
Fiber in food list. Fiber and protein - a direct path to a dream figure

What foods contain fiber? A good question for those who are thinking about losing weight and proper nutrition, and for those who, for one reason or another, are forced to monitor the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Everyone who cares about their own health and body condition is simply obliged to include items with a high fiber content in the menu. Such food is able to remove harmful substances and prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Let's take a closer look at what foods have a lot of fiber. First, let's find out how the element in question is conditionally divided.

There are two types of fiber: the insoluble and soluble varieties. Soluble predominates in fruits, vegetables and cereals. The insoluble type is rich in legumes, grains and directly the peel of vegetables and fruits. What foods are high in fiber? Nothing exotic - only what any person can afford and what the table abounds every day.

The list is quite large, consider the main ones: this includes, first of all, stems, root crops, tubers and leaves. Vegetables - carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes - all of the usual and ordinary, where there is a lot of fiber.

Especially a lot of fiber in:

  • Other cereals.

The most useful source of this element in terms of nutritional value and saturation is bread with bran.

Subtleties and nuances

It is worth understanding the fact that it is important to consume fiber with raw foods, because in the process of preparing them and processing them with steam, temperature, etc. - all useful properties are reduced or lost altogether. It is also important to know the following - and meat does not contain an element at all, although there is an opposite opinion among most people. Below is a list of foods high in fiber (per 100 grams):

  • Beans and other legumes include about 15% of the substance;
  • and millet - 10%;
  • Oatmeal and barley - up to 10%;
  • Nut fruits - 15%;
  • Vegetables and fruits - green peas and broccoli with asparagus and carrots - about 5%;
  • Berry fruits, especially raspberries and blackberries, in 100 grams can contain about 20 g of vegetable fiber;
  • Fruits, especially citrus fruits - 10% fiber. Peaches and pears are especially rich in it.

More about food

Let's take a closer look at products by groups. In order to balance your diet, or if fiber is being considered as a way to lose weight, you should pay special attention to the following food groups:

  • . Such a public and very useful component of the daily diet, the possibility of combining it with any kind of other products is universal, suitable for preparing the most exquisite and delicious dishes. Particular attention should be paid to vegetables - zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach and cucumbers, broccoli and salads with green peas - they are the richest in fiber;
  • . Plant fiber is found in abundance in pectin, which is found in fruits. They are also saturated with cellulose, which improves digestive processes. Raw, unprocessed fruits are especially useful. Dried fruits are no exception;
  • Berry fruits. Almost all varieties of berry fruits are enriched with fiber. Particular attention should be paid to strawberries and raspberries, their home or country varieties;
  • Nuts. The richest food item. Small amounts daily are able to cover the entire body's needs for fiber;
  • Cereals and cereal crops. They are not only rich in the element under discussion, but also favorably affect the level of content in the blood;
  • Bean cultures. The high content of the element in peas, beans. A small portion of them daily is able to satisfy the needs of the element by 100%.

It should be noted that it is raw or quickly cooked foods that retain enough nutrients to meet daily needs. Prolonged cooking, frying or stewing adversely affect elements susceptible to temperature effects.

Ready meals rich in fiber

We looked at individual foods. Now consider ready-to-eat dishes. Boiled pasta made from hard flour, 100 grams contain 4 g of fiber. Buckwheat - the same amount. - 6 grams. Rye bread - the same, 6 grams. Bran - the richest fiber product - about 46 grams.

Bread made from whole grain flour - 8 grams. Rice, steamed or boiled - 2 grams. Bun - ok. 10 grams of fiber. When consuming such products, metabolism improves - this has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Such food can normalize blood sugar levels. Peristalsis is actively stimulated. Among other things, the element helps the body get rid of toxins, toxins and other polluting and unfavorable elements and substances, the lymphatic system is additionally cleansed and the total cholesterol content is reduced. The considered batteries are extremely useful and mandatory for consumption. Fiber for weight loss is an indispensable element, because it is he who helps to speed up the metabolism that occurs in the body - this is the key to the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

Eating productivity is noted as a combination through tasty and healthy recipes, such as eating vegetable or fruit salads.

The elements contained in them are useful for the body. Varieties containing vegetables and nut fruits at the same time will also be universal. It is worth remembering the norm - having filled the daily need, refuse to consume, because the excess will not benefit, but will harm. The consumption rate is considered to be an amount of 1.2 grams per kilogram of a person's own weight. Be healthy and eat right!

