
Roll with apple filling recipe step by step. Apple roll: cooking recipes

Step 1: Prepare apples.

To begin with, we take sweet and sour apples, wash them under cold running water, dry with paper kitchen towels, cut each into 2 halves and remove the core with the stalk from them. Then, if desired, remove the skin from the juicy parts of the fruit and cut them into very thin layers up to 2 millimeters or chop them on a fine grater.

We send the chopped fruit to a clean bowl and leave it at room temperature on 2-3 minutes. After that, squeeze the juice from the apples, season them with cinnamon, vanilla sugar and mix with a tablespoon uniform consistency. We tighten the bowl with plastic cling film and set for a while in the fridge.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Next, turn on the oven at 180 degrees Celsius and cover the non-stick baking sheet with a sheet of baking or parchment paper.

Now put in a deep bowl raw chicken eggs. We put it under the blades of the mixer and turn it on at medium speed. After a few minutes, increase the speed kitchen appliance to the maximum and beat the eggs until airy foam is formed 3 minutes. After that, add granulated sugar to them and mix still for 3–4 minutes until the particles are completely dissolved.

Once the mixture has thick consistency, resembling medium-fat sour cream, turn off the mixer and add baking powder to the bowl. Then we begin to introduce the sifted wheat flour. We act slowly, spoon by spoon, at the same time kneading the dough of medium density in a circle, like for pancakes.

Step 3: Bake the apple flour base.

Now put the chopped apples on the prepared baking sheet and, using a tablespoon, distribute them evenly around the entire perimeter, retreating 2-3 centimeters from the edges.

Then we fill them with dough, with a kitchen spatula we level the semi-finished flour product so that it covers the fruit completely on all sides, and put everything in a preheated oven for 15–20 minutes.

After this time, the layers will reach fully prepared and the surface of the dough will brown. We put kitchen gloves on our hands and rearrange the baking sheet on a cutting board, previously placed on the countertop.

Step 4: form a roll with apples.

After that, immediately drag ready basis on a towel-lined worktop, apple side up.

Peel off the paper very carefully. If not removed, moisten it with a damp cloth and easily remove.

Then, helping ourselves with a towel, we roll the hot base into a tight roll, send it to a large flat dish and cool completely to command temperature. Then cut from the beginning and end of the roll small pieces so that the product has an attractive appearance. Sprinkle pastry to taste powdered sugar, divide it across into portions and serve to the table.

Step 5: serve apple roll.

Roll with apples after formation is cooled, decorated with powdered sugar, melted chocolate, cream, icing, whipped cream, sour cream or soaked in honey or condensed milk. Then the pastry is cut across portioned pieces, lay them out on special plates and serve as a dessert for a sweet table.

It is pleasant to savor this yummy with fresh refreshing drinks: coffee, tea, compote, warm milk, cocoa, homemade juice or soda. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Very often, whites and yolks are whipped separately, the first to white peaks, and the second to splendor and density. Then they are connected, add the rest the right ingredients and knead biscuit dough;

Great substitute for baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon baking soda;

In the same way, you can cook a roll with pears, bananas or quince;

If the apples are very sour, it is better to season them with a tablespoon. granulated sugar.

Decided to pamper your loved ones with something tasty, but for the recipe to be simple and inexpensive? I highly recommend trying delicious roll with apples. By the way, this is my original recipe, I hope you enjoy it. This roll is prepared from yeast-free dough, of the simplest and available products which are always in the refrigerator. Intrigued? Then we look at the recipe for apple roll.


(1 apple roll)

  • dough:
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda or 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • roll filling:
  • 2 sweet and sour apples
  • a handful of raisins
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 20 gr. butter
  • cinnamon (optional)
  • lemon zest (optional)
  • First of all, let's prepare the puff pastry. To do this, we take convenient dishes, measure out one and a half glasses of flour (we use a glass with a volume of 250 ml.). Add 2 tbsp. sugar, half a teaspoon of soda, mix.
  • Chop the butter from the refrigerator into pieces, add to the rest of the ingredients.
  • First, sprinkle the pieces of butter with flour, and then with your fingers we begin to grind the butter and flour, while the hands should be dry. Grind for 3-4 minutes until large crumbs form. We do this rather quickly so that the butter does not start to melt.
  • Put the chilled sour cream. Instead of sour cream, you can put natural yogurt or kefir.
  • With a spoon, rub the sour cream into the flour crumbs. Gradually, sour cream is mixed with flour, and the mixture becomes more and more like a dough.
  • We quickly form a bun with our hands. If the gingerbread man does not want to mold in any way, then add a tablespoon of cold water.
  • That's all, our puff pastry is ready, we wrap the bun in a film and hide it in the refrigerator so that the dough remains chilled.
  • Filling for apple roll

