
Is it possible to prepare spinach for the winter. How to prepare spinach for the winter: recommendations

Fresh spinach will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. In winter, the vegetable is not so accessible due to the price, grown in greenhouse conditions can be “overfed” with nitrates and pesticides. Harvesting summer spinach for the winter will be a tasty and healthy addition to a homemade feast. Recipes for preserving greenery do not require much time and effort.

The difference between harvesting spinach and other vegetables is that it requires minimal heat treatment, can be preserved without salt, and does not require vinegar. It is necessary to save the blanks at low temperatures, in the refrigerator, in the freezer, with the exception of dried leaves.

Beneficial features

A vegetable is 90% water. Proteins - about 3%, carbohydrates - 2%. Calorie content of 100 grams is 22 kilocalories. The most valuable components of green culture are vitamins B9, C, A, K, E, PP, micro-, macroelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Due to its neutral taste and bright color, the vegetable is widely used in cooking. It serves as an addition to salads, soups, sauces. Young rosettes are used fresh.

Mature leaves are suitable for harvesting, heat treatment.

Eating spinach is useful for beriberi, iodine deficiency, osteoporosis, increased bleeding, hyperglycemia.

Oxalic acid, contained in green culture, forms oxalates at high temperature - insoluble chemical compounds. In kidney failure, oxalates will not be excreted from the body, forming kidney stones.

You should limit the consumption of vegetables if there are problems with the deposition of salts in the joints, increased blood clotting and acidity of the stomach.

How to choose and prepare the main ingredient

Young leaves are consumed fresh. Their plant fibers are not resistant to heat and cold, quickly break down and turn spinach into porridge. For harvesting for the winter, dark green, dense leaves will be required. The freshness of the greens is checked by slightly twisting the leaf: just plucked, it makes a slight crunch.

There should be no spots or blotches on the leaves. They require thorough washing in a large container, not under running water. For all recipes, one of the conditions is drying the leaves, removing the stems.

Ways to harvest spinach at home

Vegetables are preserved for the winter in traditional ways:

  • dry;
  • freeze;
  • preparing canned food.

The recipes for the preparation are simple, not laborious. Parsley, arugula, butter or vegetable oil can be used as additional ingredients.


Drying is the most gentle method of harvesting green leaves for the winter. Lack of heat treatment does not destroy vitamins.

Greens must be dried in a ventilated place, in shading. Leaves are thoroughly washed and laid out on paper towels. The air temperature should be at least 30-35 degrees on the first day so that moisture actively evaporates from the sheets. Dried leaves are dried at a lower temperature to preserve color and taste.

The finished product should be brittle, but not turn into dust. Dried leaves are placed in glass containers, covered with lids, stored in a dry, dark place. Too dense capping is not allowed, in which the leaves will acquire a musty smell. The best way to preserve the quality of dried herbs is with a paper filter.

The paper allows air to pass through, which makes it possible to keep the dried sheet in its original quality. At the same time, dust and foreign odors do not penetrate into the containers.


Storing greens in a frozen form allows you to prepare, preserving its useful properties for a long period. The main rule when freezing is that defrosted greens cannot be re-frozen. It loses its nutritional value.

You can freeze whole leaves, chopped, with water, oil, in combination with other herbs.

The use of oil when freezing greens has advantages over the usual method:

  • the oil shell protects the delicate substance from exposure to low temperatures;
  • aroma and taste are better preserved;
  • the aromatization of the refrigerating chamber is blocked;
  • ease of use.

Oil can be used vegetable and butter. Spinach for freezing is taken without petioles. Prepared raw materials fill the forms no more than 2/3 of the volume. The ratio of oil and herbs is 1:2. The temperature in the freezer should be in the range of 15-18 degrees, with long-term storage of frozen greens.

Preparation of whole leaves

There are two ways to freeze a vegetable:

  1. Greens for freezing should be cleaned of stalks, washed, dried. Put together 3-5 leaves and roll into a tube. Wrap each tube in cling film, avoiding gaps, and place in the freezer.
  2. Leaves on a baking sheet are placed in the freezer. Frozen greens are put in a plastic container, stored in the freezer.

As needed, use part of the frozen product, the rest is packed and returned to the cold.

