
Festive salad without mayonnaise. german potato salad

The hostess's arsenal should include salads without mayonnaise on the festive table. Firstly, because not all guests eat such a high-calorie product as mayonnaise, and secondly, children are not recommended to use it either. And just to diversify the dishes on the table. Feasts, as a rule, take place in the evening, and some (for example, New Year's Eve) even at night. Thus, not always fatty, heavy mayonnaise-containing salads are appropriate. Now, when a healthy lifestyle is at the height of fashion, such dishes are more relevant than ever. To choose which salad without mayonnaise is best suited, each housewife should do it herself. It all depends on the preferences of the guests, the availability of the necessary ingredients and the cooking time.

Benefits of Mayonnaise-Free Salads

Mayonnaise is considered by many chefs as one of the best sauces. Indeed, with it, the dishes become nutritious and very tasty. However, in recent years, more and more refusals from this product. Why is it sometimes worth preparing light salads for the festive table without mayonnaise? What are their advantages? Consider.

Firstly, this sauce is very high in calories. Mayonnaise contains chicken or quail eggs, sugar, but the most important thing is that its base is vegetable oil. Although sunflower, even more healthy olive - in any case, it is a fat that contains a large number of calories.

Secondly, if we are talking about store-bought mayonnaise, then it contains preservatives and non-natural ingredients. Cooking this sauce yourself according to all the rules takes a long time.

Thirdly, many mothers limit the consumption of this sauce to their children, because it contains a raw egg and vinegar. In addition, mayonnaise is very fatty and can adversely affect children's sensitive digestion.

Refueling options

How can you dress salads without mayonnaise on the festive table so that the guests are delighted, and the hostess accepts their admiration? First of all, these are all kinds of vegetable oils: inexpensive sunflower, very useful olive or corn. Although these products are also high in calories along with mayonnaise, they are much healthier and have a beneficial effect on digestion, and will not cause heaviness. Guests will definitely appreciate the lightness, having tasted the festive table without mayonnaise.

It is on the basis of vegetable oils that other dressings are made: they may contain mustard (in the form of powder or grains), vinegar (for example, Provence). A big plus is that here the hostess is given a free field for creativity. Often wine, apple or soy sauce are added to such sauces.

Also, do not leave aside products such as sour cream or yogurt: seasoned with herbs, they can play a successful party in almost any salad. These products can be "disguised" so that guests will not even notice that instead of fatty mayonnaise, the dish contains such healthy yogurt. Soy sauce and herbs are often used for such purposes.

cabbage-based salad

Low-fat, healthy salads can be prepared on any basis. In the following sections, we will analyze all possible options for such dishes. First, let's talk about what you can cook vegetable salads without mayonnaise on the festive table. Often the basis of such salads is cabbage: cauliflower, white or Chinese.

Always a winning option is a green salad that contains your favorite vegetables, such as white cabbage, radish, cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, dill.

All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil, preferably olive. You can add a little apple cider vinegar for a spicy taste. Such a salad will not only be a wonderful, light cold appetizer, but also suitable as a side dish for hot dishes, such as meat or chicken, grilled or baked in the oven.

Korean cauliflower

Do not forget about Korean cuisine. For example, here is a recipe for cauliflower in Korean. For cooking, you will need directly cabbage, fresh or frozen (it must be thawed beforehand). This product will need 400 grams, it should also be prepared from vegetables - sweet pepper, preferably red (so it will look “smarter” in a salad), and small carrots. Additionally, 400 ml of water are needed, ground pepper - 1 teaspoon of black and 0.5 teaspoon of red, garlic clove, 2 teaspoons of vinegar essence, 1 teaspoon of coriander, vegetable oil in the amount of 5 tablespoons, a tablespoon of sugar and salt. Also greens, cilantro is best suited here.

Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and pour over the brine. It is prepared as follows: water, vegetable oil, sugar and salt are mixed, brought to a boil. In slightly cooled brine and cabbage, add chopped peppers and carrots, as well as the rest of the ingredients (garlic through a press). Before serving, the salad must be insisted for 6 hours.

Updated vinaigrette

The well-known vinaigrette is another version of a mayonnaise-free salad. It is also suitable for the festive table in a slightly modified form: if you remove potatoes from it, and instead add canned miniature corn cobs. In addition, the beetroot itself can be pickled with vinegar and vinegar (for 1 medium beetroot, take a tablespoon of mustard and 2-3 - vinegar, preferably apple).

Serving it will also help turn the vinaigrette into a festive dish: try serving it in halves of boiled beetroots (the core must be cut out). Such a dish, decorated with herbs, will cause a real delight among the guests.

"Caesar": beautiful and new

More satisfying, but minimal in calories - salads without mayonnaise on the festive table, which include chicken. Let's look at a few recipes. Perhaps the most popular of these dishes is the Caesar salad. There are a lot of options for this dish, so beloved by modern housewives. Let's figure out how you can diversify such an already familiar salad and surprise guests with this.

First, the chicken. Traditionally, it must be fried. We suggest pre-marinating it in red wine with salt and pepper. Two hours is enough for the meat to soak, then fry as usual. You can also marinate the chicken in soy sauce. Another find: you can not cut it into cubes, as usual, but fry it in small pieces on a grill pan. Arrange nicely on top of the main salad when serving.

Delivery also means a lot. For the sake of variety, serve "Caesar" in portions: put a lettuce leaf on the bottom of the bowl, and then the main mixed ingredients: cherry tomatoes, sliced ​​eggs (quail eggs look more beautiful), olives. Next, lay out the chicken, wheat bread croutons. Sprinkle everything with parmesan or other hard cheese.

