
Children's menu for the new year. Children's New Year's menu

New Year is the time when the whole family gathers at the festive table, including small children. Therefore, when compiling the menu, you need to take care of special dishes that will be not only tasty, but also healthy for kids. What to cook for a child for the New Year so that he likes it?

For a snack

Children are unlikely to like traditional salads with mayonnaise, and the benefits of such dishes remain in doubt. It is best to make some simple dishes, but arrange them in such a way that children want to eat them.

Sandwiches "Ladybug"

Kids love snacks that you can eat with your hands. These, of course, include various sandwiches. To prepare "Ladybugs" you will need:

  • white bread - 4 slices,
  • 4 slices of processed or just soft cheese,
  • cherry tomatoes - 1 for each sandwich,
  • a few olives
  • greens, butter, lettuce.

Each slice of bread must be greased with butter, put a piece of cheese on top. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, place each half cut side down on the cheese (2-3 for each slice). Cut a few olives into half rings, the rest into 4 parts (these will be the heads of the cows). Lay out half rings like insect legs. Chop the greens and sprinkle over the dish. Sandwiches are laid out on lettuce leaves.

stuffed tomatoes

Bright stuffed tomatoes are a great option for a festive children's dish. You can stuff tomatoes with almost any product, but it is best to use these (for 2 tomatoes):

  • a quarter of boiled chicken breast,
  • greens - a couple of branches,
  • boiled rice - 2 tablespoons,
  • grated cheese - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • salt, butter.

Cut the top off the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Finely chopped chicken meat is placed at the bottom, then a piece of butter, then rice (it must be salted). Top everything with grated cheese. You don’t need to bake the tomatoes for a long time, just a couple of minutes in the oven or microwave is enough to melt the cheese and melt the butter. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Recipes for children for the New Year may include other ingredients: fresh vegetables, from which a salad is prepared, dressed with sour cream; dried fruits; potatoes, etc.

hot dish

As a rule, very satisfying and heavy. Children are unlikely to want to try steaks or layered casseroles. For kids, minced meat, mashed potatoes, eggs and puff pastry are suitable.

Stuffed potato croquettes

Usually croquettes are deep-fried. But they can also be cooked in the oven for a healthier meal. Ingredients:

  • mashed potatoes from 2 potatoes and 1/4 tbsp. milk;
  • minced meat - 100 g;
  • onion - 1/4 head,
  • 2 eggs: boiled and raw
  • raw yolk;
  • salt to taste.

First you need to prepare mashed potatoes by adding warm milk and a raw egg to it. Twist the minced meat again with onion and boiled egg, salt, make small balls from the minced meat. Make bigger balls from the puree and place the prepared minced meat in the middle. Put on a baking sheet, grease with raw yolk. Bake for half an hour at 180 C °.

chicken rolls

Among children's dishes for the New Year there can be a variety of rolls. For example, stuffed chicken breasts baked in foil. To prepare them you will need:

  • 1 breast
  • berries of lingonberries, cranberries or red currants - 2 tablespoons,
  • butter - 1 tsp,
  • half a green apple
  • salt.

The breast is beaten off, salted, spread berries, thinly sliced ​​apples and butter. The meat is rolled up and tied with threads (they will then need to be removed). The rolls are baked in foil in the oven at 200°C for 40 minutes and 10 minutes without foil to brown. Before serving, cut into portions.

Instead of chicken fillet, you can take a turkey. And if the child loves nuts, then they are added to the filling, pre-chopped.


Dessert is the most long-awaited holiday dish for children, so you need to give free rein to your imagination and cook something for the kids that will be associated specifically with the New Year.

meringue snowman

Light and very cute dessert "Snowman" is prepared quite quickly. You just need to beat the whites correctly:

  • egg whites - 150 g,
  • 100 g of powdered sugar or just fine granulated sugar,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp,
  • whipped cream.

Proteins are beaten with a mixer, setting a high speed. Of course, you can use a regular whisk, but then your hand will quickly get tired. To make the meringue, sugar should be added in small portions. They begin to add it when the proteins have already turned into a thick mass. The readiness of the mass is determined as follows: they turn the container with it over, and if nothing flows out, then it is ready. The mass is carefully transferred with a spatula into a pastry bag. Cakes are squeezed out of it with a diameter of 3-4 cm onto baking paper placed on a baking sheet. In the oven (at 100 ° C), the meringue should be 1.5-2 hours.

