
Cranberry juice for a child 1 year old. Harvesting cranberries for the winter

Morse is great alternative juices and compotes. This drink is obtained mainly from all kinds of berries. Morsik is especially needed in childhood. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. A few drops of such a drink can be given even to children up to a year old, naturally, not entirely breastfeeding, but to those who begin to eat complementary foods. We offer you various options recipes from several types of berries.

Cranberry juice for children

Cranberry - perfect berry for the child's body. It does a great job of strengthening the immune system, prevents the development of bacterial infections. You need to feast on delicious red liquid all year round. But not all children love the sour and bitter taste of cranberries. However, fruit juice has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste that any kid will like.

In order to make a cranberry drink, you need to take only three components:

  • 2 cups of berries;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

If desired and in the absence of allergies, you can replace sugar with honey. In this case, the proportion may change. Instead of 5 tablespoons, take 4 or even less. Focus on your taste.

The entire cooking process takes a small amount of time.

  1. Prepare the berries - rinse them, let the water drain. If they are frozen, let them thaw.
  2. Mash them well with your hands, a spoon or a wooden pestle. In this case, the dishes should be glass or enameled, but in no case wooden.
  3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth from the cake. Set the juice aside.
  4. Heat the specified amount of water.
  5. Transfer the pulp itself to a saucepan with water (not iron), pour sugar into it and put on medium heat.
  6. Bring the mass to a boil, turn off the stove. Let stand 15 minutes.
  7. Strain the liquid from the pan and add the first squeezed juice into it.

Cowberry fruit drink for a child

This berry is no less fortified. From it you can also cook no less tasty and healthy drink for a child.

Have to take:

  • 200 g of berries;
  • 100 g of sugar (do not forget about the possibility of replacing with honey);
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. Sort and wash the berries.
  2. Put them in boiling water.
  3. Cover and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid through cheesecloth or colander.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the berries, which is mixed with the broth.
  6. Pour sugar into it and simmer over low heat for another 4 minutes.

Currant juice for a child

You can make fruit juice for a child from both black and red berries.

  1. Boil 10 cups of water.
  2. After boiling, pour 9 tablespoons of sugar into the water and boil again.
  3. Pour in 12 tablespoons of berries and bring to a boil over low heat. Once the liquid boils, remove from heat. Don't let it boil, otherwise everything beneficial features evaporate.
  4. Infuse the liquid for half an hour. Strain and chill.
  5. Morse is ready to use.
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  • Glory about healing properties cranberry extends far beyond the limits of its growth. And although this berry is found mainly in northern latitudes with a harsh climate, almost everyone knows about them. Cranberry is known as an excellent preventive and remedy. At what age can children eat cranberries? Under what diseases should it be excluded from the diet of babies? Read the answers to these and many other questions in this article.

    Cranberry: composition

    Cranberries contain a lot ascorbic acid. That's why she's so popular with northern peoples. In terms of the amount of this vitamin, the berry competes with garden strawberries and citrus fruits: lemon and grapefruit, as well as orange. There are other useful substances in cranberries:

    • B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems, promote hematopoiesis.
    • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - protects cell membranes from oxidation. It improves digestion, increases the absorption of vitamin A, prevents the occurrence of anemia, supplies oxygen to tissues, and maintains muscle cells in a normal state.
    • Vitamin PP - plays a key role in redox processes, improves the activity of higher nervous system, strengthens the heart. Affects the production of the most important hormones: insulin, thyroxine, and many others.
    • Acids, most of all - citric, are also present ursolic, oleanolic, malic, benzoic and others. IN minimum quantity cranberries contain amber and oxalic.
    • Sugar - fructose and glucose are supplemented with a small amount of sucrose.
    • pectin substances. Regulate bowel activity.

    In addition, cranberries contain bioflavonoids, betaine and such useful elements like potassium, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, tin, zinc, barium and many, many more. The calorie content of this berry is low: 100 g contains only 28 kcal, so it is permissible to offer it to children prone to obesity.

    What is useful cranberry?

