
Soybean oil: benefits and applications in cosmetology. Benefits and harms of soybean oil

In the modern world, the choice of oils is quite large, and the scope is huge. One of those that is gaining popularity is vegetable soybean oil. Many doctors called him the "champion" of oils, due to his unique composition. Depending on how you plan to use this amazing and healing product, you can purchase refined, unrefined, deodorized soybean oil. Soybean oil is a complete alternative to many types of vegetable oils, such as sunflower, olive or corn.

The benefits and possible harms of this product are discussed in this material. You can also learn about the composition of soybean oil and its scope for domestic and cosmetic purposes.

Composition of soybean oil: components and constituents

Soybean oil is made from beans by pressing, its color directly depends on the maturity of the seeds. The smell of the product is a bit harsh, and from the first notes, not everyone will find it pleasant. The composition of soybean oil goes off scale with its usefulness, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as stearic, linoleic, palmitic, oleic acids dominate in large volumes. According to its properties, soybean oil is similar to fish oils, since they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. In addition, it is rich in such components and components:

  • zinc, which has the ability to enhance human immunity;
  • choline (vitamin B4) is necessary for proper energy metabolism in cell mitochondria;
  • iron - participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and oxygen transport;
  • vitamin E is called by many cosmetologists the “vitamin of skin youth”;
  • vitamin K, which contributes to the normal processes of blood clotting;
  • magnesium and calcium - these trace elements are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

The presence of vitamin E1 in soybean oil makes it uniquely useful, about 115 ml of vitamin per 100 grams of the product.

Benefits in the likely harm of soybean oil: advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of soybean oil are determined by its rich composition of vitamins. Eating it in food has a positive effect on the state of the whole human body. Regular use of soybean oil:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing cancer, minimizes the likelihood of heart failure and other heart diseases.
  2. The acids present in the product help to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, liver, and intestines.
  3. Improves mental activity, prevents the development of dementia (Alzheimer's disease).
  4. Helps in the fight against diseases such as atherosclerosis, normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
  5. It leads to the appropriate norm the process of metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
  6. Improves the production of seminal fluid in males.

Possible disadvantages of soybean oil are practically absent, but the advantages are difficult to overestimate. It is not recommended to use it for women who are expecting the birth of a child or nursing mothers, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to its components. Indeed, soybean oil can cause possible harm only if the recommended dose is exceeded or if its individual components are not taken individually. It is not recommended to use the product for severe migraine attacks. Unfortunately, most of the total amount of soybeans grown is the result of the painstaking work of genetic scientists. Therefore, if you are wary and distrustful of genetically modified foods, then it is better to refuse soybean oil.

For cooking, unrefined, refined soybean oil is almost always used, and in cosmetology, deodorized oil appears more, it is not flavored and tasteless. Use the oil for cosmetic purposes or use in cooking only fresh. It has a short shelf life, like many others. Therefore, when purchasing a soy product, it is necessary to pay close attention to the date of production and the conditions under which it was stored. High-quality oil should have a transparent color without sediment and sludge.

The use of soybean oil in cooking

Soybean oil is a versatile product that is added during cooking, frying, canning, baking. Pastries cooked on it will be fragrant and lush. As a stabilizer, they process products before freezing and preparing canned food. The use of soybean oil knows no boundaries and is recommended to all people who follow a healthy and balanced diet.

In cooking, soybean oil is used in different interpretations. Refined oil easily tolerates heat, so you can cook food with it. When frying, it does not splatter, does not “shoot”. When cooking meat, a wonderful golden crust is formed. Axial oil wonderfully harmonizes with vegetables when dressing a variety of salads. Soybean oil is also widely used in the preparation of all kinds of sauces. It enriches the products with its exquisite taste. In industry, margarine and mayonnaise are made on its basis.

With proper observance of all the recommendations and rules for the use and use of soybean oil, the body, both inside and out, will be enriched with useful substances and vitamins. Due to the high content of nutrients that are important for the proper formation and development of the organs of vision and the central nervous system of the child, it can be used in the children's menu.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

The composition of soybean oil includes phytosterols, which makes it the most useful for use in cosmetology. These substances have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, regenerates its protective functions. The use of soybean oil in cosmetology is very common. Many manufacturers use soybean oil in the manufacture of soaps and detergents. A solution of tea tree in soybean oil has the ability to heal small wounds and scratches, and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Oil is added to the composition of numerous anti-aging products, in order to enhance the effect. It is best suited for skin prone to dryness, as it moisturizes and nourishes it after application.

