
Benefits of Olives and Olive Oil. A storehouse of useful substances or a dangerous product

At all times, the olive tree, whose homeland is the Mediterranean coast, was idolized and deeply revered. In ancient Greece, its branch was presented to the winners at the Olympic Games, and in the Bible it was sung as a symbol of rebirth.

Today, juicy and appetizing olives are widely used in cooking. They are added to salads and meat dishes, but most often they are consumed as an independent snack. But the secrets do not end there, because in the modern world, the fruits of the olive tree, which, according to legend, were presented to the Greeks by the goddess Athena, are considered an inexhaustible source of vitamins and microelements. Their benefits are huge, but you need to know about the possible harm.

The inclusion of olives in the daily diet of a person has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, prevents the development of many diseases and promotes weight loss.

Olives: black or green?

On the modern market, you can find two types of fruits of this tree - olives and black olives. Interesting, but they differ only in the degree of maturity. Black olives are the ripe berries of the tree. Olives are unripe fruits that are usually green in color. Both those and other berries have almost the same composition and useful properties that are preserved even during the heat treatment of the product.

Composition of the product

Real gourmets often call olives for their taste properties the most piquant additive. According to them, it is impossible to imagine any Mediterranean dish without berries. But modern doctors and nutritionists are convinced that these fruits are a real gift of nature, the beneficial properties of which are highly valued all over the world.

Olives are an indispensable product on our table, the benefits of which are many times greater than the potential harm, which will be discussed below.

In terms of their medicinal properties, they are not inferior, and sometimes even surpass many well-known fruits and vegetables. The pulp of black olive fruits includes a whole range of useful substances, in particular:

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, E;
  • pectins;
  • folic acid;
  • mineral elements (calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, etc.).

But the most valuable thing in their pulp is oil. Its concentration is 50-80%. The uniqueness lies in the fact that in its composition it contains unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. This benefit of the product has long been appreciated by experts.

Benefits of olives for health and beauty

It is hard to believe, but small olive fruits are one of the indispensable products for the health and beauty of our body. Black olives, which are the main component of Mediterranean cuisine, are able to nourish our body with energy. Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, they regulate the level of lipids in the blood and thus prevent the development of strokes, atherosclerosis and many other cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of olive tree fruits are also obvious for the healthy functioning of the digestive system. Olive berries normalize bowel function, eliminate constipation and are perfectly absorbed in the body. Olives have unique choleretic properties. They are simply indispensable for those people who are prone to the formation of gallstones.

Saturated with vitamins and phenols, olive berries, due to their properties, are considered natural antioxidants that prevent the occurrence of cancer. Studies by modern scientists confirm that regular and olives reduce the risk of the formation of cancerous tumors.

Experts are convinced that berries are useful for the human body at any age. They can also become the basis for the diet of children. Olives are rich in vitamins K, E and D, which help to fix calcium in the tissues, thereby making the fragile bones of children stronger.

And what to say about the miraculous properties of which is obvious for the skin, nails and hair.

Application for weight loss

Today, there are many foods that nutritionists recommend adding to the diet for weight loss. Olives can also be included among these ingredients. Juicy, fragrant and extremely nutritious, the olive tree is low in calories, with just 12 calories per medium-sized berry. That is why these miracle fruits often become one of the components of various diets.

In its composition, olives contain up to 80% of unsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce blood cholesterol. Therefore, olives are a product that does not harm the figure, but, on the contrary, helps in the difficult fight against excess weight.


Unlike many other products, olives have practically no contraindications and harmful properties. True, they have an extremely strong choleretic effect, so they should be included with caution in the diet of people suffering from cholecystitis. This is their main harm.

Canned olives also contain a lot of salt, so it is harmful to use them for colitis and stomach ulcers. Like some other foods, olives in excess can harm our body.

product in cooking

Today, the use of olives in cooking is so multifaceted that without this product it is impossible to imagine any feast. However, olives are not only an exquisite decoration of festive dishes. In order for them to bring maximum benefit to your body, they should be made an integral part of your daily diet. Nutritionists note that it is enough to consume only 5-6 olives to be healthy and beautiful.

