
Presentation of physical methods of food processing. Presentation "Heat treatment of products

slide 2

Lesson: "Methods of thermal cooking"

Basic Cooking Methods Cooking is the heating of foodstuffs in a liquid to a temperature of 100°C or in an environment of saturated water vapor. Types of cooking: 1. Cooking in the main way. Produced when the product is completely immersed in a liquid. 2. Cooking at low temperature. Cooked on a food warmer or water bath (temperature 90), i.e. cooking without boiling. 3. Cooking at reduced (in vacuum apparatus) or increased pressure (in autoclaves). Workshop of the teacher Nizamova E.G.

slide 3

The cooking time decreases at a temperature of 110 - 130 C, but the nutritional value decreases; at a temperature of 100 C, the nutritional value of products is preserved. Steam cooking. In a steam oven, the product is cooked with steam generated by boiling water. Admission. This is cooking in a small amount of liquid (300-500 g per 1 kg of product) or in its own juice in a sealed container. You can also allow products in fat at a temperature of 90-95C. Cooking in microwave ovens (microwave ovens) by means of thermal energy that occurs inside the product. The cooking time is reduced by 4-10 times, because a high temperature is created throughout the mass of the product. Used for cooking second courses, defrosting, softening, proofing, drying.

slide 4

Frying. Frying is the heating of a product with or without fat until a crispy crust forms on the surface, in which flavoring substances are concentrated. As a result, the taste improves and the nutritional value of the product increases. 1. Frying in the main way. This is frying a product with a small amount of fat (5-10%) in a pan until a crispy crust forms on all sides. 2. Frying in an oven. The product is heated evenly at a temperature of 160-270C with the help of heat carriers. 3. Frying in a large amount of fat (deep-fried). The product is dipped in preheated fat (160-180) and fried until golden brown. Fat is taken 5-6 times more than the product.

slide 5

Frying without fat. It is used in the manufacture of products from liquid dough (fat is pressed out of the dough) or when using dishes made of special alloys and with a non-stick coating. Roasting on an open fire. Roast on an electric grill or over hot coals on a greased grill or on skewers. Frying with infrared rays (IR heating). In an electric grill using infrared radiation. At the same time, heat penetrates deep into the product, the frying time is reduced, the juiciness of the product increases, and a crispy crust forms on the surface.

slide 6

2. Auxiliary methods

Sauteing. Frying products at a low temperature (110-120C) without the formation of a crispy crust. sauté vegetables to pre-soften, preserve dyes and essential oils, and flour to reduce viscosity. Scalding. Used to facilitate the mechanical processing of products or to prevent browning, or to remove the taste of bitterness. Products are scalded with boiling water for 2-5 minutes. Singeing. Used to remove wool and hairs from the surface of offal and poultry carcasses during their processing.

Slide 7

3. Combined methods

Extinguishing. This is a stew in a broth or sauce of pre-fried foods with the addition of spices and spices. Products are stewed with the lid closed for better softening and better taste. Baking. This is the heating of pre-cooked or fried foods in an oven to bring it to readiness with the formation of a crispy crust. Cooking followed by roasting. Used in the preparation of a very delicate product or, conversely, a very rough product. Breezing. Poaching a pre-fried product with broth or sauce in an oven.

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Technological map of lesson No. 19

FULL NAME. teachers : Govoruha O.V.

Grade: 5

Item: technology

Number of hours : 1

Lesson topic : "Thermal Cooking of Vegetables". "Cooking Vegetables"

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of knowledge of students with the techniques and rules of thermal cooking of vegetables.

Lesson objectives:

1) To acquaint students with the main types of heat treatment of vegetables.

2) To teach students how to properly heat-treat vegetables and cook boiled vegetable dishes

3) To instill in students an interest in the art of cooking, accuracy, organization, independence and aesthetic taste, the ability to carefully and economically use products, keep the workplace in order when preparing dishes from boiled vegetables.

Lesson type: combined

Educational resources: Teaching materials on technology textbook Grade 5 N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko; workbook, computer, CIOR, presentation, posters, handouts.

Planned educational results:

subject - students will learn about the methods of heat treatment of vegetables by the technology of making vinaigrette, get acquainted with the requirements for the quality and design of ready-made dishes from boiled vegetables.

