
Charlotte with sour cream and apples: a traditional recipe and little tricks. Sour cream pie with apples in a slow cooker

If you have already mastered baking biscuits, then it's time to try something more complicated. This chic Apple pie in a slow cooker based on sour cream, sprinkled powdered sugar, will compete well with biscuit-cake baking traditional for multicookers. The pie can be safely classified as “wet”: unlike the same dryish biscuit, it turns out to be very juicy. Baked apples play a role in this, as well as sour cream, which we fill them with from above. The only negative is that the recipe is intended for the oven, and in the Orion OR-MT01 multicooker on the “Baking” (Cake) function at one time (50 min.) You cannot cook it - after the beep, you have to start the same mode in the second circle and Bake the cake for another 20-30 minutes. But this is not such a big problem, after all, you need to make allowances for the fact that the dough for this pie is a bit heavy.


For the test

  • Flour - 250g
  • Sour cream 100g
  • Butter - 150g

For sour cream

  • Sour cream - 250-300g
  • Sugar - 220g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Apples - 1kg

How to make apple pie in slow cooker

Place butter, sour cream and flour in a bowl.

Chop with a knife, and then knead the dough with your hands, it will turn out soft and elastic. It should turn out like this bun.

Roll the dough into cling film and refrigerate for 30 min.
Peel and core apples and cut into slices.

While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, prepare the sour cream filling. To do this, in a bowl or saucepan, mix sour cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla and flour.

It is not necessary to beat the sour cream filling, just mix well so that there are no lumps.

We take out the dough from the refrigerator and in a greased form of a multicooker with our hands, gently working with our fingers, we form a cake out of it. Moreover, be sure to make sides about 3 cm high.

Place the sliced ​​apples on the crust.

Top with sour cream filling.

We bake on the Cake mode (50 min. + 30 min.).

Get out of the form hot pie take your time, let it stand for 15-20 minutes, then you can put it on a dish. And after it has cooled, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. Delicious apple- sour cream pie on shortcrust pastry ready!

The cake is not very sweet if you want more sweet pastries then just increase the amount of sugar for sour cream filling. And one more tip - the dough for the pie turns out to be bland, so you can add a pinch of salt when preparing the dough.

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Total comments 15:

    Tasty, but the dough is really bland, you need to add something. But the filling!!! Now eat and admire! In the Polaris0517 cartoon in the baking mode, I cooked 1 hour 50 minutes

    And if there is no mode indicated in the recipe, which one to choose then? (I have Vitek 4206)


    Excellent Recipe! Everything is very tasty and the filling and dough (not fresh). Fast, tasty and beautiful. Thanks a lot to the author!


    and it’s better to salt the dough a little, then you get a rather interesting contrast of salty dough and sweet stuffing(because there is enough sugar in the filling, I think sugar in the dough is already too much!)


    girls, tell me what it means to bake 50min + 30 minutes? 50 minutes on the main mode, and then another 30 on the other?

    • On the same. It's just that this multicooker mode is set no more than for a certain time.

    Thanks for the recipe! I made it according to a simplified scheme - I used frozen puff pastry. The filling turned out to be very tasty (I already eat 4 pieces :)) I baked in the Redmond multicooker for 50 minutes and then let it stand for 20 minutes in a cooling multicooker. Everything baked very well.

    • :)) Fine!

    I kneaded everything, already filled it, but there is no temperature in the recipe (((The default is 130 degrees, I will try on such an oven.

    something is weak. Now I will bake at 140 degrees. I would be grateful if anyone knows how many degrees are needed so as not to spoil the pies))


    Polaris baked in a slow cooker for almost 2 hours. Looks nice, big and heavy. It turned out very sweet, although I even added less sugar than I needed, unusual taste turned out to be unique. My husband liked it very much, so I advise))

    Made it twice. I really liked the pie. I can’t support the discussion about the taste of the dough: I haven’t tasted it))). I got it thin, just to keep the stuffing. And the juices of the filling absorbed slightly. So it didn't stand out. And the filling is amazing! I repeat: very tasty! And very easy to prepare. At the cottage in Spartan conditions for one or two

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Charlotte on sour cream is a unique pie, you won't find another like it.