    The main value of cranberries is its ability to resist viral pathogens. This means that it is effective against influenza and other diseases that conventional antibiotics are powerless to combat. Due to the high content of vitamin C, cranberries increase immunity. Other useful properties:

    • Effective against Helicobacter pylori. It is a bacterium that causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. And if these diseases already exist, it exacerbates. So here it is acidic environment, which is formed when eating cranberries, completely destroys Helicobacter pylori.
    • Antibacterial action - due to the presence of phenol in cranberries. Its use is indicated for diseases genitourinary system, as well as other ailments caused by pathogenic bacteria.
    • Normalization of metabolism. It does this by scavenging free radicals. For this reason, it is especially important to consume cranberries for children who live in large cities, where the environment is more polluted than in the provinces.
    • Cranberries help with diseases oral cavity, including with stomatitis, which so often happens in babies. It is useful in periodontitis. In addition, the berry creates a special environment in the mouth that is not tolerated by bacteria that provoke the formation of caries.

    Cranberry is especially important as a prophylactic. Yes, with her regular use the composition of urine becomes different - pathogenic flora cannot develop in it. Also, this berry increases the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries. For diseases digestive system cranberries are recommended to be consumed after heat treatment.

    If the baby has a poor appetite, you should not force-feed him, it is enough to give a few cranberries. And it is also used as a prophylactic - to avoid the appearance of kidney stones. In many cases, it can successfully replace drugs:

    • when it is necessary to remove the heat - due to profuse sweating;
    • in combination with honey, cranberry juice has an expectorant effect - this mixture is useful for bronchitis;
    • cranberry juice will help with sore throat - thanks to the antiseptic effect;
    • will help with inflammatory diseases urinary tract, which means that cranberries can be used for nephritis, cystitis and similar ailments;
    • this berry removes from the body not only toxins, but also radioactive substances, as well as heavy metal ions - because of this property, it is recommended to give it to children living in industrial cities;
    • helps with gastritis (only with low acidity), pancreatitis, it is an indispensable tool for combating dysbacteriosis.

    Cranberry juice will help in the treatment of first degree burns, with dermatitis. And to get rid of prickly heat, it must be mixed with petroleum jelly. Due to the astringent effect, cranberries are useful for diarrhea.

    Introduction of cranberries to the diet of babies

    Decided to introduce cranberries into the child's menu? Don't forget to consult your pediatrician before doing this. You can give this berry to babies from 6 months. At first - a little bit, just a few drops cranberry juice. Gradually, the portion can be increased and brought up to 30 g. You will notice how after a few days the crumbs will improve their appetite.

    Stop adding cranberries to your baby's diet at the first sign of skin irritation, diarrhea, or other symptoms of discomfort. Please note that even if he is not allergic to the fruits of this shrub, it is possible that an excessively large portion of berries could have caused a sharp reaction in the body.

    • Cranberry puree can be added to vegetable or fruit puree.
    • In the period from 6 to 9 months, the baby can be given 60-90 ml of juice per day, no more than 2 times a week.
    • If the baby is prone to allergies, it is better not to take risks, but to postpone acquaintance with cranberries until the age of one.
    • The optimal portion for children from one to three years old is 15–20 g.

    And further, children's body better perceives cranberries that have passed heat treatment. Cook your child jelly or fruit drink, not too saturated compote will do. During periods of increased risk of getting sick viral disease the portion can be increased - this will protect the child from infections.

    Who can't have cranberries?

    In some diseases, cranberries can only do harm. It is not possible in such cases:

    • with gastritis hyperacidity and stomach ulcers - due to the acids contained in cranberries, the disease can worsen;
    • with some liver diseases - if your baby has problems, be sure to check with the doctor if it is permissible to offer cranberries to your daughter or son;
    • problem tooth enamel - in this case, cranberry juice should be drunk through a straw;
    • individual intolerance.

    An allergic reaction to cranberries is not common, but still be extremely careful! If the child is on breastfeeding, it is better to introduce this berry later - at 7-8 months.


    And now we will tell you how to cook the most popular dishes for kids from cranberries.

    Cranberry mousse with semolina

    For 150 g of berries, you need 1 cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of semolina and water. Prepare cranberry juice, put it in the refrigerator, and send the pulp to a saucepan, add water to it and boil for 5 minutes, then strain through a sieve. Pour the resulting broth back into the saucepan and bring to a boil. Gradually throw semolina there - gently, in a thin stream. Cook for no more than 15 minutes, at the very end add sugar, wait until it dissolves. Cool the cooked porridge, then add chilled cranberry juice to it. Beat until the dish doubles in size. To facilitate whipping, use an "ice" bath. The container with mousse must be put on ice, as an option - in a pan with very cold water. The final stage is to decompose into bowls and cool for 35-40 minutes.