Ice cubes with a surprise

Washed and dried leaves are freed from petioles and cut into pieces. Chopped greens are tightly placed in prepared forms for freezing and poured with chilled boiled or filtered water. Forms visit the freezer.

Ice cubes are transferred to a metal or plastic container and stored in the freezer until they are needed.

Gentle green puree

Puree is made from boiled leaves. Water is poured into an enameled container, brought to a boil, salted to taste and greens are added. To preserve the bright color, you can add soda to the tip of the knife. After 5 minutes, the liquid is drained. The leaves must cool, after which they are rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender. The finished product is laid out in sterile jars and placed in the freezer.

Another option would be mashed spinach and arugula. Arugula is a salad plant with succulent leaves. It has a spicy aroma, tastes like a bitter nut. The spinach mixture will give the puree a “zest” taste. The ratio of ingredients depends on taste preferences: for lovers of spicier arugula puree, there should be at least half, in other cases - up to a quarter.

For cooking, the leaves are washed, cleaned, dried, cut into small pieces. Blend with a blender until smooth. The resulting puree has a liquid consistency, so it is boiled down to a thicker state. Packed hot in heated jars. Cool down in the usual way. Canned food is stored in the refrigerator.


Salting requires iodized salt. Leaf preparation includes: washing, drying, removing petioles. Banks of 500 milliliters should be heated in the oven or steam sterilized.

The leaves are placed on the bottom of the jar by one third, completely covered with salt. Oppression is set on top for 10 minutes or gently crushed with an improvised tool (for example, a spoon). The procedure is repeated again and again until the container is full. Under the influence of salt and tight packing, spinach should give juice, in which it will be salted and stored all winter.

The prepared balloon is sealed. Store in a dry, cool place. The ratio of salt and spinach is 1:10. The use of scales is recommended.


Spinach canned together with sorrel: for 2 parts of sorrel - 1 part of spinach. Oxalic acid is found in both green crops, is a preservative, gives a special taste to canned food. Spinach and sorrel are washed, petioles are removed. Placed in an enameled or stainless steel container, water is poured to cover the leaves.

Put on medium fire. After boiling, the fire is reduced, and kept on a small boil for 2-3 minutes. They are laid out in sterilized half-liter jars, poured with water in which the greens were boiled. Close with lids. Placed in the refrigerator.

If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, then canned food is prepared with salt to keep it cool. Salt is added to the water at the rate of 20 grams per 1 liter. Salt is laid simultaneously with the greens, so that it has time to completely dissolve.

blanched spinach

Before proceeding with blanching, it is necessary to prepare glass cylinders (400-500 milliliters) and saline solution. The ratio of water and salt to 1 kilogram of greens: 1 liter and 50 grams of salt. Water is brought to a boil, salt is dissolved and boiled for 2-3 minutes.

Spinach should be washed, cleaned of petioles. Blanch in water at a temperature of 90 degrees, avoiding boiling, for 3 minutes. Hot sheets are placed in heated jars, poured with boiling brine and put on sterilization.

The water temperature in the sterilization tank should be between 60-70 degrees. Placed jars with spinach should be covered with water up to the coat hanger. The best conditions for sterilization are if the water container is covered with a lid.

Over medium heat, water is brought to a boil, the fire is reduced to a minimum. From this moment on, the sterilization countdown starts: 5-7 minutes. Then the jars are tightly sealed, turned upside down. Ready canned food is stored in a cool dry place.

Spinach with onions and parsley

Spinach with green onions and parsley is a vitamin and flavorful dressing that should be prepared for soups and broths for the cold season. The proportion for harvesting is 5 parts of spinach, 2 parts of green onions, 1 part of parsley. The ratio of water and salt to greens: 4 parts of water and 0.1 of salt.

For example:

  • 1000 grams of spinach;
  • 200 grams of green onions;
  • 100 grams of parsley;
  • 400 milliliters of water;
  • 10 grams of salt.

Greens are washed, petioles are removed from spinach and parsley. A green feather is left on the bow. Finely chop the parsley and onion. Spinach - in the form of noodles. Bring water with salt to a boil, put greens. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes. Packed in hot jars, closed with lids.

Recipe for harvesting spinach for the winter for sauces

Spinach is cleaned of petioles, cut into pieces. Using a blender, prepare a homogeneous slurry. Soften the butter at room temperature or in the microwave. Add butter to puree and mix thoroughly.

