
What is the best way to put mash without yeast. Moonshine from wheat without yeast and sugar recipe

For the production of home brew, the main component of home brewing, a wide variety of components are used. But the most popular among them was wheat mash. The main quality that wheat moonshine possesses is softness, a little sweet taste, such a drink is drunk very easily and at the same time it does not affect the strength.

The grain used in the technological process must be of high quality, dry and clean. Rotten grain should never be used. Before use, raw materials must be prepared: peeled, sorted, removed impurities. Freshly harvested grain is not suitable for making a drink such as moonshine from wheat. It must be "aged" for at least two months after harvest.

Braga manufacturing technology

Soft moonshine from wheat is prepared according to a large number of recipes: with or without yeast, from ordinary grains or germinated, with or without sugar. It all depends on your preference. The recipe for moonshine from wheat begins with the preparation of mash.

Braga with yeast

Yeast-based mash can be prepared in this way. Grind 4 kilos of pre-prepared wheat, mix the resulting flour with 1 kg of sugar, add 100 grams of yeast and 3 liters of water. Mix the resulting mass well and leave to ferment for 7 days. The result is a mash that needs to be overtaken several times, after filtering it.

Wheat mash during fermentation differs from traditional sugar mash. The smell that will appear during fermentation will resemble the smell of kvass, and the fermentation itself will not be so active.

How to make moonshine from sprouted wheat

Sprouted grains of wheat give the body a lot of benefits. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, which allows you to cleanse the body and improve digestion.

The main element that contains grain moonshine is malt. It is formed during the germination of grain. Its enzymes break down starch into sugar, which in turn turns into alcohol. Moonshine from germinated wheat is prepared without yeast.

We take wheat grains on the basis that approximately 900 ml of moonshine will be obtained from one kg. We divide the entire amount of raw materials into ten parts. We will use nine of them to prepare flour mash, and from one part we will make malted milk, which will give us the enzymes we need. Wheat must be germinated before cooking.

How to germinate wheat

When buying wheat grains, care must be taken. It is no secret to anyone that a large number of grain producers use chemicals for its fertilizer and pest control.

It is absolutely not difficult to germinate grains at home. It does not require special knowledge and great effort. After pouring the grains into a container, cover them with a small piece of gauze and fill with water so that the water reaches the top level of the grains. Make sure they hit sunlight and temperature not more than 20 degrees. After the appearance of the first sprouts, you need to remove the gauze and add water. The water level must be constantly monitored throughout the germination process, preventing the seeds from drying out. Excess water will also prevent the seeds from germinating normally; in a large amount of water, they will simply rot. In addition, it can lead to the formation of mold.

Seeds that have not sprouted after a few days should not be used. The gauze covering the sprouts must be kept moist at all times. You can stop germination when the sprouts reach a size of 5 - 7 mm, this process will take about ten days. Necessary for the further process of making mash is ready. It must be washed and dried. Drying should take place in open oven drying temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Making malted milk

To increase the activity of malt, we will prepare malted milk from it. Grind pre-dried malt. For this procedure, it is suitable home coffee grinder. In the crushed malt, add water heated to 60 degrees. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed, you can use a mixer for this purpose. The liquid should get opaque, white and homogeneous. Add more after 2 hours hot water(the volume of water should be 1 liter per 150 g of malt).

Making flour mash

The nine parts that we set aside at the beginning of the mash-making process must be ground into flour. Then add water at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 kg of flour. While pouring water, stir the flour, avoiding the appearance of lumps. In the resulting mixture, add the malted milk that we prepared before. Now we move on to the gradual heating of the mash. We heat it to a temperature of 50 degrees and pause for 20 minutes. We heat the mash again now to a temperature of 60 degrees and again pause for 20 minutes. Last time we heat the mash, bringing it to a temperature of 70 degrees, maintain this temperature until the starch is completely saccharified. After this process is completed, the taste, color and smell will change. The color will darken, the mash will smell like bread, and the taste will become sweeter.

Now the mash needs to be diluted with water, add the same amount as was added before, cool and put for three days. After that, yeast is added at the rate of 50 gr. per 1 kg of flour and mash is put. The congestion starts to ferment. When the fermentation process is completed, the mash will be ready for distillation.

Moonshine from wheat without yeast

However, the most natural taste has moonshine made from wheat, made without yeast. You can make it this way.