Metasubject (UUD):

- regulatory - determination of the technological sequence of salad preparation.

communicative - the ability to work in a group when performing a task, the ability to cooperate with the teacher, resolve conflict situations, adequately perceive and develop a respectful attitude towards peers in the course of joint work.

- cognitive - selection of the most rational ways of cooking and conduct a comparative analysis.

Personal contributereadinessto rational housekeeping,the ability to conduct self-analysis of the work performed, to develop industriousness, to cultivate accuracy and neatness in work.

stage of the lesson

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

Org. Moment.

Checking knowledge on the topic of the previous lesson.

Greeting children. Obtaining information about absentees. Preparation for the lesson (textbook, notebook, pen, diary).

Repetition of the material covered:

1. What is the nutritional value of vegetables and fruits?

2. How does ecology affect the quality of fruits and vegetables?

3. What is the mechanical processing of vegetables?

5. What are the most common forms of cutting?

6. Tell about the technology of salad preparation.

7. Listening to messages "scurvy", "night blindness".

Children's answers.

1. It is the main supplier of vital vitamins, mineral salts and other nutrients.

2. Due to environmental pollution, vegetables absorb harmful substances such as nitrates, their excess leads to poisoning.

3. Before cooking, vegetables are sorted, washed, peeled, washed, cut.

4. Keep peeled vegetables in water for no more than 10-15 minutes; clean only before cooking; peeled potatoes should be put in cold water, otherwise it will darken; dishes for storing and cooking vegetables should be enameled or glass.

5. Slices, circles, sticks, straws, cubes.

6. Before preparing a salad, vegetables or fruits must be sorted out, washed, cut, seasoned, mixed, decorated.

7. Messages of "scurvy", "night blindness".

K. the development of speech activity, the acquisition of experience in the use of speech means for the regulation of mental activity.

Motivation (self-determination)

to learning activities.

Let's continue the lesson. To determine the topic of the lesson, I suggest you read the words on the screen: cooking, poaching, blanching, frying, sauteing, stewing, baking.slide 1

1.What do they mean?

2. Who can formulate the topic of our today's lesson?

3. What should we learn in this lesson, what is its purpose?

Topic: "Heat Cooking of Vegetables"slide 2

1. Suggested answers:

(methods of food preparation, culinary processing……)

2. Discuss the questions asked; trying to formulate a theme: "Heat Cooking of Vegetables"

The purpose of the lesson: To get acquainted with the basic methods of cooking vegetables and cook dishes from boiled vegetables.

3. Write down the topic in a notebook.

L. Self-determination, self-organization,

J. Planning for collaborative collaboration with peers and with the teacher.

P. The ability to predict activities in the lesson

Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial action.

Let's open the textbook and read the title of item 11

What does the word "heat treatment" mean?

Heat treatment - treatment by heating. Cooked vegetables are just as healthy as raw vegetables. They can be the basis for salads and vinaigrettes, a side dish for fish and meat, or an independent dish.

Consider the methods of heat treatment:

slide 3 Cooking - this is heating food in water, broth, milk or steam. Cook vegetables for soups, appetizers, main courses and side dishes.

Slide 4 Roasting - heating food in a hot pan with fat. As a result of frying, a crust forms on the product.

Slide 5 Baking - frying vegetables on baking sheets or pans in the oven.

Slide 6 Extinguishing - combined method of heat treatment. When stewing, the products are first fried, and then poured with sauce or broth, spices are added and stewed until tender.

Slide 7 Admission - cooking in a small amount of liquid or juice, which is released from the food when heated. Allowance is used if it is necessary to obtain a juicy product, while retaining a significant part of the nutrients.

Slide 8 Passing - light frying of the product with or without fat. Passivated products are used in the preparation of soups, sauces and second courses.

Slide 9 Blanching - fast scalding or scalding. The product is doused with boiling water in a closed vessel or immersed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.


Group work on cards

Having correctly guessed the names of vegetables in the crossword puzzle, you will find the keyword, find out the name of the boiled vegetable dish that we will cook in the next lesson.