Filling composition: for 1 liter of water - 20 g of salt. Young, fresh, dark green leaves and petioles, collected before the formation of flower stalks, finely chop and pack tightly in jars. Pour hot brine, sterilize (half-liter jars - 30 minutes) and immediately cork. These canned food is used as a cold appetizer. Before use, it is separated from the brine and seasoned with vinegar, crushed garlic and dill.

Canned natural spinach (leaves)

Rinse the spinach leaves thoroughly and, removing the petioles, put in boiling salted water (25 g of salt and 5 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Cook, stirring, 5-7 minutes, then put in hot jars. Pour the water in which the leaves were boiled and pasteurize for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 90 0 C.

Canned dried spinach

Wash young intensely green leaves (during the period before the flowering of plants) and, after removing the petioles of the leaves, hang to dry. Then grind and lay out on clean paper. Dry, stirring often, in an oven at a temperature of 40-45 ° C for 2-3 hours or under a canopy during the day. Place dried spinach in glass jars or plastic bags and tie tightly. Store in a dark place.

Spinach is a product that many do not understand the taste of. This vegetable has recently entered our diet, but almost all cooks liked it. This product is well suited as side dishes, bases for first courses, omelettes, sauces. In addition, it has a bright green color, so it helps to acquire unusual color schemes for many dishes. Therefore, the question of whether is relevant today. Consider several ways that will help preserve all the taste and useful qualities of this product.

Beneficial features

This vegetable contains a lot of protein and fiber. It is also rich in various useful substances and vitamins, which tend to be destroyed during heat treatment much less than in other vegetables. That is why many housewives are interested in.

Many housewives use spinach in cooking all year round. It is used in a variety of diets, even medical ones. The product has a low calorie content and a high percentage of carotene and iodine, so it is well suited for children's nutrition. Moreover, scientists have proven that eating spinach helps rid the body of toxins and toxins. But it must be remembered that this vegetable also contains oxalic acid, which in large quantities adversely affects the body. But regular use of it in small doses helps to strengthen all systems of the human body. Therefore, doctors recommend including this vegetable in the diet, which will help maintain health for a long time.


Many representatives of the weaker sex know how to cook spinach for the winter. Freeze in this case is the most popular. This method is quite simple and fast, the vegetable remains almost fresh. To freeze spinach, rinse its leaves well, then cut off the cuttings. The washed leaves are laid out on a towel to dry. Next, dry spinach leaves are twisted into tubes and wrapped in cling film, put in the freezer in the quick freeze compartment, if any. Now we know how to prepare spinach for the winter, freezing in this case, a fairly convenient method. Small pieces are cut from a frozen vegetable when cooking. The place of the cut is wrapped with a film for further storage.

Fancy Cubes

This method is a little laborious, but quite effective, as it involves freezing the vegetable with ice. Before that, it is recommended to wash the vegetable, cut off all unnecessary and dry the leaves. Dry leaves are cut into small pieces, placed in ice molds and filled with cold boiled water. The form is placed in the freezer in the department for storage for a long period of time. These interesting cubes can be used with various first courses, sauces or stews. If it is supposed to cook pasta, then butter is poured into the molds instead of water, which is pre-melted and cooled.

How to prepare spinach for the winter: recipes for sauces

Spinach is great for making a variety of sauces. The main thing is that you can not re-freeze the vegetable, as it loses all its nutritional properties. To harvest this leafy vegetable for the winter, you need to wash it, cut off everything unnecessary, put it in a blender or food processor and grind everything well until a puree-like consistency is obtained. The resulting mass is placed in ice molds and poured with butter, previously melted and cooled. Forms are sent to the freezer for further storage. To prepare sauces, frozen spinach is placed in a dish a few minutes before the end of cooking.

Freezing spinach for soups

This method is well suited for those housewives who are trying to save time for cooking first courses. Before you need to prepare it. To do this, the leaves of the vegetable are washed and dried, the cuttings are cut and cut into noodles. Then the vegetable is boiled in a small amount of water and cooled. Containers for storing vegetables are poured with a decoction with herbs, covered with lids and sent to the freezer. In order to prepare the first course in the winter, it remains only to boil the necessary vegetables and add a pre-frozen spinach broth.