Sprout 1 kg of grain. When the wheat sprouts reach the prescribed size of 5-7 mm, add 500 gr. to the container with the sprouts. sugar and mix well by hand. If the mass is too dry and difficult to mix, pour in a little water. Tie the neck of the container with gauze to prevent debris and flies from entering, and leave in a warm place for 10 days. Thus, we will get a starter that will completely replace our yeast.

After the starter is ready, pour it into a container, add wheat (3 kg) and sugar (3.5 kg) and pour water.

Put a water dispenser on the neck of the container (it can be replaced with a rubber glove with a hole). We send the bottle to ferment, keeping the temperature from 18 to 24 degrees. The future moonshine from wheat will ferment for 7-10 days. During this period, you need to monitor the condition of the glove, as soon as it drops, fermentation is completed and you can proceed to distillation.

The big advantage that the preparation of moonshine from sprouted wheat gives is the ability to make several distillations from one batch of wheat. Wheat can be poured about 4 times. Adding sugar and water again, send it to heat, and then overtake again.

Making moonshine from wheat is a rather laborious process, but the result that you get in the end will justify all the time and effort. No best store wheat vodka can not be compared with high-quality homemade moonshine. Knowing how to prepare this drink correctly, you will not put your health at risk by drinking dubious store-bought drinks bought for a lot of money, even if they are in beautiful bottles. Subject to technology, your moonshine from wheat will have a very decent level.

The recipe for such a drink was popular even with our ancestors. The fact is that creating elite alcohol on your own is the dream of every moonshiner.

Braga for moonshine wild yeast- this is a special product, it has certain characteristics, and the method of preparing such a base has its own subtleties and nuances. First you need to deal with all the pros and cons similar product so as not to lose sight of anything. For this reason, you should not immediately take on the preparation of a large amount of moonshine from wheat, refuse to use yeast, etc. To begin with, it is better to practice a little, understand the intricacies of production and creation of the wort, and only then proceed to the production of moonshine of the highest quality.

Wheat mash without yeast

Grain mash on wheat: pros and cons

Wheat moonshine without yeast has a number of advantages. For this reason, it is considered one of the highest quality and most delicious drinks.

So, we list the benefits of wheat distillate:

  1. Doesn't have bad smell. If high-quality raw materials were used in the production of alcohol, then as a result, moonshine will have pleasant aroma baking, fresh bread or sweet bun.
  2. The taste of the drink is soft, it is excellent to drink and does not burn. taste buds. There is no need to use any methods to soften the taste of the distillate.
  3. Alcohol will have an excellent aftertaste, the aftertaste will be sweet and quite pleasant.
  4. The must can be used several times. Moonshine can be expelled from one serving of grain 2-3 times, after which the quality of the product will decrease significantly.
  5. Making moonshine from wheat at home, you can get quality product, which in terms of characteristics will not be inferior elite alcohol and save money.

It should be noted that wheat is used in industrial scale for the production of alcohol marked "alpha". It's alcohol top quality it is used to create vodka, the cost of which can be called prohibitive.

In the old days, moonshine infused with grain or made from such a must was called wheat wine. Because, despite the strength, it is easy to drink and does not cause a hangover when consumed in moderation.

Braga from wheat, despite the fact that it has a number of advantages, has several disadvantages:

  1. When preparing wort using wild yeast, it is worth preparing for the fact that the mash will be ready for distillation in about 45 days.
  2. In some cases, the proportions will have to be calculated individually, which greatly complicates the process of making mash.
  3. You will have to carefully monitor the quality of the grain, insofar as the strength, taste and quality of moonshine depend on its condition.

If you choose too old or too young wheat, you may have problems with its germination. If the grain does not germinate, then its quality leaves much to be desired, such a product is not recommended to be used to create moonshine.

It is also worth carefully monitoring the quality of wheat for the reason that damp or rotten grains will give the drink bad taste will make it undrinkable.

  • You will need to prepare (defend, collect or buy in a store) water with a low content of soy and minerals. At the same time, boiling or distilling water is strictly prohibited.
  • Sprout the grain in order to release all the sugar that is in the wheat. This will help speed up the fermentation process and prevent the mash from souring.
  • If moonshine is planned to be made without the use of yeast, then it will be necessary to prepare a sourdough or the so-called wad. It can be the same germinated grain with the addition of hops or malt.
  • In the manufacture of mash, you can use not only sugar, distillers also use honey and jam.

It is worth noting that some lovers of making distillate at home quite deliberately refuse to use yeast and sugar.

Yeast can spoil alcohol, give it a sharp, unpleasant aroma, but microorganisms activate the fermentation process. With them, the mash will be ready in about 7-10 days.

