
Amazing Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts for Women's Beauty. Brazil nut: useful properties, contraindications

Nutritious and tasty, the Brazil nut is good for people who are prone to developing cancer. Two or three nuts a day reduces the risk of developing a tumor. This nut is useful for skin, hair and in general for the health of the whole organism. It is full of nutrients that our body needs to function properly.

The brazil nut is the seed of the tall Bertholium tree, which grows in the virgin rainforests of the South American continent. They are called nuts because of their size and the dense shell that encloses the nut.

With a rich, creamy flavor, the Brazil nut is one of the most popular foods in South America and around the world.

Where does the Brazil nut grow?

The halo of growth of Bertholium high is located in Venezuela, Guyana, in the eastern parts of Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and, of course, in Brazil itself.

Single small areas of growth of this tree can be found in the shallows of the Amazon.

They are trying to grow Bertoletia as a cultivated plant, but unfortunately, these attempts are not very successful. Such a rich harvest, as from a tree growing in the wild, is not obtained.

The plant lives up to its name. The height of this tree, with a straight smooth trunk, can reach 45 meters. During a drought, Bertoletia sheds its leaves.

Bertholletia plays an important role in the ecological system of the South American tropics. Bertoletia fruits serve as food for many animals, including the South American agouti rodent.

This tree is a perfect illustration of the complex interplay of the rainforest. The plant blooms with complex looped flowers, into which ordinary insects cannot penetrate. Therefore, pollination occurs only by one species of bees with a long proboscis.

But it is not the blooming Bertholium that attracts such bees, but the orchid that grows in the area. Attracting males of orchid bees with their aroma, they, in turn, attract females, which pollinate the bees. Therefore, the Brazil nut can only grow in a virgin rainforest, where it has all the growing conditions.

After pollination, the maturation of the nut lasts 14 months. The nuts themselves are inside a large coconut-like capsule. The size of such a nut is about 10-15 centimeters in diameter and weighs up to two kilograms. If you cut it open, you can see a row of trihedral nuts with a very dense shell.

This nut is the staple food of the natives living in the Amazon region.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content of Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are of particular importance in nutrition due to their unique nutritional value. It is the richest source of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians. The nut contains a high amount of fat, about 69 percent, of which 41 percent are unsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol.

It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Brazil nuts are a rich source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. B vitamins are extremely important for metabolic processes in the human body.

These nuts are the richest source of the trace element selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant and is considered one of the most important minerals for humans.

In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts contain magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and phosphorus.

While magnesium is involved in many internal processes in the human body, copper prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Manganese acts as a coenzyme in many metabolic processes. Eating 2-3 nuts a day, you can forget about fatigue.

Zinc is very important for men. It plays an important role in the condition of hair and skin, is needed for the reproductive system and strong immunity. A few nuts a day can provide 9 percent of this element for men and more than 20 percent for women.

Contains brazil nuts and fiber, which is important for normal bowel function.

Omega-6 fatty acids help fight skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. They are also needed for the work of the heart and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The antioxidants in the nut are vitamin E and selenium. Antioxidants help fight free radicals and support the immune system. Vitamin E is also important for eye health.

A large amount of this nut contains L-arginine, an amino acid that is important for blood vessels and the heart.

Brazil nuts are gluten-free, which is important for people with celiac disease.

Brazilian high-calorie product. There are 656 calories in 100 grams. Their high calorie content is due to monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid, which increases the content of good cholesterol in the blood.

Benefits of brazil nuts for the body

Based on the chemical composition of the Brazil nut, it is difficult to overestimate its benefits to the human body. They:

Improve the functioning of the digestive system;

Increase immunity;

Prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases;

Improve hormonal balance;

Improves male fertility;

Reduces the risk of cancer;

Promotes weight loss;

Improves skin condition, prevents and reduces signs of aging.

The main benefit of the Brazil nut is due to the presence of selenium in it. Selenium neutralizes free radicals, which are highly reactive particles that can oxidize and damage body tissue cells. They are often called the culprits of cardiovascular diseases, oncology and a number of other diseases. In addition, selenium is important for immunity.