The product has a specific taste. That is why it will be useful not only as an independent snack, but also in combination with many fruits and vegetables. Black olives will become a piquant note of any treat, and the dish itself will be made unusual and even exotic. In addition, if you choose the right ingredients, then the cooked food will be low in calories and will never harm your health.

Salad with black olives

To prepare a light, tasty, but most importantly healthy salad, take:

  • olives (5-6 pieces);
  • cucumber (1 pc.);
  • bell pepper;
  • tomato;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • olive oil.

Bulgarian pepper, cucumber, tomato cut into cubes. Add olives, hand-torn lettuce leaves and olive oil. Mix all ingredients well and put on a plate. It is not necessary to add salt to the dish, since the olives contain enough of this substance.

The prepared salad will delight you with excellent taste, it will be satisfying, but low in calories, so you can use it without fear of harming your health or figure.

olive sauce

From valuable olive fruits, you can prepare not only a salad, but also a delicate sauce that is perfect for any dish. It can be added to rice, vegetables, baked potatoes, beans and other foods. To prepare it, take:

  • pitted olives (10 pcs.);
  • water (3-4 tablespoons);
  • onion (1/2 pc.);
  • lemon juice (1 pc.).

Making olive sauce is easy and simple. Finely chop the onion and black olives, combine with water and lemon juice, beat with a blender. The prepared sauce will surprise you with its piquant taste and aroma.

As you can see, olives are a tasty and healthy gift of nature, which, if used correctly, can bring extraordinary benefits to the human body, prevent the development of many diseases, and make the figure beautiful and slim.

Olives - benefits and harms to the human body (women and men)

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of olives

Olives are low in calories and are great as an accompaniment to a variety of dishes such as salads, pasta, and pizza. Although there are many varieties of olives, most of them have a similar nutrient profile.

100 grams of ripe canned olives contain (in% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 115 kcal (6%).
  • Carbohydrates: 6.3 g (2%).
  • Fat: 10.7 g (16%).
  • Protein: 0.8 g (2%).
  • Fiber: 3.2 g (13%).
  • : 403 IU (8%).
  • Vitamin E: 1.7 mg (8%).
  • Calcium: 88 mg (9%).
  • Iron: 3.3 mg (18%).
  • Sodium: 872 mg (36%).
  • Copper: 0.3 mg (13%).
  • : 64 mg.
  • : 847 mg

The benefits of olives for the human body

Eating olives can help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, reduce pain, treat and prevent cancer, improve heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes, and more. Here are the benefits of olives for the human body:

1. Supply the Body with Antioxidants

It has been proven that oxidation in the body is associated with the progression and development of many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Olives are a high-antioxidant food that provides the body with polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that have proven anticancer, antidiabetic, antiaging, and neuroprotective properties ( , ).

One study found that eating the pulp of olives significantly increased blood levels of glutathione. is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body (,).

The action of antioxidants, such as those found in olives, benefits almost all body systems and can be a major factor in the prevention and treatment of disease.

2. Lower Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure

Since olives are a good source of fat, they do not damage arteries like other fats do. Studies have proven the ability of olives to lower blood pressure and help control and reduce cholesterol levels. The hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect of olives is associated with the oleic acid contained in them ().

Studies have shown a significant reduction in blood pressure and general cardiovascular inflammation after the consumption of olives, and other foods included in the Mediterranean diet ().

3. Relieve pain

Inflammation is the cause of disease, pain and damage in the body. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in controlling pain, but damage a number of other body systems.

Olives are natural ibuprofen. Their use contributes to the inhibition of the growth of enzymes that create inflammation and thus pain relief (). Inflammation also plays a big role in the development of cardiovascular disease, which is another reason why olives are so good for heart health.

4. Treat and prevent cancer

The Mediterranean region has significantly lower rates of cancer compared to northern European countries and other developed countries. In test-tube studies, olives have been shown to disrupt the life cycle of cancer cells. Phenolic compounds in olives have shown antitumor activity, especially against breast, colon, and stomach cancers ( , ).

As with most dietary cancer treatments, the outlook is very promising, but more research is needed.

5. Promote Heart Health

Olives have everything you need for a healthy heart and circulatory system: antioxidants, healthy fats, as well as a large supply of copper and vitamin E, which are important for optimal heart health.

