
Sauerkraut is a huge benefit for the body. Medicinal properties of sauerkraut

The above product is known to have incredible beneficial abilities. Cooking sauerkraut does not require special skills:

  1. Chop a few heads of vegetables (2-3) on a coarse grater.
  2. Carrots in the amount of 2 pieces cut into thin strips (can be grated).
  3. It is good to grind the cabbage with carrots in a large enameled bowl, while adding 1 tablespoon of boiled salt. Then add 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Put the resulting mixture into jars and close with a nylon lid.
  5. Cabbage will be ready only approximately on the 4th day.

Juice is prepared even easier: the finished sauerkraut is squeezed out. The resulting brine is filtered.

Sauerkraut juice: benefits?

The above drink has a number of unique medicinal properties:

  • stabilizes the work of gastric secretory function;
  • prevents constipation;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • enhances urination;
  • promotes flushing of the gallbladder from stones and other formations;
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • prevents the aging of the body.

What is the benefit of sauerkraut juice? Indications for use are as follows:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer, high acidity, and others);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • skin diseases (acne, eczema, freckles, spots);
  • problems with the heart and its system;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney problems;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • bronchitis;
  • sore throat;
  • cold;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis.

It should be noted that sauerkraut juice perfectly treats colds and viral diseases. This is an excellent expectorant. Russian healers claim that sauerkraut brine is a natural antiseptic, as it has the ability to destroy microbes. Alternative medicine offers the following recipe for a reliable folk cough medicine: take the above drink in equal proportions, as well as lemon juice and black radish. Such a mixture quite well increases the body's resistance to viruses, reduces and prevents the development of the inflammatory process, and quickly cures tracheitis or bronchitis.

How to cure gastritis with sauerkraut brine?

It should be noted that the above tool is very useful for all organs of the digestive tract. The value of sauerkraut brine is that it contains substances such as iodine, sulfur and chlorine. The last two components in the compound are able to cleanse the gastric mucosa. But here there is a certain precaution: you need to use the juice of sauerkraut, to which no salt was added.

The consequence of excessive accumulation of toxic substances in the body are such signs that appear after taking the above drink:

  • an excessive amount of gases is formed;
  • discomfort in the digestive tract.

To prevent the above consequences, you must first cleanse the intestines with a glass of carrot juice, which you need to drink daily two weeks before the start of the course of sauerkraut brine therapy.

Sauerkraut juice for gastritis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis is even very useful. Russian healers recommend using it as follows: for example, when you need to drink half a glass of the above drink before meals twice a day.

Pancreatitis and sauerkraut brine

Inflammation of the pancreas alternative medicine advises to treat with a brine from the above product. Russian healers recommend using juice in the following way.

The brine from the above product should be consumed warm in the third part of a glass about 3 times a day. The course of therapy is 7 days. Then it is important to take a break for the same time. Depending on the patient's well-being, repeat the course of therapy 3-4 times.

How to lose weight with sauerkraut pickle?

Alternative medicine considers the above drink to be the best remedy for excess weight. It turns out that sauerkraut juice has the following effect on a losing weight person:

  • stabilizes fat metabolism;
  • removes excess water from the body;
  • activates muscle growth;
  • stabilizes water-salt metabolism.

Russian healers advise a person with extra pounds to use this mixture daily: take the same amount of brine and tomato juice, mix thoroughly. Use the resulting remedy three times a day after meals in a glass. The course of ridding the body of excessive weight consists of 1 to 2 months.

The use of sauerkraut juice in cosmetology

Sauerkraut, in addition to being an effective remedy for treatment, perfectly helps to cope with other human health problems. And here the question arises: is sauerkraut juice good for facial skin? The answer is simple: of course, yes!

Natural acids, which are formed in this product during the fermentation process, significantly reduce the fat content of the skin, and also narrow the pores well. Sauerkraut juice is also an effective remedy against a variety of age spots on the skin and perfectly eliminates freckles.

Russian healers advise using this brine to whiten the skin and improve its condition in the following way: wipe the problem areas of the face with it daily before washing. In this case, sauerkraut juice plays the role of a tonic, and also increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin. After a couple of minutes, the above remedy is recommended to be washed off.

You can also use acid compresses to cleanse the skin. This method involves the following steps: apply sauerkraut juice for 15 minutes with a cotton swab, cover with a film on top and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then it is shown to wash off with warm water. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Important advice: if the cabbage was fermented with vinegar, then it is strongly not recommended to use its juice to cleanse the skin.

