even tastier and more beautiful.

Sandwiches with cheese and garlic and tomatoes - a juicy and spicy snack

Even if it's not time to harvest tomatoes, you can buy a few and make sandwiches with cheese and garlic and tomatoes. Tomatoes will add juiciness to the dish, and garlic - sharpness, which makes the dish especially tasty, even with all its simplicity and ease of preparation.

Required for cooking:

  • 1 loaf or baguette (the loaf can be immediately cut, the baguette will need to be cut into identical blanks);
  • 3 processed cheeses (it is better to use better and more expensive cheeses, because this is the main ingredient and it curls the whole taste of the snack);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 3-4 medium tomatoes;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Grate the cheese and mix with chopped garlic (with a knife or garlic press), add mayonnaise and spread the mixture on bread not very thick. Arrange the sliced ​​tomato on top and garnish with parsley. Such a sandwich is not complicated and the first thing will leave the table with any side dish.

    Sandwiches with cheese, garlic and kiwi - for lovers of pleasant sourness

    Lovers of pleasant sourness can treat themselves to sandwiches with garlic cheese and kiwi. Such a dish can be perfectly used as a festive dish and complement the table with it. But in everyday life, sandwiches will delight at lunch or dinner.

    To make sandwiches you will need:

    Grate the cheese (before rubbing the sausage cheese, it is better to cut off the crust), squeeze out the garlic or chop with a knife and add mayonnaise, then cut the kiwi into thin pieces along the fruit. Cut the bread and fry a little without oil. On toasted bread (it is possible not to toast bread - this is left for the chefs to choose from) spread the cheese mass and put beautiful kiwi on top.

    The combination of cheese and a subtle sour taste of kiwi will definitely appeal to you.

    Sandwiches with cheese, garlic and egg - light and satisfying

    You can diversify everyday food if you cook completely light and satisfying sandwiches with cheese, garlic and an egg. Using simple ingredients, you get a particularly tasty snack. And most importantly, even children can help in the preparation of such a dish.

    To prepare sandwiches based on approximately 6 ready-made sandwiches, you should prepare the following products:

    The first step is to boil the eggs and let them cool, and in the meantime cut the loaf and fry on one side if desired. Next, prepare the cheese mass. Since sandwiches are with cheese and garlic and mayonnaise, it is necessary to mix grated processed cheese with chopped garlic and mayonnaise. Then peel the eggs and grate them to the total mass, adding chopped greens. Mix everything thoroughly, put on bread. Can be served at the table.

    Sandwiches with garlic cheese and carrots - a tasty and healthy snack

    Raw carrots are good for humans, so by preparing garlic and carrot cheese sandwiches, you can please guests or household members not only with a delicious snack, but also with its useful components, such as carrots and garlic.

    Actually for such a snack dish you will need:

    Cooking is not difficult if you have experience in cooking elementary dishes. The first task is to prepare slices of bread. Next, you need to clean and wash the carrots, rub it on a grater. Add melted cheese, also grated, to carrots. Season all this with mayonnaise with chopped garlic, seasoning with salt and allspice. Spread all this mixture on bread and, if desired, garnish with a leaf of parsley or dill.

    Sandwiches with cheese and garlic and mayonnaise are a very versatile dish. The fantasy of chefs and ordinary women and men led him to various transformations. It is easy for every person to find their favorite sandwiches of this type. After all, you can add your favorite product to them, be it eggs, carrots, kiwi or tomatoes. The guests who have come will always remain full if there is such an appetizer dish prepared according to any of the proposed recipes on the table, and family members will love such sandwiches and ask for more the very next day.

In fact, a delicious and satisfying breakfast or snack can be prepared very quickly and easily. The network has many options for light dishes that even a novice hostess can handle. But today we will talk about the simplest and most versatile ones, those that, probably, everyone will like. These are sandwiches. They are enjoyed by both children and adults. And by preparing them with your own hands from proven ingredients, you can also get a non-harmful dish. Definitely not dangerous. So let's talk a little about this topic, tell you how to cook hot sandwiches with sausage, egg and cheese.

Delicious sandwiches with egg, cheese and hot sausage

To prepare such a dish, you should use three hundred grams of white bread (twelve slices), three tablespoons of mayonnaise, fifty grams of butter, three hundred grams of boiled sausage, one egg, one hundred and fifty grams of canned green peas and one hundred and fifty grams of hard cheese. Also stock up on one medium onion, herbes de provence spices, and ground black pepper, depending on your taste preferences.

