
How many calories in pickled corn. Sweet canned corn

Corn cobs contain a large number of useful microelements and vitamins. The product restores strength and heals the body. Canned corn is recommended for those who are struggling with extra pounds, gout or nephritis, epilepsy.

Product Features

The composition of the product is so rich that it can make up for the lack of almost any trace element. The big advantage is that corn does not lose its properties as a result of heat treatment. Canned food has the same vitamins and minerals as fresh food.

Eat either boiled cobs or canned grains. Corn is not usually eaten fresh. Raw grains are occasionally added to soups and various salads. The presence of the product in the diet serves as a prevention of many diseases, prevents the growth of malignant tumors.


Corn grains have a special nutritional value and biological value. They improve gastric peristalsis, are easily absorbed by the body, and do not create additional burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Corn satisfies the feeling of hunger, but does not affect the figure.

Fresh corn is not too high in calories. It contains 125 kcal per 100 grams of product. In canned form - 120 kcal per 100 grams. This means that there are approximately the same calories in a jar as in a serving of fresh or boiled corn.

During conservation, the grains are saturated with water, so the BJU decreases. So in the product per 100 grams there are only 1.4 g of fat and 4 g of protein. The carbohydrate content is slightly higher than that of the cobs. These data allow us to understand that corn in this form gives the body a large supply of energy and a minimum amount of fat.


Corn is an ideal product for those who seek to normalize body weight. It contains only 5% fat. The canned product will saturate the body with vitamins C, PP and B. The product will help replenish the deficiency of potassium, iodine and fluorine. Just 1 teaspoon of corn will improve the condition of the body. The product also contains a certain amount of gold, which is involved in many metabolic processes in the body.

The canned product helps keep the intestines in good condition. Its regular use will help get rid of periodic or constant constipation. Use the product is for people with liver disease. You will notice its pronounced choleretic effect. In addition, the product helps to improve the condition of hepatitis and diseases of the gallbladder, ducts.

Corn kernels slow down the development of cancer. They are able to stop the growth of the tumor and the appearance of metastases. The product contains many elements that normalize the functioning of the heart, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and make them more elastic. Regular use of the product can alleviate the condition with nephritis and gout.

Doctors conducted studies and found that people who constantly consume canned corn do not experience a deficiency of magnesium and folic acid. The essential components help the heart and immune system to function without failure.


Oddly enough, absolutely harmless products do not exist. Canned corn in large quantities can have a bad effect on the body with such diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • gastritis.

It is important to consider that corn is rich in vitamin K. It significantly increases platelet activity. This effect leads to the fact that the blood coagulates faster, possibly the formation of blood clots.

The low calorie content of the product can harm people who are underweight. Corn will cause satiety too early and the body will not be able to get the required amount of protein. People who are gaining weight can use the product in small quantities only to “warm up” the appetite.

When losing weight

Nutritionists have long noted that canned corn helps to get rid of extra pounds. There are several main arguments in favor of the product.

  1. Low calorie.
  2. The composition is rich in vegetable protein, polysaccharides and starch. This makes corn grains nutritious, able to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  3. A large number of nutrients replaces a light snack.
  4. Fiber in the composition improves digestion, speeds up metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Corn diets include the use of other products. Corn is often combined with fresh vegetables, low-fat sour-milk and dairy products, and unsweetened tea. Salads with cereals are seasoned with unflavored natural yoghurt or olive oil. The grains themselves can be eaten as a dish, or separately. The duration of such a diet does not exceed 4-7 weeks. During this time, you can lose about 3 kg.

It is worth considering that such a diet is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, kidneys. Remember that an overabundance of the product can lead to bloating and discomfort in the intestines.

Nuances of the diet

The simplest canned corn meal plan is for 4 days. Nutritionists recommend preparing the body before starting a diet. To do this, drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gas per day and reduce the calorie content of the diet. For the latter, you can either slightly adjust the foods of the diet, or simply reduce portions.

A diet with canned corn will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your health. As a result of a four-day diet, the body will get rid of harmful substances and toxins. Together with corn, you need to eat a large amount of greens. Add it to salads and other meals throughout your diet.

For the first and second days, you will need 400 grams of canned corn kernels. Divide this amount into 4 equal parts and eat throughout the day. Each part corresponds to one meal. On the same day, eat 1 carrot or cucumber, 1 tomato or sweet pepper. Add fruit, a few apples or kiwis.

