
Is apple peel good for you? The benefits and harms of apples, properties and vitamins

Apple peel is enriched with nutrients. She is suitable for devotees diet food because it contains almost no fat. eating one raw apple, you can get only one percent of calories from the daily value.

Composition of apple peel

Apples are common fruits. On their basis, developed a large number of diets, thanks to the usefulness and low energy value(only 18 kcal).

Saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are not found in the peel. It has carbohydrates ascorbic acid, insoluble fiber, vitamin A, a small amount of proteins. Apples do not contain cholesterol, its amount is almost always zero.

Ca, K, Fe, P - mineral components. In addition to them, scientists have found substances triterpenoids. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, increase the body's immunity. One famous doctor of medicine thinks that they can prevent the occurrence of cirrhosis, duodenal cancer, breast cancer.

In addition to all this, there are antioxidants in the skin. You just need to know which apples are better to choose. A huge amount of antioxidants is found in apples of the following varieties:

  • Golden;
  • Mac;
  • Crispin.

Studies Proving the Benefits of Apple Peels

In addition to the components listed above, the peel contains rutin, quercetin. These are plant antioxidants with tremendous power. They protect the body from possible cell damage, inflammatory processes, lack of blood supply.

Jeanell Boyer, who works at Cornell University, states that regular use apples can reduce the risk of cancer, bronchial asthma, diabetes, atherosclerotic vascular lesions, arterial hypertension and others.

Canadian researchers call the skin of apples a "superfood". After all, it contains flavonoids, antioxidants, which can fight conditions that threaten the life of the body.

Ascorbic acid and antioxidants can remove toxins and fat from the body. lovers fatty varieties meat, for example, note that they often want to eat an apple. And this is no coincidence. Thus, the body reports a high level of blood cholesterol and the need to remove it.

Apple peel is good for maintaining health digestive tract. Because its constituent component - pectin (a type of fiber that is not digested) ensures a good condition of the intestinal microflora. Pectin forms a favorable environment for probiotics, which increase immunity, normalize digestion processes, and heal the body as a whole.

Studied the composition of the apple peel in one of the universities of Iowa. Attention was focused on the waxy substance of the skin - ursolic acid.

The peel of an apple reduces muscle atrophy, contributes to the growth of their mass.

The results of a series of experiments were published in the journal Cellular Metabolism. It has been proven that ursolic acid interacts with insulin and growth factor - hormones that are involved in building muscle tissue. The acid makes the receptors better perceive these hormones, building muscle in healthy individuals and preventing the development of muscle atrophy in people predisposed to this.

Also found medicinal properties ursolic acid. It reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, is able to reduce body fat. So, using apples for weight loss is very effective.

Simple and delicious recipes

Usually chips are made from potatoes. Much more fun to do apple chips. Alternatives allow the use different products, for example, apple peel.

It should be thinly cut from the pulp of the apple. Next, you need to give it more bright taste. To do this, the peel is fried in a pan, using butter, adding sugar, cinnamon, until crispy. The second option: the peel is laid out on a baking sheet, then baked in an oven heated to two hundred degrees for ten minutes.

There are many different variations fruit tea. Apples are no exception. This drink is usually made using small pieces apples. But you can try to move away from the classics and use apple peel for making tea. Have to take:

  • the core of five apples and their skins;
  • four cups of water;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • two cloves and a cinnamon stick.
All components, in addition to spices, must be put in a medium saucepan. Next, put it on the fire, bring to a boil. Then we make the fire smaller and you can add cloves. We leave another hour to sweat on small fire. After that, remove the pan from the stove, throw in a cinnamon stick and leave the drink to brew for another hour. Before use, it is better to strain the liquid through a sieve to get rid of apple residue. It is recommended to drink hot.

You don't have to use the apple peel right away. It keeps very well in the freezer.

The skin should be packed in plastic bag put in the refrigerator and use as needed. It makes wonderful smoothies that will help burn extra fat. Optionally, you can dilute the drink with other fruits.