    Cranberry Smoothie

    You will need 200 g cranberries, banana, 400 ml cold water, flakes fast food- not necessarily oatmeal, you can and others. For sweetening - honey or sugar, the amount is arbitrary, depending on taste preferences. Place all components in a suitable container, then beat thoroughly with a blender.

    Cranberry juice

    For one and a half glasses of berries you need: 250-300 ml of water, 100 g of sugar. Mash the fruits, then squeeze the juice out of them and cool it. Place the cake in a saucepan, pour water, add sugar there and boil - no more than 10 minutes. Strain, add juice to the resulting broth. If you prefer to prepare juice with honey, then you need to add it at the end, when the drink has cooled down a bit - this is necessary to avoid the destruction of vitamins.

    Nutrition of the baby is one of the main links in its further growth and development. Of course, it is very difficult to overestimate the role of breast milk. But there comes a time when the baby grows up and the body requires a more varied menu.

    Today we will talk about such a wonderful berry as cranberries. You can make compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, syrups from cranberries, another option is to eat fresh.

    Let's answer some questions:

    Is it possible to give cranberries to children, at what age can they be given?

    What is useful in cranberries?

    How to properly introduce it into the diet?

    Table of contents [Show]

    Negative sides of cranberry desserts

    1. Since cranberry is an acidic berry, it is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, and liver diseases.
    2. Cranberries are quite aggressive to the delicate enamel of milk teeth, so you should not abuse it.
    3. Possibility of allergic reactions.

    At what age can cranberries be given?

    Cranberries should be included in the kids' menu after the introduction of the main dishes - vegetables, cereals. The approximate age is from 7-8 months for babies on breast milk, and from 6 for babies on mixtures.

    If the baby is allergic, cranberries should not be given until 12 months of age. Also, cranberry syrups are contraindicated up to 3 years.

    Cranberries should be given about 2 times a week. Fresh berries are best given from 3 years of age. For younger children, red berries are recommended to be consumed in the form of fruit drinks. Berries with pits after boiling should be rubbed through a sieve, so you get mashed potatoes.

    At the age of 1-3 years, children can be given no more than 15 grams of berries per day.

    We introduce into the diet gradually, starting with ½ teaspoon of cranberry puree or fruit drink, bringing it up to the daily norm.

    Kid in force sour taste cranberries may not eat the entire daily norm of mashed potatoes. In this case, you shouldn't force it.

    The daily portion of cranberry juice is calculated by the formula: 1 kg of a child's weight * 10 ml of juice.

    Also chilled cranberry juice can help with high temperature in children.

    A child older than a year can only be given cranberry pomace, diluted boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, with sugar.

    Kissel is recommended to be given to children from the age of one. The essence of cooking jelly is similar to fruit drink, but starch should be added. First, dissolve a tablespoon of starch in ½ cup of water, and then pour it into a fruit drink and boil for 5 minutes.

    The ripening season for red berries is autumn. In appearance, the berries should be dark red, without damage.

    Do not buy shriveled fruits and berries near roads, highways.

    Fresh cranberries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.


    • the appearance of a rash, red spots, itching;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • swelling of the face, hands of the type of Quincke's edema.

    If the above signs appear, the berries should be excluded from the child's diet and consult a doctor.

    cranberries for colds

    As noted above, cranberries are an excellent helper in the fight against colds. At elevated temperature the child should be given cranberry juice, chilled to room temperature. The antipyretic effect of cranberries will make itself felt in 20-30 minutes.

    You can also use cranberry leaves by steaming them with boiling water. They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

    So, we can sum up. Children, of course, can and should even be given cranberries. But do it only after six months of life. Be sure to observe daily allowance cranberry delicacy, and then it will be possible to get only one benefit from this wonderful berry.

    Cranberry - valuable berry, it surpasses other berries in the content of vitamins and microelements. Due to its qualities, this berry is used in the field of medicine and cosmetology. However, it is most widely used in cooking.

    Useful, life-giving fruit drink from cranberries

    On the basis of cranberries, they make all kinds of homemade preparations, prepare jams, drinks, use them in the form of fresh berries or cooked ones when cooking, just put them in tea. We will tell you how to properly and tasty cook cranberry juice.