Cut the sausage into smaller pieces, chop the onion as finely as possible (or chop it using a blender), grate hard cheese on a grater. Put these ingredients in a bowl, beat an egg into them, pepper and add Provence herbs. Mix well. Then add canned peas to the resulting mixture, be sure to drain all the liquid from it. Put the mayonnaise and mix gently (the peas should not be crushed).

Cut the bread into slices. Brush each with a little butter. Spread prepared mixture on top. Put the sandwiches on a baking sheet, covering it with a sheet of parchment, and send it to the oven, heated to one hundred and eighty degrees. After the sandwiches are slightly browned, put them on a dish and serve.

More sandwiches with cheese, sausage and egg

To prepare this version of sandwiches, Popular Health readers will need four slices of white bread, two chicken eggs, one hundred grams of hard cheese, eighty grams of sausage (or ham), a couple of lettuce leaves, fifty grams of butter and a little greens (to taste ).

Brush the slices of bread a little with butter, then put the butter down in a dry, heated frying pan and fry until nicely golden. Flip. Put a piece of cheese on two slices, cover with a lid and reduce the heat. After the cheese has melted a little, put the sausage on it, cover with a lettuce leaf and a second toasted piece of bread. Cover with a lid and leave for another thirty seconds - one minute.

In parallel, fry two fried eggs in the second pan. Place eggs on top of sandwiches and serve.

Hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and eggs in the microwave

To prepare this version of sandwiches, you should use several slices of bread, two hundred and fifty - three hundred grams of sausage, one hundred grams of semi-soft cheese, a couple of eggs, fifty grams of butter and a teaspoon of mustard.

Combine butter with mustard and stir. Lubricate slices of bread with the resulting mustard sauce. Cut the sausage into small cubes, put on bread. Grate the cheese on a medium-sized grater, put it in a bowl and beat the eggs into it. Mix well. Spread the cheese-egg mixture on top of the sausage on the sandwiches. Microwave for three minutes.

Delicious and satisfying hot sandwich in a frying pan

To prepare these sandwiches, you will need a couple of eggs, a couple of loaf slices and a couple of pieces of sausage. Also use hard cheese, salt and pepper.

Fry the sausage pieces. Put on a separate plate. Take slices of bread, cut out a square inside each. Put the bread in a pan heated with vegetable oil. Wait half a minute and drive an egg into each square. Salt and pepper, focusing on your taste preferences. Cover with a lid and wait until the eggs are cooked. About a minute before the end of cooking, put a sausage and a slice of cheese on each sandwich. Cover with a lid and turn off the fire. Wait until the sandwiches "reach" and serve them to the table.

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese and egg in the oven

To prepare such sandwiches, you need to use one loaf, two hundred grams of sausage, two hundred grams of hard cheese, one egg, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Take a bowl of a suitable size, beat an egg into it, add the prepared tomato paste with mayonnaise, mix. Chop up the sausage. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Add the sausage and cheese to the egg and tomato sauce and mix well.

Prepare slices of bread. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the bread on a baking sheet, put the cooked sausage and cheese mass on top of each slice and smooth it out a little. Send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to one hundred and eighty - two hundred degrees and cook for ten to fifteen minutes. After the sandwiches turn a pleasant golden hue, they can be considered ready and served.

Delicious hot sandwiches are a very simple dish that can be easily prepared on your own. You just need to stock up on the right ingredients and spend a little time.


Prepare everything you need to make sandwiches for breakfast. Chicken eggs are best kept at room temperature, and cheese - in the refrigerator until use.

A loaf or toasted bread must first be dried, this can be done in a special toast maker or in a dry frying pan.
Then, with a sharp thin knife, cut out the middle of the bread as shown in the photo. The recipe uses all the bread, don't throw anything away.

Now you need to fry the scrambled eggs in bread. It is very simple to do this - place in a frying pan, greased with vegetable oil and heated, slices of bread. Crack raw eggs into the center of each piece. Fry until the eggs are done. Be sure to salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

Now distribute a slice of melted cheese on each egg sandwich. The slices of cheese should be about the same size as the bread, tuck the edges in if necessary.

And the last chord - put the core of bread on the cheese. If possible, press down with a spatula and press the core into the scrambled eggs.

Serve hot sandwiches with egg and cheese immediately hot. Offer them sweet hot tea or coffee and a quick hearty breakfast is ready!
Enjoy your meal!