A diet that includes olives can not only treat the symptoms of cardiovascular disease, but also significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular complications, even in people with a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure and heart problems ( , ). Regular consumption of olives can also help prevent coronary heart disease ().

6. Work like a probiotic

Review of research published in a scientific journal European Journal of Nutrition, has shown that the phenolic compounds in olives can increase the amount of good bifidobacteria that produce vitamins and antibacterial chemicals in the body. In this way, olives improve gut health and microbiome function ().

7. Reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity

Because olives are rich in monounsaturated fats, they significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity when replacing foods containing other, more unhealthy fats. The antioxidants in olives also help inhibit the damage from oxidative stress associated with diabetes, making this product an effective treatment for hyperglycemia and diabetic complications ().

In a review published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studied the effect of olive oil consumption on the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The researchers studied 59,930 women aged 37-65 and 85,157 women aged 26-45 who did not have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or cancer at baseline.

After 22 years of follow-up, the results showed that “higher olive oil intake is associated with a moderately lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women and that hypothetically replacing other types of fats (margarine, mayonnaise) with olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of developing this disease. »().

In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study, a group of 41 overweight or obese adults aged 65 years and older were substituted with olive oil for traditionally consumed fats. As a result of the study, these people had a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in the level of good cholesterol. Improvements in heart health, metabolism, and immune function have been shown. This shows that eating olives has potential in treating obesity ().

8. Help Fight Infections

Many studies show how effective olives are in combating certain microbial, viral, and fungal infections. Olive and olive leaf extract has been used for this purpose in folk medicine and has more recently been shown to be effective in scientific studies. In testing, olive extract inhibited the growth of a number of viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ().

9. Prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and bone density. This disease can increase the risk of fractures. Rates of osteoporosis in Mediterranean countries are lower than in other European countries, leading scientists to speculate that olives may be associated with better indicators of bone health ( , ).

Some of the plant compounds found in olives and olive oil have been found in animal studies to help prevent bone loss ( , , , ).

Human studies on this are lacking, but animal studies and data linking the Mediterranean diet to reduced fracture rates are promising ().

Olives and olive oil: what are the differences

The difference between olives and olive oil lies in the preparation and processing. There are pros and cons to both of these foods, but when consumed in the recommended amounts, they both offer health benefits.


  • 16 percent fat;
  • : olives marinated in salt;
  • Olives contain vitamin E, vitamin A, and are a good source of copper and calcium;
  • The content of useful polyphenols is lower than in olive oil, but polyphenols are found in high amounts in fruits harvested at the beginning of the harvest and those that have been watered properly.

Olive oil:

  • Nearly 100 percent fat;
  • Low sodium: contains almost no sodium;
  • Olive oil retains beneficial polyphenols.

Olives are best known for the oil they produce. Olives are native to the Mediterranean regions of Asia, Europe and Africa. Fruits come in many sizes and varieties and have many health benefits.

Olives are a staple of the Mediterranean diet, which prioritizes healthy fats and encourages olive oil as the main source of dietary fat. This diet does not promote fat reduction, but rather replaces unhealthy fats with healthy ones, such as the monounsaturated fats found in olives.

What are olives - a fruit or a vegetable?

If you ask people if olives are fruits or vegetables, most of them probably wouldn't know the answer. Olives look like they belong in a category of their own, when in fact they are a stone fruit. Stone fruits are characterized by a hard central stone surrounded by pulp, which contains the seed. Their high fat content makes them a strange fruit, but they are closely related to, and even.

Here are some more interesting facts about olives:

  • The olive tree grows short and thick and usually reaches a peak height of 7.5-15 meters.
  • Olives have been harvested since ancient times, somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  • The olive branch has long been a symbol of peace and victory. After planting a tree, farmers wait over 10 years for the first harvest. Because of the time and patience required, it was assumed that those who chose to grow olives planned to live long, peaceful lives.
  • In early Christian art, the olive branch appears with doves, symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit in the Gospels. In ancient Greek mythology, Athena competed with Poseidon to rule Athens. Athena won after planting the first olive tree, because the court of the gods and goddesses decided that this was the best gift.
  • Olives are harvested from October to January. Olive fruits cannot be eaten from the tree as they are hard and bitter. Olives not used for oil production are picked by hand to prevent dents.