    It is able to quench thirst and invigorate, cure colds, and there are a great many ways to prepare fruit drinks. We will show you the secrets of this refreshing, vitamin drink and give you many ideas for making cranberry juice for all occasions!

    Cooking fruit drinks based on cranberries is not difficult, it is relatively simple process and usually doesn't take long.

    Crushing cranberries with a pusher

    1. Dismantled and washed berries are crushed
    2. Pour water into a metal, not enameled container and heat
    3. The berry is prepared in 5 minutes, then the resulting drink is strained and allowed to cool
    4. Freshly squeezed berry juice can be poured into the resulting liquid.

    Upon contact with the juice of this sour berry skin irritations may occur, so the advice is to wear gloves to protect your hands.

    If there is a need for daily preparation of fruit drinks, it is much more advisable to use a blender or other grinder to extract the juice, this will save time and effort.

    To add sweetness, put sugar or honey. In some cases, juice or pieces of citrus peel are added to the prepared drink, and spices, such as cloves or cinnamon, are added to give the drink a tart fragrant aroma. If you add rose hips, then fruit drinks will not only taste good, but also very useful, and in terms of vitamin C content, it will surpass all other drinks.

    You can decorate a glass of cranberry juice with a mint leaf, a slice of orange or lemon, whole fresh berries - in general, there are many options! Anything your imagination tells you!

    To make a delicious cranberry drink, you must first defrost the berries that were frozen, and fresh berries- sort out. Then you need to gently wash them and grind them with a kitchen pressing device, such as a pusher.

    Squeeze the resulting slurry until juices appear and add the released liquid to the finished fruit drink. In the case of adding wild rose, the berries are prepared, cleaned with water and steamed. It is convenient to soak the wild rose in a thermos, the infusion time is 1 night. The prepared fruit drink is consumed chilled, poured into glasses or glasses.

    Kitchenware you may need:

    1. metal utensils not enameled for cooking
    2. squeezing cup
    3. crusher or pusher
    4. contemporary kitchen appliances type blender
    5. for filtering the berry mass - a sieve or a piece of clean gauze.

    We bring to your attention a classic, easy-to-prepare recipe for fruit drink from frozen berries.

    Store-bought frozen cranberries


    1. frozen cranberries - 500g;
    2. sugar - 300g;
    3. boiled water - 6-7 glasses.

    Cooking progress

    1. Frozen berries for one night must be moved from the freezer to the refrigerator.
    2. Put the thawed berries in cheesecloth and crush with a pusher so that the mass gives juice.
    3. Squeeze the crushed mass into gauze.
    4. Pour boiled water of warm temperature and sugar to the separated juice.
    5. Stir all ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    6. To give refined taste put in a few mint leaves.
    7. The finished drink is served chilled.


    1. water - 1 liter;
    2. cranberries - 1 cup;
    3. honey - 2 tablespoons.

    Cooking progress

    Berries are pre-cleaned of debris and rinsed. Take a deep bowl and mash well with a spoon or use a blender for this purpose. Transfer the resulting raw material to gauze and squeeze out all the contents to the end. Pour the juice into a glass container, close tightly, put in the refrigerator to cool.

    Pour 1 liter of water to the squeezed cranberries and heat on the stove, boil for about 5-7 minutes. Cool this mass and then filter it through a sieve or gauze. Mix this liquid with juice from the refrigerator. Dissolve honey in the resulting solution (choose the amount based on your preferences).

    A great example, let's make cranberry juice without special trouble and sorting dishes. Morse will prepare with the preservation of all best qualities cranberries. This device in the proposed version is used as a thermos for infusion of berry solution.


    1. cranberries - 2 cups;
    2. water - 2 liters;
    3. sugar - 1 cup.

    Cooking progress

    As usual, you first need to prepare the berries, clean them of debris and rinse with water. Wipe them in a sieve over a deep cup prepared in advance, where the secreted juices will drain.

    Put sugar in a slow cooker, pour freshly squeezed juice prepared in advance and what is left of the berries. Boil water separately, pour the contents of the multicooker with boiling water. Thoroughly mix the entire composition and cook for 3-4 hours. Final stage- the resulting drink must be filtered.