Anti-aging mixtures containing soybean oil can also be prepared at home:

  1. Mix in one bowl 2 tsp. soybean and almond oil, add 1 tsp. glycerin, 2-3 drops of vitamin E. After such a mask, the skin will gain elasticity, tenderness and elasticity, will be nourished with useful substances and moisturized.
  2. Combine in equal proportions soybean, almond, olive oils. The resulting mixture can be used:

- to remove makeup and cleansing the face of cosmetics;
- as a wonderful face cream (night or day);
- in the form of moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks (hold for no more than 30 minutes);
- for lubricating the skin of the lips, elbows, hands, heels in case of chapping or roughness.

Soybean oil is also used to strengthen and grow hair. It remarkably moisturizes hair without penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, makes curls obedient and healthy, and has caring properties. The oil can be added to ready-made hair balms, or you can prepare a care product based on soy oil yourself. Ideal for strengthening nails, eyelashes and eyebrows.

For shine and strength of healthy curls, you should regularly use soybean oil for hair. The main wealth of Asia is widely used in cosmetology, thanks to this component, geisha curls have always been compared with expensive silk. Unrefined oil is the champion in the amount of tocopherol, leaving olive and sunflower behind. It is easy to protect curls from damage and ultraviolet radiation; it is enough to include a magical product in homemade and ready-made cosmetics.

Benefits of soybean oil for hair

Useful Ingredients:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins B4, E, K, choline;
  • mineral complex.

Medicinal properties:

  1. Provides nutrition, hydration;
  2. Solders exfoliated areas;
  3. Gives softness and elasticity;
  4. Cares for the scalp.

Contraindications- individual intolerance. Harm in the form of an untidy greasy shine is possible if the oil composition is not completely removed.

Homemade Soybean Oil Hair Mask Recipes

Due to its nutritional properties, soybean oil allows you to restore dry and damaged strands. The high content of vitamins and minerals helps protect the trunks from the damaging effects of temperatures and mechanical damage. At home, it will not be difficult to strengthen the root system, restore shine and radiance to the very tips.

growth mask

To grow shining thick strands, it is enough to regularly apply the recipes of nature. To accelerate growth, improve the supply of vitamins and minerals, normalize oxygen, you should use natural ingredients. Volume is also given, the styling shape lasts longer.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 15 ml soybean oil;
  • 10 gr. horseradish root;
  • 5 drops of ginger essential oil.

Combine all components and mix thoroughly. Distribute the finished mass on unwashed, dry roots, put on a plastic cap and a warm hat. Keep for about ten/fifteen minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Repeat the mask two/three times a month.

Anti-fallout mask

For the treatment of hair, weakened, prone to loss, it is worth using complex measures. Oil products make up for the deficiency of important elements, thicken the trunks along the entire length. Healing procedures also activate dormant follicles, allowing you to grow thick braids.


  • 10-15 ml of soybean and burdock oil;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12.

In a water bath, heat the nutritious oils, removing from the fire, add the vitamin solution. Using a brush, distribute on dry roots, then walk along the entire length. Secure well with a film and a towel, leave the oil wrap for the duration of sleep. After waking up, wash off in the usual way.

Strengthening mask

It is easy to restore the root system, make curls healthy and strong with your own hands. Proven recipes will help everyone cope with thin and dry curls. For the reconstruction of the cuticle, it is worth using soybean oil.


  • 10 ml soybean oil;
  • 25 gr. henna;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B2.

Lavsonia powder pour warm broth, stir thoroughly until smooth. Enter the heated oil and the contents of the ampoule. Distribute on the strands immediately after washing, leave under the film for two / three hours. Finish hair care with the usual rinse.

Mask for repairing damaged hair

After lightening, curling and removing the extended strands, it is useful to use natural products to strengthen and restore the cuticle, root system, and nutrients inside the trunks. It is necessary to carry out resuscitation procedures in courses of fifteen / twenty sessions.