Ready-made "bezeshki" are fastened together in 3 pieces, lubricating the joints with whipped cream from a can. Eyes and buttons are best made from confectionery sprinkles, attaching them to sugar syrup.

The children's menu for the New Year also includes cookies that you can make with your child. So the baby will be involved in the process of preparing for the holiday and will remember it for a long time.

New Year's recipes: children's table, fast and tasty

If you always have a lot of people on New Year's Eve, it makes sense to separate some of them separately. For the children's table. But then it’s worth serving differently, is it logical?

It is not so important for children to eat at a feast of hot potatoes and fatty meat or cold cuts - after all, they do not have to fight alcohol. Children want non-everyday, bright, fun and to be able to eat with their hands. So we have collected for you 5 recipes that will not tire you and will become hits on the children's New Year's table.

Christmas tree made from pita bread or pancakes

What is New Year's without a tree? One already, probably, is dressed up in the corner, and the second itself will serve as an ornament. Stola. Find (or make, if you're a craftswoman) a long, narrow dish. The longer, the higher our Christmas tree will be.

You will need: a few fresh thin pita breads or pancakes, ingredients for the filling. For example, cottage cheese or regular cheese, salted red fish, cold unleavened cold cuts, homemade marshmallows. In general, anything that will not spread at the slightest movement of a pancake or pita bread.

How to do: cut the pita bread into quarters, and take the pancake whole. Lay the filling, fold it into a triangle, put the triangles on top of each other on a dish to look like a Christmas tree. Decorate on a dish with "balls" - grapes, olives, halves of quail eggs, candied cherries, raspberries and blackberries from the freezer.


Bright, small, varied in taste and appearance, canapes are generally a constant hit at children's parties. You can cut bread and cheese under a canape with a glass of vodka, a curly cookie cutter, or just a knife into squares. It is best to make canapes of all kinds.

You will need: many thin slices of fresh white bread and ingredients for different types of toppings. For example, cheese, feta cheese, ham, cold beef, boiled egg white, lightly salted fish, cucumber, marmalade, chocolate or nut paste, banana, in general, as long as it is not very spicy or salty and stays on a skewer. If you know how, you can bake tiny (very, very tiny) plump pancakes instead of bread.

How to do: we think you already know. And you can put it on a dish in a hundred different ways. Completely mixed. Circles, according to the types of filling. Squares, like in boxes with sushi. If you don’t decorate canapes with anything at the top, you can mark canapes with different fillings with a drop of syrup or sauce with patterns.

stuffed apples

The best type of cabbage rolls, from the point of view of children. Easy to prepare, disappears from the table quickly.

You will need: apples, boiled cold rice, not crumbly, walnuts, berries from jam, oranges or lemons, powdered sugar.

How to do: cut off the “lids” of the apples from the side of the handle, cut out the pulp, throw out the films and seeds. Chop or grate the remaining pulp after cleaning from the chaff, mix with rice and crushed walnuts. Now this mass is divided into two parts. Mix one with jam berries, the other with chopped citrus slices. That is, we will get a sweeter and more sour versions of the dish. Stuff apples with these fillings, close with “lids”, wrap in foil and bake in the oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.


Ready-made baskets for cold tartlets can be bought at the store. It remains only to fill them with a sweet or salad filling. Here, as with canapes, variety rules, both external and taste.

You will need: ready-made baskets for tartlets, ingredients for toppings. For example, for sweets - whipped cream, banana puree (just take and crush a banana, adding a little regular cream to the resulting mass), soft cheese like mascarpone, pieces of apples and pears, seedless grapes, halves of mandarin slices or cherry berries with peeled pits, shelled sunflower seeds, crushed walnuts, cashews, jam.

How to do: mix in different combinations, to taste and eye. Salads can be put in tartlets the same as you put on an adult table. By the way, in addition to tartlets, small portions of salads for children can be put into halves of cucumbers instead of the removed pulp, into halves of tomatoes and eggs.

baked vegetables

Assorted sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes, carrots, zucchini, cut into cubes and baked in the oven or microwave, go with a bang, because they remind children of food from an unnamed restaurant. Here, it seems, both the recipe and the ingredients are clear from the description. One has only to add that potato sticks are baked with the addition of butter and salt, only salt is added to the zucchini. The assortment is laid out in a single, well-mixed heap on a large dish and several containers with sauces for different tastes are placed next to it. Children themselves will not notice how they crunch everything, dipping vegetable pieces first in one sauce, then in another.