Selenium is involved in 25 types of enzymes. Therefore, its presence is important for:

Reducing the risk of developing cancer;

Protect cells from free radicals;

For the work of the thyroid gland;

For the treatment of AIDS patients.

Studies have shown that a lack of selenium in a man's body increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, selenium increases sperm motility and blood flow to male genitals, which can help with male infertility.

Oil is pressed from nuts, which is amazing in its properties. It turns out a beautiful pure yellow color with a very pleasant taste and aroma. This oil is used as a therapeutic oil for massage and for the treatment, in particular of acrodermatitis. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.

How much brazil nuts can you eat per day

This question interests many. Still, Brazil nuts are one of the most high-calorie and high in selenium. Therefore, before answering this question, you need to know the daily intake of this trace element, which is given below.

Children 1 to 3 years old - 15-20 micrograms per day

Children 4 to 8 years old - 25-30 micrograms per day

Children 9 to 13 years old - 35-40 micrograms per day

Adults and children over 14 years of age - 50-55 micrograms per day

Pregnant women - 55-60 micrograms per day

Breastfeeding women - 60-70 micrograms per day

100 grams of nuts contain 3485 percent of the recommended daily allowance for an adult. 100 grams is a small bunch of nuts. Therefore, 2-3 nuts per day for an adult is enough.

Brazil nuts can be eaten as a snack. You can add them to various dishes: salads, puddings, cookies, sprinkle pasta, fruits.

How to choose a brazil nut

Fresh ivory brazil nuts. In our stores they sell already peeled walnuts. The main thing is not to buy a rancid product. Due to their high fat content, they quickly deteriorate and become bitter.

Therefore, you should not buy shriveled or damaged nuts. If the nuts are yellow, then most likely they will be bitter.

Since we have to export nuts, our stores sell nuts already prepared in a special way. But if you happen to be lucky enough to get a fresh Brazil nut to store, it needs to be processed so that it does not become bitter. To do this, you can use two methods: soak them in salt water or fry them.

In the first case, for 4 cups of nuts, take 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 7 cups of water. After preparing the solution, soak the nuts in it for 8-12 hours, covering them with a clean cloth or towel.

Discard any nuts that have not sunk to the bottom. They are already bitter.

Take the rest out of the water. Rinse and lay them out to dry. Then pour into an airtight container.

According to the second method, the nuts must be fried in an oven preheated to 200 degrees on a dry baking sheet. Fry for about 10-12 minutes. If necessary, stir them during the frying process. The nuts should be light brown in color.

Cool and pour into a container with a lid.

Possible harm

Most importantly, do not eat Brazil nuts in large quantities. This can lead to selenium poisoning. This can be manifested by nausea, vomiting, the smell of garlic from the mouth, emotional stress.

Manifestations of selenium poisoning can be dermatitis, hair loss, brittle nails, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

The second disadvantage of these nuts is increased radiation. Surprised! Nuts contain a large amount of radium, which is a radioactive element. Where does the radium in nuts come from? Just in Brazil, the soil contains a lot of this element. The plant absorbs it from it and, accordingly, radium is present in nuts.

The radioactivity of the Brazil nut is 1000 times higher than in other foods such as banana, carrot, potato. Although this radiation is not very harmful to the body, you should not get carried away with nuts.

With individual intolerance, there may be an allergy to nuts, which can be manifested by a rash, redness and other symptoms.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: Brazil nuts are a healthy food product that can provide many useful nutrients to our body. But they should be consumed in moderation.

Brazil nut nutritional table per 100 grams of product

Learn more about the benefits of brazil nuts from the video "Live Healthy" with Elena Malysheva

Eating even one Brazil nut a day can significantly improve not only a woman’s health, but also change her appearance for the better. Being a treasure trove of valuable minerals and beneficial vitamins, the fruit truly strengthens the body. However, there is a barely noticeable line between the negative and positive effects of nuts on the functioning of internal organs. When using more than 9 kernels per day, the benefits of the product are leveled, and irreparable harm to the body can be caused. Experts recommend to observe moderation and eat no more than 2-3 pieces per day.