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The composition of any organic mass of plant origin includes hollow fibers. It is their plexuses that are what our body simply cannot exist without, that is, fiber. Being the coarsest part of plants, it cannot be digested, and it takes a very long time to assimilate it. But for our digestive system, the presence of this complex carbohydrate is vital. Read more about this scope of its application in a separate material.

Fiber, passing through the body, as a kind of "transit", cleans it from the remnants of food debris, excess fat, removes toxins and poisons, acting as a real intestinal orderly.

Why fiber is needed: useful properties, effects on the body

The way you eat directly affects your health, as well as how you feel and look. Together with food, a certain amount of minerals, vitamins, and other useful substances enter the human body, which undergo complex processes of splitting, transformation and absorption into the blood. But with fiber, things are different. And even if it is not digested in the stomach, does not break down into other useful elements and leaves the body in the same original form, its importance for a person is simply invaluable.

What is useful fiber:

  • thanks to the use of fiber, the work of your intestines is normalized, metabolism is improved;
  • a diet rich in fiber-rich foods contributes to rapid and safe weight loss(plus the feeling of satiety is added, which helps you eat less);
  • the level of sugar in the blood decreases or normalizes;
  • there is an active stimulation of peristalsis;
  • the body is freed from toxins, unnecessary fats, gastric and intestinal mucus;
  • the lymphatic system is cleansed;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which has a prophylactic effect on the prevention of risk heart disease;
  • muscle fibers are strengthened;
  • contributes to the prevention of cancer (according to some experts).
Fiber itself is represented by several types, and they differ in their functionality. For example, the "soluble group", which includes resins, alginates, pectin and other substances, have the ability to absorb large amounts of water, turning into a jelly. And insoluble fiber does not undergo decay, it simply swells like a sponge, absorbing water into itself. This helps to ease the activity of the colon. This group includes cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose.

Also distinguish natural and synthetic fiber. Of course, an artificially created substance is inferior in usefulness to a natural one (dietary, that is, originally contained in a particular product).

Foods high in fiber

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list from which you will find out which ones contain a sufficient amount of fiber. Since this substance is purely of plant origin, then you need to look for it in the appropriate sources. They can be divided into several conditional groups.

Vegetable and animal oils

, of course, are much more valuable than animal fats (they do not contain dietary fiber at all), carrying a large supply of vitamins and nutrients to the body. But in the case of fiber, things are a little different. It is contained only in various cakes, that is, in what remains at the exit after the pressing of some vegetable oils and flour. sunflower and other plants (sesame, pumpkin, flax seeds) are also very rich in fiber. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that it is made from wholemeal flour or is grain. You can also eat bread from various cereals and cereals.

Unfortunately, fiber is found only in raw fruits and in thermally processed vegetables, so when cooking, it simply does not save.

Fiber: daily allowance, causes and consequences of deficiency and excess

The average daily fiber requirement for an adult is 25-30 g. During pregnancy, fiber becomes an especially important element of nutrition, as it helps the expectant mother to cope with constipation and normalizes bowel function.

But never self-medicate by prescribing any additional medicines for yourself. Self-adding fiber to the diet can not only not be beneficial, but also harm the body. For proper diet planning better to see a doctor.

At fiber deficiency may occur:

  • frequent constipation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • possible manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • various intestinal diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • risk or progression of diabetes, atherosclerosis.

However, the abuse of fiber is also fraught with unpleasant symptoms. Often this leads to bloating, increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestines, as well as some deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

Contraindications to fiber intake may occur if you suffer from acute infectious diseases or inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Dietary fibers, called fiber, perform a very important mission for our body. But you need to approach planning your diet carefully and responsibly.

There are many ways to lose weight - you can count the number of calories, carbohydrates or weigh food.

All these and many other methods work for some people and are absolutely useless for others.

It doesn't matter which method you choose to reduce your overall calorie intake, because almost everyone who wants to lose weight forgets about one very important component of plant foods: fiber.

Fiber is a type of vegetable carbohydrate that the human body is unable to digest due to a lack of enzymes, able to satisfy hunger for a long time with a minimum amount of calories.

Rough fiber is food for bacteria living in the gut, it helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract, maintains cardiovascular health and stable sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar after meals.

