
How to melt honey to a liquid state. How to melt candied honey in a glass jar

Know that it is completely edible. It just needs to be melted properly. And how to do it, we will now find out.

Features of melting

Very often, a certain amount of product remains in jars, which is candied and hardens. People say: "The one that is not candied is bad."

Did you know? Honey may not deteriorate for centuries, while retaining all its beneficial properties. When Tutankhamen's tomb was opened, an amphora with honey was found. Its taste has practically not deteriorated over so much time.

And although it loses its beauty and presentation a little, crystallization does not affect the benefits. If you want to use the leftover frozen product, or just empty the jar, and it’s a pity to throw away the remains of a valuable product, learn how to melt honey.

Let's start with the choice of dishes. Depending on the quantity, the product can be stored in glass containers, ceramic dishes or aluminum cans.
For blooming, it is best to use glass or ceramics. If you have a candied whole can and it is impossible to get it false, then in such a container the firebox is quite acceptable.

Do not melt in plastic containers. This may result in plastic getting into the product or an unpleasant odor. Another important point is the temperature regime.

Important! The melting point should not exceed 50°C.

If the temperature is higher, the crystal lattice will collapse completely. Sugar will turn into caramel, all beneficial properties will disappear and a harmful, toxic substance hydroxymethylfurfural will appear. It is also undesirable to mix several varieties.

If you have a large amount of honey that needs kindling, don't rush to melt it all. Take the amount that can be consumed in a short period of time.

How to melt candied honey

So, we picked up the dishes, decided on the required temperature. Often the product is stored in a glass jar, so first consider how to melt thickened honey in a jar.

The easiest, fastest and most understandable way is a water bath. To organize the process, we need two pots of different diameters, water and a thermometer.

Pour water into a larger pot and put the second pot in it. They shouldn't touch. Pour water into the second container. We put the dishes with honey. With a thermometer we control the temperature of the water in a smaller saucepan, it should not exceed 55 ° C.
When the water is hot, turn off the stove for 20-30 minutes. If necessary, repeat the heating later. It will take 40-50 minutes of time and two heatings to dissolve 300 g of the product.

You can speed up the process by not pouring water into the second pan. The bank is placed in one pan with water. It is necessary to provide a support for the jar to avoid overheating of the product from the hot bottom of the pan. Due to the rapid heating, we carefully control the temperature of the water.

Bank near the battery or in the sun

A slower, but much more gentle mode is to simply leave the container near the battery, heater or in the sun. This method will teach you how to melt honey in a glass jar.

Nothing complicated. The only condition is to rotate the jar regularly to evenly heat the contents. The time of such a procedure is from 8 hours to several days - depending on the temperature.
The sun can also heat the jar up to 45-50°C. But this method is suitable for those who live in very sunny places and can leave the container with the product for a very long time under direct light.

Jar in warm water

We fill any suitable container (pot, basin, bath) with hot water and lower the jar there. Waiting for meltdown. Just do not forget to withstand and maintain the desired temperature.

This method is simple, but requires about 6-8 hours and the addition of hot water to raise the temperature.

Lemon uses

Another interesting way is to use . This method contributes to how to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties, but also allows you to create a valuable folk remedy for the treatment of colds.

The technology is very simple. Sliced ​​fresh, at the rate of one slice per spoon, is placed in a jar with the product. The honey will begin to melt and mix with the lemon juice. The resulting cocktail has a combination of useful properties. It can be used for colds, for smoothies, cocktails and with hot tea.

We examined the most popular, traditional and sparing dissolution modes. But modern technology offers another option - the use of a microwave oven. Below we will consider how to melt honey in the microwave.

Is it possible to heat honey in the microwave

Disputes about the benefits and dangers of a microwave oven often suggest that, heated in this way, it will lose all its beneficial properties.

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. Compliance with simple rules will allow you to dissolve and preserve all the useful qualities of this product. Proper utensils - use only heat-resistant glass containers.