The base without will certainly be good taste characteristics, but such a product can ferment up to 60 days. If there is time and nowhere to rush, then it makes sense to wait.

Braga based wheat must without the use of sugar differs in that it requires preliminary germination. Otherwise, the quality of the drink can hardly be called high. However, you can supplement the distillate with glucose or fructose.

Moonshiners refuse to use sugar for one reason - it levels the aroma, that is, reduces its intensity. So that alcohol does not lose its natural appeal, distillers find ideal proportions or completely exclude sugar from the recipe, believing that this component will only harm the distillate.

Understanding all the subtleties and nuances, do not forget that grain moonshine is the highest quality and softest in taste. It is for this reason that recipes that were known to people thousands of years ago have come down to our times and have changed slightly.

Sprouted wheat mash, recipe

The wheat mash recipe without yeast involves the use of all the main components, with the exception of yeast microorganisms. They are replaced with natural or wild yeasts and are found on the surface of grains and fruits. So that microorganisms do not die, it is not recommended to wash the grain. This rule applies to fruits and berries, which can also be used to make home brew based on wild yeast.

How to put the mash, the algorithm of actions:

  • The recipe starts with sprouting grains. Wheat should be placed in a saucepan, spread it along the bottom, smoothing it with your hand. Then the grains are poured a small amount water so that the liquid barely covers the wheat. In about a day, it should germinate, adding sugar to the base and regular stirring will help speed up this process.
  • When the wheat sprouts, it should be taken out of the water, while untangling the sprouts is not recommended. Grains can be crushed together with sprouts, or they can be sent unprocessed to a fermentation tank.
  • After that, water is poured into the container, you can use spring or well water, or you can simply defend the water supply for two days.
  • After sugar is added to the wort, it is advisable to dissolve the sugar in warm water in advance, and then pour sweet water wheat grains. But some fans of making distillate at home prefer sugar syrup, it speeds up the fermentation process.

Sugar inversion is the process of making syrup from two components - sugar and water. In order to invert sugar, it is worth dissolving it in water, bringing to a boil, skimming off the foam, adding citric acid and boil for an hour on low heat.

If there is no desire to invert sugar, then it is recommended to heat the water to 30–35 degrees, pour sugar into the water and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Wheat mash without yeast will ferment for about 25-45 days, it is worth periodically shaking the container with the wort and checking it for readiness.

When the mash becomes bitter, a sediment will appear at the bottom, and the liquid will be transparent, you can safely proceed to distillation.

If the wort ferments poorly or does not ferment at all, it is recommended to mix it, monitor the temperature in the room. You can also use top dressing - special enzymes that can activate the work of wild yeast.

Top dressing can also be used when staging and yeast, so that the product does not turn sour.

Braga Ingredients:

  1. 5 kilograms of wheat.
  2. 5 kilos of sugar.
  3. 17.5 liters of water.

Approximately 1 kilogram of sugar produces an average of 1 liter of distillate. If you invert sugar, then the yield of moonshine will be slightly less.

Such a recipe for wheat moonshine can be considered a classic, since compliance with the recipe and proportions allows you to end up with high-quality alcohol. He will have pleasant taste and smell. And if you insist the distillate on herbs or berries, then its quality will only benefit from this.

Moonshine without yeast and sugar

Moonshine without sugar and yeast is a drink in the manufacturing process of which sourdough is used, which replaces yeast. The taste of such alcohol can be unpleasantly surprising, since in some cases it is quite sharp.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • dry hop cones - 2 tablespoons;
  • 250 grams of high quality flour;
  • 2 liters of spring or well water.

Preparing the sourdough simple recipe: fill the hops with water, steam it for a few minutes. At this time, pour a small amount of flour warm water, mix everything thoroughly. Stir until the mass resembles sour cream in consistency.

Then we add the soaked hops together with water to the diluted flour. When the sourdough is ready, it is sent to a dark but warm place for 2-3 hours.

To prepare mash without yeast, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Leaven.
  2. Malt - 3 kilograms (you can make it yourself from barley or barley).
  3. 5-6 kilograms of germinated wheat (you can grind the grains into flour along with the sprouts).
  4. Water in a volume of 15-17 liters.

We send all the ingredients to a fermentation container, mix them with a spatula or wooden spoon. Then we fill in the components warm water and once again mix everything thoroughly.

After approximately 7-10 days, the product will be ready for processing. Before distillation, it is desirable to evaluate the organoleptic features of the mash: taste, color and transparency.