  • 10 ml soybean oil;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil;
  • 20 drops of retinol.

Pour brewer's yeast with herbal decoction, add oils heated in a water bath, whipped yolks and vitamin into the resulting slurry. Distribute the nutrient mass on washed curls, retreating four / five centimeters from the roots. Wrap with a film for five minutes, warm up with a hairdryer, then wrap it with a towel. Leave the composition to act for forty minutes, then rinse.

Mask for dry and brittle hair with castor oil

It is useful to use soybean oil for hair in combination with castor oil to nourish and give elasticity to dry trunks. Home procedure provides maximum hydration and protection of the cuticle from adverse environmental factors. An excellent composition to ensure the softness and obedience of curls, a healthy glow to the very tips. It is recommended to apply once/twice a week, for recovery after blonding - to conduct a course of seven sessions.


  • 10 ml of soybean and castor oil;
  • 2 drops of myrrh ether.

Separately, heat the oils, pour the gelatin powder with water, when lumps form, combine with the oils, stir intensively without removing from the stove. Introduce essential drops into the finished composition, distribute on wet, clean strands, stepping back a few centimeters from the root area. After warming, keep for about an hour, then it will not be difficult to wash off the home remedy, leave to dry on your own.

Mask for oily hair with lemon

The cleansing composition will reduce the oiliness of the scalp, relieve dandruff and irritation. Due to the presence of oil in the composition, the roots do not dry out, the trunks remain strong, elastic. With regular use, a healthy glow and volume appears, which is so lacking in thin, sparse strands.


  • 5 ml soybean oil;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice;
  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 10 gr. starch.

Combine potato starch with clay, dilute with mineral water. Add lemon juice and bean oil to the gruel, mix well. Spread evenly with a brush on dry root area, leave for twenty / thirty minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

Mask for split ends

It is easy to solder the exfoliated cuticle, restore porous areas using proven natural remedies. Thanks to regular use, you can forget about the constant shearing of destroyed sections. It is also useful to conduct caring sessions with frequent staining.


  • 5 ml soybean oil;
  • 5 ml of aloe juice;
  • 1-2 drops of rosewood essential oil.

Mix the squeezed juice of the plant with oils. Spread the prepared mass on the tips after washing, after waiting fifteen / twenty minutes, blot with a napkin.

Interesting video: Benefits and uses of soybean oil

American nutritionists tend to think that soybean oil is an exceptionally healthy vegetable product.

It contains a low concentration of harmful saturated fats and a high concentration of fatty acids that are beneficial to the heart, blood vessels and many other organs of the human body.

Its neutral aroma, light flavor and high soot point have earned it a culinary reputation.

The cosmetics industry, too, has been appreciative of the nutritional potential of soybean oil.

One tablespoon of soybean oil contains 120 calories and approximately 13.5 g of fat, including fatty acids necessary for cell growth and nutrition.

The natural components of soybean oil help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E (alpha-tocopherol) and K (phylloquinone).

A tablespoon of soybean oil contains 1.11mg of vitamin E with strong antioxidant properties and 25mcg of vitamin K compared to 1mcg of the same amount.

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting. It also activates the activity of three proteins responsible for bone health. Researchers believe that this vitamin may play a leading role in the prevention of fractures.

The recommended daily dose of phylloquinone is 65 micrograms for women and 80 micrograms for men. But in fact, even these norms established by doctors may not be enough. Not without reason, experts from the Agricultural Research Service note the high frequency of deficiency of this substance in people aged 18-44 years.

Edible soybean oil is 61% polyunsaturated fatty acids. First of all, we are talking about linoleic and linolenic acids.

It is to them that scientists attribute an important role in protecting the heart from free radicals, preventing arthritis and inflammation, activating the cognitive processes of the brain, maintaining healthy skin and bones, and preventing reproductive problems.

Another 24% of this valuable product comes from monounsaturated fats, including completely similar substances found in some nuts and avocados.

It should also be said about phytosterols (a special kind of antioxidants). These beneficial substances are part of many vegetable oils. And soybean oil is no exception.

According to the National Institutes of Health, relatively high doses of phytosterols lower cholesterol levels, high levels of which are considered to be one of the main causes of coronary artery disease.

Cosmetic properties

There are many cosmetic uses for oil derived from soybeans.

