
Apple juice preparation for the winter. Apple juice

There are many different ways to store apples for the winter. From summer varieties, you can make mashed potatoes, jam, they are also dried. Such fruits are not very suitable for juice, as they differ in a small amount of moisture. For this reason, for this purpose, it is best to use late varieties, which are much juicier. And, of course, it is advisable to process your own, homemade apples, although you can also choose good store ones. And now we will look at how to roll up on our own and how to save it for the winter.

general information

Many can remember how in the nineties of the last century they dragged sacks of apples from dachas and shops to their apartments and turned the latter into canning shops for some time. Given that there was only one variety of fruit on sale, most often they prepared juice of one variety - from 30-40 liters. Now the time has come that you can buy everything and inexpensively, but the habit of harvesting vegetables and fruits for future use has remained, perhaps not in such huge quantities. After all, no store purchase will ever replace real, home-made apple juice.

For the winter, this is a very useful product, both for children and adults - especially those who are engaged in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, the process of harvesting juice is not the fastest and not the easiest, but it's worth it. Moreover, modern equipment will provide maximum assistance. We proceed directly to the story of how to roll up apple juice.

The first version of the preparation of apple juice

We will need: juicer, apples, lids, jars, slotted spoon, gauze, rolling machine, tweezers, preservation thermometer. Here is the step by step recipe:

Another option on how to roll up freshly squeezed apple juice

Modern cooking offers us more than one way to accomplish our task. The only thing they have in common is that you need to choose fruits carefully: they must be undamaged and always ripe. Proportions and ingredients depend on the desired result and on the variety of apples. After all, you can prepare juice clarified and with pulp. To get an unforgettable aroma of the drink, adjust, combine different varieties of fruits at your discretion. Thus, there is a chance to get completely new tastes that could surprise even people who are very demanding on drinks.

Experts in this industry argue that it is wrong to harvest juice using only slightly acidic apples, since the result of such work, among other things, will not meet the required quality requirements. The most favorable varieties for making a drink are: pear, anise, titovka and winter parmen. If you are interested in how to roll up apple juice after a juicer in other ways, the information below is for you.


Squeeze the fruits cut into slices in a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into an enameled or glass dish. To prevent oxidation and further browning, it is advisable to add a little lemon juice. We need a large pot. After squeezing, pour the future drink from the dishes, without heating, into jars and cover with lids. We put them in a saucepan and fill with warm water to the neck. We heat the water to a temperature of 85 degrees, reduce the heat and, maintaining the temperature, the time depends on their size: 20 minutes for one and a half liter and 30 minutes for two or three liters. With the help of a towel folded several times or a thick tack, we carefully take out the hot jars one by one and immediately roll them up. Mastered another way how to roll up apple juice.

Recipe for apple juice without a juicer

A natural and tasty drink can be obtained without much effort and without a juicer. We will need fruits with light flesh and necessarily sour taste. In this case, sugar and water are not required. We cut the fruits into several parts and pass through a juicer or meat grinder.

The resulting pulp is squeezed with gauze, the remaining pulp is sent to a saucepan filled with water (the ratio is two liters per 10 kg), soaked for six hours, heated and squeezed again. Let's move on to the next step. We brew a drink: heat the liquid to 80-90 degrees, hold for five minutes and pour into jars. We boil the lids in a water bath and roll up the resulting nectar. At home, you can cook without pasteurization by slightly increasing the temperature of the water to boil the jars. In this case, for additional sterilization, they need to be rolled up with lids and turned upside down. Apple juice for the winter is ready.

Juice recipes with sugar and pulp

If you want to prepare nectar with sugar, then the technology is similar to the previous one, only at the second stage, take 70% sugar syrup and add it to the juice. Syrup can be obtained either from secondary juice or from sugar. The proportion is as follows: for one liter you need one hundred grams of sugar and 150 ml of syrup. Now we will describe another version of how apple juice is made. Recipe for a drink with pulp: we pass fruits through a meat grinder two or three times, moreover, through a small cell. It is necessary to prevent the darkening of the outgoing mass, for which we add ascorbic acid to it.

The ratio is as follows: for 10 kg of fruit you need 10 grams of acid. You should already know well how to properly roll up apple juice, do not forget to pasteurize it only. By the way, the more crushed and homogeneous the resulting mass is, the tastier the juice will be, and its storage will be longer.