From apples it turns out very good pastries. The advantage is that you can use almost the entire apple for it. For example, the peel will serve as an excellent filling for pies, muffins, buns.

Let's watch the video and find out what it is beneficial features apples and apple peel, as well as why to use them, with what regularity you need to eat given fruit:

Apples are irreplaceable fruits. They contain almost all the necessary substances that not only ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems, but also fight against pathological processes (formation cancer cells). All this applies to the peel of the fruit. Therefore, this fruit must be present in the diet of every person.

The apple is one of the most popular fruits in the world and its peel is a rich source of vitamins. Eating an apple with a skin daily, you can lose weight, prevent and cure various ailments.

“He who eats an apple a day does not have a doctor” - there is some truth in this well-known saying. All parts of an apple - peel, seeds, middle - very. Seeds are rich not only in iodine, but also valuable minerals and vitamins. Enough to replenish the supply valuable substances in organism.

The peel of apples is also very useful: it is a rich source of many vitamins, including A and C. According to a study conducted at the University of Illinois, half of the vitamin C that an apple contains is in its peel.

Apple peel contains edible fiber, which is found in both soluble and insoluble form. About 2/3 of the fiber found in an apple is also found in the skin. The presence of fiber makes an apple perfect fruit for weight loss: when eating the peel of an apple, the fatty tissues of the body will “melt”, and the immune system will be cleansed. A diet that includes an apple with a peel improves bowel function and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular and digestive system.

Apple peel: value for the health of the whole organism

Weight control

Many health problems are associated with being overweight, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. To manage your weight and improve general state health, doctors recommend a diet, rich in fiber. Foods high in fiber fill the stomach without saturating the body extra calories. Eat an apple with the skin daily the best prevention diseases!

Say "No!" diabetes

The peel of apples helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes. A study of about 190,000 people showed that people who ate apples 3 times a week had a 7% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not. The polyphenols found in apples affect the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, and this, in turn, improves the regulation of blood sugar levels. In addition, apple skins absorb glucose into gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. All this reduces the risk of developing diabetes, and also helps control the disease.

Healthy heart

Many studies show that there is a link between eating soluble fiber and slowing down the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries.

A phenolic compound found in apple peel also interferes with this process. Plaque buildup in the arteries reduces blood flow to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease.

Help with Asthma

One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple peel juice daily experienced less wheezing than children who drank Apple juice only once a month. According to another study, babies born to women who ate a lot of apples during pregnancy had lower rates of asthma than babies whose mothers ate just a few apples.

Cancer prevention

A chemical found in the skin of apples protects the body from colon cancer. In 2007, other compounds, triterpenoids, were also found in the peel of apples. They help fight liver, colon and breast cancer.

Cholesterol Reduction

The peel of apples brings the body great benefit great content pectin, soluble fiber, thereby lowering cholesterol levels. Pectin prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls blood vessels thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

City dwellers know that peel purchased apples not intended for food. This is a kind of protection against pests and spoilage, therefore, before eating, the fruit must be cleaned so as not to harm the body. And this is reasonable, because almost all the apples that beckon from supermarket windows are processed and coated with a layer of wax. It gives the fruit a shiny look, but their benefits are almost zero. But in fact, apple peel is the richest source of vitamins and beneficial trace elements that strengthen the immune system.

Why you should eat apples

Apples are the richest source of vitamins. One fruit contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2, E, P, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron. These fruits are an excellent prevention of colds. And the content of pectin improves complexion and prolongs youth, while maintaining the freshness of the skin.

The benefits of apples include their hypoallergenicity - cases of intolerance to this fruit are extremely rare. A apple infusion or tea perfectly replaces juices and quenches thirst.

At the same time, it is believed that the benefits of green apples are higher than red ones, since they contain more vitamins.