  • We take two medium-sized apples. We cut into small slices. If apple peel thick, then remove it first.
  • Put a piece of butter in a clean frying pan, pour the chopped apples, pour half a glass of sugar. Stirring occasionally, caramelize the apples over the fire.
  • When the apples release their juice, add a handful of raisins. As soon as all the juice released by the apples evaporates, turn off the fire (it takes about 10 minutes to caramelize the apples).
  • Put the apple filling on a plate to cool faster. Apples must be completely cool. By the way, for this apple roll you can also use this apple blank.
  • Making an apple roll

  • We take out the dough from the refrigerator. On a floured surface, roll out a thick cake in the shape of a rectangle. I draw your attention to the fact that this dough is not plastic, so we roll it out slowly so that it does not tear at the edges. If it broke somewhere, it's okay, we connect it with little hands.
  • We distribute the apple filling in a thin layer over the surface of the cake, leaving one edge free. If desired, add a little cinnamon and lemon zest, but without them the roll turns out to be very tasty. Loosely roll our apple roll.
  • We pinch the edges of the roll, then put the roll on a baking sheet as in my photo. If you put the apple roll with the seam down, then during baking the roll can tear a lot, and so we leave a "play for growth". We pierce the surface of the roll in several places so that the steam can escape freely.
  • We put the baking sheet with the apple roll in the preheated oven. We bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.
  • Handsome and ruddy roll take out of the oven, cool on a wire rack. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. This unusual roll with caramelized apples will delight your family, and guests will be happy with such a treat.
  • As you can see, it is not difficult to cook a roll with apples. It is convenient to immediately prepare a double portion and bake two apple rolls at the same time, especially since this pastry keeps well and does not get stale for a long time.
  • If you are running out of time, there is no way to mess around with the dough, but you urgently need to cook something tasty, then this recipe will save you.

Bake a tender and fragrant biscuit roll with apples and cinnamon according to our recipe. It is not at all difficult to prepare, but it great taste diversifies the menu in the apple season.

Publication author

Born and raised in the city of Ufa. By profession a civil engineer. Married, two children and a dog. In connection with the work of her husband, she now lives in two cities - Omsk and Ufa. She has been cooking and baking since childhood. Considers himself creative person. She enjoys drawing and sewing dolls. I have been fond of photography for a long time, but I got interested in food photography about a year ago. He loves cookbooks very much.

  • Recipe author: Natalya Osina
  • After cooking, you will receive 10
  • Cooking time: 45 min


  • 900 gr apple
  • 25 gr sugar
  • 5 gr ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 4 things. egg
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 130 gr wheat flour

Cooking method

    Turn on the oven to heat up to 190 degrees. Wash the apples, cut and remove the core.

    Grate the pulp coarse grater, squeeze and pour out excess juice. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add to the apples along with sugar and ground cinnamon. Stir.

    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the apples in an even layer.

    With the help of a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar thoroughly until a dense white mass. Gently add the sifted flour and mix with a spatula until smooth.

    Put the biscuit dough on the apple filling and smooth it with a spatula so that it completely covers the filling.

    Place the baking sheet in the middle of the oven and bake the cake for about 15 minutes. Once the top is golden, take out the biscuit.

    Lay a clean, dry towel on the table. Flip the cake over on a towel so that the apple filling is on top. This can be done in two ways. First: carefully take the baking paper by the edges on both sides and turn it over on a towel that lies on a flat surface, apple layer up. Second: cover a sheet with a biscuit cake with a towel, put a cutting board to size or another sheet on top and turn over on it. Using a towel, drag the biscuit onto flat surface(table). Then carefully remove the baking paper.