Text: Lilith Mazikina
Photo: Shutterstock

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New Year's Eve is one of the main holidays of the year, which is usually celebrated by the whole family. Children of all ages are especially looking forward to New Year's Eve - they help decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the room, prepare a festive dinner and set the table. If you plan to celebrate the New Year with your family, there is no need to set a separate table for children. Include snacks, hot dishes and desserts in the New Year's menu that will appeal to both children and adults, paying special attention to table setting and decoration of festive dishes.

In the case when several families with children will meet the coming year, it is better for the younger generation to set a separate table. To decorate a children's corner in a special way, to make it truly festive, New Year's chair covers will help,

decoration of the walls around the table, set a separate table for desserts.

Decorate the main table with New Year's attributes and cover with elegant appetizers, vitamin salads, light desserts and healthy drinks.

At the same time, do not forget that children cannot spend the whole evening at the table - make an entertainment program for all participants in the New Year's party, where there is a place for fun contests, concert numbers, funny skits and dances to incendiary New Year's melodies.

Children's New Year's menu

When laying a children's New Year's table, you need to adhere to certain principles:

1. All dishes for children for the new year should be freshly prepared, from fresh and healthy products with a minimum content of dyes and chemical flavors. For dressing salads, use homemade mayonnaise, natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream, or a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Do not give young children seafood, smoked sausage and other foods high in salt and artificial preservatives that can cause allergies.

Prepare a homemade chicken breast roll or turkey fillet, aspic in portion molds, serve light baked vegetables as a side dish.

Instead of factory-made lemonades and Coca-Cola, put healthy drinks for children on the children's holiday table - natural fruit drink, homemade juice, fresh, dried or frozen fruit compote, smoothies or fruit juice.

Children's desserts - instead of a multi-layered cake with rich cream, prepare fruit and milk jellies, homemade ice cream, fruit salad with sour cream and nuts, a fruit plate, dessert sandwiches on skewers of fruit cubes and grapes with mild cheese.

2. The second important rule is that all New Year's dishes for children should be beautifully decorated. Show your imagination when setting the table and serving dishes - lay a bright tablecloth with New Year's drawings, use plates with a beautiful pattern, complement the table decor with colorful napkins and New Year's figurines.

Decorate the salad in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a Rooster, New Year's clock, a gift or a Christmas ball. You can simply arrange the salad in tartlets or portioned baskets. Make a dish of "snack snowmen" from the cheese mass (grated crab sticks, melted or grated hard cheese, sour cream, greens). Instead of the usual sandwiches, make a fruit snack on skewers.

As decorations, you can use figuratively chopped vegetables, pomegranate and cranberries, sprigs of fresh herbs and other ingredients that are part of New Year's salads and snacks.

3. When planning a children's New Year's menu, you should not chase quantity. For the company of children, two or three snacks, one hot dish and dessert are enough. Set the table in such a way that children can refresh themselves in between games and entertainment. Prepare drinks, pastries, fruits and desserts with a margin - small gourmets simply “sweep” portioned sweets from the table and empty an incredible number of glasses with refreshing drinks.

Useful advice - do not take the whole process of preparing for the New Year on yourself, actively involve children in New Year's chores. Joint preparation at home for the New Year, setting up a Christmas tree, setting the table, cooking and decorating dishes will bring a huge amount of positive emotions to all participants in the New Year's feast, regardless of age.

Children's menu for the new year

This is a sample menu for school children.

1.Snacks for children

2. Hot meals for children

For hot children, beautiful or will do. You can cook an original dish -. Children can take part in the preparation of these dishes.

Another option for hot meals for children is or. For a side dish - suitable for all ages, for older children you can cook.

3. Drinks for children for the new year

Drinks for children of any age are better natural -

Children love holidays. But especially love New Year, because they believe that a miracle can happen on the night of December 31, so they often wait with their parents for the cherished chiming clock.

Very young children fall asleep on the evening of December 31 long before the start of the family celebration. But those who are older help their parents with enthusiasm and inspiration and can't wait for the New Year's feast.