    In this embodiment, it is noteworthy that the juice will not need to be subjected to heat treatment, i. warm on fire, which greatly increases the usefulness of the product. But this method also has disadvantages, because it forces you to spend in the kitchen a large number of time and a lot of effort.


    1. cranberries - 500g;
    2. sugar - 300-400g;
    3. water - 6-7 glasses.

    Cooking progress

    Cranberries must first be sorted out, then pour the berries with boiling water in one go, and rinse again, but for the second wash, use cold boiled water. Crush the berries and pour 1 cup of water, mix well, and then put the mixture into cheesecloth, consisting of 2-3 layers, and squeeze out the juice.

    The squeezed berries should be subjected to the same manipulations described above about 2 more times, i.e. add water, mix and squeeze. After 2-3 spins, the berry cake can be thrown out.

    Dilute the resulting drink with cold boiled water, sweeten with sugar or honey, if you are a lover of honey taste, and you can treat guests or family.

    Good tasting vitamin drink With delicate aroma rosehip will give energy, vivacity and replenish body reserves useful substances on for a long time. A charge of vital activity on a completely natural basis.


    1. fresh cranberries - 0.5 kg;
    2. rosehip - 1 glass;
    3. sugar (to your taste);
    4. water - 2 liters.

    Cooking progress

    Cranberries need to be sorted out, washed with water. Take a deep enough cup and mash the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. Add water to the squeezed berries and heat on the stove, boil the mixture for about 5 minutes.

    Strain the infusion and put the desired amount of sugar, according to your taste. At the same time, prepare an infusion of wild rose, it must be cleaned, washed and infused in a thermos in hot water.

    Approximate time of settling rose hips - night. After the rosehip has been infused, strain the rosehip infusion and add cranberry to it. Now you can enjoy this wonderful berry mix!

    Cranberries and lingonberries are strong diuretic products, they have long proven their effectiveness when using these berries to cleanse the genitourinary system. In addition, such cleaning has a mild effect on the body and does not put a heavy burden on the kidneys.

    For a course of cleansing the kidneys, you will need about 3 kilograms of sour berries. It is advisable to use it in fresh, but, in extreme cases, it is possible and frozen. Every day you need to take 200 g of cranberries. The entire supply (3kg) is designed for a 15-day course of use, during which time stones from the kidneys will begin to be removed. You must be sure that there are no formations in the ducts that can interfere with the cleansing process.

    simple recipe

    As a result, we get a healthy gruel, which is convenient to store in the refrigerator. How to cook cranberry juice quickly and easily? To do this, simply dilute the resulting product with water. This mixture can also be used as a filling for baking or added to hot drinks.


    1. Cranberries - 1 kg;
    2. Sugar - 700g.

    Cooking progress

    Skip the berries through a meat grinder or bring to liquid state in a blender. Mix ground or grated berries with sugar.

    Wash the cranberries and leave to dry. Whisk egg white. Roll the berries in the beaten egg white. The final step is to roll the sweets in powdered sugar on top.

    We hope your child enjoys this vitamin treat.

    This cranberry juice recipe is good for young children or for holiday table, for those who are afraid to drink unboiled drinks.

    To prepare cranberries for a couple of glasses of drink for myself, I always use this recipe for cranberry juice.

    But this recipe is also interesting, especially if there are kids in the house.

    The concentration of cranberry juice and the amount of sugar - determine to your taste. Proportions are approximate.


    • 200 g cranberries
    • 0.5 cup sugar
    • 1 liter of water

    Wash cranberries, grind with a blender or mash with a spoon.

    Strain through cheesecloth or strainer.

    Pour the cake with water and boil in a saucepan for 3-5 minutes.

    Then cool the trace and strain the broth. You add sugar at any stage - at your discretion, either in a pan with cake when boiling, or after mixing the juice with strained "cranberry broth"

    Mix cranberry juice and cranberry broth, add sugar to taste. The concentration of cranberry juice is easily changed with ordinary boiled water.

    Drink warm or chilled.

    Cranberry juice - delicious, natural drinkgreat way quench your thirst in summer heat or keep warm on a cold winter evening.

    In summer, you can add a glass of ice cubes with juice, and in winter you can immediately drink warm cranberry juice.

    An excellent remedy for colds and for the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases.

    In general, choose the recipe for making cranberry juice to your taste, in any case, delicious vitamin and very beautiful drink you are provided!