The composition and beneficial properties of the Brazil nut fruit

Brazil nut kernels have a high energy value and taste like pine nuts.

What are the benefits of brazil nuts? Bertholecia fruit is a high-calorie product, consisting of 13% carbohydrates, 18% proteins and 69% fats. The variety of fatty acids present in the composition of the nut and oil makes it a unique product:

  • Polyunsaturated acids (24%). They are represented by linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, tissue regeneration and renewal.
  • Monounsaturated acids (41%). Through oleic and palmitic acids in the female body, cholesterol, the accumulation of fats and the formation of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels are reduced.
  • Saturated acids (25%). Thanks to myristic and stearic acids, energy reserves are created in the body. They are also an indispensable building material for cells.

100 g of Bertoletia fruit contains a daily dose of minerals in the following percentage:

  • Manganese - 81% or 80 mg. The element is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, maintains normal bone structure and promotes the absorption of food.
  • Copper - 116% or 2.5 mg. Normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels, increases the absorption of iron in tissues, improves blood composition.
  • Phosphorus - 96% or 945 mg. Improves the condition of bone mass, the functioning of the genitourinary system and accelerates cell growth.
  • Magnesium - 125% or 500 mg. An active participant in metabolic processes, protein absorption and elimination of toxins.
  • Calcium - 21% or 213 mg. Prevents diseases of the digestive tract, nervous system and heart.
  • Thiamine - 55% or 0.75 mg. It improves the metabolic processes of the body, helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.
  • Selenium - 2740%. Increases the fertility of women, a powerful oxidant, prevents the development of cancer.
  • Vitamin E 38% or 7.5 mg of the product supports the functioning of the nervous system and muscle mass. Daily use of nuts improves the condition of the skin, nail plate and hair. Considered one of the most powerful antioxidants.

Use for beauty and health of women

The product is useful not only as a remedy for many diseases. The use of Brazil nuts is especially effective for women: it has a positive effect on the body as a whole, and the oil from it is highly valued in cosmetology.

Recent studies have shown that the daily consumption of several fruits reduces the risk of tumors in the reproductive organs and mammary glands. Also, the use maintains fertility at the proper level and prolongs the reproductive period in women. Thanks to the selenium contained in the Brazil nut, the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus are ensured.

Expert advice: The product will be useful for women who are actively involved in sports. The amino acids contained in the fetal nuclei and a large amount of protein help to quickly build muscle mass, while reducing body fat. To get the desired result, you need to eat 1-2 kernels per day.

Brazil nut oil is an indispensable component of shampoos, balms and face creams.

The use of oil from the fruit of Bertoletia in cosmetology is not new today. It is used in balms, masks and hair creams. It gained immense popularity for its ability to penetrate deep into the skin and saturate it with beneficial substances. As the extract is absorbed by the skin, a thin protective film forms on the surface, which well protects the epithelium from drying out.

The oil is also good for healing various inflammations, wounds, microcracks and burns. The extract from the nut, having a strong wound-healing property, effectively dissolves scars on the surface of the skin even after major operations. The oil is also recommended as an anti-acne remedy.

Expert Tip: Add 2-3 drops of oil to a single serving of hair balm or any body care product. After a while, the hair will acquire silkiness and a special shine, and the skin will become toned and velvety.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

But with regard to the use of the fetus when breastfeeding, in this case, care must be taken. Despite the presence of a large number of useful elements, like any nut, it belongs to the group of allergens. Therefore, experts advise gradually introducing it into the diet of a woman, while monitoring the condition of the baby.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the unique composition of the product, experts advise to observe the measure when using it. Do not exceed the stated daily allowance, otherwise the nut will not benefit, but harm. Therefore, it is worth paying the reader's attention to the side effects of Brazil nuts in case of an overdose:

  • Radium. The minimum amount of the substance in the composition of the fruit (40-260 Bq / g). Despite this, its concentration is 1000 times higher than in any other product, which can cause serious disorders in the body.
  • Aflatoxin belongs to the group of strong biological poisons. The substance is formed in the shell of the fetus during improper storage and is a vital process of microscopic mold fungi. When a large amount of aflatoxin enters the body, liver tissues begin to break down. Therefore, when imported to European countries, unpeeled nuts undergo strict sanitary control.
  • Fitin. The substance prevents the full absorption of iron elements.
  • Selenium. Its overdose causes severe hair loss, increased fragility of the nail plate and disrupts the central nervous system. Also, selenium in large quantities in the body can cause cancer. Symptoms of excess substance are manifested by nausea and vomiting.