Yeast-free wheat mash is an excellent basis for making high-quality and delicious alcohol at home.

Braga for moonshine is made from a variety of ingredients. Among them, the main ones are: water, sugar, yeast. But you can cook mash without the use of yeast. Instead of the latter, cereal malt, i.e. sprouted wheat. Many moonshiners note the peculiarity of moonshine, which is based on wheat mash. How to do the right mash for moonshine from wheat and sugar without the use of yeast.

Sprouted Wheat Braga Recipe Without Yeast

To prepare the mash, we need the following ingredients: wheat, sugar and water. The proportions are as follows:

1kg wheat + 1kg sugar + 3 liters water

Initially, wheat grains must be germinated. First of all, we pour grain (1 kg.) into the container, leveling it in an even layer over the entire surface of the bottom of the container. Next, fill clean water so that it covers a layer of grain by 5 centimeters. Close the container and leave for a couple of days in cool place before they germinate.

After the wheat grains sprout, add half a kilogram of sugar and mix well. If the resulting sourdough turns out to be very thick. then add some water to it. We tie the container with gauze and leave it for about a week in a warm room. By these actions, we received a starter, which will be an alternative to the yeast used in the preparation of mash.

The following steps are no different from preparing the right mash with sugar and yeast. We fill a large container 3/4 room water, dissolve sugar (3 kg) in it and add 3 kg. wheat. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm room for a week. Very often, a large glass bottle is used for these actions, on the neck of which a rubber glove with small holes on the fingers is put on. With these actions, we can fix the fermentation process. The point is that as a result chemical reaction in addition to the formation of alcohols, as a by-product, carbon dioxide, thanks to which the glove quickly inflates on the bottle. Braga can be considered ready when the puffiness of the glove subsides, i.e. carbon dioxide ceased to be released due to the weakening of the fermentation process.

How to make wheat yeast mash

Unlike previous recipe in addition to grain, yeast is used here.

The first step is to grind 4 kg. wheat. The resulting meal is added to 3 liters of water, then pour 1 kilogram of sugar and 100 grams of yeast. We put the resulting solution in a warm place for 5 days. After this time, add 18 liters of water, 15 kg. sugar and 50g. yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave again for the same time. As a result, after 10-12 days from the moment the preparation of the mash for moonshine from wheat, yeast and sugar is ready.

Video - fermentation of mash on wild wheat yeast

Video - How to make the right mash from wheat and sugar

In order not to cross out all the advantages of wheat moonshine, you must use simple instructions to help prepare the right mash. Before sprouting, the grain must be thoroughly cleaned, if it is dirty, then rinse thoroughly, rid it of foreign odors and impurities. It is highly desirable that the wheat germinate well. Many do not wait for the sprouts to appear and start the cooking process ahead of time. There are cases when the grain does not germinate at all (the grain is not “live”) - such a component is not suitable for making mash.

After the wheat mash is ready and the grains have settled, you should not rush to throw it away. From the remaining grains, you can make a few more servings of mash. To do this, it is necessary to fill the already used wheat with the same amount of sugar, add water - start the process again. Moreover, repeated wheat mash is even better than the first. But after 3 turns it is better not to use it anymore, because. the quality of home brew for moonshine will deteriorate significantly.

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Many residents of our country, like the venerable Daria Petrovna, Professor Preobrazhensky's cook from Mikhail Bulgakov's timeless novel "Heart of a Dog", make excellent vodka themselves. Miscellaneous technologies used in this age-old tradition. Consider one of them when wheat mash without yeast is used for moonshine.

Moonshine: general aspects

Everyone watched the movie "Moonshiners". The moral of that time is relevant to this day, but in the case of preparing a product for personal consumption in order to surprise and please guests for festive table homemade vodka, tincture or liquor is quite acceptable and even to some extent prestigious.

An age-old tradition of making homemade vodka enriched and diversified the complex technological process, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Procurement and selection of raw materials.
  2. fermentation stage.
  3. Race stage.
  4. "Rectification" is a product purification procedure.
  5. "Refining" - The final stage fine cleaning and introducing the desired taste, aroma and color qualities into the product.

In our case, it is necessary to build the process of preparing the desired product with changes to the fermentation stage. It consists in making moonshine from mash on wheat without the use of yeast. The use of wheat and the rejection of the additional introduction of yeast in the manufacture of mash contribute to an increase in the quality of the final product.

Due to the absence of unnecessary components at the stage of fermentation, moonshine from cereals is of excellent quality and is distinguished by a soft taste, a reduced amount of harmful substances.