So, it is necessary to make sure that at the “adult” holiday they have something to treat themselves to. After all, the dishes that are on the festive table of adults are not always suitable for children's food, and children are too capricious, not wanting to eat what their parents offer them. Moms constantly have to invent something and turn on their imagination in order to feed the kids not only tasty, but also healthy.

Despite the fun around and the festive mood, the children's diet on December 31 should not be anything special. It must include breakfast, lunch and dinner, albeit later than usual.

The New Year's feast differs from the usual one in that it takes place at night. At this time of the day, it is difficult for our stomach to digest food. Nutritionists recommend the following New Year's table rules for children:

  1. Do not let your child sit at the table for three hours. Night gatherings should be purely symbolic for him. After the chiming clock, he clinks glasses of fruit drink with everyone, receives a gift and goes to bed. Before the feast on December 31, feed your child as usual: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. On the festive table should be the lightest dishes. It is not advisable to feed children with fatty meats and fish, mayonnaise, fatty sour cream and cheese. Heavy, fatty meals are best eaten for lunch on the first days of the new year.
  3. No need to force the table with many different dishes. The child is advised to give no more than 3-4 meals, including drinks.
  4. Children's food should not include more than 3-4 ingredients. Then it is easy to digest.
  5. During a night feast, it is not advisable for a child to give chocolate, tea and other products that excite the nervous system. Otherwise, then he will not be able to sleep, although he will get tired.
  6. It is not necessary to put bread on the table. The child will receive the necessary vitamins and minerals from other foods. If desired, you can offer yeast-free bread instead of bread.

New Year's table decoration

If other kids came to visit you, it is worth organizing a separate children's table for the kids. It must be festively decorated with a beautiful tablecloth, bright napkins, give the dishes a festive look and put a little surprise under each plate. Indeed, in fact, it is not a feast that is important for a child, but an indescribable atmosphere of a miracle and a holiday.

The table should be placed in such a way that children can safely leave because of it. Also, it should be handy and easy to carry in case the kids need a place to play. Do not place fragile items and utensils on the children's table. You can use plastic or special paper plates and glasses.

What to cook for the New Year for children

It is compiled taking into account the gastronomic preferences of the kids, financial capabilities and family traditions.

How are children's meals different from others? First, they are always more dietary and simple. And secondly, dishes for children are always something original in their form, beautiful and funny.

It is better not to include complex dishes in the menu, you will have enough worries on this day. Be sure to check with the parents of the children who will come to your holiday if they have any food allergies, and any special preferences regarding the taste or presentation of dishes.

As for harmful products, you can remove the restriction, for example, on french fries or pizza, but it is still better not to give Coca-Cola to children. If allergens are present on the children's table, in the form of tangerines or chocolate, stock up on antihistamines, just in case.

Not all children like salads, so limit the amount on the menu. You can make small baby sandwiches from fresh bread with butter and cheese. Drinks should be varied: mineral water, juices, compote or fruit drink. In general, everything that kids love so much.

As a dessert, small eaters can be offered fruit, small cakes, cookies or a light cake. A milkshake is also suitable, which crumbs simply adore.

Babies under 2 years old are best left with their grandparents. But if you do not have such an opportunity, prepare a separate menu for them: special children's cookies, cereals, purees and juices.

Salads, appetizers, main courses and desserts can be given a New Year's flavor by shaping them in the form of Christmas trees, snowmen, stars, or you can use traditional colors and decorative elements for this holiday to decorate them.

New Year's recipes for children

"Potato in the Snow"

Ingredients: cottage cheese - 200 g, a few green onion feathers, a small bunch of parsley and dill, 1 tbsp sour cream, vegetable oil.

How to cook: wash the potatoes, dry them, brush with oil and cut into halves. Then wrap each half in a separate foil and place in the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C. Cut greens, knead cottage cheese and mix with sour cream. The prepared ingredients must be beaten with a mixer and a little salt.

Serving: remove the finished potatoes from the foil, cool, and put the curd cream on top.

"Vegetables on Ice"

Ingredients: take 25 g of carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, a glass of water, gelatin, salt.

How to cook: wash the vegetables, disassemble the cabbage, cut the carrots into cubes, cut the Brussels sprouts into halves. Next, you need to mix the vegetables and boil them in slightly salted water. The broth where the vegetables were cooked must be drained and the gelatin diluted in it. Then you need to pour the vegetables laid out in a salad bowl with broth with gelatin.