Frozen mashed spinach and arugula

If there is enough space in the refrigerator, then the housewives can prepare mashed boiled arugula and spinach for the winter, which can then be added to various dishes. Before that, leafy vegetables are washed and cut off all unnecessary, then they are dried on a towel. The leaves are finely chopped and boiled for about five minutes in salted water. Then the vegetables are thrown into a colander and the water is allowed to drain. Boiled greens are crushed in a blender to a puree state. The finished puree is boiled until it thickens. The mass is sent to banks, closed with lids and put in the refrigerator.


To be able to use greens in your winter diet, they are often pickled and preserved. Before using salting, it is necessary, as in previous cases, to rinse it and dry it, cut off the cuttings. The leaves are torn into small pieces, laid out in jars in layers, each of which is sprinkled with salt. The layers should be medium in thickness and tightly compacted. Salts take about ten percent of the spinach's weight. A pickled vegetable should be stored in the refrigerator, making sure that mold does not appear on the surface. You can also salt spinach with other herbs, such as parsley or dill. Before eating a pickled vegetable, it is washed. Put the spinach a few minutes before the dish is ready.


Spinach harvested using this method can be stored for quite a long time.

Ingredients: one kilogram of spinach, one liter of water, two tablespoons of table salt.


Before, it is necessary to rinse it, remove the cuttings and dry. Then the vegetable is blanched for five minutes in very hot, but not boiling water. The leaves are thrown into a colander so that the water is glass. Then the greens are tightly laid out in sterile jars, the excess liquid is drained. Then a brine is prepared from water and salt. Salt is put into boiling water and boiled for about two minutes. Jars of herbs are poured with this brine and tightly corked or rolled up with lids.

Spinach with onions and parsley

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of spinach, six hundred grams of water, three hundred grams of green onions, twenty grams of salt, twenty grams of parsley and dill.


All greens are thoroughly washed and all excess is removed. All greens, except spinach, are finely chopped, spinach is cut in the form of noodles. All the greens are put in a saucepan, salted and water is added. It takes ten minutes to cook. The finished mixture is laid out in jars and a half-liter container is sterilized for twenty-five minutes, after which they are rolled up with lids and cooled.


You can prepare spinach for the winter by drying it. Most often this is done if there is no free space in the refrigerator for freezing or storage. So, the leaves of the vegetable are washed, dried and laid out on clean paper in a warm room so that direct sunlight does not fall on them. You can use an electric dryer for this purpose. In this way, the vegetable is dried for about three hours at a temperature of thirty-five degrees Celsius. Dry leaves are put in glass jars, covered and placed in a dark place. Dried leaf vegetable is well suited for cooking first courses.

Now we know . These processes are easy and simple, they do not take much time, and the result is excellent. Harvested vegetables will help color the winter diet with bright summer colors.


Spinach is one of the healthiest foods in the world. Doctors recommend using it to all people who want to prolong their youth and life. It is quite easy to get spinach in summer, but what to do in winter? To do this, all housewives are advised to stock up on this leafy vegetable using the above methods. Tasty and healthy spinach is good for cooking first and second courses, appetizers and sauces. This vegetable has a huge amount of useful elements and vitamins. Therefore, it is considered one of the effective products that resist the formation of malignant tumors and aging. Spinach regulates the work of all systems in the body, including the activity of the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it regularly in small amounts.

For preparations, it is best to use young spinach, with tender leaves, preferably from the very first harvest. Harvested before the first flowering, it is especially tender and not bitter, without flower arrows.

At home, it is convenient to use not one, but several different freezing methods at once - so you will have a semi-finished product at hand that is suitable for preparing a particular dish: toppings for pies, casseroles, soups or other first courses, sauces, smoothies and so on. I bring to your attention three of the most convenient ways to freeze spinach at home - with step-by-step photos, recommendations and detailed instructions. And to make it more convenient for you to choose the appropriate option, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Preparing spinach for freezing

Regardless of the method chosen, pre-wash the greens, sort and dry. You need to wash very carefully, as there is a lot of fine sand on the leaves. You can immerse the spinach bunches in a bowl of cold water for half an hour, and then thoroughly rinse each leaf in running water. Remove all wrinkled and withered leaves. And one more important point: for dry freezing (without blanching), it is imperative to dry the greens on a cotton towel to get rid of excess moisture, otherwise it will turn into ice in the freezer.