It is important that throughout the diet you drink at least 4-5 glasses of pure water without gas. All ingredients can be mixed in the form of salads or other dishes.

For cooking on the third and fourth day, use 200 grams of canned corn. As before, this volume must be consumed 4 times. Fruits and vegetables remain the same as in previous days. You can add no more than 150 grams of mushrooms. The amount of water remains unchanged.

Making at home

The product can be easily prepared by yourself. So you will be sure of the quality of the grains. Ingredients:

  • fresh corn - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

This set is enough to prepare a 3 liter jar. The manufacturing method is simple.

  1. Sterilize jars and lids. To do this, hold the glass containers over the steam, and boil the lids.
  2. Peel the cobs, place them in a pot of water. Wait until it boils, cook for 3 minutes. Cool the cobs in a bowl of water.
  3. Use a knife to remove the grains. Rinse them under running water in a colander. Boil over low heat for another 3 minutes after boiling.
  4. To prepare the marinade, put a container of water, sugar and salt on the fire. Wait until it boils and cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. Transfer the grains to a jar and pour over the marinade.
  6. Place a container with corn kernels in a deep saucepan, first cover the bottom with a towel. Pour warm water and put on the stove. Wait until it boils, reduce the heat.
  7. Sterilize canning jars for about 3-4 hours. Keep an eye on the amount of water in the pot and top up as needed.
  8. Roll up jars with sterilized lids. Store in a cool dark place.

Canned corn is also convenient to use for cooking because it does not require heat treatment.

You can use the ingredient to decorate salads or casseroles. The product goes well with fresh vegetables and meat dishes.

Experienced housewives recommend buying those cans that indicate the summer date of manufacture. Only under such conditions will there be fresh canned grains inside. In the autumn-winter period, corn is used, which has already been dried and soaked again.

It is better if the container with corn is glass, not tin. You will be able to evaluate the color, grain size and condition of the brine. Remember that the grains in the canning jar should have a bright yellow color. Fading indicates that the product has lost its beneficial properties. It is acceptable that the brine be slightly cloudy. If you still decide to take corn in a tin, then check its evenness and integrity.

Store canned corn kernels only in a cool, dry place. The jar should not be exposed to the sun. If you have opened the container, then put it in the refrigerator and store it there for no more than 48 hours. If you use preservation in a tin, then transfer the contents to a glass or ceramic container.

You can learn more about the benefits of corn in the video below.

Corn is one of the most popular members of the cereal family.

Corn is one of the most popular members of the cereal family. Yellow cobs are used in food everywhere. They are eaten boiled, fried, canned, pickled, baked, dried, etc. Flour, cereals, porridge, syrups, bread, cakes and many other amazing products are prepared from corn. Canned corn is in great demand. In the processed form, it loses some of the nutrients, but at the same time its shelf life increases several times.

Canned corn: calories and composition

The calorie content of canned corn is 119 kcal per 100 g. Canned grains have a sweet taste. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, as well as minerals: zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium.

The benefits of canned corn

The grains contain a large amount of magnesium, which is necessary for every person. In urban conditions, we usually do not get enough of this element, so the introduction of corn into the diet will help make up for the deficiency.

Corn has a calming effect. It contains vitamins of group B, in particular it contains a lot of vitamin B1, which directly affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, muscles, and the production of blood cells. Just 150 grams of canned corn per day can fill a person's need for vitamin B1 by 25%.

Canned corn contains an antioxidant - vitamin E, which serves as a prevention of sclerosis, reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and protects against oncology. In addition, vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the skin and appearance in general. For this reason, it is also beneficial to consume corn oil.

Corn, as a source of starch, fills the body with energy without causing weight gain. Sweet grains normalize blood sugar levels, nourish nerve cells, protect and help get rid of diseases of the central nervous system, including diseases such as epilepsy and polio.

Corn reduces joint pain caused by arthritis. It also stops the development of muscular dystrophy.

The composition of the cereal includes phytin and glutamic acid, which help with anemia, vomiting, nausea, exhaustion, severe fatigue. The use of corn is indicated after ingestion of fatty and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. The product helps to reduce the negative effects of taking harmful products.