If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight and improve your health, fiber can help. There are tons of studies proving this scientifically:

In one study, two groups of subjects were asked to try for themselves the effectiveness of two diets. The first group was given a simple, high-fiber diet with a goal of 30 grams of fiber per day.

The second group had a more complex diet that included plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean protein and eliminated salt, sugar, alcohol, and fat.

Despite the difference in diets, each group of subjects lost almost the same number of kilograms (to be precise, the subjects of the second group lost 2 kg more), consuming the same amount of fiber every day (about 19 g). The subjects of both groups managed to maintain the resulting weight for about 12 months.

This leads to the conclusion that different diets do not particularly affect the overall body weight, so why complicate your life with various diet options if you can simply include fiber-rich foods in your usual meal plan.

How much fiber should you eat every day?

Fruits, fibrous vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are high in fiber. But if you're having trouble meeting your daily fiber requirement, then you can turn to a variety of ready-made powdered supplements. Fiber powder can be easily added to your morning smoothie or protein shake.

These supplements are an excellent source of dietary fiber that are specifically designed to keep your digestive system working properly on a regular basis.

In the meantime, we have crept directly to those products that contain the most fiber. Here is our top 14 list in descending order of the fiber they contain.

14 fiber-rich foods that help you lose weight

1. Cereal flakes

3/4 cup, 81 calories, 14.3 grams of fiber

Just half a glass of cereal contains a huge amount of fiber and can be a great breakfast option.

Add a few tablespoons of Greek or regular yogurt, garnish with fresh berries, and start your day healthy.

Keep in mind that cereal is a processed food, so alternate it with more organic foods like sprouted grains, for example.

2. Chia seeds

28 grams, 138 calories, 9.8 grams of fiber

This superfood has become very popular over the past few years, and for good reason. Chia seeds contain calcium, potassium and phosphorus plus all 9 essential amino acids, including one not produced by the human body. All these nutrients are essential for muscle development.

They can be easily added to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, salads and many other dishes. You can even make chia seed pudding.

3. Dark blue, small white and yellow beans

1/2 cup, 127 calories, 9.2-9.6 grams of fiber

Of course, there are a lot of calories, but even more fiber and even protein are in them.

All of these beans can be added to roasted turkey or chicken as a side dish, or used as a main dish with chili sauce and garlic.

4. Green beans

These beans have a more delicate taste, are thinner and have small peas inside.

Serve it steamed, seasoned with lemon zest and juice and a pinch of sea salt, or roasted with ginger, honey and garlic.

5. Raspberry

1 cup, 64 calories, 8 grams fiber

It's a sweet, juicy, and delicious way to get more fiber from foods into your diet. Fiber is found in raspberry seeds, which often get stuck in the teeth and bring a lot of inconvenience, but it's worth it.

It is delicious fresh, also in the form of jam, it can be added to various dishes and desserts, including cereals, ice cream, pudding, pies, cocktails, etc.

6. Lentils, cooked

1/2 cup, 115 calories, 8 grams fiber

Lentils are high in fiber, easy to cook, and can be added to soups and salads. In half a glass of lentils, you will also find 9 grams of protein as a nice bonus.

7. Chickpeas

1/2 cup, 176 calories, 8 grams fiber

These beige peas are very popular as a snack. They can be fried or baked in the oven until crunchy with sea salt and eaten in place of french fries, salted pretzels or crackers.

8. Blackberry

1 cup, 127 calories, 8 grams of fiber

Blackberries are rich in potassium, vitamin A, calcium and vitamin K, and contain little sugar (only 7 grams per glass). It can be added to smoothies, garnished with delicious desserts, mixed with plain yogurt, or simply eaten fresh.

9. Hyacinth beans

1/2 cup, 114 calories, 8 grams fiber

These low calorie black beans are versatile and high in protein. They can be served with chicken and added to a variety of salads.

10. Burgul, cooked

1 cup, 142 calories, 8 grams of fiber

If you have never used burgul in cooking, it's time to try. It may become one of your favorite ingredients. A bit like couscous, but quicker to cook. 1 glass, which is able to satisfy hunger for a long time, contains less than 200 calories.

Throw in oven-roasted, grilled or raw vegetables, plus a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon or lime juice, and you have a ready-made snack to take to work.

These nutritious whole grains can be eaten as a porridge, added to salads, or used as a side dish.