    Drink well!

    Will be in time soon fragrant strawberries The kids just love her! Prepare strawberry compote in a saucepan or cover strawberry compote for the winter in jars, then both in winter and in summer your children will be happy to drink delicious and fragrant compote, which is much healthier than store-bought lemonade.

    That's all for today! Cook with pleasure and share your impressions in the comments.

    Subscribe to new recipes to always be up to date with the news of the site Delicious Food

    Mors is a great alternative to juices and compotes. This drink is obtained mainly from all kinds of berries. Morsik is especially necessary in childhood. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. A few drops of such a drink can be given even to children up to a year old, naturally, not entirely breastfeeding, but to those who begin to eat complementary foods. We offer you various options for recipes from several types of berries.

    Cranberry juice for children

    Cranberries are an ideal berry for a child's body. It does a great job of strengthening the immune system, prevents the development of bacterial infections. You need to feast on delicious red liquid all year round. But not all children love the sour and bitter taste of cranberries. However, fruit juice has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste that any kid will like.

    In order to make a cranberry drink, you need to take only three components:

    • 2 cups of berries;
    • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 2 liters of water.

    If desired and in the absence of allergies, you can replace sugar with honey. In this case, the proportion may change. Instead of 5 tablespoons, take 4 or even less. Focus on your taste.

    The entire cooking process takes a small amount of time.

    1. Prepare the berries - rinse them, let the water drain. If they are frozen, let them thaw.
    2. Mash them well with your hands, a spoon or a wooden pestle. In this case, the dishes should be glass or enameled, but in no case wooden.
    3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth from the cake. Set the juice aside.
    4. Heat the specified amount of water.
    5. Transfer the pulp itself to a saucepan with water (not iron), pour sugar into it and put on medium heat.
    6. Bring the mass to a boil, turn off the stove. Let stand 15 minutes.
    7. Strain the liquid from the pan and add the first squeezed juice into it.

    Cowberry fruit drink for a child

    This berry is no less fortified. From it you can also make an equally tasty and healthy drink for a child.


    1. Sort and wash the berries.
    2. Put them in boiling water.
    3. Cover and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.
    4. Pour the liquid through cheesecloth or colander.
    5. Squeeze the juice from the berries, which is mixed with the broth.
    6. Pour sugar into it and simmer over low heat for another 4 minutes.

    Currant juice for a child

    You can make fruit juice for a child from both black and red berries.

    1. Boil 10 cups of water.
    2. After boiling, pour 9 tablespoons of sugar into the water and boil again.
    3. Pour in 12 tablespoons of berries and bring to a boil over low heat. Once the liquid boils, remove from heat. Do not let it boil, otherwise all the beneficial properties will evaporate.
    4. Infuse the liquid for half an hour. Strain and chill.
    5. Morse is ready to use.

    Cranberry - useful berry, through which it is possible to strengthen immune system and avoid many viral diseases. In order for it to bring only benefits to your baby, you need to know how to properly introduce it into the children's diet. At what age can a child be given cranberries? In what form is it offered? How to calculate the daily portion of berries for a baby?

    Cranberries are very important in baby food, it is traditionally used to strengthen the immunity of children, to stimulate appetite, increase vitality, as well as during the recovery period. Cranberries help improve digestion and assimilation of food. IN small quantities apple-cranberry juice is recommended for children early age to improve appetite (from 6 months). Cranberry is good because it can not only enhance the antibacterial effect of other drugs, but also produces a pronounced healing effect. Cranberry juice, for example, retards the growth and development of Staphylococcus aureus, anthrax bacilli, Proteus and Escherichia coli.

    Cranberries in the diet of a baby - at what age is it introduced into complementary foods?

    What are the benefits of cranberries?

    • Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, A, E, K, PP and B.
    • It contains macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
    • Cranberry is a powerful immunity stimulant, it strengthens the protective functions of the body, helping to prevent colds.
    • Cranberry boosts defensive forces a child with colds (ARI, SARS, influenza, adenovirus infection).
    • Cranberry has a diaphoretic effect, so it is useful to eat it at a temperature - it reduces the intoxication of the child's body.
    • This berry removes toxic substances.
    • With sore throat and bronchitis, cranberry juice, together with honey, is both a powerful antiseptic and expectorant.
    • Cranberries kill bacteria high content phenols.
    • The diuretic effect of these berries allows them to be used in diseases Bladder and kidneys, including bacterial origin.
    • Pectins in the composition of cranberries remove poisons and radioactive substances from the body.
    • Pectins perform another function - they improve the digestion process.
    • Cranberry fruit drinks and jelly can quench your thirst very quickly.
    • With loose stools, cranberries are also useful - they have astringent properties.

