
How to make caramel popcorn at home. How to make salty popcorn at home: recipe

Popcorn- a favorite delicacy of cinema visitors. It is crispy flakes with different flavors, sweet, salty, caramel, cheese and others. You can enjoy popcorn not only in the cinema, but also at home, having prepared it yourself. Today we will tell you the most delicious recipes.

The main thing in the article

How to make popcorn at home: basic rules

  • It is necessary to pour out the grains in a thin layer so that they heat up evenly.
  • Before cooking, send dry grains to the refrigerator for 1.5-3 hours.
  • The dishes should be heat-resistant and large in volume, since after opening the grains will exceed their original size by 3 times.
  • The best option for popcorn is corn oil, but you can also use extra virgin olive oil. If there is neither one nor the other, then sunflower is also suitable.
  • Seasonings should be used according to taste, but too much can overpower the taste of the beans themselves, so you need to add carefully.
  • "Correct" grains burst evenly and 98% fully open.
  • The grains must be completely covered with oil, for this the oil is added to the spilled grains and mixed quickly.

What kind of corn is popcorn made from?

Not every variety of corn is suitable for making popcorn. Corn kernels must consist of a dense shell so that they open evenly. For this, special uncultivated varieties are grown, such as:

  • Baby;
  • Zeya;
  • Pop-pop;
  • Carousel;
  • Rice;
  • Summer night;
  • Hot Summer;
  • Volcano;
  • Hotel;
  • Granddaughter's joy;
  • Ping pong.

Ordinary corn kernels for cooking will not justify the result, since not all will open.

How to make popcorn from corn kernels?


  • Special grains of corn - a couple of handfuls;
  • Corn oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Large frying pan.

Course of action:

  1. Refrigerate the grains a few hours before cooking.
  2. Heat up the pan.
  3. Spread chilled beans in a single layer.
  4. Pour in oil and stir.
  5. Cover tightly.
  6. Switch off the flame after 1 minute.
  7. When the cereal stops popping, move the popcorn to a convenient bowl.

How to make grains for popcorn?

  • A distinctive feature of varieties for popcorn is an elastic shell that bursts at high temperatures and releases the pulp outward. Such varieties contain less starch in their composition, which contributes to good opening.
  • To obtain cobs specifically for the preparation of air popcorn, specially bred varieties of corn are used. She is planted in mid-May and cared for accordingly. Cobs are harvested after they have dried well, and left in the leaves in a cold and dry place for further storage.
  • After all the actions, the grains on the cob dry out, which allows them to be used in the preparation of popcorn. With proper processing, 98% of the grains in the container will be opened, and only a few will remain in their original state.

How to make popcorn from regular, fresh corn?

  • To create popcorn from ordinary fresh corn, you must first leave it in a cold place for several hours.
  • Before sending the grains to the pan, it must be thoroughly heated.
  • The grains are poured into a hot frying pan in a thin layer and smeared with a small amount of oil.
  • After the pan is covered with a lid, and after a minute the fire is turned off.
  • The cover must be removed after the sound of popping ceases to be heard.

Can popcorn be made from boiled corn?

Boiled corn popcorn will not work. The reason for this is the softened shell, and it should be dense, but elastic. In boiled grains, the starch inside the shell has already been converted. Therefore, when they are on a hot surface, the starch will not be able to hatch and transform into an air shell.

Similarly, it will work with corn intended for making popcorn, since the inside will not boil well enough.

How to make popcorn from cob?

  • To make air flakes from the cob, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly. Drying takes 1 to 3 months in a cool and dry place. It is necessary to dry on the cob in dried leaves, that is, its “clothes”.
  • After drying, the grains are separated from the main cob and laid out in a cold place for some more time.
  • Before use, the grains are sent to the refrigerator for several hours. And after the time has passed, they are used in the preparation of tasty and airy popcorn.

You can also place the cob in a container greased with oil and fix with a lid. The kernels will open but remain on the cob.

How to cook crumbly popcorn in a pan?