Over time, any, even very high-quality honey, crystallizes. This is a natural process, and at the same time all the useful properties of the product are preserved. But if you want to eat a liquid product, you can melt it. There is an opinion that after heating the nectar, all the benefits disappear. Actually this is not true. To preserve all the useful properties of the product, you need to know how to melt honey.

There are several ways to melt honey at home:

  • near heating appliances;
  • in a water bath;
  • melting in the microwave.

In any case, you will have to control the temperature regime, since the heating should not be long, and the temperature cannot exceed 50 ° C. This is the main condition if you want a safe melting of the product. So you save all the useful properties.

Nectar firebox in a glass jar

To do this, you need to put a bottle with the product near the radiator or fireplace. Make sure it's not too hot. You will have to wake up several times a night and turn the jar over, as the product is not heated evenly.

How to make candied honey liquid?

To do this, you can melt the product in a water bath. Put a pot of water on the fire and place a container of nectar in it. It is best not to heat the bee nectar in the plastic. Honey will become liquid, but in a plastic container, when heated, it adsorbs all harmful substances from the container. The ideal option is ceramic or glassware.

How to quickly melt candied honey?

For melting candied honey, you can use any glass jar. It is simply placed in hot water. If the container is too large, then take the basin.

Why can't nectar be overheated? The water in the container should never boil. At the same time, a harmful substance, hydroxymethylfurfural, is released from the candied honey. It is a toxic compound that can cause cancer.

How to melt candied honey in the microwave?

Many believe that melting candied honey in the microwave at home will not work without losing its properties. Actually it is not. If you want to get a quality liquid product, you must follow certain rules. So you make honey liquid and keep all the vitamins in it. To do this, the nectar must be poured into a glass container with dark walls.

Suitable glassware made of heat-resistant glass. Put the jar in the microwave and set the power to 500-600 watts. Remember, the maximum power should not exceed 700 watts. Turn on the oven for 2 minutes. In this household appliance, heating occurs unevenly, so immediately after turning it off, remove the dish from the microwave and mix the contents with a wooden spatula. This will mix the hot nectar with the candied nectar and you will make the honey runny.

Now you know how to quickly melt honey, it's not difficult at all. It is enough to follow the instructions and not overheat the nectar. Thus, you can make the product liquid and retain all the beneficial properties.

How to melt foundation?

Product and water should be equal. Put the container on a small fire and heat for 1 hour. After that, drain the liquid into a bucket through cheesecloth. As it cools, the wax will rise up and the water will stay at the bottom. It has to be done right. Do not overheat the substance.

  • 1. Temperature, dishes and other important conditions
  • 2. How to make honey more plastic?
  • 2.1. Gas or electric oven
  • 2.2. Water bath
  • 2.3. Microwave
  • 2.4. Other improvised means

During storage, different varieties of honey are candied in different ways: from fine to coarse crystalline structure. At the same time, only cream honey retains plasticity, the rest become more and more solid over time. It is very difficult to use them in such a state. And there are actually a lot of cases when it is necessary to melt honey.

After all, if it is stored in a large container, sooner or later there is a problem with moving it to a smaller container. With regular use, for example, for medicinal purposes, it generally makes sense to distribute it in small jars and store it in separate portions, which are periodically melted: sometimes, due to the hardness of the candied product, it becomes difficult to even just pick it up in a spoon. However, this process has its own nuances and you need to know how to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties.

Temperature, dishes and other important conditions

Depending on why you need honey, you need to choose the appropriate temperature regime:

  • healing properties in sweet medicine disappear with prolonged heating at a temperature of more than 50 degrees. Optimal, in order to change the dense crystalline structure to a softer and more plastic one, is considered a temperature of up to 40 degrees;
  • if you use the delicacy exclusively for culinary purposes, then you should not worry much about the temperature regime. From a short heating at high temperatures, of course, a harmful compound, hydroxymethylfurfural, begins to be released, but its amount is not critical for human health.