Another important point is refueling. It can be a sauce of sour cream, mustard and spices. You can pour over an already served salad with the sauce left over from frying the chicken. Some housewives use mustard seeds and olive oil.

Salads with chicken

Salads without mayonnaise on the festive table with chicken are countless. It will not be difficult for any hostess to come up with her own. For example, a light, unusual salad with chicken and avocado. To prepare it, you need chicken fillet, 200 grams, a piece of avocado and sweet pepper (preferably red or yellow). The ingredients must be cut into equal pieces, seasoned with the following sauce: add a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, half a teaspoon of honey, orange juice in the amount of 3-4 teaspoons, salt to taste in vegetable oil.

This salad is just a base on which all sorts of flavor combinations can be superimposed, it all depends on the chef's imagination.

Salads with seafood

Seafood is becoming more and more dense in our lives. They are preferred to be used in the diet and are loved for their benefits and low calorie content. Let's analyze the recipes for salads without mayonnaise on the festive table using seafood.

Similar products are just perfect with avocados. Here is one of those recipes. To prepare the salad, you need 300 grams of cooked shrimp, avocado and a fresh cucumber (large enough). Cut the ingredients, mix and season with a sauce based on olive oil, a clove of garlic and soy sauce (to taste).

Another recipe is a combination of seafood and fresh vegetables. For cooking, you need a mixture of frozen seafood in a standard package - 450 g, also tomatoes (3 pieces), bell pepper (2 pieces), juice of half a lemon and olive oil. For cooking, it is necessary to boil and cool the seafood, add the remaining ingredients and season with sauce.

It is not known where this came from, but most of the salads that are traditionally considered festive in our country (Olivier, Herring under a fur coat, Mimosa, and others) are dressed with mayonnaise. Meanwhile, this is far from the most popular salad dressing in the whole world, and, frankly, not the most useful salad dressing. Olive oil is preferred, in traditional Russian cuisine - sour cream. So, in fact, there are a lot of delicious and presentable salads without mayonnaise that will decorate the festive table and delight guests. Believe me, you will probably be asked for the recipe if you cook one of the salads we found for you.

Salad "Glehurad" - Caucasian alternative to "Greek"

What do you need:

  • tomatoes - a couple of medium size;
  • cucumber (fresh) - one or two (depending on size);
  • bell pepper - one large (or a couple of ordinary sweet peppers);
  • onion (preferably red) - one head;
  • radish - 3-4 pieces;
  • lettuce - one bush (or bunch);
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • olive oil (or other lean) - 50 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 25 ml;
  • cilantro (fresh) - a bunch (can be replaced with parsley);
  • salt and black ground pepper - to your taste.

How to cook:

  1. Wash all the vegetables and cut into circles or semicircles, tomatoes can be cut into sectors of a quarter of a circle, cut onions and peppers into thin half rings.
  2. Chop the cilantro and lettuce leaves with a knife, not too finely.
  3. Chop the garlic and nuts with a knife.
  4. Mix vegetables in one bowl, nuts with garlic, vinegar and oil in another.
  5. Fill the vegetable mix with the resulting mixture and serve.

This recipe is a gift from Georgian cuisine. This appetizer is a serious competitor borrowed from Mediterranean cuisine. Vegetarians will definitely like this recipe, because it does not only contain mayonnaise, but also eggs, cheese and other foods that they try not to eat.

Salad "Brutus" - and "Caesar" is defeated

What do you need:

  • chicken breast (already boiled) - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - one large or a couple with a total weight of 150-200 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce - one bush;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - a tablespoon;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • cheese of any of the hard varieties - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l. For dressing and the same amount for frying;
  • lemon juice - from half a lemon;
  • sesame seeds (optional) - as much as you want;
  • salt - to your taste.

How to do:

  1. Finely grate the cheese.
  2. Beat one egg with salt, add cheese.
  3. While adding flour, make a dough and roll it into small balls.
  4. Deep fry the cheese balls.
  5. Coarsely chop the tomatoes, peppers, hard-boiled remaining eggs, chicken breast.
  6. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, lay out, alternating, breast, tomatoes, eggs around the circumference. Pepper, pour oil mixed with pressed garlic and lemon juice, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  7. Place cheese balls in the center.

This easy-to-prepare salad does not leave the usual, rather boring “Caesar” a single chance.

Salad without mayonnaise with shrimp "Cunning and love"

What do you need:

  • shrimp (boiled, peeled) - 0.3 kg;
  • Frize salad - 50 g;
  • arugula - 50 g;
  • shallots - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber (fresh) - 1 pc.;
  • grapefruit (pink) - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate seeds - 50-100 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 50 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the pulp from the grapefruit, grate the zest.
  2. Mix vinegar with oil and zest, discard half of this mixture and pour over the shrimp.
  3. Cut the onion, lettuce and arugula, grapefruit pulp, mix and season with the remaining mixture.
  4. Mix greens with shrimp and pomegranate seeds. You can not mix, but lay out everything in layers: greens, shrimp, pomegranate seeds.

This appetizer has an unusual appearance and spicy taste, great as an appetizer for champagne, dry white wine. Her "cunning" lies only in the fact that she "falls in love with herself" at first sight and causes a passionate desire to try her again and again.

Salad "Sea" of squid (without mayonnaise)

What do you need:

  • squid - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 0.5 dozen;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 0.2 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the squid, cut the prepared fillet into strips.
  2. Boil eggs and vegetables (except cucumber). Clean, cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the cucumber and apple, remove the core from the fruit.
  4. Cucumber cut into cubes, grate the apple.
  5. Mix everything with sour cream, if desired, decorate with herbs or green peas.