  • Corn kernels;
  • Corn oil.


  1. Place the grains in the refrigerator a few hours before cooking.
  2. Heat up the pan very well.
  3. Pour the grains on a hot surface evenly in one layer.
  4. Pour a spoonful of oil evenly and mix everything so that each grain is smeared.
  5. Secure with lid.
  6. Turn off the fire after half of the pan is filled with air flakes or after 1 minute.
  7. The cover should be removed after the popping sound is no longer heard.

Can you make popcorn in a slow cooker?


  • Corn kernels;
  • Corn oil.


  1. Throw the grains in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  2. Before sending to the bowl, brush the grains with a little oil.
  3. Coat the bottom of the bowl with the greased grains so that it is completely covered, but in one even layer.
  4. Close the lid and click the "Soup" mode.
  5. As soon as the pops stop coming, open the slow cooker.

How to make popcorn in a pot?

The method of cooking in a saucepan is similar to the method in a frying pan.

  • To do this, you need to heat the pan.
  • Send the oiled grains in an even layer to the bottom.
  • To cover with a lid.
  • Turn off the fire after a minute.
  • Move popped popcorn to a serving platter after it stops popping.

How to make popcorn in the microwave from corn?

Modern popcorn manufacturers create special packages suitable for cooking flakes in microwave ovens. If they can do it, then why not try it yourself? For this prepare:

  • Corn kernels;
  • Corn oil;
  • Container for microwave ovens.

Process flow:

  1. Before sending to the oven, you can place the grains in a cold place for several hours.
  2. Spread the beans in an even layer in the container.
  3. Add a tablespoon of oil and brush over all the grains.
  4. Secure the container tightly with a lid.
  5. Click on the maximum power on 1,5-2 minutes.
  6. After the popping stops, open the lid.

How to make popcorn in the oven?


  • Corn grains;
  • Corn oil.
  • baking sheet;
  • Sleeve or foil.


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Brush the beans well with oil.
  3. Arrange evenly on a baking sheet or in a cooking sleeve.
  4. If using a baking sheet, cover with foil, but not tightly.
  5. Place in closet for a few minutes.
  6. As soon as the pops stop sounding, turn off the oven.
  7. After a few minutes, put in a dish convenient for eating.

How to make sweet caramel popcorn at home?

In order for your popcorn to acquire the taste of sweet caramel, it is necessary to water it when it is ready.

  • Get your popcorn ready.
  • While the grains are exploding, create caramel for them.
  • Pour a glass of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of lemon juice into a heavy-bottomed saucepan.
  • Cook over low heat until the whole mass becomes homogeneous and viscous.
  • It is necessary to wield a spoon carefully, it is better to take the pans by the handles and tilt them so that the whole mass becomes uniformly transparent.
  • Next, you need to throw a pinch of soda into the prepared caramel so that it doubles in volume and foams.
  • Pour the resulting mass into popcorn immediately. If you wait, the caramel can harden.
  • Gently stir the flakes so that the caramel is evenly distributed.

How to make syrup, caramel for popcorn?

You will need:

  • Granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • Soda - 5 g;
  • Butter - 5 g.

Process flow:

  1. Pour sugar, water and lemon juice into a heavy-bottomed container.
  2. Watch the sugar melt.
  3. Use the handles on the container to roll the liquid.
  4. As soon as a homogeneous mass is formed, add oils.
  5. Toss in baking soda before adding to popcorn.
  6. After - quickly pour over popcorn.

How to make salty popcorn?

  • Get your popcorn ready.
  • Pour a few tablespoons of finely ground salt into the hot flakes.
  • Wait a few minutes for the salt to soak in.

How to cook delicious popcorn: chicken, cheese, bacon?

For chicken popcorn required:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Flour - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 15 g;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • seasonings;
  • Egg white - 6 pcs;
  • Milk - 30 ml;
  • Breadcrumbs - 500 g.