Before starting the heating process, you should take care to use the appropriate dishes:

  • preference should be given to earthenware, ceramic or glass containers or jars, in which it will be convenient to store the product in the future;
  • under no circumstances should plastic and metal utensils be used. When heated, they can react with the acidic environment of honey, which will negatively affect its quality. If there is no particular choice, then when using metal containers, it is better to give preference to enameled containers.

When heated, it is better not to mix different varieties, do not add water to it, so it will quickly deteriorate and ferment. The same applies to the sterility and tightness of dishes: only a clean and tightly closed jar will provide a “live” product with a long-term further storage.

If you need very little honey, and it is stored in bulk containers, it makes no sense to expose its entire volume to high temperatures. It is better to set aside the required amount with a small margin separately, melt and use it.

How to make honey more plastic?

If it is possible to melt natural honey at an automatically controlled temperature, it is best, of course, to use it. The time required to melt honey cannot be precisely determined, since it all depends on the volume of the dish in which it is located and the level of crystallization.

Gas or electric oven

You can put a container of honey in a pot of water and put the whole structure in a gas or electric oven with the temperature control set at 40 degrees. It is impossible to recommend the exact time: until the crystal structure begins to melt.

Immediately after this, the container is taken out, thoroughly mixed and left to stand so that the mass becomes homogeneous. It does not make sense to heat up to a liquid consistency; the appearance of plasticity in the mass is enough. So honey will definitely not lose its healing qualities. If this is not possible, it is necessary to use improvised means.

Water bath

The most famous way to quickly dissolve a large amount of honey is to use a water bath, and sometimes, at home, the most affordable one. However, the accuracy of the temperature regime can only be controlled using a home thermometer.

For this:

  • you need to take a container in which honey is stored (most often it is a glass jar), place it in a saucepan of a suitable volume and completely fill it with water;
  • then take a second pan, which is two or three times the volume of the first;
  • place the first pot of honey in the second, so that they do not touch the surfaces. This is often achieved with handles that can be placed stably on the walls of a larger container;
  • fill the lower pan with water so that it does not reach the bottom of the upper one;
  • start the heating process so that the water in the lower pot boils, and the steam from it provides heat to the upper one.

There are a lot of detailed video instructions on how to do this at home on the Internet. You can view one of them below.

How to melt honey in a water bath


Without a doubt, the microwave is one of the most convenient tools in the kitchen. Everyone has long been accustomed to the functionality of this technique, it has a lot of qualities, one of which is high power.

It should be borne in mind that the use of a microwave for a product such as honey is simply not provided for by most manufacturers, and you will have to set the program parameters at your own discretion. It is impossible to predict the effect in advance, the experiment may not be the most successful, adversely affect the quality and beneficial properties of the nectar processed by bees.

However, there are several recommendations on how to melt honey if it is candied in a microwave-safe dish: heat-resistant or dark glass. To do this, it must be heated for no more than two minutes at a maximum power of up to 600 watts. Immediately after the end of the time, it is taken out and thoroughly mixed with a ceramic or wooden spoon to distribute the heated mass throughout the container.

Other improvised means

In summer, the air temperature often reaches 40 degrees in the shade. You can just put the honey in the sun and wait until it warms up. However, it should be remembered: exposure to ultraviolet radiation is no less harmful to honey than high temperatures. A jar of honey should be well wrapped, and sometimes look at the thermometer - in case of excess temperature, immediately bring it home.

In winter, honey can be heated either nearby or on a central heating battery. The method is not the most reliable, but if you wrap the jar and leave it warm, the result will definitely be. Usually the process is quite long, so it is better to schedule it for the night, and in the morning thoroughly mix the melted and non-melted layers to a uniform consistency.

The healing properties of nectar processed by bees can be preserved only by providing it with the right conditions for storage and use. One of the most important conditions is the temperature regime. It depends on its observance how long honey will remain your assistant in the fight for health and how useful its use will be.