Another way to make an apple drink

Apple juice can also be prepared in a juice cooker, but since in this case you need to have good quality equipment and certain skills, we will not describe the process. Just follow the recipe exactly and strictly maintain the temperature regime, and everything will work out. With our next method, we will use and you will learn how to prepare and how to roll up freshly squeezed apple juice in this case. Let's do it quickly and easily. To improve the taste and color, you can combine our drink with blueberry, grape or chokeberry juice. Necessary products: apples, if desired - granulated sugar, and for washing cans - baking soda. Necessary utensils: juicer, saucepan, colander, metal lids, glass jars, seamer.


Cooking apple juice. The recipe is next. My fruit, cut and pass through a juicer. Let the squeezed juice settle, then filter through two or three layers of gauze.

The resulting drink is poured into a saucepan and brought to 95 degrees over high heat. At the same time, we constantly remove the foam, thus brightening the juice. Strain the hot drink through cheesecloth again and bring it almost to a boil. Pour into jars and roll up. Then upside down - and to cool. Having mastered well how to roll up apple juice, in winter we will get a very healthy drink, which, due to the presence of potassium, normalizes cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the removal of radionuclides. Apple fasting days will help with obesity.

No matter how expensive and branded store-bought juice is, in terms of quality and benefits it will never be compared with homemade. That is why making fresh juices and preserving apple nectar is a must. And if the house has such a wonderful thing as a juicer, the process is simplified as much as possible and we just have to properly organize the work of the equipment.

Selecting and preparing apples

To get as much drink as possible and not spend too much money on sugar, take apples of the sweetest, juiciest varieties. It can be white filling, prima, jonagold, fuji, gala, mac, saffron, pink lady. If there is no way to get them, we will make juice from sweet and sour - in this case, the product will also turn out tasty and vitamin.

Advice! Juice should be squeezed from fully ripened fruits when they are sufficiently filled with moisture and sun. From the moment of collection to the actual processing, no more than two to three weeks should pass, otherwise the fruit will begin to deteriorate and some of the potential juice will inevitably end up in waste.

To prepare for pressing, wash the apples thoroughly in cold water, remove the leaves and small debris, and cut out the wormy segments. Next, we divide each fruit into 4 parts along the stem, and if the apples are too large, into 5-6 parts.

Making the "drink of the gods"

First, let's deal with our kitchen assistant. A truly high-quality apple juicer should be:

  • of course, electric;
  • centrifugal or auger (if we use centrifugal, it is desirable to have the function of automatic pulp ejection);
  • with cutting parts made of stainless steel;
  • with a wide funnel for loading products and a capacious juice receiver.

Secondly, we will make sure that it has nothing against the peel and small bones.

We turn on the device and pass the available fruits through it. If you plan to use the juice immediately, then the preparation can be considered finished, no further action is required.

In the case when the drink turned out to be a lot, it makes sense to stock it for future use. We filter the squeezed juice through several layers of gauze, thereby getting rid of foam and excess pulp. Pour it into a large enameled pan, put on fire, boil for about 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Advice! Nectar from unripe fruits or sweet and sour varieties can be completely unsweetened. Sugar will help correct the situation: a tablespoon of sand is diluted in a liter of juice and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved.

This preparation should be stored at room temperature. If open juice seems too concentrated in winter, dilute it with boiled water and sweeten if necessary. Bon appetit!

Making apple juice with a juicer - video

Natural freshly squeezed juice is always useful. And to make it available all year round, it is recommended to harvest apple juice for the winter using a juicer. For its preparation, juicy sweet varieties of apples are taken: the fruits must be even, whole, without damage and disease. Most often, varieties such as Anis, Grushovka, Glory to the winners, Malinovka and other sweet and sour-sweet apples are used. You can combine varieties.

Apple juice for the winter from a juicer: a quick and healthy recipe


  • Apples (5 kg);
  • Sugar (enough and 100g).

Preparing apple juice is similar to preparing tomato juice for the winter, only we add sugar instead of salt. The selected fruits are washed and cleaned from the seed box without fail, since if there are seeds in the juice, it can ferment and deteriorate. Cut into 4 parts, apples can be sent to the juicer.