Uses of canned corn in cooking

Sweet canned corn is very often used in the preparation of various dishes. It is added to casseroles, pizza, pies, sauces, first courses, and sometimes desserts. Many national cuisines cannot do without corn. It can be eaten straight from the jar as it has a pleasant, sweet taste. Canned corn is suitable for diet food, if you do not abuse the amount.

Canned vegetables retain their original taste and quality. It is true that vegetables are stripped of some valuable substances during sterilization, however, those that are preserved remain stable. It also improves the texture of fruits and increases their digestibility.

It is useful to have canned or frozen vegetables at home, because if you are hungry in the evening and the refrigerator is empty, you will definitely not harm yourself with such a dinner.

In canned corn, there are different ratios of corn kernels and brine, which contains salt and in most cases also sugar.

Useful properties of canned corn

Corn supports cell oxidation and growth, strengthens the heart, maintains the correct level of hormones, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on reproductive activity in women, increases potency, and supports metabolism. It contains the so-called beauty vitamins, which have a positive effect on the skin, nails and hair. In addition, yellow grains improve brain performance, strengthen the nervous system and muscles, and improve the condition of fibrous tissues.

Canned corn

For children, both preschool and school and adolescence, corn is a source of energy, as well as a supply of substances necessary for healthy physical and mental development. For adults and the elderly, corn helps maintain physical fitness and general vitality.

Canned corn even has a number of advantages over freshly cooked corn. For example, there is absolutely no bloating from her. Moreover, it is useful to eat it when these symptoms are disturbing or constipation occurs. It acts as a mild laxative, improving intestinal motility, at the same time cleansing the liver.

Health benefits of canned corn

  • Vitamin B;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Selenium;
  • Cellulose;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron.

Corn from a jar is also useful for weight loss. Unlike fresh, it contains few calories, helps to calm the appetite and cravings for sweets and starchy foods. When dieting, corn can be added to vegetable salads, rice or stewed vegetables.

Who is canned corn bad for?

  1. Harmful with high blood clotting, as well as thrombosis.
  2. Not recommended for exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  3. Do not abuse with dystrophy or lack of muscle mass.

How much corn can you eat from a can

In the absence of contraindications and restrictions, you can eat up to 400 grams of canned corn per day.

How to choose and store canned corn

When choosing a jar, be sure to check not only the expiration date, but also the date of manufacture. If the corn was produced at the end of the summer, it means that it came into the jar fresh, straight from the field. But the one that was made in the winter already lay somewhere in the warehouse or was frozen. This affects the taste and preservation of useful properties.

Corn in a tin can not be left in it after opening for more than a day. It is better to transfer it to a glass container and store up to 3 days.

Healthy canned corn recipes

Corn goes well with many vegetables, chicken, rice and vinegar. This gives a lot of scope for culinary fantasies.

Canned Corn Vinegar

In a frying pan, fry 1 grated carrot and half a bell pepper cut into cubes until tender. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of corn, half a glass of vinegar. Salt, add spices to taste, mix quickly and immediately pour a glass of boiling water. Make a minimum fire and turn off after 2 minutes. Leave covered for 5-7 minutes.

Prepare fresh vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers, cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the onion, crush a couple of garlic cloves.

Vegetable stew with canned corn

First save the onions, then add the carrots and tomatoes to the pan. Then put everything else, salt and pepper. At the very end, add a few tablespoons of corn. This stew can also be cooked with chicken meat, cut like pilaf.

Corn belongs to an ancient cereal crop, which began to be grown quite a long time ago in Peru, Mexico. Interestingly, the Mayans and Aztecs believed that corn is a sacred plant. Then the cereal was delivered to Europe, they became interested in him in Spain. At first, it was used there as an ornamental plant, but after a while they managed to figure out what was what and introduced grains into the diet. Thanks to the Portuguese, they learned about the cereal in China, Indonesia, India, and Asian countries. Today, in the summer, many people like to eat boiled corn, and at other times of the year they buy canned. How useful is it? Can the product harm?

Composition and calories

How many calories are in corn? At least 340 kcal. This is one of the nutritious cereals, it contains a lot of protein, fats, vegetable carbohydrates, as well as such useful components as dietary fiber, starch, vitamin A, B, E. The product is rich in iodine, boron, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium, selenium.