Method number 1. Dry freezing of leaves

Cut off roots and stems. We sort the leaves, select whole, approximately the same size and put them in piles of 10-15 pieces - small portions for one-time use. Trying not to damage the integrity, tightly twist the leaves into rolls and fix with cling film. In this form, we send it to the freezer, put it on a pallet at some distance from each other. After complete freezing, we transfer to containers for long-term storage so that the bundles are as little injured as possible.

In the same way, in its raw form, you can freeze not whole leaves, but shredded ones. To do this, cut the leaves into segments about 0.5 cm thick or smaller. Arrange in bags, containers or other storage containers designed to use 1 serving. We send it to the chamber for deep freezing.


The method is simple and labor-intensive;

The leaves are fresh, they are not cooked, which means they retain more vitamins and minerals.


The workpiece takes up a lot of space in the freezer;

Further use of greens requires the same manipulations as working with fresh spinach;

Partially lost natural color.


The blank is suitable for preparing any dishes: soups, stews, fillings for pies, casseroles, scrambled eggs, etc. It is used in the same way as fresh herbs.

Method number 2. Blanched spinach

As in the previous method, you can freeze both whole and shredded leaves, but not raw, but pre-blanched. To do this, put the spinach in boiling water for 20-30 seconds, after which we cool it in ice water to stop the cooking process. Let all the water drain completely, form small balls, squeezing the spinach in your hand.

In a similar way, blanch the spinach, cut into thin strips. Alternatively, you can not boil, but simply pour boiling water over the shredded leaves for half a minute, and then pour over ice water. We form small balls, freeze, then lay out in portions in containers or bags, releasing all the air from them. We put it in the department for storing vegetables.


Compact dimensions of the workpiece;

The semi-finished product is completely ready for use;

Spinach retains its natural color.


When blanching, some of the vitamins are lost.


Suitable for cooking first of all first courses, in particular green spinach soup. It is added to hot dishes without defrosting and any additional processing.

Method number 3. Spinach puree

Blanch the spinach in boiling water for 20-30 seconds, then pour over with ice water. Blend with a blender until a smooth puree. If desired, you can grind through a sieve. Pour into silicone molds or ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Transfer the spinach ice to a container for easier storage.


The product is completely ready for use;

Spinach retains color very well.


When blanching, vitamins and taste are partially lost.


Ideal for making sauces, pasta, risotto. It does not need defrosting, it is added a couple of minutes before the dish is ready.

Spinach is suitable for cooking all kinds of dishes and at the same time retains its beneficial properties.

Composition and useful properties

Spinach is rich in useful trace elements. In terms of protein content, it is second only to legumes, but it is especially valued by nutritionists for its unique composition: organic, saturated and unsaturated acids, vitamins of all groups, micro and macro elements.

This green contains vitamins A and C. It is resistant to temperature effects, therefore it is treated with boiling water, or boiled a little for cooking, and they are not afraid of losing useful elements.

Given the large amount of nutrients, spinach is recommended for use as a prophylactic against many diseases. It helps to increase hemoglobin due to iron, strengthens the vascular system, helps to stabilize the digestive system. The product is recommended as a mild diuretic and laxative, it is prescribed to prevent iodine deficiency and improve vision.

The best vegetables are from your own garden. You can read about how to grow spinach in our article.

Spinach Salad: The Best Recipes

Spinach has no pronounced taste and smell, so it can be combined in dishes with almost all vegetables. Young leaves do not need cooking. You just need to rinse, dry, cut and mix with the rest of the ingredients. The product goes well with apples, boiled eggs, seafood, dietary meat, pickled mushrooms.

To prepare warm dishes, the leaves are lightly boiled in water. At the same time, it retains all the nutrients. Dressing salads is better with sunflower or olive oil. Some recipes use soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic. When cooking dishes with a piquant taste, honey, mustard powder, cottage cheese or horseradish are added.