Perhaps in every family there is at least one jar of a sweet product bought from local beekeepers or in the nearest supermarket. As you know, after a couple of months, even high-quality honey tends to be candied. How to melt honey so that it does not lose its beneficial properties and qualities. After all, it is for them that this food product is purchased. It is much more pleasant to eat liquid honey, and it is more convenient to add it to various pastries and other dishes.

There are several ways to melt candied honey. Let's figure out which of them are the fastest, which are convenient and which ones allow you to actually leave in honey all the useful things that are given by nature. There is an opinion that melting honey is strictly not recommended, since high temperatures are detrimental to this product. But in fact, if everything is done correctly, then no useful substances will be lost or lost under the influence of heat treatment.

Main Rules

First, let's figure out what are the main recommendations for melting honey. In order to preserve useful vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes contained in it, certain rules must be observed.

  • Candied honey should be heated at a temperature not exceeding fifty degrees.
  • Do not use hot water to dissolve hardened honey.
  • To prevent harmful substances from appearing in healthy sweets, it is not recommended to use plastic or metal utensils for melting. We advise you to give preference to ceramics or glass.
  • Try to dissolve as much honey as can be eaten in one meal. Tomorrow, the melted product will be candied again. A couple of tablespoons for making a dessert or eating a stack of fragrant pancakes will be enough.
  • Never mix several types of honey in one cup when blooming.

Glass jar

This is perhaps the most popular and convenient way to bloom honey. Let's see step by step how to melt honey in a glass jar.

We take a convenient jar with the required volume. As you understand, you should not put a couple of tablespoons of candied treats in a three-liter container. A glass jar can be placed near any heat source. It can be a heater or an ordinary battery in an apartment. Warm water can also serve as a source of heat. Pour it into a large saucepan and put a jar of honey there.

If the bank is near the battery, then do not forget to periodically turn it in different directions. If you chose hot water to help, then add it as it cools.

Water bath

How to melt honey if time is running out and guests are already on the doorstep? The “water bath” method known to all housewives will come to the rescue. As you know, water has a high degree of thermal conductivity, so honey will heat up quickly. The work will also require glass containers.

How to heat honey in a glass jar in a "water bath"? Take a large saucepan. We place a jar of bee product in it. Pour cold water and put on a slow fire.

It is important to remember that water should not get into the jar of honey during kindling. Large fire should not be used. Avoid sudden temperature changes and jumps. Remember that the temperature should not rise more than 40-50 degrees. Strong boiling of the liquid in the pan is not allowed. We are just dissolving honey, making it more liquid, and we are not going to cook a sweet treat.


How to melt honey in a glass jar, if you are completely unlimited in time? The answer is simple - we use the natural "helper" - the sun. Of course, it will take quite a lot of time to bloom the bee product. And not every day the sun shines brightly enough to become a natural battery. But with this method, you will definitely be sure that the temperature regime was not violated and nothing affected the vitamin composition of honey.


The following method will tell you how to melt honey at home, and even make it more healthy and tasty. This recipe calls for one large lemon. Actions will be as follows:

  • The lemon is washed under running water and cut into small pieces.
  • Cut the lemon into a deep container, as after cutting it will have to be thoroughly mixed.
  • The lemon pounded into gruel is mixed with the required amount of candied honey.
  • We are waiting for some time.
  • We enjoy the resulting healthy and very tasty delicacy. By the way, such a honey-lemon mixture is recommended to be used during periods of seasonal exacerbation of colds. For immunity, this is the best assistant in the fight against influenza.


Perhaps one of the most popular questions is: “Is it possible to melt honey in the microwave and how to do it?”. There is an opinion that doing this is strictly prohibited. Allegedly, microwaves are detrimental to honey and draw out everything useful, which is what the bee product is rich in. But in fact, everything is not as intimidating as it looks.