  1. Prepare 3 vessels suitable for rolling. Combine flour with salt and powdered sugar.
  2. Beat the fillet and chop into even small squares, about 2x2 cm.
  3. Dip in the flour mixture, then in the egg mixture, then in the breadcrumbs.
  4. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and throw in the boned pieces, the oil should completely cover them.
  5. Fry for about 3 minutes and remove to a waffle towel.
  6. Dip to remove excess oil.
  7. Serve with a movie for a pleasant viewing.

With cheese:

  • Ready popcorn;
  • Cheese - 100 g.

Process flow:

  1. Grate cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Place hot cereal on a baking sheet.
  3. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  4. Send to a heated oven.
  5. Let it sit for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

With bacon:

  • Bacon - 150 g;
  • Corn kernels;
  • Oil.


  1. Fry the bacon.
  2. Finely chop.
  3. Place the beans in an even layer on the cooking surface.
  4. Sprinkle with bacon pieces.
  5. Cover and cook.

How to make colored popcorn?

  • In order to make the flakes colored, it is necessary to throw a little food coloring into the liquid caramel.
  • And if you want flakes of different colors, then stock up on a few dyes. Heat several containers with sugar at the same time and throw in the dyes.
  • It is necessary to paint with each color in turn. To do this, it is most convenient to place the popcorn on a baking sheet and pour over the colored caramel.

How to make popcorn from buckwheat, from wheat at home?

Need to:

  • Buckwheat - 200 g;
  • Oil - 5 ml.


  1. Boil buckwheat grains.
  2. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread the boiled buckwheat.
  3. Send the contents to an oven heated to 100 ° C for 3 hours.
  4. Grease the surface of a hot frying pan with oil and place the buckwheat grains.
  5. Cover with a lid and turn off the heat after 5 minutes.

To create popcorn from wheat, the principle of action is similar to the "corn" method. Lubricate the cooking surface, place the grains on it, cover and wait for the claps to stop.

How to make popcorn without oil?

The addition of oil is necessary to make the popcorn more tender and creamy, and it is also added to prevent burning. But if you are a supporter of food without extra calories, then you can cook without oil. Just distribute the grains evenly in a heated container and cover with a lid.

How to make popcorn like in a movie theater: video, useful tips

A few tips:

  • Approach any preparation from the creative side;
  • Don't be afraid to experiment;
  • For more fun, turn on your favorite music.

Many associate eating popcorn, or popcorn, exclusively with movie theaters. It's so nice to crunch under a good movie. However, at home you can please yourself and loved ones with such a dish. Popcorn can be found in different types - salty, cheese, caramel. The latter is the most popular. How to make sweet popcorn at home? Simple enough! In addition, this dish is much cheaper than store-bought.

Delicious popcorn in a pan: what do you need?

How to make sweet popcorn in a pan? First you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a quarter cup of corn for popcorn;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

These ingredients allow you to prepare the popcorn itself and caramel to it.

cooking corn

How to make sweet popcorn? First, prepare the corn itself. You need to choose the right dishes. A pan with thick walls and high sides is perfect. It is also worth picking up a heavy cover for it. The lung can bounce from the impact of exploding corn kernels. You can also use a heavy bottomed pot.

Pour the entire portion of the oil into the pan, lightly heat over medium heat. Shake out the grains and immediately cover with a lid. Soon the grains will begin to open, and characteristic pops will be heard. At this time, the pan with a lid is shaken a little so that the corn heats up evenly, which means that the whole one also opens. When the interval between pops becomes more than twenty seconds, you can turn off the corn. Leave it under the lid, starting to prepare caramel.

How to cook caramel?

How to make sweet popcorn? Add caramel to it! According to the basic recipe, you can cook both salty and sweet products. For sweetness, add caramel. It is also easy to prepare.

Pour water, all the sugar and lemon juice into a small saucepan. They put everything on slow gas and just watch the pan. It is not necessary to stir the caramel, you can only occasionally turn the pan, slightly raising the sides so that all the sugar is covered with water.