So that the juice does not darken after squeezing, you can squeeze a little lemon juice into it (a quarter of the fruit per 1 liter of juice). Also, when squeezing fruit, a lot of foam is formed - it can be removed immediately, or later during cooking. But do not rush to throw away the remaining cake, it can be used to make delicious pancakes, applesauce, marshmallow or marmalade.

All the resulting juice is placed on medium heat in an enamel bowl and heated to 95 ° C. If there is no kitchen thermometer, then you need to bring the juice until the first small bubbles appear around the perimeter of the pan and immediately turn it off.

Attention! Juice should not boil, as useful substances and vitamins are quickly destroyed when boiled.

Sugar is added if desired, but it is not required. If the apples are not too sour, then it is better to leave the drink natural, without additives. Juice can be stored in traditional jars and bottles, or in clean glass bottles with a cork. The selected containers, along with the lids, are washed with baking soda. After the containers are washed, we send them to be sterilized for a couple or in an oven preheated to 100-120 ° for 10 minutes.

After sterilization of the jars, ready-made hot juice is poured into still warm containers and closed with screw caps or corked. Everything, natural, very healthy and tasty juice is ready. Store it in the cellar, basement or in the pantry of the apartment. The main thing is that the place is cool and dark. Such juice is stored up to 2 years.

Note! The resulting apple juice in a juicer for the winter is quite concentrated, so it can be diluted with boiled cold or mineral water before drinking. This is especially true for people who have stomach diseases against the background of high acidity.

Homemade apple juice, prepared for the winter in jars, will help improve your health and delight you with a bright summer taste and delicate aroma. You can make it with a juicer or a juicer, and if these devices are not at hand, use the most common large grater. For transparency, the drink will need to be drained through cheesecloth and only after this procedure pour into jars. Pumpkin pulp, carrots or grapes are suitable as accompanying components, and ground ginger, vanilla or cinnamon powder will help to enhance fragrantness.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer

The easiest way to harvest apple juice for the winter at home is using a juicer. Kitchen appliances will quickly process fruits and ensure that apples turn into a vitamin-rich liquid almost instantly. Additional aroma and light piquancy will give the drink ground ginger, which is part of the composition.

Essential Ingredients for Homemade Apple Juice Made in a Juicer

  • apples - 6 kg
  • ground ginger - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make juice from apples for the winter using a juicer

Homemade apple juice for the winter - a recipe for cooking through a juicer

Making apple juice for the winter season in a juicer is very easy and convenient. . How to do it correctly, the following recipe will tell. A drink made in this way will be quite transparent in appearance and richly sweet in taste.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer

  • apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 360 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for the winter season in a juicer

  1. Wash the apples, blot with a paper towel, cut into quarters and remove the seeds and core.
  2. Place the processed fruits in a juicer colander, cover with half a serving of sugar.
  3. Pour water into the bottom tank of the unit. Place a container with a central hole on top, designed to collect juice. Substitute a deep bowl under the outlet tube, where the juice released during the cooking process will drain.
  4. Place a colander with apple slices on the top pan. Cover with a lid and put on a strong fire.
  5. Keep warm until the juice evaporates.
  6. Pour the separated juice into a separate pan, add the remaining sugar, mix and bring to a boil, while making sure that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour hot juice into sterile jars, cork under the lids, turn over, wrap in a blanket and set for a day so that the product cools down well. Put away in the cellar before winter

Apple juice with pulp for the winter at home - video recipe

The video recipe explains in detail how to prepare apple juice with pulp at home for the winter. The author claims that in this version the drink is more saturated, aromatic and concentrated.

Concentrated apple juice at home for the winter - a simple recipe with a photo

Juice from fresh apples, prepared at home according to this recipe for the winter, is very rich, fragrant and concentrated. Having opened such a jar in winter, you can safely dilute the product with clean filtered water, thus increasing the volume of the product by 1.5-2 times.