11. Artichokes, cooked

1/2 cup, 45 calories, 7 grams fiber

A medium-sized artichoke is a great side dish, and any side dish with 7 grams of fiber should be included in your diet. Instead of melted butter often served with artichokes, serve with balsamic vinegar or Greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice and garlic.

For artichoke dishes all year round, use this herb frozen or canned.

12. Flax seeds

2 tbsp, 110 calories, 5.6 grams of fiber

Ground flaxseeds are a great way to add more fiber to just about any meal. A large amount of omega-3 fatty acids is included in the composition of these seeds. By adding 2 tbsp. in a cocktail, granola or baking flour, the dish will have as much as 6 grams more fiber.

Ground flaxseeds add a complex, nutty flavor to the dish. You can also make crispy breadcrumbs for chicken.

13. Pears

1 medium, 101 calories, 5.5 grams of fiber

The next time you decide to eat a juicy pear, don't cut off the skin! Most of the fiber in fruits is found in the skin, and when you cut off the skin, you lose the most valuable thing.

Pears can be eaten fresh, added to fruit salads, pies, desserts and cereals.

14. Avocado

1/2 cup, 120 calories, 5 grams fiber

This magical fruit is very healthy, it also has fiber. It can be used in place of mayonnaise in many salads, sandwiches, smoothies, sauces, baked, fried, and even eaten raw.

Avocado is not exactly a cheap fruit, but is sold in great abundance on store shelves. You need to know where and how to choose the right fruits when buying, how to butcher when cooking and store leftovers. (Never wrap with cling film).

How to start eating more fiber

Before you empty the store shelves in search of magical products for weight loss, you should know that you do not need to immediately introduce a lot of fiber into your diet, as this can bring some difficulties not only to you, but also to the people around you.

To ease the transition to a high-fiber diet, first determine how much fiber your intestines are used to getting each day for several days, recording the results in grams. A table can be a very useful way to do this.

After that, add 3-5 grams of fiber every 2-3 days and watch the reaction of your body. Do this until you reach your recommended daily allowance.

Here's what those 3-5 grams of dietary fiber look like:

  • 1 small apple with skin: 3 grams
  • 1 cup strawberries: 3 grams;
  • 1 medium banana: 3 grams;
  • ½ cup whole wheat pasta: 3 grams;
  • 1 whole wheat muffin: 3 grams;
  • ¾ cup cereal flakes: 5 grams;
  • 1 cup boiled oatmeal: 4 grams
  • 1 slice of whole grain bread: 3 grams;
  • ¼ cup cooked lentils: 4 grams
  • ¼ cup cooked hyacinth beans: 3.75 grams
  • 28 grams almonds: 3.5 grams;
  • ½ cup cooked peas: 4 grams;
  • 1 small potato with skin: 4 grams
  • 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts: 4 grams
  • 1 cup broccoli: 5 grams;
  • 2 tbsp crispy chickpeas: 4 grams.

If you want to lose weight by eating more fiber, then you need to eat the foods listed in this article instead of the ones you eat every day. Because the process of losing weight comes down to consuming fewer calories.

A few more tips on how to minimize side effects while increasing your fiber intake:

  1. Soak dry beans and boil them well. This helps break down some of the gas-causing sugars called oligosaccharides and keeps you from getting constipated.
  2. Do not eat other gas-causing foods: sodas, protein bars, sugary alcoholic drinks, candy.
  3. Drink more water. This is necessary for the dissolution and movement of fiber through the intestines, which also helps to get rid of excess gas and bloating.

Once you've adjusted your diet and are getting the recommended amount of fiber in your diet, try trying all of the high-fiber foods listed above.

They will help satisfy your hunger, despite the fact that you need only a small portion with a minimum of calories to saturate. So enjoy your weight loss and maximize your health benefits with fiber.

An important component of nutrition, which modern man lacks, is fiber. In what products it is, probably everyone knows. But they choose refined food, purified from plant fibers, which leads to the development of serious diseases. What is fiber and what are its benefits, it is interesting to know for those who monitor their health.

What is fiber

Vegetable fiber or cellulose is that part of plant products that cannot be digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but has a positive effect on human health.

In the digestive tract of people there are no enzymes that would help to absorb fiber, it reaches the large intestine unchanged. In the intestines, its splitting begins due to intestinal bacteria, this increases the beneficial microflora.