1. Favorite delicacy of rabbits. (Carrot)

2. Both adults and children love juice. (Tomato)

3. If the onion is from 7 ailments, then this vegetable is from 99 diseases. (Garlic)

4. The most ancient vegetable, eat and preserve it only unripe. (Cucumber)

5. How is the name of the famous Roman orator Cicero translated into Russian? (Peas)

6. Does not like light, is afraid of the cold and wears a "uniform". (Potato)

7. White root, which has both tops and roots for food. (Parsley)

8. “Yes, bread ... .. famously they will not let it in,” the ancient Slavs said so. (Cabbage)

That's right, it's a vinaigrette.

The vinaigrette - This is one type of salad that can be prepared from boiled vegetables.

Let's get acquainted with the recipe for making vinaigrette (CIOR)

Read the text in the textbook p.64-65 Cooking salads and vinaigrettes from boiled vegetables

2. How to determine the readiness of vegetables when cooking?

3. What determines the shape of the names of vegetables?

Study the table on page 65 “Technology for making salad from boiled vegetables.

Write down the order in which the salad is prepared.

Slide 10 Consider the requirements for the quality and design of finished dishes.

Make assumptions about the questions. Let's go to the textbook. Page 64. Reading text

Make assumptions about the questions.

Work in groups

Solving a crossword puzzle

Look, write down the recipe in a notebook

Reading, taking notes

Answer questions

1. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, vegetables are boiled in a container with a closed lid.

2. Vegetable must be pierced with a knife or fork; it should be soft.

3. The shape of the vegetable name depends on the type of salad.

Study the table

Determine and record the sequence

P. extracting the necessary information from texts

P. performing a trial educational action

K. taking into account different opinions, expressing one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

K - the ability to work in a group when performing a task, the ability to cooperate with a teacher, resolve conflict situations, adequately perceive and develop a respectful attitude towards peers in the course of joint work.

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Let's review what we learned:

1. List the methods of heat treatment of vegetables?

2. Name the technology for preparing salads from boiled vegetables;

3. Namerequirements for the quality and design of finished dishes.

Answer questions

1. Cooking, poaching, blanching, frying, sautéing, stewing, baking.

2. Vegetables-wash-boil-cool-peel-cut-season-stir-garnish.

    Boiled products that are part of the dishes should be soft, but not boiled, and keep the shape of the cut.

    Dishes should have a taste, color and smell characteristic of the fresh products from which they are prepared.

    Decorate dishes before serving.

P.analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification.

K. formation and argumentation of one's opinion and position of communication, management of the partner's behavior.

L. Awareness of responsibility for a common cause.


Control of the formation of knowledge and skills.

Students ask questions and write answers on paper.Application.

Name the main methods of heat treatment.

1 Boiling or steaming vegetables (cooking)

2 Processing vegetables in a tightly closed container in a small amount of liquid(admission)

3 Scalding vegetables with boiling water or steam(blanching)

4 Process chopped vegetables in a pan with the addition of oil until golden brown(roasting)

5 Saute chopped vegetables in a small amount of fat until half cooked(sauteing)

6 Processing pre-boiled or half-cooked vegetables in a small amount of water or broth(quenching)

7 Cooking vegetables in the oven raw or precooked(baking)

Evaluation, argumentation.

Performed in pairs. Students exchange sheets of paper (peer review). For each correct answer, 1 point is given.

P., performing actions according to the algorithm, proof.

R. control, evaluation, volitional self-regulation in a situation of difficulty.

K. expressing one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.


Reflection of educational activity.

Let's sum up the lesson.

What did you like about today's lesson?

What do you remember the most important and important for yourself?

What could be useful to you in life?

Emoticons are symbols of your mood on the desk, select a symbol of your mood and stick it in your notebook.

Slide 14 Homework - paragraph 11, answer the questions of the paragraph, search the Internet for the necessary information. Distribute and bring ready-made products for making vinaigrette.

Repeat TB during culinary work.

Thank you for the lesson!

Student responses

P.reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and result of activity.

L. Self-assessment based on the criterion of success, an adequate understanding of the reasons for success and failure in educational activities.