Essential Ingredients for Making Concentrated Apple Juice for Winter

  • apples - 6 kg
  • sugar - 400 g
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make concentrated apple juice at home for the winter season

  1. Sort strong, juicy apples, wash very well in running water and dry on a towel. Without peeling, cut into pieces, remove the core and seeds, and pass the rest through a juicer.
  2. Pour freshly squeezed juice into an enamel pan and leave for a while so that the foam rises up and acquires a dense structure.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, strain the juice through gauze folded in 4-5 layers. Then carefully squeeze out the foam remaining in the pan and drain the liquid released from it to the juice. The wet cake accumulated in the juicer is also well squeezed out and the resulting composition is added to the juice base.
  4. Stir the juice with a wooden spoon and strain again through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the processed juice into a clean saucepan, add sugar, mix and send the container to the stove.
  6. Over moderate heat, heat the liquid to 95 degrees, stirring constantly with a spoon, and add ground cinnamon.
  7. Pour hot into sterilized jars, roll up with tin lids, turn over and, wrapped in a blanket, let cool completely. Before winter, put in a cool, dark, well-ventilated room.

How to preserve diet apple juice - homemade preparations for the winter without sugar

Apple juice prepared for the winter without sugar is low-calorie and is perfect for baby or diet food. During the cooking process, it is not boiled, so all valuable and useful substances are preserved in full. In the cold season, such preservation has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, helps strengthen the immune system and reliably protects against colds.

Essential Ingredients for Making Sugar-Free Apple Juice for Winter

  • apples - 5.1 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to preserve sugar-free apple juice for the winter season

  1. Wash ripe, juicy sweet apples well in running water, dry with a paper towel and cut into slices. Carefully remove the stem and seed pods.
  2. Pass the processed fruit slices together with the skin through a juicer, and then pour into a deep enameled pan.
  3. Put the juice container on the stove, heat it over medium heat to 90-95 degrees, stir constantly and remove the foam accumulating on the surface. Strictly do not boil.
  4. Pour hot juice into sterilized, warm jars, tightly tighten with metal lids, turn over, cover with a thick cloth and leave to cool completely. For winter storage, take it to the cellar or basement.

Delicious apple juice with grapes - canning at home

Many people like the combination of apples and grapes and is considered one of the most delicious. For juice, white table grapes and sweet types of apples are usually taken. For saturation, not only ordinary sugar, but also vanilla is added to the workpiece. This makes the juice more fragrant and gives it a slight piquancy.

Essential Ingredients for Home Canning Apple Grape Juice

  • apples - 4 kg
  • grapes - 2 kg
  • sugar - 100 g
  • vanilla sugar - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to preserve juice from apples and grapes at home

  1. Wash fruits very well under running water and dry.
  2. Remove the stalks from the apples, cut the pulp into pieces and remove the seed box.
  3. Separate the grapes from the branches of the bunch.
  4. Pass both components separately through a juicer.
  5. Be sure to strain the apple juice through a linen cloth or gauze folded in three.
  6. Pour the grape and apple juices into one enamel pan, add sugar, stir lightly and place on the stove.
  7. On moderate heat, warm up to 85-90 degrees, add vanilla sugar, without letting it boil, keep warm for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn over and let cool, be sure to wrap it in a thick cloth or bath towel.
  9. Store in a cool and dark place.

How to quickly make apple juice at home without a juicer for the winter

Even without using a juicer at home, you can very quickly and easily preserve apple juice for the winter. To grind fruit, you will need a regular kitchen blender and a coarse grater. Then the apple mass will have to be put under pressure and wait for the release of liquid. It is not necessary to peel the fruits from the skin, because it contains a large amount of useful substances and the natural thickener pectin. The resulting juice will be absolutely natural, but not too transparent. If this moment is embarrassing, it is worth straining the workpiece through gauze folded in several layers. After this procedure, the liquid will brighten a little and acquire a real juice consistency.

Necessary ingredients for a quick harvest of apple juice for the winter without a juicer

  • apples - 5 kg
  • sugar - ½ kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for winter without using a juicer

  1. Very ripe apples of a juicy and sweet variety, thoroughly wash in running water and dry on a kitchen towel.
  2. Cut the fruit into quarters and remove the seed box.
  3. Put the fruit slices in a blender bowl and turn into small identical pieces. Do not bring to the state of puree. If a blender is not at hand, you can use a coarse grater. The effect will be exactly the same.
  4. Place the processed apples in a linen bag or wrap in a clean kitchen towel. Determine this design in a colander, and fix the colander itself over some kind of deep container. Put a load on the bag of apples.
  5. Leave until no more juice comes out. Then pour it into an enameled container and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  6. When the liquid begins to boil, add sugar and boil over moderate heat for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Pour hot into dry, sterilized jars, roll up hermetically under metal lids, turn upside down and cool under a warm blanket. Until the winter season, hide in a cool, darkened room.