All ways to lose weight

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Apple Peel Secret

It has long been known that the apple peel is even healthier than the apple itself, so it is recommended to eat the whole fruit without peeling it. This has a positive effect on the entire body.

  • It cleanses the vessels, optimizing the movement of blood.
  • Protects cells and small vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • Slows down the formation of malignant cells.
  • Improves digestion, normalizes the digestive tract, neutralizes the harm of fatty foods.
  • Promotes weight loss by accelerating the fat burning process. For many, all the benefits of apples are not as important as their dietary properties.
  • Removes cholesterol from the liver and blood. This happens thanks to high content soluble and insoluble fibers.
  • Normalizes the intestinal flora due to the content of pectin.
  • Reduces muscle atrophy caused by age-related changes.
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, even cancer.

How to choose safe apples

Of course, not all apple peel is so useful. Apples that are brought from afar are covered with special compounds that allow the fruit to keep an attractive and appetizing appearance. But these compounds can harm the body, which is why it is recommended to thoroughly wash the apples, peel the skin, and only then eat them. What to do, how to find a fruit with an edible peel?

All the benefits lie in local apples grown in our own gardens and in own gardens. Perhaps such fruits do not look as beautiful as imported ones, but they are a source of real vitamins and natural trace elements.

It's easy to make sure the apples aren't peeled: just run something sharp over the skin. If a plaque appears, then the fruit has been processed.

Apple Precautions

Despite all the useful properties, apples can be harmful if you eat them without taking into account the characteristics of your own body. So, with gastritis and ulcers duodenum coarse fiber, which apples contain, can provoke exacerbations, colitis and disrupt the digestive tract. Therefore, do not abuse apple mono-diets.

Homemade Recipes Using Apple Peels

Apple infusion for insomnia. Take the peel of two or three apples, pour a glass of water into a saucepan, boil the peel for about five minutes. For taste, you can add a little sugar or honey. Shortly before bedtime, drink a cup of the resulting infusion cold or warm. It will not only help you fall asleep, but also strengthen your nerves.

Fiber for bowel function. This great way cleanse the intestines of obsolete, harmful toxins and lose weight. To prepare the supplement, you need to peel the apples and dry them at a temperature of about 50 degrees. After that, the peel must be crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, mixed with bran or malt. Powder pour hot water(150 ml) and mix. Leave the infusion for 15 minutes to swell, after which it can be drunk.

Tea with apple peel. Actually, it's not really tea, more like apple broth. It is a wonderful source of fiber and vitamin C. It is best to make tea using the peel sour apples. If you choose sweet fruits, add lemon or orange juice to your tea. Put the peel in an enamel or glass saucepan, pour cold water and bring to a boil covered. Leave the tea to boil for five minutes, and then turn off the stove and leave the fruit infusion warm for a while. For sweetness, you can add honey, this will make the drink even more useful. Of course, if you like honey, otherwise the infusion will only cause harm.

It is enough to eat one apple a day to keep the body in good shape, and the benefits of two or three fruits eaten with the peel are incredible: they will give you great well-being and health.

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Everyone loves to eat apples. From them you can make juice, jam, use them in pure form, they usually use the pulp of an apple, eating it whole, sometimes they also eat the peel, but it is not suitable for jam.

The skin of an apple contains many nutrients and not to throw away useful skin apples can be used in tea.


Since childhood, they have been trying to shove as much as possible into children more fruit and vegetables, in order to saturate the young body with vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements. It has long been proven by scientists that the most vitamin-rich fruit is an apple.

At this time in nature, there are many different varieties apples, they are: sour, sweet, sometimes even sweet and sour, red, yellow, with an orange tint. apple harvest, different varieties, can be collected from about mid-summer to late autumn.

Since this fruit is super healthy, many dishes have been invented from it. Well, firstly, apples are eaten just like that, without any preparation (just wash it well), apples can be baked in the oven with sugar, cheese or jam, you can bake charlotte or apple pies, prepare jam and preserves, canned apples, make porridge for small children from them, and also squeeze out juice.