Olive varieties

  • green olives: collected in October at the earliest stages of maturity.
  • "Pink" olives: Slightly mature, they are pink or brown in color and are harvested in November until they reach full maturity.
  • black olives: Harvested in December at full maturity, they are smooth with a black skin and a deep reddish black hue.
  • "Shriveled Black" Olives: do not confuse with dried olives (olives). These are fully ripe fruits picked in January.

Olives can be eaten alone or combined with meat and as an excellent snack. They can be put in sandwiches or used as a condiment. They can also be added as an ingredient to many dishes as they pair well with many flavors and textures.

Harm of olives for the human body

Olives are well tolerated by most people, but they can be high in salt since they are mostly consumed in canned form. Here is how olives are harmful to the human body:

  • Allergy: Although allergy to olive tree pollen is common, allergy to olives is rare. After eating olives, sensitive people may experience allergic reactions in the mouth and throat ().
  • Heavy metals: Olives may contain heavy metals and minerals such as boron, sulfur, tin and lithium. Consuming large amounts of heavy metals can be detrimental and increase the risk of cancer (). However, the amount of these heavy metals in olives is usually well below the legal limit. Therefore, they are considered safe ().
  • Acrylamide: In some studies, acrylamide has been associated with an increased risk of cancer, although more recent studies have questioned this association ( , ). Some varieties of olives may contain high amounts of acrylamide as a result of processing, especially mature ones ( , , ).


Olives are rich in phytonutrients and are known to provide the body with antioxidants, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, relieve pain, treat and prevent cancer, promote heart health, act as a natural probiotic, reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity, help fight infections and prevent osteoporosis.

The difference between fruit and butter lies in the preparation and processing. Canned olives have higher levels of sodium and less fat, while olive oil has higher amounts of beneficial polyphenols.

Olives are foods high in sodium. Also, as with most foods, consume them in moderation.

Olives are actually a stone fruit, not a vegetable or berry. Stone fruits are characterized by a hard central stone surrounded by pulp, which contains the seed.

There is such an amazing long-lived tree that can last up to 2000 years. This is revered since ancient times and personifying a symbol of maturity, wisdom and nobility, a beautiful powerful olive plant. It belongs to the olive family.

The ancient Greeks wove the same wreaths from olive branches that were hoisted on the shoulders of the winners of the first Olympic Games.

Today, the cultivated tree species is grown in many countries: North and South America, Northwest Africa, Australia, Eastern and Mediterranean.

This article will provide a description of this amazing centenarian, talk about its varieties and how olives are useful.

But first, let's define the difference between olives and olives.

Olives and olives

Oddly enough, but those and other fruits grow on the same tree. There is simply the term "olives", used only in Ukraine and Russia. In other countries they are called only olives.

For Russians, green fruits are olives, and black ones are olives. The former are mostly used in conservation, and the latter (real black olives) are used in the production of the well-known oil. That's the whole difference. You can find out what real black olives are just below.

Olives: photo, description

The color of these fruits depends only on their maturity. Green fruits are usually not quite ripe (they are harder) and contain less oil. Ripe fruits are dark purple in color and slightly shriveled.

In Russian stores, black canned olives, as a rule, were also picked green. With the help of certain chemical procedures, they are turned into fruits with a dark color.

The most real ripe olives (photo below) acquire a natural (in nature) dark purple color, without the addition of any dyes, and they cost much more than colored counterparts. It turns out that either green olives, or dark, but expensive, bring the greatest benefit.

Varieties and groups of olive fruits

Varieties differ according to their application. There are only 3 groups:

  • Oilseeds used in the production of olive oil.
  • Combined (or universal) used in canning and butter making.
  • Canteens (in canned food), intended for consumption both in canned food and as a whole.

The most world famous olives are Greek. Collect them in Greece (Kalamata).

In shape, they are almond-shaped, brownish-black in color with a tight skin.

In general, in this country there are about 10 types of table olives associated with their place of origin. Many varieties here are also collected in an unripe green form. The Kalamata variety is harvested a little later, at the moment the color change begins, but there are also those that remain on the tree until they are fully ripe, before the skin begins to wrinkle on them.