The recipe for high-quality moonshine from wheat without yeast

The process of preparing raw materials plays one of the leading roles in the preparation of moonshine from germinated wheat without yeast. good malt- the basis decent drink from cereals. As a result of sprouting, the resulting enzymes accelerate the process of converting starch into sugar.


  • wheat grain - 4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 4 kg;
  • drinking water - 30 liters.


  1. To begin with, we sort the grain and remove the garbage.
  2. Then we soak it: we fill a kilogram of the selected grain in an even layer in a container and fill it with water so that the liquid is 2-3 cm above the wheat level.
  3. Then cover with a lid and place in a dark place.
  4. After a while, sprouts and roots will appear.
  5. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to a container with sprouted grains and mix. If the mass is too thick, you can add water.
  6. We cover the container, making it impossible for debris and flies with insects to get into it, and put it in a warm place for 8-10 days.
  7. As soon as the starter is ready, pour it into a glass bottle and add 3 kg of grain, 3.5 kg of sugar, and then fill it with water.
  8. We put the container under a water seal, thereby ensuring the removal of gases and preventing air from entering.
  9. Braga for 7 days we put in a room with room temperature up to 24°.
  10. Upon completion of the fermentation processes, the mash is ready for further transformation into moonshine.

Exquisite strong homemade drink

Consider another way to make moonshine from wheat and sugar without yeast:

  1. Using the starter from the above recipe, we will prepare the mash, but a little faster.
  2. Sprouted grain must be dried in the oven and ground.
  3. The total mass of wheat must also be ground to flour.
  4. In the same proportions, mix flour and sugar and pour water. When adding water, thorough mixing is required so that lumps do not form.
  5. We put the container in a warm place.
  6. The fermentation process lasts for four days.
  7. Ready-made mash can be used immediately for its intended purpose, but experts recommend subjecting it to a filtering and purification procedure. This will lead to a reduction in unwanted components in finished product first run.

Bread moonshine

This drink is also distinguished by its strength and exquisite taste. It's easy to prepare:

  1. First of all, you need to grind 4 kg of food grade wheat and mix with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. The mixture should be poured with three liters of water and left in a warm place for 5 days.
  3. Next, you need to add another 5 kg of sugar and two buckets of water. Let's continue the infusion for about eight days.
  4. We control the taste of mash. So, mature mash has a bitter taste.
  5. We filter the finished mash and subject it to a double distillation.
  6. We add 5 kg of sugar, 8 liters of warm water to the waste and stand for up to 10 days. And then it needs to be decanted and overtaken twice.

To achieve success in the complex business of home-brewing from wheat grain, you need to be a fairly savvy craftsman. One of the main requirements is the observance of proportions. Of great importance is also the selection of raw materials and their preparation. A cloudy and bad-smelling liquid instead of the expected drink is the result of miscalculations and neglect of technology at the stages of making moonshine.

Let's replenish the piggy bank of knowledge of the moonshiner with some tips:

  • in long standing braga high concentration harmful impurities;
  • ready-made mash does not have a sweet taste;
  • the moment of its ripening should be correctly determined, since overripe mash will reduce the quality of the product, and unripe - its quantity;
  • on average, 1 liter of moonshine is obtained from 1 kg of sugar;
  • in the process of distillation, the alcohol content in the mash decreases, as does the amount of impurities;
  • in the first stream there is a "pervak" with the content a large number harmful components - about 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar in Braga, you can not drink it;
  • at the end of the process there are “tails” in the amount of 100 ml per 1 kg of sugar (moonshine strength less than 50%), they are also not suitable for drinking;
  • an increase in the number of distillations increases the strength of the drink, but you cannot get alcohol by distillation;
  • improve the color and smell of moonshine helps cleaning procedure with potassium permanganate, activated and charcoal, egg white, milk, freezing;
  • dilute too Reviver up to the required level, you can use distilled water;
  • in construction moonshine still there is no place for ordinary rubber, since moonshine is a chemically active substance.

The simplest and famous recipe moonshine is sugar made from water, sugar and yeast, it turns out classic moonshine, the recipe is simple and good, but the softest and delicious moonshine obtained from wheat. It is more difficult to make it, but the output is softer and more pleasant. alcoholic drink. The main thing is to choose high-quality raw materials. Home-made moonshine from wheat has one of the significant advantages - it is a lower cost compared to classic recipe from sugar because the cost of wheat is much lower than sugar by five times.

How to choose the right raw material?