Serve: Remove the finished jelly from the refrigerator and garnish with herbs.

New Year's table: hot dishes for children

Rice with seafood

This dish is prepared in Japan, it is very useful, not in vain, because there are many centenarians among the Japanese.

Ingredients: rice - 1 cup, seafood - 500 gr (mussels, squid, shrimps), pickled cucumber - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., dill - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, oil creamy - 1 tbsp. l., sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l., ground black pepper, salt.

Peel onions and carrots and finely chop. Grate pickled cucumber. Finely chop the greens. Melt butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, add sunflower oil and fry onions and carrots until golden brown. Add the grated pickled cucumber and simmer the vegetables for 2 minutes. Add seafood to the pan and fry together with vegetables for another 5 minutes. Pour into a saucepan with vegetables and seafood 3 tbsp. water, simmer for 2 minutes and add rice. Salt and pepper the dish to taste, add chopped greens. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until the rice is fully cooked. Optionally, you can add fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic. Ready rice should be served on the table, filled with hot broth, or simply laid out in bowls and garnished with greens and fresh tomato slices.

chicken casserole

A quick and very tasty dish. You can cook literally half an hour before the arrival of guests.

Ingredients: chicken fillet 500 gr., tomatoes 2 pcs., hard cheese 150 gr., sour cream 15-20%, 200 gr., champignons 300 gr., salt to taste., vegetable oil 1 tbsp.

Cut the chicken fillet into strips or small pieces. Put in a baking dish, pre-grease the form with oil, salt. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices, put on the chicken. Mushrooms cut and put on tomatoes, salt. Grate cheese on a coarse grater and mix with sour cream and salt. Lubricate the casserole with this mixture and put in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes until the chicken is cooked.

Christmas duck with apples

A signature American Christmas dish is the turkey. And in the Russian tradition, serve a duck with apples to the New Year's table. We offer this exquisite recipe for the New Year's table.

Ingredients: 1 duck carcass, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 1/4 celery root, 125 gr. dry white wine, 4 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. rum, 4 tablespoons grape vinegar, 6 green apples, salt, black pepper, 1 tbsp. starch.
Grate the prepared carcass of a young duck with a mixture of salt and pepper - on both sides and let it soak a little. In the meantime, prepare the gravy: peel the carrots, onions and celery, cut them into cubes and fry in a greased pan. Add wine, simmer. Place the duck in the preheated oven. Bake for 45-55 minutes at 220°C. Caramelize the sugar and add the vinegar and rum, warm the apple halves in the resulting syrup. Strain the gravy and add to the apples, bring to a boil. Put the finished duck on a warmed dish, cover with apples, thicken the sauce with starch and serve in a gravy boat!

New Year's table: desserts for children

One of the easiest to prepare are fruit desserts, but for the holiday you can add your own zest to them, making them more attractive and tastier. The easiest way is to make a fruit platter and garnish it with whipped cream. But you can cook various original and delicious New Year's desserts from fruits and berries, decorating them on the theme of the New Year.

For example, you can use different fruit decorations for the new year:

  • Christmas trees from kiwi, white grapes or green apples decorated with raspberries, strawberries, dark grapes - these will be Christmas decorations and balls. Such Christmas trees can be laid out simply on a dish, or you can build a vertical composition by fastening all the fruits and berries with toothpicks.
  • Snowflakes- they can be full of the whole palette of colors of fruits and berries, or you can lay out fruits in the form of a snowflake, decorating with whipped cream on top - and you will have a white snowflake;
  • New Year characters- here the fantasy is not worth restraining. For example, excellent Santa Clauses are obtained from strawberries. To do this, you can cut off the sharp tip of the berry, turn the strawberry over, decorate it with thick cream, curd mass or whipped cream, place the cut top on top and decorate the hat with the same filler.

In principle, any dessert for the New Year can be decorated with strawberry hats, this will be especially appropriate for the children's New Year's menu.

Pudding "Snowdrift"

Ingredients: a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 1 teaspoon of vanillin, yolk, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 20 g of butter, fresh or canned fruits.

How to cook: boil semolina, add vanillin, sugar, yolk and then mix everything well. Put the mixture into prepared small molds, greased with oil and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Serve: Serve on serving plates and garnish with fruit.