The cause of hair loss may be an overabundance of selenium, which is rich in brazil nuts

The structure of the fruit has its own characteristics, so when buying an unpeeled nut, you should prepare for its phased cutting. The whole brazil nut consists of a dense layer of shell containing individual shells with nucleoli.

Expert advice: it is better to buy already shelled nuts. Firstly, this will reduce the time for cutting the fruit (the shell will have to be sawn), and secondly, during long-term storage, mold fungi that are harmful to the body are formed in the shell.

When buying, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • A ripe fresh walnut should be heavy.
  • When gently shaken, the nut should not make any sounds.
  • The shell should be even, smooth and without damage.
  • The kernels of the fruit should be firm, crisp, smooth and not wrinkled.
  • It is better to give preference to already peeled nucleoli in sealed packaging.

As for storage, peeled nuts are best kept in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. This will protect the fruit from absorbing foreign odors. You can store the product up to 2 years.

In addition to its medicinal properties, the Bertholecia fruit is famous for its ability to give dishes an exquisite taste. Just a few nucleoli added to a salad not only bring great benefits to the body, but also allow you to diversify your usual breakfasts. Be healthy!

brazil nut benefits due to the content of selenium and other substances useful and necessary for our health (essential amino acids, useful fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphates, phosphorus, riboflavin, flavonoids, thiamine, niacin, choline, betaine and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, C):

  • Benefits of brazil nuts for cancer prevention: prevention of the onset and development of oncological diseases of the intestines, breast, prostate, lungs, protection from cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, protection of cells from DNA damage.
  • Brazil Nut Immunity Benefits: strengthening the immune system and increasing resistance to viral diseases and bacterial infections.
  • The benefits of brazil nuts in inflammatory processes: reduction and neutralization of inflammatory processes.
  • The benefits of brazil nuts for the hormonal system: participation in the production of thyroid hormones, normalization of the functioning of the endocrine system, improvement of the functioning of the pancreas. Benefits for men: prevention and treatment of male infertility and increased sexual activity. Benefits for women: prolongation of female reproductive age.
  • Brazil Nut Benefits for Vitamin Absorption: selenium improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which, by the way, are also found in brazil nuts.
  • The benefits of Brazil nuts for the cardiovascular system: reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for vision: prevention of cataracts.
  • Benefits of Brazil nuts for pregnant and lactating women: protection of a woman from various diseases, and a child - from congenital pathologies and diseases that children are exposed to in the first years of life.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for protection against harmful substances: excretion of heavy metals (lead, mercury, platinum) and toxins from the body, reducing the toxicity of certain drugs.
  • Brazil Nut Muscle Benefits: restoration of damaged cells and improvement of their growth, help in gaining muscle mass.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for weight loss: burning body fat, improving metabolism, normalizing blood sugar levels.
  • Brazil Nut Benefits for Skin, Hair and Nails: prevention of premature aging, cleansing, nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin of hair and nails.

Brazil nut - harm.

Having said so much about the benefits of the Brazil nut, it should, nevertheless, be mentioned about the possible harm. Excluding individual intolerance, the harm of the Brazil nut can only occur if you eat it in large quantities. It is recommended to limit yourself to only two or three nuts per day. This recommendation is not at all related to the high calorie content of Brazil nuts, as one might think, knowing that in 100 gr. Brazil nuts contain almost 700 kcal.

There are two commonly cited reasons for limiting Brazil nut consumption:

  1. The Brazil nut contains small amounts of radioactive substances (barium and radium).
  2. The Brazil nut shell contains aflatoxins - these substances contribute to the development of liver cancer. However, shelled Brazil nuts do not contain these substances, so the European Union has introduced strict regulations restricting the import of shelled Brazil nuts.