In addition to all of the above, you can make tea from apples, not even from the apples themselves, but from their peel.


We take the peel from an apple, try not to peel it very thinly so that a little crumb remains, put the skins on a baking sheet, if desired, you can sprinkle with cinnamon or sugar and dry in the oven.

Dry for about 15 minutes so that the peel curls up, then pull it out and lay it on the table, let it stand for about an hour.

Brewing Recipes

The easiest way to make apple peel tea is to brew black or green tea, after throwing a couple of apples dried with a slice and letting it brew a little. Add sugar or cinnamon - the drink is ready. You can also pour boiling water over the peel itself without adding tea leaves.

It gained the greatest popularity in Turkey. For the Turkish version of tea, you should take dried peel, cinnamon, mint, cloves and pour boiling water over it. Leave for half an hour. The drink is ready. For more rich taste you can boil this mixture apples, spices and herbs.

Very delicious tea with apples, orange and cinnamon. Take a pot of water, throw in some cloves and a cinnamon stick, after the kitchen is filled with a pleasant aroma of spices, add orange peel and let the broth boil for about 10 minutes. Then throw in a couple of slices of orange and boil for another 5 minutes. When pouring tea into a cup, put a few dried apples. Happy tea.


  • Due to the fact that there are a lot of vitamins and minerals in an apple, using apple peel tea all the time you will strengthen immune system, especially in winter period. In addition, apple tea is a good anti-inflammatory and helps fight arthritis.
  • Scientists have proven that apples can prevent cancerous tumors in the lungs, colon and prostate. apple drink wonderful remedy for cholesterol. The cardiovascular system also improves its performance with daily use of the miraculous drink.
  • In general, through many years of research, it has been proven that the use of tea from apples, as well as apples in any form, positively affects the functioning of the whole body, strengthens nervous system, a person feels a surge of energy and cheerfulness. Increases mental and physical activity the recovery process is much faster. Apples also have a positive effect on feminine beauty, strengthen hair, skin becomes pleasant pink shade prevent the appearance of small wrinkles.

Some people don't like to eat apples with the skin on and prefer to peel them. Is it worth it? Is apple peel good or bad?

Nutritionists are almost unanimous in this regard. Don't rush and clean delicious fruit from the peel, because it contains great amount useful substances. There are much more of them than in the pulp.

Benefits of apple peel

The peel of this fruit contains a significant amount of quercetin, and it, in turn, paired with vitamin C, neutralizes free radicals, preventing them from negatively affecting the body. Scientists have found that the peel of apples is also useful to protect yourself from various types of cancer. In studies, it was found that the fruit itself slows down the growth of malignant cells by only 29%, while the peel of apples - by 43%.

Apple peel effectively cleanses blood vessels, improving blood flow in the body, and also reliably protects cell membranes and small vessels from radicals that strive to destroy the human body. Also in the peel is enough fiber for better digestion and normalization of the intestines, it also promotes fat burning and rapid weight loss.

Unpeeled apples should be eaten every day at least one piece.

The benefits of apple peel do not end there. It contains soluble and insoluble fibers that help remove cholesterol from the blood and liver. The skin contains pectin, which is necessary for the normalization of the intestinal flora, and for muscles (for building them and for reducing atrophy, which is especially useful for older people), it contains ursolic acid, which accelerates growth. muscle mass up to 45%, and also reduces body fat.

Many say that apple peel helps fight diabetes, this was also proven by American scientists who advise such people to eat at least two apples daily (fresh or baked, which can be stuffed with cottage cheese).

When the peel is harmful

But do not forget that the apples sold in stores, brought from other countries, are processed and covered with a protective layer so that they keep marketable condition and attract buyers. The peel of such apples can be harmful, so it is better to buy fruits in the market, from grandmothers who grew fruits in their own garden.

Checking the peel for the presence of coating can be quite simple: you just need to run the blade of a knife over the skin. If there is any plaque, then the apple is processed.