The large round brown and shriveled black olives that grow on the islands of Chalkidiki and Thassos, respectively, are salted.

Green olives are often seasoned with lemon, wild fennel, garlic, hot pepper seeds, etc.

More noble olives (Kalamata variety) and other dark types are stored in and in vinegar.


Green olives are picked by hand from the trees and placed in special baskets. The crumbling mature berries are collected in small nets located under each

After harvesting, all fruits are sorted by size and placed in large containers with a prepared solution necessary to eliminate the bitterness characteristic of olives.

In order to give black color to some olives, a certain chemical treatment is carried out. To do this, the berries are poured into containers and oxygen is supplied to them, which causes the oxidation of the fruit. This whole process takes approximately 7-10 days. Blackened olives acquire a soft texture and a specific aftertaste.

When processing green olives, they do not undergo this oxidation procedure. They are simply placed in a brine seasoned with various spices and seasonings. Subsequently, the product is stored in special plastic barrels (capacity 10 tons) located underground.

The composition of olives, nutritional value

A little lower we will find out how olives are useful, and now we will consider the composition of the fruits of this plant. Besides the fact that these fruits are quite tasty, they are also very nutritious. Due to the fibrous structure, olives are quite easily absorbed by the body.

The nutritional value of these fruits is undoubtedly great. Ripe olives have more oil than green olives. For example, 30 g of the former contains approximately 30 calories, 2 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fat, 1 g of dietary fiber, and 0.3 g of protein.

The benefits of olives

What are the benefits of olives? According to the beliefs of the peoples of the Mediterranean, the olive never dies, and people who use its fruits become resilient and hardy. Berries help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, stomach and liver ulcers. And olive pits are edible, as they are completely and well absorbed in the digestive tract.

Pectins, which are part of the berries, help to remove toxins from the body, as well as salts of various heavy metals. These fruits improve the microflora of the entire intestine. Such berries are vital, especially for people living in places with poor ecology.

The use of several olives a day helps to calm the nervous system, vigor, improve mood and condition of hair and skin.

What else are olives good for? Recent studies have proven that olives can prevent the development of cancer.

Statistics show that Mediterranean women are less likely to get breast cancer, and all this is due to oleic acid, which is the main component of olives and olive oil.

The oil from these fruits is absorbed better than others, and therefore it is very popular in many diets.

Olive fruits, as noted above, perfectly neutralize toxins, and therefore they are often added to various alcoholic cocktails.

In conclusion, a little about the harm

Olives can also cause some harm to health with some health problems. For example, with cholecystitis (strong choleretic effect on the body).

Also, olives have a slight laxative property, due to the high content of oil in them, which is contraindicated in case of diarrhea.

The homeland of the olive tree is considered to be the southeastern Mediterranean. Today it grows in Africa, Australia and in some regions of Europe and Asia. Its fruits are called olives, which, depending on the time of harvest, are either black or green. In our country, it is customary to call black fruits olives, and green ones - olives. However, the color differences are only due to their degree of maturity: greens are harvested earlier, while blacks are harvested at full maturity.

Olives are widely used in the industrial industry. They are used in cooking, cosmetology, industry, nutrition, alternative medicine, and even in soap making. What useful properties these fruits have, and how to use them for various purposes, we will consider further.

Composition and calories

Useful properties of olives are due to the rich natural composition. However, the usefulness of the product varies depending on the type. Olive fruits can be fresh, oilseed or canned. For medicinal purposes, all types of olives are used, as well as leaves and olive fruit oil.

calories olives low: 115..140 calories per 100 g of product. Ripe, fresh fruits are more high-calorie. They contain from 150 to 180 kcal per 100 g of product. The nutritional value of olives differs depending on the variety and where it was harvested.

Chemical composition very extensive. They contain:

  • vitamins - E, A, C, PP, choline, beta-carotene and a number of elements of group B;
  • macro- and microelements - sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and in small quantities - iron, selenium, zinc and manganese;
  • acids - almitic, linoleic, oleic, arachidic, stearic, etc.

100 grams contains: 1 g of protein, 6.9 g of fat, 3.1 g of carbohydrates and 2.5 g of insoluble fiber.