Thus, the only reason to limit brazil nuts is the barium and radium content. The reason, although the only one, is too serious to be ignored. Moreover, there is no reason to consume a large amount of Brazil nuts, since the recommended amount (2-3 nuts per day) contains a sufficient amount of selenium.

But are radioactive substances really the only danger in eating large amounts of Brazil nuts? And here it is not. An excess of selenium is just as harmful to health as its deficiency!

  • The liver is affected, which, after a while, becomes noticeable by the yellowing of the sclera of the eyes (in a simple way - the white of the eyes). Such yellowing is a symptom of toxic hepatosis of the liver.
  • Hair loss starts.
  • The skin and nails begin to exfoliate.
  • As a result of selenium poisoning, a person can even die!

As you can see, the danger of selenium poisoning is another good reason to limit the amount of Brazil nuts in your daily diet. But do not be afraid and completely abandon this useful product! After all, a lack of selenium can bring no less harm! A dangerous dose is considered to be about 100 gr. brazil nuts per day, while the recommended dose is 2-3 nuts. As for the other beneficial substances contained in the Brazil nut, they can be obtained from other products.

Yes, Brazil nuts should not be consumed in large quantities, unlike some other seeds and nuts (such as pine nuts or sesame), but this does not detract from its beneficial properties. Keeping in mind the indispensability of the Brazil nut as a source of selenium, I would recommend that everyone who does not have an individual intolerance include it in their diet to maintain health and youth.

Just in case, you should know that the first sign that you have overindulged on brazil nuts is the garlic smell from the skin (unless, of course, you ate garlic).

Brazil nuts - selection and storage.

A fresh Brazil nut has a pleasant aroma, no rancidity, it is slightly moist to the touch, and if you take and shake a handful of Brazil nuts, they will not rattle. If you break the nut in half, you should hear a crunch.

The brazil nut does not keep very long, as it contains polyunsaturated oils, which quickly go rancid when exposed to sunlight and heat. It is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a closed box. Thus, the healthy oils contained in the Brazil nut will be preserved from rancidity, and the nut itself will not acquire unwanted odors from other foods stored in the refrigerator. Brazil nuts will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

You can also store Brazil nuts frozen - in the freezer, its shelf life is extended to six months.

The article discusses the brazil nut. You will find out what are the benefits and harms of a nut for women and men, where and how it grows, what useful properties it has and what contraindications it has for use. Following our advice, you will learn how to store it properly. We will tell you how the nut affects thyroid hormones, and how much fruit can be consumed per day.

The Brazil nut is the fruit of the South American plant Bertholletia or Bertholletia (lat. Bertholletia) of the Lecythidaceae family (lat. Lecythidaceae). This tree was named after the French chemist Claude Berthole. Bertholletia fruit is also known as the American or South American walnut.

The fruit of the Brazil nut is a large rounded box, up to 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 2 kg. Under the hard hard shell are from 8 to 24 nut kernels. In shape and location, they are similar to orange slices. The length of each nut is not more than 5 cm.

How brazil nuts grow

Brazilian is a large tree that lives up to 500 years. In height, the hazel reaches 45 meters. The trunk diameter is 2 m. In the wild, the Brazil nut grows in Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Guyana, Bolivia and Colombia. The Brazil nut produces over 20,000 tons of fruit annually. Half of them are harvested in Bolivia.

Brazil nuts are cultivated on plantations, but in such conditions the tree gives a low yield. In its natural habitat, the tree is pollinated by bumblebees and orchid bees. Only they can overcome the complex curves of a flower with pollen on its legs. These bees do not live where the ecosystem is destroyed. Without them, the tree almost does not bear fruit.

Chemical composition of brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

brazil nuts calories

Calorie 100 gr. brazil nuts - 690 kcal. The fruit is ⅔ fat.

Benefits of brazil nuts

The Brazil nut has many health benefits. It lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood clotting, improves intestinal motility and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Nuts replenish energy, help with depression, stress and chronic fatigue. They strengthen the immune system and eliminate free radicals, improve metabolism, lower blood sugar levels. Brazil nuts are used to prevent vascular diseases, cataracts and atherosclerosis.