Great option for breakfast, midday snack and buffet. We offer you several recipes. You can choose one option or make sandwiches of different types.

Great snack

Friends or relatives suddenly announced their arrival? Don't have time to prepare several meals? Hot egg sandwiches will help you out. They can be called pastries, appetizers, and even salads. After all, this dish is difficult to attribute to any particular species. It is enough to spend only 20-30 minutes to prepare a snack for guests and household members.

How to make hot sandwiches


  • 150 g of ham;
  • 3 buns for sandwiches;
  • ¼ of a bunch of dill;
  • quail eggs - 7 pieces;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • one pickled cucumber;
  • 1 tsp table mustard;
  • mayonnaise of any fat content (4 tablespoons).

Egg sandwiches (cooking process):

1. Grind the cucumber and ham into strips. Lay out on a plate.

2. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with mustard.

3. We take buns, cut off the tops and take out the pulp. Lubricate the bottom with a mustard-mayonnaise mixture. Then lay out the slices of ham and cucumber.

4. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil. We put "stuffed" buns. Above each of them we break 2-3 quail eggs. We send sandwiches with an egg to the oven. Baking time 5-7 minutes (at 200 degrees). Before serving, sprinkle each sandwich with chopped herbs. We wish you bon appetit!

Recipe for sandwiches with egg, cheese and garlic

Grocery set (based on 6 servings):

  • 6 art. l. butter;
  • 150 g of black bread;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • some hard cheese;
  • 6 eggs.

Practical part

We cut the bread into slices, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 cm. Now you need to peel the garlic. We take slices of bread. We rub each of them with garlic and butter. Separate the whites from the yolks, put in a blender and beat. You should get a fluffy foam. We spread whipped proteins, chopped yolks on bread and Sandwiches are not ready yet. Put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven. Cooking time - 3-5 minutes (at 180 degrees). The dish is served hot. Chopped greens are used as decoration.

Don't know what to cook for breakfast for your beloved husband and children? There is simply no better option than sandwiches. Here are a couple of easy recipes for you.

Option number 1 - with hard cheese

Required Ingredients:


1. Take the butter and spread it on slices of bread.

2. Eggs need to be hard boiled. We cut them into circles.

3. Let's start grinding the cheese. To do this, you can use a small or large grater.

4. Put eggs on a layer of oil. Sprinkle with cheese on top. We place the sandwiches in the microwave for 40-60 seconds (at full power).

The second option - with processed cheese

Grocery list:

  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • 8-10 slices of a loaf;
  • 4 eggs;
  • greenery;
  • processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Sandwiches with egg and processed cheese are prepared as follows:

Step #1. We wash the greens in running water, dry on a towel and chop. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and pass through a fine grater.

Step #2. Remove the wrapper from the pre-chilled cheese in the freezer. We rub it on a fine grater.

Step number 3. Peel the garlic and pass through a special press.

Step number 4. We take a deep cup (you can use a bowl). We add chopped eggs, chopped herbs, garlic and grated cheese into it. Add mayonnaise. We mix the ingredients.

Step number 5. Cut the loaf into 8-10 slices. Their thickness should not exceed 1 cm. Apply the previously prepared mass to each slice. Parsley leaves and thin circles of tomato are perfect as a decoration. Thanks to this, the dish will look bright and appetizing.

Products (for 6 servings):

Cooking process:

1. Cut the loaf into 10-12 slices. Remove the crumb from half of the pieces. In this dish, it will no longer be useful.

2. We send whole slices of bread to a baking sheet. There must be sufficient distance between them.

3. Put sausage or cold cuts on each piece. From above we cover with a “frame”, that is, bread without crumb.

4. Pour the resulting recess with an egg. Place a slice of tomato on top. Salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

5. Preheat the oven to 180°. We send sandwiches into it for 20-15 minutes. After the time has passed, we take out the dish, enjoy its alluring aroma and unsurpassed taste.

You have absolutely no time, but you really want to eat? A microwave will come to the rescue. It will allow you to prepare sandwiches with any ingredients in a matter of seconds. But in order for the dish to turn out tasty and fragrant, you must adhere to certain rules. We list some of them:

  • To prevent the slices of bread from burning, you need to put parchment paper under them. You can also use a paper towel.
  • Overheating sandwiches in the microwave will cause them to become tough and dry.
  • Do not cut meat and sausage in thick layers.