P.S. So, New Year's table for children must be useful and beautiful - these are the two main requirements. Show your imagination and give your child and his friends an unforgettable holiday!

Happy New Year and good mood!


New Year is a holiday of childhood. In search of ideas on how to celebrate this night, what interesting gifts to give and how to make a menu, we somehow return in our thoughts to those times when we were children, with bated breath we waited for gifts under the Christmas tree, believed in Santa Claus and miracles ...

Let's not forget about it in the hustle and bustle of New Year's Eve. When inviting guests, think about the children - with whom will they celebrate this holiday? Thinking through the scenario of New Year's Eve, do not forget about the kids - what games do you organize for them? When deciding what to cook for the festive table, try for the small participants in the celebration - the New Year's menu for children should be such that they are happy and know for sure: there is a fairy tale!

Holiday ideas for a children's table are as abundant as a child's fantasy. This is just the smallest part of our collection.

Snack from pita bread on the children's New Year's table "Yolochki"

In the center of the children's New Year's table, let there be ... Christmas trees! Many, many Christmas trees - shaggy and prickly, cold and hot, bright and fragrant. No ideas? Start with the simplest: fold pita leaves into triangles, fill them with something tasty and healthy - and voila!, Christmas trees have grown and are asking for your mouth.


  • 5 round sheets of pita bread;
  • 150 g cream cheese;
  • 10 slices of slightly salted salmon;
  • a few leaves of green lettuce;
  • bunch of dill.

We cut the sheets of pita bread in half - you will get 10 semicircles.

Lubricate each piece with cream cheese, put a leaf of lettuce and a slice of fish on top. Visually determine the center of the straight line along which the pita bread was divided, and begin to add triangles, the apex of which is this central point. As a rule, 4-5 bends are obtained.

Put the finished triangles on a dish (an oblong plate on which the “forest” grows looks good), put a small layer of cream cheese on top of the pita bread, sprinkle with finely chopped dill-needles.

If desired, "Christmas trees" can be decorated with pomegranate seeds, sweet peas or milk corn.

Christmas tree decoration option: cream cheese + avocado, turned into a paste, and pieces of bright sweet pepper.

Lavash does not have to be bought, it can be made at home - see.

Christmas tree sandwiches for the little ones

Often, children perceive the world through pictures - and the brighter they are, the more fun and meaningful for the child, the better information about the world around them will fit in small blond and dark-haired heads. Are you planning to cook profiteroles with salmon mousse for the New Year's table? Adults will surely appreciate it, but what about kids? I propose to make funny Christmas tree sandwiches for them: the same mousse will be the basis, however, the overall picture will compare favorably with the “adult” version.

Ingredients for 3 sandwiches:

  • 6 slices of white bread;
  • 1 boiled carrot;
  • a piece of bell pepper for decoration;
  • 5 st. l. soft cottage cheese or cream cheese;
  • 50 g boiled salmon;
  • salt to taste;
  • small piece of celery stalk

Mash the fish with a fork until smooth, add half the cottage cheese or cheese, salt and stir again.

We cut off the crusts of bread, give each slice the shape of a triangle. Make sure that all cut pieces are the same size.

We spread fish cream on three slices of bread, close with the remaining three.

We cut out decorations from carrots and peppers - Christmas balls, a star, garlands. We “dress up” the Christmas tree, do not forget to install a “trunk” from a piece of celery at the base of the tree.

Christmas tree for garnish - cauliflower and broccoli with bechamel sauce

Traditionally and out of habit, we cook potatoes for a side dish, which no one traditionally eats on New Year's Eve. Shall we try to break the rules? Healthy vegetables wrapped in a delicate milk sauce, laid out in the shape of a shaggy spruce - in my opinion, such a dish will not only decorate the festive table, but also diversify the menu perfectly, creating the necessary balance between heavy appetizers and solid dishes.

Children enthusiastically perceive everything unusual - and even the hated cabbage, which they refuse to eat on ordinary days, will become a holiday for them and a reason for joy if the vegetables are served in an original and non-standard way.


  • 400 g of cauliflower;
  • 400 g broccoli;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • nutmeg, salt to taste;
  • cherry tomatoes for serving.