The rich composition explains the huge number of useful properties of olive fruits. The highest quality canned olive retains its nutrients. About the benefits of its use brings the body, we will consider further.

Olives vs Olives - What's the difference?

Olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree. They differ in the degree of maturity. Green young olives and black ripe fruits contain a lot of useful substances.

There are two types of black olives arriving on store shelves. Some ripen naturally on the tree, others are picked green and artificially dyed black.

Natural black olives are not uniform in color and can be brown, reddish, or have a purple hue. During the canning of fruits, manufacturers do not remove the seeds, since the structure of the fruit becomes soft during processing and is not able to keep its shape.

There are some companies that deliberately color olives. In the process of a chemical reaction, the fruit becomes black, then it is packaged in jars. A high content of preservatives and food colorings can harm the body, so you should purchase a quality, proven product.

Beneficial features

The properties of olives contribute to their widespread use in the food industry in canned form. They are also used fresh for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The benefits of raspberries for the body are more extensive than it might seem at first glance.

Useful properties of olives:

  • Remove bad cholesterol, improve blood formula.
  • Eliminate allergic and inflammatory reactions at the cellular level.
  • Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • They remove toxins, heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Normalize digestion, cleanse the intestines and improve microflora.
  • Saturate the body with nutrients and energy.

The pulp of the olive fruit is enriched with many vitamins. The use of this product in food is recommended for beriberi, as well as during diets and weight loss.

The antioxidant properties contained in the olive prevent the growth of cancer cells. What makes their use especially useful for preventive purposes.

A small amount of canned olives eaten strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the development of blood clots.

This fruit, surprising by its nature, is useful even for a child's body. It contains linoleic acid, which is very important for the formation of a healthy nervous system.

olive oil has a healing effect:

  • When applied externally, it heals wounds, cuts, burns and other skin lesions.
  • When taken internally, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenates and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of olives for a woman's body. This product is recommended for weight loss. Since it is during this period that the woman's body needs vitamins. Perfectly saturate, dull the feeling of hunger. They give the body a large supply of strength and energy.

It's very important to say about the benefits of canned olive pits. Their properties are due to the healing composition. They are used for both indoor and outdoor use. For example, people recommend swallowing one small bone when eating a fruit.

In the Mediterranean countries, eating an olive with a bone is considered the norm: this cleanses the intestines and removes harmful substances from it. But the opinions of experts on this matter differ.


Olives are widely used in various industries. The main one is the food industry. Olive fruits are canned and supplied to the world market. In our country, store shelves are full of canned olives, which differ in type, quality and manufacturer.

The oil industry produces high-quality olive oil from olive fruits, which is of particular value and high demand.

Olive fruits are especially valued in cosmetology. Hundreds of cosmetic companies use olives to produce skin and hair care products: shampoos, creams, gels and balms.

Alternative medicine offers various healthy recipes using the fruits of the olive tree.

In home cosmetology

Home cosmetology offers many recipes that include olive oil (olives). For example, skin mask recipe: take 10 ml of olive oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Then we wash off. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin, removes signs of fatigue, brightens and eliminates minor flaws and irregularities.

You can make a body scrub:

  • Take two tablespoons of fine sea salt.
  • Mix with two tbsp. l. olive oil and lemon juice.
  • The resulting scrub is applied to the steamed skin, using massaging movements.

This tool produces a lifting effect, cleanses the deep layers of the skin. The mask also has an anti-cellulite effect.

For hair growth and strengthening We heat 50-60 ml of oil in a water bath (up to 35 degrees). Add 1 tbsp. l. (without top) mustard powder and one tbsp. l. mayonnaise. Mix everything well until smooth and apply to the hair. Wrap a plastic bag over your head and then wrap yourself in a towel. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.

Mustard can cause slight tingling - this is normal, but if you can't stand it, then it's better to wash off the mask.

In folk medicine

Traditional medicine uses the olive for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Some recipes include olive leaves, olive oil, or fresh olives themselves.

Folk recipe for hypertension:

  • We take 45-50 grams of dried raspberry leaves.
  • Fill with a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover with lid and wrap.
  • We let it brew for a day, filter.
  • We use three times a day, 20 ml, 20 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is two weeks. This tool is considered an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

With severe cough take one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of natural honey and one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. We use within five days. Dosage - one dessert spoon twice a day (morning and evening).