K. planning of educational cooperation.



It is called the processing of products with boiling water
or steam, other than boiling
brevity and the fact that
external sources during processing
heat is not supplied.
With the help of blanching
surfaces of animal products
creates that invisible protective
film of coagulated proteins
helps reduce washout
nutrients during cooking and
priming, as well as loss of moisture
when hot.

In vegetable
products with
alkaloids and others
substances that cause
For this purpose before
bookmark in a dish
blanch the zest or
citrus peel, onion,
For blanching
boiling water products
immersed in steep
boiling water for
steam blanching - in
tightly sealed container
small volume
rapidly boiling water.
Vegetables and zest
blanch in
colander, watering them
boiling water.

Animal products are blanched in
boiling water from 1 to 5 minutes, vegetables - 20-30
sec. Steam blanching time
should be slightly increased.


Cooking - this is the name of any preparation
raw foods, as simple (fruits,
berries, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, crustaceans,
shellfish, fish, eggs, poultry, game, meat),
and complex (dough, pickles and
fermented, smoked meats, dried and
dried products, dairy products
products), in any boiling liquid,
except for oils and sugars, as well as in vapours.
or through the vapors of these

Tender vegetables such as cauliflower,
peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cannot stand
rapid boiling, but "accustomed" to
weak, quiet, barely noticeable, but all
or boil.
Only meat, fish, mushrooms and
root vegetables can be boiled first
with intense boiling.

There are the following types of COOKING:

Cooking with full immersion of the product in
liquid (more commonly referred to simply as "cooking")
- heat treatment of products, completely
immersed in boiling water, broth, juice,
decoction or milk:
100* From to
in closed
pressure cookers -
above 100 *С
(up to 115-120*С).

The meat is boiled down by 35% (remains 65%
initial weight), and the main
part of the liquid is released from the meat into
broth for the first 15 minutes


To reduce nutrient loss
substances use cooking in small
the amount of liquid or in its own
juice, usually covered. Allowed
products in a sealed container, pouring them
liquid to 1/3 of their height, or even
less, and moisture-rich vegetables after
grinding can be allowed without
liquids in their own juice (pumpkin,
zucchini, tomatoes, etc.).

Breezing - a kind of poaching, poaching with a breez, and then frying meat, poultry, vegetables.

Breuse is the fat removed from the broth.
together with foam and containing a lot
squirrel (sometimes with a breeze wrong
called browned tomato and onion
for pickles).

An example of the use of bridging.

Boeuf - breze - the process of complex boiling
meat and resulting


cooking product with a small amount
water or broth with the addition of oil,
spices or in sauce under the lid.
Before extinguishing the product is often

Simmering is a type of quenching.

Cooking meat, fish or
vegetables with slow,
prolonged stewing, but not on the stove or
in the oven, at increasing temperature,
and in the Russian oven - when slowly
falling temperature or
long-term preservation of the same
Stewed milk with a special taste and
a reddish tint was obtained only in
Russian oven. All stewed dishes
had excellent taste, delicate

Steam cooking

In this case, in a large saucepan
pour up to half or two thirds
boiling water, tie a pan
top with a linen napkin so that it
slightly sagged in the middle, in a napkin,
like in a hammock, put food
(usually cereals, most often boiled like this

and put the pan on the fire, and
products in a napkin close up
overturned plate. Such a brew for
steam goes very fast and rice or
other cereals are crumbly,
not saturated with excess water.


Heat treatment of the product with heated
fat, but no added water or other
liquid containing water. frying
usually carried out at a temperature of about
180 * C, in such a way that on
surface of the product formed delicious


For perekalivanie need to pour oil (fat)
in a pan with a layer of half a centimeter
thick and make medium fire to
the oil heated up, glowed, but did not
seething. Outwardly, it will remain motionless,
but after two or three minutes it will brighten, and still
after a couple of minutes, white will appear above it,
barely noticeable, but acrid smoke.

Roasting is divided into six categories:

Roasting in

Conducted in a frying pan, over high heat with
a small amount of oil for the purpose
crust on
but don't let
inside and
(outflow of juice from
meat, vegetables, fish).

commit for
extinguishing, and sometimes
before cooking.
Roasting is usually
continues not
more than 2-3 minutes.
With more
frying time
already moving into

The main method of frying.
The product is placed
into an open container
baking sheet, saucepan
etc.) with a little
the amount of oil
while the product
comes into contact with
only one
always occupies
more than 7 - 10 minutes,
maximum 12 - 15.
For toasting
from all sides
turn over.