Especially often it is used to enhance hair growth and give them shine. Soybean oil is one of the most common carrier oils in the practice of aromatherapy, according to The Herbal Healing Guide by Phyllis A. Boch. It is actively used to dissolve concentrated vegetable oils, including those with healing powers for hair growth and stimulating blood circulation.

Other assistants in the pursuit of healthy hair: essential oils of rosemary, lavender and peppermint.

The classic recipe calls for a few drops of one of the esters per half cup of soybean oil. This mixture should be applied to the scalp and rubbed thoroughly with your fingertips, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

For moisturizing hair

The product has moisturizing and hydrating properties. It saturates dry and damaged hair with moisture, so it is often included in hot styling conditioners.

The cosmetic benefits of using soybean oil are described in more detail in Angela Hughes Brown's book How to Get Your Hair Back Healthy.

For hair nutrition

Soybean oil is rich in many nutrients, including lipids important for hair health.

The book Soy: Botany, Production and Use notes another important advantage of this product - its light texture in defiance of other rather greasy vegetable oils.

It is soybean oil that is a frequent active ingredient in shampoos, conditioners, balms and nourishing masks that provide hair with softness and a healthy glow.


Direct exposure to sunlight leads to the oxidation of beneficial fatty acids and reduces the value of the product.

Try to buy it in small portions, and use it within one month. Unrefined soybean oil is the most preferred option.

Among those who try to follow the principles of a healthy diet, soybean oil has recently become especially popular. What effect does the intake of this product have on the body, what is included in its composition, and how to use the oil correctly so as not to harm yourself? The article will give answers to questions that interest many readers.

Production technology, composition and calorie content of the product

Oil pressed from soybeans stands out with a rich straw color and a characteristic, slightly pungent aroma.

Deserved reverence in cooking, alternative medicine and cosmetology, this product was found due to its special composition. It contains a combination of substances that the human body needs for full development, maintaining health and ensuring the functionality of all systems.

Firstly, the product has the highest content (compared to other oils) of PUFAs.

Among them:

  • linoleic, or Omega-6;
  • oleic, or Omega-9;
  • linolenic, or Omega-3;
  • palmitic;
  • stearic.

Among other things, the product is rich in:

  • vitamins - choline, tocopherol, vitamin K;
  • trace elements - iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium

Each hundred grams of unrefined soybean oil contains 115 mg of tocopherol, or vitamin E1. This is the highest figure among other oils: in sunflower seed oil it is up to 70 mg, and in olive oil - 13 mg.

The product under discussion is high-calorie and nutritious. In a hundred grams of oil - from 880 to 900 kcal.

Healthy oil is produced in two different ways:

  1. Extraction method - the process is based on the ability of vegetable oils to dissolve in organic solvents. A hexane solvent is used to completely dissolve soybeans. This method is called chemical.
  2. The method of pressing, or pressing, is a mechanical method. The oil is produced using a press under which the soybeans are placed. Under strong pressure, not reaching temperatures above 40 - 42 degrees, the oil at the outlet retains all its useful properties. After the press, the liquid settles, then it is filtered and bottled.

The latter method of oil production is recognized as more gentle, allowing you to get a more useful product. However, cold-pressed oil has a characteristic aroma that not everyone likes, and its safe storage period is very short.

Oil obtained by cold extraction from soybean seeds gained popularity during the Russo-Japanese War (early 20th century), when, due to a shortage of food, soldiers in the Far East were fed soybeans.

On an industrial scale, oil is produced in countries with a hot tropical climate, so favorable for plant growth: on the African continent, the Indian islands, Australia and Asia, as well as in America.

Soybean oil: benefits and harms

The product has a unique composition, due to which it brings invaluable benefits to the human body, both for internal and external use. Soybean oil contains vitamins (groups B, E, F, K, choline), mineral compounds (iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc), healthy fats, phytosterols. Regular use of soy seed oil improves the condition of the whole body and reduces the risk of oncology, heart attack and stroke.

The product is extremely useful for the brain, organs of vision and the human nervous system. Nutritionists advise including soybean oil in the children's diet, as a growing body experiences constant stress on the central nervous system and brain.