And, it’s true: to cook pastries quickly, and any housewife will always have food. There are many recipes for charlotte, but they are all simple and easy, so even those who are just learning to bake can apply them.

Classic charlotte with apples on sour cream

The classic charlotte is a pastry familiar from a young age, which is why it is especially loved by everyone. Eating a piece is like going back to childhood. If you are waiting for guests for tea, then bake charlotte according to the traditional recipe. And it’s easy for you, and give them pleasant emotions.


1 st. flour;
1 st. Sahara;
1 st. sour cream;
3 eggs;
3-4 apples;
vanillin - to taste.

How to cook?

1. Wash, peel and cut apples into small slices.
2. Sift flour.
3. Beat eggs with sugar.
4. Add sour cream, flour and vanillin, mix. The result is a dough with a liquid, but thick consistency.
5. Grease a baking dish with oil, spread the apples evenly along the bottom, pour over the dough.
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 30-40 minutes.

How to cook dessert in a slow cooker

Charlotte in a slow cooker - what could be easier? You don't have to worry about the taste. So it melts in your mouth! It always turns out airy and is eaten with a bang. So cooking in a slow cooker is not laziness at all, but an occasion to devote extra minutes to your beloved.


1 st. sour cream;
1 st. granulated sugar;
1 st. wheat flour;
1 egg;
3 apples;
half a teaspoon of baking soda;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar (3%);
vanillin - to taste;
icing sugar - a couple of tablespoons for decoration.

How to cook?

1. Peel and cut apples into small slices.
2. Beat eggs with sugar into a fluffy mass.
3. Add sour cream, sifted flour, vanillin and soda, slaked with vinegar. Mix.
4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it.
5. Next, lay out the apples.
6. Cook on the "Baking" mode for 90 minutes.
7. Then switch to the "Heating" mode and leave for another half hour.
8. Decorate the pie with powdered sugar before serving.

Time: 110 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

A very simple recipe for charlotte based on sour cream in a slow cooker

Exists great amount types of pastries with apples: pies, buns, strudels… But, perhaps, the most delicious is an ordinary apple pie, originally from childhood, which is so delicious to drink warm milk or freshly brewed tea.

Today, technological progress makes life much easier for housewives. You no longer need to mess around with the dough for half a day, and then also guard it in the oven - what if it burns? Modern technology does everything herself. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for the most fragrant charlotte baked in a slow cooker on sour cream, which will remind you of those carefree days.

Of all apple products charlotte is the most unpretentious. Therefore, it is good to cook it when you want something tasty immediately. And the simplicity of the recipe allows even a person who is far from cooking to start cooking.

The whole process will take about fifteen minutes of your time - exactly how much it will take to prepare the dough, stuff it with apples and send it to the slow cooker. Then you just turn on the device and go about your business. For example, get ready for the upcoming tea party with delicious pastries.

If all the components are ready, you can safely proceed to the sacred ceremony.

Step 1

Break the eggs into a bowl. Add sugar and vanilla to it. As you can see, the recipe gives an approximate amount of sugar. How much you need depends on the situation with apples. If they are sour, take from 200 to 220 grams.

And if the fruits are sweet, then 150 g will be enough, otherwise the charlotte will turn out cloying. Beat eggs with sugar until smooth. The best way to do this is with a mixer. A little trick: how do you know that the mass is whipped enough? Turn off the mixer.

If the foam immediately fell off - continue to beat. And if the mass holds its shape for some time, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2

Add sour cream and stir. Then sift flour into a bowl and add baking soda. Gently mix the dough so that no lumps remain. Be very careful not to "fall off". Ready dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

On a note: it is best to mix the mass with a silicone spatula, making movements from top to bottom. So you break up the lumps of flour and keep the airy structure of the mass.