Especially useful are corn waste, which contains glutamic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart and brain. Corn helps to get rid of:

  • Psychosis.
  • Muscular dystrophy.
  • epilepsy.
  • depression.

Corn contains selenium, which is why it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic against oncology. The product slows down aging, so it should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Did you know that there is a lot of unsaturated fatty acid in it? When using oil, you can cleanse the vessels of cholesterol deposits, improve cells and tissues. It is not for nothing that where corn is considered a traditional product, people do not suffer from heart and vascular diseases so much.

If you regularly use corn, you can improve complexion, hair structure, whiten, heal, strengthen teeth. Pay attention to Hispanics, they practically do not go to the dentist, because they eat a lot of corn.

We know about different dishes: boiled, fried. Some use it in the form of popcorn, cereal, bread, tortillas. Especially popular is canned corn, which can be bought at any time of the year.

Can't give up fatty, high-calorie foods, do you abuse alcohol? Add corn to your menu. With this product, you can reduce the negative impact of fried, alcoholic, fatty foods. Grains can be added to soup, salad, side dishes.

Homeopaths offer various medicines based on corn. The most commonly used cobs, grains, stigmas. Drugs can be cured:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Nephritis.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Cholecystitis.

Is canned corn healthy?

The product is no less useful than fresh. During canning, all useful properties are preserved, more than in beans. It is best to preserve fresh seeds, they are distinguished by medicinal and nutritional qualities. You can use the product alone or combine it with vegetables, meat.

The main thing is to choose the right product, because there are many unscrupulous manufacturers. First of all, look at the date of manufacture, ask about the expiration date. If corn is released in winter, and not in summer, in autumn, then it is clear that the product is stale - reconstituted seeds were used for it, which were dried, soaked, and then canned.

Many manufacturers simplify the technology: they buy products in large volumes, then they begin to lay them out in jars. At the same time, the rules and certain norms are not always observed.

Attention! Summer corn is of high quality. Just make sure that the date is embossed, not pasted. Many manufacturers like to constantly change it, printing something on the label that does not correspond to reality.

Some manufacturers offer corn in glass jars. Of course, in such banks, the grain is better visible, but the filling in them is cloudy, has a milky tint. Despite this, carefully consider the grains, what color, shape they have, if there are any spots on them, various defects. The grains should be uniform in color, while they may be white or bright yellow.

It should be borne in mind that in cans the product can be stored for about 2 years, and in glass only 3 years. To find out about the quality of the product, it is enough to try it several times. The main thing is that the composition does not contain water, sugar, salt. Buy corn, which is made according to GOST. An opened jar should not be stored for more than two days.


Effective and fast is the corn diet, which makes it possible to lose about 5 kg of excess weight.

First day: eat corn (400 grams), divide the meal into 4 times, add an apple, tomato, carrot, pepper, cucumber, onion, greens to the menu. You can eat vegetables separately or as a salad - just do not add sour cream, mayonnaise.

Second day: repeat the menu.

The third day: a serving of corn is reduced by 200 grams, necessarily divided into 4 meals. You can add some fruits, vegetables, mushrooms (no more than 150 grams).

Fourth day: you need to eat everything the same as in the third.

So, canned corn is one of the best foods for diet food, only if you buy quality. In this case, you should not save, give preference only to proven products. If possible, in the summer, buy yourself fresh heads of corn and boil them. Despite all the benefits, you should not get carried away with the product, always remember the measure. In large quantities, corn can clog the stomach, lead to bloating, increased gas formation, exacerbation of various chronic ailments. Be careful with your diet!

Corn is a popular and sought-after crop, no less valuable than wheat and rice. It was used by the ancient Aztecs, and after the discovery of America, it became available to Europeans. Corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica. Boiled corn is very useful - despite the heat treatment and the loss of some useful qualities, during the cooking process, the culture is enriched with sodium.

The product is low-calorie, which will allow you to use it when losing weight. 100 g of canned corn contains only 60-100 kcal. However, when developing a menu for weight loss, it should be remembered that corn should be consumed on its own, replacing it with one meal of more nutritious foods. When combining corn with other products, their calorie content increases, which calls into question the result of such a diet.

Nutritional value of canned corn

Canned corn is an excellent source of protein and amino acids. It is recommended for use by athletes, during a period of weakened immunity and after illnesses. The culture contains valuable vitamins and microelements that support the work of all vital and human systems.