Contraindications for eating and treating soy oil include individual intolerance to soy protein. Take the product with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before treatment with soybean oil, it is imperative to consult a doctor observing you, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases. It is not recommended to use the oil in patients prone to migraines.

The therapeutic effect of soybean oil on the human body is primarily due to the high content of PUFAs, under the general name of omega-3. Linolenic, linoleic, oleic, arachidic, palmitic, stearic acids enter the body only with food.

The main animal source of useful acids is sea fish (fish oil), and oils of plant origin. Soy pomace in terms of omega-3 concentration is in second place after linseed oil.

Also, the product is distinguished by a high content of E vitamins - tocopherols, aptly named vitamins of youth, beauty and longevity. With a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the body, all systems work smoothly, especially the heart and blood vessels. And the appearance of the skin and skin appendages (hair, nails, eyelashes) directly depends on the intake of fat-soluble vitamins with food.

Useful properties of soybean oil:

  1. Helps to remove toxic substances and decay products from the body.
  2. Prevents the degeneration of cells, is the prevention of cancer.
  3. Increases the permeability of blood vessels and their elasticity, cleanses of cholesterol plaques, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Improves the quality of male sperm.
  5. Heals kidney diseases.
  6. Removes the effects of stress, showing sedative properties.
  7. Activates metabolism.
  8. Increases immunity.

Soybean oil is actively used in aromatherapy, traditional medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. For the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, liver, kidney, brain, cancer and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as in violation of metabolic processes, soybean oil is prescribed in an amount of 10 ml per day (2 teaspoons).

It is best to use oil as a savory dressing for cold snacks.

Use in cooking

In the food industry, margarine is made from soybean oil. Soy bean oil is versatile and suitable for any culinary delight. Refined soybean oil is used to fry meat and fish, it is added as the main ingredient in the production of cold and hot sauces, such as mayonnaise.

Soybean oil surprisingly gently emphasizes the taste of vegetable salads, harmonizes with rice, eggs, seafood, for example, seaweed. The product is added to pastries, which acquire an amazing golden color.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

Phytosterols, valuable lipids, fatty acids, vitamins and powerful antioxidants make soybean oil indispensable in cosmetology. The healing components of the oil have a positive effect on the regeneration of skin tissues.

Cosmetics manufacturers successfully use soybean oil to make detergents and soaps, and also add it to the formulation of face and body lotions, scrubs, cleansers, creams, nourishing masks and hair balms.

Lips, rough skin of the elbows and knees, heels are lubricated with a fat elixir, especially when the epidermis is thickened. Soybean oil is an excellent vegetable base for home cosmetics, massage compositions, masks.

Soybean oil for face

It is advisable to use recipes for facial care compositions based on soybean oil. The product has gained popularity as a tool that can retain healing moisture in the epidermis, nourish the deep layers, renew cells, improve skin metabolism and rejuvenate the skin.

The oil is well suited for restoring combination, dry, chapped and flaky skin, softening the epidermis and creating an additional protective layer against negative environmental factors. According to experienced cosmetologists, soybean oil effectively strengthens the skin.

Rejuvenating face mask

Boil a potato tuber in a "uniform", peel and mash with a fork, mix with an apple grated on a fine grater and soybean oil (15 ml). The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with a towel moistened with warm water.

Soy seed oil is especially useful for overdried, thinning, brittle and damaged hair with split ends.

Oil wrap for hair restoration

In a glass container, combine 50 ml of castor and 40 ml of soybean oil, mix with a wooden spatula, add 3 drops of frankincense ether, apply to dry hair 25 minutes before washing, spread over the strands, combing with a wooden comb with rare teeth.

Mask for damaged hair (has the effect of laminating rods)

Combine 30 ml of burdock and 15 ml of soybean oil, add 5 ml of fresh lemon / lime juice to the composition, slightly warm and distribute over the rods, wrap your head with cellophane and warm with a woolen scarf / scarf.

The procedure time is 1 hour, then rinse the curls with a delicate shampoo and rinse with water acidified with lemon / lime juice or apple cider vinegar (15 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water).

Nature itself gave us a universal product for the treatment of various ailments and strengthening the whole body. Without spending money on expensive cosmetics, you can get amazing results by using soybean oil in your personal care and maintenance of beauty and youth.

Do you know about the beneficial properties?