    Using a towel, roll the biscuit layer into a tight roll. To do this, wrap one side biscuit cake to the center. While the cake is hot, it is flexible and plastic. A towel is needed to lift the edge and guide it towards the middle. Trim the edges with a knife. Wrap the roll in cling film and let it cool down.

    Ready roll Sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with berries or fruit.

    Biscuit roll with apples ready! Serve with a cup of tea or coffee.

    Bon appetit!

To all readers of homemade recipes have a nice day!

I think you will agree with me that fragrant delicious homemade cakes in the form yeast roll with apples will always be relevant! So why not treat yourself and your loved ones?! I don't see any obstacles!

I can say with confidence that even an inexperienced culinary specialist will be able to cook an apple roll. Just follow the instructions carefully and you'll be fine. And to help, I present to you , a detailed recipe for an apple roll with a photo step by step.

I'll start by listing the products.


For dough

  • Milk - 180 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 20 grams
  • Granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Butter - 30 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 30-40 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Wheat flour - 400 grams

For stuffing

  • Apples - 2-3 pieces
  • Raisins - 100-120 grams
  • Potato starch - 1-1.5 teaspoons
  • Granulated sugar - to taste

And as an essential ingredient - good mood, since the preparation of the dough does not tolerate negativity.

From the listed number of products, I got two delicious rolls.

For a change, you can cook poppy seed roll.


Our first action will be the preparation of the dough.

Don't be scared if you're not familiar with this word. In fact, everything is very simple. Crush into a deep container fresh yeast, sprinkle them with 1 tablespoon of sugar and grind. Let's leave it for a couple of minutes and see how they "melt".

Now pour a tablespoon (with a slide) of flour and gradually stirring, pour in warm milk. We get a homogeneous mass, which we put in a warm place and leave for about 20 minutes or a little more.

We return to the dough, it has risen in the form of a cap, mix it and see a lot of bubbles formed.

We leave a little bit of the egg-sugar mixture to lubricate our roll with apples.

Stir and begin to introduce a little flour sifted through a sieve. We bring to the density of sour cream.

Now it's time to add vegetable and soft butter to the dough.

After that, knead the dough well again and put it in a warm place so that it fits.

After about 20 minutes, we will notice bubbles on the surface, the dough will increase slightly in volume.

We stir it and see how it literally breathes.

And this means that it's time to add flour and finally knead our dough for a roll with apples.

Knead first with a fork or spatula (which is convenient for anyone) and then finally knead with your hands for about 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle the flour gradually. The dough should be soft and not "sticky".

We put it in a warm place, cover it with a napkin or towel and let it gain strength.

In the meantime, we will prepare the filling for the roll. I decided that today we will have a roll with apples and raisins. With this filling, our homemade cakes will turn out even tastier!

Prepare the raisins as follows. Rinse under running water a couple of times, and then pour boiling water. Let's leave for 5 minutes, we need the raisins not to become limp, but just to swell. After that, drain the water, and put the berries on a towel to dry.

Now let's get busy apple filling. Peel the apples and chop into small pieces. Pour about 50 ml of water into a stainless saucepan and add apples. Sprinkle them with sugar (amount to taste) and put on fire.

Put out the apples, stirring constantly for about 5 minutes. Then sprinkle them with starch and mix well, set aside from the heat.

Such a procedure will make our filling perfect, and it will not leak anywhere.

Transfer to a bowl and leave to cool.

Then we combine everything together and get already ready stuffing on a roll with apples and raisins.

Now it's time to see how our dough is doing. As you can see, it has significantly increased in volume, which means it is ready for further work.

We crush it with our hands and divide it into two parts. It is possible for three, then the roll with apples will be smaller in size.

We roll out the dough into a layer about 0.3 cm thick. Stepping back a little from the edges, lay out the filling.

We turn, the layer into a roll, slightly compacting.

We spread our yeast roll with apples on a sheet covered with parchment and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place. I usually put it on the stove and turn on the oven to heat up. It should be heated to 180 degrees by the time of baking.

After the rolls fit, grease them with the remaining egg-sugar mixture with a diluted couple of tablespoons of milk.