To work with a microwave, as you know, you need special utensils. No plastic and no patterned plates! Exclusively glass or ceramics of good quality. We put the required amount of sweet treats in the container and place in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

How to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties using a microwave? First, do not overexpose the product. Depending on the power of the unit, as well as on the amount of honey in the plate, the melting time will vary from one to two and a half minutes. It is recommended to check the status of the product every thirty seconds. Don't let the honey boil or overheat.


So, we have already told you about how to melt honey in a water bath, in a glass jar and in a microwave. The last, not so often used, but taking place, method is a slow cooker. Yes, and in it you can change the solid state of honey to liquid.

It is important that only those multicookers that are equipped with special temperature sensors are suitable for melting honey. Remember that high temperature, as well as its fluctuations, are detrimental to a useful beekeeping product.

Set any multicooker mode. The main thing is that the cooking temperature in this mode does not exceed fifty degrees. You can put honey directly into the bowl, or you can simply put a small saucer with a candied product on the bottom of the multicooker.

How to Prevent Candied Honey

In order not to look for ways and recipes that tell how to melt honey, you can simply follow some recommendations for its proper storage.

  • The crystallization process will slow down significantly if you store the bee product at a temperature of no higher than four degrees. The lower the storage temperature of honey, the longer it will be in a liquid state. Of course, freezing is not worth it.
  • To prevent crystallization centers from forming at all, it is recommended to mix honey at least once a week. This simple method will help maintain the desired consistency of the product for many months.
  • It is not recommended to add water to already candied honey. But a few tablespoons of warm water added to a liquid product will help keep it in the right consistency.
  • Among all the variety of honey varieties, try to give preference to those that contain the minimum amount of glucose in their composition. Such a product, even without additional "infusions", will be liquid for a long time.

Honey comb

Honey in combs very rarely becomes candied. But if such a moment nevertheless occurred, then you should not look for ways to melt the product. Experienced beekeepers advise simply cutting the honeycombs into small cubes. As a result, you will get the most delicious and healthy honey candies. They will be very sweet and completely natural.

Advice. If you buy honey on the market in late autumn, winter or early spring (out of season), then always ask the seller why the honey is liquid, whether it has been melted. At this time, honey simply must already be in a solid state. And if it is liquid, then it was either drowned, or substances were added that did not bring any benefit to the body.

Despite the fact that the crystallized product is in no way inferior to ordinary liquid honey, it is more convenient for some to use it in liquid form, and therefore it becomes necessary to melt the product. This should be done very carefully, because when heated, all the favorable properties of honey are lost. We will describe in detail how to melt honey in a couple of ways below.

How to melt honey in a glass jar?

Most store and buy honey in glass jars, often in large volumes, which, however strange it may sound, promotes crystallization. The fact is that with each stirring and extraction of honey from such a jar, new centers of crystallization are formed - places of accumulation of glucose, which gradually settles to the bottom.

If you do not like candied honey, then you can restore its previous consistency by simply melting it in any warm place. Such a place can be a warm battery, next to which a jar is placed close, or a bath with water (temperature 50 degrees). The oven is also suitable, also heated to a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

How to melt candied honey in a water bath?

The most common method involves the use of a water bath: a pot of boiling water in which a jar of honey is placed. In order for the container with honey to be heated evenly, the bottom of the pan is covered with a net or a rag, and just enough water is poured to cover the jar to the very shoulders. After reaching the desired consistency and transparency, honey is carefully poured into another storage container.

How to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties in the microwave?

Many consider the microwave to be the embodiment of evil in the kitchen, but this is absolutely not the case. In addition to the fact that dishes from the microwave cook faster, they also heat up much more smoothly. The last fact is especially relevant. when the housewives are faced with the question of how to melt honey when it is candied.

Before being placed in, honey is poured into a container suitable for cooking in the device. After placing the container with honey in the microwave chamber, set the power to maximum (usually no more than 600 W) and set the timer for a minute. After 60 seconds, the honey is stirred to equalize the temperature throughout the thickness of the product. In this way, it is better to melt small portions of honey, since it takes a long time to heat large portions.