Sauteing (gentle "boiling" in oil).

Frying in fat over low heat
raw vegetables to soften them,
retention of aromatic substances or
transfer of dyes to fat
(for example, from carrots).

You can sauté flour without fat - the so-called dry sautéing

For dry sautéing sifted wheat
flour (not lower than the first grade) is fried on
frying pan, stirring thoroughly
breaking up all the lumps, until a uniform light yellow color. The flour is then allowed to cool and
combined with chilled broth, broth
or milk, stir until formed
homogeneous mixture and pour this mass into
boiling soup or sauce while stirring over
10-15 minutes before the end of cooking; together
boil for another 10-15 minutes.


Frying with oil thickness
(necessarily overheated) from one
up to two centimeters.
The decisive condition for yarn is that
the food product rests on the bottom
dishes (does not float), lies on it, although
surrounded on all sides by oil. At
this frying and frying is not
are separated, but constitute one process
at the same temperature.
When spinning, burning is practically

deep frying

In terms of meaning, the same yarn, but only with
the complete predominance of oil (environment)
over the product (at least 3 times).
Deep-fried food item or product
must float, must be fully submerged
into the oil, but do not reach the bottom of the dish, do not
lean on the bottom.
Deep frying goes over
fast: from a few seconds to
minutes, maximum two.


Baking is divided into three types:

open roast or
roasting (grilling)
- fire (coals)
located at the bottom
baked item
on top of the shampoo
spit or grill;
if the item being baked
is in the bowl
baking is carried out
only in the oven, and then
fire does not work
directly, but through
heat radiated from the walls
and the warmth of the environment
Closed baking - in
oven (for
dough products or
smeared with dough
also called
closed baking
may be under cover
hermetic, in foil
and closed in
natural shell
(whole fish, in scales,
not torn).

Brief baking
(gratination) -
finished product
placed in
oven up to
receiving from above
crusts, i.e. for

A culinary term meaning "to give
food product beautiful appearance
Applies to
flour, meat
products or dishes
from home
faded and
those in need not
baking, and in the acquisition
outer shiny
golden brown
"appetizing" crust,
that is beautiful
colors, colors.

Meat dishes from
veal, min:
roast veal
30 - 40;
Veal goulash 30;
Meatballs from
veal 10 - 15;
Roast veal
brisket or loin
Veal roll
30 - 50;
Veal Schnitzel 7
Veal schnitzel
natural 5-7.
From beef, min:
Fillet goulash 3 - 4;
Fillet tenderloin
5 - 7;
Boiled beef
Goulash 70 - 90;
Beef roll
50 - 75;
Beef stew
60 - 90;
Beef stew with
vinegar 50 - 80;
Rump steak fried
5 - 7.

From pork, min:
Back leg 50 - 75;
pork sausage,
breaded and
fried 4 - 5;
Smoked pork
brisket boiled
- 60;
Smoked loin 7;
Smoked ribs
stewed 40 - 50;
Smoked neck
(boneless) fried
Corned beef stew 60 -
Roast pork 40
- 60;
Pork tenderloin
fried 15 - 20;
pork belly
boiled 40 - 60;
Pork cutlet
chop 8-10;
Pork entrecote

From lamb, min:
Roast lamb 60 -
Boiled lamb 50 -
Mutton chop
cutlet 8 - 10.
From minced meat
(minced meat), min:
Fried cue balls 7;
Fried minced meat
50 - 60;
cue balls cooked
for a couple 12 - 15;
Cabbage rolls 40.
from poultry,
Broiler (chicken)
40 - 50;
Roast duck 30 - 45;
Roast goose 60 - 90;
Fried chicken 20
- 25;
Boiled chicken 60 -

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Slides captions:

Thermal processing of products. Cooking.