Despite the ease of preparation and low cost, the salad "Sea" is unusually tasty and tender. It will appeal to those who do not like spicy snacks. Such a salad is not ashamed to put on the festive table. If you meet a similar one, in the recipe of which mayonnaise is indicated instead of sour cream - do not believe your eyes, hot sauce will deprive this unusual appetizer of its charm. You can only replace sour cream with white yogurt.

Smoked fish salad "Copenhagen"

What do you need:

  • smoked fish - 0.5 kg;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • mustard (in powder) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar - 50 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the fish fillet from the bones, cut into cubes.
  2. Vegetables and apples are also cut into pieces of the same shape.
  3. Mix mustard, sugar, butter and vinegar until you get a uniform dressing.
  4. Finely chop the green onion.
  5. Mix all ingredients.

According to this recipe, an original salad without mayonnaise is obtained, hearty, tasty and healthy.

Greek herring salad

What do you need:

  • herring fillet - from one herring;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 25 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 25 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Cut all the ingredients into pieces of the same size, cut the olives into 4 parts.
  2. Mix everything and season with a mixture of oil and vinegar.

This is a very unusual variation of the Greek salad, which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. It is made without mayonnaise, like most other Mediterranean dishes. Such a salad will certainly surprise guests and become the “highlight” of the festive table.

Russian salad with herring and beef

What do you need:

  • herring (fillet) - 1 pc.;
  • boiled potatoes in their skins - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled beef - 0.25 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled beets - 0.25 kg;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • mustard (powder) - 1 tsp;
  • chopped dill and parsley - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • grated horseradish - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lettuce - 1 bunch.

How to do:

  1. Cut the herring into small pieces.
  2. Cut the beef into small pieces.
  3. Peel the vegetables and cut into cubes.
  4. Cut the core from the apple, cut the pulp into cubes.
  5. Chop the hard boiled eggs.
  6. Mix herring with meat, vegetables and apple.
  7. Mix sour cream with mustard and vinegar, add grated horseradish.
  8. Dress the salad with the resulting mixture.
  9. Put the salad on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with herbs.

The combination of beef and herring seems unusual, but do not be afraid to cook this original salad - its taste is actually very harmonious. This appetizer is a good choice for a festive feast. You can also try sauerkraut or red cabbage.

Salad "Spring"

What do you need:

  • green salad - a bush;
  • radish - 2 bunches;
  • cucumber - 2-3 pieces;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Cut radishes and cucumbers into thin slices.
  2. Coarsely chop lettuce leaves.
  3. Finely chop the green onion.
  4. Mix vegetables, onion and lettuce leaves, season with sour cream.
  5. Decorate the salad with large slices of boiled eggs.

This simple salad can become a real decoration of the festive table, especially in early spring and even more so in winter.

Salads without mayonnaise are healthy, while they are so tasty and original that they can become a root dish on the festive table.

Women who watch their figure know that mayonnaise is one of our main enemies. This product should be excluded from your diet, because it does nothing but harm. It provokes the deposition of fat and the appearance of cellulite. In our article, you will learn how to prepare delicious salads without mayonnaise.

We have selected the simplest and fastest dishes to prepare.

Warm salad with bacon and eggs without mayonnaise

  • bacon50 g
  • eggs3 pcs.
  • ground black pepper
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • green onion
  • salad


Fry the sliced ​​bacon in a hot skillet. If the bacon is not greasy, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Then remove to a plate, and pour the eggs into the pan, salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the eggs while frying until they are fully cooked. Finely chop the green onion and sprinkle over the eggs while cooking to infuse the dish with the onion flavor.

Tear lettuce leaves on a wide plate, sprinkle with herbs, put bacon and fried eggs. Mix equal parts mustard, lemon juice and olive (vegetable) oil. Pour dressing over warm salad with bacon and eggs.

Simple salads without mayonnaise are a great option for a snack or a light dinner.

Vitamin carrot salad with raisins


  • carrots 300 g
  • apples 160 g
  • walnuts70 g
  • raisins50 g
  • oranges 1/2 pc.
  • lime 1/2 pc.
  • ground cinnamon 1.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil


Peel and coarsely grate the carrots. Remove the middle of the apples, cut into medium pieces. Pour boiling water over raisins, leave for ten minutes, dry, put to carrots and apples. Chop the nuts not very finely, add to the salad.

Prepare dressing: combine orange juice and lime juice, put cinnamon, oil, stir, pour into salad. Decorate the vitamin carrot salad with nuts and cinnamon.

Phobos salad with salmon


  • slightly salted salmon 150 g
  • hard cheese30 g
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper 1 pc.
  • avocado 1 pc.
  • celery 2 stalks
  • ground black pepper
  • greenery
  • lemon


Cut the avocado into two parts, remove the stone, remove the peel, cut into pieces. Peel the pepper from the seeds, cut off the step, cut into pieces. Cut the salmon into pieces. Cut the celery stalks into slices.

Cut the cheese into thin strips, put chopped herbs, pour over lemon juice. Stir, put the salad "Phobos" in a salad bowl, smeared with lemon peel.

Cabbage salad with cucumber and olives

  • Chinese cabbage 1/2 head
  • fetax cheese 200 g
  • green peas 1/2 jar
  • green olives 1/3 jar
  • cucumber 2 pcs.
  • ground black pepper
  • ground coriander
  • asafoetida


It takes ten minutes to prepare the salad. Combine ingredients, mix.

Festive salad recipes without mayonnaise

There are more sophisticated cooking options that will look great at any event.