The use of sauerkraut brine for the treatment of helminthic invasion

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

In addition, it is also not recommended for the elderly and children to consume this product in excessive amounts.

Sauerkraut pickle is a real storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. Proper use of it can bring enormous benefits to the human body. But it should be noted that the above drink has several contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to get advice from a doctor.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut are an interesting question, since there are many myths around this product. To understand the properties of a snack, you need to study its composition and understand how it affects the body.

Chemical composition and calorie content of sauerkraut

Even in small portions of the product there is a huge amount of valuable components. And in particular:

  • vitamins A, C, K and E;
  • vitamins B1, B9, B4, B2, B6 and B5;
  • acid PP;
  • a large amount of ascorbic acid;
  • mineral components iron, fluorine, zinc, manganese and copper;
  • sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium;
  • organic acids - Omega-9, linolenic, palmitic, caprylic, stearic and others;
  • amino acids and vegetable protein;
  • probiotic substances;
  • cellulose.

The product is considered very dietary - 100 g contains only 19 kcal.

What is useful sauerkraut

The benefits of sauerkraut for the human body lies not only in its dietary properties. The product has a positive effect on the body, because:

The benefits of sauerkraut for a woman's body are manifested in several ways. First of all, the product is very useful for the figure and promotes weight loss. The appetizer is actively used by folk beauty recipes, it improves skin condition and fights wrinkles.

In addition, it is useful to use the product during menstruation. Salty snack replenishes the loss of vitamins and minerals. A woman's well-being improves, her mood improves, and bouts of irritability become less frequent.

The benefits of sauerkraut for men

Useful properties of sauerkraut for the strong half of humanity is that sauerkraut eliminates hangover. The product relieves dehydration, delivers mineral components and vitamins to the body. The harm caused to the body is reduced, and discomfort after heavy drinking passes very quickly.

The snack also increases stamina and improves mental activity. It is useful for men suffering from hemorrhoids.

Can sauerkraut be pregnant and lactating

The product is highly recommended for use during pregnancy, as it not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also relieves attacks of toxicosis. However, it is recommended for women to eat a snack in small quantities, it contains a lot of sodium, and its excess is harmful to the joints and kidneys.

Sauerkraut while breastfeeding is a product that is better to refuse. It contains too many salts and acids that can harm the baby, for example, cause colic or intestinal upset.

At what age can cabbage be given to children

Sauerkraut is considered a product with aggressive properties that can harm a child's body. Snack can cause increased gas formation, pain in the stomach and diarrhea. Therefore, for the first time, you can offer a product to a baby no earlier than 2-3 years and in a minimum amount.

By the age of 5, the daily allowance can be increased to 100 g. At this age, the child's digestive system is completing its formation, and it is less likely that the product will be harmful.

Attention! Since the snack has a whole list of contraindications, it is possible to offer sauerkraut to a child only after consulting a pediatrician so as not to harm the baby.

Sauerkraut for weight loss

On a diet, the product becomes one of the most valuable - there are very few calories in it, and there are a lot of substances necessary for the body. The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss is that the product normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the intestines, and promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue. The snack itself is digested for a long time, which means that after eating it, a feeling of satiety remains for some time.

Sauerkraut at night

During weight loss, especially strong hunger is felt in the evening. At the same time, most products are not recommended to be consumed at night in order to avoid the deposition of calories in adipose tissue.

However, sourdough is an exception to the rule. It can be consumed even shortly before bedtime; from such a relaxation in the nutrition schedule, the lost kilograms will not come back. On the contrary, even at night, a useful product will continue its work in the body and will promote the breakdown of fats.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut juice (brine)

In the process of fermentation, juice is abundantly released from the vegetable, which then becomes a concentrated brine. Juice is also very useful for consumption, it contains all the substances contained in cabbage leaves, but even in large volumes. The beneficial properties of sauerkraut juice are especially valuable for constipation and poor appetite, with a sluggish stomach and atherosclerosis.

However, the drink contains a lot of salt and organic acids, this is its harm. It should not be consumed in an amount of more than a glass per day. And with hypertension, pancreatitis, ischemia and gastritis with high acidity, juice should be completely abandoned.

How to use sauerkraut for medicinal purposes

Useful properties of the product are used in home therapy for many diseases. There are several reliable recipes based on it.

From bronchial asthma

For allergic, infectious or congenital asthma, it is recommended to take 500 g of sauerkraut mixed with finely chopped garlic clove and chopped onion daily. The properties of the product will help get rid of cough and shortness of breath, bronchial spasms will occur less frequently.

For constipation and hemorrhoids

A useful product effectively enhances peristalsis, so it not only eliminates constipation, but also protects against their occurrence in the future. To get rid of a delicate problem, you need to drink cabbage pickle three times a day in a volume of no more than half a glass.

Sauerkraut also promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids. It is recommended to combine 2 methods of treatment:

  • drink a glass of brine in the morning and evening;
  • make lotions for the anus with a medical napkin dipped in brine.

To get rid of worms

Sauerkraut has strong anthelmintic properties. To quickly remove the worms, you need to eat 200 g of the product daily, and it is better to do this in between meals. For the best effect, it is recommended to supplement therapy with sparing pharmacological agents.

With beriberi

In the autumn-winter period, many people suffer from a lack of vitamins. If you drink a glass of brine every day before meals and also eat fresh salads with sauerkraut, your health will quickly improve, and your immunity will become stronger.

From gallstones

Hard stones in the gallbladder can make you feel very uncomfortable and cause excruciating pain. The properties of cabbage brine help to cope with the problem, you need to drink it three times a day for half a glass before eating. The tool promotes the crushing of stones and their easier removal from the body.

Brine for liver diseases

The medicinal properties of sauerkraut play an important role in the prevention of liver diseases and help to cope with existing ailments. For a comprehensive cleansing of the body of toxins, it is recommended to drink a glass of cabbage brine mixed with tomato juice in equal volumes three times a day.

Cabbage hangover pickle

The benefits of sauerkraut are invaluable for hangovers - the product quickly eliminates lethargy and nausea, arrhythmia and tremor. After heavy drinking, you can just drink a glass of brine, or you can prepare a special healing cocktail.

  1. 3 cups of brine are mixed with a large spoonful of tomato sauce.
  2. 100 g of chopped onion, sugar, salt and ground black pepper are added to the mixture to taste.
  3. During the day, take half a glass of the drug.

If necessary, such a cocktail can be slightly diluted with water for a more liquid consistency.

Treatment of psoriasis and eczema

The beneficial properties of the product relieve skin inflammation and promote the healing of the epidermis. With eczema and psoriasis, you need to make compresses several times a day from gauze or sterile cloth soaked in cabbage brine.

Features of the use of sauerkraut in certain diseases

The product is beneficial in curing many ailments, and in other diseases it can cause harm. It is necessary to know in advance in which cases the properties of the snack are especially useful, and when it is better not to use it.

For diabetes

There are practically no sugars and simple carbohydrates in the product, so the level of glucose does not increase when consumed. Sauerkraut in type 2 diabetes is a very valuable product for the diet. But there is an important condition - the cabbage must be fermented without the use of sugar.

A useful product saturates the body of diabetics with vitamins C and B, improves the functions of the pancreas. Eating snacks regularly helps prevent obesity, which often develops with diabetes.

For gastritis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcers

The benefits of salted cabbage for gastritis depend on the acidity of the stomach. If the production of gastric enzyme is reduced, then the product will be beneficial, but with increased acid gastritis from cabbage and brine, it will be harmful.

During an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, the snack will be harmful - its effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach will be irritating. But during the period of remission, it is highly recommended for use, since it helps prevent the next exacerbation.

In acute pancreatitis, the product is strictly prohibited, it will only increase inflammation. It is better to give up sauerkraut and during remission, or eat very small portions of the product, drinking plenty of water with them.

For gout and cholecystitis

The properties of the product well remove excess salts and uric acid deposits from the body, so eating a snack for gout is not only possible, but also necessary.

With cholecystitis, sauerkraut is allowed, but before eating it must be thoroughly washed, and even better, processed at high temperature.

With hypertension

Sauerkraut contains a large amount of salt. Therefore, with chronically elevated pressure, it is better not to eat the product, although sauerkraut without salt may be beneficial. Also, before eating, it is recommended to rinse the cabbage so that the substances that increase pressure remain in it as little as possible.

The use of sauerkraut in cosmetology

Even when used internally, a useful product has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. But cabbage acts even more effectively as part of masks and rinses - valuable properties enter the tissues directly through the skin.

Whitening face mask

The product allows you to make the skin tone lighter. To prepare a healthy sauerkraut face mask, you need to carefully squeeze a small amount of cabbage, finely chop and apply to clean skin, and cover with a napkin on top. After a quarter of an hour, the mask will need to be washed off and the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Wrinkle mask

Another remedy based on the product allows you to keep your skin youthful longer. Sauerkraut in the amount of 2 large spoons is mixed with egg yolk and a small spoonful of vegetable oil, spread over the face for 15 minutes.

Cabbage pickle for acne

Sauerkraut juice for the face is an effective folk remedy against acne. To deeply cleanse the pores, you can simply make a mask of finely chopped sauerkraut three times a week.

You can also use juice for cosmetic purposes. A thick napkin is impregnated in it and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

Cabbage pickle for hair beauty

To give the hair a natural shine and prevent hair loss, it is recommended to rub a healthy brine mixed with the same amount of honey into the scalp weekly. It is recommended to use the product half an hour before the next hair wash.

Hand bath

A common problem among women is rough and rough skin of the hands, especially in the cold season. To restore skin tone, twice a week you can do the following baths:

  • half a glass of cabbage juice is mixed with the same amount of kefir;
  • fingers and palms are dipped into the treatment solution in a prepared container;
  • after 10 minutes, the hands are taken out, washed with warm water and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Important! Since the cabbage solution is a rather concentrated product with a high acid content, it is not recommended to keep your hands in the bath for too long.

From this there will be harm - the skin will receive a small chemical burn and begin to peel off more strongly.

Harm of sauerkraut and contraindications

In some cases, the beneficial properties of the product can be harmful to health. The list of contraindications includes:

  • pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity and ulcers during periods of exacerbation;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypertension;
  • insufficiency of liver functions, cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • flatulence and heartburn.

You can’t eat a snack during breastfeeding - for a baby, sauerkraut will not bring benefits, but only harm.

Which cabbage is healthier: sauerkraut or fresh

However, this statement is not true for cabbage. In pickled form, it is much more useful than fresh. Sourdough additionally enriches the product with minerals and vitamins, while retaining all the original properties.

The recipe for delicious sauerkraut for the winter

There are many ways to ferment fresh cabbage, but the classic one is the most popular. It requires a minimum set of ingredients, besides, fermentation does not take much time.

  1. 2 kg of fresh white cabbage and 1 kg of carrots are finely chopped and mixed together.
  2. Then 40 g of coarse salt without iodized additives are added to the ingredients and the vegetables are rubbed with it properly so that they let the juice flow.
  3. The workpiece is rolled into large glass jars, tightly tamped inside along the “shoulders” of the container, and then cover the throat with gauze and fix it with an elastic band or braid.

At room temperature, the cabbage is kept for about 5 days, from time to time piercing the workpiece with a wooden stick and releasing the accumulated gas. At first, foam will appear on the surface of the cabbage, but then it will disappear, and from this moment the sauerkraut can be considered ready. It should be put in the refrigerator and used as needed for food or for treatment.

How to choose and store sauerkraut

It is often easier to buy sauerkraut in the store than to make it at home, and there is a decent selection in supermarkets. But the health benefits and harms of sauerkraut depend on its naturalness. Therefore, when buying a product, you need to pay attention to several points.

  1. Date of manufacture and expiration date. Purchased sauerkraut is not stored for long, so you need to choose a product that has been produced recently.
  2. Compound. A natural product should contain only cabbage, salt, fermented milk, other types of vegetables, sometimes cumin or pepper. There should not be any additional ingredients in cabbage - preservatives and flavorings indicate a low-quality product.
  3. Sealed packaging. If the lid on a plastic or glass jar with the product does not fit snugly, then the shelf life is greatly reduced - perhaps such cabbage has already deteriorated.

It is necessary to store the snack in the refrigerator, and for a limited time. So, open cabbage in a plastic container retains its beneficial properties for only 3-4 days, then it is no longer desirable to eat it. Cabbage can be stored in an open glass jar for up to 2 weeks, and if the container is hermetically sealed - up to 2 months.


The benefits and harms of sauerkraut depend on the state of health. If there are no strict contraindications for use, then the product will please you with a sharp taste and will benefit for medicinal purposes.

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Almost every housewife in the winter in the refrigerator or basement has such a useful product as sauerkraut. Each makes it according to their favorite recipe and with the addition of various ingredients. Cabbage is useful not only for its vitamins and useful trace elements, but also very tasty as an appetizer salad. It is loved by both adults and children.

For the first time they began to ferment cabbage more than three thousand years ago in Eastern countries such as China and Korea. Many historians claim that this product appeared during the construction of the Great Wall of China. The Chinese then used their varieties of pak choi and Beijing cabbage. Then they began to ferment cabbage in Europe, and a little later the recipes came down to us. Our ancestors used white cabbage for such a dish, and such recipes were enjoyed all over the world.

At that time, thanks to sauerkraut, people could diversify their table with vitamins, and some with its help only survived in the winter.

Vitamin and microelement composition of sauerkraut

When winter comes, a person begins to suffer from a lack of heat, sun, various fruits and vegetables. In this situation, pickled vegetables will be very useful and indispensable in our diet. It contains many useful trace elements and vitamins that are indispensable for the human body. This product is rich in:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, H, K, PP and U;
  • Iron and Iodine;
  • Potassium and Calcium;
  • Calcium and Magnesium;
  • Copper and Molybdenum;
  • Sodium and Sulfur;
  • Chlorine and Chromium;
  • Zinc.

This composition is far from complete, but this is enough to eat it as often as possible. The calorie content of this product is low - in 100 g there are only 23 kcal.

What is useful sauerkraut for a person

Due to its unique composition, this dish has been used since ancient times as a cure for hangovers and colds, but in fact its actions are much wider.

Benefits for the digestive system

This product affects the functions of the large and small intestines, normalizes the microflora after taking antibiotics and various drugs, increases appetite. For constipation, sauerkraut acts as a mild laxative.

People who have high acidity often get colds, which means that their immune system is weakened. Cabbage sourdough contains alkali, which normalizes the level of acidity in the body and

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Another benefit for the human body in sauerkraut is fiber. It absorbs cholesterol and prevents it from entering the bloodstream. With the help of fiber, bile acids are excreted from the body, which develop diseases such as heart ischemia, atherosclerosis, and the risk of stroke and heart attack is reduced. Doctors recommend including sauerkraut in your diet for the prevention of the cardiovascular system, and for those people who already have heart problems.

Benefits for the nervous system

Sauerkraut contains the entire vitamin B group (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), which affects nerve impulses, eliminates irritability, fatigue, ensures healthy sleep and increases resistance to stressful situations. People suffering from nervous disorders should add this product to their daily diet.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the endocrine system

This unique product does not contain sucrose and glucose, but contains lactic acid and beneficial enzymes. They are formed during the fermentation of cabbage and affect the functioning of the pancreas, which is necessary for endocrine diseases. Therefore, with diabetes, this product will be simply irreplaceable.

Benefits for the immune system

The benefit of sauerkraut for the human body is the high content of vitamin C. This product contains more of it than fruits such as lemon or orange. Vitamin C is essential for boosting and maintaining the immune system, especially during viral infections and colds.

Benefits of sauerkraut brine

The juice of this product is no less useful than sauerkraut itself. To get it, you must first chop the cabbage finely, then squeeze it out. In this juice, even more useful substances are concentrated than in sauerkraut itself.

It is advisable to use cabbage pickle for dysbacteriosis, gastritis with low acidity, hemorrhoids, to increase appetite.

Diluted juice one to two with chilled boiled water is an excellent antibacterial action. It can be used for sore throat gums and stomatitis. The undiluted juice will be very helpful for burn wounds.

The benefits of sauerkraut for women

Pickled vegetable brings great benefits to women during pregnancy. This product alleviates their condition with toxicosis. Such a product is also loved for its cosmetic properties. With acne, freckles, age spots, various masks and lotions are made. The nutritional properties of sauerkraut are also beneficial for strengthening and repairing damaged hair.

Benefits for men

With its regular use in men, physical and mental activity increases. The high fiber content and low calorie content reduces the risk of extra pounds. In ancient times, men used cabbage juice for hangovers.

Eating precautions

  • With a large amount of use of this product, gas formation may occur due to fiber and fermentation processes.
  • Such an appetizer greatly increases appetite, so overweight people need to control themselves.
  • People with high blood pressure should use sauerkraut with caution, as it contains salt, which can lead to swelling.
  • You should not use pickled vegetables with bloating, pancreatitis, kidney disease, cholelithiasis.

Be sure to take note of this information, and let sauerkraut be in your diet as often as possible, because its benefits are invaluable to human health.

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This dish is very simple, but so delicious! That is why it is very popular. Among cold appetizers, many prefer sauerkraut. Its benefits as a hangover remedy are known to all. But what else does such a homemade delicacy bring to health?

A synonym for health is sauerkraut!

This is such a familiar and affordable product that many do not even think, but what are the health benefits and harms of sauerkraut? Alternative medicine ascribes universal healing qualities to it and advises its use for any ailments. It is believed that such a product treats almost everything: from a common cold to such serious ailments as asthma and even epilepsy.

And all thanks to the unique chemical composition of cabbage. This is a real multivitamin. Just one spoonful of cabbage will supply the body with a daily portion of vitamin K, and 150 g of such a product is enough to fill a person’s daily need for vitamin C. It also contains other vitamins - B, A, PP, E, H, U. All of them are extremely necessary for our health.

Sauerkraut contains nicotinic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, as well as potassium and iodine. It is rich in fiber, therefore it promotes the digestive process, improves the intestinal microflora and can serve as an ulcer prevention. In the process of fermentation, cabbage is enriched with acids - acetic and lactic. The latter is able to eliminate E. coli and other dangerous bacteria.

A juicy crunchy snack has an excellent taste and at the same time charges the body with health, as it has a versatile effect on all organs and systems.

Important! The larger the cabbage for sourdough is cut, the more healing substances it will retain. sya.

And this is not a complete list of the benefits of sauerkraut. Not only she, but also her juice is distinguished by healing abilities. It eliminates dehydration. The most famous property of cabbage juice is that it helps to eliminate a hangover.

The brine contains many vitamins and healing elements. It is an excellent tonic, effective anthelmintic, choleretic agent and a safe aphrodisiac. The healing drink contains antioxidants, so its use will help delay aging and prevent the development of malignant neoplasms. It helps with low blood pressure. It can be used as a mouthwash for sore throats.

Not only heals, but also slims!

Many weight loss diets include sauerkraut. What is its benefit and harm for those who struggle with kilograms? This is a low-calorie product that has a bright taste and an abundance of vitamins. In a 100-gram serving, there are only 20 Kcal, that is, even if you use cabbage in large quantities, you will not get better. But if you add vegetable oil, the energy value of the product will double.

Although this product enhances the desire to eat, it is recommended for those who lose weight, as it creates a feeling of satiety for a long time, normalizes metabolic processes, and removes toxins from the body. This dish contains fiber, so it will take a lot of time and calories for the body to digest it.

Important! You can only lose weight on sauerkraut. Marinated for such purposes is not suitable, as it contains sugar, acetic acid, spices, vegetable oil and other unnecessary additives!

Brine has the ability to break down body fat, so it will also come in handy for those who have declared war on extra pounds.

When you have to say "no!" appetizing snack?

The benefits of sauerkraut are very great, but there are sins behind this product. Not everyone can eat it.

Contraindications and restrictions on the use of sauerkraut:

  • increased acidity of the gastric secretion;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • kidney failure;
  • calculi in the gallbladder and condition after removal of this organ;
  • ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation period (this snack can cause intestinal colic in a baby);
  • a tendency to flatulence and heartburn (with such problems it is necessary to limit the use of the product).

The harmful properties of cabbage are due to the fact that it contains salt. So that people suffering from the listed ailments can use it, it is necessary to ferment cabbage according to recipes that do not involve the use of such an ingredient. The taste, of course, will be somewhat different, but you don’t have to worry about adverse reactions. There is another option: if you really want to taste salted cabbage, then first you need to thoroughly rinse it from the brine.

And healthy people should not overeat with such pickles and eat it on an empty stomach. Excessive consumption of sauerkraut can cause bloating.

Important! A special contraindication to the use of brine is severe heart disease. This drink leads to fluid retention, which can cause swelling.

Sauerkraut is a product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of chopped or chopped cabbage leaves. The role of preservatives in this case is played by lactic acid and salt. Mustard oils with a high sulfur content give the product a specific taste and aroma, turning it into a healthy and tasty snack.

Homeland of sauerkraut is China. There are archaeological data confirming that this dish began to be cooked in the Middle Kingdom almost 3 thousand years ago. Later, the simple technology of fermenting cabbage was mastered in Korea and Central Europe. In Rus', this dish became widespread only by the middle of the 16th century.

Sauerkraut is an affordable and healthy product. It is eaten as a snack or garnish, used to make salads, first courses or baking toppings. In folk medicine, with the help of sauerkraut and the brine released from it, a wide variety of disorders in the body are corrected.

Traditional recipe for sauerkraut

  • white cabbage - 5 kg;
  • sour apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 350–400 g;
  • table salt - 100 g;
  • cranberries and (or) lingonberries - 70–80 g.


  • Cabbage is cut into long noodle-like pieces, carrots are cut into thin strips, and apples are cut into large slices.
  • The resulting mass is sprinkled with salt, mixed with berries and poured into a wooden tub scalded with boiling water.
  • The mixture is tightly packed and pressed down with a yoke.
  • Cabbage fermentation lasts 5 days at a temperature of about 20 ° C. During this period, the escaping foam is regularly removed and the compacted mixture is pierced daily with a sharp wooden stick.
  • On day 5-6, a tub of sauerkraut is transferred to a cool place.
  • The dish comes to readiness after 1.5–2 weeks.

Rules for the selection and storage of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut can be purchased at the store or in the market. When choosing this product, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Before buying sauerkraut in the store, you need to carefully read the label on the package. The product should not contain vinegar essence, lemon juice or citric acid.
  • High-quality sauerkraut has a pronounced sour-salty taste, white color (sometimes with a pinkish-gold tint) and a pleasant aroma of pickles. It is better to refrain from buying products that have a musty or other unpleasant odor, gray color or dark spots.
  • The sauerkraut should be firm and crispy. If the product does not crunch, then the technology for its preparation has been violated.
  • Most vitamins are stored in coarsely chopped cabbage leaves.
  • The brine should have a viscous, slightly slimy consistency.

You need to store cabbage in the dark at a temperature of about 0 ° C: in the heat, the product begins to ferment intensively, and in the cold, it freezes and loses its nutritional properties. For storage, it is better to use wooden, ceramic or glass containers.

Nutritional value of the product

100 g of sauerkraut contains the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.511 g;
  • fats - 0.092 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.179 g;
  • dietary fiber - 3.891 g;
  • water - 87.414 g;
  • ash - 0.816 g.

Digestible carbohydrates in the composition of 100 g of the product are sugar (4.998 g), starch and dextrins (0.181 g).

Vitamins in sauerkraut

Sauerkraut contains a whole complex of vitamins. When eating 100 g of this product, the following enters the gastrointestinal tract:

  • retinol equivalent (A) - 598.744 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.027 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.038 mg;
  • pantothenate (B5) - 0.179 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.074 mg;
  • folates (B9) - 8.816 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 38.064 mg;
  • alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent (E) - 0.166 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) - 0.966 mg.

Sauerkraut also contains biotin - vitamin B7 or H. The concentration of this compound is 0.094 μg per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of the dish

The energy value of 100 g of sauerkraut is 26.813 kcal. A teaspoon of this snack contains 2.741 kcal, a tablespoon contains 7.819 kcal, and a glass contains 41.147 kcal.

Useful elements in sauerkraut

Trace elements in 100 g of sauerkraut:

  • zinc - 0.376 mg;
  • iodine - 2.805 mcg;
  • aluminum - 492.819 mcg;
  • chromium - 4.572 mcg;
  • manganese - 0.164 mg;
  • rubidium - 5.544 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 12.063 mcg;
  • cobalt - 2.966 mcg;
  • boron - 197.806 mcg;
  • lithium - 0.377 mcg;
  • nickel - 14.083 mcg;
  • fluorine - 12.173 mcg;
  • vanadium - 6.371 mcg;
  • copper - 81.293 mcg;
  • iron - 0.794 mg.

Macronutrients in a 100-gram serving of the dish:

  • sodium - 21.793 mg;
  • potassium - 283.361 mg;
  • chlorine - 1243.578 mg;
  • sulfur - 34.579 mg;
  • calcium - 49.721 mg;
  • phosphorus - 29.732 mg;
  • magnesium - 16.244 mg.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