For the heat treatment of products, it is necessary to have: - several pots of various capacities (capacity) - from 1 to 5 liters - frying pans of various sizes - dishes with a thick bottom and walls (duckling dish) - several baking sheets and shapes

1. The main way of cooking. The product is boiled in a large amount of liquid at a temperature of 100 degrees. If you close the pan with a lid, the temperature rises to 101 - 102 degrees. With a hermetically sealed lid, the temperature is 108 -110 degrees

With the main method of cooking, the maximum amount of nutrients passes into the liquid. It is used for making broths and soups.

2. Steam cooking Retains the maximum amount of nutrients Widely used in clinical nutrition

3. Seasoning The product is boiled in a small amount of liquid (the product is covered with liquid for 1/3 of its height) The products are stewed in their own juice They are stewed in saucepans under a closed lid

4. Cooking in a water bath The product is placed in a bowl, which is placed in a container with boiling water. The temperature of the product is 40 - 70 degrees. Used for making puddings, omelets, sauces.

You need to know this In the first 15 minutes of cooking, 30% of vitamin C is consumed. At a boiling temperature of 100 degrees, B vitamins are destroyed. Vitamins are destroyed not due to high temperature, but due to oxygen, which is dissolved in water. Boiled water does not contain oxygen.

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Lesson: "Methods of heat cooking" Basic methods of Cooking Cooking is the heating of food in a liquid to a temperature of 100 C or in an environment of saturated water vapor. Types of cooking: 1. Cooking in the main way. Produced when the product is completely immersed in a liquid. 2. Cooking at low temperature. Cooked on a food warmer or water bath (temperature 90), i.e. cooking without boiling. 3. Cooking at reduced (in vacuum apparatus) or increased pressure (in autoclaves). Workshop of the teacher Nizamova E.G.

The cooking time decreases at a temperature of 110 - 130 C, but the nutritional value decreases; at a temperature of 100 C, the nutritional value of products is preserved. Steam cooking. In a steam oven, the product is cooked with steam generated by boiling water. Admission. This is cooking in a small amount of liquid (g per 1 kg of product) or in its own juice in a sealed container. You can also allow products in fat at a temperature of 90-95C. Cooking in microwave ovens (microwave ovens) by means of thermal energy that occurs inside the product. The cooking time is reduced by 4-10 times, because a high temperature is created throughout the mass of the product. Used for cooking second courses, defrosting, softening, proofing, drying.

Frying. Frying is the heating of a product with or without fat until a crispy crust forms on the surface, in which flavoring substances are concentrated. As a result, the taste improves and the nutritional value of the product increases. 1. Frying in the main way. This is frying a product with a small amount of fat (5-10%) in a pan until a crispy crust forms on all sides. 2. Frying in an oven. The product is heated evenly at a temperature of C with the help of heat transfer fluids. 3. Frying in a large amount of fat (deep-fried). The product is immersed in preheated fat () and fried until golden brown. Fat is taken 5-6 times more than the product.

Frying without fat. It is used in the manufacture of products from liquid dough (fat is pressed out of the dough) or when using dishes made of special alloys and with a non-stick coating. Roasting on an open fire. Roast on an electric grill or over hot coals on a greased grill or on skewers. Frying with infrared rays (IR heating). In an electric grill using infrared radiation. At the same time, heat penetrates deep into the product, the frying time is reduced, the juiciness of the product increases, and a crispy crust forms on the surface.

2. Auxiliary methods Sauteing. Frying food at a low temperature (C) without the formation of a crispy crust. sauté vegetables to pre-soften, preserve dyes and essential oils, and flour to reduce viscosity. Scalding. Used to facilitate the mechanical processing of products or to prevent browning, or to remove the taste of bitterness. Products are scalded with boiling water for 2-5 minutes. Singeing. Used to remove wool and hairs from the surface of offal and poultry carcasses during their processing.

3. Combined methods Extinguishing. This is a stew in a broth or sauce of pre-fried foods with the addition of spices and spices. Products are stewed with the lid closed for better softening and better taste. Baking. This is the heating of pre-cooked or fried foods in an oven to bring it to readiness with the formation of a crispy crust. Cooking followed by roasting. Used in the preparation of a very delicate product or, conversely, a very rough product. Breezing. Poaching a pre-fried product with broth or sauce in an oven.