Now it's time to act as quickly as possible. Ready caramel has a pleasant color and a characteristic smell. The lid of the popcorn pan is quickly opened, soda is poured into the caramel, as a result, foam from the sweet ingredient is obtained, it is poured into corn. Thoroughly mix the grains so that they are all saturated with the sweet ingredient.

Then the grains are laid out on a baking sheet, preferably in one layer. Cool like this for ten minutes.

Sweet popcorn on granulated sugar: ingredients

You can cook popcorn right away without dividing the process into cooking corn and caramel. To do this, take:

  • corn;
  • four tablespoons of sugar for every hundred grams of grains;
  • vegetable oil.

In principle, these are all the necessary ingredients. Next, let's look at how to make sweet popcorn at home. This recipe is quite budgetary, and you do not need to spend time making caramel. Ready grains are sweet and fatty, due to vegetable oil. Sweetness can be adjusted to taste, for example, by adding more sugar or reducing its amount.

Preparing a sweet dish

To begin with, they opt for a frying pan with a glass lid. This will allow you to monitor the cooking process so that the grains do not burn, but open.

Odorless vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of the dish. It should cover the entire bottom. Pour the grains and put the pan on a strong fire. It is better to pour the grains in portions so that they are laid out in one row. Then there will be less burnt and closed grains.

Corn grains are sprinkled with sugar on top. Scatter gently so that the sweet ingredient gets on all the corn. Then cover everything with a lid and wait. After a couple of minutes, the grains will begin to open, pops will be heard. Now the pan needs to be shaken, and often enough. Then the grains will be mixed with sugar and butter, they will not burn. When the interval between claps becomes three seconds, you can remove this batch by transferring it to a dry dish and let it cool. You can put a new portion of the grains. This is a simple recipe that shows you how to make sweet popcorn with minimal ingredients.

Who does not know about such a delicacy as popcorn? Perhaps there are no such people. It is often bought in the cinema hall to enjoy the film while watching. However, preparing such a delicacy yourself is simple and quite cheap. You need to purchase special grains for popcorn, they can be found in large chain stores or ordered online. Then you should try making sweet popcorn with granulated sugar and vegetable oil. It's simple enough. How to make sweet popcorn that is as good as store bought? You need to spend a little more time and make a special caramel filling. It is not only tasty, but also fragrant dish.

If you are preparing a children's party - a treat with crispy, sweet caramel popcorn will be a wonderful holiday decoration. Such popcorn will delight all children. It can be laid out in beautiful bags (envelopes, as for seeds) made of colored paper. To prevent the envelopes from opening, each at the seam can be sealed with a nice sticker.


To make caramel popcorn, you need to boil the caramel. Liquid sugar caramel is a very hot substance that must be handled very carefully. We will have to pour it on popcorn, so cooking caramel popcorn at home is a process that requires your attention and concentration, and of course, at this time it is better for children not to interfere in the kitchen.