Warm salad with chicken liver and croutons

  • chicken liver 6-8 pcs.
  • cherry tomatoes 2-3 pcs.
  • canned corn 1/3 can
  • onion 1 head
  • vinegar1 tbsp
  • lettuce 1 bunch
  • bacon / vegetable oil
  • for refueling:
  • olive oil 4 tbsp
  • vinegar 1 tbsp
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • ground black pepper
  • spices


Chicken liver must be cleaned of hymen, washed well and fried in vegetable oil until tender. During cooking, salt and pepper the liver. Cut the bread into small cubes and fry until crispy or dry in the oven. Peel the onion and cut into strips.

Heat the pan and fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft. Then pour vinegar into the pan with onions and fry for another minute over very low heat. Add sugar and salt. Cool the onion. For salad dressing, you need to mix vegetable oil, vinegar, crushed garlic, spices.

Cut cherry tomatoes into equal halves. For laying out the salad, it is necessary to use wide plates so that the lettuce leaves lie well. Put clean dry lettuce leaves in the center of the plate, then put the tomato halves and fried onion.

Top with thin slices of bacon and drizzle with dressing. Sprinkle with croutons. The last layer is warm chicken liver, pour over the dressing. Sprinkle with warm salad with chicken liver and croutons with ground pepper to taste.

Dietary salad "Chicken-Snow Maiden"

Light salads without mayonnaise are the key to a good mood and excellent digestion.

  • chicken fillet 300 g
  • Chinese cabbage 1/2 head
  • red bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper 1 pc.
  • red onion 2 heads
  • green onion 1 bunch

for refueling:

  • sour cream 2 tbsp
  • mustard 1 tbsp
  • garlic 1 clove
  • ground black pepper


Cut red onion into half rings, red and yellow sweet bell pepper - into strips. Chop the green onion and Chinese cabbage, chop the boiled chicken into cubes.

To prepare the dressing, mix sour cream, table mustard, crushed garlic clove, salt and pepper. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, mix, pour over the sauce and serve the Chicken-Snow Maiden salad to the table.

Salad "Nicoise" with salmon and beans

  • potatoes 400 g
  • salmon fillet 300-400 g
  • green beans 200 g
  • tomatoes 200 g
  • olives 100 g
  • eggs 4-6 pcs.
  • lemon 1/2 pc.
  • olive oil 2-3 tbsp
  • lettuce 1/2 bunch
  • basil

for refueling:

  • vegetable oil 250 ml
  • eggs (yolk) 1 pc.
  • tarragon 1 tsp
  • mustard 1 tsp
  • vinegar1 tsp
  • salt 1/2 tsp
  • sugar 1 pinch


Cut ordinary tomatoes into large pieces. Salt and pepper, sprinkle with fresh chopped basil, grated lemon zest, drizzle with olive oil, leave to marinate. Peel and cut the potatoes into large pieces, boil in salted water until tender, but do not overcook. Drain the water. Heat up two or three tablespoons of olive oil, fry the potatoes until golden brown.

Boil fresh or frozen beans for a few minutes, they should remain crispy. Squeeze, fry in the same pan where the potatoes were cooked. Add salt, peppercorns, any greens to boiling water. Boil the salmon fillet for a few minutes. Grease small coffee cups with butter, pour in the eggs. Put the containers in a pot of boiling water, cook until tender. Remove the eggs and cut each into four pieces.

For dressing, beat the yolk into a bowl. Add mustard, salt, pepper, add vegetable oil in portions, beat with a mixer at high speed. Add vinegar to the prepared mass. If the mayonnaise is too thick, then you can add a little boiled water. Pour dried or fresh tarragon, mix. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, pour over part of the sauce, put potatoes, beans, olives, tomatoes, eggs. Break the salmon into pieces and put on top, pour over the remaining sauce and serve the Nicoise salad with salmon on the table.

Bright salad with pepper and corn

  • canned corn 250 g
  • rye bread 200 g
  • maasdam cheese 200 g
  • olive oil 40 ml
  • Bulgarian green pepper 2 pcs.
  • red bell pepper 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves


Cut the cheese and pepper into cubes, cut off the crusts of black bread slices, cut into cubes, fry in olive oil with garlic.

Put all the ingredients of the salad with pepper and corn in layers, without mixing in a salad bowl, add corn, season with olive oil.

Salad with chicken and kiwi without mayonnaise


  • small sweet pepper 3-4 pcs.
  • chicken fillet 1 pc.
  • kiwi 1 pc.
  • lettuce1/2 bunch
  • green peas 3 tbsp
  • olive oil3 tbsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • pine nuts 1/2 tbsp
  • red onion 1 head
  • dried parsley 2 pinch
  • pepper mix


Disassemble the chicken fillet into fibers. Tear lettuce into pieces. Remove seeds from peppers, cut into rings. Put small green peas. Put chopped meat, kiwi slices, onion, cut into thin rings.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Stir. Put a salad with chicken and kiwi on a dish, you can sprinkle with dried parsley and slightly fried pine nuts.

Simple and tasty salads without mayonnaise are a great option for those who adhere to proper nutrition and exercise. Such a dish can be easily taken to work in a container.

Salad "Protein"


  • mushrooms 180 g
  • onion 100 g
  • cottage cheese 100 g
  • yogurt 100 ml
  • eggs3 pcs.
  • chicken fillet 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • ground black pepper


Boiled meat cut into cubes, fry chopped onions, add chopped mushrooms. Bake a pancake in a dry frying pan from a couple of whipped salted proteins and one egg, cut it into squares. Mix all the ingredients, season the Protein salad with a mixture of crushed garlic, yogurt, pepper, salt, mix gently, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipes for delicious salads without mayonnaise are diverse. The main thing is that such dishes contain a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on health and help to feel light and cheerful.

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Salads without mayonnaise on the holiday table are the best appetizer for those who do not like fatty foods, who prefer to take care not only of their figure, but also of their health, as they consider mayonnaise to be a harmful product.