It is not advisable to use mayonnaise or fatty sour cream as a dressing, so as not to disturb the lightness and usefulness of the dish. Instead, you can add a sauce based on natural yogurt or fermented baked milk.

spinach salad recipe with chicken

This dish will appeal to those who follow the figure, but do not want to give up delicious meat dishes. Spinach-based salad is nutritious, but light.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  • boil 3 hard-boiled eggs and fry the chicken fillet in sunflower oil until a crust forms, cool and cut into strips;
  • we disassemble the leaves, wash, dry and put in a salad bowl;
  • add finely chopped parsley, fresh cucumber, tomato and chicken fillet to the spinach;
  • for dressing, we take low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fillers, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly and pour into a bowl;
  • Grind the eggs with a fork and sprinkle the resulting dish.

This dish has a pleasant taste and delicate texture.

vegan spinach salad recipe

Fans of the original taste will definitely like the spinach salad with avocado:

  • boil and chop spinach leaves, mix them with chopped tomatoes;
  • cut into cubes the pulp of avocado and fresh cheese, mix with chopped pickled mushrooms;
  • season the dish with olive oil, for a piquancy of taste, add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and sugar.

Vitamin salad without heat treatment

A real storehouse of vitamins is celery salad with spinach.

It is prepared very simply:

  • pour prepared washed spinach with lemon juice and mix with fresh cucumber, cut into strips;
  • rub carrots and pumpkin on a coarse grater;
  • cut tomatoes and celery stalks into cubes;

Mix the ingredients and the salad is ready!

Cooking spinach for the winter

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for the human body all year round, so it makes sense to make preparations for the winter from healthy vegetables. Harvesting spinach is not difficult. There are many recipes that will help stock the product for the winter and at the same time preserve its beneficial properties.

Quick Spinach and Onion Puree

The easiest and fastest way to cook spinach is to make vitamin puree.

  • wash thoroughly, and then scald fresh, young greens with boiling water (250 grams of onion per kilogram of spinach);
  • put in a saucepan, and boil for 5-10 minutes;
  • cool with cold water, dry with paper towels;
  • grind with a blender and add half a lemon, if not - a tablespoon of lemon juice (the taste will not be so saturated).

We transfer the gruel into a prepared jar: if for the winter, we sterilize and roll it up, if not, under a plastic lid. This spinach puree can be spread on fresh bread, added to soup, or used as a sauce for roasted meats.

Quick salting

  • thoroughly wash and dry fresh leaves;
  • put them in a pre-sterilized dish and sprinkle generously with salt;
  • put a weight on the top layer (for example, a glass of water).

When the contents settle, the load can be removed and a new portion of spinach added in its place. The procedure should be repeated until the entire bank is filled. Then close the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

canned spinach recipe

For such a preparation, you will need 1 kg of prepared spinach, 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of salt.

  • blanch the leaves for 5 minutes in hot (not boiling) water;
  • put the spinach in a colander to dry, you can immediately cut it for further use;
  • put the leaves in sterilized jars;
  • compact the mass, drain the remaining liquid;
  • pour the leaves with brine prepared from boiling water with the addition of salt;
  • we clog dishes for the winter.

Canned spinach can be used to make soups, pastries, sauces, omelettes.

Vitamin preparation

To prepare a complex dressing for hot dishes, we need 1.5 kg of spinach leaves, 0.5 liters of water, 300 grams of green onions, 20 grams of parsley and dill, and 20 grams of salt.

  • chop the prepared spinach and greens and put in a saucepan with water;
  • boil for 10 minutes, add salt;
  • pour the resulting mixture into sterilized jars, let stand for 30 minutes and roll up.

Such a blank can be added to any soups or used to season side dishes.


  • wash and dry the leaves;
  • twist with a tube and wrap with cling film;
  • We put the blanks in the department of quick freezing.

This method is popular because of its simplicity. And thanks to the instant freezing mode, all useful substances are preserved in the product.


  • we sort out the leaves, remove the spoiled and damaged ones;
  • rinse thoroughly under running water and let dry;
  • dry on a towel in the fresh air, periodically turning over;
  • for drying, you can use an electric dryer or oven at minimum temperatures.


Spinach should be included in the diet of all people, but this vegetable is especially popular among those who monitor their weight and health. This vegetable contains a large amount of nutrients and at the same time has a pleasant taste, which makes it a versatile ingredient for cooking various dishes.