  1. First you need to cook the popcorn itself - burst the grains. To do this, pour some oil into a tall saucepan. Make sure the oil is hot enough. There are two ways to do this: you can drop a drop of water, and if it sizzles, the oil has warmed up; the second way - put one grain in the oil at the bottom of the pan. As soon as it bursts, take it out and fill in all the grains. Spread them evenly across the bottom of the pan. After a couple of minutes, the grains will begin to burst. You will hear constant, non-stop pops. Grasp the handles of the pot and shake it from time to time (every 5 seconds or more) so that the unpopped grains sink to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Popcorn, when it bursts, will need to be transferred to a large bowl. This bowl can be oiled (or sprayed with non-stick/non-stick cooking spray) to keep the caramel from sticking to the sides and bottom of the bowl.
  3. Let's take care of the caramel, which we will fill the popcorn with. To prepare caramel, you need to prepare baking soda (on the tip of a knife, but you can do without soda), sugar - one and a half glasses, butter - 100 grams, half a teaspoon of salt, 100 ml. water. The proportions of sugar and water are three to one, that is, sugar should be three times more than water. Pour sugar into an empty clean saucepan, fill it with water, throw salt and butter there. Mix everything thoroughly and heat on fire until boiling. Stir until sugar dissolves. We do not need sugar crystals on the sides of the pan - remove them with a brush. If sugar crystals get into the caramel, it may begin to crystallize and will not be as transparent and "caramel" as we need.
  4. The caramel will cook for 10 to 20 minutes. It does not need to be stirred, but you cannot move away from it, you need to carefully monitor the change in the color of the caramel. As soon as it starts to brown on the sides (which means it is even browner at the bottom), the caramel is ready. You can’t delay, you shouldn’t digest it. See the color change in the photos for this recipe.
  5. Prepare 2 spatulas for mixing caramel and popcorn (they can be sprayed with a spray so that caramel does not stick to them, or greased with vegetable oil.) Prepare a large baking sheet as well - grease it with oil or line it with oiled parchment. We will dry the popcorn on it - cool the caramel to a crispy state.
  6. So, when the caramel is ready, remove it from the heat, and quickly add half a teaspoon of soda to it. The caramel will foam up a lot at this point - as it should. The fact is that soda will make the caramel foam, greatly increase it in volume: stir the caramel with a whisk and pour the foamy caramel quickly onto the popcorn. Mix everything together thoroughly. Thanks to the soda, the caramel should be well distributed over the popcorn - mix with prepared two spatulas. We interfere until we see that everything is distributed well and the mixture begins to stick together. Remember, this mixture is very hot, do not touch with your hands - you can burn yourself.
  7. Put the popcorn on the trays. We do not distribute it strongly - do not worry when the popcorn cools down - it will fall apart easily into separate pieces.
  8. You can keep the baking sheets in the oven (on the smallest fire from half an hour to an hour), or you can simply leave it on the table and let the caramel harden properly and become crispy.

All recipe photos

How to make sweet popcorn (with caramel) at home - recipe

Popcorn, most likely, most people associate with watching movies at the cinema or going with children to children's entertainment events, then the purchased bucket of popcorn will be instantly eaten by all family members.

But few do sweet popcorn at home, and after all, all that is needed for this is just to find a special variety of corn for popcorn in the store, or you can grow it on your site by buying seeds.

Popcorn made at home costs about 10 (!) times cheaper than bought, because a kilogram of such corn costs less than 100 Russian rubles, and for a cup of ready-made popcorn, for example, 3 liters, you need only a small handful of corn.

You can make both salted popcorn (which is much easier) and sweet caramel popcorn in your kitchen.

The process of making caramel popcorn itself is not complicated, but you need to get used to making caramel itself, it is very “capricious” and, perhaps, the first few times it may not work out at all. However, if you already know how to cook caramel or take into account some subtleties when cooking, then a mountain of sweet crispy balls will delight you in 20 minutes.

So, to prepare about 2 liters of caramel popcorn, you need to prepare:

- 1/4 cup popcorn

- 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (refined);

- 1 glass of granulated sugar;

- a few drops of lemon juice;

- 1 tablespoon of butter (optional, you can not take);

- 0.5 tsp baking soda.

Step by step caramel popcorn is done like this:

1. You need to start by preparing the popcorn itself, for this you will need a small saucepan (at least 2 liters) or a frying pan with a lid with high sides. I like doing it in a skillet. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, spread it evenly over the bottom, put on medium heat or above medium. Place the corn in the pan and close the lid immediately.

2. After a while, the corn kernels will begin to "explode", it is they who open under the influence of high temperature. While the opening process is in progress, gently shake the pan several times. It must also be said that the lid must be quite heavy, otherwise it will jump from the blows of the corn. If “explosions” are not heard for about 20 seconds, then we can assume that the popcorn is ready and the pan can be removed from the heat.

3. Leave the finished popcorn in the pan for now, covered with a lid, and you can do cooking caramel. Probably, each housewife has her own way of cooking with her secrets, I will tell you about one of the options.

Pour all the sugar into a small saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), pour in water and lemon juice.