Mayonnaise is a sauce made from various spices, egg yolk, and vegetable oil. Salads with such a high-calorie sauce are not useful for everyone, and some of us are even contraindicated.

In this article, we offer you some tasty, healthy and unusual salads without mayonnaise, which are perfect as a snack on the festive table.

How to cook salads without mayonnaise on the festive table - 15 varieties

"Otpad" - salad without mayonnaise

Very tasty salad without mayonnaise with herring and special dressing according to the French recipe.


  • 200 grams of salted herring fillet
  • 3 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch lettuce
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 1 table. a spoonful of vinegar
  • pepper, salt to taste


Tear lettuce leaves into pieces.

Boil eggs, cool, peel. Cut into large slices.

Remove the bones from the herring, cut into slices.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings.

For dressing, combine vinegar, mustard and olive oil.

Combine herring, eggs, onion and lettuce in a salad bowl.

Dress the salad before serving.

So that the onion does not taste bitter, you need to salt it and rub it in your hands. Also, the salad can not be salted, as it turns out to be quite salty because of the herring.

Salad "Prague"

An excellent nutritious and tasty salad, which is prepared without mayonnaise. As a dressing, olive oil and mustard grains are used, as well as spices. Perfect as an appetizer for the holiday table.


  • 200 grams of chicken fillet (preferably breast)
  • 4 boiled chicken eggs
  • 150-180 grams of fresh cucumbers
  • 1 raw carrot
  • a bunch of green onions
  • for refueling:
  • 1 boiled yolk
  • 3 table. spoons of olive oil
  • salt to taste


Boil the chicken breast, cut into medium pieces. Place in a bowl.

Cut the cucumber into strips, fold to the breast.

Set aside one yolk for the sauce, cut the rest of the eggs together with the yolk with an egg cutter or a knife in the form of strips.

Using a vegetable knife, cut fresh carrots into thin slices. Place in a bowl.

Finely chop the green onion.

Making a refill:

In a separate bowl, add 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of mustard seeds to the yolk. Crush the yolk with a spoon and mix everything. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture. Mix everything well. Add the resulting sauce to the salad. Mix thoroughly with two forks. Top with finely chopped onion.

Salad without mayonnaise with red beans "Tuscan"

The salad is prepared very quickly. Beans should be cooked ahead of time. A delicious, hearty salad that will pleasantly surprise your guests with its delicate taste.


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 150 grams curd cheese
  • 1 head red onion
  • 1 cup beans (color of your choice)
  • half a lemon
  • 100 grams of lettuce leaves
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • spices to taste


Soak beans overnight in advance. In the morning, cook the beans over low heat until fully cooked. It should be soft.

We clean the onion, cut into half rings.

Tear the lettuce leaves into pieces with your hands.

We mix lettuce leaves, cooled beans, garlic, spices in a salad bowl.

Add the juice of half a lemon, butter and curd cheese to the ingredients. Mix well.

Lettuce should infuse for 15 minutes. Instead of lettuce leaves, arugula, sorrel leaves, and green wild garlic are excellent. If you use wild garlic, then it is better to refuse garlic.

Salad without mayonnaise with Beijing cabbage and chicken fillet - "Light"

This simple salad without mayonnaise will look good on your holiday table. Walnuts are used as a decoration, and chicken, combined with Chinese cabbage, gives an exquisite taste to the dish.


  • 350 grams of Beijing fresh cabbage
  • 150 grams of fresh carrots
  • 200g chicken fillet
  • 2 tablespoons walnuts (chopped)
  • for refueling:
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 table. teaspoon of natural vinegar
  • 2 table. spoons of soy sauce


Separate the cabbage leaves. Cut out thickenings from them. Leaves cut into squares.

Wash carrots, peel, grate on a medium grater.

Fry the chicken fillet with spices, cut it into small pieces. Put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl and add chopped walnuts to them.

For dressing, you need to mix 1 table. a spoonful of vinegar, 2 table. spoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of honey, as well as olive oil. Mix the sauce carefully with a fork.

Season the salad with the resulting sauce, mix it with two tablespoons.

You can add chopped onion to the salad and salt it to taste.

Warm salad without mayonnaise "Cooking together" with eggplant

A very interesting dish. It seems not a second dish, but at the same time a warm salad. Great vegetarian salad. Suitable for the festive table during Lent.


  • 1 eggplant
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 100 grams of feta cheese or cheese
  • bunch of lettuce leaves
  • a bunch of greens (parsley, cilantro or dill of your choice, or you can do all at once)
  • 50 grams of shelled walnuts
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 3 table. spoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey (liquid is better)
  • 1 table. a spoonful of prepared mustard
  • pepper and salt to taste


Cut eggplant into squares. Sprinkle them with salt and leave for 10 minutes. So they will give away bitterness. After that, squeeze the eggplants with a napkin, roll in flour and fry in olive oil until crispy.

We make eggplant sauce. Mix olive oil, chopped garlic, honey, salt, pepper and lemon juice. We mix everything.

Put the fried eggplants on a dish and pour over the resulting sauce. Give the eggplant time to soak.

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Cut cheese into cubes.

Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate. Put eggplant, tomatoes and cheese on the leaves beautifully. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top. Sprinkle chopped walnuts over greens.

Salad without mayonnaise "Shopsky"

This vegetarian light salad will be a great appetizer for your holiday table. Also, the salad is great for meat dishes, such as steak, meatballs. This is a bright, truly summer salad.


  • 350 grams fresh tomatoes
  • 200 grams of bell pepper
  • 250 grams of fresh cucumbers
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • 40 grams pitted olives
  • 30 grams sweet onion
  • 1 table. a spoonful of wine vinegar
  • 3 table. spoons of olive oil
  • pepper, salt to taste


Cut the tomatoes into large pieces, put in a salad bowl.