How to prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter in jars

Apple-pumpkin juice prepared for the winter according to this recipe will turn out to be quite dense and very rich. A thick consistency can be achieved by passing all the components through the juicer together, and not separately. This method will enable the apple and pumpkin components to blend harmoniously even during processing and eventually become one whole product.

Necessary ingredients for harvesting in a jar of apple juice with the addition of pumpkin

  • apples - 1 kg
  • pumpkin - 2 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 125 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple and pumpkin juice for winter

  1. Wash the apples, pat dry with paper towels, cut into slices and remove the seed pods.
  2. Rinse the pumpkin in running water, remove the skin, remove the internal fibers and seeds, and cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Cut the lemon with the skin into slices.
  4. Pass all components together through a juicer. Pour the resulting fragrant liquid into a deep enameled pan, add sugar, mix and place on the stove.
  5. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Pour boiling juice into dry, sterilized jars, tightly roll up the lids, turn upside down and cover with a warm blanket, leave until completely cooled. For winter storage, hide in a pantry or basement.

How to make apple-carrot juice - easy canning at home for the winter

Apple-carrot juice is one of the most useful homemade preparations for the winter. Making a product is not at all difficult and does not require a lot of time. The amount of sugar in the preservation can be varied for yourself. If you want the taste to be sweeter, you should increase the portion by 50%. When fresh shades with a slight sourness are to your liking, it makes sense to reduce the presence of sand or even replace it with low-calorie stevia.

Essential Ingredients for Making Apple-Carrot Juice for Winter

  • apples - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 150 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to preserve juice from apples and carrots for the winter season at home

  1. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly in running water and dry them on a clean kitchen towel.
  2. Cut the apples into large pieces and squeeze the juice out of them.
  3. Separately squeeze the juice from the carrots.
  4. Pour both types of freshly squeezed juices into one deep saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  5. Pour granulated sugar, mix very thoroughly and boil over moderate heat for 5-6 minutes.
  6. Pour apple-carrot juice into dry, sterilized jars, cork with lids, turn upside down and cool, covering with a warm bath towel. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

Apples are rightfully considered the most popular and affordable fruits in our latitudes. Indeed, in autumn, tree branches bend under the weight of juicy and ruddy apples - just have time to collect! The “hot” time for culinary specialists begins, when generous apple crops need to be periodically “processed” into vitamin preparations for the winter. As a rule, canning of apples occurs by rolling jams, jams, marmalade, compotes and juice. Today we will learn how to properly make apple juice for the winter at home - by passing the fruit pulp through a juicer and without it, as well as using a juicer. Our culinary selection contains the simplest step-by-step recipes with photos and videos of apple-pumpkin juice, with the addition of carrots and even without sugar. Indeed, natural apple juice is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins B, C, E, PP, H. Due to its exceptionally useful nutritional qualities, the use of apple juice is recommended for many diseases and as a preventive measure. And it's just so nice to drink a glass of a wonderful fruit drink in winter - for both children and adults. So, stock up on ripe "rejuvenating" apples, jars and patience, and we wish all the chefs creative inspiration.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - a step by step recipe with a photo

Homemade apple juice perfectly retains its beneficial properties, and tastes much better than a store-bought drink. How to prepare apple juice for the winter? For convenience and to facilitate the process of separating the juice from the pulp, it is better to use a juicer, through which you can quickly pass several kilograms of fresh fruits. We offer you to master a step-by-step recipe with a photo of natural apple juice - with the help of modern kitchen equipment, even a novice in culinary business can handle the preparation. As a result, you will get a tasty and healthy apple juice that will perfectly fill the deficiency of vitamins in the winter.