Ingredients of canned corn:

  • Polyunsaturated acids
  • Vitamins PP, B5, B9, B6, C, B2, B1
  • Starchy substances
  • Mono and disaccharides
  • Choline
  • Protein
  • Saturated fats
  • Potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Carbohydrates, protein

What are the benefits of canned corn? Only 150 g of the product fills the daily human need for vitamin B1, and the valuable vitamin E contained in the culture prolongs youth and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.


Canned corn: harm

This cereal crop does not belong to the category of fast-digesting and light food, and the harm of canned corn can be done in case of diseases of the digestive organs. Its use requires the right combination with other products.

Cereal is perfectly combined with all types of vegetable crops, herbs, vegetable and butter. The simultaneous intake of corn with dairy and sour-milk products, proteins, fruit juices is excluded.

The harm of canned corn can occur when a person is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Thrombophlebitis
  • exhaustion
  • Acute stages of diseases of the digestive organs (ulcer, colitis)
  • Thrombosis
  • Tendency to increased blood clotting


Benefits of canned corn

The benefits of corn for humans are great, since the culture contains more than 26 elements of the periodic table, which are preserved in large volumes even after boiling.

What are the benefits of canned corn for humans? By consuming several tablespoons of this product per week, the body is saturated with useful trace elements, the action of which is as follows:

  • Normalization of the nervous system, maintenance of human cognitive abilities
  • Removal of puffiness, improvement of the urinary system
  • Relief of pain during menstruation
  • Relieve discomfort during menopause
  • Cholesterol Reduction
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Regulation of blood glucose levels
  • Improving the work of the heart
  • Removal of intestinal flatulence
  • Normalization of metabolism
  • Benefits for allergy sufferers, with anemia
  • Help with weight loss
  • Prevention of sclerosis

How to choose canned corn

To exclude the harm of canned corn, you need to carefully approach the choice of product.

Remember that corn ripens in the middle of summer, and if the jar indicates the summer canning period or it is early autumn, you can put it in the basket with confidence. If the seaming process took place in the winter, this means that the corn got into the jars after freezing, and has already lost a lot of vitamins.

And it is best to look for the date of manufacture of canned corn on the can itself, and not on the label, which unscrupulous firms can replace.

Also, if there is citric acid in the composition of canned corn, most likely the raw materials were of poor quality, and in order to give the corn a pleasant taste and good appearance, the manufacturer can use this additive.

It is best to choose this product, which has only corn, salt and water in its composition. Sugar in its composition can also indicate poor quality. And if the “carbohydrates” column contains a figure of more than 12 grams, this also indicates that the raw materials were used of poor quality and thus the manufacturer simply disguised it by adding sugar.

In a tin can, corn goes through a lower degree of overheating than in a glass one. This allows her to retain a maximum of useful qualities. However, immediately after opening the can, transfer the corn to a glass container and close. When a can of metal components interacts with oxygen, an oxidation process occurs, which leads to the release of toxic substances and their absorption into products.

If you shake a can of canned corn, there should be no splashes. If the manufacturer did not report the pouring into the corn, the jar will have voids and the corn will oxidize and deteriorate. Such a product has many toxins and becomes dangerous.

A can of corn should not have visible damage, deflections, dents. The inside of the tin container is treated with a special compound so that the product does not come into contact with iron and does not absorb harmful substances. If the jar is damaged, the inner protective material may break. It is dangerous to use such canned food, as it is fraught with poisoning, because copper or tin ions have already penetrated into the corn.

How to cook canned corn at home

Cooking corn at home is very easy. The main plus is that you will be sure of the safety and environmental friendliness of the product, especially if sweet corn is grown in your summer cottage.

For cooking you will need:

  • Corn cobs (10 pcs.)
  • Granulated sugar (3 spoons)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Salt (1 spoon)

To easily separate the grains, you need to dip the cobs in boiling water for a few minutes, and then dip them in ice water. After such a procedure, cleaning the cob will be simple and quick. Peeled grains must be re-immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then you need:

  1. Prepare jars with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters, sterilize them, fill a third with grains.
  2. In a separate container, prepare the marinade: boil water, add salt and sugar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the prepared jars with grains, cover them with lids and sterilize in a large container with water for 3-4 hours.
  4. Roll up the lids, turn upside down.