Peel fresh cucumbers, chop as large as tomatoes. Add to tomatoes.

Cut red sweet bell pepper into squares.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings, add to the salad bowl. Cut parsley, add to vegetables, salt and mix.

Make dressing: mix olive oil, wine vinegar. You can use lemon juice instead of vinegar. Mix the dressing and add it to the salad. Mix with vegetables.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle on top of the salad. Arrange olives on top and garnish with parsley leaves.

Salad "Vosges" without mayonnaise

This salad is native to the Vosges. This region is located in the northeast of France. Salad is considered a local national dish served on holidays.


  • 120 grams of bacon
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 onions
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 1 table. a spoonful of sour cream
  • bunch of lettuce leaves
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar (apple or honey)
  • crackers


Wash lettuce leaves well and dry.

Onion cut into half rings.

Boil eggs and cool. After that, cut into slices (an egg into 4 parts).

Cut a clean tomato into rings.

Bacon should be fried until golden brown without oil. At the very end, add a spoonful of sour cream to the bacon.

For the sauce: mix vegetable oil, mustard and vinegar.

Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate. Carefully place the tomatoes in the center, egg slices on them, and onion half rings on top. Sprinkle with croutons, and put bacon in sour cream on them. Pour in the sauce and stir.

"May" salad without mayonnaise

The name of the salad perfectly matches the season. The same light, tasty, bright and tender salad is perfect for the May holiday table.


  • 180 grams of lightly salted herring fillet
  • 150 grams of green salad
  • 120 grams of fresh cucumbers
  • 40 grams of green onions
  • 10 quail eggs
  • for refueling:
  • 3 tablespoons for dressing
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • pepper and salt to taste


Chop the lettuce leaves with your hands and put in a deep salad bowl.

Cut cucumbers into slices.

Cut the salted herring fillet into strips and put in a salad bowl.

Boil quail eggs, cool and cut into slices into 4 pieces. Add to salad bowl.

Chop green onions.

Make dressing: mix oil, mustard, vinegar and salt. Let's stir the mixture. Put it on the salad and mix. Top the salad with chopped green onions.

Lenten salad without mayonnaise "Evening"

Such a salad can replace a whole dinner during Lent. It is perfectly balanced in trace elements and vitamins. Very tasty and healthy salad.


  • 100 grams of rice (use wild and steamed together)
  • 200 grams of beets
  • 100 grams red onion
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • green lettuce leaves
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vinegar (you can use both wine and table)
  • 1 table. a spoonful of liquid honey
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • greens of your choice


Boil rice. It is best to use a mixture of wild and parboiled rice.

Onions should be cut into thin rings.

We mix vinegar, lemon juice, honey, olive oil and get a marinade, which pour onions. Soak the onion in the marinade for 5 minutes.

Boil the beets and cut into thin strips, you can on a coarse grater. We put the beets in the marinade with onions and mix.

Raisins need to be soaked in boiling water to make them soft. Mix steamed raisins, beets, onions and rice. We mix. You can serve on a serving plate, on which you need to put lettuce leaves, and our mixture on them.

Salad can be sprinkled with herbs, you can add mint leaves. Cranberries are also suitable instead of raisins.

The legendary "Cobb" salad without mayonnaise

This famous salad is famous for its unusual, hearty taste. The salad is made without mayonnaise. In appearance, the salad looks very unusual and attractive. I want to try it right away.


  • 9 quail eggs
  • 150 grams fresh tomatoes
  • 180 grams of fried chicken fillet (you can use smoked chicken or ham)
  • 1 avocado
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • 100 grams of lettuce leaves
  • 80 grams of celery stalks (or fresh cucumber)
  • for refueling:
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 2 table. tablespoons of natural vinegar
  • 1 garlic clove
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon honey or sugar


Arrange the chopped lettuce leaves on a serving plate. We tear the salad with our hands.

Cut the celery stalks. Lay the celery in one row on the lettuce leaves.

Eggs are boiled and cleaned. Cut the eggs into 4 slices and lay out the next strip from the celery.

Wash the tomato, cut into slices, lay out after the egg - a strip.

Fry the chicken fillet with spices, cool, cut into thin strips and lay out after the egg.

Cut the avocado in half, peel, and then into small slices and lay out next to the row of chicken.

Cheese cut into small sticks. We lay out the very last row.

Make dressing: mix olive oil, grain mustard, salt, fruit vinegar, honey, minced garlic. We mix the sauce. We water the salad.

Each of your guests can mix the ingredients they want. Also, all the ingredients can be mixed together and seasoned with sauce.

This is a simple, vegetarian salad recipe without mayonnaise. Suitable as an appetizer for meat on the festive table, as well as for those who are on a diet or Lent. Contains many useful vitamins and minerals.


  • 300 grams of seaweed (can be pickled, can be frozen)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
  • vinegar
  • pepper, salt, sugar to taste
  • greens of your choice


We take pickled cabbage. If you have frozen, then it needs to be boiled and marinated.

Vegetables - pepper, carrot, cucumber cut into strips.

Onion cut into rings.

Now we will make a dressing of mustard, olive oil, salt, vinegar, pepper. You need to be more careful with vinegar, as pickled cabbage already has vinegar.

Now you need to mix our vegetables with seaweed and season with sauce. Salad should be infused for 2 hours. Sprinkle greens on top of the salad.

"Refreshing" salad with crab sticks without mayonnaise

This light salad is perfect for an appetizer to the festive table. It contains crab sticks, which means that the salad is suitable for those who do not eat meat, adhere to Lent.