4. Put the saucepan on a small fire and just watch the contents. Soon, the sugar from the bottom and sides will begin to melt and darken. Do not mix the contents with a spoon, but only tilt the saucepan over the fire from side to side so that the melted sugar mixes smoothly with the unmelted sugar. You can help him a little with a spoon, but only slightly touching the top layer of the mass.

Why do you have to do everything so carefully? Caramel has two “troubles”, it can quickly burn or crystallize just as quickly, and in either case, caramel can be considered irretrievably spoiled, its further use will be impossible.

5. If everything is done correctly, then very soon you will get such a transparent viscous mass with a characteristic smell. Here you can add butter. But once again I repeat that this is optional, and so the caramel will be not bad, and the addition of oil in some cases can provoke rapid crystallization.

6. The next step must be done very quickly. Quickly remove the caramel from the heat, quickly open the lid of the popcorn pan, quickly pour soda into the caramel. The caramel will foam up and expand a lot.

7. Quickly pour popcorn with such caramel foam and mix well so that the caramel is distributed as evenly as possible.

Sweet caramel popcorn is ready! In taste, it practically does not differ from the purchased one, it has a very caramel taste and an excellent crispy crust, although it is made at home. I would like to immediately warn you that after eating at least one thing, you will not be able to stop until the cup is completely empty.

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In winter, it is especially tempting to spend an evening at home, wrapped in a warm blanket and watching your favorite movies. Well, what's a movie show without popcorn?!

Simple and easy to prepare, popcorn is one of the most popular and loved snacks around the world. In addition, it is very versatile and allows you to safely experiment with seasonings and spices, each time getting a new bright taste!

Let's start with the simplest version of popcorn - "dietary". All you need is corn and cooking utensils.

Heat a frying pan, ideally with a non-stick coating, over medium heat. Add popcorn kernels, cover and continue heating for a few more minutes until the last pops of popcorn have stopped popping. For a microwave, this is 2-4 minutes at maximum power.

For the first experiments with popcorn in the microwave, it is best to choose a glass form with a lid, so you can watch the process and stop heating when all the kernels open. In the future, you will know exactly the proportions and cooking times that are ideal for your microwave oven.

The option, frankly, is not the most impressive, but the simplest and most gentle for the figure.

Option "classical"- salted popcorn with butter. You will need: corn, salt and a little vegetable oil.

Pour 1 tbsp into a preheated pan. vegetable oil and add corn in such an amount that it covers the bottom with a thin layer. Cover with a lid and wait until the pops stop.

You can periodically shake the pan to warm up more evenly.

Sprinkle the finished popcorn with a few pinches of finely ground salt and mix well.

Popcorn can also be topped with a small amount (35–50 g) of melted butter.

We got a wonderful classic homemade salty popcorn!

Popcorn "caramel". My favorite, to be honest. Having tried homemade popcorn with real caramel, you don’t want to go back to popcorn with caramel “aroma”, as it is now customary to write on the package.

Take popcorn, vegetable oil, butter, sugar, a pinch of salt and baking soda.

Combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves. Shake the pan if necessary to help the sugar dissolve faster.

Add butter, a pinch of salt and 0.25 teaspoon of baking soda.

Simmer over low heat for a few more minutes until the mixture turns a dark golden hue.

Cook corn in any convenient way, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Add caramel to popcorn and stir quickly.

At this stage, the popcorn is ready to serve, but to make it incredibly crispy, dry the popcorn in the oven or microwave for a few more minutes.

Homemade caramel popcorn is ready!

Popcorn "Christmas". An unusual, sweet-salty, spicy version of popcorn according to Nigella Lawson's recipe - for connoisseurs of complex flavor combinations.

Combine vegetable and butter. Add spices, salt and sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat until it thickens and caramelizes. Usually around 8-15 minutes.

Cook the corn. Add the spice mixture and mix well.

Christmas popcorn is ready!

Choose the option to your taste and crunch with pleasure!