Step 3

Wash the apples, peel them from the middle and cut off the peel. Cut into thin slices. It is very important! Dough topped with coarsely chopped apples may fall off during baking. And instead big pie you will get a flat, heavy, unbaked cake.

Step 4

Now is the time to decide on the structure of the charlotte. The beauty of the multicooker is that it can handle any design. Therefore, it is up to you to decide how many layers with apples will be: several alternating, or just one, in the middle. Once the selection flour is over, you can start laying out the dough.

Carefully place part of the mass into the multicooker bowl, spread the apples on top. Fill with dough. And then - depending on your culinary fantasy. You can repeat the procedure several times until the apples run out. In our case, the structure of the charlotte consisted of two fruit layers. Another nuance: cinnamon will help to emphasize the unique fruity note. Lightly sprinkle it over the apple layer - and finished biscuit will smell amazing.

Step 5

Install the bowl. Multicooker mode - “Baking”, time - 60 minutes. At the end of this period, open the lid of the device. You should end up with a picture like the photo below. As you can see, the sides of the cake are already set and lightly browned, but the top is still light. If you try such a charlotte, it will taste like a very fragrant, but damp dough. So let's move on to the next step.

In principle, in this form, the dish is already ready for tasting. But you can add finishing touch- Sprinkle the top of the biscuit with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon, or decorate with whipped cream and sugar.

See another version of this dish in the video below:

Those who have already cooked pies in a slow cooker will surely agree that this miracle saucepan does an excellent job. Baking in a slow cooker turns out fluffy and very tasty. Spicy apple pie with sour cream is no exception! At all, apple pastry in a slow cooker- almost always a win-win. There are a lot of similar recipes, but, you see, banal apple charlotte no one will be surprised anymore. Therefore, I suggest you prepare a fragrant spicy pie with apples, which definitely deserves attention. When added to a composition citrus peel, cinnamon, cloves and ginger, any cake becomes even tastier. The aroma of the pie, which comes from the multicooker, causes appetite already at the cooking stage, and, believe me, you will not be able to refuse the addition. This cake is perfect for cold, winter time. I advise you to taste with warm milk or warming.


  • butter - 60 g
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 200 g (I have 20%)
  • flour - 1.5 cups (or 195 g)
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon and ground dry ginger - 0.5 tsp each
  • cloves - 4-5 pcs
  • citrus zest (lemon, orange, tangerine) - to taste
  • apples (medium size) - 2 pcs

How to cook apple pie in a slow cooker:

50-60 minutes before preparing the dough, we take out the oil from the refrigerator. We leave it at room temperature for softening. Grind the butter or beat with a mixer with sugar.

Carefully and one by one enter chicken eggs without turning off the mixer or continuing to stir the mixture by hand.

In the resulting mass, add the grated zest of citrus fruits. You can use a mix (lemon, orange, tangerine) or choose any one of the options. Following the zest, we introduce sour cream into the dough. We mix.

In another bowl, combine flour, spices and baking powder. All spicy spices put into the dough to your taste. From the clove bud, you need to break off the soft top head and rub it with your fingers.

Add flour to the egg-sour cream mixture, mix with a spatula or spoon.

We peel the apples, remove the core, petioles, seeds from the fruits. Cut into cubes about 1 by 1 cm, send them to a bowl. Stir so that the apple slices are evenly distributed in the dough. The taste of the pie largely depends on the variety of apples. Choose what you like - sweet apple pie or baked goods with savory fruity sourness.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl lightly with oil, put the dough into it and turn on the "baking" mode. In a slow cooker Panasonic the spiced apple pie will bake for 60+40 minutes (100 minutes total).

Of all the existing apple products, charlotte is the easiest to make. That is why it is often prepared during sudden raids of guests or in the case when the home urgently wanted “something tasty”. The recipe for charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker is so simple that it allows you to make almost cooking masterpiece even to the hostess who does not have enough experience.

Charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker

The cooking process will not take much time, just 15 minutes of free time will be enough, which will be required to prepare the dough, process and cut apples and put the future dessert "charlotte with sour cream in a slow cooker" into the bowl of a kitchen assistant. After the cake is put on the baking mode, you just start doing your own business, for example, preparing for the meeting of guests and the upcoming dinner.
To prepare a dessert, the following products are needed:

  • apples (3 pieces);
  • eggs (3 pieces);
  • flour (1 cup);
  • sour cream (200 g);
  • vanillin (1 pack);
  • granulated sugar (200 g);
  • baking powder (1 teaspoon).

After preparation necessary products you can start preparing the dough.

  1. To do this, take a wide container and break chicken eggs into it, then pour sugar and vanillin. Mix everything thoroughly. When pouring granulated sugar, you should pay attention to the variety of apples, if they are sweet, the amount of sand can be reduced to 150 g, if sour, then the portion of the sweetener should be increased to 220 g. This is important to consider so that the dessert does not turn out too cloying.
  2. The resulting paste-like mass should be beaten to uniform consistency white color. In order to reduce the cooking time, it is better to use a blender. And in order to correctly determine whether the future dough is whipped enough, you should remove the mixer and look at the foam - if it falls, continue the whipping process, if it retains its shape, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Put the sour cream to the strongly whipped mixture and pour the sifted flour with soda into it. Mix everything thoroughly, while it is important to ensure that the foam does not fall. The output should be a mass resembling thick sour cream by its consistency.
  4. Washed and peeled apples are cut in small pieces or thin straws (it is important to chop the apples so that the dough does not fall off during baking).
  5. Since baking will take place with the help of a lifesaver of any housewife - a multicooker, you should decide which consistency you and your guests prefer finished pie, namely, how many layers of apple filling will be. You can make several of them or leave one, right in the middle. After making a decision, you can take turns laying out the dough and apple filling into an oiled multicooker bowl.
  6. The final step should be decoration. After the base of the pie, along with the filling, is placed in a slow cooker, the top of the dessert can be decorated the thinnest slices apples rolled up in the form of rosebuds.
  7. Then, they should be smeared butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar (this will allow the apples and buds to caramelize, and, therefore, they will retain their shape). If desired, you can sprinkle the future cake with ground cinnamon.
  8. Close the multicooker lid and set the baking mode, the baking process usually does not exceed 50 minutes. After the cake is ready, let it cool at room temperature, then put it on holiday dish and serve to guests.

Charlotte with sour cream

This recipe doesn't include classic version, it is slightly improved, rather ready meal can be called apple cake. The basis of it (cakes) is prepared according to classic recipe charlottes, but with the addition of butter. The layers are smeared with sour cream.

The finished product is juicy and tender, a nuance in the form of almond petals is also added, so the taste is simply unique.
Required Ingredients:

  • butter (100 g);
  • eggs (3 pieces);
  • vanilla sugar (1 pack);
  • salt (to taste);
  • almond petals (to taste);
  • soda (one tablespoon);
  • apples (4 pieces);
  • granulated sugar (0.5 cups);
  • flour (1 cup);
  • sour cream (300 g).
  1. We start by preparing the dough: we take a wide dish - a deep bowl or saucepan and break the eggs into it. Separate the whites from the yolks and add salt to the whites, which we beat until a strong foam. While stirring, add the yolks and beat again. Pour in the sugar and stir.
  2. Soften the butter in a warm frying pan or water bath and add almond petals to it. Mix the sifted flour with water using a mixer. Apples processed and cut into thin strips are added to total weight and mix well again. The dough is placed in a baking dish, namely in a multicooker bowl greased with butter and set in baking mode.
  3. After the process is completed, cool the cakes at room temperature and cut into three equal parts. Add sugar and vanilla to sour cream. This mixture whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Lubricate with the resulting cream ready-made cakes, and sprinkle the top of the cake with almond petals.

The dessert is ready, and its main advantage is that the cakes are quickly soaked with cream, so you can serve it with tea almost immediately. Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is ready, enjoy your tea!

We offer you to watch a video with a pie recipe:
