
Thai pear fruit. The most delicious fruits in Thailand

One of the main advantages of Southeast Asia is a special tropical climate. It is this climate that allows the flora of the Earth to offer us such unusual, refined and bright delicacies - exotic fruits. When visiting the countries of Southeast Asia for the first time, I want to try everything, enjoy fresh fruits ripened under the sun, desserts from them, sometimes with the addition of rice and exotic salads. In this article we will talk about the fruits of Thailand with a photo.

Many fruit sellers have English and even Russian-language flyers describing the tastes of local fruits. Internet portals in every way sing of these juicy, unusual tastes of attractive exotic fruits. However, friends, let's remember that every phenomenon of this life is ambiguous. As in Russia, here all plants have a specific biochemical composition, each of the plants can influence certain body processes. And, as they say, what is good for a Thai is that an organism that has grown up in a temperate climate of Russia is not necessarily as healthy. For example, Tamarind - sweet and tasty - has a laxative effect, sour fruits are dangerous for ulcers. I bring to your attention, in addition to brief background information about the appearance and tastes of exotic fruits in Thailand, some more nuances of their impact. The description of the fruits of Thailand is compiled according to encyclopedias of botany, medicine, biochemistry, as well as my impressions and advice from local residents, all of them are located by the names of the fruit. I also give Russian, English and Thai names. I indicate the ripening season, because. this often affects prices. To choose from the whole variety, be guided by the external description, description of taste, method of consumption, content of useful and dangerous substances - for whom it is useful to use fruit, and for whom it is categorically contraindicated to get involved in exotic fruits.

A pineapple

Pineapple, Sappa-rote

Season: all year round.

Peak season: December-January and from April-June.

Appearance: oval in shape with a rough, segmented green-brown or green skin, on top of a green tuft of thick leaves. Regular sizes and small varieties.

Taste: sweet and sour. Thai pineapples are the most delicious in the whole world.

It is better to choose by touch - the pineapple should be slightly crushed under the fingers, but not too easily, too soft and rotten.

Consume raw in its natural form, or sprinkle it with salt, as the Thais do. Sweet and sour dishes and red curries, juice and jam are prepared from it.

Beneficial features: rich in vit. A, C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, high fiber content. Helps fight colds and hypotension. Stimulates the immune system. Useful for the digestion of protein foods, for the removal of cholesterol. Pineapple contains magnesium, which is very important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Contains bromelain - a mixture of enzymes similar to pepsin and papain, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, it is recommended for diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys and anemia, for functional disorders of the nervous system. In India, pineapple leaf juice is used as an antihelminthic.

Dangerous properties: Contains enzymes that break down proteins rather than burn fats. A large amount of acids - with caution in gastritis and ulcers.


Watermelon - Watermelon, Teng-mo, Taeng Mo

Season: all year round.

Peak season: October-March.

Appearance:small watermelons, with red or yellow flesh. Yellow ones are more expensive, because in Thailand it is the color of wealth.

Taste: sugar-sweet common in watermelon, refreshing in both species. Significantly sweeter than Astrakhan.

To choose, as in Russia, by sound - ripe ones conduct sound better, along the tail - dried one speaks of ripeness, without cracks, so that microbes do not get in.

Consumption: Necks, smoothies and fresh watermelon juice are popular. Used for figured fruit carving.

Beneficial features: the pulp contains fructose, glucose and sucrose, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP. Watermelon is useful for the cardiovascular system, endocrine glands and gastrointestinal tract, has a diuretic effect on the body. Rich in iron, necessary for blood formation. Good for any kind of intoxication.

Dangerous properties: with caution in urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of the pancreas. Large watermelons are dangerous, because. likely to contain nitrates, which leads to poor sleep and irritability.


Bananas Bananas, Kluai Kluai

Season: all year round.

Appearance: yellow or green. Varieties Kluai Kai, Kluai Khai - finger, Kluai Hom, Kluai Hom - long.

Taste: very sweet, the smaller the size and thinner the skin, the tastier, but these are not stored. Long ones are stored better, they are more expensive, here they are much tastier than those sold in Russia.

Use: nutritious, they are eaten unripe with spices, semi-ripe dried in the sun, ripened deep-fried, boiled in coconut milk or syrup, flowers are used in cooking various dishes.

Beneficial features: rich in vit. A, B, C, minerals: calcium, iron and potassium, as well as carbohydrates and fiber. They contain tryptophan, which is necessary for optimal brain function and maintaining a normal mental state, especially in old age. They cause a surge of strength and a feeling of pleasure, reduce the likelihood of emotional breakdowns. Bananas are very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The daily requirement of potassium is contained in 3 large bananas.

Dangerous eat bananas growing near the roads - they have absorbed heavy metals. With diabetes, you can’t eat bananas - there is too much sucrose in them, too little fructose and glucose. Do not use at night, because. cause a surge of energy and interfere with sleep.


Guava. Guayave - Guayave, Farang, Farang.

Season: ripens all year round

Appearance: The guava fruit looks like a large light green apple with bumps.

Taste:cotton, similar to quince. Different varieties give a taste from sour to sweet.

Use. Ripe fruits are consumed with peel (it is thin, slightly bitter), they are cut into slices, cutting out soft bones in the middle, and eaten like a green mango, sprinkled with a mixture of spices with sugar, or in its natural form.

Beneficial features: Guava is considered the healthiest fruit on the planet. Used to improve digestion and stimulate the heart. All the most valuable in this fruit is in the peel. Tea, from guava leaves, for diarrhoea, dysentery, stomach disorders, dizziness, to regulate cycles. The crushed leaves are applied to wounds. Dried fruits do not lose their beneficial properties.


"king of fruits", "the taste of heaven and the smell of hell", Durian, Too-ree-an

durian season: April May.

Appearance: the fruit reaches a mass of 5 kilograms. The peel is hard, covered with thorns. Inside the fruit is divided into five or six sections.

Taste: rich tart-sweet, cheesy-nutty and repulsive smell, reminiscent of a mixture of onion and turpentine, rotten meat. A variety has been bred that is generally devoid of an unpleasant odor, but this species has not gained distribution. The specific smell of durian appears in a mature fruit, during the fermentation of the pulp. It is at this time that the taste becomes most intense.
When choosing, smell from the side of the stem. Ripe ones have a stronger smell.

Use:it is better to eat raw in the fresh air, buy chopped and packed. If you have already fallen in love with this controversial fruit, it is twice cheaper to take uncut. Cut with a culinary hatchet, a small knife cannot be handled, because. the peel is very thick and hard. However, if you choose one that is ripe enough, press down and it will break on its own.

Beneficial features: contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, nicotinic acid, vit. B, C, carotene, indole (gives bactericidal properties). Increases pressure, slightly intoxicates. The only edible fruit in nature with a high content of organic sulfur, which is easily digestible, is part of proteins in the body, some hormones, such as insulin, thereby ensuring the balance of blood sugar. Sulfur is important in the fight against aging of the body, is involved in slag removal.

Dangerous properties: not recommended for hypertensive patients, as well as pregnant, lactating! It is impossible to use a large amount at a time, in no case with alcohol, (alcohol not earlier than 3 hours after durian). It is a soft drug. Due to the smell, it is forbidden to bring into premises in public places, as well as into the aircraft, as indicated by special prohibition signs pasted on the entrance.


Indian breadfruit, Jackfruit, Eve, Kanoon.

Season: January-May.

Appearance: jackfruit fruitthe shape is very similar to durian, but the thorns are not so intimidating and the size of the fruit is larger. Jackfruit is one of the largest fruits, the weight of the fruit can reach 40 kg. Breadfruit relative.

Taste: the pulp of the fruit is dense, juicy and very sweet, even cloying, with seeds inside. The peel slightly smells of rotten onions, and the flesh smells pleasantly like bananas or pineapples.
It is better to choose already cut. Without special skills, it is terribly difficult to get edible pulp from the fruit, and why do you need so many kilograms? Therefore, jackfruit is sold peeled and even with the bones taken out.

Use: raw ripe, unripe fruits as a vegetable for salads and soups. Outwardly, peeled slices resemble giant flattened corn grains. The bones are edible, they are sold boiled or baked (chestnut flavor).

Beneficial features. Nutritious, rich in vitamin A, sulfur, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Up to 40% of carbohydrates is more than in our bread, therefore it is called bread for the poor.


Starfruit Star fruit, Ma-feung

Season: ripens from October to December.

Appearance: carambola fruits are yellow or green, similar in size and shape to bell peppers, the cross section has the shape of a star.

Taste: mature fruits are juicy, have a pleasant floral taste, not too sweet. Unripe fruits are very acidic.

Use: carambola is used in salads, for making juices, canned food, sauces, soft drinks. No need to peel, just cut across to get a nice star shape.

Beneficial features: carambola contains a lot of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, beta-carotene, vit. B1, B2, B5. It is used as a hemostatic agent, against fever, to reduce the level of bile, against diarrhea, and also to relieve hangovers, as a sedative, to reduce pressure.

Dangerous properties: high content of oxalic acid, therefore it is categorically contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer! It is recommended to refrain from the use of patients with gastritis.


Coconut, young coconuts in Thai Maprao-on, Mapraow Onn

Season: year-round.

The peak season is September-December.

Appearance: coconuts grow on tall, slender palms. The fruits usually weigh between one and three kilograms. Outside, it is covered with a green peel, under it is the upper white flesh, hiding a large "bone", the nut itself. Inside the nut is a watery liquid.

Taste: the liquid inside a young coconut does not have a strong taste, almost colorless. White pulp has a specific slightly sweet, refreshing taste.

Use: juice of a young coconut remarkably quenches thirst. The pulp is used in desserts and for the production of coconut milk. Also, the pulp is dried and used as a dried fruit and in confectionery.

Beneficial features: contains vit. Groups B, C, iron, magnesium, calcium. Coconut juice helps control blood sugar levels, fights viruses such as herpes, aids digestion, lowers blood pressure and increases appetite, and is used in weight loss diets.

Lam-yai (longan)

lamai, longkok

Season: June August.

Appearance: longan resembles nuts. Sold on the branch in small bunches.

Taste: under the yellow-brown hard thin shell is white sweet pulp. It contains a bone - not edible.

Use: for longan food, fresh lam-yay fruits are used, as well as dried ones, similar to raisins. Drinks from lam-yay refresh and quench thirst.

Useful properties of longan:contains calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, vitamin C, and amino acids. is the best choice for skin diseases! circulatory stimulant. Helps people with hypotension and thyroid disease. It also contains riboflavin and is a natural source of polysaccharides, has antioxidant properties, reduces the negative effects of chemotherapy drugs and protects the liver.

Dangerous properties: inside contains bitter seeds. It is not recommended to bite them.


Chinese plum, Litchi, lin-chi

Season: April June.

Appearance: small fruits, rounded with bumpy red skin.

Use: peeled, pitted and consumed raw, added to cocktails, incl. alcoholic, prepare mashed potatoes for sauces for meat and fish, syrups for ice cream. The rind is added to flavor the tea.

Beneficial features: lychee is very rich in vit. group B, as well as iron and phosphorus, selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium. It is used as a tonic, as well as anemia (anemia), atherosclerosis, to normalize sugar levels in diabetes, liver, lungs and kidneys. Together with medicinal herbs and lemongrass, they are used to treat cancer and restore strength in the fight against the disease. Used for cardiovascular diseases, with high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Dangerous properties: children no more than 100g per day to avoid allergic reactions.


Longkong, Langsat Lfngsat

Season: July-September.

Appearance: Sold in bunches, small round fruits with soft, pale yellow skin. The peel releases a milky, sticky juice when removed. The peeled fruit looks like small heads of pickled garlic.

Taste: translucent white pulp is sweet, slightly sour, vaguely reminiscent of blackcurrant. Lonkon is considered more fragrant and sweeter than langsat. Therefore, it usually costs more.

Use: Carefully bite into the peel and remove it. The pulp is consumed raw, sometimes canned. The rind is dried and burned outdoors as a repellant.

Beneficial features: rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamins B1 and B2, C. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Caveats: try not to bite the bitter seeds. The milky juice of the peel is poorly washed.


mangosteen, mangosteen, Mungkoot

Season: May-September.

Thailand is the world leader in the cultivation of this extraordinarily delicious tropical fruit.

Appearance: mangosteen is similar to small round eggplants, 5-10 cm in diameter.

Mangosteen flavor: sweet, but not cloying, sometimes a little tart. Some compare the taste of mangosteen to peach, grapes, and even creme brulee. The peel makes up to 50% of the volume of the fruit. Inside contains usually from three to five slices of white color. Some lobules contain large and very strong bones. Amazingly delicious.

Use: cut the mangosteen across in the middle or slightly squeeze and break the peel in the middle of the fruit, remove one part of the peel, and immediately bite the pulp from the second - do not reach it with your hands - crush it.

Beneficial features: very rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins B and C, sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose), fiber, potassium, iron, thiamine. It also contains rare natural phytonutrients that flush out toxic chemicals from our body, prevent free radical damage, and keep certain hormones, such as estrogen, at optimal levels. Rich source of xanthones most powerful antioxidants. The peel also contains this type of xanthones - catechin (up to 14% of the structure of the peel) and proanthocyanidin - the most powerful known antioxidant - 50 times more powerful than selenium and vitamin E and 20 times more effective than vit. C. Therefore, mangosteen skin has P-vitamin activity, and is used for violations of capillary function, edema of vascular origin, and dysentery. It is also believed that catechins are useful for strengthening the immune system and for the treatment of tumors, for the prevention of arthritic inflammation, stronger resistance to stress, improved memory function, slowing down the aging process of the skin, preventing and preventing caries, strengthening the immune system. Also used for allergies, hypertension, to lower cholesterol, heartburn, ulcers, colitis, arthritis, migraine, depression, stress.

Warning: the juice of the peel is purple, practically does not wash off, leaving brown-iodine stains after washing.


tangerine, catfish, som

Season: all year round

Peak season September-February.

Appearance. Smaller than European varieties, with a thinner, greenish-yellow skin.

Taste: sweet with slight sourness, very juicy. Compared to European varieties, not so bright taste.

Use: in Thailand, they are mainly juiced and sold everywhere on stalls on the streets.

Beneficial features: many vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, P, PP), essential oils. They have an antimicrobial effect, as they contain strong phytoncides.

Cautions : in large quantities in children can cause allergic reactions.


Ma-muang, Ma-muang

For its popularity, mango is often called the apple of the tropics. all year round, peak harvest season: April to June.

Appearance:the fruits are oval in shape, with a smooth surface of green, yellow or red color, with a thin skin.

Taste: mango is juicy and fragrant, it comes in different tastes: from sour to sweet. In nature, there are more than a thousand varieties of mangoes.

Use: ripe fruits are used as a sweet dessert, unripe fruits are more sour with spices and salt as an independent delicacy or in salads. Mango juice is also served.

Beneficial features:rich in vitamins A, B, C, iron, phosphorus. The fruit is very useful for the activity of the cardiovascular system / Moreover, green (the so-called unripe fruit) will be more useful! Good for digestion, as well as inflammation of the gums and mouth, with stomatitis.

Caveats: in large quantities has a laxative effect. In no case should the fruits bought in flight be put in the refrigerator - after being removed from the refrigerator, they immediately deteriorate. Otherwise, they are well preserved.


sugar apple, soursop, Noi Naa, Custard Apple, Guanabana, "Annona" - from the scientific Latin name Annona squamosa.

Season: June-September.

Appearance: the fruits are round, similar to apples, only bumpy. The skin is pale green. Smells a little pine.

Choose. Larger, well-ripened slightly soft fruit.

Taste: unripe, reminiscent of an apple, only very sweet (hence the name "sugar"): dense green peel, white crispy pulp with stones. The ripe fruit has creamy flesh, with a creamy taste, like ice cream.

Use: raw, often with spices (like pomelo and mango), noina ice cream is also very common.

Caveats: scientists in Latin America believe that excessive, regular use can contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease.


Malaco, Malakaw

Season: all year round.

Appearance: oblong shape with a diameter of up to 30–35 centimeters and a length of up to half a meter in color from green to orange. Looks like zucchini, only brighter.

Taste: unripe has a tart-sour taste. When ripe, it becomes sweet and is already used as a dessert.

Use:unripe is added to various meat dishes and salads. Contains a lot of papain - an enzyme that breaks down the tough fibers of meat, making it softer. One of the most famous Thai dishes is som tam, green papaya salad.

Beneficial features: papaya contains a large amount of vitamins B, A, C, D and iron. Normalizes liver function, blood sugar levels, stomach acidity. Promotes normalization of the digestive process, healing of ulcers.


pitahaya dragon fruit, "dragon fruit", Pitaya (geow mangon)

Season: all year round.

Appearance: the fruits of this variety of cactus are found in red, pink or yellow, the curved “petals” of the peel resemble dragon scales. The flesh is white and burgundy, with many small black seeds.

Taste: slightly reminiscent of kiwi, but less pronounced taste. Especially with purple flesh - exotic and strange.

Beneficial features: Pitaya stimulates blood circulation and is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland.


Som-o, som-o

Season: all year round. But most of all these fruits ripen by February, on the eve of the Chinese New Year. At this time in Asia, it is customary to give each other pomelo fruits: it is believed that the golden color of their peel symbolizes wealth.

The peak season is from August to November.

Appearance: It is the largest fruit in the citrus family. Looks like a big grapefruit.

Taste: more like an orange than a grapefruit.

Use: Thais love to eat it, dipping it in a mixture of salt, sugar and red pepper. Sold whole or cut on the shelf.

Beneficial features: contains vit.A, C, B1, B2, B5, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium. Accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss, increases resistance to diseases, reduces pressure. It is used for blood clots and tumors.

Dangerous properties: contains furanocoumarins, which increase the effect of drugs several times, they are not excreted from the body for a long time. For example, a glass of juice taken 3 days before taking simvastatin will increase the effect of the drug by 330%. This can cause a life-threatening condition called rhabdomyolysis (destruction of muscle tissue cells). Do not use during medication treatment. Not worth it for heartburn, nephritis, hepatitis.


from the Indonesian word rambut, which means "hair", Ngo, Ngoh.

Season: May-September.

Appearance: small winged fruits of rambutan, the size of a walnut with an elastic peel of red or yellow. The peel of rambutan is covered with hard brown-green hairs, up to 5 cm long. The pulp is white gelatinous.

Taste: pleasant, sweet. Inside the pulp is a bone, it is edible, tastes like an acorn.

Use: peel filmed , the pulp is consumed raw, and also as a filling for pies. They make jams, syrups, sauces, ice cream. Seed oil smells good when heated and is used in the manufacture of cosmetic soaps and holiday candles.
Beneficial features. Rambutan contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C. It has a good effect on the skin, improves digestion, and has cleansing properties. The bone contains 40% fats and oils, including very useful oleic and arachidonic acids.

Taste: resembles slightly sweetened water, the color does not affect the taste in any way.

Use:this is one of the favorite delicacies of children, because. this fruit does not need to be peeled. When chilled, it is an excellent thirst quencher. Jams or jellies are made from the fruits with the addition of lemon juice, eaten raw or baked with meat. Often preserved in combination with other fruits.

Beneficial features: has an antimicrobial effect; they are also used to regulate blood pressure and in the treatment of colds.


sapodila, in Thai Lamut, La-moot

Season: September-December.

Appearance: similar to kiwi, only it is darker and smoother on the outside, without hairs. Orange-brown inside.

Taste: cloyingly sweet, milky caramel, similar to dates, or a mixture of dates and persimmons.

Use:used for serving dishes because of its beautiful shade of pulp. They eat it raw, prepare various drinks, desserts, sauces, halva, jam, marmalade. Chewing gum is produced from the sap of the tree bark (latex).

Beneficial features: contains vit. A, C, proteins, iron, potassium, calcium. It is mycoseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, nourishing, moisturizing agent.

Dangerous properties: increases blood pressure, do not recommend for hypertensive patients.


Salak "Snake fruit", La Kham

Season: June August.

Appearance: the peel is red-brown in color with many small spines, similar to the skin of a snake.

Taste: very intense sweet and sour taste, not like anything else. One of the descriptions of the taste is reminiscent of strawberries and pineapple and valerian at the same time.

Use:before use, lard must be peeled, but because of the small needles on the peel, only true connoisseurs of the taste of this fruit can do this procedure in large quantities, therefore it is often sold already peeled. I couldn't stop until the whole thread was over. Then my fingers hurt a little because of the pricks of the thorns.

Beneficial features: the pulp of the fruit contains tannin, which removes all harmful substances from the body, has astringent properties, hemostatic, antidiarrheal and antihemorrhoidal.


Makham Thad

Season: December-March.

Appearance: belongs to the legume family, the pods are brown, dry, curved 10-15 cm each.

Taste: sour-sweet, tart.

Use:in Thailand, it is boiled, resulting in a refreshing drink, eaten fresh.

Beneficial features: Tamarind is used as an effective but mild laxative.

Warning: has a laxative effect. The fruits contain very hard bones - take care of your teeth)).

Of course, friends have other fruits, including familiar apples, grapes, strawberries, melons. I wanted to talk about exotic ones - after all, when you come here, you want to learn new unusual tastes. In most cases, you can buy any fruit in a peeled and sliced ​​form, in which case they will also offer a mixture of spices (sugar, salt, pepper).

I was surprised when, on a mobile tray, the persimmon I chose, the merchant offered me to clean, remove the seeds - a service (!), However, I refused for reasons of hygiene, although there is insurance)).

Tell your friends what other fruits should you try while in Southeast Asia? What associations have caused you described here? After all, all these tastes are very ambiguous.

Also, at the request of readers, I prepared a material with the results of my monthly stay in Thailand.

Good luck friends!

Thailand is the kingdom of smiles, friendly people, warm sea, sun-drenched beaches, and exotic fruits. Everyone who goes there must definitely try not only street food, but also several types of exotic fruits that cannot be found in our country. In addition, the fruits of Thailand are not only tasty, but also healthy. For a short period of vacation, you can well strengthen the immune system.

What fruits you can find on the shelves of Thai markets and shops, how to eat them correctly, what ripening season and what useful properties they have, we will consider in this article.

Durian in the market. Photo: © flickr/www.david-baxendale.com

Everyone knows about him - and who was in Thailand, and who was not. Even if you have never tried it, you have probably heard a lot about it. Durian can be classified as a particularly exotic fruit - not everyone will find the strength to try it.

Appearance: large round prickly fruit of yellow or gray-green color. The smell is disgusting with notes of garbage, garlic and gasoline. Because of this, it is forbidden to carry, store or consume in hotels and other public places.

Taste: oddly enough, pleasant with delicate creamy notes. But this is if you are lucky with the fruit. If not... I feel sorry for you...))))

Ripening period: from May to August.

Price: even during the collection period, you will have to pay from 100 baht per kg. In the high tourist season, they ask already from 120 baht for a peeled piece of 300–500 gr. For uncut durian - from 150–170 baht per kg.

Benefits: rich in fiber, able to remove toxins from the body, and also has a bactericidal effect.

  • Peeled durian, carefully packed in plastic trays, I do not recommend buying. When cut, it quickly goes out and loses its properties. In addition, immediately after opening the fetus, it is still not strong, it is quite tolerable.
  • Do not combine durian with alcohol. This Thai fruit can instantly increase blood pressure, and the combination with alcohol will take you to the hospital. Let me remind you that not every insurance covers the costs of treating a tourist who has drunk alcohol, and treatment in Thailand is not cheap.

Longan - dragon's eye

Longan brooms. Photo: © flickr/Allthingsbklyn

"Longan" is translated from Chinese as "dragon's eye".

Appearance: a small round fruit in a light brown dense shell. The pulp is translucent whitish or pink. Longan grows in clusters, and is sold - with brooms.

Taste: sweet and sour. Looks like a lychee to me. The pulp is sweet, juicy, well quenches thirst and refreshes. You should not overeat it, although it is difficult - very tasty. It is better to consume no more than ten fruits at a time, as it can cause heaviness and nausea.

Season: like many other fruits in Thailand - in the summer, from June to August.

Price: from 50 to 80 baht per kg.

Benefits: longan is a kind of tissue regenerator of the human body, and is also a natural antioxidant, so eat with pleasure, but in moderation!

  • Peeling a longan is easy - just gently squeeze the fruit with your fingers, the skin will burst and easily move away from the pulp. The bone is not eaten, it is bitter and useless.
  • When buying a longan, pay attention to the appearance - the surface of the fruit should be the same color without obvious damage and stains.
  • Longan is considered ripe not the one that has just been plucked from the tree, but the one that managed to “lie down”.

Tamarind - the most high-calorie Thai fruit

Tamarind. Photo: © flickr/Forest and Kim Starr

Belongs to the legume family and it is very noticeable on it). In its pure form, it is usually not eaten, most often juice is squeezed out of it, candied and dried. Ripe fruits are most often used in the preparation of desserts, as well as in dishes that require spicy notes. It is also used to make sweets and jams. Unripe tamarind is used to prepare sauces and seasonings.

Appearance: similar to thick bean or pea pods, dark beige. The fruits inside resemble huge coffee beans. If the fruit is ripe, then its surface is smooth and hard, and the color is rich brown.

Taste: pleasant, very sweet.

Season: end of December - mid-February.

Prices: does not exceed 100 baht per kilogram, usually its price varies between 80–90 baht/kg.

Benefits: Tamarind is a real find for those who suffer from vitamin deficiencies. It is rich in calcium, vitamin B and C. It has a very high calorie content, although it has the ability to suppress appetite.

Pitahaya - dragon fruit

Pitahaya or dragonfruit. Photo: © flickr/Francesca

Dragonfruit or pitahaya is one of the most famous fruits in Thailand with a rather exotic appearance, but with a completely indistinct taste.

Appearance: resembles a climbing cactus-liana. The fruits are covered with rather soft petals, like "scales", which is why it received the name "dragon fruit".

Taste: This cactus relative cannot live up to its exotic name, as it has virtually no taste or smell.

There are several types of pitahaya:

  • pink with white flesh have a bland taste with herbal notes;
  • in pink with red flesh, the taste is more pronounced;
  • yellow with white flesh - rare in Thailand and more expensive, but this is the sweetest and most fragrant variety of pitahaya.

Season: always, because it blooms and bears fruit 6 times a year.

Price: relatively cheap - from 40 baht per kg.

Benefit: the fruit is low-calorie, so it will not only not damage the figure, but also additionally fill the body with vitamins and useful minerals.

  • Dragonfruit is mostly eaten fresh. The fruit is cut in half with a knife and the flesh is eaten with a spoon. It is possible, by pulling the petals of the peel, to peel the fruit, such as, for example, a tangerine. The peel of a ripe fruit comes off quite easily.
  • If you want to take pitahaya home to Russia, then buy unripe fruits. A ripe dragonfruit will not survive a long journey and will spoil somewhere else in the middle of the journey.
  • Red varieties have the property - the darker the skin color, the brighter and more expressive the taste.

Guava - fragrant exotic

Guava. Photo: © flickr/Gregg Tavares

Among all the fruits of Thailand, guava stands apart. It seems that the locals simply cannot live without it. For Thais, guava is a kind of analogue of apples, which are practically not grown in this part of Asia. Guava is used to make jams, jams, jellies, mashed potatoes, sweet sauces and syrups, it is used as a filling for baking, it is canned, soaked, added to ice cream, puddings, waffles, etc. In general, almost everything you want is made from it .

Appearance: resembles a small round pear with a bumpy surface of green or yellow. The flesh is pink or light beige.

Taste: they do not have a pronounced taste, but the smell is delicious! Guava fruits, especially unripe ones, are often used as a home flavoring.

Price: almost all year round they ask from 40 baht per kg of fresh guava. From 20 baht they will take a couple of fruits soaked in sugar syrup - they have a sweet refreshing taste and bright green color.

Benefits: rich in vitamins and minerals, while it is a very low-calorie product. Guava contains fatty acids and proper fats that promote weight loss. This fruit holds the record for vitamin C content. In 100 grams of guava, it is several tens of times more than the daily requirement.

Carambola - the famous star fruit

Carambola. Photo: © flickr/Melissa Santos de Resende

This fruit of Thailand is the real pride of the country, it is famous for its unusual appearance and beauty.

Appearance: Ripe carom fruit is golden or copper-amber in color, unripe fruits are green. In size - no more than a chicken egg. The shape resembles a ribbed airship. In cross section, it looks like a five-pointed star, which is why carom in English is sometimes called star fruit (starfruit) - star fruit.

Taste: Depending on the variety, it can be sweet and sweet and sour. Reminds me of a cross between a cucumber, an apple and a gooseberry. The pulp is juicy, slightly spicy.

Season: starts in October and lasts until the end of November.

Price: in the markets of Pattaya, they ask for 40 baht per kg, in Phuket carom is more expensive, but this is the case with all the fruits of Thailand.

Benefits: Star fruit is rich in vitamins C, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Thais say that eating carom as food reduces the risk of kidney stones, and also helps with hangovers.

  • Carom can be eaten fresh. However, the Thais themselves love to dry it, pickle it, salt it, add it to meat dishes, and also use it as a decoration for ready meals.
  • The skin of the fruit is edible, so the fruit can simply be washed before use or lightly boiled in syrup until soft - such carom is very fragrant.

Papaya is a healthy fruit from the tropics

Papaya. Photo: © flickr/Luis Tamayo

Oddly enough, but papaya, from the point of view of botany, is a berry, although it grows on trees. Her homeland is Mexico. However, papaya is now grown in many tropical countries. In Thailand, this fruit is also easy to find.

Appearance: Ripe papaya has a yellow-green or orange skin and juicy carrot (yellow) flesh. Seeds are black, hard, inedible. A ripe papaya can be up to 35 cm long and weigh between 1 and 8 kg. Unripe papaya is green.

Taste: has a light, not very pronounced taste. Some varieties taste like melon, some like carrots or zucchini. Tourists who have tried papaya in both Thailand and India say that it tastes better in India.

Season: all year round.

Prices: from 20–30 baht per kg.

Benefits: rich in vitamins and trace elements (vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron). The use of papaya in food helps to normalize the work of the digestive organs, enhances metabolism, prevents the occurrence and development of cancer cells.

  • Papaya, even green, is actively used in Thai cuisine. A delicious salad is made from unripe green fruits - Som Tam, it is stewed like eggplant or zucchini. Ripe fruits are used to prepare sweet desserts, baby puree, and candied fruits.
  • What is the right way to eat papaya? Remove the skin from the fruit. Cut in half. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon and cut the halves into slices or cubes. Or just cut the washed fruit in half, remove the seeds and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Mangosteen - exotic and very healthy

Mangosteen. Photo: © flickr/Yun Huang Yong

Mangosteen is one of the most popular fruits in Thailand. Mangosteen is difficult to find in the wild, it is a hybrid artificially bred from two types of trees.

Appearance: fruit the size of a small apple. Under the dark red (purple) shell hides a juicy white pulp, divided into 5-10 cloves, like garlic.

Taste: unusual - sweet and sour. Reminds many of grapes, peach and strawberries at the same time.

Season: falls in the summer months - from May to July.

Price: Mangosteen sells for 80–100 baht per kilogram in summer. In winter, prices can reach up to 200 baht per kg.

Benefits: contains a large amount of antioxidants that stabilize brain activity, help with weight loss, and have a positive effect on blood formation. A very low-calorie fruit, it can be consumed in large quantities even with a diet.

  • Mangosteen is best consumed fresh. But you can add it to fruit salads, desserts, ice cream and smoothies.
  • Mangosteen is easy to clean. Cut the shell of the fruit in a circle without touching the pulp. Slightly turn the half with your hands in opposite directions and the shell will easily move away from the pulp. Each lobule contains a bone.

Passion fruit is a fantastically fragrant fruit.

Passion fruit. Photo: © flickr/THOR

In Thailand, purple passion fruit is common, but there is also a variety with a yellow color.

Appearance: fruits are spherical, 8-12 cm in diameter. The peel of ripe fruits has a color from purple to dark purple. The pulp is jelly-like, juicy.

Taste: the pulp of the fruit smells very sweet, its taste is sweet and sour, but slightly tart. Perfectly quenches thirst and tones the body.

Season: January to mid-April.

Price: you will have to pay an average of 100 baht per kilogram. In supermarkets and markets, prices are about the same. The price does not depend on the season either.

Benefits: The pulp of the fruit contains many vitamins and minerals. Helps to increase immunity, improves vision, gives the skin a healthy look, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

  • Passion fruit is most often eaten fresh. To do this, cut it in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. Passion fruit is also added to desserts and cocktails.
  • Passion fruit doesn't store well, spoils quickly, and doesn't handle shipping very well.
  • When buying passion fruit, pay attention to the peel. One should not be too dark and flabby - such a passion fruit is already spoiled.

Jackfruit - tropical giant

Jackfruit pulp. Photo: © flickr/neajjean

Jackfruit is very much loved by the locals; in Thailand, this fruit is sold literally on every corner. Due to the large number of useful properties, this fruit is on every Thai table. And because of its high carbohydrate content, jackfruit is often referred to as "breadfruit".

Appearance: similar to durian, but with larger green or yellowish-beige fruits. Inside the fruit is divided into many small segments, which consist of edible pulp. The weight of one fruit can reach 40 kilograms, which is why the jackfruit is sold in the markets already cut into small pieces.

Taste: Ripe fruits may have a sweetish taste, reminiscent of baby gum. Fresh jackfruit has a banana-pineapple flavor. If the fruit smells unpleasant, then most likely it is overripe and it is undesirable to eat it.

Season: Breadfruit is sold all year round in Thailand, but most of it is harvested between January and May.

Price: the average price is from 40 baht per kilogram. Almost no one buys whole jackfruit fruits. It is really very big. The price of one uncut jackfruit can be 900-1000 baht. As I said, most often it is sold already cut in parts.

Benefits: Jackfruit fruits increase immunity, help prevent cancer, improve digestion, lower blood pressure, increase hemoglobin and have a positive effect on the thyroid gland. It is highly recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is also very popular among vegetarians, as it is an ideal substitute for meat.

  • Jackfruit is eaten fresh and processed. It is often used to make desserts and canned in syrup. Unripe fruits are used as an ingredient in some Thai dishes.
  • Do not walk under jackfruit trees in Thailand))) By the way, there are a lot of them here.
  • Ripe jackfruit has a soft shell. If you bought a fruit with a hard peel, then wait a bit - it will ripen on its own.
  • Cut jackfruit should be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.
  • Choose large fruits - they are the most delicious.

Tangerine - Thai mandarin

Tangerine. Photo: © flickr/Twentyfour Students

Tangerine is a Thai mandarin.

Appearance: Tangerine fruits are the same size as tangerines, but they have a lot of seeds. The skin of the tangerine is thin and easy to peel. There are different varieties - green and bright orange, so the ripened fruit is not determined by its color.

Taste: Sweeter than tangerines. Very fragrant.

Season: all year round.

Price: from 40 baht per kilogram, wholesale in large shopping supermarkets is even cheaper. Everywhere in macaques and cafes you can find freshly squeezed tangerine juice - 20 baht per serving. Highly recommend.

Benefits: The fruit is used as a tonic due to its high content of essential oils. The pulp and juice of the fruit are used for cosmetic purposes to give the skin a healthy look. Potassium strengthens the cardiovascular system, calcium makes strong bones, hair and nails.

Tip: it is best to buy fruits from local farmers who arrange real "fruit breaks" on their pickup trucks right on the roadsides.

Rambutan - "hairy" fruit

Rambutan. Photo: © flickr/Jorge Cancela

Unusual appearance and exotic taste helped rambutan win a leading position in the hearts of the local population and tourists. Rambutan means "hair" in Malay, which is why it is sometimes referred to as "hairy". This strange name is easy to explain - the peel of rambutan is strewn with bristles-hooks.

Appearance: Fresh ripe rambutan should have a red or dark red skin with green bristle hairs. Spoiled rambutan has a dark, almost black color of the skin and hairs. The pulp is jelly-like cream color. The bone is inedible.

Taste: May vary depending on variety. It is mainly sold a variety with a sweet taste with a predominance of sourness, similar to lychee or sweet grapes. Aroma - a rose with spices. 80% of the fruit is juice, so rambutan easily quenches thirst.

Season: from May to mid-June.

Price: from 40 baht per kilogram.

Benefits: contains nicotinic, folic acid, thiamine, vitamins A, C. Improves skin condition, helps to normalize the digestive system, cleanses the body of toxins.

Lychee is a fragrant tropical fruit.

Lychee. Photo: © flickr/fruitGloss

Lychee is a very popular fruit among tourists in Thailand. Yes, and local lychees love it - they eat it fresh, pickled and even boiled!

Appearance: small plum-sized balls. Shell color from pink to red. The pulp is whitish in color, inside is an inedible bone.

Taste: sweet and sour, but depends on the variety. A very fragrant fruit - the smell is very sweet, reminiscent of sugary perfumes.

Season: April-June.

Price: from 100 baht per kg.

Benefits: low-calorie product, contains phosphorus, iron, proteins, tones, restores strength.

Noina - sugar apple

Noina. Photo: © flickr/guilherme jofili

A fruit of the anon family, which is called "sugar apple" in Thailand.

Appearance: the shape is similar to a round green apple with a bumpy surface. Inside the pulp is white with many seeds.

Taste: creamy, creamy, similar to sweet persimmon with apricot flavor.

Season: November to January.

Price: in season - from 40 baht / kg., in the off season - from 60 baht. It is sold literally everywhere - in all markets and supermarkets.

Benefits: very high-calorie and nutritious fruit, well restores strength.

  • It is better to keep the noina in the refrigerator before use - chilled, it is even tastier.
  • Noina's bones are poisonous, so it is better not to give it to children.
  • If you want to bring home noina, then carefully pack each fruit in individual packaging! In this case, you can carry already ripened fruits.

Mango - the most delicate delicacy

Mango. Photo: © flickr/m.prinke

Translated from Sanskrit, mango means “great fruit” and you can’t even argue with that. Locals call it the king of fruits in Thailand.

Appearance: Mangoes come in yellow, green, red, orange and even purple. In shape, they resemble ostrich eggs, weighing 200-350 grams. The peel is dense and smooth, the pulp is fibrous. Large bone inside.

Taste: mango pulp melts in the mouth, the taste is fresh, pleasant. It looks like a cross between a peach and a pineapple.

Season: March to June.

Price: The lowest prices for mangoes in the summer harvest season - they ask for 35 baht per kg. In the tourist season (from October to February), prices, alas, are higher - from 80 baht.

Benefits: low-calorie fruit, rich in ascorbic acid, has a positive effect on bone tissue, lowers blood cholesterol, strengthens the circulatory system, and helps fight colds. Considered a natural aphrodisiac.

  • In supermarkets, mango prices can be sky-high, just because of the beautiful wrapper. I recommend looking for fruits in the ruins of farmers along the roads and in open markets.
  • If you want to take the mango home, then buy slightly unripe fruits - at room temperature they will ripen in less than a week.
  • Before transporting mangoes home, pack each fruit in an individual package. This will protect him from severe damage.
  • Try different varieties - everyone tastes different.
  • Choose fruits with a dense, clean and dry skin, without dents or spots.
  • To peel a mango, use a sharp knife to cut the fruit into two halves and remove the stone. Cut the flesh crosswise and turn the half inside out. The resulting cubes can be eaten as is or cut off with a knife.

Sapodilla - Thai persimmon

Sapodilla. Photo: © flickr/Thamizhpparithi Maari

Sapodilla is a sweet, tasty and fragrant fruit that is consumed both raw and made into juices, jams and smoothies. It is considered one of the most delicious fruits in Thailand.

Appearance: The ripe fruit has a brown peel, under which there is a fibrous pulp with stones. The peel of a mature sapodilla is brown. If the fruit is green, it is unripe.

Taste: sweet, tart, and if the fruit is overripe, it has sugary notes, the aroma resembles dried fruits.

Season: all year round.

Price: from 30 baht per kg.

Benefits: the fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients, gives strength and energy, has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

- giant grapefruit

Pomelo. Photo: © flickr/Gary Stevens

Another name is sheddok, in honor of the English navigator who brought fruit seeds from Asia to India.

Appearance: looks like a huge grapefruit. The fruits are mostly rounded, sometimes pear-shaped or flattened. Color - from green to yellow. In diameter, one fruit can reach 30 cm.

Taste: like its relative grapefruit - sweet and sour with hints of bitterness.

Season: October-November, but sold all year round.

Price: from 100 to 150 baht per kg.

Benefits: contains vitamins A, C, B, phosphorus, sodium, iron and essential oils, promotes weight loss, improves immunity.

Kumquat - dwarf orange

Kumquats. Photo: © flickr/Alpha

Kumquats are relatives of citrus fruits. Kumquats are eaten fresh, in the form of confectionery, candied fruits or canned food.

Appearance: A dwarf orange with a thin skin.

Taste: pleasant juicy sweet. It is worth paying attention that the fruit has an edible peel and a bright, juicy fruit.

Season: May-June.

Price: 80–130 baht per kg.

Benefits: Kumquats are a great cold remedy. You need to brew hot tea from kumquat and ginger. Drink with honey. This tea allows you to quickly recover.

Salak - snake fruit

Salak. Photo: © flickr/istolethetv

The Thais also call herring "snake fruit" for its appearance.

Appearance: small pear-shaped fruits with a hard, prickly, rough, scaly brown shell. The pulp is light beige, dense in consistency, divided into several segments. The seeds are inedible.

Taste: with bright sourness, reminiscent of a cross between strawberries and grapes or cherries.

Season: May-April, but sold all year round.

Price: from 40 baht per kg.

Benefits: strengthens the immune system, removes toxins, helps with diarrhea.

Tip: Baltic herring is unlikely to be taken home, as it quickly deteriorates.

Pineapple - juicy exotic

A pineapple. Photo: © flickr/fruitGloss

In Thailand, pineapples of different varieties grow, and all of them are completely different in taste from our store ones. Thai pineapples are juicy and do not pinch the tongue at all.

Appearance: like a regular pineapple. It happens in different sizes - from large ones for several kilograms, to fruits for a couple of bites.

Taste: juicy, sweet, slightly tart.

Season: all year round.

Price: from 20 baht apiece.

Benefits: contains a lot of minerals and trace elements that promote the breakdown of proteins and prevent the formation of cellulite. Very low calorie.

  • Ripe pineapples have slightly soft skins.
  • Unripe pineapples may ripen on their own.
  • In the markets of Thailand, when buying a pineapple, you can ask to peel and cut it. There is nothing strange in this - the Thais clean it easily and accurately, without cutting off a lot of pulp. You probably won't be able to do the same. The service is inexpensive - only 10 baht.
  • Buy pineapples in bulk - 3-6 pieces, it's cheaper.

familiar, but different

Bananas. Photo: © flickr/Joe deSousa

Bananas in Thailand are sold literally at every turn. They are cheap and sweeter than ours.

Appearance: like a regular banana, but can vary in size - from small palm to large.

Taste: many times sweeter than in Russia, especially small ones.

Season: all year round.

Price: from 20 baht per bunch.

Benefits: rich in potassium, very high in calories - help to gain weight.

Tips: Don't buy ripe bananas in large bunches. You won't have time to eat before they go bad. Slightly green unripe fruits will ripen in a couple of days.

- familiar exotic

Coconuts. Photo: © flickr/Lummmy

Thais love coconuts and it seems they can't live without them. They eat them fresh, bake, boil, make ice cream, syrups, butter and milk. Coconut milk is added to soups and sauces, meat and fish dishes. They even use it as utensils!

Appearance: young white nuts and large green nuts are most often on sale.

Season: all year round.

Price: from 15-20 baht apiece in the markets and from 50 baht on the beaches. Prices do not change throughout the year.

Benefits: It is a source of all essential vitamins and minerals. Coconut oil is in the cosmetic bag of any self-respecting Thai. Coconut water is good for everyone, it can be given even to very tiny children.

  • To choose a fresh coconut, shake it. There is a clear splash - the coconut is ripe and fresh. Overripe and old coconuts are drier.
  • Where possible, order cocktails and salads right in the coconut - its smell and appearance adds spice and exoticism to the meal.

Watermelon - simple and clear

Watermelon. Photo: © flickr/fruitGloss

Thai watermelons are rarely large - mostly 4-6 kg.

Appearance: round, green, striped, in general, ordinary watermelons, but the flesh is not only red, but also yellow.

Taste: very sweet and refreshing. The color of the watermelon does not affect the taste.

Season: From October to March, the peak of watermelon ripening occurs.

Price: 30 to 40 baht for a medium watermelon. A portion of sliced ​​watermelon from a fruit macaron will cost 10–20 baht.

Benefits: Good for the cardiovascular system, it is an excellent thirst quencher in the heat.

It will not be difficult to answer the question - what tourists take out of Thailand the most - of course, fruits. You will hardly see such a variety of taste, smell, color and shape anywhere else. Moreover, all fruits are environmentally friendly, they are grown without any chemicals. For those traveling to Thailand for the first time

Some fruits will, of course, be already familiar, but most of the fruits that grow here are not yet imported to Russia. Therefore, we will conduct a small educational program: you can look at the photo - how these fruits look, and read their brief description.

Season - all year round, price - from 20 baht / piece.

Pomelo (Som-Oh)

The largest fruit of the citrus family, which has long been purchased by Russian retail chains. Many people like it more than oranges and grapefruits, although they do not have much useful weight due to the very thick peel. Like all citrus fruits, it is rich in vitamin C. Choose those that smell stronger. Many Thais eat pomelo with a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper. Added to some dishes. Often used in various diets.

Season - June-February, price from 50 baht / piece.

Dragon eye, dragon fruit, dragon fruit (Geow mangon)

A very interesting-looking fruit, in fact, is the fruit of a cactus. The scientific name is pitahaya. The taste and texture is a bit like kiwi. Edible pulp with small black seeds, which is white and red. Red is tastier, but also more expensive. Pitaya is good for the thyroid gland, skin, vision, promotes weight loss, and helps in the treatment of gout. It is recommended to eat chilled, cut in half and pick out the pulp with a spoon. Pitaya flowers are brewed with tea. Be careful - the juice from the peel is very difficult to wash off.

Guava (Farang)

A round green fruit that looks like an apple. It has a white, rather firm, edible flesh that is slightly bitter-sweet in taste. Both ripe and unripe fruits are eaten with the peel, in this case with a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper. You can also cut the guava into slices, remove the seeds, soak in sugar syrup and cool. Get a delicious dessert. They also make delicious jelly, jam and marmalade from guava. The fruit is good for the heart and digestion. It is rich in vitamin C, in guava it is 5 times more than in oranges. An interesting fact is that Thais call European tourists farangs.

Season - all year round, price - from 30 baht / kg.

Durian (Durian, Too-ree-an)

The most interesting and controversial fruit in the whole world. It translates as "aroma in reverse." Considered the king of all fruits. Storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. It has a frightening appearance of a combat club - large (up to 8 kg), prickly and hard. Inside, in a kind of five chambers - edible cream-colored pulp.

Taste is very unique. Different people have different taste sensations. Probably because the taste buds are closely related to the sense of smell. The peculiarity of this fruit is that before opening it practically does not smell, but after opening, after 10-15 minutes, a reaction with oxygen occurs and a very strong and persistent nasty putrefactive odor appears. Therefore, not many dare to taste it. So if you dare, then do not buy already cut and packaged fruit, but ask to be opened right in front of you. Ripe pulp should be well pressed after pressing with a finger, elastic - it does not have a very pleasant taste. It is better to eat with a spoon, so if you take it with your hands, then it is difficult to get rid of the smell.

I advise you to definitely try. Firstly, you will later tell that you ate the famous durian, and secondly, such an opportunity will not be presented anywhere else, since the export of durian from Thailand is prohibited. It is not even allowed to be carried into the territory of hotels and the airport. True, whoever wants to treat friends can buy a permitted alternative - jam or durian chips. Most people who have tasted a freshly cut durian find the taste to be nutty-cheesy-creamy-strawberry.

Rich in trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. It is very useful for male dignity, but keep in mind - you can’t try durian if you drank alcohol that day, there may be problems with pressure and heart. Roasted durian seeds are also eaten.

Interesting facts: Currently, breeding work is underway to develop a variety devoid of an unpleasant odor. Durian pickers must work in helmets, as a large fruit that has fallen from a tree can easily kill a person.

Season - April - September, price - from 80 baht / piece, or from 120 baht / kg (cut), not a cheap pleasure.

Jack fruit, jackroot, breadfruit (Kha-nun)

Very large fruit, can grow up to 40 kg. How do trees stand up to them? But the trees, however, to match the fruit, grow up to 25 meters, and the fruits, by the way, do not grow on branches, but on the trunk itself. It is considered the largest fruit in the world. It looks like a durian, only the spines are smaller and not sharp. Inside - in the form of lobules, many seeds surrounded by a soft pericarp. It is they who are eaten, having previously taken out the bones. The taste is sweet-sugary, vaguely reminiscent of melon. Sold already cut and packaged.

If you choose a whole fruit, the main sign of ripeness is soft spikes. Jackfruit is also added to meat dishes, salads, canned and made into chips. Dried or roasted seeds are also eaten. The peel is used to make chewing gum. Wood is used to make boards, furniture and musical instruments. Latex is extracted from tree trunks. The fruits are rich in calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and vitamin A.

Season - January-September, price - from 20 baht for a bowl of 6-8 slices.

Carambola (Ma-fuang)

Fruits of green or yellow color of very unusual form. If cut across, you get beautiful five-pointed stars. Often used to decorate various dishes. Ripe fruits are juicy, without a pronounced taste, a bit like a mixture of bell pepper, pineapple, apple and kiwi. Moreover, the green variety is sweeter than the yellow. Can be eaten with sugar or salt. It contains a lot of vitamin C and oxalic acid, so it is contraindicated in people with peptic ulcer. Salads, juices and sauces are made from carambola, added to meat dishes.

Season - May-December, price - from 40 baht / kg.

Kumquat (Kumquat)

Probably the smallest member of the citrus family, but very useful. Rich in vitamins, has bactericidal and antipyretic properties. It is quite difficult to peel, but you can eat with the peel. Compotes, jams, jams, marmalade and jelly are cooked from kumquat, candied fruits are made. Jam is good for colds.

Season - May-June, price - from 40 baht / kg.

Langsat, Longkong (Lang sat, Longkong)

In fact, these are different fruits, but from the same family. Grows in clusters like grapes. It also tastes a bit like it. It only has a hard thin skin, under which a translucent sweet-sour elastic pulp is hidden. We can say that these are Thai seeds. Contains many vitamins. The bones are bitter and not edible.

Season - May-November, price - from 40 baht / kg.

Longan (Lam-yai)

Practically the same as langsat. Under the peel - juicy sweet pulp with a non-edible bone. Translated from Chinese as dragon's eye. Longan makes a delicious compote, also often added to ice cream, dried - eaten like raisins. It is not recommended to eat a large amount of longan at a time - the body temperature may rise.

Season - May-October, price - from 50 baht / kg.

Lychee (Linchi)

It looks like langsat and longan, only with a red and pimply peel. It has a pleasant strawberry aroma. In Thailand, they began to grow not so long ago, so it is still quite expensive. They are consumed raw and canned, they make jellies, juices and wine. Used in cooking, cosmetics and household chemicals. Helps with anemia, good for digestion. You can't eat the bones.

Season - April-June, price - from 60 baht / kg.

Mango (Ma-muang)

One of those fruits worth bringing from Thailand. The mangoes here are very juicy and delicious. They have a pleasant smell. They sell both ripe yellow and unripe green fruits. Greens are eaten with salt and pepper or added to salads. Many Thai dishes are prepared with mango, as well as pickled, juice, jelly, sauce and chips are made. The export of mangoes and pineapples brings good money to the Thai budget.

Mango is not only tasty, but also a very healthy fruit, and it is not for nothing that many consider it the No. 1 fruit in the world. The fruits are rich in vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. It has a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the intestines, heart and brain. Do not take soft fruits on the road, choose yellow ones, but rather elastic, they will ripen perfectly later.

Season - January-June, price - from 45 baht / kg.

Mangosteen, Mangosteen (Mang-khut)

It is considered one of the most delicious fruits. If durian is the king of fruits, then mangosteen is the queen. Under the thick purple peel are tender, sweet and sour, reminiscent of garlic cloves. Some have bones. The bulk of the weight falls on the thick peel, so if you calculate the real useful weight, it turns out that the mangosteen is not only one of the most delicious, but also one of the most expensive fruits. By the way, monkeys are also very fond of mangosteen, and more than bananas. It is a powerful antioxidant. Contains half of the periodic table.

If you are lucky with things, pack well, because the juice from the peel is very difficult to wash off. Choose fruits with a hard (but not stone) intact skin. A very hard, spotty, dry, or vice versa too soft peel indicates that the fruit is already old and possibly spoiled. It is better to eat like this - cut with a knife in the middle in a circle, but not completely, you only need to cut the hard shell. Then divide the fruit with your hands into two parts. The pulp will be in one of the halves. Juice, wine are made from mangosteen, used in cooking and cosmetics.

Passionfruit (Passion Fruit)

It translates as the fruit of passion. It has a bright, rich sweet and sour taste. The fruit is cut in half and the jelly-like pulp is eaten with a spoon along with the seeds. The taste of passion fruit is familiar even to those who have never tried it, as it is part of the Multifrukt juice. Useful for vision, improves immunity.

Season - January-April, price - from 10 baht / piece.

Noi-na, Sugar apple (Noi-Naa)

The fruit, the size of a large pomegranate, is light green in color, with a bumpy skin and white sugar pulp inside. The taste is very pleasant. You can eat it by cutting it in half and scooping it out with a spoon. Ripe fruits are quite soft to the touch. If the pulp is mixed with coconut juice and frozen, you get delicious ice cream. Noi-na is rich in vitamins, fiber, and contains virtually no calories. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. Do not try to eat the bones - they are poisonous, they are even used to make insect poison and a remedy for lice.

Season - June-September, price - from 50 baht / kg.


A very controversial fruit. Manufacturers consider noni juice very beneficial for health and say that it is a strong antioxidant. Helps in curing many diseases. A good tool for weight loss, as it puts in order the metabolism in the body. Many generally consider noni a panacea for all diseases. Most scientists are not so optimistic, and consider noni juice just fortified fruit juice. And the Anti-Doping Committee generally included it in the list of prohibited drugs. The noni fruit itself is rarely found commercially, as it has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. Mostly they are made, which are sold in Thailand and in many other outlets.

Season - all year round, price from 250 baht / 0.7 l. 100% juice.

Papaya (Ma-la-koo)

Quite a large oval-shaped fruit with orange flesh. In appearance and texture, it looks like a melon (the second name for papaya is a melon tree), in taste - more like boiled carrots. An unripe papaya has a green and tough skin, a ripe papaya has a golden yellow skin, the fruit is slightly squeezed when pressed with a finger. Useful for blood vessels, digestion, proper liver function, people with diabetes and peptic ulcer.

Some do not like the smell of papaya, it is easy to get rid of it by pouring lemon or lime juice on the pulp. Often served in hotels for breakfast. Unripe papaya is the main ingredient of the famous spicy Thai Som Tam salad, which is also supplemented with crab meat, fish, dried shrimp, garlic, chili, lime and spices. Meat cooked with papaya will be very soft and juicy.

Season - all year round, price - from 25 baht / kg.

Sala, Salak, Rakam (La Kham, Ra-kum)

A very unique fruit. It has tough brown skin covered with small spikes, so be careful when cleaning. It is also called snake fruit because of its scaly skin, although some consider crayfish or snake fruit to be a separate species. White-yellow pulp has a strong aroma and a peculiar taste. Cancer is useful in intestinal diseases.

Season - May-August, price from 50 baht / kg.

Sapodilla, Sapodilla (La-moot)

A brown, potato-like fruit with a thin, non-edible skin. The seeds are also not eaten. The yellow-brown flesh has a sweet taste of burnt sugar, beer root, honey and pear. There are better soft ripe fruits. Many do not like it because they try unripe fruits, and they have a high content of latex and tannin that are not very pleasant to the taste. Latex is even mined from a tree trunk. It is better not to store fruits for a long time, as the smell becomes not very pleasant. Sapodilla is rich in vitamins and tannins, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the immune system. You can make puree, jam or add to a milkshake.

Season - September-December, price - from 30 baht / kg.

Rambutan (Ngaw)

Because of its appearance, it is perhaps the most unusual fruit. Red furry hedgehogs, the size of a walnut, hide delicate sweet flesh under the skin. "Rambut" is translated as "hair". It tastes like sweet grapes. Juice, marmalade, jelly and even candles are made from rambutan. Eating rambutans has a beneficial effect on the skin and also reduces the risk of cancer. Choose bright red (but not dark red) fruits with greenish hairs. Eat better chilled. On sale sometimes there is a fruit similar to rambutan, but one and a half times larger in size and not hairy. This is a paladin. It tastes like rambutan, only sweeter.

Season - April-October, price - from 40 baht / kg.

Tamarind (Ma-kham-Wan)

Looks like bean pods. Having broken the hard peel, inside you will find a sweet viscous pulp with hard, non-edible bones. It tastes a bit like dates. Compotes are cooked from tamarind, sweets and other sweets are made. There is a variety with sour pulp, sauces are mainly cooked from it. It has a mild laxative effect, reduces cough.

Season - all year round, price - from 40 baht / kg.

Tangerine (Som)

A type of mandarin with a green skin. It tastes like a tangerine, only sweeter. It is rich in vitamin C. On the streets, they often sell juice from tangerines and tangerines, poured into small bottles.

Season - August-February, price - from 30 baht / kg.

Chom poo, shompu, Rose apple (Chom-phu)

The fruit looks like a bell. It comes in green, red or pink. No need to clean. It has a slightly pronounced sweet and sour taste, crunchy, very refreshing and quenches thirst, if eaten chilled.

Season - all year round, price - from 45 baht / kg.

You can see about a dozen more unfamiliar fruits on sale, but they are quite rare, so we did not describe them in this article.

As for the season, if it is written, for example, January-May, this does not mean that this fruit will not be on the shelves in December. Of course it will, only in smaller quantities and for more money. Don’t look at the price too much, this is the price in season and in good places.

Personally, I have tried almost everything, but I liked pineapples, mangoes and mangosteens the most. It is them that I advise you to take with you to your homeland, well, the dragon's eye is still possible, because of the unusual look and name.

Video about fruit prices in Pattaya (May 2014)

Human curiosity is inherent and manifests itself in so many things. The search for something new gives a lot of experience, knowledge, and sometimes unforeseen surprises. With the opportunity to travel to different countries, a great opportunity has opened up to learn not only the life and culture of other people, but also their products. Residents of Europe with amazement taste what is brought from Asia and other continents. The fruits of Thailand are of particular interest, because they are different from other varieties and are something unknown, interesting, and, of course, very useful, so it is so important to learn more about them.


Thailand is an amazing country that amazes tourists with the originality of its culture, which is very different from the European part of the world. Tourists often go to this country on vacation, as there are excellent beaches and a mild climate. Thanks to the bright but not scorching sun and frequent rains, Thailand is rich in a wide variety of fruits that can be easily bought at every corner. The cost of any delicacies, for which our resident at home will give a lot of money, will be very small here.

Loyal pricing policy is not accidental, because the harvests in the country are very high and are harvested two to three times a year. In this regard, there is another distinguishing feature of fruits from Thailand: they do not have any chemical additives in their composition, because even without them they grow perfectly, ripen on time and do not get sick.

Thai fruits are known all over the world and are in demand, because their taste and useful qualities can hardly be overestimated.

Of course, Thai food is unusual for tourists, especially if the trip is for the first time, but Thais eat exotic dishes daily, not considering them to be something atypical. Thai chefs and culinary specialists know a huge number of recipes in which you can use fruits., and the most delicious of them are taken over by masters from all over the world and cooked in the most expensive restaurants, asking crazy money for a portion. If you want to see everything with your own eyes, try all the variety of food and healthy fruits, you should visit this amazing country.

If we talk about the fruits themselves, which grow in Asia, then they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health, in addition, some can be used as a therapeutic drug, whose effect has been proven by many generations. Thais eat not only ripe, but also unripe fruit pulp, which is combined with a wide variety of dishes. A feature of this country are mini-markets and shops, which are located on every street, where they sell not only fruits and vegetables, but also ready-made juices, smoothies, cuts and soups - you can try them right on the street.

Since fruits are exotic for tourists, it is important to consume them in moderation so as not to get digestive problems due to the consumption of a large amount of unfamiliar food.

Another feature of the new food can be non-traditional taste sensations that arise when tasting a particular fruit. If you want to enjoy food in the comfort of your room, you should prepare for eating in advance by watching a video of exactly how certain fruits are cleaned and eaten, because Thai delicacies have a number of features.

By visiting Thailand, you can get a number of important discoveries for yourself:

  • new knowledge about the culture and traditions of another nation;
  • new taste sensations from food in Thailand;
  • acquaintance with all the exotic fruits of the country at a low cost;
  • the opportunity to learn some tricks of recipes and cook them at home;
  • a chance to bring some exotic home and pamper your loved ones.

To make the trip pleasant, and the taste sensations from new food leave unforgettable emotions, you need to read in advance about all the fruits that are found in this country: about their benefits, effects on the human body, methods of cleaning, cutting and eating - then every day in this country will be full of surprises and enjoyment.

Titles and descriptions

Since the variety of fruits in Thailand will not leave anyone indifferent, it is worth learning more about the most popular of them.

  • durian- is considered one of the most delicious delicacies in the country, but it has a very strong fetid smell, therefore it is not allowed to transport and even eat where there is a large crowd of people. The trees where these fruits grow are very tall, some of them reach 50 meters. Thailand is famous for its large species diversity of durian, but not all of them are suitable for human consumption. There are only 9 varieties that do not pose a threat to human health. The fruit is also majestic because its weight can reach four kilograms. The appearance is also unusual: the fruit is prickly on the outside, and the pulp is located in the shell, through which it can be difficult to get through. The color of durian is yellow-green.

  • dragon fruit - pitahaya- this is an interesting-looking fruit: externally, the color is pink, and inside it has white contents with black seeds. Despite all the mystery, the taste is very mediocre, and often there are almost none, because the Thais themselves add lime juice while taking pitahaya. The most popular use of this fruit is the production of drinks, smoothies and cocktails, in which sugar must be added. The demand for pitahaya is that it has a small amount of calories, and therefore contributes to weight loss. In addition, this product is endowed with a large number of useful substances, the seeds have a beneficial effect on vision, and the pulp becomes an excellent raw material for the preparation of remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems.

The process of eating pitaya consists in dividing the fruit in half, peeling and cutting into slices.

  • Mango- a fruit from Thailand, which has gained worldwide popularity and occupies a leading position in exports from the country. All this is due to the excellent taste, tenderness and juiciness of these fruits. At home, you can find a fairly large species diversity of this fruit, but, unlike durian, all mango fruits are suitable for consumption. An interesting fact is that this delicacy is low in calories, although it tastes very sweet. Due to the great popularity of mango, Thais prepare salads, desserts from it, add it to cocktails, yogurts. Due to the presence of useful properties, this product has also found its application in cosmetology: for example, you can see shampoos, creams and other products, where this fruit will be in the composition. Thailand has its own traditions of cutting and peeling the fruit, for which the peel is cut in vertical lines, affecting the pulp, after which horizontal lines are made, which in total gives cubes that are convenient to cut into a plate.

  • Longan- This is a berry that tastes like our melon. It is very tasty, but it is important to know the measure, consuming no more than 10 berries, otherwise you can feel the deterioration. Outwardly, the longan is covered with a hard shell, but it is quite easy to peel it. The pulp inside is dense, but not hard, in the middle there is a seed that cannot be eaten, because it is poisonous. To choose the right fruit, you should carefully examine the berry, feel its peel, which should be rough, not have bumps, dents and spots.
  • Rambutan is a hairy exotic fruit that grows in Thailand. This fruit is extremely popular because it has a pleasant taste, low calorie content; it is easy to clean and eat. To buy this shaggy fruit, you need to qualitatively inspect the hairs, which should be red-green, alive, without signs of aging, spoilage or black spots. The process of peeling the peel consists in making an incision in a circle and a slight pressure on the fruit. Inside there is also a bone that cannot be eaten. Everyone has their own taste qualities, therefore there is no single description of what this shaggy fruit tastes like, although they note its certain similarity with grapes.

  • A pineapple- is a popular delicacy in Thailand due to its pleasant taste and low cost. Pineapples bear fruit all year round, so you can always buy them at a low price. When buying this fruit, you can spend a little and immediately order cleaning and it will be right, because the Thais know how to carry out this procedure correctly, removing all unnecessary and not cutting off anything edible. All over the world, this fruit is valuable for the presence of a substance that helps speed up the metabolism, which allows you to lose weight faster.

To choose a ripe pineapple, you should pay attention to its skin: it should be a little soft, but if you get a green fruit, it doesn’t matter, you just need to wait a bit and the fruit will be ready to eat.

  • mangosteen- This is a purple small fruit, inside of which white slices “hide”, which have a delicate and pleasant taste with hints of sourness. In each slice there is a seed unsuitable for eating. You need to cut the mangosteen by analogy with rambutan, cutting in a circle. When choosing a fruit, it is important that it is not hard, but at the same time not too soft. It is best to use mangosteen that has just been harvested: this is how you can get all the benefits of the fruit.

  • Banana- the most famous fruit, which is familiar to everyone since childhood. In Thailand, they grow abundantly and year-round, because their cost is almost always minimal. At home, this delicacy differs greatly in taste from what is brought to the same Russia, therefore connoisseurs of this fruit are simply obliged to visit Thailand and treat themselves to real bananas. These fruits in the composition have a large amount of starch and potassium, therefore they saturate very quickly and you should not eat too much of them. When buying these fruits, you should look at the peel: if it is yellow, then the banana will not be stored for a long time, you need to eat it in a day or two, but if you need to keep them longer, then it is better to take green fruits that ripen themselves.

  • Guava- delicious, but bland fruit. There are two varieties: with pink and green flesh. The first is tastier and sweeter, for other cases, Thais use marinade, after which the fruit becomes sweeter and crispier. Guava is popular for preparing a variety of sauces and drinks, it is eaten fresh and pickled, and also used in everyday life as an air flavoring or an odor absorber in the refrigerator.

  • Lychee- extremely popular at home, not a single dish or drink can do without it. Lychee looks like a longan, has a pink tint, a pleasant smell, and inside is a jelly-like transparent substance and a bone that should not be eaten. Unlike similar ones, in this case it is worth noting the great sweetness of the fruit and the heady aroma. Due to the presence of vitamin B, phosphorus, proteins, iron and pectin, a person's mood improves after eating lychee.

  • Chompu apple- is a favorite fruit of children, as it has a pleasant taste, does not need to be peeled and does not contain seeds. The shape of these apples is pear-shaped, and the skin color is pink. Thanks to the pulp, which has a dense texture and white or pink color, you can quench your thirst on a hot day. When choosing a fruit, it is worth evaluating its color: it is undesirable to choose a dark color, it will not have the proper level of sugar, which will affect the taste.

  • Jackfruit- the fruit, according to external indicators, is very similar to durian, but has much larger dimensions. Often, jackfruit weighs about 40 kilograms, unlike durian, whose maximum is 4 kg. There are a lot of trees with these fruits in Thailand, so you should be careful and not pass under them so as not to get hit on the head by a heavy, albeit exotic fruit for our person. Jackfruit is very popular in Thailand due to its size, which makes it possible to get a lot of pulp, the taste of which is very similar to our apples. The method of preparation usually comes down to pickling in sugar syrup, but you can also make balls from fresh fruit, which are sold in any street stall.

  • passion fruit- This is a fruit popular in Thailand, which is rarely seen in Russia due to the rapid deterioration of the product and poor conditions for transportation. This fruit is also famous for its aroma, due to which it is added to various cosmetics. The pulp is under a thick skin and has a delicate and delicate taste.

At home, this fruit is eaten with a spoon, cutting the passion fruit into two parts. Juices, smoothies, fresh juices, cocktails and desserts are prepared from this fruit.

  • pomelo- a yellow-orange fruit, which at home reaches 30 cm in diameter and can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The taste is pleasant, sweet, but there is a slight bitterness. The fruit is valuable for the abundance of vitamins and nutrients that are important for people of different age groups.

  • Salak- an exotic fruit that is dressed in a peel similar to snake skin. Inside the Baltic herring, the flesh is white with strawberry and sea buckthorn flavors and a hint of walnut. It is the original taste that has become the very thing that makes this fruit so popular.

  • Langsat- in all respects it is similar to lychee and longan, it grows on trees in clusters. Langsat is a berry that hides in a shell, and its inner part consists of slices, which have one or two seeds. Unlike the aforementioned crops, it is rather tart on the palate, reminiscent of very sweet grapes mixed with tangerine and lemon. Thais use langsat for a variety of dishes, but most often it is served with meat and in salads. The residents themselves try to consume more of this fruit, as it helps to strengthen the immune system and resist diseases.

  • Coconut- is the most favorite fruit of Thailand. Locals eat it in a wide variety of forms: fried, pickled, baked, cheese, as an addition to meat and fish, as part of soup, sauce and more. Such popularity is associated not only with a pleasant taste, but also with the huge positive properties that coconut has. The liquid that is inside - the so-called coconut milk - is very similar to human plasma, because in wartime it was used as an aid in blood transfusions. Despite such popularity and the presence of useful properties, the pricing policy for this fruit remains stable: it is not expensive, and therefore is in demand throughout the year, as the harvest goes on all the time.

  • bail- This is an unusual fruit, which is also called a stone apple, because getting to the pulp is problematic. The Thais use a special technique for this. Unlike all previous fruits, bail is not consumed fresh, it serves as the basis for making teas.

If the pulp is dried, then it can be added to ice cream, jam, jam, and also to salad.

  • carambola- a very interesting-looking fruit that looks like a five-pointed star. Despite the bright yellow color and attractive appearance, the taste of the fruit is completely different: it is unsweetened and more like a vegetable. The main purpose of carambola is the decoration of confectionery, salads and more.

  • Mafai- Another representative similar to longan, rambutan and langsat. Mafai are small yellow-orange berries that hang in clusters on branches while in a thin shell. The pulp has a sweet taste and a slight sourness. It is very similar in texture to grapes. Mafai bears fruit almost the whole year, depending on where exactly it grows.

  • noina- these are fruits that look like cones, only large in size. They even have a coniferous aroma, there are scales and a green color of the peel. Inside, the noina is tender and sweet, with a hint of vanilla and coniferous aroma. It is difficult to remove the skin of the fetus, because the juice should not be allowed to flow, which can leave a burn if it gets on the mucous membrane. The process of consumption is also different: you need to eat noina with a spoon, removing the bones that are inside the fruit.

The popularity of the fruit is associated with its tonic effect and the ability to improve a person's mood.

  • Noni- a special fruit that is not sold on the shelves of shops or stalls, they are grown in specialized closed plantations. Healing juice is prepared from noni, which is very bitter in taste, but has a huge number of useful properties. It can be both drunk and used externally to treat wounds and burns.

  • Cherimoya- This is an exotic fruit that has an original appearance, resembling a nut in green scales. Both the indigenous people themselves and tourists love cherimoya for its pleasant and tender pulp, which resembles custard. When using it, you should be careful, because inside there are a large number of bones that cannot be eaten.

  • Papaya- a fruit from Thailand, which has a neutral taste and great benefits for the body. It is this fruit that is considered necessary for consumption by children under one year old as complementary foods. If you need to choose a good papaya, then you should pay attention to the skin, the color of which should be yellow with small green areas.

Green papaya is an artificially bred variety that is used in Thailand for a variety of salads.

  • Santol- a fruit that children love very much because of its soft and pleasant taste. Outwardly, santol looks like an apple, its color is beige, and the flesh is white and looks like slices. It is similar in taste to mangosteen, but has a weaker aroma. Inside the lobules there are bones that are difficult to separate from the pulp, which has become the reason for the low popularity of santol at home.

  • sapodilla- a fruit that looks like a potato, but radically different in taste. The brown skin on the outside makes the fruit unsightly, but the creamy tender flesh cannot leave anyone indifferent. The sweet taste is complemented by the aroma of coffee beans and dates.

  • Tamarillo- This is an exotic fruit that looks like a tomato. The red fruit with a dense skin has a size of about five centimeters. You can only eat the pulp, which has a sweet and sour taste and resembles a mixture of tomatoes and currants.

Tomarillo is valuable for a rich set of trace elements and vitamins, thanks to which it is often used as a remedy, which is excellent for migraines.

  • Tamarind- is a legume, has the appearance of a long pod in which the fruits are located. Tamarind is not eaten fresh, it is added to drinks, desserts, sauces, seasonings.

  • Watermelon- a fruit familiar to everyone, which in Thailand has a different taste, and sometimes a look. For Russia, watermelons with red pulp are the most common, and in Thailand there are varieties with a yellow and greenish middle. The size of watermelons in this country is small, so it is not difficult to carry them with you and on a hot day you can easily quench your thirst. Such a delicacy is inexpensive, everyone can afford it.

Thailand is rich in a wide variety of fruits and tourists who travel to this country for the first time should be familiar with them in order to be able to taste real delicacies and please themselves with not only tasty, but also healthy food.

Season by month

To know which fruits will be relevant in Thailand in a given month, you should stock up on knowledge in advance about how they grow and when they bear fruit. There are a number of fruits that are year-round in the country, which means you can enjoy them at any time of the year, but not all fruits of the country belong to these. So, jackfruit is harvested between March and June, so the end of spring and the beginning of summer are the best times to travel to Thailand to taste this interesting product. Almost the same ripening time is for mangoes, which can be bought fresh between March and May.

This indicates the spring nature of the ripening of these fruits.

A more summery crop is the longan, which sings from June to September, allowing locals and tourists alike to get the product in abundance. The lychee is a crop that only bears two months of the year, from May to June, so fans of this fruit should carefully choose the time of their trip to Thailand. Mangosteen is also among those fruits that actively ripen from spring to late summer. You can enjoy mangosteen from May to August. Rambutan has almost the same fruit readiness for consumption, but often the season drags on until the end of September, and in October it is already completely over.

The fruits that bear fruit almost the entire season and can often be found on store shelves include papaya, which can be obtained all year round, except for three months of summer. The situation is similar with pineapples, which are popular both among the local population and in the tourist environment. You can try pineapple on any day of the week of every month, but from August to October in some areas the trees stop bearing fruit.

As in our latitudes, watermelon is a purely summer fruit, which actively ripens from May to the end of September.

It was at this time in Thailand that the highest temperature is observed, from which you can escape not only with soft drinks, but also with juicy watermelons. Asia is rich in a wide variety of fruits, which for us may be familiar for a long time or completely incomprehensible and exotic. The same strawberries can be found here in November and December, when severe frosts and winter are already in our latitudes. Plum bears fruit in April and May, while our trees are just beginning to come to life after winter and bloom. The abundance of tasty and healthy food, beautiful nature and non-traditional life for a European make Asia, and, in particular, Thailand, a place of active tourism. In order for the rest to be informative and good, it is important to carefully prepare for it.

Is it possible to export fruits from Thailand?

When going to a new state, especially such an exotic one as Thailand, there is a desire to bring something from there as a keepsake. Many prefer souvenirs for this, but there are also true connoisseurs of exotic and healthy lifestyles. The Thais do not put any bans on the export of fruits from their country, because they are fully provided with them and are not afraid to lose most of the crop. To transport certain fruits on an airplane, you need to know the conditions of storage, transportation and packaging in order to bring fresh fruit home, and not crush it on the way.

Despite an open policy regarding products, Thailand has certain rules and laws for the importation of such baggage into its country. It is allowed to transport those exotic fruits that are not subject to quarantine or some other ban, because in this case it will not be possible to take such a load with you. Import into Russia with such baggage is allowed if:

  • each fruit is properly packaged, for which it is better to use the help of professionals;
  • the fruits are packed in a specialized plastic container, which can be easily bought at any Thai supermarket;
  • pack the plastic container in a bag to hide it from obvious inspection by the screeners at the airport, which will help to avoid unnecessary problems.

Such plastic containers can be checked in as the main baggage, but you can keep it with you, which will be considered as hand luggage, which can be transported inside the cabin. If you follow all the above rules and do not collect large stocks of exotic fruits, you can easily pass the control and transport the fruits and then enjoy the memories of a paradise vacation by eating real Thai fruits.

How to eat them?

Since Thailand is considered the birthplace of a large number of exotic fruits, it is important to know not only their names, get acquainted with their appearance and read about their taste and benefits, but also understand exactly how to eat them. There are fruits that we have known for a long time and there are no difficulties with their use, for example, bananas or watermelons; but there are more original fruits with which you have to rack your brains, not knowing the ritual of eating them.

To clean the herring, one cannot do without a knife, which will have to do painstaking work to remove the dense peel, which also has thorns.

The pulp of the fruit is light and has two or three lobules with a bone inside, which cannot be eaten. To make the cleaning process go faster, it is worth buying fresh herring, because after storage it becomes even more difficult to clean it. Longan has a dense, but thin peel, which must be pry off and removed from the pulp. This fruit is easy to peel, and pretty soon you can get to the pulp, which is almost transparent and tastes like a plum. Sapodilla is peeled easily, like a potato, by removing the skin. The pulp that remains after peeling resembles a persimmon or pear, but inside there are two rather large bones.

It is worth noting the excellent taste of the fruit, but there is also a minus: it deteriorates very quickly. Mangosteen is also cleaned with a knife, so as to get to the pulp. Inside, the mangosteen looks like white slices, inside of which are bones unsuitable for consumption. For a tourist, the fruit may seem incomprehensible, so the impressions may vary. Pitahaya can be eaten in two ways: the first involves dividing the fruit into two parts and eating the contents with a spoon, and the second is cutting the pulp into rings after the skin is removed. Pitahaya attracts tourists with external data, beautiful bright colors and original content, but its taste is far from external data.

Fruits that are difficult to peel, Thais usually sell already peeled, and they do it at a high professional level.

Those who want to try everything on their own experience need to be patient, didactic literature and relevant videos on cleaning and preparing fruits for eating. There are a lot of options for how Thais use exotic fruits for Europeans: adding them to main dishes, desserts, meat and fish, making cocktails, yoghurts, drinks and much more, which makes the inhabitants of this country marvel.

Interesting and delicious fruits from Thailand in the video below.

Thailand is a mystery, unseen, a miracle. Tourists are unanimously surprised at the beauty of temple complexes and Buddha statues, regularly admire the beauty of nature and for the time being do not know that in search of curiosities you can go to the nearest food market.

Oh yes, the markets of Southeast Asia are replete with unusual fruits: do you not immediately guess that it is a grape or a nut? eggplant or apple? As a rule, neither one nor the other, but something third, with an unfamiliar name and indescribable taste.

Everything is edible, everything is healthy and, most importantly, almost everything can be included in baby food.

So that you do not get lost in this variety, Kidpassage has collected information about all the exotic fruits of Thailand. You will learn how to choose fruits, how to eat them, what can be given to a child.

And since you probably want to buy fruit as a gift for your family and friends, we will also tell you how to bring fruit from Thailand.

What fruits are in Thailand

Walking through the Thai markets, you can easily count at least thirty types of fruits. They are grown in Thailand without the use of chemicals - in a hot, humid climate, all plants bear fruit abundantly, allowing you to harvest several times a year.

There will be few familiar fruits - pineapples, bananas, tangerines, watermelons, coconuts, there are even apples and strawberries (they began to be grown relatively recently in the north of the country).

Let's rank among the usual and some exotic fruits that can be found in our supermarkets: mango, pomelo, physalis, carambola.

Thai shops sell not only local fruits, but also imported ones. Grapes, figs, pears, lemons, apples, kiwi, cherries, cherries, and plums are imported into the country.

Let's start with a description of well-known fruits. Why? Firstly, because in this country they have different names - the names of Thai fruits in Thai will be indicated in brackets. Secondly, the appearance, taste, and color of local fruits differ from those fruits that are sold in our supermarkets. In some cases, we will give recommendations on how to choose and how to store the fruits.

Pineapple (sa-pa-rot)

The fruit, originally from South America, has taken root remarkably well in Thailand, and they even say that the most delicious pineapples are Thai ones. In the markets you will see pineapples of different varieties, which differ primarily in the size of the fruit.

Season: December-January, April-June.
How to choose: The skin of a ripe pineapple should be soft but elastic.
note: pineapple is contraindicated in gastric ulcer.

Watermelon (teng-mo)

Thai watermelons are very sweet and medium-sized, weighing about 4-5 kg, with red or yellow flesh. Those that have yellow flesh are more expensive, and this is not due to taste or benefit, but to the symbolism of the color: Thais consider yellow the color of wealth.

Season: October-March.
How to choose: a ripe watermelon has a dried tail, when tapped it makes a booming sound. Large watermelons are not recommended.

Banana (kluai)

At least two dozen types of bananas are grown in Thailand. Bananas differ not only in the size of the fruit, but also in color: in addition to the yellow bananas we are used to, green, brown and red fruits are sold in Thailand. Not all of them are delicious raw - some are only suitable for frying or baking.

The most delicious, soft and sweet are kluai hom and kluai hom tong (large fruits), kluai nam wa (there is a bitter stone the size of a peppercorn in bananas of this variety - we recommend taking it out), kluai kai (small rounded fruits).

Season: all year round.
How to choose: buy unripe bananas. In the heat, they ripen quickly, and too ripe, they deteriorate.
How to store bananas: they are usually sold in large clusters, consisting of 10-15 fruits. Bananas are best kept hanging.

Coconut (maprao-on)

The name "maprao-on" means "young coconut". Young fruits have a green, very thick skin, under which there is a tender pulp. The core of the coconut is filled with sweet, whitish juice.

The juice of young coconuts quenches thirst well, besides it contains vitamin C, B vitamins, micro and macro elements. The juice in old coconuts with brown fibrous skin is tasteless, but the flesh is very sweet.

Season: September-December.
How to choose coconut: The fruit of a young coconut should be large enough, but not gigantic, have a light green smooth skin. Supermarkets usually sell shelled coconuts wrapped in cling film. It is better to buy unpeeled fruits in the market: if necessary, the seller will help you open the coconut.
How to eat coconut: drink juice through a straw, then scrape loose pulp with a spoon.

Mango (ma-muang)

Several varieties of mangoes are sold in Thailand, and they are all equally tasty and healthy. The skin of fruits of different varieties can be light or dark green, yellowish, pinkish, and the flesh can be from almost white to bright yellow.

Season: March-May.
How to choose mango: it is worth taking medium-sized, dense fruits without spots on the peel. Mangoes can be bought unripe and stored at room temperature. When choosing a mango, you do not need to crush - this makes the fruits deteriorate faster.
How to deliver: buy unripe fruits and do not put them in the refrigerator before traveling.
note: mango has a laxative effect.

Pomelo (som-o)

Pomelo is the largest representative of citrus fruits. Under its thick peel is a pulp that tastes like orange and grapefruit. This is not a very juicy fruit, so a slice of pomelo can be given to a baby without fear that the child will get dirty.

Season: January-February, August-November.
As it is: peel, divide into slices and remove the film from them (it is usually bitter).
note: Do not combine with cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Exotic fruits of Thailand

We have prepared detailed information about the outlandish fruits of Thailand. You will learn how each fruit is useful, how to eat it correctly and whether it is possible to give this or that fruit to a child.

As a general rule, a child can be offered any fruit that is sold in Thailand. But you need to start with a small piece and wait at least a day to make sure there are no allergies or intolerances.

Of course, neither the photos of the fruits of Thailand, nor the description of the taste will help form an opinion. Tourists who have tried exotic fruits for the first time are simply dumbfounded when they come across something with the taste of citrus fruits and the smell of valerian.

But in most cases, the impression is positive - moreover, some fruits quickly become favorites. So, what fruits to try in Thailand?

Guava, or Guava (farang)

The fruit is about the size of an average apple, has a loose greenish skin and white, sometimes slightly pinkish flesh. The sweet-sour fruits are similar in taste to quince and have the same astringent properties. An unripe guava is considered by many to be tastier than a fully ripe one.

Season: all year round.
Beneficial features: one of the healthiest fruits in Thailand. It is famous for its high content of vitamin C. It has an antimicrobial, bactericidal effect, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
How to eat guava: cut into slices and remove the bones. It is advisable to leave the skin, since it contains all the valuable elements. Guava can be cut into pieces and dried - it will not lose its properties.

Jackfruit, or Indian breadfruit (nongka or ka-nun)

The oblong, spiky fruits can weigh over 30 kg, but the markets usually sell smaller jackfruits. Larger fruits are peeled before being sold and sold in slices that look like huge grains of corn.

The pulp of nongka resembles a very sweet melon. Large bones are also eaten, but not raw, but boiled or baked - their taste resembles roasted chestnuts.

Season: January-May.
Beneficial features: very nutritious due to the high content of carbohydrates, in particular starch. Contains a large amount of vitamin A and folic acid.
How to choose: The ripe fruit is yellow-green or brownish-yellow in color and makes a booming sound when tapped. Keeps well in the refrigerator.
note: Jackfruit peel contains sticky latex, so if you are going to peel the fruit yourself, wear rubber gloves or oil your hands. Jackfruit can have an unpleasant odor, just like durian.

Durian (tu-ri-an)

A large, spiked durian fruit can weigh several kilograms, its slice can replace a whole meal, the list of useful substances and healing properties will be very long, and its taste resembles ... a fruit salad with cream. Because of this, durian is often referred to as the king of fruits.

Only one property prevents you from loving this fruit with all your heart: a specific smell, because of which it is even forbidden to bring durian to some places. Nevertheless, the king of fruits in Thailand is very popular: tasting durian among tourists is equated to extreme sports.

Season: June August.
Beneficial features: high content of vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, organic sulfur.
note: It is undesirable to eat durian for pregnant and lactating women. May increase blood pressure. It is dangerous to combine with alcohol.
How to choose: in choosing durian, it is better to trust the seller in the market. Ripe but not overripe fruit does not have a strong repulsive odor.

Carambola (ma-feong)

In our latitudes, exotic fruit is used to decorate dishes: the cross section of carambola looks like an asterisk. Well, in Thailand they just eat it, enjoying the sweet taste with a pleasant sourness. Carambola can not be peeled, but eaten with the peel.

Season: October December.
Beneficial features: high content of vitamin C, beta-carotene, B vitamins, trace elements. It has a hemostatic, antidiarrheal effect.
How to choose: For eating, choose yellow-green, fleshy, but not too soft fruits with a brown stripe along the ribs. The smell of ripe carambola is floral, a bit like the smell of jasmine. Unripe carambola is sour and can be used in salads and meat dishes.
note: carambola contains oxalic acid, contraindicated in ulcers and gastritis.

Langsat (longkong or lonkon)

The fruits, covered with a pale yellow skin, grow in clusters. Peeled langsat looks a bit like garlic heads. The pulp is translucent, sour and juicy.

Season: November December.
Beneficial features: high content of vitamins B1 and B2, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron.
As it is: peel the skin, trying not to stain the clothes with juice, and remove the bitter seeds from the pulp.

Longan (lam-yai)

Small fruits in a brownish peel are sold along with the branch on which they grew. A small bone is hidden inside the transparent white pulp. The fruit is honey-sweet and juicy, has a light aroma of musk. The dark bone against the background of mother-of-pearl flesh looks like an eye, because of this, one of the names of longan is “dragon's eye”.

It is better to limit yourself to a few fruits a day - sometimes the temperature may rise after eating longan.

Season: July-September.
Beneficial features: contains vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorus, antioxidants. Useful for hypotension, diseases of the skin and thyroid gland. Dried longan retains all the benefits of fresh fruit.
How to choose: the harvested fruits are usually allowed to lie down a bit - this is how they accumulate sweetness. Before buying, it is advisable to try longan so as not to buy sour fruits.
How to eat longan: the skin must be removed, and the bitter bones must be thrown away.


The flesh of the lychee resembles longan in appearance and taste, but the skin of the fruit is red and rough, and the taste is tart. Only ripe fruits are edible. In Thailand, several varieties of lychee are sold, which differ in color and size of the fruit. This is a very fragrant fruit, and some find its smell too strong and intrusive.

Season: April-July.
Beneficial features: high content of B vitamins, a number of macro- and microelements. Used for anemia, useful in diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs. Has a tonic effect.
How to eat lychee: peel off the skin and remove the bone. Lychee peel can be dried and added to tea - the drink will turn out to be very fragrant.

Mangosteen (mangkut)

These unusual fruits, resembling a child's toy (or, according to many, a small eggplant), are also called mangosteen or mangosteen.

Under the thick, fleshy purple skin are sweet white slices that taste like a peach. Sometimes the taste of mangosteen is compared with grapes and even with ice cream. On sale you can also see wild mangosteen, or santol (krahton), with a brown or red skin.

Season: May-September.
Beneficial features: high amount of vitamin C and B vitamins, micro and macro elements. Contains antioxidants. The highest concentration of useful substances is in the peel, it is used for the preparation of various medicinal preparations. The peel can be brewed as a tea. Wild mangosteen is considered an effective prophylactic during the SARS season.
How to choose: to determine if the fruit is ripe, squeeze the mangosteen - the skin should be very soft. If you choose santon, choose the one with brown skin.
How to eat mangosteen: only the pulp is eaten. To get to it, you need to cut the peel across the fruit and divide it into two halves. In some slices of mangosteen, bones come across. When carving the fruit, try not to stain your clothes, as the mangosteen juice does not wash well. Due to its coloring properties, this fruit is sometimes forbidden to bring to hotels.

papaya (malaco)

Large oblong fruits can be up to 50 cm long. The taste of ripe papaya is sweet, not very pronounced, a bit like pumpkin or boiled carrots. Due to its neutral taste, papaya is easy to add to porridge for children who are wary of new foods.

Season: all year round.
Beneficial features: contains almost a complete set of vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the liver, regulates blood sugar levels. Useful in diseases of the digestive system, promotes healing of ulcers.
How to choose papaya: Choose firm, fragrant fruits with yellow or orange skin.

Pitahaya, pitahaya or dragonfruit (mangkon)

Outwardly, this tropical fruit vaguely resembles red kohlrabi cabbage. But inside it is a soft purple or white flesh, dotted with small black bones. The taste of pitahaya is similar to kiwi.

Pitaya, like beets, can change the color of urine and feces - this is not dangerous. Also, pitaya juice leaves stubborn stains on clothes.

Season: July-November.
Beneficial features: watery pitahaya quenches thirst well. Stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Contains phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B2.
How to choose: pitaya - the fruit of a cactus. Unlike prickly pear, whose fruits are covered with dangerous thorns, pitahaya can be safely taken with bare hands. The ripe fruit is slightly soft, but elastic, has no spots.
As it is: It is best to cut the pitaya in half and eat the tender flesh with a spoon.

Rambutan (ngo)

The names of exotic fruits are often very apt, and rambutan is no exception. The word "rambut" is translated as "hair": the peel of rambutan is indeed "shaggy".