Cellulose is a collective term. Plants consist of its elements in different proportions, the beneficial effect on the body depends on this.

Benefits of fiber for the body

Fiber-rich foods - a variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains must be in the daily menu.

Their benefit is to cleanse the body of all "superfluous":

  1. In the digestive tract, plant fibers absorb water and increase in volume, this gives a feeling of fullness, helps reduce appetite.
  2. Fiber normalizes bowel function. It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, its regular use reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  3. Fiber absorbs "bad" cholesterol, which is contained in bile, and removes it from the body. This inhibits the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  4. Once in the intestines, it becomes food for the bacteria that live there. Thanks to this, beneficial microorganisms begin to multiply, normal intestinal microflora is created, and strong immunity is formed.
  5. Vegetable fibers mechanically stimulate the intestines, prevent the formation of malignant neoplasms. Their use is the prevention of cancer of the rectum and colon.

Fiber improves the normal functioning of the body, therefore it serves as a prevention of nervous disorders, hypertension, diabetes, allergies, etc.

Any mass of organic origin contains hollow fibers in its composition. The plexus of these fibers is something without which the human body simply cannot exist. These fibers are called cellulose (cellulose, granulosa).

Fiber is not digested in the body, as it is the coarsest part of plants, and it takes a very long time to assimilate it. However, for the digestive system, the presence of this slow carbohydrate is very necessary.

Note! The transitory passage of fiber through the body provides it with cleansing from food debris, poisons and toxins, and excess fat. Thus, vegetable fiber performs the function of an intestinal orderly.

What is granulosa for, its effect on the body

The way a person eats, what foods he eats, directly affects his health, including appearance and well-being.

Along with food, a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances enter the body, which go through a complex path of splitting, transformation and absorption into the plasma.

With fiber, the situation is different. And even though the element does not break down into useful components, is not digested in the stomach and comes out in its original form, its importance for a person cannot be overestimated.

What are the benefits of fiber

  • Food rich in fiber normalizes metabolism and restores bowel function.
  • A diet high in fiber can help you lose weight safely but quickly. A person feels full after eating small portions, as a result of which unnecessary kilograms go away.
  • The concentration of sugar in the blood normalizes and decreases.
  • The stimulation of peristalsis is activated.
  • The lymphatic system is cleansed.
  • The body is cleansed of toxins, toxins, intestinal and gastric mucus, unnecessary fats.
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood falls, which has a preventive effect on preventing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Muscle fibers are strengthened.
  • According to some experts, fiber contributes to the prevention of cancerous tumors.

Cellulose is presented in several forms, which differ from each other in their functionality.

The soluble group includes pectin, alginates, resins and other substances. Turning into jelly, they have the ability to absorb huge amounts of water.

Insoluble plant fiber is not subject to decay. When it absorbs water, it simply swells up like a sponge. This facilitates the activity of the small intestine. The insoluble group includes hemicellulose, lignin, cellulose.

In addition, fiber is divided by origin into synthetic and natural. Without a doubt, a substance created under artificial conditions is inferior in usefulness to a natural one, that is, to one that was originally contained in any product.

Note! Foods containing fiber (their list is given below) provide a state of satiety, give the body a boost of energy for the whole day, keep you from overeating and gaining extra pounds, and make you feel light and free.

Foods rich in fiber

Each person should know the list of products that contain a lot of vegetable fiber. Since this is a substance of natural origin, it should be looked for in the appropriate sources, which can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Animal and vegetable oils

Vegetable oils undoubtedly have more nutritional value than animal fats (dietary fibers are completely absent in them), bringing the body a huge supply of minerals and vitamins.

But in the situation with plant fiber, this is not the case. It is contained not only in various cakes and flour, that is, in what remains after pressing some oils. Fiber-rich foods are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and sesame seeds.

When choosing bread, you need to pay attention to what kind of flour it is made from. Preference should be given to grain bread or from wholemeal flour. You should eat bread from cereals and cereals.


Unfortunately, only raw, thermally unprocessed vegetables, fruits and berries contain dietary fiber, so fiber is not preserved in the process of making juices.


A large amount of dietary fiber is found in nuts. The richest kernels are almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. Fiber is also present in pistachios, peanuts, cashews.