Nuts are used to prevent cancer. The composition of the fruit includes selenium, which is useful in cancer, it stops the development of pathology.

The brazil nut contains amino acids that promote fat burning and help to gain muscle mass. They are included in the diet of athletes and used in dietetics.

Brazil nut benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts depend on the amount of fruit eaten. The nut contains barium and radium - radioactive substances, for this reason you should not eat fruits in unlimited quantities.

The benefits of brazil nuts are obvious, but they can be harmful. For example, an excess of selenium leads to toxic liver damage. In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting and general weakness appear.

It is necessary to eat completely peeled fruits. The Brazil nut shell contains aflatoxin, a cancer-causing substance.

Application of brazil nuts

The beneficial composition of the Brazil nut is highly valued in folk medicine. It is consumed in its pure form, and oil is also produced from it - a concentrated product that exhibits the same healing properties as a whole nut. With its help, diabetes, vascular diseases and oncology are treated.

Brazil nut oil is popular in cosmetology. It is applied pointwise to problematic skin, for example, to treat acne. The tool is added to creams, gels and masks.

The oil improves the condition of not only the skin of the face, but also the hair. The tool deeply nourishes the hair and adds shine to curls. In its pure form, the product is applied to dry tips. More often, oil is added to hair cosmetics: shampoos, balms, masks.

Due to its high palatability, Brazil nuts are used in cooking. It is used to decorate desserts or as an ingredient in baking. Nut butter is added to salads, main dishes and confectionery.

How much can you eat per day

Brazil nuts are one of the most high-calorie, so you should use it carefully. A couple of nuts or 1 teaspoon of oil a day satisfies the body's daily need for vitamins and nutrients.

brazil nut for women

The Brazil nut has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of a woman. This, in turn, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Antioxidants keep the skin youthful, vitamins nourish and strengthen the epidermis. Vitamin E moisturizes the dermis and accelerates regeneration processes.

brazil nut for men

Brazil nuts are high in selenium and magnesium. These minerals stimulate sperm production and increase potency. Brazil nuts are used to prevent prostatitis.

Proteins in the composition of the nut are indispensable for athletes. They are easily digested and accelerate the set of muscle mass.

brazil nuts during pregnancy

Brazil nuts can be consumed during pregnancy. The product improves the condition of a woman and reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies.

Brazil nuts normalize the production of thyroid hormones, thereby protecting against stress, depression, and mood swings.

brazil nuts for kids

Do not introduce your child to Brazil nuts before the age of 3. Fruits can cause an allergic reaction, so they should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small pieces. It is necessary to observe the reaction of the child's body.

Due to the high fat content, the nut increases the load on the child's digestive system. The child's body may not be able to cope, which will lead to indigestion. The daily norm of nuts for children is no more than 2 pieces.

How to store brazil nuts

Any glass container with a lid is suitable for storing nuts. The main thing is to store it away from other products and direct sunlight. Fruits instantly absorb foreign odors, this worsens their taste. Store Brazil nuts in a cool and dry place.

Peeled fruits can be stored in the refrigerator. They retain useful properties for a month. Unpeeled nuts keep for about a year, provided that the recommendations are followed correctly.

brazil nut oil

Brazil nut oil is produced by cold pressing. This method allows you to save biologically active substances. The product has a yellow tint, a nutty aroma and a slightly sweet taste. In cooking, oil is added to main dishes, salads and desserts.

Brazil nut oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. The product is added to cosmetics and used in its pure form, including inside. The oil is used for It softens and nourishes the skin, hair and nails.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications to the use of Brazil nuts:

  • individual intolerance;
  • overweight.

Do not eat more than the daily amount of brazil nuts, so as not to harm the body. Before using Brazil nut oil for medicinal purposes, you should consult with a specialist.

In this article, we will talk about Bertholletia or the Brazil nut. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this plant, unique in its beneficial properties. We decided to correct this error.

Despite the name, the brazil nut's identity as a nut remains controversial. In the world of botany, it is referred to as grains. However, there are a number of signs that bring the Brazil nut closer to nuts. For example, the Brazil nut taste, structure, color, useful properties are similar to many nuts. It even ripens in its shell, like a walnut, for example.