For ulcers, wounds and boils You will need the pulp of a fresh olive. Grind five fruits to the state of gruel and add a spoonful of vinegar to them. Mix and apply to damaged areas of the skin.

We prepare a medicinal infusion for atherosclerosis:

  • Grind 200 grams of olive fruit and put in a thermos.
  • We take olive oil and heat it up to a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • Pour into a thermos with chopped olives.
  • We insist 24 hours.
  • We use the finished product 15-20 grams before three times a day before the main meals.

Infusion from puffiness: two tablespoons of olive leaves, grind them and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let's brew all night. We use 20 ml 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

In cooking

The use of canned olives in cooking is explained by the unique, piquant taste of this product. Olives are part of many recipes. They are used to decorate dishes, and are also used in hot and cold appetizers, and even in salads and sauces.

Black olives and olives look very beautiful. Chefs all over the world use them to add visual aesthetics to dishes. Their elegant, oval shape complements cold appetizers and cuts of any kind.

The fruits of the olive tree are combined with cheese, meat products and seafood, are part of pizza and, in combination with other ingredients, give a special piquant aroma and taste.

Olive fruits are also used to make sauces and salads. The taste qualities of olives allow you to give dishes a touch of piquancy and sophistication. For example, by adding olives to a soup (hodgepodge or kharcho soup), you can get a very bright, pronounced taste.

Traditional "Greek Salad"

To prepare everyone's favorite "Greek salad" according to the traditional recipe, you will need the ingredients:

  • feta cheese (or cheese) - 75 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • long cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • red onion - ¼;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • salad greens;
  • olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground pepper and oregano.

Cut the cheese into cubes, onion rings and tomatoes into large slices. We spread salad greens on a plate, pour onions, tomatoes, feta and olives on top. Next, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt and pepper. Salad ready!

Appetizing cheese pie with olives

To prepare an unusual snack for the festive table, you will need separate ingredients for the dough and filling.

For test:

  • butter (or margarine) - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • ice water - 50 ml;
  • salt to taste.

For filling:

  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • olives or olives (pitted) - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • ground black pepper to taste;

Rub the butter into crumbs with flour, salt. Add water and knead the dough. Then we roll it out, put it in a baking dish and make small indentations with a fork (so that the dough does not swell during baking). Grease the mold with vegetable oil.

Grate cheese and divide into two parts. Put the first part on the dough. Then add chopped olives. Beat the eggs, mix them with cottage cheese and milk. Pour over olives and sprinkle with remaining cheese. We bake the cake for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. A sign of readiness is a ruddy bottom of the pie.

Harm of olives for the body

Canned olives, if consumed too often, can cause serious harm to the body in the form of various side effects. A very rich, salty marinade can impair stomach function. Despite their beneficial properties, canned olives and olives have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • obesity and overweight;
  • also not recommended for children under 6-7 years old and people with excess salt in the body.

Olives in jars that contain ferrous gluconate (an oxidized substance that gives the fruit its black color) can seriously harm the body. It is recommended to buy only high-quality olives.

The daily norm for an adult is 2-3 fruits per day. It is not recommended to use the product daily.

Selection and storage

Greece and Spain are considered the main suppliers of olives and olives, less often Italy. They are usually packaged depending on the size of the fruit. The size (caliber) of the fruit is indicated on the bottom of the can. The higher the number, the larger the size.

It is very difficult to find high quality olives in our country. Basically, canned goods of medium and low quality are supplied to the shelves. Accordingly, the price of the product is also low.

When choosing olives, pay attention to:

  • The color should not be saturated black.
  • Buy olives with pits.
  • The absence of iron gluconate or stabilizer E579.
  • Best before date.

Usually cheap brands use chemical dyes to give green olives a black, uniform hue. Natural olives are not uniform in their range and have a brown or reddish color. They are unevenly colored: paler on one side, darker on the other.

For long-term storage, it is better to wash the olives and put them in an airtight glass container, after sprinkling them with olive oil and lemon juice. After that, you need to twist the jar well so that the olive fruits are well saturated with oil.