Well, for diabetics it is important to know, despite the fact that they are high in fiber

Cereals and cereals

Contains fiber in most cereals:

  1. barley;
  2. buckwheat;
  3. oat;
  4. wheat.

Only one condition - the cereal should not undergo pre-processing, it must be whole. Fiber reserves in the body can be replenished with peeled and unpeeled rice, but bran is considered the most useful in this regard.


Important! Vegetables during heat treatment lose a large amount of fiber, so preference should be given to raw foods.

These vegetables are incredibly rich in dietary fiber:

  1. Spinach.
  2. Asparagus.
  3. White cabbage.
  4. Broccoli.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Cucumbers.
  7. Radish.
  8. Beet.
  9. Potato.

Legumes are also good sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Fruits and berries

Few people know which berries and fruits are rich in dietary fiber. There is a lot of fiber in dried fruits, dates, raisins, dried apricots. If a person’s morning meal contains this healthy cocktail, he is provided with a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.

You need to eat regularly:

  1. Black currant.
  2. Raspberry.
  3. Strawberries.
  4. Peaches.
  5. Apricots.
  6. Bananas.
  7. Pears.
  8. Grape.
  9. Apples.

These fruits will relieve the body of fiber deficiency.

Milk and its products

Milk, everything that is made from it and other products of animal origin (eggs, meat) do not contain dietary fiber.

Table of the amount of fiber in food

Figures are based on fiber in grams per serving.

Bran (depending on the grain) up to 40
Crispbread (100 g) 18,4
Lentils (cooked, 1 cup) 15,64
Beans (cooked, 1 cup) 13,33
Hazelnuts (handful) 9,4
Wholemeal flour 9
Peas (cooked, 1 cup) 8,84
Raspberries (1 cup) 8,34
Cooked brown rice (1 cup) 7,98
Cabbage, 100 g, cooked 7,2
Flax seeds (3 tablespoons) 6,97
Whole wheat (groats, ¾ cup) 6
Pears (1 medium with peel) 5,08
Buckwheat (1 cup) 5
Apples (1 medium unpeeled) 5
Potato (1 medium, baked in their skins) 4,8
Sea buckthorn (100 g) 4,7
Broccoli (after cooking, 1 cup) 4,5
Spinach (cooked, 1 cup) 4,32
Almonds (handful) 4,3
Pumpkin seeds (1/4 cup) 4,12
Oatmeal (flaked, 1 cup) 4
Strawberries (1 cup) 3,98
Bananas (1 medium) 3,92
Grapes (100 g) 3,9
Sesame seeds 3,88
Walnuts (handful) 3,8
Dates (dried, 2 medium) 3,74
Dried apricots (100 g) 3,5
Cauliflower, 100 g, cooked 3,43
Pistachios (handful) 3,1
Beets (cooked) 2,85
Brussels sprouts, 100 g, cooked 2,84
Carrots (medium, raw) 2,8
Chokeberry (100 g) 2,7
Barley porridge (100 g) 2,5
Peanuts (handful) 2,3
Bran bread (1 slice) 2,2
Black currant (100 g) 2,1
Sunflower seeds (2 tablespoons) 2
Whole grain bread (1 slice) 2
Peaches (1 medium) 2
Cooked brown rice (1 cup) 1,8
Radishes (100 g) 1,6
Raisins (1.5 oz) 1,6
Asparagus 1,2
Wholemeal bread (rye) 1,1
Cashew (handful) 1

Dietary fiber for weight loss

A varied diet is not only a real chance to have excellent health and look attractive, but also a great way to lose weight if you fill your diet with foods rich in fiber.

This element will absorb all the toxins and excess accumulation of fats for further processing and removal from the body.

Such active cleaning will improve the process of digestion and intestinal motility. In addition, the concentration of sugar and cholesterol in the blood will decrease, and this is a direct way to losing weight, and no fat-burning drugs are required.

What should be the daily norm of fiber, the consequences of overdose and deficiency

An adult needs to consume 25-30 grams of fiber per day. During the period of bearing a child, a woman must definitely receive fiber preparations, since this element helps the expectant mother to normalize bowel function and get rid of constipation.

Important! You should never self-medicate by prescribing additional food preparations. Self-introduction of fiber in food not only will not bring benefits, but can cause significant harm to the entire body.

For competent planning of a diet it is necessary to address to the doctor!

With a lack of fiber, the following symptoms may occur:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • frequent constipation;