We send it to the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes. Amazing smell home baking fill your entire home. We check the readiness as always wooden skewer(it should come out dry).

Roll with apples is ready! It remains only to cool it, removing it from the sheet and covering it with a towel.

With love for you, Lyudmila.

Apples are very tasty and useful fruits, which you can buy even in winter. They make good compotes, jams and homemade desserts. Today's post presents a very interesting selection apple roll recipes

For the preparation of such pastries, you can use puff, butter, lean, cottage cheese or biscuit dough, made on the basis of fresh high-quality ingredients. Depending on the chosen recipe, the composition of the cake includes eggs, sugar, milk or water, vegetable or butter.

As for apples, to create such rolls, it is advisable to purchase sweet and sour, ripe fruit. Some chefs add sugar, ground cinnamon, raisins, prunes and even cottage cheese to the filling. And to ready product in the process of baking was covered with a beautiful golden brown, it is pre-lubricated with a beaten egg.

Option with fruit and curd filling

This simple but very delicious dessert true lovers of homemade cakes will surely appreciate it. It is prepared from inexpensive and readily available ingredients, and the process itself does not take much time. To make such a roll, you will need:

  • 25 grams of sugar.
  • 130 milliliters of water.
  • 270 grams of baking flour.
  • 80 milliliters vegetable oil.
  • Yolk of one egg.
  • A pinch of salt.

All these components are part of the dough, which will become the basis for the preparation of apple roll. To do delicious stuffing, you will need:

  • 65 grams of sugar.
  • A couple of ripe apples.
  • 250 grams of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 5 g cinnamon.
  • 11 g vanilla sugar.

Heated water is combined with vegetable oil, sugar, salt and flour. Everything is mixed well and divided into two parts. Each of the pieces of dough is rolled out into a thin layer and covered with a filling made from mashed cottage cheese, chopped apples, cinnamon, vanilla and regular sugar. The resulting blanks are rolled up, smeared with whipped egg yolk and put into a preheated oven. Bake products at 190 degrees until fully cooked.

Curd base option

Using the technology described below, you can relatively quickly bake a delicious and very soft apple roll, which will become great addition To family tea party. To prepare it you will need:

  • 440 grams of baking flour.
  • Yolk of one egg.
  • 160 grams of butter.
  • Whole egg.
  • 270 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 7 ripe apples.
  • 65 grams of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.

The softened butter is rubbed with a whole egg and sugar. Mashed cottage cheese, salt and flour are added to the resulting mass. Everything is kneaded well, covered with a clean napkin and cleaned for an hour and a half in the refrigerator. The dough is then divided into three pieces. Each of them is rolled out in a thin layer, covered with a layer of chopped apples, rolled up, smeared with beaten egg yolk and sent to a warm oven. Bake products at 200 degrees until lightly browned.

Variant with puff base and nuts

This interesting recipe will surely come in handy busy housewives not having the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. It makes a very tasty crispy puff pastry apple roll with juicy fragrant filling. To prepare such a cake, you will need:

  • Egg.
  • A kilo of puff pastry.
  • 500 grams of ripe apples.
  • A pinch of cinnamon, sugar, walnuts and breadcrumbs.

The thawed dough is laid out on a work surface and slightly rolled out with a rolling pin. Ground nuts mixed with sugar, breading and cinnamon are evenly distributed on it. Spread chopped apples on top. All this is rolled up, greased with a pre-beaten egg and placed in hot oven. Bake dessert at a moderate temperature for about 40 minutes.

Variant with puff base and lemon zest

This interesting dessert differs not only pleasant taste but also aesthetic appearance. Therefore, it can be applied not only to family dinner but also for the arrival of guests. To bake a fragrant apple roll from puff yeast-free dough, you will need:

  • spoons of sugar.
  • A plate of ready-made puff pastry.
  • Zest from a quarter of a lemon.
  • Several sour apples.
  • 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • Egg.

Finely chopped apples are spread on the completely thawed rolled out dough. All this is sprinkled with a mixture of sugar, grated lemon peel And ground cinnamon and then roll up. The resulting product is smeared with a slightly beaten egg and sent to a warm oven. Dessert is baked at 190 degrees for half an hour.