Ingredients for winter harvesting apple juice:

  • apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step instructions for an apple juice recipe for winter using a juicer, with a photo:

Delicious apple juice through a juicer at home for the winter - a recipe with photos, videos

A home juicer greatly facilitates the juice production process, allowing you to process several kilograms of apples at a time. The main advantage of this device is that due to the effect of soft steam, the drink retains a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins. We picked up a simple recipe with photos and videos of delicious apple juice made with a juicer. By following the instructions, you can easily preserve at least a few liters of fragrant apple juice for the winter - the more the better!

Ingredients for homemade apple juice recipe for the winter:

  • sugar - to taste
  • apples - any variety
  • water - filtered or spring

The procedure for harvesting juice from apples passed through a juicer - recipe description:

  1. Pour the apples into a large basin and rinse in running water.
  2. Cut into medium pieces of arbitrary shape, removing damaged and wormy parts of the fruit.
  3. We put the prepared raw materials into the upper container of the juice cooker - without exceeding the indicated mark. Add sugar if necessary.
  4. We fill the lower part of the device with cold water (approximately 2 - 2.5 liters). From above we install a container in which the juice will be collected - we put a bowl under the faucet with a hose to drain the finished drink. We place the compartment with chopped apples on the very top of the juice cooker, not forgetting to cover it with a lid.
  5. Preservation jars are thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized in any convenient way - steamed, in the oven or microwave. While the jars are “cleaned”, we send the metal lids to boil.
  6. The duration of cooking is about 45 - 50 minutes, depending on the variety of apples. When only applesauce remains in the upper container, the fire can be turned off. Puree will be an excellent basis for delicious jam - using a blender, you need to chop the mass, add sugar and boil. So thanks to the juice cooker you can make another delicacy from apples - an excellent “zero waste”!
  7. After the juice has stopped flowing from the faucet, we wait another 10 minutes and disassemble our “design”. Pour the juice from the container into the pan and set to boil, adding a spoonful of sugar if necessary.
  8. Fill sterilized jars with hot apple juice and roll up. Turned upside down, leave to cool under a warm blanket. To store a vitamin fruit drink, a pantry or cellar is suitable, where we send the cooled jars - until winter. Happy tasting!

Apple juice with pulp for the winter - harvesting at home, recipe with photo

With the advent of autumn, housewives prepare jars for canning in advance - the “apple” boom is coming! In every house, work is in full swing on the preparation of various fruit delicacies for the winter, because abundant fresh harvests are so short-lived. Therefore, our recipe with a photo of apple juice with pulp will definitely come in handy for both novice cooks and experienced housewives. How to make apple juice at home? With a little effort, you will stock a natural vitamin drink for the whole family - for a long period of cold weather. Apple juice prepared according to our recipe not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body get rid of toxins and normalize metabolism. A real health elixir!

The list of ingredients for harvesting apple juice with pulp for the winter:

  • sweet and sour apples of late varieties - 2 kg
  • water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

A step-by-step description of the recipe for homemade apple juice with pulp for the winter:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, remove the places with damage and diaper rash - leave the peel and the inside.
  2. Cut into medium-sized pieces and put in a large saucepan. On top we place a plate and a small press in the form of a jar of water - the apples should let the juice out a little. Pour in water and add sugar.
  3. We put the pan on a slow fire and boil until the apples are completely softened. At the same time, it is important not to bring the mass to a boil, so that a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins does not “evaporate”.
  4. With a wooden crush, mash the boiled apples into a puree and put them on the fire again for about 5 minutes.
  5. Ready apple juice with pulp should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with metal lids boiled in hot water. We cover the jars with a warm blanket, and after a day we take the cooled drink to a cool dark place. Such homemade apple juice can be safely given to six-month-old babies as complementary foods. So we roll up enough juice so that there is enough for both children and adults - with all our hearts!

A simple recipe for apple juice with grapes at home, with a photo

Apple juice contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. However, in combination with grapes, the taste of the drink will increase many times over - you get a real vitamin "bomb"! According to our simple recipe with a photo, you will prepare tart grape-apple juice for the winter at home. All the ingredients for the recipe in the fall can be found at your summer cottage or the nearest market. Happy conservation!