  • 1 Chinese cabbage
  • 5 crab sticks
  • 1 lemon
  • olive oil
  • pepper, salt to taste


Wash the cabbage, cut into long, thin strips. Place in a bowl. Loosen the cabbage leaves.

Cut the crab sticks lengthwise into thin strips.

Put the sticks in a bowl with cabbage.

Cut the lemon in half crosswise and squeeze the juice from half the lemon.

Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. spoons of olive oil, half a teaspoon of salt, pepper. We mix the sauce.

Pour dressing over salad and mix well.

Sun-dried tomato and pumpkin salad "Difficult combination"

This salad is warm. Its combination, which is not easy at first glance, is very harmonious. Salad turns out very unusual and refined. Your guests will be delighted.


  • 200 grams of peeled pumpkin
  • 120 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • 100 grams red bell pepper
  • 70 grams sun-dried tomatoes
  • 80 grams of olives
  • 3 table. spoons of orange juice
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt, dried herbs
  • 30 grams of premium butter


Cut the pumpkin into strips. The length of the bars should be no more than 4 cm, and the width should be up to 1.5 cm. Salt the pieces, sprinkle with dried herbs.

Melt the butter over low heat and add to the pumpkin.

Line a baking sheet with foil. Spread the pumpkin over it in an even layer. Leave room for the sweet pepper.

Bake the pumpkin and pepper in the oven for 10 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pumpkin should not be very soft.

After that, the pumpkin and pepper are left to cool on a baking sheet.

Cut olives into slices. Assorted black and white olives will look beautiful.

Cut sun-dried tomatoes into medium pieces.

Cheese can be torn into small pieces or grated on a medium grater.

The cooled pepper should be cut into strips.

For the sauce, mix orange juice and oil in which there were sun-dried tomatoes. Add a little more vegetable oil there, salt, pepper and mix.

Now in a salad bowl we mix tomatoes, olives, cheese and pepper.

We spread the salad in portions. Lay out on one plate. First some pumpkin, then a mixture of tomato, pepper and cheese, and then some more pumpkin. Drizzle dressing over salad and decorate as you wish.

Interesting, pleasant sea salad. It is suitable for those who like the unusual taste of seafood. It is very easy to prepare.


  • 3 slices fresh squid
  • 1 bulb
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 garlic clove
  • olive oil
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey


Onion cut into cubes. Pickle. For the marinade, we use vinegar and boiled water. Marinate for 15 minutes.

Now you need to cook the squid. We lower the squid into boiled water and cook it for 3 minutes. After the squids are cooked, we put them in a bowl of cold water.

Separate boiled whites from yolks.

We rub the whites on a fine grater, set aside the yolks.

We spread the proteins on the bottom of the salad bowl.

Cut the squid into strips and spread on the proteins.

Squeeze the pickled onion and put it on the squid.

We make the sauce: chop the clove of garlic, add salt, honey, table. a spoonful of fruit vinegar, 2 table. tablespoons of olive oil. Mix the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Pour dressing over salad in a salad bowl.

We rub the yolks on a fine grater. Sprinkle on top of the salad. Let the salad infuse for 2 hours.

This inexpensive salad is perfect as an appetizer on the festive table. It is prepared without mayonnaise. The salad is suitable for those who follow a vegetarian diet, as well as a side dish for meat.


  • 100 grams of fresh cucumbers
  • 100 grams of champignons
  • 100 grams of fresh juicy apples
  • 100 grams of raw carrots
  • 300 grams of Chinese cabbage
  • 50 grams of onion

for the sauce:

  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 table. spoons of lemon sauce
  • 1.5 teaspoons prepared mustard
  • 1 table. honey spoon
  • 1 teaspoon ground paprika


Making the sauce: mix olive oil and other ingredients for the sauce and mix everything. Beat with a whisk for 5 minutes. The sauce should thicken a little.

Wash the mushrooms, remove the skin. Mushrooms cut into small pieces.

Cabbage, onion and cucumber cut into cubes. Grate the apple and carrot on a medium grater. Mix all prepared vegetables with mushrooms and salt.

Put a spoonful of sauce on a serving plate and spread it a little on a plate, then lay out a pile of lettuce and pour more sauce.

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, I decided to take care of a selection of delicious salads without mayonnaise. I found several recipes for such amazingly delicious salads that you can safely put on the New Year's table - if you decorate it festively and elegantly, and some of them do not need to be decorated.
But now my task is to choose exactly “mayonnaise-free” salad recipes, since I consider modern industrial mayonnaise to be an extremely harmful product. And if not many people can give up meat for the sake of health, then I think everyone who even thinks a little about what exactly he puts on his plate should give up mayonnaise ...

Then I will make a similar selection of salads without meat - with an emphasis on a lighter diet. In the meantime, let them be on hand for the holidays. After all, traditionally these days will be “critically exceeded” in terms of the amount of food consumed for one hour of free time! Let's exclude at least the harmful store-bought mayonnaise from this inevitable chain of post- and pre-holiday culinary excesses ...

1. Awesomely delicious and simple salad without mayonnaise with chicken breast

Insanely DELICIOUS, delicate and unusual salad WITHOUT MAYONNAISE. Salad will decorate any, including a festive table! These are tender egg pancakes, juicy chicken breast, fresh cucumber and zucchini, and a delicious salad dressing! Simple and quick cooking recipe.

I tell you how to cook. First of all, let's deal with the eggs. Traditionally, in such salads, we boil hard-boiled eggs. This recipe is original! Since all the components, as you see in the picture, are cut into strips, then we need to cut the eggs in such an interesting way. To do this, take an egg, break it into a bowl. Lightly salt and beat with a fork or whisk.