Jam variant

This is one of the most simple recipes apple roll (photos of such desserts can be found in today's article). It is interesting in that it involves the use of fresh fruit, and already ready jam. To make this treat, you will need:

  • 140 grams of baking flour.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 20 ml of refined vegetable oil.
  • 160 grams of sugar.
  • 90 milliliters of boiled water.
  • Apple jam.

Eggs are beaten with sugar until a fluffy, lightened mass is obtained. Then flour is gradually added there. All are well kneaded and poured onto oiled parchment. Bake the base at 185 degrees for seven minutes. The browned cake is spread on another oiled sheet of paper and soaked in syrup boiled from water and a small amount jam. Spread the rest evenly on top. fruit jam and carefully fold the base. It is important that the finished roll with apple jam lay seam down. It is served chilled, cut into portions in advance.

Comfortable option

This soft and fragrant dessert retains its original freshness for a long time. The process of its preparation takes a relatively long time, but the result is worth the effort. To bake a yeast apple roll, you will need:

  • A couple of eggs.
  • ¾ sticks of butter.
  • 16 grams of dry yeast.
  • Yolk of one egg.
  • 600 grams of baking flour.
  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • 175 grams of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

All of the above products will be needed to knead the dough, on the basis of which the apple roll will be prepared. To do fruit filling, this list will additionally include:

  • 15 grams of cinnamon.
  • 800 g sweet apples.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 30 g potato starch.

Sugar, dry yeast and a couple of tablespoons of flour are dissolved in warmed milk. Everything is well mixed and left for a short time in a warm place. As soon as a foam cap appears on the surface of the dough, eggs, salt, soft butter and leftover flour. Still mix again and clean in a secluded place where there are no drafts. After some time, the risen dough is divided in half and rolled out into thin layers. Each is topped with a layer of sliced ​​apples mixed with sugar, cinnamon and starch, then rolled up and left to proof. After about half an hour, the products are smeared with pre-whipped yolk and placed in a hot oven. Bake the muffin at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

Lean Yeast Based Variant

Although this recipe completely excludes the use of eggs, butter and milk, the dessert prepared on it turns out to be very tasty. Gentle air dough pairs well with flavored juicy stuffing, for the creation of which it is advisable to buy sweet and sour fruits. To bake this apple roll, you will need:

  • 100 milliliters of water.
  • A couple cups of baking flour.
  • A teaspoon of fast acting yeast.
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • A couple of large spoons of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A large spoonful of sweet tea leaves (for lubrication).

To make a fragrant fruit filling, you will have to additionally enter in the above list:

  • 3 apples.
  • 3 each large spoons granulated sugar and sweet powder.
  • 1/3 cup raisins.

Yeast is dissolved in warm water and leave for ten minutes. Then they are combined with vegetable oil, sugar, salt and flour. Everything is well kneaded and cleaned in heat. After three hours, the risen dough is rolled out in a fairly thin layer and covered with a layer of filling made from chopped apples, steamed raisins and sugar. Everything is neatly rolled up, greased with tea leaves and sent to a hot oven. Dessert is baked at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished roll with powdered sugar and cool slightly.

Biscuit based variant with prunes

The technology for preparing this dessert is slightly different from those discussed above. This time, the filling will have to be immediately added to the dough and baked with it. To make the original biscuit apple roll, you will need:

  • 4 large spoons of baking flour.
  • 4 large eggs.
  • 3 large spoons of sugar.
  • A couple of ripe apples.
  • 4 large spoons of vegetable oil.
  • A dozen prunes.
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla (to taste).

The yolks are separated from the proteins, slightly shaken and combined with vegetable oil, vanillin, baking powder and flour. The resulting mass is well mixed so that there are no lumps. Then whites are added to it, whipped with sugar into a dense foam. Ready enough batter poured onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and covered with apple slices and pieces of prunes. All this is sprinkled with cinnamon and sent to a hot oven. Bake future dessert at 180 degrees until fully cooked. The browned cake is carefully rolled up, not forgetting to remove parchment paper, and cool down. If desired, the product can be decorated with powdered sugar or melted chocolate. Such a roll is served cooled, after cutting it into portioned pieces.