The pulp of this fruit is tender and very sweet, it tastes like lychee - these plants are close relatives. Rambutan improves digestion and restores the body's defenses, so it is recommended for those who are often sick. In Thailand, they believe that this fruit is useful for the prevention of cancer.

Please note: rambutan seeds cannot be eaten.

Season: May-September.
Beneficial features: contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, calcium, phosphorus, iron.
How to choose rambutan: Fresh rambutan has reddish green hairs. Do not buy rambutan for the future - it is not stored for a long time.

Rose apple (Malay apple, chompoo)

Describing this fruit is not easy: outwardly, it looks a bit like a pear or an inverted bell pepper. And his taste is not quite fruity - it is more like salad greens. By the way, a pink apple may well turn out to be ... green, but ripe. And the name is connected not with the color, but with the smell: chom-pu smells like a rose.

Season: January June.
Beneficial features: watery pulp quenches thirst well. Has antimicrobial activity.
As it is: wash and eat - this is one of the few fruits in Thailand that can be eaten with the skin and bones.

Sala, or salak, snake fruit (la-kam)

The unpeeled herring fruit looks a bit like a bump. But it is rarely sold unpeeled: it is difficult to remove the hard, scratchy peel without skill. Under the peel is a pulp with a sweet and sour taste reminiscent of tangerine.

Descriptions of tastes differ greatly: someone captures notes of pineapple, someone - strawberries, and someone is able to feel the aroma of valerian.

Season: May-August.
Beneficial features: due to the content of tannin, it has astringent, antidiarrheal and hemostatic effect.

Sapodilla (la-mut)

This unsightly fruit has an unusually sweet, almost candy-like taste. Sapodilla is a bit like a persimmon (especially with seeds) and a pear.

Please note: sapodilla can increase blood pressure.

Season: September-December.
Beneficial features: has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
How to choose: you need to buy soft fruits with an intact peel. Hard fruits can be tart and even bitter. Stock up on sapodilla for future use is not worth it, because it quickly deteriorates.

Sugar apple (noy-na)

This fruit is really similar in size to an apple, but its skin is completely different: scaly. Juicy, sweet pulp is very pleasant to the taste. Unripe sugar apples have a dense pulp, fully ripe ones are loose and soft, they can be eaten with a spoon.

Before you treat a child, cut the sugar apple into slices and remove the seeds - they can irritate the mucous membranes, so wash your hands after removing the seeds.

Season: June-September.
Beneficial features: content of vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid.
How to choose: choose large, slightly soft fruits.

Tamarind (maqam-tad)

Long pods of tamarind hide a tart sweet and sour pulp that tastes like a date. Hard bones are hidden in the pulp, so this fruit should not be given to babies.

Note: Tamarind has a mild laxative effect.

Season: December-March.
Beneficial features: contains pectin substances, which serve as natural enterosorbents.

Tangerine (catfish)

Tangerine, although classified as an exotic fruit of Thailand, is actually a close relative of the mandarin. It has a thin green skin, inside of which juicy orange slices are hidden.

Tangerine has a lot of seeds, so it is often used to make juice. Juicy fruits are grown everywhere in Tai, so they can be bought from farmers.
Season: September-February.
Beneficial features: a whole set of vitamins - A, B1, B2 C, P, PP.

It may turn out that you will notice other fruits on the shelves - kumquat, passion fruit, gandaria, Antillean gooseberries. They are not sold in Thailand so often, but they are still found. Try them too - what if you like them more than popular fruits?

What can be cooked from Thai fruits

No one seems to need to be taught how to eat fruit. The easiest way to consume - eat whole or mashed - is well known.

So the beneficial properties of fruits are fully revealed, and it will be easier for you to control how much the child has eaten (excessive consumption of fruits is fraught with allergies and other unpleasant consequences).

Some fruits - durian, jackfruit, coconut, herring - are difficult to peel on their own. Sometimes they are sold already cleaned, but if not, sellers are always ready to provide this service.

But in Thailand, fruits are often eaten differently than we are used to. For example, locals eat pineapples sprinkled with salt, and pomelo, guava and noyna, in addition to salt, are also sprinkled with pepper.

Green bananas are also eaten with spices. Guava is also often sliced ​​and dipped in sugar syrup, a delicacy often seen in street stalls.

Many fruits are used to prepare meat and vegetable dishes. So, pineapple is added to red curry. Unripe papaya is the main component of Thai som tam salad and a great addition to meat dishes.

Coconut milk is an ingredient in the famous Thai tom yum and tom kha kai soups, salads and desserts. But coconuts are used not only to obtain coconut juice and milk: they are baked whole, after which the juice and pulp become even sweeter.

Bananas are deep-fried, grilled, boiled in coconut milk, or often simply dried, resulting in an incredibly sweet treat.

Carambola is added to salads and sauces, its juice is used to make soft drinks. Longan, rose apple, tangerines and tangerines are also used to make a thirst-quenching drink.

Watermelons are also used to make juice or a shake. To get a refreshing drink from tamarind, the fruit is boiled.

Mango is used to make salads. Khao Niaow Ma Muang dessert is also prepared from this fruit - glutinous rice boiled in coconut milk with mango pieces.

Ice cream is made from sweet noina, papaya and longan. Among other things, jams and marmalade are made from almost all fruits.

But the famous Thai dessert "onion chup" in the form of tiny apples, pears, strawberries, peaches is not made from fruits at all. The mass for these sweets consists of bean puree, coconut milk, sugar and agar-agar, and natural dyes are used to give color.

Many parents who travel take a blender with them instead of many jars of baby food and purée fresh fruit. This is the right approach that works at any time of the year. But in order to get acquainted with new food without difficulties, you need to exercise caution and moderation.

  1. Do not invite your child to try the entire range of fruits in Thailand. Many fruits are similar, and the baby hardly needs to appreciate the nuances of tastes.
  2. Let the child try one type of fruit.
  3. First, give your child a small piece of fruit. If everything goes well, next time the portion can be increased. Most fruits are a real vitamin bomb. Therefore, even if you are not the first time in Thailand and you know for sure that the child is not allergic to anything, you still need to dose the amount of fruit.
  4. Familiar fruits - pears, apples, strawberries, plums, grapes - we also recommend eating a little at first.
  5. In Thailand, give preference to local fruits. Imported fruit may be less healthy due to being grown with pesticides, harvested unripe, and treated with preservatives.
  6. Buy fruits whole, not cut, and wash thoroughly under running water.

How to take fruit out of Thailand

I really want to bring exotic fruits from Thailand with me in order to surprise my relatives and friends, and to feast on myself at the end of the vacation. You can do this if you follow some simple rules.

  1. You need to know what fruits can be exported. Below is a list of fruits that cannot be exported.
  2. Buy unripe fruit from the market that can keep well without refrigeration.
  3. Wrap fruit in wrapping paper and put it in a container that does not deform (special plastic baskets and foam containers are sold in markets and supermarkets, but you can place fruit in a suitcase among things).
  4. Check in the luggage compartment. If you are carrying fruit in a basket or container, we recommend wrapping the container with packaging film for safety. It is not forbidden to transport fruits in hand luggage, but then you need to take care of not too dimensional packaging, which will ensure the safety of fruits. Sometimes, however, it happens that when passing through control at the airport, fruits are not allowed to be taken into the cabin of the aircraft.

Here's what you can easily bring home:

  • mango;
  • a pineapple;
  • guava;
  • mangosteen;
  • dragonfruit;
  • papaya
  • carambola.

Bringing sapodilla is unlikely to succeed: soft fruits deteriorate extremely quickly. Rambutans do not always successfully tolerate transportation.

There are no restrictions on how much fruit can be taken out of Thailand. This is usually governed by common sense, the air carrier limit, and the customs regulations of the country you will be returning to.

To make fruits take up less space, you can take dried fruits with you: mango, guava, tamarind. And to bring a real curiosity to your friends and family, buy durian chips.

The technology for preparing such dried fruits is dehydration. Sometimes fruits are cut into small pieces, as for the preparation of candied fruits, and sometimes dried in large pieces.

In supermarkets, you can find dehydrated pulp of mango, coconut, jackfruit, durian, guava, mangosteen, papaya, longan and other exotic fruits.

What fruits can not be exported from Thailand

Customs rules change from time to time, but one of the points regarding the export of fruit from Thailand remains unchanged: it is forbidden to export durian.

The reason for this is the unpleasant odor emitted by the fruit. If during your vacation in this country you decide to encounter durian, so to speak, nose to nose, this point will become clear to you.

Some of the tourists still decide to get around the ban by wrapping the odorous fruit in several tight bags. Representatives of the airline and border guards may not find durian packed in this way, but things that are next to the fruit can become saturated with an unpleasant smell, and it will be very difficult to get rid of this smell.

From time to time, travelers are faced with the fact that the control at the airport does not allow watermelons and coconuts to pass through. Watermelons - because during the flight the fruits can explode, staining all things, and coconuts - for other reasons: it happened that airport security services revealed fruits in which drugs or explosives were hidden.

fruit prices

Fruit in Thailand is relatively cheap. A kilogram of any fruit per season can be bought for about $1. Pineapples, watermelons, bananas are the cheapest - about 2 kg can be bought for a dollar. The most expensive fruits are durian, mango, pitaya.

During the season, fruit prices in supermarkets and markets are approximately equal. Significantly lower prices from farmers in areas where exotic fruits are grown. But on the beaches and in tourist areas, the price of fruits increases, sometimes at times.

We have collected information on how much different fruits cost during the harvest season. The price is indicated for 1 kg, in some cases - for 1 piece.

  • Pineapple - 15-25 baht (for 1 piece)
  • Watermelon - 10-30 baht
  • Bananas - 10-20 baht
  • Jackfruit - 20-40 baht
  • Durian - 60-120 baht
  • Carambola - 35 baht
  • Coconut - 10-30 baht (for 1 piece)
  • Lychee - 35-40 baht
  • Longon - 10-40 baht
  • Longsat - 30-50 baht
  • Mango - 40-70 baht
  • Mangosteen - 35-40 baht
  • Noina - 40-60 baht
  • Pitaya - 35-60 baht
  • Pomelo - 10-30 baht (for 1 piece)
  • Rambutan - 10-45 baht
  • Rose apple - 40-60 baht
  • Sala - 30-60 baht
  • Sapodilla - 20-35 baht
  • Tamarind - 90-100 baht
  • Tangerine - 40 baht

fruit season

Tourists know that almost all fruits in Thailand are sold all year round. But only a few bear fruit all year round: bananas, guava, papaya. The rest of the fruits are harvested only at a certain time. Of course, during storage, fruits lose some of their nutritional and taste properties.

The cost of fruits directly depends on the season. For example, a kilogram of mango at harvest time can cost only 40 baht, and at other times the price of this fruit reaches 200 baht.

Use our table to find out what fresh fruits will be in the markets during your trip to Thailand. Do not be discouraged if your holiday does not fall during the season of lychee, mangosteen or rambutan - amazing gastronomic discoveries are already waiting for you.

Fruits Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
A pineapple X X X X X
Watermelon X X X X X X
Banana X X X X X X X X X X X X
Guava X X X X X X X X X X X X
Jackfruit X X X X X
durian X X X
carambola X X X
Coconut X X X X
Langsat X X
Lychee X X X X
Longan X X X
Mango X X X
Mangosteen X X X X X
Mandarin X X X X X X
noina X X X X
Papaya X X X X X X X X X X X X
Pitaya X X X X X
pomelo X X X X X X
Rambutan X X X X X
rose apple X X X X X X
Sala X X X X
sapodilla X X X X
Tamarind X X X X
Tangerine X X X X X X

Where to buy fruits

Fruit in Thailand is sold everywhere - in markets, supermarkets, on beaches, in tents on the streets, from mobile carts.

The best place to buy is the market. In the markets that work from morning to evening (and sometimes at night) all the abundance of fruits in Thailand is presented. The fruits here are not stale, as in stores, so you can buy all the freshest.

It is better to entrust the choice of exotic fruits that you are going to try for the first time to the seller. Sometimes, if you don’t like the fruit, it’s enough to buy it from another seller and enjoy the unusual taste.

The price of fruit in Thailand may differ even from nearby sellers. Therefore, it is worth walking around the market, choosing the fruits you like at a good price. Fruits that are about to overripe often have the lowest cost.

The assortment of fruits in supermarkets is also very wide. True, you will have to determine the ripeness yourself. The supermarket is also worth a look if you want to buy not an exotic fruit, but something familiar - apples, pears, grapes.

Mangoes, papaya, watermelons, tangerines, tangerines can be bought from farmers. They trade directly from the machines, and their fruit prices are lower than in the market.

The price of fruits sold on the beach is usually twice as high as in shops or markets. The most popular fruit you can buy on the coast is the coconut. The “lid” is cut off from young coconuts, a straw is inserted inside, and the soft drink is ready!

We do not recommend buying chopped fruit who sell from carts. In the heat, peeled fruits quickly deteriorate, may ferment or begin to rot. If you still want to buy a peeled fruit, let it be cut right in front of you.

Of course, the exotic of Thailand is not limited to fruits. Unusual and very spicy soups are prepared here, rice is put in almost all dishes, and even - not too often - insects are eaten.

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