In honor of the chemist Claude Berthollet, the Brazil nut got its middle name - bertholletia. In our country, practically no one knows the nut under this name. The brazil nut combination sounds much more familiar.

The Brazil nut tree loves hot climates. It grows in Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and Peru. The first Europeans to learn about this nut were the Spaniards. The conquering army appreciated the properties of the Brazil nut. The oily, nutritious, sweet nut helped a lot in the matter of providing food to the soldiers.

In Russia, the Brazil nut has become known relatively recently. Currently, it is inferior in popularity to walnuts and hazelnuts, since the Brazil nut has a rather high price. Approximately 300 rubles for 200 g of the product.

The Brazil nut is a very large tree. There are trees up to 45 meters in height. The diameter of the trunk can be 2 meters. These trees are real long-livers. The oldest representatives - 5-10 centuries. The bark of the Brazil nut is smooth and the branches only start from the middle of the tree.

The first 12 years of life the tree does not bear fruit. But after - generously bestows nuts. Approximately 200 kg of fruits are harvested per year from each tree alone.

Nuts are very remarkable in appearance. They are very big. The size is approximately 15 cm and the weight is approximately 2 kg. Of course, these fruits are not sold in the store. For food, we use small seeds that are hidden behind a large shell. There are 8 to 24 of these seeds inside a Brazil nut. The size of each is 5-7 cm. In shape, they are somewhat reminiscent of peanuts.

The Brazil nut is a wild plant. The fruits are harvested in the jungle. There have been attempts to cultivate the tree, but in these cases, the yield of nuts has decreased.

Brazil nut: photo

Brazil nut: useful properties and contraindications

Brazil nut composition distinguishes excellent properties for health. It includes:

  • vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP);
  • fats, fiber, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, manganese);
  • flavonoids and amino acids.

Amino acids contribute to the reduction of subcutaneous fat. Muscles, on the other hand, are helped to grow. Brazil nut has benefits and harms for women who want to lose weight at the same time. This is due to the high fat content in Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts are high in calories. More than 600 calories per 100 g of Brazil nuts. How much to eat per day, so as not to get better and get the maximum health benefits? 2-3 nuts a day is more than enough.

When used in this way, fats will be of great benefit. They help lower cholesterol levels. They are a good prevention of diseases of the heart and nervous system.

Flavonoids act as natural antioxidants and are very important for all processes in our body.

Brazil nut vitamins and minerals help to normalize metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Bertholletia perfectly tones the body. One nut can restore strength no worse than a cup of strong coffee.

Selenium, which is part of the Brazil nut, has a beneficial effect on cancerous tumors. It slows down their development. It also acts as a good prophylactic against malignant neoplasms.

Useful brazil nuts for men. It can help treat infertility. In women, it allows you to delay the onset of menopause.

Brazil nuts are also recommended during pregnancy. A balanced diet is important for any person, but especially for a woman in position. Doctors recommend increasing the menu of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Brazil nuts for pregnant women are very useful. Omega-3 acids and arginine, which are part of this nut, help the baby develop healthy.

However, brazil nuts can also cause harm. An overabundance of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency. Therefore, 2-3 nuts per day is enough. There is no need to eat fruits in handfuls, as it is possible.

A large amount of nuts in the diet can adversely affect the baby and breastfeeding. During lactation, women are recommended nuts, including Brazilian nuts. It must be remembered that nuts are high in fat. In Brazilian, for example, it reaches 70%. Brazil nuts should be eaten carefully, in small quantities. Otherwise, the child may develop digestive problems.

Brazil nuts are especially useful for children. It promotes the production of growth hormone.

Due to its ability to lower blood sugar, brazil nuts are approved for diabetics. This is facilitated by magnesium and vitamin B1, which are part of the Brazil nut. Feedback from patients and doctors is very good. The main thing is to know the measure.

We said that arginine is part of the Brazil nut. From herpes for this reason, it is not only useless, but also contraindicated. It is this amino acid that provokes the appearance of herpes.