Boil broccoli and cauliflower alternately in salted water. Lubricate the baking dish with a small piece of butter, put the rest of the butter on a well-heated frying pan (the fire is minimal), sprinkle with flour, mix until smooth and pour a little milk, each time stirring the sauce to an even, smooth texture. Add a pinch of nutmeg, add cheese, stir. We turn off the fire.

In the center of the form lay out the broccoli, giving the inflorescences the shape of a Christmas tree. Let's not forget the stem. The remaining space is filled with cauliflower. Pour the sauce over the vegetables and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Garnish with cherry tomatoes when serving.

Snacks with fruit on skewers

I have a suggestion - let's decorate the Christmas tree! Well, that's just not necessary to chuckle maliciously, listen to the end.

In flower shops, you can buy an inexpensive cone-shaped foam base. If there is no time to look for something ready, roll up a sheet of drawing paper with a cone, cut off the excess along the base, blow mounting foam inward. After drying, again remove the unnecessary - and you will get the same wonderful base that you can decorate! Cover it with a clean sheet of green paper (a good substitute is foil: simple and elegant) and get creative.

Stringing pieces of fruit, cubes of delicious cheeses, shrimp and olives, grapes and ham on skewers, insert the skewers with a sharp end into the prepared cone base, forming “Christmas tree needles”. This table decoration will attract a lot of admiring glances, no doubt!

One side of the “Christmas tree” can be made for children (pieces of banana and apples, tangerine and mango slices, cheese like “Russian” and cubes of homemade boiled pork), the other side can be decorated for adults (dor blue and brie, smoked ham and thin slices of salami, pickled olives and stuffed chili peppers).

This Christmas tree is made of fruits, but any products can be “needles”.

Cake "Pilennitsa" - a classic of the children's New Year's table

A holiday without a cake is not a holiday at all, and don't argue! Even if you are indifferent to sweets, do not forget that children are still waiting for dessert, so I recommend paying special attention to this moment. Fashionable "Sacher" and replicated "Esterhazy" let them stand on the sidelines, today is the time for delicious homemade pastries according to grandmother's recipes.

In our family, for the New Year, they traditionally bake the Woodpile cake - crispy "firewood" with sour cherries, carefully covered with sweet sour cream "snow". And tell me that your children will not appreciate the fairy tale about how forest animals prepare firewood for Santa Claus, knowing that before the New Year he has a lot of things to do, that he is busy selecting gifts for each kid, that after the chimes beat off his 12 times on the night of December 31st to January 1st, the old wizard comes to his house, where no one has flooded the stove ... and there is nothing to flood it with. Forest animals are sympathetic people: they worry about grandpa, that's why they collect firewood for him! Maybe you will try the cake for now, and in the morning while walking, you will also think of someone else? And not necessarily about Santa Claus - birds, for example, also need attention!

Dough Ingredients:
250 g butter;
200 g sour cream;
3.5 cups flour;
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda.

Filling Ingredients:
1000 g cherries, canned in their own juice (can be replaced with frozen berries).

Cream Ingredients:
700 ml of fat sour cream;
2 cups powdered sugar.

From these components, knead a soft, non-sticky dough. We divide it into 15 parts, roll each ball into a long rectangular strip about 5 cm wide. Lay cherries in a row along the length of the entire strip, roll it into a tube and pinch the edges. Thus, we form all 15 "logs".

We bake the tubes at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. After cooling, remove from the pan.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar and proceed to assemble the cake.

We put 5 “logs” on a dish of a sufficiently large size. Pour a little cream, place 4 “logs” on top. Cream, then 3 tubes, cream, 2 tubes, cream, last tube. Fill the cake with the remaining cream and leave to soak. In the process of impregnation, we select sour cream with a spoon from the bottom and periodically pour the cake on top.

Before serving, "Polennitsa" can be sprinkled with grated chocolate if desired.

Cupcakes "Christmas Trees" - cream needles

Well, based on the principle that there is never a lot of sweets on the children's holiday table (and not only on the children's table), I propose to quickly bungle cupcakes - funny cupcakes with a huge hat of cream. Checked more than once: the kids sweep away such pastries in an instant, so don't hesitate and be sure to bake!

Under each cupcake, you can put a piece of paper with a number that will determine the number of the fanta, according to the results of the tea party, the children will be happy to do the tasks that you have prepared for them in advance: number one is to go to the neighbors for snowdrops for soup (and do not forget to congratulate them on the upcoming holiday!), number two - call the godmother and ask if she forgot to turn off the gas under the saucepan with milk, number three - depict a cuttlefish with facial expressions and gestures, postures and movement, and so on.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk.