Before you make moonshine from wheat, you need to choose grain, the taste and quality of alcohol will depend on this.

  • The grain should not be just harvested, but more than two months from the beginning of storage
  • The grain must be whole
  • Wheat grains must be dry, clean, free of mold and pests
  • There should be no impurities from the seeds of other plants, their presence can spoil the final taste of the product.


There are many recipes for making wheat grain mash, you can try everything to stop at the one that is most acceptable to you in terms of technology, price and taste.

You can put mash on wheat with cultural yeast for moonshine or wild wheat yeast. Wheat moonshine can be made from store bought wheat malt or from homemade, more about that. All this affects the final taste of moonshine.

So let's figure out how to make wheat mash and look at some of the most popular recipes.

Wheat and malt mash recipe

correct grain mash cook on wheat without adding sugar, malt is used to saccharify the starch contained in wheat, you can buy it or cook it yourself. Instead of grain, you can use flour so you get moonshine from wheat flour or groats so get moonshine from wheat groats.


  • Wheat - 5 kg.
  • Malt - 1 kg.
  • Dry yeast - 30 g.
  • Water - 24 liters.


  1. Heat water to a boil and stop heating
  2. Pour in well-ground wheat and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps
  3. Leave the porridge to steam for 1-2 hours so that it boils well
  4. Wait until the porridge cools down to 64-65 degrees
  5. Add all the ground malt, mix well, the mash temperature should be 62 degrees (if it has not dropped to this temperature, continue to mix)
  6. Insulate the container with a blanket and leave for 1 hour, it is important to constantly maintain a temperature of 62 degrees
  7. After half an hour, it is recommended to open, mix and check the temperature; if it has fallen, then raise it to the desired value.
  8. When 1 hour has passed, you need to raise the temperature of the mash to 72 degrees and withstand half an hour
  9. Do iodine test take a teaspoon of liquid wort and drop iodine into it, if the color has not changed, the saccharification was successful
  10. The wort must be quickly cooled to 25-30 degrees
  11. Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation vessel of a suitable size with a margin for emerging foam
  12. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions and add to the future mash for wheat moonshine
  13. Install a water seal
  14. Put the mash on wheat in a dark room with a temperature of about 25-29 degrees, it wanders for 5-7 days
  15. Making sure that wheat mash is ready for moonshine
  16. It is necessary to prepare the mash for distillation by filtering through several layers of gauze, if you are distilling in a steam boiler, then you do not need to filter the mash
  17. Drive two times

Braga recipe only from wheat malt

In this recipe wheat mash only malt is used, we will not paint it, but we will give a link to, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the cooking recipe. These articles describe in detail the process of making mash and moonshine from malt.

Sprouted Wheat Braga Recipe

Wheat mash according to this recipe is made from self-sprouted grain, we will not describe how this is done in this article, and it makes no sense to duplicate the information already written.

Yeast-free mash with wild yeast

Braga on wild wheat yeast is prepared using sourdough, see detailed, or.

How to overtake the mash?

Whatever wheat moonshine recipe you use to get pure product you need a double run.

Before driving out the moonshine, you need to check the readiness of the mash. You will need a vinometer sugar meter if the sugar content in the brew is 0-1% can be distilled.

First distillation

  1. Ready strained wheat mash is poured into alembic moonshine still for 2/3 volume. If you fill in more, then the mash mass will splash out and fall into the selection.
  2. Start the selection of raw alcohol and select until the temperature in the cube reaches 99 degrees and the strength of the extruded raw is less than 5-10% of the alcohol content.

Purification and redistillation

At this point, the wheat distillate is not yet ready, it has to be purified and redistillation. Read more about methods for cleaning moonshine in the relevant articles:, or. But whatever you do, completely get rid of harmful impurities without double distillation will not work.

  1. Measure the total strength of the expelled raw alcohol
  2. Calculate quantity absolute alcohol
  3. Dilute with water to a strength of 20-30 degrees
  4. Select 10% of the absolute alcohol of the head fractions
  5. Then take the body to a temperature in a cube of 92-95 degrees and focus on the aroma of the outgoing product
  6. Remaining tail fractions collect separately for further processing

Dilution with water

  1. Dilute the resulting body with water to a strength of 40 degrees

    When diluting, pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa, measure required amount water to get desired fortress and pour distillate into it.

  2. Pour over glassware and leave to rest, after 7 days moonshine on wheat will be completely ready for use.

Now you know how to put the mash and how to make moonshine from wheat, although its production takes a lot of time, but the result justifies all expectations and difficulties.