To make apple-grape juice at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples - 1 kg
  • blue grapes - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make apple juice with grapes for the winter at home - according to a simple recipe:

  1. We wash the grapes in cold running water, separate the berries from the ridges in a separate bowl. If you have a special meat grinder that separates the bones and skin from the pulp - great, you can use this "miracle" of technology. Otherwise, you will have to “squeeze” the berries with your hands or a wooden pusher, straining the mass through gauze. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl.
  2. My apples and cut into quarters, remove the core. Pieces of fruit are sent to the juicer and we get about 0.5 liters of fresh juice.
  3. We mix grape and apple juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar - you can do without sand. Boil the drink for about 3 minutes, not forgetting to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. To obtain clear juice, strain it through a couple of layers of gauze and boil again.
  5. Pour the juice from apples and grapes into clean sterilized jars, roll up and leave for a day under a warm towel or blanket. Then we take it to the basement or cellar, and in winter we enjoy the amazing taste of grape-apple juice. Awesome mix!

Low-calorie apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar, recipe with photo

To harvest apple juice for the winter according to our recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients - only juicy fruits of sweet varieties. Such a low-calorie drink will appeal to those who, for health reasons, sugar is contraindicated, as well as dieters. Drinking a glass of apple juice without sugar a day, you will get not only a slim figure, but also a decent supply of vitamin C and useful trace elements - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, acids. Just nectar, and more!

Ingredients for Sugar Free Apple Juice Recipe:

  • apples - 3 kg or quantity as desired

Harvesting apple juice without sugar for the winter at home, step by step:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, cut into quarters and remove the inside and tails.
  2. We pass the prepared pieces through the juicer and “at the exit” we get about 1.5 liters of juice - from 3 kg of apples according to the recipe. If you plan to thoroughly stock up on apple juice for the winter, you will have to increase the volume of “raw materials” to at least 10 kg.
  3. Foam forms on the surface of the juice, which must be removed. Then you need to pour the drink into a saucepan and put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. During cooking, also periodically remove the foam.
  4. When the temperature reaches 90 degrees, remove the juice from the fire - in this case, a significant part of the vitamins will remain.
  5. We select a convenient and practical container for our apple juice - glass bottles with a screw cap. Prepared containers are steam sterilized, filled with juice and rolled up. Turn upside down to make sure the bottles are "leakproof". The cooled drink can be stored until winter in a kitchen cabinet or pantry - try it to your health!

Apple juice for the winter with zucchini - canning at home

When preserving apple juice for the winter, you can experiment with adding other juices - carrot, pumpkin and even squash. Such mixing is called blending and improves the taste and useful qualities of the drink. We offer a recipe for apple-zucchini juice, which can be easily prepared at home, surprising loved ones and guests with a new drink with an "intriguing" taste.

We stock up on ingredients for harvesting apple-zucchini juice for the winter:

  • zucchini - 2 kg
  • apples - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 2 gr.
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

How to preserve homemade juice from apples and zucchini for the winter:

  1. We wash and peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and the inner fibrous part.
  2. Remove the skin from clean apples and cut out the core.
  3. Prepared fruits and vegetables should be cut into medium-sized pieces and passed through a juicer.
  4. Pour the juice of zucchini and apples into an enameled pan, put on fire and heat. Pour citric acid and sugar, stir. Boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and let cool. The place for long-term storage of such a vitamin drink will be a dark, cool place - a basement or cellar. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and does not require special skills, and the finished juice will pleasantly surprise you with an original flavor combination.

How to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, video

Many summer residents in the fall try to usefully “attach” the surplus of generous apple crops, rolling up juices and compotes for the winter. From our video you will learn how to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, because not everyone in the country has such a device. This method is simple - like all ingenious!

Harvesting apple-pumpkin juice for the winter - a recipe for video

Pumpkin with apple is an extremely harmonious combination of taste and health benefits. By mixing these two juices, you get a bright and rich drink, rich in vitamins and minerals. How to prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter? Watch the video with the recipe for this amazingly delicious "sunny" drink.

Canned apple and carrot juice at home for the winter - a video recipe for harvesting

Preparing apple juice with carrots for the winter is very easy - especially if you use a juicer. So, due to the presence of apples, the tart "carrot" taste is significantly softened, and the benefits of the drink increase significantly. According to our video recipe, each housewife will preserve several cans of “mega-healthy” apple-carrot juice at home - drink it and don’t get sick in winter!