  • Sauerkraut is a dietary product with a low energy value. People who want to lose weight can diversify their diet with this snack without fear of consequences.
  • The brine released during the fermentation of cabbage has laxative properties. In order to cope with prolonged constipation, it is enough to drink half a glass of this remedy before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Sauerkraut is an affordable source of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. With the regular inclusion of this dish in the diet, the likelihood of developing colds, hypovitaminosis and beriberi decreases, the overall tone of the body and its ability to resist infections increase.
  • Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of antioxidant compounds that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, slow down the aging of the body and reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  • The brine released during lactic acid fermentation of cabbage leaves helps women cope with toxicosis during the period of gestation. In order to get rid of nausea, it is enough to drink 3 tablespoons of this remedy every morning.
  • Cabbage, fermented without sweeteners, contains a complex of substances that reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.
  • With regular consumption of fermented cabbage leaves, the composition of the intestinal microflora is normalized, the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, and the risk of developing disorders in the digestive system is reduced.
  • Sauerkraut is rich in compounds that help increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Substances that enter the body when consuming this product contribute to the acceleration of lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Vitamin A and other compounds present in sauerkraut leaves help improve vision, protect the visual apparatus during increased eye strain.
  • Women who regularly include sauerkraut in their diet are more likely to tolerate the manifestations of menopausal syndrome.
  • Fermented cabbage leaves are an effective detoxifier. Eating 150 g of this product per day, you can accelerate the removal of toxins, poisons, salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body.
  • B vitamins, which are rich in sauerkraut, strengthen the nervous system. People in whose diet this dish is constantly present rarely suffer from neurosis, depression, insomnia, and sudden mood swings.
  • Iron and other nutrients found in sauerkraut leaves improve blood formation. Therefore, this dish is recommended for people suffering from anemia.
  • Substances present in sauerkraut increase potency, improve the composition of the ejaculate and reduce the risk of developing disorders in the genitourinary system in men.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut is used to combat hemorrhoids. The product is ground in a mortar, the resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed node for 2-3 hours.
  • Substances present in sauerkraut help remove excess cholesterol from the body, give elasticity and strength to the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries, strengthen the heart muscle, and regulate the heart rate. Thanks to this, people who daily include this dish in their menu reduce the risk of developing arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and other cardiac diseases.
  • Scientific studies show that sauerkraut has antihistamine properties. In people who consume this product daily, the risk of allergic reactions and asthma attacks is reduced.
  • The juice released during the fermentation of cabbage leaves has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional healers advise rinsing the mouth with this remedy for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • With congestion in the gallbladder, it is useful to drink cabbage brine, half diluted with tomato juice. The remedy should be taken in a third of a glass 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Sauerkraut contains a complex of compounds that improve the condition of nails and hair, giving them a healthy shine and accelerating their growth.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut brine is used to treat superficial burns. A sterile cloth soaked with this agent is applied to the affected area. Lotion is changed every 20 minutes.
  • The juice that is released when pickling cabbage leaves is an effective hangover cure.

Cosmetic properties of sauerkraut

  • From fermented cabbage leaves, a mask is prepared that cleanses and whitens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. The product is squeezed, crushed in a blender and applied in a thin layer to problem areas. After 40 minutes, the cabbage mass is washed off, and any moisturizer is applied to the treated skin.
  • Sauerkraut pickle is an effective remedy for acne. Sterile gauze is impregnated with liquid and applied to problem areas for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily.
  • A mask is prepared from sauerkraut that regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and blocks the spread of inflammatory processes on too oily skin. The product (4 tablespoons) is crushed in a blender, combined with beaten egg white and 4 teaspoons of potato starch. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the skin. After 25 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.
  • Sauerkraut can be the basis for a mask that moisturizes dry and sensitive skin. The product (3 tablespoons) is mashed, combined with egg yolk and olive oil (1.5 teaspoons). The resulting mass is whipped and distributed over the problem skin. After 35 minutes, the composition is washed off with cool water.
  • The juice released when fermenting cabbage leaves helps strengthen hair follicles and slow down excessive hair loss. To prepare a remedy, ½ cup of brine is combined with 1.5 teaspoons of honey, mixed and heated to 40 ° C. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp in a circular motion and left for 40 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 8-9 days.

Contraindications and harm of sauerkraut

  • Abuse of sauerkraut can provoke bloating, active gas formation, diarrhea.
  • Substances present in fermented cabbage leaves slow down the absorption of iodine. People who are at risk for thyroid disease should consult a doctor before including this snack on the menu.
  • Sauerkraut is a dish with a high salt content. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, gout and edema should limit their consumption of this product.
  • Sauerkraut is contraindicated in case of excessive acidity of gastric juice, severe diseases of the kidneys and pancreas, gastritis, in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend including this snack in the diet of children under 5 years old.