    Are there any contraindications to cranberries?

    • Cranberries are contraindicated in people with liver disease.
    • In diseases of the stomach caused by high acidity - gastritis and ulcers, cranberries should not be eaten.
    • If you eat cranberries often, the acid can weaken your tooth enamel.
    • Sometimes cranberries cause allergies in children.

    At what age are cranberries given to children for the first time?

    Various berries are usually introduced into the baby's diet when he is already used to cereals and mashed vegetables. Do the same with cranberries. Typically, this period is around 6 months of age for formula-fed babies and 7-8 months of age for formula-fed babies. breast milk. Children with a tendency to allergies are offered cranberries for the first time not earlier than a year.

    In what form is it right to give cranberries to babies of different ages?

    Children under 1 year old are given cranberries that have passed heat treatment. Several berries are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, rubbed through a sieve or gauze, and then added to the vegetable or fruit puree already familiar to the baby. You can cook cranberry juice, compote or jelly for your child.

    The baby is treated with cranberries 1-2 times a week. The daily portion for a child aged 1 to 3 years is 10-20 grams of berries. Fresh cranberries can be eaten from the age of three. It is served with sugar, added to different desserts or juices and drinks.

    If there is an allergy?

    Having offered the child cranberries for the first time, observe the reaction of the body for 1-2 days. If during this time you find red spots on the baby's body, a rash, a runny nose or signs of swelling on the face, this is a manifestation of an allergy. In this case, cranberries are removed from the child's diet. See your pediatrician or allergist for an antihistamine. You can try again to enter children's menu cranberries not earlier than a year.

    Moms take note!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

    How is cranberry juice prepared?

    To do useful juice from cranberries, you need to take one and a half liters of water and half a kilogram of berries. The cranberries are washed and then the juice is squeezed out. The remaining cake must be poured with water and boiled. Add sugar to the prepared broth (to taste) and boil again. When the broth has cooled, mix it with cranberry juice. How much fruit drink can you give a child? By multiplying the baby's age (in months) by 10, you get the value in milliliters, which is daily portion fruit drink for your child.

    How to make cranberry syrup for kids

    1 liter of cranberry juice, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water. cook sugar syrup, dissolving sugar in boiling water, and pour over the squeezed cranberry juice. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal. Cranberry syrup convenient in that it is prepared once, and used whole year. It can be added to tea, compote, diluted with water.

    How to cook jelly with cranberries?

    1. Rinse the berries thoroughly (4 tablespoons), pour over them with boiling water, and then mash them.
    2. Boil water (2 cups). Cool 1/4 cup of boiled water, and then dilute starch in it (2 tsp).
    3. Add cranberries to the remaining water in the pan, boil, and then strain.
    4. Put sugar (2 tablespoons) into the strained broth and pour in the cooked starch.
    5. Place the saucepan over low heat and stir until the jelly thickens.

    How to choose good berries?

    Cranberries ripen in autumn. Exactly this right time to buy berries. fresh fruits usually elastic, they have bright color. Do not buy soft and shriveled berries.

    How are cranberries stored?

    Fresh fruits should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than seven days. IN closed container mold can form, so leave the berries open.

    Harvesting berries for the winter

    To pamper your baby with cranberries in winter, berries can be stored in many ways.

    1. Freeze. Cranberries are not washed, but only cleaned of visible debris, after which they are sent to the freezer.
    2. Drying. To dry cranberries for the winter, first they are dried in the sun for several hours. Then the berries are transferred to the oven or fruit dryer.
    3. Cranberries mashed with sugar. This method is simple and allows you to store berries in the refrigerator. long time. Grind cranberries with sugar, observing a ratio of 1: 1, berry puree put in a sterilized jar.
    4. If cranberries are harvested before the first frost, they can be stored in the refrigerator by pouring syrup or water over them.

    child eating cranberries

    Moms take note!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!