It is better to store olives for no more than two weeks. It is recommended to keep an open tin can in the refrigerator for no more than three days, otherwise spoiled fruits can harm the body.

These products are the fruits of the olive (or oilseed) tree. These green and black berries have been eaten since ancient times. They are one of the main components of a healthy diet and a source of natural olive oil. This is not only a healthy, but also a tasty product, which is highly valued by gourmets from all over the world.

Olives vs Olives: What's the difference?

As a rule, in everyday speech we call green berries olives, and black olives black. In fact, both those and other fruits grow on the same tree, only some were harvested earlier, and others later. In foreign languages, there is not even the word "olives", the berries are called "black olives" and "green olives". In other words, they are one and the same. In fact, fruits are formed on the branches of the tree, which darken in the process of ripening, turn red-brown, and then black. Usually, each olive is harvested twice.

Early harvested berries do not mean unripe. Both light and dark fruits have their fans. Connoisseurs note the difference in both taste and texture: early olives are more dense, fleshy, late ones are soft, easily separated from the stone.

Note! The olives that are sold in stores are in most cases green olives dyed black.

Benefits of oilseed fruit

What are the benefits of olives? The properties of these fruits that are important for the human body can be listed for a very long time. Black and green olives contain large quantities. They are needed in the body for:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • cleaning the bloodstream and preventing atherosclerosis;
  • prevention of vasospasm, including the prevention of migraines;
  • generation of new cells (fatty acids are part of their shell);
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • hormonal regulation of the actions of erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes.

They also dull the feeling of hunger, so those who want to lose weight often use fruits for this purpose.

The beneficial properties of olives are based on the vitamins and macronutrients that they contain. Calcium strengthens bones and is involved in the formation of the articular bag, preventing arthrosis. Manganese is needed for the efficient functioning of muscles, including the heart.

Potassium is involved in water-fat metabolism, in the renewal of body cells. Phosphorus is an element that makes up bones and teeth, and it is also necessary for the breakdown of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates and converting them into energy.

Olives are a source of vitamins C and E. The former strengthens the immune system and helps the body defend itself against infectious diseases. E - "beauty vitamin", it has antioxidant properties, is involved in cell regeneration, especially skin. Regular use of products containing this element leads to smoothing of fine wrinkles and rapid healing of wounds.

The fruits of the olive tree contribute to good digestion, stimulate the production of gastric juice and intestinal motility. The benefits of olives is also to cleanse the body of toxins. Fruits prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys, in the urinary and gallbladder.

Olives are the source of the oil of the same name. It retains all the beneficial properties of berries if it is obtained by cold pressing. The oil can also be used externally - as masks and compresses. The mask with its use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Compresses are indicated for osteochondrosis.

Olives are even used to treat infertility. It is believed that these berries have a positive effect on potency and increase the likelihood of conception.

How to choose olives

It is very important to know how to choose olives. The benefits and harms of purchased fruits depend on whether you have real olives or colored berries. You can distinguish natural fruits from artificially processed by the following features.

  • Natural olives are always expensive (but not all expensive olives are natural).
  • Colored olives contain the additive E579 - a black fixative. Manufacturers are required to indicate this substance on the label.
  • Real fruits are unevenly colored: somewhere dark, somewhere brownish, with spots on the skin. Processed berries have a deep even black color.

You should not buy olives and black olives with various fillers (shrimp, lemon, etc.). In the manufacture of such snacks, flavorings and preservatives are most often used.

Dishes with olives and olives

Fresh fruits of the olive tree are very bitter, it is impossible to eat them. The ancient Greeks came up with the idea of ​​soaking olives in sea water, this process sometimes lasted a whole year. As a result, bitterness left the fruits. Today, all olives sold in shops and markets are salted or pickled.

To fill the body's need for all the nutrients contained in olives, it is enough for an adult to consume 7-10 berries per day. You can eat them separately as a snack, you can add them to soups (traditionally - to hodgepodge), to various salads. Salt in dishes containing olives can no longer be put.

Olives are a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements, antioxidants. No wonder they are an important product of the Mediterranean cuisine, recognized throughout the world as the healthiest. Eat these fruits regularly, and you will strengthen your health and gain excellent health and a blooming appearance.