Cream Ingredients:

  • 150 g of white chocolate;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. spinach juice.

For decoration:

  • strawberries by the number of cupcakes;
  • small sugar figures of different colors (it is convenient to use those offered in Easter sets).

Separate the yolks from the whites.
Sift together flour, salt, soda, baking powder.
Beat the softened butter with sugar, add the yolks. Slowly pour in the melted chocolate while continuing to beat.

Add half of the flour mixture and stir. Pour in half the milk, stir. The remaining flour - stir. The remaining milk - stir until smooth.

Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form, gently fold them into the batter with a wooden or silicone spatula.
With a spoon, spread the dough into molds, fill them to 2/3 of the height. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

After complete cooling, we start growing Christmas trees.
Beat softened butter with powdered sugar and spinach juice until fluffy. Add melted chocolate, continuing to beat until smooth.

Glue a strawberry in the center of each cupcake (dropping a small amount of cream). We transfer the remaining cream into a confectionery envelope and, using a suitable nozzle, decorate the cupcakes with “needles”, starting from the base of the strawberry “Christmas tree” and moving upwards in a spiral. Decorate with sugar stars-hearts-snowflakes. Let's not forget the fans!

Porridge with reindeer sausages

Breakfast on January 1, I propose to declare a holiday. For us, adults, a bowl of yesterday's Olivier and a couple of dried caviar sandwiches seem like a worthy option after New Year's Eve, but for some reason, children are pleased with completely different things. For example, sausages - due to inaccessibility (I don’t buy!) My child seriously considers them holiday food! I suggest pampering a person - a couple of times a year is possible.


  • 1 sausage;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 2 peas or corn kernels;
  • salt to taste.

In a sufficient amount of salted water, boil the rice, drain the water and rinse the cereal with boiling water (we do not cook porridge, but just rice for a side dish, so you can resort to this method).

We clean the sausage, cut it in half. On both sides (rounded), we make longitudinal cuts about half the depth of the sausage (more precisely, half the sausage). Lightly fry in butter - the cut "horns" under the influence of temperature will disperse to the sides, acquiring the desired shape.

Put the rice in a deep bowl. We insert sausages on one side of the plate, slightly drowning them in cereals - we get deer horns. In the middle we put a cherry tomato (nose), with peas we denote the eyes.

An excellent festive breakfast is ready - it remains to tell how long the deer ran to your child, jumped over the bumps, fought the winter winds, carrying another tiny gift from Santa Claus through the snowdrifts. Well, and, of course, hand over a box with a puzzle or a set of colored pencils.

Sugar Cookies "Deer Horns"

For me, January 1 has always been an unloved day: adults slept, they were not allowed to walk around the snow-covered city alone, I watched beautiful snowflakes only through the window, and all day I had to gnaw sweets from gift sets and lazily look for cartoons on TV. Remembering very well my first days of the new year, I suggest organizing a different scenario for your children: getting up together, a delicious breakfast, gatherings in the kitchen and playing with dough.


  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/3 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp soda.

For decoration:

  • 30 ml cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • multi-colored round M&M's dragees.

We grind butter at room temperature with sugar, salt and soda, add an egg and, adding flour, knead a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to hands.

We roll out the dough into a layer 3-4 mm thick, cut out cookies with a sufficiently large glass or a round mold. We shift the rounds on a baking sheet (you do not need to grease anything), bake the cookies for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Decorate cooled cookies. We melt the chocolate and cream, pour the ganache into a ready-made or home-made cornet (or an ordinary medical syringe - if you get used to it, you can work with it). In the upper part of the "head" of the deer with a chocolate mass, draw small deer horns. Glue a nose (colored round candy) on a drop of chocolate in the middle. We denote the eyes (ganache). We let it dry - and we start the competition: whose deer will quickly jump to the mouth and disappear into its depths!

And more photo ideas for the children's New Year's table, collected all over the Internet. Marshmallow hares, strawberry Santa Clauses, green fruit trees on skewers, graffiti on jam (or tomato), baked deer potatoes, pizza tree ...

Set the New Year's children's table fabulously! Children's fantasy and happiness to you in the New Year!