In a frying pan, heated and slightly greased with vegetable oil, pour our egg mixture and lightly fry on both sides. Pancake principle.

We get 3 such egg pancakes. When they have cooled down and become available for cutting, we stack them one on top of the other. First we cut into wide strips, which we also fold in a “stack” - and even then we can cut it all into the straws we need.

chicken breast can be cut into small strips or disassembled into fibers. The main thing is to keep the general shape of the straw and make not very large pieces so that they are well saturated with our dressing (I remind you - we make a salad without mayonnaise!)

Next, cut the remaining ingredients into strips of the same size. Zucchini too. I personally love them, but who does not really respect this vegetable - add cucumber instead of zucchini, and you will be happy. Although zucchini has a neutral taste, it is with our dressing that they become juicy and fragrant. Not even all of them “recognize by sight” after tasting our salad!

By the way! For those who don't know yet, I'm sharing it in a simple way, how to make bitter onion tasty . Pour boiling water over chopped onion and leave for 5-10 minutes. I also add a teaspoon of vinegar. We drain the water and ... it turns out pickled, crispy, and at the same time a fresh onion, which is the best suited for our delicious salads.

Now let's prepare the dressing. Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce, plus crushed garlic cloves - mix in a separate cup, add salt, pepper to taste. You can also chop the greens there smaller. You can add lemon juice. This is your taste preference.

We season our delicious salad with this filling, mix and can be laid out on portioned plates.

2. Recipe with photo - Spicy salad without mayonnaise with meat and beans (Tbilisi salad)

Tbilisi bean salad is a great option for those who want to make a delicious salad without mayonnaise. Salad "Tbilisi" is quite spicy, but delicious! This colorful salad with beans and meat will decorate any holiday table!

First, finely chop the onion in half rings and marinate it, as described above, in wine vinegar to remove bitterness.

We artistically mix everything with vegetable oil and spices, salt - to taste. The photo turned out a little dark, but the salad turns out very bright - both in appearance and in taste!

3. Delicious Japanese Kyoto salad with light dressing (no mayonnaise)

This salad has a very fresh taste, thanks in large part to interesting ingredients and light dressing. The best salad that you can cook at least every day, or you can - for a holiday. Your guests will never guess what delicious light "noodles" are included in this crispy salad without mayonnaise! But all this is thanks to the Japanese TAMAGO omelette and Chinese cabbage.

First, prepare the eggs, according to exactly the same principle as in our first recipe above. This method is called "Tamago omelette", it allows you to cut the eggs into interesting noodles and, depending on the dressing, give them the right taste.

Now we take Beijing cabbage, separate one leaf at a time and rinse well. We cut straw.

Green onions and cucumbers are also cut into long strips.

Chili pepper, of course, is not for everyone ... But it gives a peculiar aroma and spicy taste. If you really don’t like spicy, replace it with red bell pepper. Before slicing a chili into strips, rub the pod between your palms. So we can easily shake the seeds out of the pod.

Ham (can be replaced with any boiled meat) also cut into strips.

We take the egg omelet pancakes prepared by us, roll them up and cut them into strips.

Now we make the dressing - we take and mix 2 tablespoons of dark (dark oil is more aromatic than light), lemon juice and soy sauce. Yes, we also add a spoonful of sugar, so we remove the excess acid of the lemon, but this is up to your taste.

In a large plate, mix the salad gently with two forks or chopsticks, getting an air slide. We take lightly roasted sesame seeds (seeds) and sprinkle liberally on our wonderful salad.

4. Delicious, but quite hearty salad without mayonnaise with beef liver

Very tasty, rather than a salad, but a cold appetizer, but rather “harmful” from the point of view of a healthy diet, although it formally falls under our current criterion - “salad without mayonnaise”. But the holidays are so good that you can forget only about the benefits for a while and think a little about the taste 🙂 And the taste of this salad comes out wonderful!

We put the pan on a small fire and begin to chop the onion in half rings. Fry the onion until half cooked.

Mushrooms can be boiled, and then lightly fried with onions. You can take raw - then you will have to fry longer and separately from onions. If these are champignons, wait until the moisture evaporates, and then fry for some more time for taste. By the way, do you know that fresh mushrooms can be eaten even raw? I really like them, they have an interesting, spicy taste. But not everyone can digest raw mushrooms, so for guests and for holidays it’s better not to take risks and cook everything “according to the classics” - by thermal processing.

It is better to take beef liver, you can also boiled meat, probably you can also chicken - but the taste will be different. I boil the liver in hot salted water in small pieces. When cool, cut into thin strips. We also cut pickled cucumbers into strips. I take carrots ready from the store, you can cut them a little smaller.

For dressing, we take an incomplete tablespoon of vinegar, if you are not afraid of spiciness - 2 cloves of garlic (do not forget that Korean carrots are already quite spicy and spicy, garlic is also there) and vegetable oil. You can also add a spoonful of tea mustard - this will add an unusual flavor note to our salad without mayonnaise!

We mix it all up and pour it into our salad.

This is such beauty and deliciousness!

5. Light and beautiful salad without mayonnaise "Harmony"

This, I confess, is my favorite salad. It is, in general, similar to the well-known Greek salad.

Not only is it very tasty, but it also looks very nice on the festive table - without requiring any special “decorations” in the form of mayonnaise and egg additives and sprinkles ...

Cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

Onion cut into half rings. You can take raw onions, if very bitter - marinate for 5 minutes in vinegar and boiling water, as described above.

We cut the cheese into cubes. With white cheese (Feta, for example), it seems to me that it turns out tastier.

We cut the greens not very finely, add pitted black olives.

Add dressing - lemon juice, salt to taste.

The salad looks very elegant and appetizing! At the same time, it is light, crispy and very tasty.
